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/lit/ - Literature

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9915488 No.9915488 [Reply] [Original]

Hey you fucking faggots. If you were forced to only keep 5 boooks for the rest of your life, and you could only read these fucking five. Which would them be?

For me it would be:

1-The Bible
2-Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Master Wittgenstein
3-The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis
4-The Dao de Ching
5-The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.9915491

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
KJV Bible
Sun & Steel

>> No.9915515

>Infinite Jest


>> No.9915533

Welcome to the water kid, heh

>> No.9915536

>The Dao de Ching

How dare you try and pronounce it correctly

>> No.9915541
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>How dare you try and pronounce it correctly

Yeah, I',m not a fucking faggot who pronounces it "Tao". Like those faggots who know nothing about Daoism.

>> No.9915547

Narrative of Freddy D
The Tragedy of Dolores Hayes
Goddam Phonies, a memoir
Goodnight Noises Everywhere
Tauw Tay Chang

>> No.9915551

1. The Complete Corpus of Western Literature
2. The Complete Corpus of Eastern Literature
3. The Complete Corpus of Middle Eastern Literature
4. The Ego and Its Own
5. Lolita

>> No.9915552

Bible, DC, Grande Sertão Veredas, In the Labyrinth, Faust (if I can't have both parts I'd prefer Phaedra).
>Tao te Ching
Anon you fucked the list up in the middle.

>> No.9915554
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>Yeah, I',m not a fucking faggot

I got bad news for u OP

>> No.9915567
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4. The Ego and Its Own
5. Lolita

Meme books

>Grande Sertão Veredas

Tu es brasileiro, mano?

Fuck off.

>> No.9915569

Actually read Ego and Its Own

>> No.9915578
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I have it but never read it fully. I picked it up and saw that it was completely uncomprehensible and utter gibberish. Laid it down. Fuck off, that book is so thrash it's not even worth reading. People only care about it because of "muh Stirner", "muh Spook".

>> No.9915584

1. Complete works of Plato
2. Making It Explicit
3.Critique of Pure Reason
4. Phenomenology of Spirit
5. Philosophical Investigations

>> No.9915585

>meme booms
OP IS A FAGGOT likes dick in his mouth homosexual butt plugger plunging into he secret depths of his boyfriends asshole op is gaygaygay likes to imagine his favorite books with penises cumming on his face spelling out his highlighted favorite quotes, his most favorite "the day I come out of the closet will be the happiest day of my life" and who could forget "the metaphysics of cocksucking" your gay homo like dick in your mouth

>> No.9915591

>ele realmente pergunta.
És o OP, viado?

>> No.9915596

The Iliad/Odyssey Combo
A good history textbook
An anthology of Poems
Complete Shakespeare
Moby-Dick, or the whale

>> No.9915598

Who cares why people care about it? It's good philosophy that completely changed Marx from being a beta humanist to a materialist

>> No.9915599

Embarrassing post

>> No.9915605

>És o OP, viado?

Sou o OP sim porra. Era um ateu viadao ate ter uma crise existencial aos 20 anos e me tornar completamente religioso e devoto.

>> No.9915606

>he'd waste one slot so he doesn't need wikipedia

>> No.9915619

Ha viado, eu tive a crise aos quinze.
Como eu sempre digo, "não é sedevacantismo se você diz que o Ratzinger ainda é o Papa'.

>> No.9915626
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Patrician taste m8. But why "Philosophical Investigations Meme" instead of the obviously superior Tractatus ?

>> No.9915627

1. Plato: Complete Works
2. Aristotle: Complete Works
3. Plotinus: Complete Works
4. Iamblichus: Complete Works
5. Proclus: Complete Works

>> No.9915637
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Ay m8. Why only the greeks man.

>> No.9915651

I'm hovering below a pass in my logic course and I must say I'm starting to become more Conti

>> No.9915669

>if I just turn them into a meme with a shitgraph maybe their irrefutable implications will go away

>> No.9915672

>their irrefutable implications will go away

Like what m8?

>> No.9915686

5 good cookbooks on 5 different cuisines

>> No.9915687

All anal-lytics are permas

>> No.9915696

Like... your a huge flaming faggot who like dick in or around his mouth hahhaahahahha

>> No.9915703

Like your spooked by language
>omg guys if p=e then ni+s... omg this amazing

>> No.9915753
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WOW... Is this the power of continental philosophy argumentation?

>> No.9915796

O que te fez ter um entendimento religioso sobre a sua vida?
Confesso que quero conseguir entender mais sobre religioes, principalmente o catolicismo.
Não sei se simplesmente lendo St. Agostinho, Aquino e a Biblia eu vou conseguir ter essa transação espiritual e intelectual.

