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File: 39 KB, 600x400, Torches_Charlottesville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9914736 No.9914736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some books that will help me understand this phenomena?

>inb4 culture of critique guy

>> No.9914743


Yeah, read into financial crime. That ought to explain pretty much everything going on in the U.S. today.

>> No.9914756
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Oh I am laffin

>> No.9914762

There aren't really any that I know of - there are plenty about fascist/supremacist ideology in other times and places, but the conditions that led to this lot are a bit different (chiefly because of the involvement of the Internet). Don't bother with liberal thinkpieces.

>> No.9914776

>what are some books that will help me understand this phenomena?
You mean the phenomena of leftists and muslims wanting to erase history by tearing down or destroying monuments and statues?

>> No.9914780

like what?

>> No.9914787


I don't fucking know man, find a book. What am I, your personal butler? Enron scandal might be a good start. Those guys went down hard. Maybe Nixon's presidency, but he didn't really commit any "financial" crimes that came to light.

>> No.9914805

>leftists and muslims wanting to erase history by tearing down or destroying monuments and statues
This, as you know, is a lie. The goal is to stop glorifying the traitors and perpetrators of chattel slavery, who until now have literally been put on a pedestal. No one is, has, or will suggest to remove the Civil War from history books. Historical statues themselves are a good idea - but they should be of John Brown, Harriet Tubman and William Tecumseh Sherman, not those complicit in the failed slavocracy.

>> No.9914817

oh, you responded as if you knew what you were advocating. Silly me

>> No.9914832
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It's pretty obvious isn't it? The self-hating ideology of the left becomes ever demanding, and there is an ever stronger reaction. Both ideologies are adopted by the poor and the impressionable, those who know nothing better. If the lives of either were improved there would be no SJW or Neo-Nazis, but instead people cling to these groups for an identity in their abjection. And belonging to an identity is what this is all about, people want who they are to be decided for them, to be an easy answer quickly conjured up at the first insecurity. Being an individual is hard, a slave easy.

>> No.9914840

ever more*

>> No.9914857

>The goal is to stop glorifying the traitors and perpetrators of chattel slavery, who until now have literally been put on a pedestal.
raze the pyramids in Egypt, the chateaus and castles of Europe and central parts of Paris and St Petersburg - they are all built on fiefdom and the glorification of royalty

>> No.9914869

>The goal is to stop glorifying the traitors and perpetrators of chattel slavery, who until now have literally been put on a pedestal.
lol nice try, alt-leftshit.

>> No.9914871

I'm going to miss Hawaii :(

>> No.9914878

a statue of robert e. lee stands nowhere in the same ballpark of world-cultural import as does the pyramids or great wall. None of his statues hold the aesthetic value and are only valued now for ideological purposes

>> No.9914887

>making excuses for erasing history
Why are commies so despicable?

>> No.9914888

read old books written by racist old white men

>> No.9914893

>equating aesthetic remembrance with history
This has nothing to do with erasing history, only which members of history we value

>> No.9914895

I have no dog in this fight, I think both sides are equally retarded and I advocate a meritocracy to replace this fucking obvious imperialistic nepotistic "democracy" we have, but I will still say this.

There is absolutely 0 reason to go around knocking down historical statues. What, did the statue come to live and start another civil war, start lynching people in the streets did it? I am embarrassed at my society. I don't want to associate with it.

>> No.9914896


>can't remember anything without a real, physical token that must remain fully visible at all times

When you put your pants on in the morning, is it like you never had a dick?

>> No.9914899

Again: no one, in any state, has tried to remove the Civil War from any sort of educational curriculum, historical publication, records archive, etc. You can't point to a single example of that happening.

>> No.9914900

>William Tecumseh Sherman
i, too, love war criminals

>> No.9914904
File: 95 KB, 499x372, Emil Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robert E. Lee is a bad guy
Jesus fucking Christ, why don't any of you commie cucks know a thing about history?

Lee is literally the reason why the Confederacy didn't continue to fight a do or die resistance. He also only joined the war to support his home state of Virginia. He was absolutely instrumental in rebuilding and healing the Union. This is a man who literally opened up a school for black children after the war and who attacked the abusers of blacks while at Washington college. Robert E. Lee is a symbol of hate and racism?

>> No.9914909

so should Germany have kept up everything the third reich installed?

>> No.9914914

I'm just sitting here enjoying the spectacle. Hoping for things to get worse

>> No.9914916

>None of his statues hold the aesthetic value and are only valued now for ideological purposes
Says you, probably a Northern cunt.

Robert E. Lee is a symbol of integrity and personal agency to many. It's like tearing down a statue of George Washington.

