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/lit/ - Literature

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9916575 No.9916575 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read, anon?

>> No.9916585
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It consoles me, and when I have children I want to have answers to give them, so that they don't struggle as much as I did when I was young.

>> No.9916602

Because I still have the hope that, if I'm smart and interesting enough, he'll want me.

>> No.9916622

so i can shut my thoughts

>> No.9916623


>> No.9916625

Because I'm bored and want to escape my boring, empty life.

>> No.9916637

i have an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge of everything, and books are the best place to go looking

>> No.9916664

To gain new perspectives.
I remember having hated reading when I was in my early teens, and I had even thought it was somewhat harmful to only ever learn through others whilst not learning and creating your own ideas from experience. I have had much trouble fleshing out my own ideas since, and while unable to talk to any person about my ideas, I now try to read.

>> No.9916689

Because I enjoy it

>> No.9916690

I think my "obsession" with reading started whit my father reading to me Treasure Island when I was like 5 or 6. He says that he used to read all kinds of books for me since I was a baby, but that is the first one I can remember... but now I suppose I read for the joy of learning stuff

>> No.9916714
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To not become a waffle waitress

>> No.9916718

That's okay, anon. Daddy issues were what motivated Kafka too.

>> No.9916721

For escapism, because I cannot stand to be alone with my mind, or fully present in my environment. Reading helps me take my mind off the things I'm worrying about, while I get to learn things that I consider interesting and beneficial to me. The problem is, I spend so much time reading that I rarely get to apply my knowledge, and since I don't talk to people much, books harm me more than help me most of the time. What I really want to do is leave home and just accept the consequences of life without complaint, wandering or being homeless, just living every part of life. Hermann Hesse's books were a big inspiration for this.

>> No.9916729

Because it I dropped my phone in the toilet so now I have nothing else to do while taking a shit.

Hidden bonus:
If I run out of toilet paper I can always use what I'm reading to wipe my ass.

>I should just get a bidet

>> No.9916736

For the same reason I write, escapism.

>> No.9916766

Lately, reading has been one of the few things that I genuinely enjoy, both while doing it and while reflecting on it.

>> No.9916797

>not jumping in the shower and using the massage setting on the shower head to blast your asshole clean and watch as the leftovers you would have smeared all over your crack plop on the ceramic tub and wash away often requiring the additional effort of kicking said turds toward the drain with your foot.

I read to learn shit

>> No.9916820

because I'm a retard and I think reading is a generally good way to "tune up" your brain. Kinda like playing an instrument as well

>> No.9916942

it's not. When you read you're letting someone else think for you. It's lazy. You're filling up your own thoughts with someone elses'.

>> No.9916945

Or you could just spread your legs.

>> No.9916954

only if you're a fucking sheep and don't know how to accept the good and reject the bad

>> No.9916958

O.k., Rabelais.

>> No.9917202

it makes me fel like im doing something good

>> No.9917210

It's fun.

>> No.9917555

Why don't you do it then?

>> No.9917575

I like getting to know new stuff.

>> No.9917585

You just have to take your clothes off, retard. Don't waste time.

>> No.9917619

Because I like it

>> No.9917789 [DELETED] 

>hey /lit/ how do i read more
>hey /lit/ how do i write more
>only read 10 books this year
>look at this cartoon, reading books is harder but also more rewarding than tv and you grow as a person and
>*le self improvement face*
>how do i read more
>eleven thirty three books on wishlist what to read xd
What kind of bizarre behavior is this

Do you have no concrete interests

Only abstract "reading" and being well read?

Do you hate yourself?

Don't you want to know what to read when you like dinosaurs or care about ethics in science and how to acquire a good base until you know for yourself where to look next and don't have to rely on the hunches and (on average) sub-wikipedia-tier understanding of internet strangers who happen to reply to your thread?

I can't be the only one to find this type of thinking utterly deranged. Empty obsession and excessive seeking of nothing in particular except a vague feeling of ill-defined improvement. And then you wonder why you can't get yourself to "read" more? The reason is you are devoid of passion, monkeyboy.

Then come the alibi interests.

>Hey lit I'm REEEEEEEEEEEEAALLY interested in mr philosophy guy
>what did he mean by [basic fucking concept you can look up anywhere]
>weighs arguments against platitudes that don't make sense to anyone who spent more than two shits on author

Stop using words like "want" "will" "interest" willy nilly and sort yourself out so shit like this doesn't reoccur.

Clear use of language has never been our species' strength but the worst part is how it clouds our self perception. There is no conflict between reason and emotion. You are just confused beyond all recognition and you have no real interest in any of this shit.

Time to face it you member of the brainlet school.

>> No.9917817

gainz 4 the brainz breh

>> No.9917824

Because I don't want to think.

>> No.9917850

for the plot

>> No.9918429

Lmao if you are a girl just get naked, and if you are a faggot being smarter won't get his attention, you would have to improve in various aspects

>> No.9919000

So I can understand pop culture references and have something to do. And to bitch around on the Internet.

>> No.9919295


>> No.9919299

>To gain new perspectives.
I don't understand this. Why are new perspectives good? Surely that is the true reason you read.

>> No.9919312

fun and learning, it's like traveling without having to move.

>> No.9919328
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For what's in the books.

>> No.9919329

I like covers that are soft and hard at the same time, like in the pic

>> No.9919501

I like it soft and hard too.

>> No.9919524

A combination of a desire to learn everything and a deepening feeling that society will break down to venezuala levels and i'll have to fend for me family personally. So i spend my free time reading histories, botanical and home gardening books whilst shoehorning military history and war memoirs.

>> No.9919597

I have a job where I sit at a computer and do pretty mindless things all day. Audiobooks entertain me and keep me sane.