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9908867 No.9908867 [Reply] [Original]

philosophy is for failed artists or scientists. no one would choose to be a philosopher over a genius composer or a genius scientist, because it is always a last resort profession, for failures and frauds
>Nietzsche - wanted to be a composer and failed
>Wittgenstein - wanted to be an engineer, failed, wanted to be a mathematician, failed, wanted to be a musician, failed
>Heidegger - wished he was a poet/artist, failed
>Schopenhaur - wished he was a musician so that wouldn't have to live his boring philosopher life, failed
>Russell - wanted to be a great mathematician, wasn't as smart as other mathematicians and so opted for philosophy
>every single modern anglo philosopher - wished they were mathematicians, but failed, so they try pathetically to use mathematical symbols and logic in their philosophy so that they can at least get the aesthetic of it

Philosophers are also all sad manlets trying to compensate for low self esteem
>Heidegger was like 5 feet
>Wittgenstein - 5'6"
>Nietzsche 5'8"
>Camus - 5'7"
>Kant - 5'0" LMAO
>Sartre - 5'0" LMFAO
>Derrida - 5'5"
>Zizek - 5'8"
etc. etc. etc..

Philosophers wish they could make an impact on the world, they wish they could create beautiful works of art, they wish they could be good looking Chads, but they always fail, so they try to argue their way out of it, reason their way our of it: "I may not be able to get that cute girl, but, uh, it's because I'm the Ubermensch, hehehe, right guys!?" Every philosophical theory has been overturned, and philosophy has NEVER come up with a definitive answer. It is a failed field, and no one takes it seriously. Philosophers are all sad, pathetic, delusional people.

>inb4 philosopher manlets try to refute this with "hurr durr spooks!" "muh muh philosophy was before science so therefore uh, uh, it's superior" or "surprise you've been doing philosophy ur whole l-life, haha gotcha!" or literal philosophical reasoning, proving my point exactly


>> No.9908874
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by your own philosophy, it sounds like you should definitely become a philosopher then, OP

>> No.9908885

there are no definitive answers only objective truths OP :)

>> No.9908888

*subjective truths

>> No.9908896

Philosophy is more important than mathematics, science and engineering.
Granted art is clearly more important than philosophy but you get the picture.

>> No.9908916

Is shitposting copypasta the literary form of our age?

>> No.9908928 [DELETED] 
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*quadruplet truth

>> No.9908953

no way camus was 5'7 hes looks like a lanklet

>> No.9908959

Albert Camus height 5' 9¼" (1.76 m) soprobably above average 4 the time

>> No.9908964

I wonder if entire ideologies have been created because of physical inferiority.

Like contemplative religious traditions always vouch for celibacy for example, and although their arguments are coherent, I can't help but feel that they are rationalizations sprung from lack of pussy. I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad. These are also not the people turning towards these kinds of traditions.
In the same way, the people these days that go around around yelling 'degeneracy!' are always autistic, ugly, beta, small dicked, etc. Again, I've never seen a male model looking ass motherfucker campaigning for celibacy, because of course, why would they? It's not a problematic area of life for them.

I find that in general strong ideologies always attract meek people. Like the Nazi high command was filled with a bunch of manlet, weak jawlined, turbo beta's. Or for example, I like to read up on the occult, and most prominent occult figures have also been fat, ugly, bald, etc.

I reckon it's to do with the fact that when people can't full fill their primary biological function - simply put; they can't get laid- because of physical ineptitude e.g. lack of attractive physical attributes, they turn towards an ideological output to justify their lack of 'base fulfilment'.

>> No.9908971

you should read Freud

>> No.9908974

this is essentially a nietzschean line of reasoning,“To get up in the morning, in the fullness of youth, and open a book--now that’s what I call vicious!”

>> No.9908984
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>that pic

>> No.9908989

Agriculture, Islam, the French revolution, communism, naziism, computer programming, space exploration and shale oil are all known beta uprisings

>> No.9908994

These are all beta uprisings based on cooperation and intelligence, which the current beta uprising lacks.

>> No.9909003

I agree to some extent it stems from that, but it's not black and white. Look at Kirkegaard. Are you Alpha or Beta and are you into some strong ideology? Sometimes I meet very attractive and successful people who subscribe to the strongest of ideologies, they just might not be the loud ones.
t. chad here failing at practicing abstinence and looking for fulfillment elsewhere than in my biological function that i adequately fulfill

>> No.9909007
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>posting on 4chan
cope, only mentally ill incels post on imageboards and forums. Chad barely even knows what a computer is.

>> No.9909010
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>Look at Kirkegaard

>> No.9909021
File: 1.45 MB, 2230x3072, Schiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, he was fucking deformed. Schiller is the only philosopher I can think of to even slightly approach handsome.

>> No.9909023

if you fit that description and have not met a chad in real life, that doesn't mean it's true. But okay, I'll take it back, I might not be a Chad by everyone's standards, because I browse a Tanzanian fingerpainting forum

>> No.9909036

Derrida is pretty hot too

>> No.9909037
File: 1.05 MB, 672x4688, 1499008119187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad does not mean someone who has sex. What a lot of people don't understand is that you can have sex pretty much every day and still be incel.

>> No.9909039
File: 2.12 MB, 491x270, w8kidl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got that balkan war criminal phenotype, he could probably run DOM psychopath game if he just started pinning

>> No.9909042

>Nietzsche 5'8"
He was tall for 19th century standards.

>Camus - 5'7"
He was 5'9. Regardless, 5'7 ws nothing freaky in early 19th century France.

>> No.9909043


Literally this


>> No.9909052

I didn't say that. I know a lot of guys get laid a lot and don't fit the chad stereotipe. That's also another point against what the person I was replying to was claiming.

>> No.9909058
File: 214 KB, 894x894, kaga_rin_vector__usagi_drop__by_yonnji-d63y7st[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% true. Philosophy is just losers trying to justify their losses in life.

>> No.9909059

Do you have sex, anon? :)

>> No.9909083

>you can have sex pretty much every day and still be incel
How many people do you know that fit this? Cause I know none.

>> No.9909238

>anime picture

>> No.9909424

This is essentially a dumb version of Nietzsche's concept of slave morality. Hopefully you can see the irony.