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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 945x300, christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9882155 No.9882155 [Reply] [Original]

How come most people are christians here?

>> No.9882158


>> No.9882164


>> No.9882166

migrants from /pol/

>> No.9882171

>how come most people who care to post about religion or christianity are christians
Have a guess

>> No.9882183

>How come there are smarter people than me?

>> No.9882189

It's the latest meme

>> No.9882193

Because Christianity is the only religion that can metaphysically justify itself down to first principles. It is literally The Truth.

>> No.9882195

You'll be suprised how divided /pol/ is between religion and non-religion, and everything in between. It is meaningless unless I had data, but from my experience browsing it non-theism is more common.

>> No.9882196

They aren't actually Christian. They just pretend to be. None of them believe in the afterlife or the literal resurrection of Jesus.

>> No.9882203

there are christian generals on a weekly basis in that board

>non-theism is more common

you haven't browsed it then

>> No.9882205

Wrong we don't worship your Jew on a stick, red pills worship our Lord Kek

>> No.9882211


r/t_D please go

>> No.9882217

Feigning a belief in God is more entertaining than falling back on one's actual conviction of depressed existential dread
At least it triggers redditors

>> No.9882222

It's just the pseud version of the kekistan faggots, at least here on 4chan.

>> No.9882230

/pol/ is still infested with christians lol

>> No.9882235

I could be wrong. But can you agree that /pol/ is divided on religion? You do get comments like this >>9882205 just not with the Lord Kek stuff

>> No.9882236

Most of the people advocating Christianity on /lit/ (or any 4chan board) are probably not practicing Christians. They just find the idea of a nebulous yet unified Christianity appeals to them, their morals and/or plan for society.

In short, this >>9882196. And I suspect their actual doctrinal knowledge is pretty severely lacking.

>> No.9882238

there is also a paganism general most days and ocassionally a yhread asking if buddhism is the final redpill or some stupid shit. each of these threads have genuine believers and people taking the piss.

>> No.9882240
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*tips fedora*

>> No.9882243
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*respectfully tips back*

>> No.9882246
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These are people who attended university courses in subjects such as comparative literature, creative writing, and literary analysis instead of courses in subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy.
It is only natural that they would fill their lack of understanding with something based in literature, philosophy, and mythology.

>> No.9882249

Because one can only find salvation through the righteous path.
They're pagans and Fascists.

>> No.9882250

Implying a lot there.

>> No.9882258

I almost got into this until I realised it is literally LARPing.

>we are barbarians, by Zeus!
>yeah, our tribes decide traitors should be shunned!
>we drink mead and we converse respectfully like barbarians!
>yes, our Neanderthal ancestors (WHO WERE ALL BLONDE LIKE THE ENTIRE EUROPE! YEAH, BROWN HAIR = NIGGER!) believed in reincarnation and they had THE REAL religion!

I mean, I like Paganism, but this cult that spawned on YouTube and /pol/ is retarded, especially since it is based on Varg's ideas and they are absolutely baseless and he has no proof for it other than his wife's blog and book, which are themselves also baseless and lack any evidence.

>> No.9882260

/pol/ isn't divided on religion, they pretty much embrace christianity, kek posting is not a thing any more in /pol/

>most days

No, pagan generals are such a rare occasion and they usually get shitposted by reactionary christians

>> No.9882272


>> No.9882274

Could you please stop embarrassing yourself by presupposing the falsehood of Christianity out of turn?

>> No.9882283

What are you on about. /pol/ became christian because of /lit/ immigrants.

>> No.9882285

>/pol/ is actually really pagan

Since when did people start categorizing /pol/ as a pagan board? Go ahead and post anything pagan related and you'll get called a cringey LARPer.

>> No.9882293

Because athiesm is for fedoras and we are left asking ourselves if there is something more that created this beautiful world.

>> No.9882294


>> No.9882296

We are straying away from the topic. But I want to write one last thing on /pol/. I don't think there really is a single coherent ideology there. And unless we had access to some kind of data we can't say which one is dominant or not.

