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/lit/ - Literature

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9890189 No.9890189 [Reply] [Original]

Do you and your girlfriend share similar tastes in literature?

If you do, do you think it adds to your relationship?

If not, do you resent that?

>> No.9890196

I'm single. Mostly because the only girls I'm in a position to meet are total plebs. I actually ended my last relationship almost entirely because I ended up hating her because she was, for lack of a better term, a fucking pleb. I honestly wish I could even meet a pseud who at least understood the value of being well read.

>> No.9890198

I ended my last relationship because she decided out of the blue to get tattooed on her upper breast. Like what the fuck, man. She was pretty normal before that, too.

>> No.9890201

I think the only thing my GF reads is twitter. Yes I do resent that

>> No.9890215

>I think

Ask her, talk to her about reading, make suggestions about books you could read together and discuss

>> No.9890218

If I ever meet a grill who sincerely enjoys reading Gene Wolfe I'm going to arrange a Mongolian Proposal that night.

>> No.9890219
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giv ontologicool gf

>> No.9890231

gotta wrk 4 it, whte boy

>> No.9890243

My girlfriend couldn't get through a 40 minute long read for some theoretical guidance in a project we're working on together.

I recommended adderall. Considering break up.

>> No.9890251

>Ask her, talk to her about reading, make suggestions about books you could read together and discuss
You think I haven't done this, nigga? We've been to bookstores together and I always find something and she never gets anything. She has heard me talk shit about some authors and books so I honestly think she is afraid I might call her a pleb or something stupid like that if she read something I "didn't approve of".

>> No.9890261

Might be time to trade up, my dude

>> No.9890271

my ex gf is an absolute beautiful patrician who prolly reads more than i do and the best person I've ever met and i ruined our entire relationship by cheating on her in a fucked up insecure rock bottom drug/alcohol/self-deception induced stupor and then lying to her about it because I'm a fucking moron who fell for the nihilism meme for a few months

I am now desperately attempting to repair what is left of our relationship and earn back some semblance of trust

she posts here
please just don't tell me if you see this dude thanks

>> No.9890272

>so I honestly think she is afraid I might call her a pleb or something stupid like that if she read something I "didn't approve of".
At least she had some sense in her head

>> No.9890274
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>Reads Nietzsche once

>> No.9890280

Clean your room buddy and straighten your life out.

>> No.9890394

Well thanks man, i like jbp too.

I'm trying. I stopped smoking weed every day. That's had a big effect, i think, but it might just be wishful thinking. something definite i can do for self improvement.

Gonna go to school soon, hopefully. If i keep my shit together then maybe i can get into a good grad school or something.

i just want my best friend back

>> No.9890410

I have never had a girlfriend and I have never tried to get one. It really bothers me but I'll do nothing about it

>> No.9890477

i have also lost a dearest, good friend of mine. it is a somber feeling, to be so acquainted with someone that has departed from our lives, for one reason or the other. mine is far less sinister, but the fault lies within me regardless for having let it happen -- and end -- in such a naive, and permanent way.

a truly special friend to me, an individual i had cherished, and still sometimes do, whom i have supposed never felt the same way about me. but as they say, if you love something then set it free. i truly loved this person in as wholesome of a way i could possibly mean it in, and still do, and so i still hold the hope that one day this cherished person will return to me on their own behalf.

perhaps my naivete that has gotten me into this somewhat dire situation has not been subdued after all. instead, it has been pumped full of toxic radiation juice and evolved into something far more disgustingly retarded

>> No.9890492

She goes to art school and watches a lot of kino.
She's quite stiff and conversation is difficult; we know to take a few weeks without talking to recharge.
I love her.

>> No.9890495

The trick is to stop caring. There is no point in sentimentality

>> No.9890511

Are you a girl?

>> No.9890512

My gf only reads ya garbage unfortunately.

