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/lit/ - Literature

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9900257 No.9900257 [Reply] [Original]

This is amazing.

>> No.9900262

What did you like about it?

I have never heard of this book

>> No.9900269

It literally change the way you see the world. And it's not a meme this time

>> No.9901029

its a very hard book to tackl not only because of the topic which is one of the most relevant in the field of philosophy and cognitive science but merleau-ponty's lenguage demands a good amount of focus to follow his train of thaught but also takes alot of prior knowledge of which merelau-ponty kinga expects you allready have when reading his book. i dont know of any author that did souch a good job of providing souch a good acount and combining modern science (at the time) with fenomenology which is an inherantly subjective experience and thus very hard to put into a objective format.

>> No.9901043

What's the background knowledge he requires? Please don't tell me that I have to read Husserl.

>> No.9901062

>some dude relying on imagination talks about perception

never change rationalists

>> No.9901169

well yea you should have a basic knowledge of bentham husserl and heidegger also descarts cant and hume would also help just so you know where all the thaugh of merleau-ponty is coming from. His work is also based on gestalt psychology and he makes noumerous refferences through out the book.

>> No.9901174

Kant* not cant omg :S

>> No.9901189

Any good secondary sources/introductions to Merleau-Ponty?

>> No.9901190


It's one of the seminal works of phenomenology. I would say only Ideas I & II from Husserl are more important. Long story short, it is a work that seeks to give the body its fair shake when it comes to perception and consciousness as well as argue against physical reductionism (a la Dennett). It requires previous study in Descartes, Kant, Husserl, and Heidegger at least. But PoP is a magnum opus and one of the greatest works of the 20th Century because it is stylistically perfect, philosophically brilliant, and prescient for today. M-P is also probably the most in-vogue philosopher at the moment in professional continental philosophy, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.9901278

You need basics in Phil plus husserl and heidegger for ponty.

Prob I have with ponty is he tries to bring phenomonology out of husserl psychologicalism by creating phenominological realities between people.

But also lol this has nothing to do with volk I swear I'm not fascist even though only similar people could even experience what I'm talking about :^)

>> No.9901321

>the most in-vogue philosopher in professional continental philosophy
Probably not.

>> No.9901440


It's either him or Arendt. That is just from what I have seen from all the conferences ive gone to in the last year which includes the APA and SPEP. Not to mention the journal articles outside of the Merleau-Ponty journal.

>> No.9901488

>M-P is also probably the most in-vogue philosopher at the moment in professional continental philosophy
wouldn't that be Deleuze?

>> No.9901504
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BotNS gets all the memes, but this is seriously one of the greatest novels i've ever read.

>> No.9901522

give me the basic Gestalt of this book

>> No.9901539

There seems to be a phenomenological turn in the cognitive sciences and AI at the moment. Merleau-Ponty is very useful to contextualize perception for AI research because the the traditional approach seemed to have ontological difficulties (frame problem etc). Hubert Drefuss was one of the first philosophers to connect phenomenologist like Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty to the problems of AI.

The current big hype is embodied cognition. Can ontological variation be linked to embodiedness? Lakoff wrote a book about mathematical concepts and the body. I think it's possible to bridge the gap between Fodor's language of thought and the linguistic relativist by using these phenomenological insights.

So he may not be the most 'in-vogue' philosopher, but a lot is happening in this area.

>> No.9901558


>> No.9901569
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I don't think I've ever seen a Flaubert thread on here

>> No.9901629

I'm not the guy who you are responding to, but isn't Gestalt basically discredited? If this is the case, how does that damage Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological descriptions?

>> No.9901656


Deleuze seems to be falling out of favor at the moment and most of the work that I see that's not from the already entrenched Deleuze camp seems to be heavily critical of Deleuze's ethical blindsides. I'm a big fan of Deleuze myself but philosophers have been criticizing him for basically ignoring politics altogether.

>> No.9901663

>embodied cognition

Another good guy on this Shaun Gallagher at U Memphis for anyone interested.

>> No.9901674


>isn't Gestalt basically discredited?

No. Where did you pick up that notion?

>> No.9901678

But why never discussed here? Merleau-Ponty is absolutely classic, so mmany classical works and authors i never saw here

>> No.9901700


Merleau-Ponty was the greatest writer on phenomenology. He simultaneously revived and revised the foundations of the discipline discovered by Husserl.

>> No.9901779

Plato get back in your cave

>> No.9901793

Flaubert absolutely deserves more attention, the rhythm of his prose even in translation is transcendent.

>> No.9901822


Because /lit/ is made up of adolescent boys who think post-modernism is gnawing away at their whiteness. This is not a place for philosophical discussion but for shitposting.