>> No.9914921

Have children you love and you'll get it. No book can describe those feels when a faceless government-industry complex sells out your nation for a few silver coins, risking the wellbeing of your descendants and shitting on the hard work of dozens of generations before them.

>> No.9914922

you unironically sound like a fascist now, set on conquering something as complex as History for the benefit of "aesthetics" and positivity

>> No.9914923

>the confederates were Nazis

>> No.9914926


what the fuck are you talking about


Its even more fun when you're pulling the strings. You piss a lot of people off, but it IS fun being on top of the world.

>> No.9914932

>Jesus fucking Christ, why don't any of you commie cucks know a thing about history?
If leftists actually knew anything about history or human nature they wouldn't be leftists.

>> No.9914937

1. that's nice and all except for the minor fact that he was the leader of an army fighting for slavery
2. this has nothing to do with the post of mine you responded to. The argument was about the discrepancy in cultural value between robert e lee statues and the pyramids.

>> No.9914947

Interesting that you assume anyone opposed to Confederate monuments must, a priori, be a leftist.

>> No.9914950
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Nietzsche's genealogy of morals, specially the part on slave morality. The bulbous pink haired genderqueer snivellers of the Marxist social justice left are christians without knowing it.

>If I had my way, I would build a lethal chamber as big as the Crystal Palace, with a military band playing softly, and a Cinematograph working brightly; then I’d go out in the back streets and main streets and bring them in, all the sick, the halt, and the maimed; I would lead them gently, and they would smile me a weary thanks; and the band would softly bubble out the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’.--DH LAWRENCE

>> No.9914967

>1. that's nice and all except for the minor fact that he was the leader of an army fighting for slavery
The Civil War was not only about slavery. You're just proving how little you base your opinions on, no knowledge of history.

The British offered slaves freedom during the American Revolution if they fought for them. Should we be tearing down statues of Washington, Hamilton, Wayne etc? Slavery existed in America long before the Civil war you know. An America that was built upon the bones and suffering of Native Americans. But you're not advocating for their removal? Know why? Because your given reasons aren't your reasons. People like you want these statues removed because it's fashionable, the latest groupthink uproar. I'm sure participation is fun, but don't pretend like it's rational. Why don't you just come out and say it for once? I want this thing done because CNN told me to, and I've long given up on thinking for myself, instead feeling what everyone else seems to be. You're just like the Neo-Nazis you declaim against.

>> No.9914976

Interesting here meaning anything but? Leftist ideas and 'rebuttals' are so trite, my god.

>> No.9914987


>You're just like the Neo-Nazis you declaim against.

There should be a new term for this extension of Poe's Law. It's like a regression to the mean, but coming from someone that actually stands a few deviations away--declaiming someone else as like themself, even as they distinguish themself from who they are.

Poe's boomerang, or something.

>> No.9914992


I guess it's a form of tu quouque, but with a double recursion. Tu quoquequequeque.

>> No.9914993

except that my argument never mentioned that I wanted statues torn down. My argument is entirely predicated on the point that the pyramids and statues of rel are falsely attributed equivalency. Also, you seem to have no knowledge of Washington's, Jeffersons, etc.. opinions on slavery. Also, it doesn't matter much in this case what the war was about but what it stood for. this is an argument about symbols, not history

>> No.9914997
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pic related is all you need to know

>> No.9915001


why is this anon the only rational thinker in this thread?

>> No.9915007

>Also, you seem to have no knowledge of Washington's, Jeffersons, etc.. opinions on slavery
Didn't you just say moments ago personal politics were irrelevant when I brought up Lee's history. Jesus fuck, does your hypocrisy know no end?

>Also, it doesn't matter much in this case what the war was about but what it stood for. this is an argument about symbols, not history
>hurr durr if I completely misrepresent the meaning of a symbol, anything can be a hate-symbol! I hate hate!

And that's nice and all except for the minor fact that Washington and Jefferson fought as leaders for an army that defended the right to slavery, fact. There's no getting around it, we need to tear these monuments of hate down!

>> No.9915008


leftists want to destroy all culture, which is to them nothing but a collection of oppressive white social constructs that must be deconstructed. the glories of the past are a painful reminder of their inferiority.

>> No.9915012

Actually, slavery was in fact the primary reason for the Civil War. (So your statement "not only about slavery", while technically true, is intentionally deceptive.) The conflict between Northern and Southern states over the issue had been brewing since the Constitutional Congress and the 3/5ths compromise, and the economic gain derived from slave labour was the main thing at stake - this is obvious and undeniable if you consult actual primary sources, rather than revisionist lies.