>> No.9890547

not sure i agree with that despite my tendencies towards cynicism. i think personal relationships are one of the most valuable things any man could wish to have as they are dependent on time, the most valuable resource we have. but if you have any book recommendations i will entertain them with an open mind.

i had prayed for the second time in my life last night, and while i have sought forgiveness in the past i have not truly felt any atonement for what i had let happen. i feel this could only be done through them forgiving me on their own behalf but perhaps this philosophy of mine will change

>> No.9890551

nah and i'm not really talking about a girlfriend either. i just thought it was relevant, as far as any personal relationships go

>> No.9890553
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>taste in literature

>> No.9890656

The fuck did you do? Introspection is good and all but you're really achieving nothing through this effeminate self flagellation. I've had my best friend disappear one day without a word and I didn't feel anything but curiosity. You should be a man instead of a possession of others, unless of course you are a woman

>> No.9890771


Listen you fuck. /lit/ is one of the last places where i still feel like a human being and not a waste of space. You can't just walk in here a fucking flame me like this.

This is my home, you fucking monster.

>> No.9890779

>your girlfriend

You've come to the wrong neighborhood nigga

>> No.9890796

She's more patrician than me in her tastes but probably not as broadly read, if only because she likes to re-read books a lot and has a job which takes up her valuable reading time.

>> No.9890895

Before she met me she only liked hunger games and twilight.

I've made her read Bram Stoker, Kafka, Tchekov, Stendhal, Joyce and Flaubert, and the last book she bought was twenty thousand leagues under the sea.

But her focus is in the academy/biology so she doesn't read much at all, her taste is pretty pleb (Taylor swift and gilmore girl) but I actually love her for that, so whatever

>> No.9890930

Why did this post make me laugh?
I'm the same, Anon.

>> No.9890941

I hope she leaves you.

>> No.9890944



You're not a very good reader, are you?

>> No.9891034

>I am now desperately attempting to repair what is left of our relationship
I meant she completely cuts him out of her life.

>> No.9891037

I share cocks with my girlfriend

>> No.9891053

she is used to reading garbage
i got her to read the alchemist and then life of pi to start
she also read of mice and men and tried to read house of leaves
her ability to discuss these things are limited, i wish i had a /lit/ gf, but whatever

>> No.9891107

No, and it adds to our relationship. Half the stuff I read she has no interest in, and vice-versa, but we both end up reading stuff the other bought, so it's ok.

>> No.9891212
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>tfw 24 kvs
f-f-fuck you niggers why do you always make me remeber

>> No.9891250


Fucking how? I have trouble even conceiving of a post-college virgin.

Did you join a seminary after high school?

It's so fucking easy to lose your virginity in the 16-20 range that it's a freebie

>> No.9891255

>she is used to reading garbage
>i got her to read the alchemist and then life of pi to start

Sounds like you're the one who got her to read garbage...

>> No.9891271

Generally speaking she's more into 18th and 19th century stuff than I am and doesn't care for much published after 1920, but there's also a good bit of overlap

>> No.9891287

/lit/ - the postkino

>> No.9891298

he's probably really ugly or mentally ill just like me

>> No.9891305

Ugliness and mental retardation are not male monopolies.

Surely he should have found a mate before fucking TWENTY FOUR

>> No.9891314

ugly and retarded people typically aren't interested in mating with fellow ugly retards. i speak from experience.

>> No.9891316

youre retarded frendo
i tried to pick easy books for her to start with that were a step above stephen king and outlander series erotica
i read both of those years ago so we could at least try to discuss them

>> No.9891319


You're a broken human being. Even the downies mate.

>> No.9891320

i'm 23 and i haven't made an acquaintance in years. i'm in college but i only show up for exams and don't leave the house except to go to the gym. i have been diagnosed with depression and it's killing me.

>> No.9891323

even the downies what mate?

>> No.9891339

At least you didn't write an epic poem about it that some pig fuckers stole just so they could have a laugh at (you) whenever s/he or they wanted to. At least your torture is only self-reflection and not the joy of idiots and scum. I had to move three times, and I still can't get used to my new name.

>> No.9891361

Its called being shallow, anon

>> No.9891368

I'm most interested in post-1900 stuff, she's more interested in the Romantic period and other 19th century stuff

It makes me sad that she doesn't love some of the authors I do but it's also nice because we can introduce each other to stuff

>> No.9891371

>when your property wants to be marked by someone else

>> No.9891375
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the man has a point

>> No.9891392

I've never had a girlfriend.

