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/lit/ - Literature

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9884599 No.9884599 [Reply] [Original]

He's /our guy/ right?

>> No.9884603


thataway friendo

>> No.9884609

Houellebecq isn't /r9k/ at all

>> No.9884657

He used to be /r9k/.

/r9k/ is /b/2.0 now

>> No.9884672

Maybe its because he's older but his novels don't involve the kind of adolescent frustration that /r9k/ deals with. His characters are often sexually active and he is very sympathetic to women.
His problem isn't >tfw no gf.
Its more >tfw we killed love and have no reason to live

>> No.9884701

I lile the guy.

I feel very sympathatic towards him and enjoy his novels, though I would consider them all average at best.

>> No.9885316

I meant *like, sorry I'm drunk

>> No.9885325

He looks much better with short hair. I wish he kept it that way. I know 'repulsive lecher' is part of his public image, but I think you can pull that off without greasy strings hanging off the side of your head.

>> No.9885336

His first novel has a character, Raphael Tisserand, that is pure /r9k/.

I'm sure most of them identify with this passage:

>Sure. It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.

>> No.9885384

That's the one quote I see here on /lit/ all the time, and honestly, it's what made me wanna read this book.

Are there anymore passages like that in the book?

I have read Submission and it was.. eh? ..except for like three or four pages that contained things similar to the quote you posted.

>> No.9885400
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>> No.9885808

Submission is not his best book or his most representative one. If you read his first book, The Elementary Particles is a must read (sometimes named Atomised). After proceed with whatever you feel like it.

>> No.9886546

His first two novels are far and away his best.

>> No.9886554

Submission is great but if you're American and/or not in academic circles I get why you wouldn't like it.

>> No.9887009

I haven't read it but I'm curious why you think Americans wouldn't like it?

>> No.9887041

/r9k/ was originally started as /b/2.0 you fucking newfag

>> No.9887067

Some Americans may not understand the state of utter hopelessness and boredom even Conservative Europeans are in. Americans still believe in the possibility of action and change, to a European it feels as though we are philosophically and culturally doomed to fly off the cliff

>> No.9887163


What did he mean by this?

>> No.9887185

His best novel is Platform but he writes for adolescents. Also all his protagonists are the same kind of indifferent middle-aged middle-class men.

>> No.9887226

>Also all his protagonists are the same kind of indifferent middle-aged middle-class men.

As opposed to what, a young black lesbian?

>> No.9887238

Ignore the Jewish shills, anon. They just want to shit up the threads.

>> No.9887240

Submission is great, but if you're nu-male or dumb I get why you wouldn't like it.
You sound like a high-est nu-male so I'd probably just read books written by womyn and magical PoC written in the last 20 years if I were you.

>> No.9887246

>Submission is not his best book
It is.

Americans don't have the sense of cultural or historic continuity and depth, to appreciate such a grand, sweeping work.

>> No.9887300

true, but i guess you're mistaking The Elementary Particles for "Whatever"

>> No.9887875
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haha yeah guys fuck /r9k/ haha

>> No.9887904

Please go to /r9k/ of you're not attractive, thanks. Disgusting creep

>> No.9887906
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Man, I really didn't need to read that after the day I've had

>> No.9887931

At least we have each other, r-right?

>> No.9887938

He's a Roux de Poux. No.

>> No.9887953

>tfw considered running away again
Why do I involve myself with these childish thoughts?
At least I have ''good'' taste in literature and music right? That will make someone love me right?

>> No.9887960

Nah, women just need a man that will be an emotional anchor and that pays the bills. They can't love the way we do.

>> No.9887974

I'm not going to make it. Maybe I should just cough up the money and fuck a whore to get rid of my primal urges and try to live being unloved.

>> No.9887984
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You need to go deeper, women love who makes them beloved. They do not reciprocate, they react

>> No.9887990

Have you read my post? They can't love, men are just useful.

>> No.9887996

you're ill

>> No.9888000

Go on...

>> No.9888023

Why do you think when you tell a girl you love her, her first response is "No you don't!" rather than "But I don't love you", because a woman who truly believes she is beloved is practically forced to love back.
The quest of the Knight is not to make a girl love him, but rather to "prove his love", your true, authentic, burning passion for her is her very desire itself and such is the reason her resistence is in denying your feelings not in proposing her own, which are totally irrelevant to the situation.
The biggest mistake young men make is to assume women desire men in the same way men desire women.

>> No.9888031

The biggest mistake young men make is to assume that women are capable of love.

>> No.9888036
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Just give it a go, thats all I can say. What else do you got?

>> No.9888055

Go see a psychologist, friend.

>> No.9888071

t. Woman

How does it feel to be a heartless humanoid?