>> No.9915818

O que me fez me interessar foi por que eu lia muito Wittgenstein e sobre sua vida, e a sua percepcao religiosa, dai fui ler um pouco de Kierkegaard (St. Agostinho e Aquino nao vao te convencer porra nenhuma) e sobre o existencialismo cristao (Kierkegaard, Thomas Merton, Thomas Kempis etc). A coisa que me fez convencer nao foi que algum destes autores possam PROVAR que Deus exista. Eles so argumentam que nao se pode saber se existe, mas eh melhor acreditar do que nao acreditar (por motivos psicologicos e existenciais) etc.

A coisa eh que a Biblia so pode te fazer sentir melhor e te dar inspiracao depois que vc ja esta convencido do cristianismo e seu merito. Simplesmente le-lo nao vai te tornar cristao. A fim que vc vire realmente cristao, primeiro vc tem que ler os mais recentes filosofos do crisitianismo. Eu gosto muito de Tolstoy (O reino de Deus esta em vos) e o melhor dele que eh o "The Gospel in Brief". Depois de ler estes escritores, vc passa parar de se questionar se Deus existe ou nao, e percepe que isso nao importa, o que importa eh acreditar, mesmo que exista ou nao. Isso se chama fe.

>> No.9915921

I don't understand the pants.

>> No.9915940
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Srs tho wat r u saying

>> No.9915943

Kierkegaard é outro filósofo que tenho muito interesse em ler. Mas não sei se é necessário ter algum contexto anterior com outros autores.
Já leu St. Agostinho e Aquino?

>> No.9915957

Oh. So you speak only a single language, don't you?

>> No.9915967

I speak Dari and German and Chad

>> No.9915970

Eu acordei um dia e a fé tava lá.
Anônimos acreditando em Deus por motivos lógicos ou benefício próprios são uns bostas.

>> No.9916007
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>Eu acordei um dia e a fé tava lá.
Anônimos acreditando em Deus por motivos lógicos ou benefício próprios são uns bostas.

Esse nao eh o OP. O OP sou eu.

Kierkegaard eh interessante mas muito do seu trabalho pode ser incompreensivel para vc. Isso e porque ele escreve apenas sobre pseudonimos e eh muitas vezes contraditorio. Um resumo da internet no Stanford Encyclopedia pode ser mais compreensivel e logico que ler o proprio livro do Kierkegaard, mas se vc for ler, comeca com Fear and Trembling.

>Já leu St. Agostinho e Aquino?

Aquino nao. St. Agostinho, sim. Mais ou menos metade das confessoes, nao vale muito apena ler, porque parece mais uma autobiografia do que um trabalho puramente religioso em si. Eu recomendo comecar com "The Gospel in Brief" do Leo Tolstoy que eh curtinho e vai direto ao ponto. Muitas vezes nao gostamos da ideia de virar catolico por causa dos dogmas ou das bobagens que a igreja faz. Tolstoy escreve sobre isso e como a Igreja so faz bosta e devemos acreditar em Cristo de uma maneira nao-denominacional.

O unico motivo que o cristianismo aqui eh uma bosta no Brasil eh por causa dos normies cristaos que alegam ser religiosos mas nao fazem porra nenhuma, e se fazem, so fazem o mal. O cristianismo eh quase perfeito, foram soh os fdp dos normies que arruinaram.

>> No.9916047

Como alguém tão culto como você pode escrever de forma tão juvenil?

>> No.9916052

>Como alguém tão culto como você pode escrever de forma tão juvenil?

Eh porque eu soh leio em ingles e acabei deixando o meu portugues mal-desenvolvido. Eh uma bosta. Literalmente soh leio livros em ingles, e tambem porque o meu PC eh estrangeiro e nao eh teclado brasileiro e nao tem acento, da pra mudar soh que sou um bosta e deixo assim pra ficar mais de digitar em ingles.

>> No.9916126

Because PI is about sex and the tractatus is about god.

But really it's because PI is better at activating the creative philosophical part of my thinking. TLP is a good prayer

>> No.9916137

>Confissões de Santo Agostinho
>Não vale a pena
Retardado de alto nível.
Tolstói é tão cristão quanto eu sou o arcebispo, pau no seu cu. O cristianismo não é quase perfeito, ele é a verdade.

>> No.9916143

Va se fuder mano. Toma voce no seu cu, viado. Aposto que vc nem leu as confissoes e nem sabe que Tolstoy era ativista e religioso. Va chupa um pau, puta. Pensa antes de falar, vadia.

>> No.9916153

>do leo tolstoy

Puta que pariu como eu odeia essa merda de artigo definido antes de nome próprio, especialmente quando as pessoas se referem a pessoas eminentes.

>> No.9916157
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>Because PI is about sex

What do you mean, m8?

>> No.9916162
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Va toma no cu.

