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9885686 No.9885686 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate,Its pretty clear as to who is superior though

>> No.9885688

Western obviously.

>> No.9885732


>> No.9885744

Philosophy is lit you protosperg

>> No.9885751

Chink philosophy is a meme practiced by goat herding yellows and Californian mutts.

>> No.9885786
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"He who renouncing all activities, who is free of all the limitations of time, space and direction, worships his own Atman which is present everywhere, which is the destroyer of heat and cold, which is Bliss-Eternal and stainless, becomes All-knowing and All-pervading and attains thereafter Immortality."

>> No.9887054

Religion is superior to philosophy

>> No.9887071
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not even a debate. i'd feel bad for anyone defending eastern """philosophy""".

>> No.9887076

Why did Socrates and Confuscious look so similar, it can't be a coincidence

>> No.9887084

How many times have Eastern people put a man on the moon?

>> No.9887087

I mean, they did invent the rocket...

>> No.9887113

How many Western countries have "actually" put a man on the moon.

>> No.9887121


>he believes the moon spook story

western propaganda is truly greater than eastern

>> No.9887131

I like both

Debate me

>> No.9887138

Laozi and Zhuangzi is the final boss of philsophy

>> No.9887229


do you dumb fucks even vedantu


you shits have your opinion made up for you.

>> No.9887257

Yes, the persian, indian, and chinese traditions are all part of a homogenous group. Bravo.

>> No.9887262

Its all the same, anti-individual, spirit denying mystic men

>> No.9887292

So how many of you have even studied eastern philosophy? lol

>> No.9887311

I have, my particular specialty is in Vedic literature. They're disgusting wizards

>> No.9887315

A culmination of the two, but primarily Eastern because it's much more logical within the universal realm. God is matter, Jesus is my body and unconscious. Jesus suffers for my sins until I accept him in, then I am welcome to the true kingdom of heaven, unshackled from physicality.

>> No.9887320
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> Jesus suffers for my sins until I accept him in

Couldn't be more wrong

>> No.9887345

It's not about the conventional standard of Jesus. Can you literally not read? I said it not once sentence before that statement that it is my interpretation of Jesus.

>> No.9887353

And it is a wrong interpretation. But leave it to a sociomoronic with sympathies for the East to thing his opinion supersedes the spirit

>> No.9887373

I believe you're too narrow minded to see the synergy of my interpretations to the true ideologies of Christ and god. I believe you're an egomaniac who believes that people can't have a personal faith because the big book calls them heretics. I think you need to open your mind to concept of self and stop seeing it so narrowly. You see and love thy neighbor; I see and love thyself. You separate the two into different things, when in my mind they are identical. Get over yourself and go chastise people irl, unless you're too cowardly to be honest with people outside anonymity.

>> No.9887387

>Put a dude on a barren rock
>Gas 6 googlillion Jews, Indians, Gypsies, Blacks, Kamchatkans and Indians
Such is the superior way.

>> No.9887399
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Western > Indian > Greco-Roman > Islamic > Chinese > others

>> No.9887415

shutup socrates

>> No.9887421
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>Duuuuude just open your mind crystals and chakras lmao

There is no such thing as a "personal faith", there is the truth and there is the untruth. This subversion of reason and objectivity is why the East has long been the effeminate land of cuckolds and whores for the West.

>> No.9887432

I'm sure you're well loved by those around you. Else you're hiding your true self. It's okay, word for word following of the big book makes you believe in being ashamed of yourself. Good luck with your life, brother. May you truly be happy.

>> No.9887484
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>Being a slave to truth and reason.
Go call your boss and see if he can bring me down, I'll go live my life while you wait.

>> No.9887497

Western philosophy seems way cooler and more creative so that one

>> No.9887550


What does that even mean? Why is everything a competition for /pol/acks? Is it because you have 0 achievements of your own?
Get this autism shit out of here.

>> No.9887558

Because we're not cucklosers who fell for the "Everybody gets a medal for trying" liberal indoctrination

>> No.9887686


>> No.9887718

t.xin xin

>> No.9887963

Eastern philosophy is better now. Because Eastern philosophy took everything from the West, while the West ignored everything from the East.

>> No.9887975

Thats not even remotely true, its more like we took everything worth taking from the East in the 18th-19th century

>> No.9887998

There were some /fringe/ and esoteric schools of thought of course, but in reality, practical and mainstream philosophy wasn't adapted in the West.

The most obvious benefit of eastern philosophy in my opinion, is Neoconfucian approach to religion and state.
Also Confucian, pragmatic and farsighted approach to family and societal ethics. Even the Art of War, a famous and admired work, entirely neglected.

>> No.9888024

>wasn't adapted
Right, it was rejected. Because it sucks.
Modern China clearly has a very healthy Neo/coconfucian approach to religion, state, and societal ethics.

>> No.9888043
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Eastern<Western<<<Russian religious philosophy

>> No.9888045

Nobody is awarding medals for what country has """The Best Philosophy™"" dipshit. How old are you?

>> No.9888049

>Modern China clearly has a very healthy Neo/coconfucian approach to religion, state, and societal ethics.

Effeminate Asian cucks will believe this unironically

>> No.9888052

>tfw /pol/ ruined 4chan

It was always shit, but you can't have a discussion about anything now without insecure American kids trying to claim random things as their own personal achievements.