>> No.9888204

That's a lot of very weird assumptions. I did like Submission. I simply think it wasn't all that fantastic.

>> No.9888254
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This is way more PSL than /r9k/ Tbh Tbh

>> No.9888262


>> No.9888265
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>They can't love the way we do.
...Unless you're beautiful.

>> No.9888428

Is this something Lacan claims and if so, where? Would love to read it bro

>> No.9888469

Maybe I actually will kill myself today.

>> No.9888822

Yeah but then it became *r9k* if you know what I mean. i.e. fuck woman fuck society I have no friends boo hoo

>> No.9888943

Farewell, friend.

>> No.9889033

I feel like 200 years from now his work will be perceived as being particularly representative of this period in time. I read his shit just nodding all the way through.

>> No.9889039

Join the Right and take back the power stolen from you. Don't just take women's liberation lying down.

>> No.9889097

Don't reply to the baitposter.

>> No.9889437
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fuck this gay earth man

>> No.9889446

Same. The stuff he says just makes sense.

>> No.9889504

of course you would think that

>> No.9889514

i agree

something about houellebecq just captures the sensation of browsing bodybuilding forums at 3 am (with 15 tabs of fetish and trany pr0n open) while listening to noisy ugly robot music hopped up on phenibut

>> No.9889625

>something about houellebecq just captures the sensation of browsing bodybuilding forums at 3 am (with 15 tabs of fetish and trany pr0n open) while listening to noisy ugly robot music hopped up on phenibut

sounds interesting. which books of his do you feel are most evocative of that sensation?

>> No.9889663

This is not the middle ages, Dante.

>> No.9889667

so /b/ 2.0 Q.E.D.

>> No.9889696

atomised Thb

but really, i only read online magazines and watch speedruns now

>> No.9889869


>> No.9890257

Because you don't have as many Muslims. While your lefties talk about how great Islam is, it's an exotic and foreign thing for most of you. When our lefties talk about how great Islam is you just need one night at a club to observe pakis putting ghb in drinks and 5-10 Chechens beating up some kid without anyone intervening and you'll be wishing for a nuclear holocaust before you get in a taxi and go home to browse the 'chon.

>> No.9890276
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Shows over boys. Stop being sexists.

>> No.9890282


I'm probably as bad with women as some of his characters, but I don't like how whiny and beta they are about it.

>> No.9890328

What a comfy room.

>> No.9890336
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>they need to identify with a protagonist in order to like a book
normie readers are a meme.

>> No.9891966


women are a meme

>> No.9892501

How does it feel to be a virgin?

Go talk to a woman.

>> No.9892816

t. virgin

I have never met a person who has had sex with multiple women and actually respects them, including myself. I also have never met a virgin who does not place women on some kind of pedestal and admire them. I would say that the dislike of women actually comes with being around them all the time. Only then one can see how vile and easily manipulated they are, only good for their reproductive organs.

>> No.9892898

You're not necessarily wrong, but this sort of thinking carries a kind of confirmation bias with it. The more easy women you sleep with, the more you null your adolescent hunger for love and replace it with body lust, losing sight of an ideal and taking to the world of realpolitik in flesh. There very well can be a modest, lovely girl out there. One who would assuage your fears, caress care and love into your very being, foster in you a sense of unbridled joy that is unbeknownst to all but the very lover: but she is never close. She could be dead, gone forever. Perhaps just out of your city, kicking it in with another man. So fuck and lay, claim to a mate and settle down, pining and longing for that sweet lady that seemed, in glimpse, to be the one. Know then, your partner is probably doing the same, and so is every other person around. Constantly searching, wishing, for that one.

>> No.9892936 [SPOILER] 
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>My anecdotal experience is fact.

I have slept with many women and I disagree.

Makes me wonder whether the problem lies with your ability to attract quality people, rather than with women on the whole?

Try using this picture from now on to meet women, I assume you need to use dating apps by your post.

>> No.9892948


>> No.9893198

Virgin here. I talk to women all the time. It doesn't stop be from being a virgin. Unattractive men live in a different universe than you normies.

>> No.9893207

what makes a man beautiful? is it the jaw? ryan gosling is ugly af

>> No.9893282

Gosling is high status and has blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.9893318

and a lazy eye

>> No.9893397

delete yourself

>> No.9893470

Lololol. I'm a full blown fucking aspy. But I'm attractive so I lost it. I don't even talk to women or have a social life.

>> No.9893483
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g-get out normie

>> No.9893490

Looks, and genes in general are everything. Making fun of adult virgins is like making fun of someone who was born disabled.

>> No.9893510

>what makes a man beautiful?
eye area and maxillary development, principally