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File: 158 KB, 720x644, whitey btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9891941 No.9891941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with people having a far greater IQ than yourself?

>> No.9891942

Self hatred and depression, also shitposting.

>> No.9891943

Why is that something I have to deal with?

>> No.9891945

IQ means nothing.

>> No.9891946

[citation needed]

>> No.9891948

Get impregnated by them

>> No.9891949

>implying IQ correlates to intelligence, success, or quality of life

>> No.9891956

>t. catherine hodgins, 26-year-old psych major currently working with preschoolers in the Bay Area

>> No.9891965
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Denial, cognitive dissonance, bursts of existential angst, self-doubt, waves of depression and manic laughter.

>> No.9891969
File: 29 KB, 430x350, 1490891518298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 131 on the Mensa test

>> No.9891972

Ouch, that's rough anon.

>> No.9891973

>IQ means nothing.
>the lord is my shepherd
Ayyy lmao.

>> No.9891976

IQ tests above 160, maybe 170 are pretty meaningless anyway. They're based on extrapolations assuming a normal distribution which is least likely to be accurate in the tails.

Anyway here's a decent one http://www.nicologic.fr/pattern.php

>> No.9891978


>> No.9891991

When I meet one I'll let you know
Dam this is a good shitpost. Better than mine

>> No.9891998

Having a high IQ dont mean you will have a good life neither means you will do good and/important stuff.
This obsecion over IQ is just as faith based as is religion.
There are tons of storys out there of Lil' genius that didnt lived long because together with their brainz came a fuckton of emocional problems.

>> No.9892000

you can't prove something doesn't mean something my dood

>> No.9892004

the onus lies on your to prove that statement my man

>> No.9892005

>IQ matters when I have the higher IQ
>IQ doesn't matter when I have the lower IQ

>> No.9892014

The thing is you can train for IQ tests, therefore making the scoring stupid

>> No.9892018


>> No.9892025

133 reporting in
Not gonna lie, I couldn't even begin to understand the patterns behind a few of those.

>> No.9892027

Wonder who's right

>> No.9892034

Apparently I scored 152 on this one, still I do not know if it really means something.

>> No.9892038

Obsessing over iq is a little too defeatist for me. That being said, I do get very upset and jealous when I meet someone with meaningful intellectual achievements.

>> No.9892042

no the onus lies on you to prove there is a relationship between IQ and intelligence not for me to prove there is not one my friend

>> No.9892045 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 1018x455, 1502739103576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain this shit to me (test spoiler)

How the fuck am I supposed to extrapolate a pattern out of this? That gap in between those two green blocks throws off every pattern I can identify. Just how stupid am I?

>> No.9892047

What is it even like to have an IQ >130? Do you just find everyone you talk to to be an animal compared to you?

>> No.9892054

Imagine being normal except you laugh at jokes a second or two faster than everyone else, you come up with ideas very easily, certain fields of study come easy to you for some reason, and you cry a lot

>> No.9892055

Just be schizophrenic dude, you'll see patterns everywhere

>> No.9892061

It's C right?

>> No.9892068

I got a 113 on my IQ test so Im goden

>> No.9892074
File: 552 KB, 545x640, 1491969088678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9892077

IQ is an useful but flawed measure of intelligence.
First of all, it tests solely logical skills, which are only a part of what we vaguely refer to intelligence.
It is also a relative scale : people decades ago would have a different IQ today because the average logical skills of everyone tends to increase as time goes by.
Moreover, IQ is influenced by environmental factors : you have more chance to have a better IQ if you have educated parents, you can lose IQ points due to poor lifestyle choice, and probably train to have better results.
In conclusion, stop obsessing over IQ, you just come as a lowbrow low-IQ faggot to someone who studied cognitive psychology a little bit.

>t. an alcoholic loser who was diagnosed as "gifted" during childhood

>> No.9892081

That one's C I think, going by how the different colors are spaced against each other.