>> No.9916217

Gravity's Rainbow.
Mason and Dixon
Sound and the Fury
Don Quixote
The Iliad

>> No.9916224
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Patrician taste m8. But why no non-fiction?

>> No.9916243

não sou o cara que tu marcou, mas o que mudou minha cabeça foi Dante. Eu fui um ateuzinho revoltado por vários anos, mais ou menos da sétima ao terceiro ano do ensino médio. Então comecei a usar minha cabeça e virei agnóstico. Já nessa época eu lurkava o /b/, até que um dia decidi visitar o /lit/. Apesar da ausência de fé, sempre tive interesse em religiões, especialmente cristianismo/catolicismo, então depois de algum tempo nesse board comprei a divina comédia. Mesmo sem entender 90% das referências (não sabia nem quem Virgílio ou Ulysses eram) eu fiquei fascinado, e desde então Dante basicamente me forçou a ler literatura, filosofia e teologia (porém comecei a ler Platão agora [ainda estou lendo as peças gregas, estou no Sophocles, e ainda me falta ler Herodotus, Thucydides e Euclides] e estou no fim do antigo testamento, então nem me preocupei em começar a ler teologia). Quando terminar a Bíblia e os livros mais importantes de Aristóteles vou ter com teologia.

>Não sei se simplesmente lendo St. Agostinho, Aquino e a Biblia eu vou conseguir ter essa transação espiritual e intelectual.
Mais importante que ler esses caras, é o que tu acredita. Se você não quiser acreditar, tu pode ler o que quiser, não vai acreditar. Recomendo altamente ler literatura """"católica"""", como divina comédia, pilgrim's progress, as confissões de Santo Agostinho (ele fala da juventude dele, antes de se tornar cristão, então é fácil de se identificar com ele). Quanto ao Aquino, recomendo que tu leia "The concise summa", que é uma versão reduzida, de ~400 páginas, escrita pelo próprio Aquino.

>Aquino nao. St. Agostinho, sim. Mais ou menos metade das confessoes, nao vale muito apena ler, porque parece mais uma autobiografia do que um trabalho puramente religioso em si.
Literalmente um mocorongo. É óbvio que é uma auto-biografia, e o fato de que tu começou a ler ela sem saber do que se tratava prova que tu é retardado.

>foram soh os fdp dos normies que arruinaram.
t. Fellow que em pleno board de literatura digita feito um traficante usando o Orkut

>> No.9916248


Esqueci de marcar o mocorongo. >>9916007

>> No.9916262

E by the way, minha lista
>finnegans wake
>grande sertão: veredas
>divine comedy

>> No.9916266
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>É óbvio que é uma auto-biografia, e o fato de que tu começou a ler ela sem saber do que se tratava prova que tu é retardado.

Va toma no cu mano. Eh obvio que eu sabia que era uma autobiografia mas eu pensava que ele fosse falar de teologia tbm (que ele nao falou).

>>foram soh os fdp dos normies que arruinaram.

Va se fude, como vou escrever diferente se o meu teclado nao tem acento. Pau no seu cu.

>> No.9916272

Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich
The Bible
Infinite Jest
The Recognitions

>> No.9916290

>The Bible
>Infinite Jest

Is that a consensus on /lit/?

>> No.9916295

Va da o cu, vadia. Sai do meu board.

>> No.9916299
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'tbm', 'fude', 'vc' é por falta de acento também?

>> No.9916311
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Sinceramente, vc eh assim tao patetico que a unica coisa que vc consegue usar contra mim eh a maneira que eu digito no 4chan onde a lingua franca eh o ingles? Vc eh assim tao retardado? Se vc nao tem nada a dizer, sai do meu board e se fode, ta bom?

>> No.9916318

1-Corrupted Eye and Azenos.
2-Merlirot daerm
3-Polentia Artygora tharowita
4- Polonicus arefacit IV
5-idk maybe herb production book or something,

>> No.9916319
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>Tolstói é tão cristão quanto eu sou o arcebispo, pau no seu cu.

Pensa antes de falar, vai, vadia?

>> No.9916328

Fuck off.

>> No.9916332
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>> No.9916337

o jeito que tu digita e o fato de que eu te tiltei tão hard com um reply mostra que tu não passa de uma criança. Vá viver um pouco a vida, vá sentir o cheiro de uma mulher, vá a um jogo de futebol com seu velho, e pare de se estressar com coisa tão mundana e insignificante como um post em um website anônimo de gibi japonês.

Se tu realmente leu Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Tosltoy e age dessa maneira tu literalmente não absorveu NADA, e se intitular cristão com toda essa paixão pelo próximo mostra o quão sério tu és.