>> No.9891394

nah. /lit/ has been okay with women from the start. stay here if you like but keep your whining on /r9k/.

>> No.9891396

she reads sci-fi, fantasy, and philosophy. pretty sure if she were a dude, she'd have a neckbeard, gut, and fedora.

>> No.9891405

i'm okay with women, i'm just not okay with girlfriends

>> No.9891414
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>> No.9891447

It's not that great a thing, anon. You are with them all the fucking time. There is no more personal space. You won't be able to read as much as you want. You'll be stuck doing "cute" bullshit with her. Their thoughts, dreams and ideas are utter nonsense. It's like you are baby sitting a child all day and night. Once you get used to having sex with her your love melts into a puddle of slime...

>> No.9891710

So you're gay?

There's no such thing as a straight man who is "okay with women" but "not okay with girlfriends"

>> No.9891736

what are you, dense? those who can't get gfs don't like being reminded of their inadequacies. it doesn't necessarily mean they hate women, it means they hate being reminded of their failures.

>> No.9891744


Being reminded of your failures by the sensations of women doesn't strike me as "okay with women"

>> No.9891750

it's not "by the sensations of women," it's by the sensations of intimate relationships between men and women (or i guess men-men / women-women if you swing that way but still can't get any)

>> No.9891757
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just become a published novelist

>> No.9891787

>imagination this poor

>> No.9891791

>there aren't easy reads that are actually good

>> No.9891806

Kind of the same thing happened to me could years ago, but I'm glad I turned my life around and my gf was mercifull enough to take me back. I love her so much it's just unbelievable.

>> No.9891820

My gf has different a taste, reads mostly magical realism and art theory academics (Gombrich, R. Krauss, etc). I'm not resentful of that, but its probably because she reads way less than me.

Though girls are not supposed to read that much, I think. I feel they have a very diverse sensibility compared to men, more prone to music, plastic and performatic arts. But I could just be generalising by my gf's standard.

>> No.9891843

My ex-girlfriend only read YA and science fiction, and rarely, but I didn't really begrudge her lack of interest. However, she was mentally unwell in the literal as well as the literary sense. Hid her emotional affairs from me, finally decided to move across the country to fuck her favorite sugar daddy, who was particularly pliable.

It sucked never being to talk to her about books, though.

>> No.9891850

>but i actually love her

wow a relationship based on love and not cynicism and stupid things like "taste in lit"

wow wow wow

>> No.9891855


>Loving plebeians

As passing affairs during your continental tours, but for life long companion ship?

Lord, no.

>> No.9891858

My gf likes philosophy, she's in love with Kierkegaard. I don't read much philosophy but I've introduced her to novels that I correctly guessed she'd like.
When I went on a trip to Chicago I found a copy of Milton's collected poems from 1936 and bought it for her. I showed her the beginning of the third (?) book of PL where he writes about the things he misses since going blind but being hopeful about God showing him inner light despite all of it and she cried.

>> No.9892245


Damn son, maybe you should've been screening her texts more

>> No.9892260

you are right

>> No.9892814

My gf is mostly into into classics while I even if I do read high literature occasionally feel like I'm a bit to much of a pleb for it and mostly stick to hard sf. She actually enjoyed some of the novels I recommended to her. It's funny there is a lot of talk about pleb women in this thread but in my circle of STEMfags most girls read more and read better literature than most guys.

>> No.9892867

my WHAT?

>> No.9892899
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i don't have a girlfriend, and probably never will. i am too patrician

>> No.9892925

I ensure you that Asuka Langley Soryuu has great literary taste

>> No.9892982

>married five years to an "artist"
>honestly, she was pretty talented
>insufferable taste
>only likes listening to dubstep and high school punk
>only ever wanted to rewatch or reread Harry Potter
>I'm talking in the 6 years i was with this bitch she nevers puts on a movie that isn't Harry Potter
Things didn't work out for a lot of reasons, but not connecting mentally was huge. The life of a patrician is a lonely one.
She got a Harry Potter tattoo after she moved out. I have no desire to ever live with another human again.