>> No.9882300

>>/pol/ is actually really pagan
I never said that. I just said it originated from Varg and his followers on /pol/.

>> No.9882302

Every time Varg releases a new video they have a thread on it.

>> No.9882304

You see, reddit is atheist. So,

>> No.9882305


>> No.9882309

>1 person makes a thread therefore pagan

Varg is a laughing stock among /pol/acks

>> No.9882319

We're all world-weary here, but some are cowards too.

>> No.9882327

Because their parents were and they never learned how to be able to separate themselves from the teat intellectually.

>> No.9882388

I unironically think that it's at least 50% due to Gene Wolfe's meme status.

>> No.9882400

>meme status
If you bother with one fantasy/SF writer, it should be Wolfe.

>> No.9882401

Lit is the best place to get great recs on philosophy, especially Catholic phil. Wolfe is memed, but not that much and he isn't an author that usually converts people.

>> No.9882405

He is vastly overrated, Herbert, Lem, Dick all shit on him.

>> No.9882411

I've no idea who he is except that he writes spaceship books or something and I post here all the time

>> No.9882415

t. His parents were Christian and he still hasn't learned to get over his teenage rebellion phase

>> No.9882432

mediocre writer, tv anime-tier philosophizer
I like Lem but there's no reason to rate him significantly higher than Wolfe
>dude I did too many marijuanas and now I don't know what's real anymore
There, that's the plot of every Dick story

>> No.9882433

Have you actually read Gene Wolfe? Lem is the closest to Wolfe of those three, and I do not understand how you could possibly rate Lem and not rate Wolfe ("Three Storytelling Machines" could be a Wolfe story, for example). I don't even understand what Herbert is fucking doing being mentioned in your post.

>> No.9882451

Most religions are same shit/different coat of paint; there's nothing special about Christianity whatsoever. Questioning the religion your parents' indoctrinated you into since birth is not rebellion, it's caring about what you're going to devote your life to.

>> No.9882460

There's more to PKD than that. If you want Wolfe-ian shit think of Rautavaara's Case or A Maze of Death. PKD usually wants to give you the resolution though, and is not half as complex as a writer, whereas Wolfe wants you to figure it out for yourself.

>> No.9882475

STEM can explain everything about the physical world, but nothing about anything transcendent or based in faith and feeling. You can measure the properties of a house someone has built all you want, but that doesn't have anything to do with meeting and getting to know the builder. The power of literature/humanities, on the other hand, is that they let you get at realms beyond the purely physical, search for the meaning behind it by understanding more about how others feel and believe about their experiences of the world, ultimately how they experience God and how you can. I think that's why /lit/ tends to have a lot of Christians; not because Christians gravitate towards literature, but because finding the truth in literature ultimately brings you to the truth of God.

>> No.9882483

>Believing this shite

>> No.9882516
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>Most religions are same shit/different coat of paint

Thats objectively retarded

>> No.9882522

Those stopped a long time ago

>> No.9882525

You can do all of the things you described without a belief in God and everything can be explained through through the cold complex logic of the physical universe

>> No.9882531

Do you come to literature hoping for something that mirrors the cold complex rationality of science or for something greater, something that could give you hints as to maybe what it all means on a level beyond that?

>> No.9882532
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no it didn't

>> No.9882534

That search clearly shows its not a real general, just occassional threads

>> No.9882539

But they are one and the same

>> No.9882555

>i-it's not real general!

ok bud

>> No.9882560

Dude if its not generally there, its not a general. I just did a search in /pol/ and there is none showing

>> No.9882562

Who gives a shit go and do something productive

>> No.9882571

>There are actually people on a board of supposed 'intellectuals' or worship a dead, middle eastern terrorist who drunkenly got himself nailed to a cross for being a dumbass mother fucker and thinking he could somehow overthrow Roman occupation in Israel
You were all played like fiddles and YOU KNOW IT.

