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/lit/ - Literature

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9893815 No.9893815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is religion for smart people or dumb people?

>> No.9893823

religion its for the poor people

>> No.9893839

People who don't real are religious. People who read a bit are atheists. People who read a lot are religious.

>> No.9893842

The reasons for engaging with theology are more amenable to a smart/dumb dichotomy than theology itself

>> No.9893851

The open minded.

>> No.9893870

>dumb people are religious
>smart people aknowledge the value of religion
>average fucktards think they're enlightened for not believing in god

thats the ranking op

>> No.9893875

Rational, open-minded, well-adjusted, intelligent, lovers of wisdom are religious. Atheist people have such strong contempt for religion because, due to endowment of inferior mental faculties, they are simply incapable of comprehending the possibility that anything exists beyond our understanding.

>> No.9893909


>> No.9893940

Religion is for all people

>> No.9893970

What about people who don't bother to read things they just wrote?

>> No.9893972

Rational, open-minded, well-adjusted, intelligent, lovers of wisdom don't use strawman arguments.

>> No.9893980

True (Mere) Christianity is for smart people. Religion is for proles.

>> No.9894012

smart people recognise the valuable aspects of religion and belief whilst not taking it as literal

>> No.9894057

Intelligent and unintelligent people, slightly above average intellects need not apply.

>> No.9894063

This right here.

>> No.9894088


Be religious for a love of God, not for a love of Enlightenment memes.
Fuck off, teenage Peterson suckoffs.

>> No.9894090

Absolute legalist cancer.

>> No.9894094

these are the worst people

>> No.9894095


oh nice it's that screeching autist guy again

how you been bro

>> No.9894100

>anybody i dont like is autistic!

>> No.9894104



no just you specifically

>> No.9894110


>> No.9894122

He was a wise man who invented God

>> No.9894125

because they think religion is a tool to control others

>> No.9894126

Said with a tone of smartness but very stupid.

>> No.9894133

100% this

>> No.9894136
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I remember when this was a board about literature

>> No.9894142

religion is for immature people, stupid or smart

>> No.9894147

and something that has given many people's lives meaning

>> No.9894152

dumb people don't believe in religion
average people have allegorical interpretations of religion
smart people believe religion dogmatically, never questioning a word

>> No.9894153

Religion is for dumb or insecure people

>> No.9894155

jizz, you got cucked hard, my friend

>> No.9894156
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Smart people
>Inb4 muh opiate of the masses
Only brainlet say this. Don't be a brainlet

>> No.9894163

this right here

>> No.9894170



>> No.9894194

Does it though?

I would say people who get truly meaningful lives from religion are pretty rare. More often is the case that people use religion as an excuse to stop thinking about it.

>> No.9894215

You're right. Only during the Renaissance people get meaningful lives from religion. I can't think of wiser people than Dante, Petrarch, Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo. They exploited their religious beliefs to make supreme art. But before then and after then religion didn't produce many great men, if we put aside a few philosophers.

>> No.9894224

Stop deluding yourself. Every 'artist' you mentioned is pure trash.

>> No.9894227
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>But before then and after then religion didn't produce many great men, if we put aside a few philosophers
So this is the true power of autism

>> No.9894233

You had memes indigestion today, bro?

>> No.9894235
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>> No.9894241

I'm pretty right wing but this return of the religious right among youth doesn't bode well. There just aren't enough smart or nuanced thinkers around.

>> No.9894246

Religion is for closeted fags, like everyone of you probably

>> No.9894249

I'm not a closeted fag I'm a closeted hebephile

>> No.9894251

Came here to post this.

>> No.9894255

What a meme!!!

>> No.9894279

God made smart people and they bitch on religion. literally basic bitches of destiny like rich kids who waste daddy's money

>> No.9894294

They aren't smart

>> No.9894299

1 Cor. 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

Religion is for foolish people, who thereby become wise; irreligion is for wise people, who thereby become fools.

>> No.9894310


>> No.9894374


>> No.9894394

You can shove the "This" in your ass

>> No.9894398

smart or dumb do not exist.

>> No.9894410

Why is this board in full "no literature allowed" mode in the middle of the night on a weekday?

>> No.9894423

Because this board is not about literature, it's about memes

>> No.9894451

religion is a tool to control the suggestible

>> No.9894457

>Is religion for smart people or dumb people?
Let's stop with the 'duh I'm/I'm not religious then I'm better than you' narrative.

People who need religion want answers they could understand, the others not. There are smart people and dumb people in both groups, and everybody know it.