>> No.9892997

gilmore girls is patrician
Rory gilmore is /lit/

>> No.9893016

what's dreadful is having it be all your fault
and knowing that in some sense you really don't deserve to have that person in your life again the way you once did
but still wanting it so very very badly

and the hurdle of trying to emphasize how much they meant to you without being insensitive and making it about you

eesh, i really don't know how to interface with people longterm.

im trying to get used to the idea of letting her go but it's unimaginible I'll ever meet another cut from the same cloth
or even cloth of a similar thread count.

>> No.9893034

She's the type to prefer Musil to Mann, so yeah

>> No.9893049

This desu

>> No.9893066

it really makes you feel like a piece of trash don't it.
i have trouble writing about it
Makes me feel like I'm romanticizing my wrongdoing or something by trying to find beauty in it
but shit man I'm sorry. that's really dreadful.
I'm not totally sure what you want me to say to that anon. like, i thought that was the only sensible choice for her for a while, and ran away to try and make that decision for her, which only made everything worse. so now I'm here.
i get the sense someone maybe did something similar to you in the past or something. i understand the anger. im just trying to figure out how to move forward.

>> No.9893122

I don't know why I always read every reply in these kind of threads. It only gets depressed.

>> No.9893124

>It only gets me depressed*

>> No.9893128
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are you from NZ, cause I might be dating your gf......

>> No.9893144

Don't believe you desu

>> No.9893149

hello how 2 get gf pls respond

>> No.9893150

lol wish i new nigga

>> No.9893164

>Don't believe you desu
I don't care, nor is there any way for me to prove any of that if I did. I also don't see what wasn't believable, but okay.

>> No.9893173

i've never meet a girl who read anything other than YA and harry potter
in fact, most people (women and men) around me don't read at all, they'd rather watch GoT movie series

>> No.9893177

is that paul joseph watson?

>> No.9893184

yes, she reads thoreau and existentialism, and shes very cute

>> No.9893241 [DELETED] 

>hello how 2 get f pls respond

>> No.9893248

Reading is gay

>> No.9893251

yuri is the purest form of love

>> No.9893255
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>You'll never experience a high school lesbian romance


>> No.9893256

You turned your girlfriend into a cuck

>> No.9893286


>> No.9893292

PS: she is probably reading ya shit or fan-fiction

>> No.9893297

No and that's kinda how I like it. I'm not sure I would like being around someone who never challenges my attitude or perception

>> No.9893307

With (you) boss, know the feel.
I put my exceptionally bright and exceptionally jealous gf through grad only to be ditched by some on-line sucker. A few months later she was all apologies, wanted to get back together, began stalking, and even had the nerve to become verbally jealous over what were essentially chimeras....
It's as if now I'm able to detect something in a woman's face I had never noticed before, and it isn't pretty.
I still date occasionally, but have completely lost my desire to share space with another.

>> No.9893326
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Everyone reading this:
You'll have this one day
you just need to work on yourself and figure out how you can be more appealing.

Women are something that must be worked for as they are invaluable. You wouldn't want a slut who would give herself to you or anyone else she ran into, you want a wife.

You'll get there buddy

>> No.9893327

No i wish i have a /sci/-/fit/ bf

>> No.9893333

Tears, anon? Why lachrymose?

>> No.9893337

cucking your girlfriend is pretty /lit/ if nothing else

also, calling her dude is gay

>> No.9893339


>> No.9893347

rec me some science fiction
i need to get started so i can become worthy of u m'lady

>> No.9893357

You cucked your patrician gf. You'll never get her back.

>> No.9893360

Sorry im not even a girl nor do i like science fiction

>> No.9893365


>> No.9893369


How can I expect to make a woman happy when I can't even make myself happy?

>> No.9893370

o lmao
u fucking faggot

>> No.9893371

>you just need to work on yourself and figure out how you can be more appealing.