>> No.9916344
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> e pare de se estressar com coisa tão mundana e insignificante como um post em um website anônimo de gibi japonês.

hahahahha. Nao, eu nao me ofendo nada com essa porra. Eu so realmente quero que vcs parem de fuder com meu thread e falem alguma coisa importante ao inves de cagarem por todo o meu thread. Puta Merda, os brasileiros tao perdidos, vcs sao uns bostas. Quando eh um outro anon se comporta direito ao inves de soh cagar. Entao, me faz um favor e sai logo deste thread e para de fazer reply que eu quero discutir com os outros anons. Se vc nao responder, eu tbm nao responde e fica tudo beleza. Ta bom assim, viado?

>> No.9916355

You browse /r9k/, /fa/, /lit/, and use opera? Holy fuck, you are my soulmate dude.

>> No.9916359
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Thanks m8. At least you can behave yourself unlike those brazilian fucktards. Ugh, it's times like these that I'm ashamed that I was born in this shithole called Brazil

>> No.9916367


: ) tá aí meu post. discute aí.

>Quando eh um outro anon se comporta direito ao inves de soh cagar
>Se vc nao responder, eu tbm nao responde e fica tudo beleza
não entendi nada.

>> No.9916372
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Fuck off.

>> No.9916373

Wew, lad. From this amount of butthurt and mutt mentality I sense you're from São Paulo.

>> No.9916375


Complete Shakespeare
Complete Plato
Complete Nietzsche

>> No.9916376

>I sense you're from São Paulo.

Yup, yeah, I am. And I also sense that you're one of those other anons speaking in portuguese and now mascarading as another anon.

>> No.9916378

IJ is a meme tho...

>> No.9916382


The Bible (BHS/NA27)
The Quixote
The Karamazov

>> No.9916390
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>Complete Nietzsche
>Complete Shakespeare

>Meme Ulysses

Ugh, bad taste. You just go with the normalfag flow.

No shit.

I read the entire Karamazov Brothers and honestly it's one of the best novels you could find.(even when considering its flaws and literary shortcomings), but it's somewhat overrated, we must admit.

>> No.9916406
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>Meme Ulysses
>Ugh, bad taste. You just go with the normalfag flow.

>bad taste
>normalfag flow

>posts karamazov


>> No.9916418

1) The Ethics of Ambiguity - De Beauvoir
2) The Flowers of Evil - Baudelaire
3) Beautiful Losers - Choen
4) Illuminations - Benjamin (though Unpacking My Library may lose some personal significance as I usually read it every time I move and well unpack)
5) In Search of Lost Time - Proust (I figure I can have all 7 volumes seeing as some of you count the Bible as 1 book)

>> No.9916421

>bad taste

Shakespeare still gets mentioned on here a lot; however, I've noticed fewer and fewer conversations about his actual works taking place. At any given time there are three threads focused more or less exclusively on Moby Dick, and much slighter writers than Melville, like Lovecraft, with none centered around Hamlet, Lear, Othello, Macbeth, the Tempest, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, etc. I think this is a lamentable oversight, and shows a chasmic gap in /lit/'s sphere of concern. Joyce of the meme trilogy was OBSESSED with the Swan of Avon, and Infinite Jest is literally named after a line spoken by "Hamlet"'s eponymous protagonist. Everyone writes in his shadow, and anyone who writes worth a damn knows it, and either worships at his altar, drawing wisdom and poetry and inspiration from him as if from a fountain of Beauty itself, or else rejects him, and lives like a wilful sinner aware of God's existence, his omnipotence, his omniscience, but nevertheless unwilling to submit to him, his superior by infinite degrees, his father and creator.

>> No.9916428

Literally know none of these books except for In search of lost time.

Have you honestly read that book on its entirety (all volumes) or are you just memeing?

>> No.9916432
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Not even memeing. I have never read Shakespeare. Am I illiterate or do I just have bad taste?

>> No.9916440

You don't have bad taste for not having read something. If you read Shakespeare and preferred just about anyone else over him, however, I would say you have non-ideal taste. He's the greatest writer in the language. You should read Shakespeare anon. What kind of stuff do you usually like? I can recommend a corresponding play.

>> No.9916448
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A book consisting of the top 1 million places to download books for free including my private server.

>> No.9916458

part way through volume 1
he is so referenced in everything I read I figured it was time. It is also nice that I only have light electives left in my undergrad so I have time to spend on something longer.

>> No.9916459

The Bible
Analects of Confucius
In Search of Lost Time
Code of the Woosters

>> No.9916463
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>What kind of stuff do you usually like?

Non-fiction and mainly existentialist, philosophical, or psychological thrillers and novels.

>> No.9916465

My Nigga. Good taste.

