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9894120 No.9894120 [Reply] [Original]

let us not forget that tearing down statues is an act after a regime has fallen. let us destroy this invasive and plaguing regime growing in our midst by instead murdering communist puppetteers, destroying their fundraising abilities, assassinating their brains, not their celebrities, not their facemen who will become martyrs. but eradicate those who hold the keys in their groups, people who know the passwords to their many leftist group funds, let us kill the man with a thousand and one numbers saved in his cell phone, all connections, all groups of bribery, of degeneracy, etc.

let us find them where they sleep, in the gardens of depravity, the warehouses they use to do drugs and connect and plot. let us go and destroy these shadow businesses, placeholders for tax exempt slush funds aided by leftist politicians and controllers. let us destroy their brains. without organizaton, they are nothing but silly rats. that is what makes a smart man, a smart group, to surgically strike the nerve centers, not to overwhelm like barbarous vermin.

i suppose it is not time for men to fight. they do not stand up beneath a true and fierce leader. they burrow underground into mines, factories, mills. they do not wish to fight. shame. they will be destroyed. they will be erased. the left subscribes viciously to might makes right.
in reality, they command the board. they hold the keys. otherwise men would know that holding morality as a higher ground only works when the society is founded upon those morals, when the might is behind the thunderbolts of god himself.

nay, these are nihilists, atheists, anarchists, and communists. men and women and beasts without morals. they must be destroyed, or what we see as morality will evaporate before us into a sodom and gomorrah. i fear it has already come. lawlessness will strike, while police will strike against those who morality dictates to, the ones who believe. the horde will never be smote by the law. they have built a sub-society within america that gives its allegiance to a world without morality.

>> No.9894139

oh, wait, i forgot the obligatory tag.

"books for this feel?"

>> No.9894149

>we must break the law to prevent the law from being broken

Where do I put my credit card details?

>> No.9894158

I mean, nice blog post, but maybe keep it to your blog.

This is probably a lost cause, but you're wrong about this - the left have morals, they're just not /your/ morals, and flinging various reactionary terms at them is the opposite of actually having any nuanced understanding of them.
Leftists very much value kindness, largely amongst one another. they value cherishment without exception and friendliness over honesty or direct communication.

You're probably deranged, and your tendency to operate and think, as is so terrifyingly common nowadays, along solely ideological identitarian lines i think betrays some deep insecurity and fear of your own individual merits. you cannot understand a thing from your position on the ground. you must fly to a higher vantage point, a transcendent perspective - but the nets of tribalism are flung at the individual in his attempt to do this.

im sorry to say you've been caught in one.

>> No.9894169

a simplistic view of what i said.
not to stop them from breaking laws, but to uphold the foundation below them. there would be no laws in this sub-society building from within. none familiar to a moral man. no, there will be rampant death across this country for the sake of an ideology that holds a human life to be less than anything else.
what problem would there be in destroying the vermin who organize the very crumbling of society? is that not just?

>> No.9894175

ah yes, ad hominem without even a brief pause.

i am not deranged, nor do i subscribe to any law or ideology than my own. do you think anyone on say, /pol/, believes in what i say in this post? you think they believe they should eradicate the destroyers of art, truth, morality? i do not. i think they are simply reactionary.

if you say that the left has morals, show me one that they have not turned on in such short order as to make my eyes pop out from rolling so hard.

>> No.9894180

>Leftists very much value kindness, largely amongst one another
Except it's not just kindness, it's also discussion or assumption of a position and refusal to communicate.
There are a few groups who do or are said to have done this.
It's an attitude which leads to purges and genocide.

Actions speak louder than words.

>> No.9894182


cringe cringe cringe cringe

>> No.9894183

absolutely not. that Is the destruction of society.

If i thought like you, i would think you should be killed for what you are posting here
but then of course, i should be killed too.

btw your highfalutin writing style doesn't give credence to your abhorrent and terrible ideas.

>> No.9894186

>left, right, left, right
who fucking cares holy shit

>> No.9894190

is live and let live not just?

