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9916194 No.9916194 [Reply] [Original]

Has he written himself into a ditch?

>ridiculous time skips on the show
>taking ages to finish his book, probably because he fucked up
>admitted he fucked up time lines, wanted characters to be older, etc

The better question is, have you ever found yourself writing your story into a ditch?

>> No.9916207

Who fucking cares? Are you stupid? It's like caring about the plots of Harlequin romance novels. Read a real book and kill yourself.

>> No.9916420

I literally have no respect for GRRM.

Like, I imagine he just sort of lost his drive for writing the series after the show caught up and started its own "different but in-keeping with his GRRM's plan" branch. More people watch the show; even his book readers will now experience his ending as a mere alternative ending.

But it's his fucking fault for being a lazy shit. I've only just started writing my first novel, but goddamn do I know that I'm probably writing faster than GRRM has over the last decade and that, if I had a million or so fans, I would feel fucking obligated to write. Like, I'm not even a big fan of the series. GRRM just seems like a fucking asshole. His books are nicely written and have interesting plots, but it shouldn't take him since 2011 to now to write one fucking book in a series of classy pulp fantasy

>> No.9916464

I may kill myself actually, because my IQ is in the upper range. You'd consider it too if you weren't a brainlet

>> No.9918172

Just remember that those of the highest IQ wish to die yet understand the peace of living selflessly. Actually considering suicide is a brainlet move.

>> No.9919595

but the most selfless act you can commit is to rid society of the need to account for you. not considering suicide is a brainlet move

>> No.9919618

>taking ages to finish his book, probably because he fucked up
He takes ages regardless. The last two books took five and six years between installments.

>> No.9919625
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Check mate

>> No.9920859

>He takes ages regardless
first three were pretty quick

>> No.9922195

And hurting people because of your selfishness and cowardice?

>> No.9923026


You should. I really don't think your novel has over ten pov, spaced half continent etc. You also need to count the drafts he need to coodinate everything, the editing to cut the bloat, the sync with the previous books and so on. Okay, he has the support of all the industry (both books and tv by now) but it still is a nightmare.
I'm also writing a novel (hell, who in lit does not?) and after 2 years of work I have barely finished the second draft. And it's nothing fancy, it's barelly 600k chara.

Okay he is become lazy, but come on, he is with a foot in the grave, he is famous for the first time in his life. Let some groupie who named jamal son Kalisi suck his cock in a bathroom. He deserve it.

>> No.9923063

Like I say a lot: people are often too hard on por ol' Martin.
He may be getting lazy, but look the dude.
He is old, fat and his work is famous for the first time. Let he enjoy himself.
I am sure that hes drafts of the next books can be okay too.
Didnt Kafka's works were unfinished and are considered classics?

>"lel u making Martin - Kafka comparison?1 kys brainlet"

Yeah, I am, but not in the sense that Martin is a master piece of literature, with he isent (I am on book 4, and I like a lot ASOIAF, but even I know that he isent Tolkien level of masterpiece), but more in the sense that, even unfinished works can be appreciated. And Martins work, even if dont turn into the next LOTR, is pretty well deserving a spot in the shelfs of people who like reading and fantasy enthusis.