>> No.9901827

this desu

>> No.9901828
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>> No.9901834

Hadrian VII

>> No.9902841

thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.9902852

get out

>> No.9902853
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literally on the top 100

lurk more newfag

>> No.9903200


Listed. How's the writing, though?


fite me

>> No.9904074

It's probably the best work on phenomenology I've read, although I found it pretty hard to read because I'm a brainlet

I found his argument against solipsism to be lacking however

>> No.9904271
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>> No.9904303


agreed. unfortunate that low-iq mongoloids have found peterson. 50% aren't even listening to what he is saying they are just getting Joe Rogan podcast asmr background noise, the other 45% conflate everything he says to three words "postmodern left anti-rational", the next 4% understand him and follow the nuance of his arguments, but do not understand that they should treat him as a colleague of thought, not a master, he isn't a groundbreaking thinker in any way at all, he is simply communicating a student's understandings of very important works. That doesn't take away from his intelligence, most will not understand many of the texts he discusses at the level he does, but that does not change his status as a thinker, Peterson is NOT Nietzche and he is NOT Aristotle, he is not DESCARTES and he is not ARENDT, in fact he is not even close.

But peterson-fags will read this and get mad ofc, I sympathize with Peterson and to a great deal I share a direction or inclination that he does, but unfortunately his fame and success is incredibly premature, and I think his intellectual development will stagnate as a consequence. I think having thousands of people worship your very existence and treat you as a god or biblical figure when you are only an infant in your development, it is nearly impossible to continue to grow, even if you have great potential. (listen to his bible series abraham lecture, he reads out loud a letter from a student saying she had a shamanic vision that he was sent by god to restore the masculine christian principle)

>> No.9904312

Shouldn't a list of top 100 books of 2017 be books from 2017?

>> No.9904319

i can't even think of a #1 book from 2017 i've never read a book written after 1960, not being ironic

>> No.9904331

>finnegan's wake 5
jesus christ, charlatans

>> No.9904334
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Read this a few months back, amazing shit.

>> No.9904349

No numbnuts kys

>> No.9904350

I'd say Process and Reality by Whitehead, Athens and Jerusalem by Shestov, or any work by Aristotle in a serious capacity.
That said, I suppose the onus is on ourselves in cases like this.

>> No.9904369
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Jesus christ when will you discordfags stop posting the fake list? here's the one from before all the votes were tossed out.

>> No.9904709

hahaha what the fuck. couldn't stop laughing at your terrible spelling these posts literally made my day thank you.

>> No.9904724

Are you husserl anon?

>> No.9904977

That shamanic vision was pretty accurate desu. He certainly had that effect in my life at least.

I agree the hero worship is annoying. You can recognize the the people for whom he is babby's first philosopher by how they exclusively use his language for things.

>> No.9904983

That sounds balling, I've been wanting to become more politically woke so this sounds great

>> No.9905012
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Australian chiming in here with a little known classic of ours.

>> No.9905179
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Frog and Toad is superior to Nietzsche and all your other faggot philosopher wankstains desu.

>> No.9905187
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>> No.9905774
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>> No.9905781

>finnegan's wake

you need to go back

>> No.9905811
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>> No.9906143

Is this an explicit guide on how to make it or a book about making things explicit

The title is confusingly vague

>> No.9906220
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>ordinary language philosophy

>> No.9906717


>> No.9907089

>but philosophers have been criticizing him for basically ignoring politics altogether

If that's the case then I think it's high time I stop ignoring Deleuze altogether.

>> No.9907171

i am dis




>> No.9907277
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>> No.9907850

gotchu famalam

>> No.9907854

>dirty italian communist who literally fucked street children
yeah no thanks

>> No.9909108
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explain yourselves plebs

>> No.9909187

Well, that may be a useful list to mine titles to read for someone who is starting out, but the order is humorous (FW at 5, topkek) and I hate it when people include multiple novels under one title. I lose it completely when I see people list the Complete Works of Shakespeare. That implies they are wholly incapable of differentiating between different Shakespeare plays and have probably only read one or two. Doood, it's Billy Shaksbeer, of course it's the greatest!

I could also bicker about many (m-a-n-y) of the books included. Blindness in any top 100? It's not even remotely on that level. Hawkes, Schmidt, Peake in the complete absence of authors like Claude Simon, Ivo Andric, Isaac Singer, and many others? Invitation to a Beheading? Whut? Multiple Ishiguro books? Etc. This is such a strange smörgåsbord of books. You could replace at least 30 titles on this list with novels from 19th century German literature alone to increase the quality. Pssh.