>> No.9916467

as >>9916440 pointed out, sometimes it just takes times to get to a certain author/book. tb h I've only read hamlet, and at the same time I want to read more shakespeare there are just too many books I want to read first.

thats not being illiterate, you can't read all authors, when you choose to read X author, you are "choosing not to read" (at least at that moment) hundreds of other great authors, so its a matter of subjective priority/taste/objective in reading.

but try some, his plays aren't usually long

>> No.9916470
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What's the difference though if I just read the plot on wikipedia. I am a lazy motherfucker and don't really like plays (Idk, I just find the narrative of novels more appealing to me). What matters is the plot though right?

What is so special about Shakespeare btw, what makes him so special specifically, his prose, his narrative, his writing, his plots? What exactly?

>> No.9916478

Read Hamlet, my dude. And take your time with it. If you haven't read Shakespeare you might do well to read a Sparknotes summary of scenes before you read them. I know that sounds pleb but it can help orient you well. Either that, or watch a film version of the play before you read it. Brannagh's Hamlet is good.

Hamlet is the supreme existentialist of Western literature. He and Kierkegaard are the gloomy, neurotic and poetical Danes that lay the bedrock for existentialist thought. It also has some murder mystery/murder plotting elements to it, as well as a ghost pregnant with figurative significance.

If you want another tragedy after that, read King Lear for Edward (esp as Tom O'Bedlam) and the Fool).

>> No.9916488
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>Reading meme literature instead of philosophy

Get off my sunlight.

>> No.9916490
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No memeing. I'm just gonna watch this


>> No.9916500

as I said, I've only read hamlet, but I've read quite a lot about shakespeare, so I am giving more other people's opinions on him than mine: first his writing, he masterfully used the english language, like few people in history did, every single word carefully chosen. his characters also, the way he depicted human nature, specially at that time, was unprecedented and beautiful. as bloom said, "[shakespeare not only] invented the English language, but created human nature as we know it today.”

if you don't like him, or plays, at all, well...best you could do is to actually try, as you said you haven't read any. if you still don't like it, just don't mind then, taste is subjective, but you will get lyinched for that opinion here heh

>> No.9916518
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Thanks anon. I'm gonna check into it. (even though meme Shakespeare didn't write his plays, pic related did.)

>> No.9916559

Shakespeare's plots are masterfully constructed so that all loose threads are sent out intriguingly and yet, in the end, come together in ways that seem inevitable, all without ever being predictable or obvious. He is one of the greatest plotters in literature, I think. But more significantly, his plots are are always driven by deep character motivations. Plot always arises out of character.

It's Shakespeare's characters and facility with language that have earned him his preeminence. Some philosophers have said that the entire history of Western philosophy is little more than a series of footnotes to Plato. What I take this to mean is that when you read through Plato's corpus, you will find that although many philosophers after him said many things that Plato himself never said, Plato nevertheless asked just about every major question that would ever engage any philosophers for the next two and a half millenia. It's like philosophy was this unexplored, uncharted territory, and then Plato came along, explored the whole thing, and mapped it out for future generations. Sure, he did not get all the landmarks he found exactly to scale. Sure, he didn't color everything exactly correctly on his map. Sure, some landmarks looked like one thing to him, but after two thousand years of analysis people began to realize that they were actually not as they appeared to Plato. But he still was the one who mapped out the essential territory of philosophy. He set out what questions it would be concerned with, how its mode of inquiry would proceed, etc., for every philosopher who might come after him

Shakespeare did this with human character/the human psyche. Each one of his hundreds of characters speaks with a unique voice, from a unique perspective, and has their own unique concerns. For every "type" you find in REALITY--the hero, the villain, the jealous husband, the pure wife, the conniving bitch, the enterprising seductress, the good son, the bad son--shakespeare has created usually a number of variations of it throughout his plays. Every essential permutation of human character made manifest in reality is made manifest somewhere in his plays. Every person you know (and you yourself) was already thought up by him and penned down somewhere in his corpus, long before you and everyone you know were born. Literally no other author comes close to his ability for make real people out of words, and I doubt anyone understood human beings better than he.

>> No.9916560

When it comes to his supremacy as a stylist, as a poet, there a bunch of angles I could take. One angle might be to talk about how so many of his neologisms and poetical phrases have become household words and phrases in our language. We speak through Shakespeare's language every day. This should serve as evidence enough of a poet's ability qua poet: he literally changed the way the most widely spoken language on the planet is spoken in innumerable ways.