>> No.9893378

because thats how men have always had it
men have had to be intelligent or handsome or charming or funny or lovable and seek out a woman for themselves
its how humanity is

don't complain, better yourself
you can be happy but it doesn't just get handed to you

>> No.9893390

i make efforts to better myself, don't end up feeling any better for it, and fall back on bad habits

>> No.9893405

Men have low market value due to the evolutionary competition for women by men.

Just how things are

you can either get better and live happily or choose unhappiness

>> No.9893420
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>i make efforts to better myself, don't end up feeling any better for it, and fall back on bad habits
positive outlook is important.
If your state of mind is that you're constantly dwelling obsessively on your own inadequacies and bathing in cathartic self-pity then you'll get nowhere. If you man up and decided to take some responsibility while having a positive outlook, that is how you'll be perceived.

>> No.9893426

>implying everyone's dad is intelligent or handsome or charming or funny

>men have to be loveable to be loved
Pretty sure tautologies apply to both females and reemales.

>> No.9893434

because you're a dumb fuck

>> No.9893448

can you please all shut the fuck up

>> No.9893454

Fuck you you dont deserve her not in a million lifetimes

>> No.9893463

do you think i don't know this

>> No.9893478

How am I just supposed to cultivate a positive outlook when I've disliked myself for pretty much my entire life? I try to take responsibility and improve my life, and from external reference points it looks like I'm doing well (or so I've been told), but I still find myself totally inadequate in every regard?

>> No.9893655
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Just force yourself to think positively at the start. After a while, you'll believe it and things will go better for you which will reinforce it.

It is imperative that you at least dont dwell, beat yourself up, or pity yourself too much as that state of mind will eat you alive. If, at first you can't force yourself to view things in a hopeful light, than at least abstain from doing any of those.

Its not something that will come easy and for you it sounds like it may be harder than most but you have to police yourself.

>> No.9893661

she was probably ugly

why else would she need to develop a good personality and read a lot

>> No.9893666

ya wrong about this.

>> No.9893953


Not everyone's dad, no, but you'll notice those dads that aren't intelligent, handsome, funny, or charming are also DIVORCED

>> No.9893974

No. Also the subject was aquiring a gril not keeping one.

>> No.9894261
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As if.

>> No.9894289

i'm cringing

>> No.9894305

Why is everyone on /lit/ so normie? On any other board this thread would have descended into another "tfw no gf" thread

>> No.9894308

>you just need to work on yourself and figure out how you can be more appealing.
So how do I stop being 5'6"?

>> No.9894320

lit has assumedly the highest average iq of any board
women mate select for intelligence

>> No.9894336

They select for (among other things) social competence. And people who read a lot of fiction have a more finely tuned system of empathy. Fiction is all about seeing things from someone else's point of view.

>> No.9894338

Women select for status. Intelligence makes status, especially superficial one, easy. Charisma (even a facade; popularity) is obviously the fastest way to get women.
In addition to this, women are interested in wild men who they want to civilize.

>> No.9894371

It's not that simple. They aren't dating people over at /sci/; they're not dating the people at /pol/ who can triangulate a location based on flight patterns. It's not intelligence per se, it's a particular type of intelligence. More like people who cultivate culturally-valuable knowledge and tastes (or what they perceive to be culturally-valuable). More women are impressed by my ability to quote Ovid in Latin than by my ability to program, yet the latter skills took more effort and are a better showcase of my intelligence.

All that being said, looks and status are still what matter most. You have to pass a certain looks and status threshold before intelligence starts to matter.

>> No.9894383

I'm really not sure about that.
I'm poor and ugly but of relatively high IQ and i slay pussy.

>> No.9894417

I doubt that. Maybe you're poor, but ugly people don't slay pussy. They get occasional sex, but they don't have girls willing to drive 40 miles to give them a blowjob and swallow their seed, then drive back home the same night to cuddle with her boyfriend. That takes looks.

>> No.9894418
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>> No.9894427

It's a /mu/ tripfag. Ignore it and it might go away.

>> No.9894449

Men are the wild card of our species. We are produced for many roles, some are archaic and fall into obscurity (many proletariat roles), some are experimental and struggle finding their position which may or may not be around. Generally speaking women will flock to successful experiments. Hence why so few women are in top positions or go for new and uncertain territory as the pioneers.
There has always been a group of artists among us, and they tend to break certain patterns - especially simplified and nihilistic.

