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9920573 No.9920573 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9920817

I haven't read the book, but the movie was a very good comedy with dramatic elements. Of all people that a time-traveling book could center around, this is about Hitler, and it does a very good job at portraying his mannerisms and other characteristics realistically, rather than half-heartedly or to the point of over-simplification or parody. I liked the earlier half of the film most, which is probably what I would say for the book as well. My main reason for that is that the beginning and first half of the movie is more light-hearted comedy, and while there are funny moments spread all-throughout, it gets noticeably more serious in tone by the end.

>> No.9920923

I liked the more mind blowing meta commentary to be honest. The earlier half wasn't really all that funny or had jokes that haven't really been done before.

>> No.9921013

Read it when it came out in German (I'm not German).
Made me laugh a lot, which made many ask what anon was reading.
Fun times.

>> No.9921038

>"A merciless satire"
Dropped it there

>> No.9921159

I wasn't really a fan of the first half (of the movie) because it suggested that someone like Hitler couldn't rise in the modern day, so I appreciated the second half more even though it stopped being somewhat funny.

>> No.9921280

>even considering other people's opinions

>> No.9921341


I tried to recommend the book to a businessman in Canary Wharf once. He didn't buy it because he said Germans weren't funny.

I'd trust that man tbqh. Young, successful and wears a suit to work. Probably gets his shoes shined at lunchtime by the Polish immigrants down below who ensure one never needs to go back to the office with an anything-but-dazzling pair of brogues. Definitely a head above any of your average /lit/ posters.

>> No.9921362

Are you a complete idiot?

Everyone is London is such a dry cunt anyway, people are only friendly to each other when they're high or drunk, and only then, there's such a sheer escapism and desperation in that human contact.

It's a miserable, busy, beautiful place.

>> No.9921372

You lost me

>> No.9921374


>It's a miserable, busy, beautiful place.

Agreed. I wouldn't live there again.

>> No.9922540
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fuck this damnatio memoriae shit, same goes for pic related

>> No.9922557

Totally agree. The second half dealt with "hitler is evil" thing in such a ham fisted way.

>> No.9923599

you want to read anything about hitler, read hitler's table talk.

>> No.9924994
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Hitler was greatly written, so were most of the corporate 'extras' and his characterisation of the contemporary German media landscape in general, but the Berlin broad was annoying in the book as well as the film.
The film captured a lot of the original humour in Hitler and the petty media execs are ludicrous as well, but the meta-stuff was pretty weak, and the Jewish sidekick guy was just there so Hitler could speak in dialogue (instead of a voice-over monologue, for example). Ending was flat in both, felt like they were setting up for sequels.
For some reason I loved hearing Hitler rap 'nigger nigger'.

>I haven't read the book

>> No.9925082
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best part of the movie right here

>> No.9925118

I find it weird that you thought the meta was weak, at least in the movie. How so?

>> No.9925147

I may have been exaggerating, mostly I'm disappointed by the 'surreal' ending of the film, and I also thought the point where the senile lady, otherwise detached from reality, provides the 'reality check'.
I did laugh at the bit where the sidekick tries to be polite and asks if the (really) senile lady has baked the cake he's eating.

>> No.9925151

I thought the point where thesenile lady etc. was forced*