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9890211 No.9890211 [Reply] [Original]

If I wanted to resist giving myself into a political ideology and becoming resentful as the world itself fails to meet my newly inherited expectations, how do I go about living my life in an increasingly polarized world? It seems easy on paper, just ignore the things you don't like, but all this posturing about political violence and annoyingly disingenuous narrative building everywhere I look, even among my friends, just fills me with negative, destructive emotion. I can't even criticize the absoluteness of these things that bother me, because I'd effectively be taking a side and alienate others. In addition to feelings of nihilism and misanthropy, I sometimes end up hoping the opposite of what they want happens, which I imagine is how a lot of people end up getting radicalized.

I guess I'm looking for individualist philosophy or literature which deal with this dilemma, how to resist the influence of extremism.

>> No.9890213

The Forest-Walker, Junger

Eumeswil, Junger


>> No.9890223
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Try Ayn Rand's Fountainhead.

I've personally been living a life of recluse. It just seems appropriate that I generally do not socialize.

>> No.9890241

Are you religious? Religion's quite good for this stuff. If it could see the poorest misers of all of human history through plagues, wars, famines and every other kind of disaster you can think of it probably stands a good chance at also being an effective treatment for '21st century bullshit fatigue' (we really need an officially recognized name for these feelings, it's getting entirely too common).

I hate everyone and everything most of the time but reading my favourite Catholic authors tends to make me feel a bit better for a little while. Chesterton, O'Connor and Wolfe I think are particularly good for this.

>> No.9890247

Hmm thanks

Uh, no thanks

I haven't been religious all my life, but that's changing bit by bit as I get older. I'm not quite about to believe in God, but the culture and aesthetics of catholicism appeals to me these days.

>> No.9890268

Christianity makes more and more sense as I look further into it. Monotheism makes at least as much sense if not more than all of the secular creation theories, many of the old church laws and customs were vital to the structure of society and were responsible for preventing many social ills which face us today and, what I consider to be the most painful and hard to accept revelation, modern science is pretty much a worse version of religion (constantly changing psychology, therapy and pills replacing community support and rigid lines of accepted thinking, most people take things they don't truly understand and never will as infallible dogma, people in certain positions are considered privileged masters of the universe (if you wear a white coat you must know it all), faith in a better future (flying cars and a 30 hour work week by 2050, believe it!).

You don't have to go to church (I don't, I'm ashamed of how lapsed I am) but it's a very good way to start structuring your thinking if you're feeling lost.

>> No.9890273

Hey OP me too
What am i gonna do when shit hits the fan and i think both of these fuckers are moronic?

>> No.9890289

Hey you just did some serious convincing of me who has always been an agnostic atheist
What can I do about the fact that i don't actually believe though? I think religion is probably very good for society, but as an individual commited to some amount of logical reasoning, how can i make use of religion to structure a life in postmodernity?

do you have any recommended literature
besides the Bible.

>> No.9890320

>I think religion is probably very good for society
>Monotheism makes at least as much sense if not more than all of the secular creation theories
You guys need to educate yourselves.

>> No.9890376

Bitch I've been reading atheist shit for the past decade
Im attempting to get out of my echo chamber.

>> No.9890424

Holding no position of your own and silently criticising all around you is the mark of a retard. The only reason you feel so intellectually superior is because you keep your ideas within and thus are never challenged.

Solution is stop brooding like a Virgin and start actually talking to people.

>> No.9890438

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

>> No.9890439

Heidegger and Kierkegaard

>> No.9890472

Why would you think taking sides is such a bad thing?

>> No.9890514

Because almost everyone who does seem consumed by it and unhappy for it.

>> No.9890524

Yet, at least apparently, you're consumed by the task of not taking sides and unhappy for it.

>> No.9890528

Have you read Steppenwolf?

>> No.9890529

Food for the Heart by Ajahn Cha
What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula
the Dhammapada

>> No.9890533

Demoralized =/= Consumed

I'm failing to see your point/solution.

>> No.9890575
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What you're describing as ''taking sides'' is what they call, in critical theory, ideology. And if there's anything these guys teaching is that being in the middle doesn't exclude you from ideology, as you can never truly escape ideology, but you can critique it and, through dialectical discourse, be lucid in spite of it.