>no, there will be rampant death across this country for the sake of an ideology that holds a human life to be less than anything else.

you've described your own position.

>> No.9894201

never said anything of the right, but they too must be eradicated, they hold dear values that let art, truth, and morality slip through the cracks. they value money and status, a prideful advance, but ultimately on the same table as the left. the left love censorship and the deconstruction of morality and philosophy into nothing.

if you think you will be safe, then you are wrong. if you think my thoughts are not simply the way of man, that might is right, then you are wrong. if you think a crust of bread will fall your way among the soup kitchens of either ideological totality, then you are so, so wrong.

>> No.9894203

>let's fucking kill them because i think if we don't theyll "destroy truth"
>not deranged
uh huh, sure buddy.
and what the fuck, i bet plenty of /pol/emics agree with this shit youre spouting. why on earth are you suspect of that? how is what you're saying not in line with the pol identity?

i would not be surprised if the man behind the wheel in charlottesville was a /pol/ poster

extremists are fucking terrifying, what's wrong with you people.

>> No.9894208

nonsense, i hold life in great esteem, which is why i must kill those who would threaten life at large. life with purpose. you do not think that these irrational, suicidal, nihilistic, communistic and fascistic people pose no greater threat than a mere death or two that would be required to stop them? love and let live is just, but to lay down one's arm to an enemy never fought is not just.

>> No.9894213

ah yes, whimper whimper, you're so frigtened.

you shouldn't be afraid of my idea of order. that dumb boy drove into a crowd of innocent morons. useful idiots. he himself was yet another, i am proposing to destroy the puppetteers. i propose to stop the danse macabre of the mannequins.

>> No.9894214

look man, I'm very much opposed to both the right and left, and in favor of some sort of alt-centrist mentality

but you seem to be a crazy person, and what you are proposing is either poorly expressed or just as bad as either of them.

the abyss stares back, i suppose.

>> No.9894221

ha. enjoy yourself as you get ground under the wheel. i am for society, i am no centrist. i think morality, art, and truth are to be held in the highest order. to destroy those who would erase the immortality of art in humanity is hardly radical. no different from ensuring mold doesn't reach the mona lisa.

>> No.9894238

also, i must say, that none of them feel this way. they are all reactionary, feel they must go out and tear down a statue, as though the destruction of art is the greatest way to fight a group of highly organized, well equipped, and utterly nihilistic monsters. yes, destroy more history and art. that will solve the issue posthaste!

>> No.9894240

>i think morality, art, and truth are to be held in the highest order
Aren't these some of the things Hitler believed?
I'm fairly certain these are things Hitler believed.

>> No.9894252

>is live and let live not just?

No. It is not just, for example, to idly stand by as your kin or countrymen participate in self-destructive (or worse) behavior. Are you not your brother's keeper?

>> No.9894256

so, bad men cannot utter truth? did stalin not offer words of wisdom?
what a worthless criticism to toss at one.
"truth, you know who liked truth? ted bundy.
art? oh man."

>> No.9894263

Yeah, upholding art as something on par with truth is folly.
If you're going to push for truth, you'll have to push culture and tradition alongside it.
Why? Because without culture and tradition, you'd never get to the point where truth is valued so highly. Neglect the basis, the pillars of the old world and you'll find your foundation unable to support whatever you put on top of it.

>> No.9894271

my god, art is not culture and tradition now? the fuck are you talking about? i am literally talking about keeping the foundation of society whole by destroying its enemies, and someone lodges a whiny complaint that hitler believed in truth.
i responded by saying that ted bundy liked truth, charles manson sure looooved art. to illustrate that it's hardly an argument to associate ideas with men to discredit the validity of the ideas.

>> No.9894274

>eradicate the left and right
>"I'm no centrist"

I'm gonna go read a book anon.

>> No.9894281

Because the term "art" can be applied to anything these days.
It can be affixed to leaving your glasses unattended in a museum. Art is not truth nor does it reflect culture or tradition anymore. It reflects hedonism and self importance.

>> No.9894283

you do that. maybe you'll learn not to believe in false trichotomies.