>> No.9892082

Life just becomes more challenging socially because no mind is free from social conditioning and you constantly have to limit yourself to fit in.
>t. very superior range IQ

>> No.9892083

Why do African Americans arrogantly call themselves "king" or "queen" all the time?

Is it some kind of inferiority complex? Black Hebrew thing? What?

>> No.9892088

Einstein never took an IQ test. Don't believe things you read on Black Twitter. Lest you start believing in Yakub and KANGZ

>> No.9892090

>First of all, it tests solely logical skills, which are only a part of what we vaguely refer to intelligence.
And yet when charted out against """other kinds of intelligence""" IQ has a meaningful correlation with many of them. IQ was developed by continually abstracting multiple measures of intelligence and finding a measurable "root" of it all
>It is also a relative scale
Find me someone who would disagree with that. "100" in IQ is fucking defined as "the average"
>Moreover, IQ is influenced by environmental factors : you have more chance to have a better IQ if you have educated parents, you can lose IQ points due to poor lifestyle choice, and probably train to have better results.
The extent to which it is is disputed, but even if it was, that doesn't nullify its usefulness as a measure of capability

>> No.9892092
File: 79 KB, 874x684, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 129 iq

>> No.9892093

It's C.

There are never two white blocks stacked vertically.
The only time two white blocks are stacked horizontally is when there's a green on top of the left white and a red on top of the right white.
Blue is always on top of green

>> No.9892097
File: 15 KB, 443x290, a660574cfc3c6027639579a3c7cc3a8c9dad78b8454935fd384f063c241d7a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this was an un-biased, well put together test, created by a professional world renowned organisation.
Yes to both of those.

>> No.9892099

Beautiful work, thank you anon
You're a smarter man than me

>> No.9892103

The left column is shifted down by one, but you can see the right two columns aren't. Actually the pattern is just BGGWRW repeating in each column.

Yes, it's the only reasonable one other than A.

>> No.9892104

>Albert Einstein never took an IQ test
>Bill Gates claims he doesn't know his IQ
>Stephen Hawkins[sic] regularly mocks people who brag about their IQ and has never taken an IQ test
Black people are fucking retarded 2bh

>> No.9892107

I dont remember doing IQ teste when I was younger (well, actualy, I do, but I hated so I just marked the first option).
Now I used this site and said my IQ is 115 to 131.
Idk what this means, but either way, is this all about finding patterns?

>> No.9892108

>Imagine being normal except you laugh at jokes a second or two faster than everyone else

Its usually more like you recognized the abstract form of this joke eight years ago in another context and don't laugh at all, then start laughing like an idiot at stupid shit other people find weird

>> No.9892114

How do I evaluate my score on this?

>> No.9892117

So IQ is all about finding paterns like anon braged about?
Fuck IQ test. This is fucking boring as hell.

>> No.9892129

Finding patterns between annoyingly colored squares does not mean you're smart.

>> No.9892131

Please, bestow upon us your alternative that in no way introduces cultural or educative bias

We and every single person in the field of psychology will be waiting

>> No.9892133

It's specifically a pattern recognition section.

It tells you at the end.

>> No.9892135
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>> No.9892136
File: 27 KB, 741x609, 1498512589726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never bothered to take an IQ test
I just don't care. Giving myself a number just sounds depressing.

>> No.9892152

Is there an IQ test with words? I feel like I'd do better on that.

>> No.9892154

i got 126 answering up until 15. Randomly clicked the rest (got all those wrong except 1).

>> No.9892157

who cares? Do you honestly think actual smart and accomplished geniuses give a fuck about an iq score? I think I got 125-130 when I took the test as a kid, prob could get higher if I study it showing its uselessness

>> No.9892159

>someone shows me a masterfully written scene from a classic comedy
>I fully understand it but don't even smile unless I'm trying to be polite
>I listen to a single Longmont Potion Castle track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXBc8bhkrPM
>I'm nearly crying and pissing myself laughing within sixty seconds

>> No.9892162

No. Not a real one. Think about it for thirty seconds to understand why that is

>> No.9892173

I was trying this one and not only was hurting my eyes but some of the options dont make fucking sense.