>> No.9888053

What's the state of Eastern philosophy?

Why does it seem like they are still stuck with guys a thousand years old.

The West too has it's ancient one's: the Greeks and Romans. But we also have modern giants.

>> No.9888067

This is an American website friend, we're kind enough unlike your Eastern despots to allow you to to be a guest on our websites, you should in turn respect your place or leave.

>> No.9888072


>> No.9888074

>Why does it seem like they are still stuck with guys a thousand years old.
Well, Chinese civilization was in decay since 18th century, and modern times aren't big on philosophy anywhere.
The rest were colonies.
Japan never had much.

>> No.9888076

You mean this website built on Japanese software, founded to discuss Japanese culture and owned by a Japanese man?

>> No.9888084

Japan is a nation that learned to respect and serve its white betters. I wouldn't call them true Westerners yet if they ever will be but they are Eastlets that learned.

>> No.9888096

You probably have autism so I feel bad for making fun of you, but have actually read anything beyond 'To Kill a Mocking Bird' and 'Mein Kampf'?

>> No.9888115

>first satellite launched is Soviet (eastern)
>first man, woman, and dog ever to go to space are Soviet (eastern)
>creation of the International Space Station by the Soviets (eastern)

But landing on a rock after all these eastern developments somehow makes you better? That's like improving upon the invention of the sandwich by simply adding mustard to the equation.

>> No.9888124

>the Soviets are Eastern when it suits us trick

>> No.9888125
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I'm sceptical of that dichotomy.

>> No.9888128

>the Soviets are Western when it suits us trick

>> No.9888142

Do you realise how much more difficult an undertaking landing multiple men on the moon and bringing them back alive is? Do you realise how much further the moons is than 'space'?

>> No.9888148

>Americans thinking putting a man on the moon means anything

The space race was a dick measuring contest and is literally meaningless.

>> No.9888155

It is also an utterly and completely useless endeavour. Don't forget that the soviets have also landed the first Lunar satellite, probe and lander.

>> No.9888162
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>landing on a celestial pinprick, getting out on one's own feet and God damn returning means nothing
>W-we never wanted to go there anyway

America contrarians are pathetic

>> No.9888170

Not American, thankfully. I'd rather die than be a dirty Yank.

>> No.9888179

I was speaking of contrarians to America Trevor, keep sharp

>> No.9888180


>> No.9888182

Can you explain what the significance of the moon landing is beyond My-dad-is-stronger-than-your-dad-type arguments?

>> No.9888195
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It's already been settled....

>> No.9888197
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For science!

>> No.9888198

Can't watch more than 30 seconds of this normie-ass shit.

>> No.9888206

A living breathing lifeform from Earth stepped foot on another celestial body for the first time after over 4 billion years of struggling and living on this one planet alone

>> No.9888255

Eastern philosophy is only good to be studied retrospectively in comparison to its infinitely superior western counter part.

>> No.9888297

Greece got fucked by hairy turks , Rome got fucked by snow niggers, China got fucked by illiterate mongols , Japan got fucked by degenerate burgers

I would take it as a sign that "philosophy" is just mental masturbation to keep you busy from remembering you're an animal that obey to basic instincts

>> No.9888300

t. homo sapiens #256891103587

>> No.9888311

You're forgetting the part where hyper literate Westerners fucked everyone else

>> No.9888314

>struggling and living on this one planet alone
That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.9888355

how did they fuck anybody? mongols and german Invaders killed millions and changed the course of history.

philosophy is literally useless. especially metaphysical shit like kant or hegel.

>> No.9888364

Mongols are almost extinct. Those who were conquered by them are great powers as they were.

>> No.9888375

Eh ever hear of the holocaust buddy?
Wouldn't have been possible without Kant and Hegel

>> No.9888380

what about Italy and greece who are supposed to be the gods of philosophy but are completely irrelevant nowadays on an international scale

and what about America which is the most important country in the world despite having no culture or literature beside fiction and (dumb) fantasy stuff ?

>> No.9888394


I can respect an architect who make beautiful cathedrals or a scientist who discover something that improve the life of millions but philosophy seems like completely useless to me

in french we say "enculer les mouches" translated to "fucking the flies" which means a completely sterile activity. I think it suits philosophy well especially kant

>> No.9888442
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Doesn't matter. The Middle East spoke, and the whole world converted.

Prove me wrong.
Don't even try.

>> No.9888489


>> No.9888491
File: 272 KB, 540x700, IMG_7005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold steps go west. Roots sound from the east. But in matters of faith, loyalty, guidance and devotion, we are all Bedouins.

>There Are Two Easy Ways to Die in the Desert: Thirst and Drowning

>> No.9889162

who is Mao?

>> No.9889474

t.Mustafi Ibn Ahmud Shatfaci

>> No.9889569

It's unbearably obvious that these people have just read the wikipedia articles about these guys

>> No.9889666

Why would a hard right winger read To Kill A Mockingjay, genuinely curious

>> No.9889685

Western dualist, monotheist religions all descend from Zoroastrianism, East Asian nondualist religions all descend from Vedanta.

Persians signify the beginning of Western ethos; Indians signify the beginning of East Asian ethos.

>> No.9889694

this WAS an American website.

>> No.9889799

A Marxist.