>> No.9882578
File: 234 KB, 682x1024, michel-houellebecq_religion_jourfixe-blog_gaby_dos_santos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but what else is there?

>> No.9882579


>> No.9882584

hit a nerve did I?

>> No.9882588

Christianity is by far the most /lit/ religion.


/lit/ missionaries have worked hard to combat the heretical pagan and nihilistic elements in /pol/

>> No.9882590

>generally means 24/7

shifting goal posts again?

>> No.9882593

No but you're a boring fucker and even witnessing the crushing penury that your posts convey, personality wise, makes me embarrassed for you

>> No.9882596

>work hard to combat the heretical pagan and nihilistic elements in /pol/
>/pol/ is more christian than /lit/

>> No.9882597

Oh piss off you repugnant fuck

>> No.9882620

If you're embarrassed for me, why are you seething?

>> No.9882627

Memes for the lulz and since a significant group here is dissafected christians angry about how nonchristian everything is being.

>> No.9882639

Croats get out

>> No.9882641
File: 32 KB, 1023x576, 264261822242ce1db40868f22d48ccf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might want to take a break from the mean internet people champ

>> No.9882645

I'm not, I'm sipping an ice coffee - it's sunny; very chilled

>> No.9882646

Literally this. Jesus wasn't the messiah, he was just a jackass who talked too much, too loudly in front of his superiors.

>> No.9882651

Let me teach you young'un.

>> No.9882653

Wasn't me, I love Dick.

>> No.9882675

It's the origin of Materialism/Darwinism/Liberalism.

>> No.9882679

I'm sure you do

>> No.9882680

No thanks

>> No.9882681
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Let me teach you

>pic related

>> No.9882683
File: 50 KB, 600x619, 58a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, I'll pray for you

>> No.9882687

Really? I mean is this where god belongs?

>> No.9882745

Because like religion is an ideological cocoon in which to hide oneself to keep the existential uncertainty at bay, literature is an intellectual cocoon in which to protect ones opinions from the same standards of scrutiny actual knowledge of the world normally has to endure.

>> No.9882757

What the hell is actual knowledge of the world?

>> No.9882809


Actual knowledge of the world has given us medicine, mapped the stars, genetically engineered trees which produce many species of fruit on the same branch, and proven that much of religious doctrine is demonstrably false. Play your word game all you want, but good ideas are such because they endure scrutiny. Religion survives because it deals exclusively in what cannot imaginably be proven or disproven, just as literature is mostly framing ideas in play-pretend because you couldn't make them work in real life.

>> No.9882821

>Actual knowledge of the world has given us medicine, mapped the stars, genetically engineered trees which produce many species of fruit on the same branch, and proven that much of religious doctrine is demonstrably false.

Yeah but all that shit is written in books

>> No.9882851

LARP-ing is such a dumb word. How the fuck can you even being to establish the difference between genuine belief and "role play"? If these people know about paganism and live as according to "pagan principles" (whatever they are), then they are pagan.

Even though the people in the comment section of Varg video seem a bit thick, don't discount them as insincere "LARPers". I'm willing to bet they believe fully in the shit the spout.

LARP-ing to me seems like a word used to denote people who sincerely act in a way I find cringy

>> No.9882855

Fair enough.

>> No.9882857
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You need to go deeper

>> No.9882867
File: 349 KB, 550x423, Life of a Saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ had a massive rise of religious belief between 2013-2015, with it hushing up due to the refocusing of /pol/ on the election. Other boards that absorbed this thought over time retained it while /pol/ itself got flooded by Redditors who are very influenced by r/atheism.

>> No.9882891

This is especially notable as religious /pol/ was heavily Catholic. /lit/ and /his/ got the most of it.

>> No.9882908

I would say the vast majority aren't actually Christians, they're just larpers who are mad at liberals and Islam.