>"Our new government was founded on slavery. Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man, that slavery, submission to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition" - Alexander Stephens, Confederate Vice President

>> No.9915020
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stupid leftists, we need to preserve white culture

>> No.9915021

Literally After Virtue by MacIntyre. It's a book that discussed this 40 years ago because it correctly realised the conclusions of the enlightenment.

>> No.9915026


I don't get it. Is this a genuine pol meme or satire on pol memes?

>> No.9915032

>Robert E. Lee is a symbol of integrity and personal agency to many. It's like tearing down a statue of George Washington.
I'm sure they're just working their way towards Washington. There's not a doubt in my mind maybe 10 or 20 years from now, after they've torn down Lee they'll go after Washington and Adams, etc... I bet it won't end until they drag Lincoln from his seat at the capital. The simple fact is the historicity of the claims is irrelevant, only how heated mobs of people stirred to useless violence feel, these sort of acts are only meaningful as an outlet and directive for such groups. After Lincoln it might be necessary to scour history and invent new objects to demonize.

>> No.9915036
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/pol/ is just a continual process of accidental self-satire at this point

>> No.9915039
File: 60 KB, 750x499, fields13n-6-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simulacra and simulation, HyperNormalisation.

Just look at this picture and compare it to any other revolt, like everything in america is merely a fake spectacle, they are just fat nerds roleplaying'

>> No.9915043

the leftist concept of art is slam poetry about fat shaming and period blood paintings. the resentiment of the leftist know no bounds, take them to a museum of classical art and they will complain about not enough disabled PoCWoCs being represented and the 'violent' patriarchal eurocentrism that emanates from all the works of sinful western culture.

>> No.9915057

You act as though each state happily joined the confederacy and that this 1 asshole is representative of...any of them. Again, learn some history before you try to cherry-pick a quote. If the war was about anything it was states rights, to which slavery was tied. Was it reasonable that the Northern states not reliant upon it could upend the entire southern economy? Many decided no.

>> No.9915060

>The goal is to stop glorifying the traitors and perpetrators of chattel slavery
ie deprive people of monuments that connect them to their past (which you abhorre) ie erasing history

>> No.9915062

>Simulacra and simulation, HyperNormalisation.
>Baudrillard and Curtis
the ultimate hack-duo

>> No.9915063

the true believer

>> No.9915068


yeah man, you sure got my number. fuckin iced.

>> No.9915070
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1315, yut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Part I of the book traces the development of natural law theory from Plato and Aristotle through the crowning achievement of Thomas Aquinas. Part II explores how modern philosophers have systematically chipped away at the only coherent foundation for these values. As a result, our most important moral and political ideals today are incoherent. Modern political and moral thinkers have been led either to dilute the meaning of such terms as freedom or the moral good – or abandon these ideas altogether. Thus, modern philosophy and political thought are leading us either toward anarchy or totalitarianism.

>> No.9915078

The leftist looks at the world with horror with shame and with guit. the leftist is a victim and a sniveller, or else a self flagellating numale hiding behind a cover of facile Jon Stewart (tm) snark . I look upon the world and affirm it as Nietzsche taught me, warts and all. Yes I am white. Yes I am male and straight. I am not obliged to yield before no one or to feel guilty. Leftism is in its entirety an appeal to pity.

>> No.9915082

I unironically recommend The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.

>> No.9915095
File: 89 KB, 960x720, 1369946191303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simulacra and simulation, HyperNormalisation.
>Just look at this picture and compare it to any other revolt, like everything in america is merely a fake spectacle, they are just fat nerds roleplaying'
The idea of Neo-Nazis forming a mob with Tiki-torches is the height of hilarity, what in god's name is the world coming to. Not that I believe in god.

>> No.9915096


[T]He[y] trusted to have equalled the Most High,
If [T]he[y] opposed; and with ambitious aim
Against the throne and monarchy of God
Raised impious war in Heav'n and battle proud
With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power
Hurled headlong flaming from th' ethereal sky
With hideous ruin and combustion down
To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
In adamantine chains and penal fire,
[They] Who durst defy th' Omnipotent to arms.
Nine times the space that measures day and night
To mortal men, he with his horrid crew
Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf
Confounded though immortal: but his doom
Reserved him to more wrath; for now the thought
Both of lost happiness and lasting pain
Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes
That witnessed huge affliction and dismay
Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate:
At once as far as angels' ken he views
The dismal situation waste and wild,
A dungeon horrible, on all sides round
As one great furnace flamed, yet from those flames
No light, but rather darkness visible
Served only to discover sights of woe,
Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
And rest can never dwell, hope never comes
That comes to all; but torture without end
Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed
With ever-burnign sulphur unconsumed:
Such a place Eternal Justice had prepared
For those rebellious [to God's teachings],
Here their prison ordained

Establishment caught with their pants down, an egg on their face, if you will. This is all you need to know.