A more interesting approach is to look at his ability as a poet in conjunction with his ability to create real, living, breathing human beings out of words. His similes and metaphors are among the best in the Western Canon, sure. His experimentation with figurative language and story form paved the way for everyone who came after him, yes...okay. But Shakespeare puts his preternatural affinity for language in the service of his characters. Imagine what the inner world is like of the people you see on a daily basis: your mom, your dad, the grocery store clerk, the university professor, the handicapped man asking you for change. Most of these people don't have the right words to express the pure form and essence of who they truly are. In rare moments of clarity, your dad says or does something off the cuff that is just so perfectly "him", and if you could bottle that up and give it to other people, they would know exactly what kind of person your dad is like. Imagine a dude who could capture those essences, and give them form by rendering them in the most beautiful poetry ever written down. In shakespeare, the grave-digger and the bawd still speak like a grave-digger and a bawd. You would never read them and mistake them for anything else. In fact, they speak more like a grave-digger and a bawd than any you would be likely to meet in real life. If you met a real grave-digger, he would seem to you less of a "true" "pure" "essential" grave-digger than shakespeare's version. As if reality could not but fall short of Shakespeare"s vision. Moreover, each of these characters speak in a poetry of a quality you and I could never dream of creating, and seem to speak it naturally. This to me is the craziest thing about Shakespeare. People more real than real people, speaking in ways that illuminate who they essentially are, and doing all this in the most beautiful language any of us is likely ever to come across.

But as you can imagine I could wax on indefinitely about him.

>> No.9916561

It would keep you busy for ages and you know it.

>> No.9916586
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>Infinite Jest

only 1000 pages

>keep busy for ages


>> No.9916781

I'm convinced to read some Shakespeare, good post

>> No.9916794

>nobody has beaten the system by naming 5 Norton Anthologies
bunch of uncultured swines you all are

>> No.9916886

Magic Mountain
Divine Comedy
Complete Shakes
Phenomenology of the Spirit

>> No.9916903
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Why does everybody keep mentioning Ulysses? Is this a fucking meme?

>> No.9916906

You might get tired of the meditations after a while, etc

Not too bad, but somehow i suspect you were influenced by /lit/ too much

Could keep you busy a while

Not bad desu, history, poems, and very classical lit for different moods

yes, you start with the greeks, but you also have to move on

desu Karamazaov and Ficciones might get old after a while

Can't speak about most, but Proust is a good pick for repeated reading


>> No.9916911

No not a meme. It's supersaturated with everything literary that you can think of. It's amazing.

(And quite funny)

>> No.9916914

(the guy you replied to)
Ulysses is very dense, and has a number of different sections each with different conceits and motifs, which rewards repeated study, as I notice small details. There's a reason it's the head honcho of books

>> No.9916923

>The Bible (KJV)
>Plato Complete Works
>Complete Works of William Shakespeare
>The Divine Comedy
>idk, Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)

I would list The Art of War and Other Classics of Eastern Thought if James Legge's translations weren't complete and utter shit.

>> No.9916928

I would have someone smarter than me, someone of my choice, choose the books for me. I have a genius friend who would probably pick better books than me.

I read almost everything he suggests because we get to talk about it after. A lot of times it's me expressing misunderstanding and him explaining things. Worst part is he's more into maths and mostly digs into philosophy and literature because I shOw interest in it. Kinda sucks being the dumb one but I don't mind because I'm usually smarter than most people I meet. I believe my iq is 125. His is apparently around 160 and I'm inclined to believe him

>> No.9916970

does your friend /lit/

>> No.9916984

Thu Spoke Zarathustra
Mein Kampf
Fight Club
The Da Vinci Code

>> No.9916992

are you nervous about starting grade 12 anon

>> No.9917002
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How is high school going?

>> No.9917092

What is that?

>> No.9917099

Probably the translation that he is referring to.

>> No.9917102

>superior Tractatus
>the book that literally says 'throw me away'

>> No.9917119

is this similar to Bloom's argument about Shakespeare?

>> No.9917130

1. Peri Psyche(On the Soul, Aristotle)
2. Being and Time, Heidegger.
3. Augustine's Confessions.
4. Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel.
5. Stoner, John Williams.

>> No.9917136

Why are a lot of anons listing Phenomenology of Spirit?

>> No.9917140


>> No.9917142

and why are so many listing books less than 1000 pages

>> No.9917144

If you've ever studied it, you would know why. It's a work of sustained brilliance from beginning to end.

>> No.9917147

Yeah, I got it. It means Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Nestle-Aland. I just wasn't familiar with those initials.

>> No.9917148

1. atlas shrugged
2. the fountainhead
3. basic economics: a common sense guide to the economy
4. turner diaries
5. mein kampf

>> No.9917149

It's jargon addled nonsense that we've surpassed through the works of other, better thinkers.

>> No.9917161

I don't think so. And even if that were true, all the thinkers who were great after Hegel, either reference him, or borrow heavily from him.

>> No.9917168

1-The Unique and Its Property (non-shit and more accurate translation of Max Stirner's known 'work')
2-The Manga Guide to the Universe
3-The Manga Guide to Microprocessors
4-The Manga Guide to Physics
5-The Manga Guide to Biochemistry

All I'll ever need in this life.