>> No.9894470

There's nothing transgressive about fucking teenagers

>> No.9894472

>not taking it literal
fuck off and take your Darwinian Orthodoxy with you.

>> No.9894484

By teenagers you mean 13-year-olds and by fucking you mean obsessively wanting a relationship, and being totally exclusive to that age within a year's range, then yes.
How is that not transgressive by the way?

>> No.9894486

e d g y

>> No.9894506

Spooks are real. Treat others like they were matter and see them possessed.

>> No.9894517

They are very real but they are not worth my praise.

>> No.9894533

Praise is a spook, though...

>> No.9894541

If you're talking about organized religion, it's for uneducated sheep. If you mean individual, more spiritual religion or something, then it's probably for smart people (ex: believing in objective idealism but not belonging to a certain faith).

>> No.9894550

Spooks are reified in the mind of God and are therefore real.

>> No.9894561

No, heresy is not for 'smart people'. No, you are not smart.

>> No.9894582

Truth is that organized people can achieve far greater results in any field. Although personal relationship with God is important, you miss a lot by isolation. Even monks form monasteries.

>> No.9894607

>look at me I can't decide on anything I'm better than you
fence sitter should be hanged left to the crows

>> No.9894764

It's like a free lottery ticket.

>> No.9894883

for people who want to feel safe and secure

>> No.9894908

How about both religion and atheism are for people and tolerance is the most noble of all virtues?

>> No.9894921


>> No.9894927

Kinda hard to make those generalisations. For instance in the USA most stupid people are uber religious, here in the UK being super contemptuous of religion is the normal dumb people opinion.

>> No.9894944

Religion is for dumb people
Atheism is for mediocre people
Esotericism is for smart people

>> No.9894958

p much

>> No.9895004
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>tolerance is the most noble of all virtues

>> No.9896339

ask jews

>> No.9896352


Christians are considered wierdos in the UK. I have not seen praise for someone being a Christian in a long long time.

>> No.9896415

This, basically.

>> No.9896484

Neither. It's for the lost and weak who need guidance and illusion of order and purpose.

>> No.9896514

Religion is for everyone

>> No.9896719
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>>smart people aknowledge the value of religion
Nice brand of atheism, cuck.

>> No.9896733
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>the value of religion
That's what you discussed last sunday?

>> No.9896752

For the poor and the dumb. They will pray for god to give them riches and make their future better instead of doing something themselves

>> No.9896770

>It's for the lost and weak who need guidance and illusion of order and purpose.
the most powerful governments in the world are founded on religious principles; their societies structured by their religion, giving the people within purpose. this is to say, you are speaking stupid

>They will pray for god to give them riches and make their future better instead of doing something themselves
the people who do this are as religious as a sociopath is a saint

>> No.9896777

sorry i forgot to (you) your retarded post

>> No.9896836
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This is basically how it went for me
>born into religious family
>fedora atheist phase hits me quite early
>after a while of smugness, actually start reading the philosophical canon and the bible
>realize the limits of physicalism and rational thought, start exploring faith based options
Never felt better until I took that leap

>> No.9897044

actually this

>> No.9897056
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>This thread

I though /lit/ was full of leftist faggots

>> No.9897073

Being leftist and religious are not mutually exclusive

>> No.9897082

I was referring to leftist faggots

aka: anything of culture the west is the fucking devil because muh communist author says so

>> No.9897090

It's depends on how you do it.

protip: religious texts are not objective accounts

>> No.9897091

>Thinking cultural decay is the fault of leftists and not capitalism
read Adorno

>> No.9897104

the fuck?
what does that have to do with anything
have you tried not seeing your enemy: capitalism, fucking everywhere?


>> No.9897108

That's quite hard when it's the system you live under, anon

>> No.9897113

oh god
you are fucking /pol/ with red paint on it

>> No.9897137

Read Deleuze and Guittari you fucking pseud.

>> No.9897160

>le radical centrist
>on /lit/
Read a book

>> No.9897388

Everyone of us believes in something, whether religious beliefs or firm inner morals we don't even dare to question.
It's a necessity in building a unitary self conscience.

>> No.9897427

Yeah, no. Why the fuck wouldn't you question every bit of essence of "you" that you can question to open up the possibility for improvement?

>> No.9897624

>this is what humanists actually believe

>> No.9898516

The common man follows religion because, in a way, they don't know any different. The routine, community, rituals, and other worldly aspects play a large role, though some are true believers.