>> No.9915110

Shut the fuck up, you don't have a clue what you're talking about

>> No.9915113
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This is what happens when tradition is torn down.

>> No.9915119

Right Wing Critics of American Conservatism by George Hawley is supposed to be good, but I haven't read it myself yet.

Any book/article by Paul Gottfried where he complains about the neocons would also suffice, including "Conservatism in America".

>> No.9915120


>> No.9915121

I wonder how much he bought that hammer and sickle hat for.

>> No.9915476


kill yourself my dude

>> No.9916587

Thoughtfully reasoned. Lee was a gentleman, a great general and a clever engineer. Unfortunately he committed high treason and is lauded today for perverse 'reasons.' He needs to come down.
t. Virginian, and from C-ville.

>> No.9916589

The Garden of Earthly Delights

>> No.9916612

>Canadian Flag in the background
it's probably real fucking cold, it helps to tuck your thumb in your fist. idiot for not wearing a proper coat though.

Calgary get some of the biggest white nationalist / antifa, protest / counter protests in the country and it's a huge event if each side can get 12 people together.

>> No.9916888


I agree with this, even Nietzsche knew it

>> No.9916979

No. Lee, Grant, Chamberlain, Forrest et al. should be remembered and part of the national mythos. If you think statues should be removed then you're just an Arab spring tier color revolutionary. Dumbass white nationalists spend so much time talking about "white genocide" when the cultural genocide of white America has already happened. Nobody can remember any history anymore, only what the Talmudvision tells them. Just another day in Judeo-America.

>> No.9916999

The Fourth Turning by Niel Strauss

>> No.9917010

This. And whites need to realize that this is just what semites do: tear down other people's history. It's the first thing jews did when they took over Russia after the bolshevik revolution too.

>> No.9917052

It's just standard brutish and ugly commie behavior in general, but yes Semites and atheistic Commies/Jacobins have seething resentment for Christian history/culture. Tear down churches, mass murder of priests/nuns, exhume and desecrate graves of those who have already died, etc. "Counter-revolutionary" teachers were literally cannibalized during Maoist China, read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlet_Memorial:_Tales_of_Cannibalism_in_Modern_China

>> No.9917076

Aaron Burr's not so celebrated; in fact he represented himself at his own treason trial in Richmond and won (though he was guilty as fuck). Nonetheless he remains part of the American mythos along with Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, and the Rosenbergs-- none of whom have myriad highschools named after them. In other words, Robert E. Lee's not going anywhere so far as THAT's concerned, and to pretend otherwise is just what? Desperate?
In Virginia there's even a place for him, over the mountain and down the road in Lexington. He's from there, his University's there, one can view his stuffed horse there, etc. Stonewall Jackson and John Marshall are from there as well so the 'honors' ARE divided..

>> No.9917670

>He committed high treason

Lee didn't commit high treason. Before the post-war Supreme Court ruling Texas v. White settled the issue, there was a legitimate argument that unilateral secession was allowed in the constitution. New England states threw around the idea of secession during the War of 1812, so did Northern abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. If Lee viewed secession as legal, then siding with the Union against Virginia would be treason, not the other way around. Regardless, neither Lee or any Confederate leaders were prosecuted for treason. The bar for treason is extremely high in US law, so high that John Walker Lindh, an American who joined the Taliban, wasn't convicted of treason.

Whether the reasons underlying Virginia's secession were moral is a different question.

>> No.9917693

So ... exactly what Christians have been doing?

>> No.9917709

The Alt-right started with at least some interesting dissemination and discussion of alternative ideas like Evola, Conservative revolutionaries and de Benoist but it devoled so quickly into white nationalism and neo-nazi larping it's just begging to be put out of its misery

>> No.9917734


buuuuuuurrrnnn ahahaha sick burn man i've never seen anyone think of one on this level before ahahahhahah mate

>> No.9917751

I wish. If white Christians weren't passive, universalist utopians they are, we wouldn't be in the mess we are.

>> No.9917772

>1. that's nice and all except for the minor fact that he was the leader of an army fighting for slavery
Except Lee was a Virginian, and Virginia banning slavery is why they're a West Virginia, which was pro-slavery and joined the union.

This is hilariously like when Louisiana tried to prove that white/light skinned black people should pass because most of them were citizens in New Orleans, and the North said no, so now the grandchildren of the people who made the one drop rule bang on about the South being racist. Maybe they were just law abiding.