>> No.9917171

I know I'm just kidding. Not a big Hegel reader but he was massively influential and is probably responsible for temporalizing philosophy (((historicism))), for better or worse.

>> No.9917178

No worries. I'm also critical of historicism, especially after I read Karl Popper's book on it.

But I still appreciate Hegel, especially his thoughts on master-slave dialectic, and his concept of 'recognition'.

>> No.9917251

1- Finnegan's Wake
2- The Lord of the Rings
3- Tao te Ching
4- Thus Spake Zarathustra
5- Ulysses

>> No.9917262

/lit/ won't like this post but it's 100% true

>> No.9917266

master and margarita
finnegans wake

>> No.9917279
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>> No.9917283
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I'm sor'ry anon. Did' my aoutocoore hit you're feeling's?

>> No.9917288
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>when the pleb doubles down

>> No.9917305

probably some language theory, a comprehensive dictionary and the three critiques

>> No.9917333

Listen here and listen well YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. I don't have time for your gay little games, gay boi, you should learn to pick your battles better because I'm about to tear you an asshole you WON'T forget.

First of all who are you, a small gay little man who sits in front of his computer all day, to call me, a fully grown adult with a job, a wife and two beautiful 3 year old twins who are most definitely HETEROSEXUAL, a pleb of all FUCKING things.

I am not a pleb unlike you, a gayman who sits in his tiny apartment, I work 10 hours a day plus 4 hours of unpaid overtime and earn a salary of 100k to pay for my beautiful suburban home, my massive fishing boat and my 60k 4x4.

DON'T FUCKING talk to me about whatever gay shit irks your freshman sense of taste.

I'll have you know that I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a real FUCKING degree in management.

Unlike the gluttonous faggot you are, you a man who probably gets railed anally every day by a MASSIVE African-American penis, I gladly abstain from sex just like the ancient priests of yore who most certainly were not plebs.

Thus I rest my case. I'll tell you now that my Wife's BEST FRIEND is a lawyer and he'll open a can of whoop ass on you like you've never seen should you persist.

Good day Sir.

>> No.9917334

>complete dictionary

I'll just write my own from that.

>> No.9917586

basically yes it is

>> No.9917598

>I'll tell you now that my Wife's BEST FRIEND is a lawyer and he'll open a can of whoop ass on you

More like your wife's best friend opened up her ass amirite?

>> No.9917608

This guy knows. Unfortunately, without the past 1800 years of Bible scholarship, he's only winding back the clock. Inevitably some other ass-backwards messiah cult would hijack the Greeks and make a new babby's first religion to serve the state.

>> No.9917622

wanting to be this disconnected from the non-ancient world and narrowly focused on one (however glorious) historical moment

>> No.9917820


>> No.9917823

And Hebrews

>> No.9917867


>In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
>Ulysses by James Joyce
>Complete Works of Shakespeare
>Divine Comedy
>Complete works of Anton Chekhov

>> No.9917903


1) Poetry City Marathon (10,000+ page largest volume ever bound), hollowed out, and inside it is the Complete Works of Plato, of Aristotle, of Shakespeare, of Homer, War & Peace, and a sledgehammer to smash OP in the taint with full force for making such a stupid fucking thread

2) "Earth Platinum" (basically a giant atlas book the size of a wall), hollowed out, and inside it is Moby Dick, The Brothers Karamazov, Crime & Punishment, Infinite Jest, Kafka's Complete Works, Chekhov's Complete Works, In Search of Lost Time, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

3) Another copy of Infinite Jest, with a 2x5x2 inch prism hollowed out between pages 250 and 750, with OP's severed penis inside it

4) A Portrait of the Artists as a Young Man

5) Dubliners

>> No.9917909


I would upvote if i was on plebbit

>> No.9918023

I'd use audiobooks

>> No.9918325


>> No.9918342

Underrated post

>> No.9918374

All these anons cheating by listing publications that can't fit in one volume.

>> No.9918376

Ovid's Metamorphoses
Don Quixote

>> No.9918398

Me metendo na conversa, eu fui atéia por muitos anos desde a adolescência. Só no dia que eu tava na merda e a opções eram enlouquecer ou rezar que eu pude entender porque as pessoas rezam e seguem o catolicismo desse jeito que vc vê. Eu rezei um terço (aquele clássico das 50 Ave Marias) Senti um bem estar e uma tranquilidade na hora. Tipo que porra aconteceu comigo? E as coisas foram melhorando na minha vida (fiquei viciadona em rezar) e nunca mais larguei.
Por incrível que pareça, eu só fui entender mesmo a Bíblia depois que li Abraham-Hicks. Era o elo que faltava. Fica a dica.

