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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 484 KB, 723x1000, tao-yates-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9912767 No.9912767 [Reply] [Original]

tao lin thread? he seems to be really, really into drugs now and is soon to be publishing a non-fiction work on terence mckenna. compared to how venomous the rest of the world is right now, he seems like a charming fool and i wish him the best.

maybe he'll be better at nonfiction than fiction, as he seems like he would be very meticulous. the fact that supposedly he pulled a wake-and-bake every day while writing it might not bode well, though.

also i stalked his soundcloud and found a bunch of random audio recordings he made of his day: https://soundcloud.com/taolin/20170419-184756

>> No.9912772

Has anybody here read taipei?
I kind of liked the first 3 pages I read

>> No.9912782

i almost bought it but then i remembered the dude is annoying shill so i put it back

>> No.9912783
File: 269 KB, 450x450, taolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read it the whole thing, actually. i liked the part about smuggling drugs inside a cd case. the part actually in taipei had a cozy, almost vaporwave feel to it.

>> No.9912788

Hey Jax, don't blame me for your own retardation. If you fucked yourself into a position you can't undo, nice fucking job, that's on you. Born from seeds of cruelty you reap your awful fruits, deal with it. Don't look for sympathy or guilt from me, you burned that bridge, or don't you remember?

Fuck off and fuck yourselves, if you don't like the situation, say something about it. Go ahead, I dare you.

M, R, J, B, C.

You brought this on yourselves, I have you ample opportunity to do the right fucking thing. Too bad.

>> No.9912801

don't trigger my schizophrenia like that brah

>> No.9912808

Go to bed fatherdubs, danny, tao lin, mira, or whoever else made this thread.

>> No.9912815


Ok guy you just keep paying up and say whatever you want, I got my revenge ten times over. Habe fun. And remember, if the collections start to be too much, you can always just, you know, say something about it.

Something tells me you won't.

>> No.9912831

Man, I love Tao Lin. Lit shouldnt be some pretentious dragons and fantasy shit. ITs that KMART FICTION. We all from the kmart parking lots. I wanna relate to the mundane things in life. Turn the sidewalk into a cosmic experience. Then life dont seem so dreadful. He pretty much inspired me to write whatever nonsense i can think of and edit later. Then you have a manifestation of ur consciousness in that specific point in your life and you can look back on it a realize it was ur purpose to share ur dread all this while. WATCH MUMBLECORE ON YOUTUBE.

>> No.9912844 [DELETED] 

Not as good as Kevin McDonald but he was alright. Compare his works to say, Culture of Critique and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.9912849

stop advertising your terrible "book" here

>> No.9912850

I like this old forced meme better than that new forced meme.

>> No.9912992

there's something very knausgaardian about him

>> No.9913056

he sounds like he's on the verge of either laughing or crying in this clip.

>> No.9913096

one of them has a long recording of him peeing

>> No.9913208

lol. he should make an album of this stuff. frickn gold

>> No.9913214

this thread is going a little too well for my liking

>> No.9913223

Hi Tao

>> No.9913227

is he 9/11 truther btw? if he was id have more respect for him.

>> No.9913659

He seems to just be getting into 9/11 stuff lol. Seems like he mostly cured his autism with drugs, but he's starting going off the deep end now.

>> No.9913660

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.9913791
File: 727 KB, 1305x736, CIMG1413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most pointlessly depressing books I’ve ever read.
Though at the same time it made me kinda feel good for not having such a terrible life as Tao / his protagonist.

>> No.9913800

why is "fingered" in quotes? what is the stylistic effect he is trying to achieve? detachment? irony?

he seems to be focusing on the chemical in roundup and crusading against that for some reason now

>> No.9914867

>*record scratch. freeze frame* "You are probably wondering how I got into this situation" *cooking by the book feat. Lil Jon starts playing*


>> No.9914875

>compared to how venomous the rest of the world is right now
What in the fuck does this mean

>> No.9914891
File: 82 KB, 843x843, memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read the news lately? have you been on facebook? the world is a powder keg ready to explode. each morning when i wake up i think that i'm going to find that civil work has broken out in america or that some big murderous rampage has happened in europe.

tao lin is a remnant of the old "post-bush pre-trump" hipster class. they've almost completely vanished as a species.

>> No.9914915

*smokes weed once*

>terence mckenna did nothing wrong
>9/11 was an inside job
>plants are people too
>pesticides are ruining everything

>> No.9914936

>still being worried about rampages in europe

It's the new status quo mate, that's what you get with multiculturalism.

Luckily a lot of the times most of the victims are the people who are part of the problem, urbanite progressive refugees welcome types.

>> No.9914939
File: 37 KB, 340x499, 51IEaB-E+1L._SX338_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi Tao, Hi Mira

>> No.9915173

Tai Pei really lacked a good ending. It seemed like a nook about the "descent" of an author, he began to use more and more drugs and have tender and more tenuous relationships, and the novel was quite depressing but then it just kind of ended, concluding in some stupid mushroom-influenced epiphany about the value of life or some shit.

>> No.9915393
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, 1431088375870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it about weed that makes certain ideas like this more plausible? it's certainly true in my life that ever since i started smoking i've gotten more interested in "hippie shit" and conspiracies. is there some direct pharmaceutical explanation re: brain chemistry or something?

>> No.9915590

Yes but is Tao redpilled on the jews like /lit/s favorite author Kevin MacDonald?

>> No.9915662

it opens the miiind maaan

>> No.9915668

tao might be just one trip away from parentesis posting

>> No.9915756
File: 55 KB, 486x409, 731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol nah

>> No.9915782

It was so obviously autobiographical and depressing to the point that it actually was not bad. However I liked his short stories more.

>> No.9915834

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded...

>> No.9916086
File: 42 KB, 634x654, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he ever recover?

>> No.9916099
File: 29 KB, 352x499, tao te lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't seem the prescriptivist type.

>> No.9916105

>he seems to be really, really into drugs now
I think it's the type of drugs that really shifted.

He used to be into adderal, benzos and opiates. Now it's weed and psychedelics.

>> No.9916135

>in this clip
more like in this life

>> No.9916142

correcting tao lin for saying "less" instead of "fewer" is like correcting mccarthy for forgetting quotation marks

>> No.9916667

grammar aside, it seems really bizarre for him to post this considering twitter is what made him famous

>> No.9918365

Good morning Tao.

>> No.9918377

I read it, it was decent.

>> No.9918401

This is painful

>> No.9918501

>why is "fingered" in quotes? what is the stylistic effect he is trying to achieve? detachment? irony?
I guess it's too metaphoric for him.

>> No.9918507

this is like staring into a portal to hell


also, i wonder what it's like to have sex with tao lin. i imagine he is very submissive in bed.

>> No.9918516
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice wife beater there Anthony Fantano.

>> No.9918535

It pushes you to actually think for yourself and examine your own beliefs.
Unfortunately most smokers still do not possess critical thinking skills so they simply flip from their suburban brainwashing beliefs to believing in easy and simplistic takedowns of that brainwashing.