So my recommendations are: Zizek, Althusser and Adorno. They might seem too marxist for you, but trust me, they're what you're looking for.

>> No.9890619


>> No.9890620
File: 1.66 MB, 1790x2208, Duble_herma_of_Socrates_and_Seneca_Antikensammlung_Berlin_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As clichéd as this is, the Stoics have value in your situation.

Mold what you control into what you think it should be and have conversations with people to refine your views and maybe convince others of your points. Learn to relish the good things, big and small, in life. There are a lot more of them out there than any of us realize most of the time without meditation.

>> No.9890649
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Apparently everyone here is incapable of saying, "No." And in their incompetence has given you a list of their favourite extremes.

So I'll join in.

Pragmatism, Learned Judgement, Scepticism.

This is an unfortunate position that will leave you either at the mercy of stronger wills or in a constant state of confusion.

Enter the crowd and exit the crowd with gracious sidesteps, and remember to bow to your partners as you move in those circles.

Ideologies are embedded within ritual practice, and unfortunately the individualistic practice is something like quiet madness unless you're rich and powerful, and then it's just viewed as artistic or leadership.

"I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves."

>> No.9890650

If you stand for nothing you're just gonna get killed in the cross-fire.

There has never been neutral people in the history of the world, stop pretending you can be.

>> No.9890659


"Oh how the heart does lead us to think without thinking, and how the mind leads us to come up with reasons for the actions promulgated by our hearts."

>> No.9890668

Projecting inferiority complex: the post.

>> No.9890673

>pretending you can be neutral in times of conflict.
even Switzerland did business with Nazi Germany, Sweden gave them ammunition, Norway gave them ore. ¨

Fact you pretend going innawoods and shoveling shit over your head so you don't hear doesn't make you neutral, it makes you scared to take a stand

>> No.9890689

The mediator always has aims too, my friend. But they must be silent in some ways in order to act as such. If you don't understand this then you don't understand either duty or democracy. And that makes you a vile creature unworthy of defence - which is as good a tool as any at the moment.

>> No.9890700

Speak not with tongue in your own dick but be clear and precise.

>> No.9890707

Meh. Coax both sheep and dog by calls that only the dogs that bring the sheep will hear.

>> No.9890709


t. angry young 20something

>> No.9891279

Dogma made relatively easy.
>The Everlasting Man
Chesterton was the master of this stuff. If my post was able to have any kind of influence over your state of mind Chesterton will probably have you praying a daily rosary in no time. (And I really do recommend looking into the Rosary, it's for great mental exercise and meditation).
>Mere Christianity
Like the other anon said C.S. Lewis is quite good at this. He's mostly known for Narnia but he wrote lots of fantastic stuff which has been more or less forgotten.
>The Complete Works of Flannery O'Connor
Funny and clever but at the same time can potentially make you feel extremely bad about yourself if you're the type of person she's memeing on in her current story because you know she's always right.
>Book of the New Sun
Medieval Christian thought made extremely fun. It's a solid introduction to Aquinas, the basic arguments for and against the existence of good, the nature of evil and pre-modern concepts of responsible government. It also happens to be one of the best adventure stories written in the 20th century.

In the French Revolution 'The Middle' were the only ones left to put the pieces back together after the 'left' and 'right' annihilated each other. OP might be onto something. Maybe the Antifa and Trumpschtaffel will annihilate each other to a man in the upcoming meme-wars leaving the Earth to be taken back by normal people.

>> No.9891591

"middle" is still a stance.

>> No.9891812

I just recently became a Nazi and the last year of my life has been the greatest ever. In fact last 5 years have all been going uphill.

Don't sit on the fence. Listen to everyone and make decisions for yourself. Whatever you choose you will be more satisfied because you chose. My life had no meaning before and I was hella nihilist but now I enjoy everyday, have my shit together, and hoping to be married by 30.


>> No.9891906

I haven't. Is it good?

>> No.9891914

Get job and don't talk about politics with your friends.

>> No.9892013

You must realise that all those who grew up cultural nihilists spent most of their time waiting for an enemy like a group of Nazis right? Nothing would be more glorious for a real independent or centrist right winger to have that again in his life - and that's a lot of people. So if you really want to push an agenda that will continue to provide you the opportunity to enjoy your life, you might want to close your mouth when talking to people who are just "sitting on the fence". These people aren't leftists. And they sure as fuck aren't undecided about who they are, they're only silent because they know who'll end up doing the difficult work of arguing, or worse, the gruesome work that the left is incapable of doing.