>> No.9917831

It's not erasing history. It's a cynical power play aimed at monopolizing thing they've invested so much tome into deconstructing: patriotism and national identity. That's why there's so much emphasis on the word traitor.

I despise the South and their "cause", but it's hard to not feel disgusted towards the left when you realize what they're doing.

>> No.9917898

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.9917906


>> No.9917937

European neo-Nazis are all tattooed thugs and exconvicts. American neo-Nazis are pudgy bespectacled nerds in polo shirts. It's adorable.

>> No.9917942


>tfw you're american and unironically agree with this exasperation

we have a government problem in this country

>> No.9917945

Propaganda by ellul

>> No.9917958

i keep imagining the smell of citronella

>> No.9918072
File: 139 KB, 1024x683, 41328361cbb405214032c5a02601a466cfe3909e7d1f2352b117e2ab090004ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be a sophisticated user of language

>> No.9918114

Appeasement. Davis was charged and imprisoned two years in Tidewater at Fort Monroe (in Hampton, VA), a fort RE Lee was actually in charge of constructing earlier in his Union years. Lee wouldn't attack it, knowing its strength, so almost the entire Va Peninsula (a quick 2 days' march from Richmond) was in Union hands throughout the war. Just off coast in Hampton Roads is where the Monitor and the Merrimac did their bit. ..But youre right. He was never tried. The reasons however were entirely political, i.e. done in a spirit of race favoritism, or racism, that lost its place in this country at the very least 50 years ago. Rightfully. That C-ville became a gathering place for Hitler youth (we fought and overthrew the fucking completely un-American Nazis in WW2 for Christ's sake!) should more than clue (you) in to this. And? Charlottesville's a thoroughly lefty place, the organizers knew this (Spencer, a Texan, did undergrad there) and the march was obviously designed to provoke, which it did, the statue itself clearly an empty pretext. Ironically.
The Fort still exists, has a great museum, but is rarely visited. The Peninsula being the only bit of the state untouched by the Civil War has preserved it for Colonial purposes, which is completely the area's identity. Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown are all down there.
I know my st8, m8. And I know my town. It's Thomas Jefferson's-- no one will fuck with him here. Lee's legacy, on the other hand, is entirely overblown THROUGHOUT the south. It's as if what WAS the Confederacy has and had so little to recommend it that the inhabitants of its former hijacked environs latched on to the leader of its corps of unquestionably talented generals (Jackson an all-timer) but the synechdoche works in reverse. Lee is and NEVER WAS 'the Confederacy.' Like Rommel, Ney, or an American general who really SHOULD be honored, but whom virtually no one knows about, Nathaniel Green, he was a great general, and that is all. But for a rotten cause, and his legacy's become a phantom for what's worst about this country.

>> No.9918217
File: 19 KB, 310x475, mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wilhelm Reich - Mass Psychology of Fascism
Wilhelm Reich - Character Structure

To summarize, Wilhelm Reich believed that parental education that aims at the suppression of normal biological drives in kids creates anxious adults that experience tremendous anxiety when confronted with the shifting tides of life and who crave strong authority because the thought of life without any guidance brings them to the brink of utter terror (their screeching that left brings anarchism and corruption of society is just a projection of their own fear of their own instincts that, as a result of decade long suppression, have taken a perverse and sadistic form).
Also, Reich believed that these suppressed instincts can return in the form of mysticism, religion, and ritualized activity. These torch marches are nothing more but a neurotic attempt to feel, albeit in a dissociated way, the repressed feeling of aliveness in dead and armored human organisms.
Another thins Reich points out is that the smearing of Jews, blacks, and women as pornographic is a projection on the part of the neurotic fascist personality of his own repressed and perverse instincts. The Jew/Nigger/Woman is always dirty, black, lascivious; the fascist is always white, pure, immaculate, above sex. The neurotic fascist represses his sexuality. As a result it broods and takes perverse forms. The fascists can't under any circumstance feel dirty, he is scares by sexual feelings, so he projects his own shadow onto others, and then destroys them. If you go on /pol/, you'll see that most thread focus on sexual violence and sadism of the nonwhite races and on promiscuity of women.
If you read Reich, then analyze the average 4chan user, you'll understand why right wing ideology proliferates on the image board.

>> No.9918249
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this is a good post.

>> No.9918256

>Being a kike

Jews and Muslims history far more intertwined history of slavery than South.

>> No.9918257


I'm not a /pol/tard but not wanting to become a minority in your own country seems utterly reasonable and is taken for granted in all western nations. what you are seeing is rational behavior by people not wanting to be ethnically replaced

>> No.9918261

You've clearly never been inside of an American prison.