Truth is beautiful and sad.

>> No.9894498

Feminists hating the lock/key analogy when it comes to sexual double standards is a good demonstration of their complete dissociation from reality. Women select. That's their job. If an alien anthropologist from another galaxy came down to observe human mating habits, that'd be the first thing he'd point out. It's not even debatable, yet you're not allowed to say it in polite society.

But yeah, I agree. A woman's worth is inherent, while a man has to find a way to be either generally exceptional, or be lucky enough to fit a particularly valuable niche perfectly.

>> No.9894585


26 and never had a girlfriend. Probably never will.

>> No.9894598

Nick O'Malley?

>> No.9894609

>but it's unimaginible I'll ever meet another cut from the same cloth
>or even cloth of a similar thread count.

I feel exactly like this

>> No.9894790

>"im ugly"
>calls me ugly
uh, sick burn buddy.

I mean, maybe i don't "slay", but I've never once in the past 5 years been in a spot where, provided adequate transportation, i couldn't bang a cute girl. i have /always/, in some sense, had some girls lined up for me, if i wanted them. all at least 7/10, by chan metrics.

I'm really not a looker. acne, baby face, lanklet. poorer than anyone i know.

no offense to y'all but i really don't think you guys live in the real world sometimes. you're so insistent that it operates by strict rules and fail to imagine or consider the myriad exceptions, or that perhaps some of these rules come from narratives you've consumed. but you forget that women are complex people too and also want to escape these narratives. like jesus, fuckers on this website subscribe to the alpha/beta dichotomy so goddamn hard. I'm /ostensibly/ beta, but I'm honest and self-aware and also capable of arrogance, and believe it or not but women respond to sincerity. just fucking talk to them like people.

>> No.9894843

Where you at bro?

>> No.9894915

>Ugliness and mental retardation are not male monopolies.
It's true, but males have much more variety, even if it's in an unhealthy kind. In general women have much better health.
Also even not very beautiful and successful girls still want men much better than them and easily can get them due to nature of the sexes.

>> No.9894945


Girlfriend before last was really smart but never applied herself. Her hobbies: writing fan fiction; TV; and browsing Facebook. I used to give her movie/game/book recs and tried to get her into philosophy after she showed some interest but it was short-lived.

Did doing that add to the relationship? No. Do I regret acting like some e/lit/ist asshole and not just liking her for who she was? Yes.

Previous GF had even less in common with me. She never read; got excited about superhero movies; unironically liked Ed Sheeran; massive feminist. But after my previous experience, I just sort of put it aside. Ironically, though, it ended because she said I kept offended her tastes.

I think there's a trifecta of things important to a relationship:

1 - Common taste in things.
2 - Common values (ie family and towards society)
3 - A desire to be doing the same things in life.

Any 2 out of 3 will work together.

>> No.9894950

You're semi-chad. Women like tall men, it indicates dominance. Try getting by as a manlet.

>> No.9894952


>you just need to work on yourself and figure out how you can be more appealing.

This. Be interesting. If that means not sitting at home all the time reading then so be it.

>> No.9894969

Im 6'0 and this 5'10 guy i work for was like "what are you, like 6'4"?"

Really odd misestimstion. Wish women were that far off.

>> No.9894981


>> No.9894985

So you're tall, smart, and look young. And as a result you have an average sex life. Not really something to write home about.

>> No.9895061

the original claim you made was that one had to pass a certain threshold of looks in order for IQ or status to matter - my rebuttal is that i do not think i have crossed this threshold of looks yet still have above average sexual performance for my age, if conversations with peers and people on the internet is any indication. in other words, i think women are less shallow than you and many others seem to think they are, in that it is entirely possible to be rather ugly but still have sexual value and some place on the sexual hierarchy with decent IQ and charisma. I'm not sure why you think I'm trying to "write home" about anything.