You've become a pawn that is being used by people who aren't even Nazis to awake those actual far right wing fuckers who are silent, nihilistic and terrifying - and that makes you confident of your future?

Well, go on with your belief if you want, but don't attempt to suck the independents into either believing your bullshit or into a fight that would momentarily give millions of men and women a respite from their meaningless lives.

Make a good decision.

>> No.9892098

this is a beautiful post, though I feel it'll be lost on our newfound Nazi you delivered it to

>> No.9892128

Why do you claim to seek the eradication of ideology from your mind, then ask for literature promoting individualism? Realize that individualism, liberalism, humanism, is an ideology and that it holds a grip on your mentality and steers the direction of your thought to certain assumptions. Liberalism is an ideology or religion like any other. It has its inviolable laws, statements of fact taken on faith: "[w]e hold these truths to be self evident..." It proceeds to construct a frame of mind from its statements of faith, its self-evident truths; accepting those axioms and following logical deduction inevitably leads to the creation of an entire ideology: liberalism.

Despite its enshrining of tolerance it is as intolerant as sharia or medieval Christian law of competing religions and ideologies. It cherishes freedom of religion just as long as a religion's axioms do not conflict with those of liberalism. There are liberals who profess other faiths, mostly Christians (but the Dalai Lama is one of the most prominent examples), but if pressed will ultimately admit that they place the axioms of liberalism above those of their alleged holy book. It is similarly tolerant of other a- or anti- theistic ideologies: democratic socialists are permissable but fascists and revolutionary socialists are not.

It mandates violence on its behalf, and it is as ready to embrace even the most heinous crimes in its name as are the Islam of ISIS or the dialectical materialism of the Khmer Rouge. After all, "[e]xtremism in the defense of liberty is no vice," a sentiment which preceded either of those movements. From the wars of the Revolution to the Iraq War, it has only tolerated the existence of illiberal regimes in times of great need, e.g. the Second World War. Outside of dire circumstances it has sought to eradicate any challenge, first to its existence, then to its supremacy.

>> No.9892140

Man is blessed with self-consciousness: though our senses and brains are ill-suited to self-analysis, epistemology, and meta-ethics, we have enough perception to know that our tools are inadequate. Though we can be bound by ideology to undesirable mentalities and by animal appetite to behaviors that disgust us, we have just enough self-awareness to desire better mentalities and to be disgusted by our lusts. We do not want to be better, but we want to want, and that is just enough to start.

There are striking similarities between diverse religious programs around the world: prayer in mosques and in the more traditional (i.e. illiberal) churches, the meditation of eastern religions and particularly the mantras of India and the koans of Zen, and the "brainwashing" programs of Scientology and other new-age sects. This is an area of intense interest to me: I think it is possible to condition the mind and engineer the brain (and the former is of course a metaphor for the latter) to build a new mindframe: to think how you want to think. To build an ideology inside your own mind conducive to logical thought, epistemology, and decisive action. I'm reading all I can about cognitive neuroscience, neurochemisty, meditation and prayer, and the recruiting practices of cults and underground pollitical movements. I don't know if this will go anywhere or hit a solid wall, but it's either keep trying or succumb to nihilism and consumerism.

>> No.9892981

Just so it's clear, I'm not saying I'm "neutral" or whatever for not "taking a side". I simply don't want to be pulled into mobs driven by reckless emotion.

>> No.9893030

guattari's the anti-odipus papers + diaries deals with a lot of this. he was primarily looking to break out of the either/or binary of psychoanalytic theory by looking at conversational networks. this is where rhizome comes from. rhizome itself can help you deal with this as it is a way of learning, engaging, and digesting information that is inherently anti-structural aka anti-ideological.

>> No.9893076

>many of the old church laws and customs were vital to the structure of society and were responsible for preventing many social ills which face us today
Not an argument.

>> No.9893153

also note on the abolition of all political parties. weil is bae.

>> No.9893366

wow what a cuck
maybe you can do some more pondering on the day of the rope