>> No.9882928
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>tfw unironically a believer
It sure is getting hot in here

>> No.9882944
File: 17 KB, 480x360, there's that word again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you saying that the people on /pol/ conveniently converted to Christianity purely for pragmatic reasons and that they have no genuine faith?

Or are you just saying that you find them cringy?:

>> No.9882954

He very clearly said the first one

>> No.9882964

Here too, brother.

>> No.9882965

Yeah but being a by the book Catholic sort of requires you to have some grievances with liberals. Maybe not so much with Islam though.

>> No.9883152

same yo

>> No.9883167

It requires you to have grievances with conservatives, too. Religious views transcend political.

>> No.9883186

Christians of /lit/ I would like your advise please.

I want to believe and to become a Christian but at this time I don't truly believe in God, I believe in aspects of God like God has put certain people in the places they are. I do believe that Kings are appointed by God for a reason.

I struggle putting into words what I believe at this time.

I want to be a Christian and I want to believe, I won't lie a good percentage of why I want the above is because I am interested in Christianity.

I don't know how to go about the above, what branch of faith should I join if I can.

My Mother is a Catholic and my Father protestant (He doesn't believe any more)

I don't think I would be able to be a Catholic because I don't believe the Pope is God's voice on earth.

>> No.9883202

>I believe in aspects of God like God has put certain people in the places they are. I do believe that Kings are appointed by God for a reason.

Thats ridiculous and heretical

>> No.9883214

I don't know and I don't understand.

But one thing I do believe in is the Monarchy. That is something I believe from the bottom of my heart

>> No.9883224
File: 130 KB, 599x798, Blessing_of_the_Colours_by_John_Lavery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a Pagan, there is only one Lord and he died for our sins.

>> No.9883266

Again I don't know and I don't understand.

I understand that believing Jesus died for our sins is a key point in Christianity but it is not something I am fully understanding off.

I think I believe that Jesus is the son of God and died for which I assume is our sins.

I think my problem with believing is that I believe the aspects around God but struggle with God himself.

I would say I believe in the Son, the holy spirit and the Father I struggle with finding solid ground on what I think.

It's really hard to put into words what I believe and what I don't when I am not sure.

>> No.9883295

It's a pretty old meme. Besides, /pol/ was a Christian board since the 2012 happening worship died down. Habbening worship died August 2016, but it was a mere shadow of its former self. This is the state of the site.
/v/, /b/ and Reddit influx to /pol/ in 2014 made atheism more prevalent and the post quality shifted sites and boards. /lit/ is largely Christian due to the need to know a lot more than the 'enemies'. Where is this knowledge? In what we defend. Our culture, our language, history, tradition, literature, religion...

>> No.9883296

Start with the Greeks, work your way up to Hegel, it'll all be clearer then

>> No.9883299

>/lit/ is largely Christian

>> No.9883313

The healthy don't need a healer.

>> No.9883320

Even if you're open to hearing what the Catholic or any other church has to say in contradiction/interpretation, I'd start by reading the Bible and see where you naturally gravitate. For now just choose a church where you'll be able to be a contributing, active member.
>I do believe that Kings are appointed by God for a reason.
This belief is historically based on a misinterpretation of Romans 13. It's nothing to do with God ordaining monarchs (how does the text exclude democratically elected leaders?), it is about how Christians should act in response -- submit to authorities as Paul did (he broke Roman law by preaching the Gospel, but did not violently resist his arrest but submitted to the authorities and used it as an opportunity to preach further).

>> No.9883325

Obscure words are great when you know that there is a prevalent view. Heck, from a literacy perspective it could be argued that eurocentric thought is Christian.

>> No.9883328

Democracy is evil. It sore

>> No.9883334

Democracy spreads the sins of the leadership among all who dwell within its borders.

>> No.9883343

This is a good example of the Christian LARPers people are talking about in the thread. No serious interest in engaging, but they use the religion to meme about whatever nightmare politics they believe in.

Do you go to church, anons? Which church?

