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/lit/ - Literature

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9884868 No.9884868 [Reply] [Original]

Does Marxism mean anything today? Does it have meaning?

>> No.9884877

dumb twitternigger

>> No.9884885

Go to /pol/, dumb retard

>> No.9884895

It means Jewish conspiracy? Are you Jewish? Read Culture of Critique and get educated you 85 IQ mongrel.

>> No.9884910

>it might sound like crazy talk
>but let me add this last line to make you think I'm proving it to be otherwise

>> No.9884921

Marxism btfo once and for all

>> No.9884936

It's used as a meme. But seriously read Das Kapital even if you're an echochamber fag or not, don't be a faggot, great economic theory.

>> No.9884939

labor theory of value lol great economic theory lol


>> No.9884966

its the bloody postmarxists at it again.

>> No.9885086

no because americans misread marx and basically turned his philosophy into liberal social justice theory

>> No.9885090

what the hell does that even means

>> No.9885100

>economic theory
I don't think so, buddy!

>> No.9885103

Class conflict just becomes conflict. We have Leo's Eternal Revolution but the commies no longer know why they fight, they just know they have to fight.

>> No.9885112


funnily enough, marxist systems kill creativity.

because nobody is competing, there is no need to progress or innovate.

game companies must love the sound of that.

>> No.9885116

How in fuck is that even related to his question

You have zero reason to believe he has not, asking if something even means anything today is a question about the way the word is used in the marketplace, it has no bearing on the questioners understanding of the word. Today Marxism is thrown around in such a loose nonsensicaly that, descriptivistically, it has no solid meaning outside of its historical one, which no one pays heed to when uttering it.

>> No.9885118

>used as a meme
How to say literally nothing at all.

>> No.9885121

True creatives shirk competition
If one sincerely loves an art it's like a religious thing
It doesn't need to be monetized to be enjoyed or innovated


>> No.9885131

Or, not shirks competition, but doesn't rely on industry to fuel competition.

Note that the most important literature of the past 30 years has never been the bestselling literature. This is true of any and all art.

>> No.9885135

Marx understands capitalism as an historical totality while neoclassical economics remain confined to an ahistorical model based on atomised utility maximising consumer units. Capitalism is fundamentally social, a people managing system. capitalism only exists as long as humans acknowledge it and participate in it.Social labor is the source of all value. In the first chapter of Das Kapital, Marx describes capitalism as a bizarre tribal religion. The commodity is not unlike the idols of the darkest africa, at firs sight a very simple thing, but on closer inspection full of theological and metaphysical subtleties. Capitalism is the religion of inanimate objects: under capital, objects take on a life of their own and reign over men.


>> No.9885140


great creativity is mandated by larger entities for higher goals.

creativity on a subjective basis is objectively shit.

>> No.9885147


great novels also depend on the success of the book industry.

many great novels throughout history were a response to rising trends in publishing.

>> No.9885165

Nobody's stopping you to going to some hellhole and giving your property and freedom to the state so you can be free of this tribal religion, comrade.

I'll be keeping my Netflix prescription thank you very much.

>> No.9885172

>Marx describes capitalism as a bizarre tribal religion

And that is the completely baseless premise on which the entire argument of Das Kapital flounders.

As if the 20th century wasn't a vivid enough demonstration of that.

>> No.9885179



>> No.9885184

the 20th century is proof Marx was right about almost everything. His timing was off, though. In China and the Soviet Union, the task of capitalist accumulation fell to the bureaucratic party. We all live in a fully proletarianised world, a world confined to the metropolises of western Europe in Marx' own day. Capitalism has subsumed nearly every aspect of life, entering cybernetic runaway and consuming the biosphere.

>> No.9885194
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Might as well blame Argentines.

>> No.9885196

>many great novels throughout history were a response to rising trends in publishing
Could you provide examples of what you're talking about here please.

>> No.9885257


Let me put it to you this way; Shakespeare was a populist who brought his individual talent into popular genres of the day.

Dickens, Hugo and Tolstoy are similar in this respect. The public is taken with certain kinds of stories which provide intrigue and fascination which writers capitalize on.

>> No.9885277

Hugo capitalised on the revolutionary fervors of his day. Marx named Balzac as one of the main inspirations behind his work.

>> No.9885290


he brought his viewpoints into popular genres iof the day; namely historical novels.

every great novelist did not invent the wheel.

>> No.9885318

you go to gulag

>> No.9885360

Can we have another Peterson thread?
I want to watch you guys argue about Peterson again

>> No.9885404

He can't tell me what to do, HE'S NOT MY FUCKING DAD. Man, those peterson fags have real daddy issues.

>> No.9885467

>Be Marx
>Look at Hegel
>Take Hegel's formula, which Hegel uses to prove PRUSSIAN MONARCHY will be the new epoch with an IDEALISTIC SYSTEM OF PHILOSOPHY
>Be Historically illiterate buffoon.
>Replace Idealism with debased 19th Century Materialism
>Plot out a cartoonish Whig History with your stupid ideology at the center
>Make your system THE FINALITY
>Make economics somehow the main determinant of man.
>Ignore or sideline everything else
>Idiots buy into your theory
>Try to overthrow capitalism.
>Surely, it will end now!
>It doesn't.
>Idiots buy into your theory.
>Try to overthrow capitalism.
>Surely, it will end now!
>It doesn't.
>Idiots by into your theory
>This new technology will surely make capitalism obsolete!
>Surely it will end now!
>It doesn't.
>150 Years later
>Idiots buy into 150-year old theory
>It's been the standardized method of academic rebellion for some time now.
>Nobody questions the 'rebels'. Assumes its correct.
>Keep on 'The Struggle'
>Surely, it will end now
>It doesn't
>Robots take over the economy
>Surely, it will end now!
>It will be like Star Trek!
>Fully Automated Gay Space Communism
>It doesn't happen
>Capitalism adapts
>Workers still work. Capitalists still own. Property exists.
>Download Das Capital on the holo-computer you bought with you e-bucks.
>Buy into theory
>Try to overthrow space capitalism
>It doesn't happen
>Get sent to Lunar Penal Colony
>Watch robots sort lunar rocks for 10.4 Coin per hour.
>Government can't pay you nothin'
>You think:
>We're in Late Stage Capitalism, surely.
>It's all going to go into a utopia, right?
>History keeps on going.
>History ain't Marx's bitch.

>> No.9885479

which thread are you referring to

was i in it?

>> No.9885481
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>> No.9885485

That child's name? Adam smith

>> No.9885495

Nice literature thread.

>> No.9885560

Read the German Ideology. Marx gets in a row with Saint Max AKA meme man Stirner. Materialism and Idealism are united and transcended in praxis. Revolution is merely the continuation of philosophy by other means. Communism is the becoming subject of humanity. Marx would have seen today's accelerationist memers and automation hypebots as the fetishist morons they are. The formal Subsumption of labor is the transformation of productive processes to suit the interests of capital

>> No.9885589

>Das Kapital
What translation should I read?

>> No.9885608


the english one