>> No.9894286


All rhetoric, no philosophy.

>> No.9894288

reminder that if enough people report shit threads, they stand a decent chance of being deleted

>> No.9894292

that statement implies that art reflected culture and tradition. i never claimed that art WAS truth, either. it is one of the aspects of society i hold dear and wish to protect. i would say that art degenerated as a direct result of society, and indeed is perfectly reflecting the tradition and culture that exists in this country, if the culture and tradition is hedonism and self importance, then it does not mean it has stopped reflecting culture, but rather culture has become hedonistic and self important.

>> No.9894293

>you do not think that these irrational, suicidal, nihilistic, communistic and fascistic people pose no greater threat than a mere death or two that would be required to stop them?

Why are you resorting to death at all if you hold life in great esteem? This doesn't seem like the rationalisation of someone who holds morality and truth in highest regard, unless you value morality and truth above life. In which case is it possible that leftists do the same, but their morality and truth has arrived at a different conclusion from the same or similar premises? In which case I think an open dialogue with your enemy is a better course of action than their destruction.

>> No.9894295

>boo hoo, there's an ideological thread that isn't about commies

>> No.9894297

>art didn't reflect culture and tradition
>art reflects culture and tradition
If you even want to pretend you're having a consistent conversation, head over the /pol/ with this.
Otherwise, what does this have to do with this board?

>> No.9894302

An ideological thread on a literary board.
>b-but where else am I going to spread my poorly written autism?

>> No.9894303

is one life more important than a thousand lives when judged only on the standards of life itself and not the men to die?
do you think that the left believes in art? if so, why do they destroy it? censor it?
also, open dialogue with north korea seems to work wonders, eh? what a joke.

life is important, which is why i want more of it. i would rather kill ten thousand if it meant one million would live.

>> No.9894312

>i can't discern a response from a statement
art does indeed reflect it. the man above claimed that it did not any longer, and that it had shifted. i hold that art constantly reflects culture and tradition. he said art doesn't reflect "anymore" i replied that it dodmat one time, and that it still does.
>what are some books about marxism?
>books about marxism pls
>ay yo communism book opinions pls

>> No.9894315

*did at one time

>> No.9894330

The world doesn't have the same culture and traditions all over.
Art does not reflect culture and tradition anymore.
Not all places are international hubs.
Not all cultures or traditions are internationally known or respected.
Therefore, sage.

>> No.9894334

If you value life then the loss of zero lives by your own hand should be more important than the loss of one. And the loss of one better than the loss of two, etc. There is no guarantee you preserve a million more lives unless you yourself refrain from taking those lives.

Yes the left believes in art, if we follow the stereotype. Anything can be art. There hasn't been a single regime in history that has not destroyed or censored art. It's not an excuse to hunt leftists.

What open dialogue with North Korea?

>> No.9894335

On second thought don't reply to this because I won't be coming back to the thread

>> No.9894337


>> No.9894356

>comfirming the censorship of the left
all of this is patently false, but as you say, you won't respond anymore.

anyway, when your art vanishes, you will realize. i won't worry about your pain. it is well deserved.

>> No.9894363

>if i kill this mass murderer, it won't save the lives he will destroy
>if we don't stop this company from polluting, they will destroy the population around them with poison in their water.
>if we don't kill these mosquitos, they will spread disease and kill millions.

>> No.9894378

>art, truth, and morality
Expand on these, alone they are near-meaningless. Just flowery words with no substance.

Extremists are terrifying in that they are basically inhuman. More like robots and feedback loops. There is no nuance or rationale.

>> No.9894386
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>extremists are fucking terrifying

people like you have no stomach for revolution, and thus, no real convictions. you don't believe in anything nor truly deserve anything because you're not ready to die for it. but that is besides the point

you should read mundus millennialis. you should also try to understand that those who do evil in this world are going to be judged with extreme prejudice very fucking soon.

the corrupt ruling bodies of the world are being dismantled rather handily by the culture heroes that we have yet to recognize. your duty as someone who has this direction towards nobility is to find yourself and wield your power to push society in a different direction.