>> No.9883346

Christians are pathetic, scared morons, as are all theists.

>> No.9883352

That is some nice insight there, my Dad has an old King James bible. It has the Scottish deviant of the British coat of arms in the front. I don't know if that means anything other than it is the King James bible.

I will read that I guess, there is a church near me called St Michael the Archangel church. I am thinking of going to a service tomorrow morning.

>> No.9883365

Of course. Any system of government which is not God alone sovereign and all humans serving each other in perfect obedience to Him is evil, as are many of man's contrivances in this fallen world. But the fact is that Romans 13 says nothing about that, nor about monarchy or tyranny or communism or any other system, merely submission to the judgement of authority of an unspecific form.

>> No.9883417

King James used something like what you described when he was King of Scotland but before he was King of England, maybe that's why?
Service would be a good idea, make sure to meet the church (congregation) too, before or after (probably tea + biscuits). The fellowship of believers is important in a church.
Bible study may be suited to you too if they have one, in my experience they're not under the assumption that attendees are believers/seekers/atheists/whatever and they're not pushing to convert anyone (when someone is already willing to turn up to a study, Scripture can do rest of the talking) (although I've always attend uni-student-heavy studies so I don't know if this is true with more established congregations). It's a good way to get to know how to read and interpret Bible passages yourself.

>> No.9883423

>unironically believing this.

you were raised a protestant, weren't you?

>> No.9883424

I mean he used a coat of arms like that, not a Bible.

>> No.9883503
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This is the picture after looking at it

>> No.9883506
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My bad shit take

>> No.9883545

Christianity hates women, just like the beta nu's that come here.

>> No.9883553

>Democracy spreads the sins of the leadership among all who dwell within its borders.

Thats a good thing, it forces people to take moral responsibility for their state

>> No.9883842

>A Woman has the title "Queen of the Universe", is thought to be the greatest human ever that wasn't also God
>Women treated much better than under paganism (source: Schopenhauer, who really hates women)
>Female monarchs were a thing, had actual power to a great extent
>Modern feminism started with liberal British Protestants that took things too far
>Hates women

>> No.9883989

Until I found one of them posting webm of them sacrificing a child to the demons they worship, then I find no reason to call them something else other than LARPers.

>> No.9883998

I'd still call them LARPers even then tbqh

>> No.9883999

>It's really hard to put into words what I believe and what I don't when I am not sure
Most people of faith then. Everyone has struggled at some point one way or another. Also, God didn't appoint any kings.

>> No.9884018

They aren't.

>> No.9884046

4chan in general is filled with people who claim to be X whilst knowing next to nothing about X. It is the same here.

From my experiences here however, I have found 'Catholics' (atleast, those professing to be Catholic) to be the most insufferable people to be found. It would probably be better if there were less Christians on this board, so I wouldn't have to read their horseshit.

>> No.9884085

Me? I want to go to heaven

>> No.9884136

Bourgeois scientism is a bitter gray pall that never actually provides any joy, only trains you from birth to think there's nothing else, and that time-killing mindless hedonism is "joy"

People inevitably turn toward spiritual and mystical possibilities as they gradually realize this, and the Christianity is objectively the best and truest religion. Some people turn to Buddhism or Hindu mysticism instead, but they are slightly harder to get into, and most Westerners realize that Buddhism in particular doesn't fit the Western soul.

>> No.9884168


I found you to be found

>> No.9884278
File: 45 KB, 550x690, The-Most-Interesting-Man-In-The-World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come most people are christians here?
because its an easy to understand monotheism cosmology with an extremely low barrier to entry practiced by most religious English speakers.

>> No.9884319

larping is popular

lots of people post the posts, read the theology, and bash on non-believers, yet don't go to mass

>> No.9884330

Mass is the most LARPing event there is

>> No.9884331

The stench of stale fedora still lingers amongst the heads of many of these nu-christians.

>> No.9884960

I was raised Christian but dropped it around college, became Buddhist.