>they're Nazis because they're virgins

>> No.9918263

>thinking repression of sexual instinct = virginity

>> No.9918268

I love this. One hundred years from now your ideological inheritors will be tearing down statues of Obama for drone bombing civilians. Stop being such a leftist brainlet. Trust me, you REALLY don't want a nanny government running your life and giving you 'basic income'.

>> No.9918273
File: 79 KB, 600x450, 1497499853976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it deeply humorous Americans, who represent themselves as the guardians to the torch of freedom, throw a giant tantrum and need their plus sized adult diapers changed over a couple of statues that MIGHT glorify slavers...when there's actual slaves in the world. Millions in states that we do business with regularly.

And then you have these "activists" get so offended when you suggest their politics are little more than a fashion statement.

>> No.9918300

How did there come to be so many armchair psychologists on the left? It's a serious problem that merits serious discussion. There is an astronomical number of leftists who think they can win political arguments by inventing unfalsifiable claims about the unconscious sexualities of millions of people they've never met and never will meet

>> No.9918312

The central issue lies not with "the left," but with the jews who have been leading the left for over a century and have continually psychopathologized whites and projected their bizarre mental neuroses onto us.

>> No.9918322

Its a reference to a pic that circulated here a long while ago.
So in a way, it's a pol meme.

>> No.9918334
File: 76 KB, 695x522, DHTko65XoAAzZy0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progs bringing down Confederate statues is an attempt at cultural revolution a la Maoist China. TechnoZOG needs society to be an arid, cultureless shopping mall where the mystery meat and dregs of the third world feel comfortable buying and selling, so braindead progs are sicced on cultural barriers to mass consumption

>> No.9918355
File: 19 KB, 233x300, 081208_r18011_p2331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemporary fascist sexual unfulfillment isn't the result of deliberate repression, it's the result of sexual failure. It's not going to change because the dynamics of modern dating created a hierarchy of men, with the mating prospects of those at the bottom of the hierarchy being increasingly hopeless. Angela Nagle talks about it here:

And because dating equality isn't compatible with sexual agency, there's literally nothing we can do about it.

>> No.9918364

>a statue of robert e. lee stands nowhere in the same ballpark of world-cultural import as does the pyramids or great wall.
I don't see why this matters. Are you implying that, despite the fact the Egyptians were slave owners and evil by modern standards, the pyramids are permissible due to their impact on the world?

>> No.9918367

look at the nazi making excuses, lol!

>> No.9918384

Unironically there is more genuine culture in the third world, we already sold our souls to capital

>> No.9918396
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Reich's ideas were behind a little something called the sexual revolution of the 60s. turns out sex wasn't magical orgone fairy dust but just another exploitable biological drive. Parental education has been increasingly replaced by an all encompassing technocratic managerial therapeutic state. a society of control where there are no subjects, only objects to be constructed. A society of atomised consumer units that believes in nothing and stands for nothing. In the name of optimum sociological freedom the left has aided and abetted the capitalist destruction of the last remains of family, tradition, religion, culture, etc. The left still believes itself to be the perky underdog lobbing bricks against the windows of a bourgeois society that has long been deconstructed out of existence. Reich has been incorporated into our official state religion, with its sacraments of sodomy and abortion. Aren't gay pride parades and corporate sponsored privilege checking sessions full of neurotic 'mysticism, religion, and ritualized activity'? the multiculturalist liberal society is supposedly pluralist, but what it really does is replace authentic culture with empty simulacra of themselves.

>> No.9918404

>Western culture has been constantly derided by the left for over a century for being "reactionary" and "oppressive"
>our modern enervated non-culture is capitalism's fault

>> No.9918415

Trying to actually change the status of women in Iran or the 'laborer' abuse in Dubai is really difficult. Why address actual inequality in the world when you can instead incite a frenzy over 'otherkin'. The whole point is to be seen, not to help others be heard.

>> No.9918417

The unabomber manifesto.

>> No.9918422

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.9918423

>unfalsifiable claims
Not every question is a scientific one, anon. And almost no political, social, philosophical, literary one EVER is. Deep-six the Karl Popper. Here, it's nothing but a stupid crutch. Absolutely ALL claims are falsifiable, by the way. Just not in a scientific manner.

>> No.9918425

I'm glad an objective, rational thinker such as yourself was able to enlighten us of the fact that the Civil War was, in fact, primarily over slavery.

You've foiled another anon's deception.

>> No.9918430

But life is just LARPing. Or is that only while living under capitalism?