So IQ test is just to find paterns. Oh, give me a break, how will this tell I am smart? So literaly every OCD person is the next genius.

>> No.9892175

You couldn't concentrate for 30 questions?

>> No.9892178
File: 42 KB, 479x720, 1380697092809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw IQ 125
feels ok, but I really don't feel particularly smart. feeling quite sluggish and foggy in the head

>> No.9892177


I figured that it's also C. I have no clue what the answer is. I saw it as vertical lines, top right to bottom left.

>> No.9892191

stop smoking weed

>> No.9892196
File: 980 KB, 480x360, 1472690654608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started using THC concentrate vapes and getting blazed every night
>start getting increasingly foggy and detached during the day
>take a two week break
>go back to normal, quick as a whip
>start getting high nightly again
>two months in and no noticeable difference during the day
>not sure if it stopped dulling me or if it made me stupid enough that I don't realize that it is

>> No.9892199

IQ test is just a ego stroking game. Literaly.

>> No.9892200

Neat observation
Now explain why that nullifies its credibility and usefulness

>> No.9892206

I dunno, smart guy. You have me utterly stumped.

>> No.9892209


>> No.9892219

Because it just a test to find paterns. There are people who are sick over doing such a thing, and this dosent necessarialy mean they are smart.
Like I said, then every OCD person is a fucking genius.
You may say that fiding paterns is a good logical skill, and I would agree with you, if not for the fact that logic reasoning dosent limit itself over paterns.
And also, a person dont need to be good at finding patterns to be a genius. What about the surrealist artists? Many of them we call genius, but their works have no logic what so ever.

I am no especialist at how inteligence works and even less on what defines a genius, but I found extremely dubious fiding paterns a sign of inteligence when some mental disorders make people do exactly this.
What it shows is that you are observent and can find patterns, dont tell you shit if you are able to able to understand, idk, Pi or Pytagoras.

>> No.9892230

brain can change very easily. As long as you havent been smoking since a really young age permanent effects are extremely rare

>> No.9892239

Language requires education, and you can also end up poorly educated. The point of an IQ test is to cut through every environmental factor possible and instead measure an inherent kind of intelligence that seems unaffected by culture or education.

>> No.9892255

>What it shows is that you are observent and can find patterns, dont tell you shit if you are able to able to understand, idk, Pi or Pytagoras
Except it absolutely does, and if you knew more about psychology and the history of IQ tests you'd know that

On its surface level it may seem like the test arbitrarily just decides that pattern finding = intelligence, but that conclusion actually has a lot of science behind it. The goal was to take all of the "different kinds of intelligence[sic]" and find a single measurable quality that shared a correlation with as many of them as possible. If you find that quality, which I believe we did, you can use it to get a fairly good prediction of an individual's performance in other areas of thought.


>> No.9892261

Wow, all of these describe me.

>> No.9892289

>inb4 the niglet grows up to do nothing of consequence despite getting full rides to every ivy league college in the country

Every time

>> No.9892291

Screenshotting your post for when he starts the next giant tech firm

>> No.9892292

Reminder that to browse /lit/ your IQ must be above your weight in pounds but under your height in centimeters

129 lb, 133 IQ, 178 cm reporting in

>> No.9892308

>Kant isn't allowed to post on /lit/

>> No.9892319
File: 106 KB, 548x425, niggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yo bruv u belieb in dat systematic racism bullshit to keep the black man down?? fuckoutta here wid dat booshit
>yo this dude goin places he better than those mufuggin white no jk cmere da... I mean ma, check this out... I told you we wuz kings n shieet

>> No.9892325

>only short skeletons and one and a million geniuses browse /lit/