>> No.9918468
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to be fair In Search of Lost Time is a single novel in multiple volumes, where the Bible is 66-81 books in a single volume

>> No.9918495

That's what I meant. If a collection of works can't fit in one book, but has to be expanded in multiple volumes, it doesn't count.

>> No.9918749

Isn't pasta supposed to be funny?

>> No.9918758

no, its just supposed to be a (you) magnet and you fell for it

>> No.9918768

Ulysses (It would force me to understand the novel)
Moby Dick
A portrait of an artist as a young man.
Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan

>> No.9918781

Sums me up pretty well.

>> No.9918831

The Philosopher's Stone
The Chamber of Secrets
The Prisoner of Azkaban
The Goblet of Fire
The Order of the Phoenix

>> No.9918948

Oh no, I've been had! Here's another one for you faggot.

>> No.9919413

Spend some time around critical theory students.

>> No.9919449

>Three Books of Occult Philosophy
>The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic
>Book 4: Liber ABA
>Zos Speaks!
>The Magickal Revival

>> No.9919479

Can you fly? If not, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9919539


ok. ok. wow. just... ok. ever heard of a digital book? you can fit the entire western canon in a fucking 6 inch tablet. this fucking game is retarded. you sound like one of these pretentious minimalist faggots trying to build a bookshelf and want to only have a few books on it, and so you'll probably buy the most aesthetic looking version, completely disregarding translations/edits, and it's safe to say you'll never finish one of them, yet you'll tell all your friends you read all of them multiple times.

I want to stick dildos on the ends of every single brush in a car wash, replace the soap water with homeless men's cum, strap you to your shitty honda and send you through the carwash of fuck

>> No.9919616

E-books are for plebs.

>> No.9919882

I can fly on a plane. Or fly in lucid dreams and my astral and shamanic voyages.

>> No.9919891
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>> No.9919902

The Old Man and the Sea
Starship Troopers
The Children of Hurin
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.9919904

>The Prisoner of Azkaban
Patrician taste.

>> No.9919908
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>The Old Man and the Sea
>Starship Troopers
>The Children of Hurin

>> No.9919913

I knew somebody would laugh at me. I don't care.

>> No.9919916

I'm sorry anon. i didn't want to disrespect your taste. Like what you like anon. Don't let anyone tell you what you should like or not.

>> No.9919920

Which list is yours anon I want to deride your tastes even though I probably haven't read any of them.

>> No.9919922

I'm OP.

>> No.9919926

I read Meditations but was too young to understand it, I only read it because I saw Gladiator and recognized Marcus Aurelius. I couldn't get past Genesis.

>> No.9919933
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Was Marcus Aurelius in that movie?

And btw, why did you not get past Genesis? It's fairly easy to understand and gives us an insight into Christianity and Judaism (the latter specially) and makes us understand Western Civilization's basis better. IMO after Exodus it gets really boring until Job, when it starts to pick up and gets REALLY interesting.

>> No.9919952

You're laughing at him but he's the only one in this thread posting books he would enjoy and not showing off by name-dropping "difficult" books he has never and will never read (looking at guys like you >>9915584 you pretentious prick).

>> No.9919962
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I like you anon. You speak your mind.

>> No.9920012

OH, I love lists!

1.) Cryptonomicon
2.) Snow Crash
3.) Quicksilver
4.) Ayn Rand
5.) Ayn Rand

>> No.9920025

Now, for my real list.

1.) Lord of the Rings (counts as one book)
2.) Cryptonomicon
3.) Quicksilver
4.) Some Calculus text
5.) A next level Calculus text

>> No.9920029
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>Ayn Rand

Shit taste.

>> No.9920032

Have you read Anathem? That's my favorite but I'm a philosophag.

>> No.9920060

The Denial of Death
All Quiet on the Western Front
Montaigne's Essays
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.9920084
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Nice taste m8.

Bet you are successful in life.

>> No.9920091

Well, books to keep me occupied even for rereads, so probably War and Peace, Les Miserábles, a complete edition of In Search of Lost Time, either Min Kamp or that giant doorstopper Alan Moore wrote some time ago, and some big ass sci-fi or fantasy to break the habit.

>> No.9920103
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War and Peace is shit

>> No.9920110


I haven't read it, but it's big and dumb jokes with it always make me laugh. I might choose The Brothers Karamazov instead, though.

>> No.9920142

Thanks m8, just kinda successful.

>> No.9920273

>missing the joke that severely

>> No.9920337

>all these anons cheating by listing publications that can't fit in one volume
how about i make the publications fit inside your asshole you fucking cunt

>> No.9920340
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Tai Pei and pic related all I need bro

>> No.9920345

No, but I'm sure I'll get around to it soon. Sounds cool!