>> No.9918435

>be european
>get ran over

>> No.9918436

It's impressive how the historical memory of the West has been distorted. A few dozen faggots carry torch around a statue in a small U.S. town and people genuinely believe that an ideology created during the 1920s in Germany, based on thinkers no one reads anymore and with people coming from institutions don't even exist anymore is poised to make a comeback and take over the world.

>> No.9918439

>None of his statues hold the aesthetic value
This is absolute horseshit, they are objectively beautiful statues

>> No.9918442


That sounds about right really. How is the "Left" not another market within the option spectrum?

>> No.9918448

>unironically citing Adam fucking Curtis
What's it like to have an IQ of 110? Do you have a favorite episode of Chapo Trap House?

>> No.9918453

the political spectrum isn't really about left vs. right, but about deterritorialisation vs. territorialisation. and capitalism is the prime deterritorialising force. Exchange value annihilates meaning. Neocons already had their chance and failed. The Reagan Revolution was a product of malignant 60s narcissism. The bush years gave us SUVs endless, sterile suburban sprawl and 50,000 homeless veterans with opioid addictions.

>> No.9918455

Isn't 110 well above average?

>> No.9918466

Every day black Americans walk by these statues. They are a painful reminder of recent history. Who do you think is walking by the pyramids on their way to work and getting offended?

>> No.9918469

Adam Curtis has a knack for finding old BBC clips, something i will always respect. i'd say curtis has more in common with McLuhan or Weber than with brooklyn 'socialist' trendhoppers.

>> No.9918484

this is pretty good and interesting imo

>> No.9918485

Everyone on /lit/ has an iq of 135 or above

>> No.9918486

Yes, morons dont know how IQ works lmao
Yes? Both sides fell for the capitalism meme

>> No.9918510

An above average intellect is still a mediocre intellect

>> No.9918522

> capitalism is the prime deterritorialising force.
>"The task of art today is to bring chaos into order." - Adorno
The only reason capital is imbued with so much meaning is because other sources of meaning have been systematically deconstructed and debunked, and often not by proponents of capitalism.

>the political spectrum isn't really about left vs. right, but about deterritorialisation vs. territorialisation.
The "left" as synonymous with progressivism is a real political orientation, and one that matters. I agree that the classic left/right spectrum as an interpretive tool is only capable of encompassing a relatively small portion of prevailing ideologies, but it's a spectrum that's still useful because other people believe in it and form their political identities around it. People are tribal; progressives are forming an alliance with Islamists because the right took up the issue of Islamic theocracy first, and they don't want to be associated with those "racists."

>> No.9918527

People who support white supremacy have such a basic understanding on how society works. Id recommend them reading Hegel and Marx.

>> No.9918528

This is your brain on symbols

>> No.9918545

I'm not defending the march, or Nazi LARPers, or that trust fund stooge Spencer, or even the Confederates. I'm basically far-right/paleocon but I subscribe to Moldbug's stance on direct action, which is that it doesn't work for groups with no institutional/elite support (i.e. the far right). I'm also a Mischiling and would probably be gassed if these morons somehow got real political power.

My personal opinion on the Civil War that any result that avoided or greatly shortened the conflict would have been preferable to what we got, and both Northern/GOP and Southern hardliners deserve the blame for the resulting bloodbath. As evil as slavery was, southern agrarian blacks were getting fucked over either way. Would gradual manumission over 30/40 years, followed by Jim Crow, been worse than what we got, which was: 600,000 dead, immediate abolition, 10 years of failed military occupation, and Jim Crow? Lee hagiography was a way to mend the wounds of the war, Lee's actual merit as a man or general are secondary. I'm fine with a majority black/white liberal town (Baltimore, C'Ville) removing imagery they feel doesn't represent them, but this shouldn't be imposed on towns where everyone's an active Sons of Confederate Veterans member.

>> No.9918546

Black's aren't innocent baby victims. White people aren't evil Nazi oppressors. You're thinking like a woman.

>> No.9918565
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99 percent of blacks have no idea they're even there, and these are the same people who tore down some libshit freedom monument the other day by accident. Stop buying the hype. This anti-white culture destruction is being whipped up by a jewish media run by the people whose ancestors were the ones responsible for bringing blacks over here in the first place.

>> No.9918672

>Black people aren't evil Nazi oppressors.
>White's aren't innocent baby victims.
>your thinking like a man

>> No.9918697

Thread was finally dying and you decide to bump it with this absolute shitpost. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9918727

boi, grab a mirror

>> No.9918733

>What is sage

Please fuck off to reddit

>> No.9918757

>muh evil Adorno

oh shut up, that bitter old Rebbe had a better appreciation of Western Culture than you do. the dehumanising march of capital and mechanisation was already underway in pre war Europe. And it wasn't the Frankfurt School leading the charge, but the manufacturers of commodities and the film producers, just as now its the silicon valley oligarchs.