It's a culture war. We don't know when it will escalate into a martial conflict, so we do what we can until/if then.

>> No.9894390

i must say this is one of the dumbest things i've read on /lit/, and i even read my own stupid posts.
art reflects the localized traditions and culture. if that culture has access to international communications, then the art indeed reflects that.
you think that post-modern deconstructive art is the only to currently exist? you have such a juvenile opinion of art, no wonder you don't think it important in this world.

>> No.9894391

I think you misplaced your (you)s anon.

>> No.9894400

>if I don't get to blogpost l i t e r a l l y everywhere it's censorship
>a literature board? an asmr video comment section? the linux kernel mailing list? all must suffer my blogitry or be charged with censorship

>> No.9894401

>art, truth, and morality are so devoid in his mind that they can be disregarded as "flowery words with no substance"
i have no time to teach you what morality is, jesus christ.

>> No.9894416

>muh safe space

here, i'll change the topic to something that you're more familiar with.

"i want to destroy evil, books for this feel?"
piss off, dipshit.

i certainly hope you're right. at least to certain points.

>> No.9894424

>money has no influence
Head off to reddit or /pol/
Sage in all fields.

>> No.9894442

what in the fuck does money not have to do with culture, so much so as to be an aspect of it to be reflected in art? fuck sake you're retarded. yeah i might hold extremist views, but you have such a narrow view of art that you're almost insulting.

>> No.9894452

You might be an extremist, but you just might be autistic.
Imagine not being able to connect such blatant dots.

>> No.9894474
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blatant dots? such as? your complete misunderstanding of the scope of art? no, that blatant dot is all too fuckin clear, bud.

money is part of culture. it changing hands does not suddenly transform art from reflecting culture into something else. if money influences art in some way, it is an example of culture giving something new for art to reflect.
god what a dumbshit you are.

>> No.9894485

>i want to destroy evil
Sounds like you're the one asking for a safe space shithead.

>> No.9894492

So close, yet so far.
You can keep lashing out but it won't change the fact that you can't understand basic principles outside of something spoon fed to you.

>> No.9894500
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>destroying evil is the same as trying to censor all distasteful ideologies around me
you sure stumped me.

>> No.9894513
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>i'm incapable of expressing myself in any cohesive way that pushes forth an argument i have, therefore i win
god you're fucking retarded.

>> No.9894521

Yes, just like that.
>everybody seems to be disagreeing with me
>this must mean everyone else is retarded

>> No.9894525

You don't even know what art is.

>> No.9894544

i mean, look. i say art is important to society.
you say art doesn't reflect culture.
it clearly does, in many ways, and i show examples.
you then go on to say something along the lines of 'because art is not universal across all cultures and traditions, namely that pygmies in the rain forests don't create simulacrum of vivaldi and picasso, art is therefore a useless thing and not as important as truth'
this is the shit you're saying. utter nonsense.

>> No.9894563
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>because pic related exists, no art reflects culture, even though it literally reflects an aspect of culture
>because people purchase art, it commercializes and destroys art, it certainly couldn't be that art is reflecting that commercialism in turn

>> No.9894565

>Don't understand artificial vs organic
>Still certain if his position
Carry on, anon.

>> No.9894577

>implying artificial art is somehow not art
you really should read The Recognitions.

>> No.9894610

>buy 100 cars
>request they all be black
>consumers only want black cars
You seem to be struggling with this.

>> No.9894628

god, you're stupid. a scupture of plastics, metal, rubber, circuits, etc., the automobile, is a prime example of art. if the consumer of art requests art of a certain color, it is not devoid of being artistic.

if i tell a painter of portraits to paint me a portrait, is that which he paints now no longer art, now no longer reflecting culture, the culture of purchase, of self image, of pride?
the only thing i'm struggling with is how much it hurts laughing at your posts.

>> No.9894637

Yeah you sure got me.
Fallacies and 'artificial' influences don't exist.
I'll leave now so you can celebrate in a way to which you're accustomed --Alone.

>> No.9894638

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/11035484