>> No.9895065

Why is this board so lonely

>> No.9895067 [DELETED] 

As in, if id wanted to and had been willing to face the consequences, i conceivably could've had 4 different sexual encounters with 4 different women within the same day. knowing this would've been a phenomemally shitty action, i did not do such a thing.

>> No.9895101

It's impossible to have this conversation without knowing what you look like. You could be vastly underestimating your looks.

My idea of an attractiveness threshold isn't someone especially good-looking, it's simply someone who isn't ugly. My point was that unless you meet particular (modest) criteria when it comes to looks, women aren't going to give you the in you need to display your intelligence in the first place. Initial attraction is primarily physical. I don't think that you'd be able to fuck 4 women in a single day like you claim you could without at lest a some attractive physical characteristics.

>> No.9895109

This is the least lonely board on 4chan

>> No.9895372




>> No.9895385


Attractiveness isn't just about looks though. If you go into a bar/cafe/bookstore and start talking to a cute girl you'll always look more attractive because you're not being a passive sheep destined to wander the world living inside your own head. You're putting yourself out there.

Being confident (and not being a showy dick) is half what makes somebody attractive to the opposite sex.

No girls don't have to do it and it's easy to feel resentment but peeps gotta get over that.

>> No.9895445

My gf doesn't read much but is otherwise patrish. She destoys me in film, and we're roughly even in music. We're moving in together soon so I will get to see more film and she'll have access to my reasonably sized library, so perhaps we'll meet in the middle.

Honestly I wouldn't like to go out with someone who totally shared all interests with me or had exactly the same experiences with art as I did. I wouldn't then be able to share the things I love with that person, and I take a lot of joy in that.

>> No.9895451

What if he wants to lose it with someones special to him?
Why are you people so mean to anon anyway?

>> No.9895461

My wife dont like reading, but occasionaly she reads something.
She is a fucking maniac over "V of Vendeta" (the comic, not the movie); Clockwork Orange (so am I, it was me who buyed the book that we "share"); and The Labyring, that book with has a movie with David Bowie in it.
Other than that, idk if she realy enjoys other things.

>> No.9895462

My girlfriend barely reads. She spends her free time watching videos on Facebook and YouTube. I resent the fact that she has zero interest in what I care about but, honestly, being able to completely disengage from one another and do our own things without fear of interruption is probably why we've lasted so long (4 years and counting).

>> No.9895479

Holy shit look these last digits.

>> No.9895495

I couldn't afford college, which stunted my sex life. I'm going to be a 26 year old virgin soon, and the older you get the harder it is to lose.

>> No.9895508

If you are so desperate to lose it, why dont you talk to a Hooker or something?
I noticed that getting laid is easier than to get in a relacionship.

>> No.9895513


>I'm going to be a 26 year old virgin soon, and the older you get the harder it is to lose.

Yeah maybe when you're 50. Stop being an idiot.

>> No.9895515

I have a weird notion that my first time should be with someone who actually wants to fuck me through their own free will. If I fuck a hooker now, i'll never be able to not fuck hookers.

>> No.9895522

There's always online dating. It's a crapshoot but it's better than nothing... maybe.

>> No.9895528

I'm working on it man. It's not easy for someone like me. The problem is that, unlike college or high school, i'm not in an environment where everyone's my age and single.

Been on dates. It's lead nowhere. Women lose interest when they see me in person.

>> No.9895531

I met a girl who I started dating exclusively right away for a few weeks when she all of a sudden determined she was too busy to work to have time to see me. She was stressed out all the time over work and lived 40 minutes away so... maybe she was just telling the truth. Anyway. She reads a lot. She read A LOT. (so how are you too busy?)
Point being she was the only girl I've met who actually reads. She reads more than me. But now she's gone. And she was a real qt. Rip.

>> No.9895547

Underrate post

>> No.9895554

Taylor Swift is patrician you fag

>> No.9895571


>I'm working on it man

Yeah, I hope I didn't sound too insensitive. Good luck anon. I'm sure things will be excellent eventually.

>> No.9895683

Anyone with a rat's face can hardly be called a patrician

>> No.9895733

There's a storm coming for you buddy

>> No.9896462

bumping so I can get more relationship stories