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991256 No.991256 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys. i know you guys are smart. there's a separation between mind and body and sometimes the thoughts that manifest in our head are acted out in the physical material world. I feel mystery understands this. and thats why rappers always say "get real".

Link related:

so, how have you guys shown ppl these values (if you ever have... i know theres a lot of u sick mother fuckers out there). i want personal experiences (because generalizations never work). probably more towards the female gender but i want to here gay love stories too whoever is homosexual reading this.

>> No.991268

Every single word of that post gave me cancer, OP.

>> No.991306


>> No.991317

How the fuck did you go from dualism to gay sex?

>> No.991322

Mainly because of >>991317

>so, how have you guys shown ppl these values (if you ever have... i know theres a lot of u sick mother fuckers out there). i want personal experiences (because generalizations never work). probably more towards the female gender but i want to here gay love stories too whoever is homosexual reading this.

This is just plain creepy.

>> No.991325

there is dualism everywhere in life, accept dualsim. and do not accept all the different ways it can manifest, if it is bad. because it can manifest itself in infinite amount of ways. but u still didnt answer my question. although i know its a lot to think about.

>> No.991331

and i can see good moral value in u because you see words like that scare you

>> No.991334

We didn't answer because your question makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.991335

talk someone, i will post all day until someone gives me some experiences.

>> No.991336

>accept dualsim. and do not accept all the different ways it can manifest

Think that through and tell me if that makes a lick of sense - to accept something but not accept it.

>> No.991341

and think this through, we were born into this world with choice. if we cannot accept somethings and not accept other things. then we submit ourselves to our animalistic behaviors (first instincts). i will be patient, talk plz.

>> No.991344

>and i can see good moral value in u because you see words like that scare you

I can't determine if you're a troll, foreign, or just mentally handicapped.

>> No.991346

got douche chills from that vid and couldn't finish it

>> No.991350

im tupac from the grave, i am god from the heavens, i am actually. just a 21 yr old uci student. who smokes weed. and thinks about shit. but i never hurt anyone. thats real. any questions?

>> No.991351

what the fuck is wrong, i thought a lot ppl roam these boards. does no one have an opinion?

>> No.991353

I have a question. Why the fuck can't you write a sentence that makes sense?

>> No.991356

let me ask you a question, why can't u fucking say you dont understand my sentences rather than say it doesnt make sense. i thoguth about shit. u didnt mother fucker

>> No.991362
File: 43 KB, 506x316, Tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can't u fucking say you dont understand my sentences rather than say it doesnt make sense

>> No.991363

does no one understand the significance of the picture too? i posted that for a fuckign reason. someone plz take the time to think and respond to me. u guys are smart mother fuckers. i swear cuz im mad

>> No.991367

is no one genuine out therE? am i lying to myself right now? i know not. because when i close my eyes i reach clarity. try it sometimes. i know u have to open them to read this but. close them

think about the emotions my words make to you.

and tell me immediately what you think, if ur stupid.

and tell me good thoguht. and i will respect that.

>> No.991373

cuz the internet is healthy. and here ic an spill truth without hurting anyone. thats right. truth. wats truth. its u. so until i hear someones experience, or rational thoguht. its not true. anyone here me or have the same feelings of feeling lonely and not heard? cuz i know everyoen does, look at u lonely mother fuckers. ur a social being. u glance over a post and think it has no thought. maybe this is the wrong outlet. sorry guys. i'll try later. or if u fucking post.....

>> No.991374

/lit/ really is the easiest board to troll.

>> No.991376

i dont wnat to troll, i want discussion

>> No.991378

We all know he is a troll, we're just baffled by the lengths he's going to and the absurdity of it all.

>> No.991377


>> No.991382

yea, i realize it looks like im trying to break you guys. that means u guys are strong and independent. but i just want opinion. ur guys. and i see it. in the very little posts u guys do... actually maybe its just cuz im really bored right now

>> No.991388


>> No.991389

So what's your fav weed, bro?

>> No.991390

no fuck that im waiting for answers, cuz i got a whole weekend. i can atleast do that. i know there's love in this world. i just want to share it. maybe its too personal. yea. hmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.991394 [DELETED] 

sory if seems like im typing giberish my mom drunk when im inside her

>> No.991396


lol, ur speaking english, obviously u understood that those were words. stop labeling things stupid ass... i can speak how ever i want, as long as i get my message its the same. ching chong chang im chinese, jk im viet and i smoke weed ERRRRDAYYY. and do school work :/

>> No.991397

sory if seems like im typing giberish my mom drunk when im inside her

>> No.991401

But you're not getting your point across. Nobody can understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.991402

lol dont say im drunk if ur not here with me. it doesnt matter what drug im on. im going to still be the same person.

>> No.991406

okay, i think ppl are listenign then. so u ever wonder why u can't say i love u to the person u love sometimes? anyone know why? suggestions? i have an answer, i wonder if its the same as yours. tell me urs first

>> No.991409

or someone, plz say i dont know. atleast 10 and i will reply

>> No.991419

I just find this unfathomable, even if he is on drugs. I mean, does weed seriously affect you this much?

Captcha related: >term effluent

>> No.991423

weed relaxes my muscles, i got a medical reccomendation about 15 min away from my apartment. it cost 60 bux, which is how much an eight from a street dealer costs. so i told myself if i smoke weed atleast be economical. because i love weed, it helps me deal with my emotions a controllable way.

understand that my words are bad, but my mind is strong

>> No.991424

Is that a pic of you?

Nice cousins you got.

>> No.991428

thats a pic of two girls i dont know lol. but i always wanted to fuck them. and u know. i thought if i was ever in the position of that guy right there. i would slap both of them. push them down and fuck them. but i know that hurts ppl. its not rational. stupid fuckups do that and im not a stupid fuckup. i just dont know how to deal with stupid people who arre not understanding.

>> No.991446

No it's all right to feel like that at times.

We should go to Vegas together some time.

>> No.991449

thatd be down. if u down. who are u

>> No.991455

naw im not going to even say that. i just want opinion. that was a lie. srry

>> No.991465


Yeah, everyone gets violent and/or sexual urges to do all sorts of shit every now and then. It's normal.

>> No.991467

i can only hear strong voices, replying. my test worked. unless someone wants to prove me wrong.

>> No.991478
File: 23 KB, 334x312, 1278740765297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I read ovid's art of love and its the exact same thing PUA teaches but not modern

>> No.991488

I'm a weak voice not replying.

>> No.991500

learn to be strong. and understand strong can be attached to anything in the world so only attach it to good things. by attach i mean ur reading these words. and they have meaning to u even as u read it. and different meaning after u sit and think about it. strengthen ur mind and u will be okay. thats how i feel. thats what i believe.