>> No.9918761

Well said. Don't be discouraged by all the responses comparing their oranges to your apple.

>> No.9918764
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We'll see how accepting he is when he's burning on a stake

>> No.9918785

He's not. People with no dog in the fight can lob snark grenades from the sidelines with impunity. When all is said and done he'll just side with whose is victorious. It's called being a coward.

>> No.9918790

No such thing as alt left

>> No.9918792

Oh, I agree. Haven't heard the term mischling in quite some time. My antecedents are Preussian und SuedDeutsch, but no one gasses you or anyone else on my watch, anon. In 'reality,' however, I'm a just left of center Stevensonian democrat which means that though I frequently look at the current socio-political mess stupefied, my primary focus is on what I perhaps mistakenly believe is perennial- literature, and therefore literary matters. That's why I'm here.

>> No.9918808

If there's such thing as alt-right there's obviously such a thing as alt-left

>> No.9918809

No one's calling Adorno evil. I love reading the guy, even thought I disagree with most of what he says. My point is that the people who rightly pointed out the effects of economic alienation were often the very same people who discredited alternative sources of meaning, like culture and religion.

When Karl Marx said that criticism of religion "plucked the flowers off the chain" not so that man would just bear the chain, but so that man could "throw off the chain," what he was basically saying is that criticism of religion (and other traditional sources of meaning) were about spurring people into class consciousness by deliberately destroying their only sources of consolation. That's fucked up. So now we have to bear the chain of economic and social alienation, but without the unifying bonds of tradition. We have nothing now.

>> No.9918816

The posts ITT show what schools do to childrens nowadays. The South were "traitors" and the war was "about slavery". This is what the people here unironically think. And so they destroy the statues of great men. And so they are surprised that some people resist.

There will be another civil war in the US as well as across all of Europe. The first world civil war.

>> No.9918832

>The South were "traitors" and the war was "about slavery". This is what the people here unironically think.

People thought that back in 1870 dude, its not recent

>> No.9918836

Working in the school system this is not the case, the gradual revisioning of the era has partially led to this younger generation not knowing anything about the era and a disconnect and disconcern for the fallout.

>> No.9918855

Its going to be like that Roman Britain video, in the future kids are going to be thought there were black slave masters owning whites

>> No.9918868
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How did it all go so wrong?

>> No.9918872

The alt right gave itself that name. Alt left doesn't exist.

>> No.9918920

Thats not the way words work, I can call you a bum licking faggot and just because you don't like doesn't mean it isn't true

>> No.9918939

>The alt right gave itself that name
They really didn't.

>> No.9918951


Go back to /lit/

>> No.9918958


21st century fascism is far from a product of the 'repressive' bourgeois family unit of the 20th century but of its dissolution. /pol/ grew up with absent fathers, domineering single mothers, a world of on demand internet porn catering to every conceivable fetish, sterile suburban sprawl and the command to 'JUST B YOURSELF' flashing off every screen and advertising billboard. identity and the individualism of literate man( see McLuhan) are being annihilated by capitalism and digital media in what is by necessity a violent and traumatic process. Fascism provides modern man with a manichean dichotomy between identity and the enemy that is out to destroy it.

>> No.9918960

>MSNBC just gave an interview to a Dartmouth professor who argued that violence against people who are subjectively defined as "fascists" is justified
>CNN yesterday had a whole piece talking about how terrible it was that Trump thinks that intelligence is at least partially genetic
>this is the information normies are being fed
What are some books that will help be understand these phenomena?

>> No.9918973


Sexual liberation lead to more, not less fascism. See>>9918355

>> No.9918982

Did half of /lit/ just read Candide this week or something? Why does everyone keep referencing some esoteric Iranian religion.

>> No.9919044
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I am currently listening to the chapo episodes with her. It's almost as she secretly is on our side. Also she always mentions her grandfather that raised 12 kids. Secret electra complex?

>> No.9919074

Just proves how autistic many atheists are.

>> No.9919098

She studied the alt right for her book. And if you study something for a long time you tend to empathyize with it, even if you ultimately disagree with it.

>> No.9919150

Its unclear whether Paul Gottfried or Richard Spencer was the first to use the term "alternative right"; Spencer started the original alternativeright.com in 2008. In the Spencer's case its the alt-right giving itself the name, in Gottfried's case its someone extremely close to alt-right coining the term.