Atheism is for the smarter man who knows that religion's mystical stories and myths can't be true, that the rituals, dogma, and community is a way for society to remain cohesive, but nonetheless is tyrannical. Cannot reconcile the problem of the existence of evil and an omnipotent, omniscient, loving God. Science explains everything to them.

Then there is the nest level. People who know what the atheist knows, yet have the capacity to see that those religious stories and myths are real, in that they are a distillation of the experiences of thousands of generations; from each generation coming a tiny drop of wisdom that can be achieved in the lifetime of a man. The problem of evil is no problem at all, and the existence of God is self evident in the deepest nature of everything. They believe truly in a God, though not necessarily an organized Church. Science explains everything AND nothing to them.

Only have anecdotal evidence here, but every old theoretical mathematician/physicist/chemist/biologist etc, that I've known has been a believer. I mean real theoretical people, not some chump who does a little coding and data processing for CERN. The smartest people I've met have been believers too, the problem with some of them is that they just can't accept that part of themselves.

>> No.9898540
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For people with fantastical thinking and unstable passionate emotions. They can be smart or dumb, but they're all equally wrong, giving in to their desires and turning a blind eye to the bare truth to hide away in their fantasy land.

>> No.9898578

Fuck off, you brainlet Peterson suckoff

>> No.9898581

There is no 'truth'

>> No.9898618

>in that they are a distillation of the experiences of thousands of generations
And are in no way more inherently valid or enlightening than any article written in the last fifty years.

>> No.9898678

>the nest level.
you got that right. the chicken's come home to roost. you find the indoctrination comfy. nothing wrong with that. it's the holy-rollers and the proselytizers that bother me.

>> No.9898790

Nice Waluigi post anon; I reckon waluigi has a lot to say about our generation

>> No.9899154

Absolute delusion.
You are the indoctrinated one. You are a slave.

>> No.9899246


> Makes no counter points
> Steps away from computer
> "Well, I sure showed him!"
Lurk Moar

>> No.9899713
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>Stupid people
Believe in god
>Medium intelligence
Don't believe
Pretend to believe in order to avoid mass genocide and chaos

>> No.9899728

Put your faith in the light and be rewarded beyond your wildest imagination.
Or challenge God himself with a claim at your own righteousness and face a bitter defeat.

>> No.9899733
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>tfw too smart but not smart enough to believe in God
>have to suffer through life knowing nothings waiting for me on the otherside

Maybe If I huff enough glue I can make it.

>> No.9899741

You forgot. People who read the most are agnostic

>> No.9899745

>t. retard

>> No.9899749

If there is no God, then how am I aware?
The informative structure of awareness is far more elegant and magnificent than we give it credit for. It is sheer coincidence that I can ponder my own existence?
"The brain does it" doesn't explain anything.

>> No.9899752

>i can make up my mind after i read a few books and stop thinking about it forever.

>> No.9899771

Fuck off. Holy shit, every last one of you children actually believe this meme.
The insincerely faithful are disgusting

>> No.9899775

Agnosticism is 'making up your mind', about having a fence pole shoved a few feet up your ass.

>> No.9899777


Before knowing anything I was taught that Religion was the way to go, but never really thought profoundly about it. After a few years (and a few fiction books) I realized there was no way there was someone with super-powers who created everything, /lit/ phase hits and I start reading more and more about philosophy and theism, jump to agnosticism.

That was it for me, at least. In a way no one knows the true story, so everyone is supposedly agnostic, but some decide to go extreme ways and claim one thing or the other (with no proof (religion), or weak proof(science when explaining the creation of the universe)), which is couterproductive. Whoever's not agnostic should really open their mind a bit and look at it objectively. Regardless, religion was one of the things that took humanity as far as we are (order and no chaos), but nowadays with laws et al religion loses that one 'trait'.

Essentially, religions are close-to-useless today but had a very important role in humanity, and rejecting it completely is idiotic.

>> No.9899781

You got it wrong. Agnosticism is recognizing that you don't know, and that there's no way of knowing.

I challenge religious people to prove to me that you're right, and atheistic people to do the same. It's LITERALLY impossible to do so.

>> No.9899796

As knowledge is a matter of certainty and not belief, it could be that agnostic atheists are arguing semantics with themselves. If someone says they know there is no God, it is not due to knowledge but conviction. And at it's root all of our knowledge is limited, we don't truly know anything with certainty. Everything is based on an induction reason (see Hume's the problem of induction)

To me to take an agnostic stance is more like proclaiming that you find the existence and non-existence of God both equiprobable propositions.

>> No.9899799

Go and pick a side then. It may or may not be the truth. But know that this tribalistic behaviour is the undoing of mankind.