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9878086 No.9878086 [Reply] [Original]

What feelings do you experience when you meet a girl who knows a lot more about books than you?

Personally I become very paranoid and insecure but also aroused.

>> No.9878104

I feel nothing because I'm not a retard who believes either gender is inferior or superior to the other intellectually

>> No.9878112

TBQH I wasn't really asking from that perspective. I'd also be curious what a gay man/lesbian woman who is /lit/ thinks when they meet a guy/girl even more /lit/ than them.

>> No.9878120

>I'd also be curious what a gay man/lesbian woman who is /lit/ thinks when they meet a guy/girl even more /lit/ than them.
I think if Highsmith looked at me like that, I'd take my clothes off in public.

>> No.9878143

She was pretty spectacular as a seductress, but spectacularly cruel as well. The anecdote where she was living with one woman and wrote the name of the young German actress she was having an affair with on all the mirrors in the house - in lipstick - sticks with me. Before the other woman came home. The woman she was with was in her 40s, the actress in her 20s and Patricia in her 50s or 60s.

>> No.9878162


Insecure I could understand, but why "paranoid", OP? Paranoid about what?

>> No.9878165

I feel the need to point and laugh, because she is undoubtedly fat and ugly.

>> No.9878189

This happened to me, ended up I fucked that fat bitch

>> No.9878193

I literally never met one.

>> No.9878199

That seems more childish than anything.

>> No.9878200

I'd say insecurity and paranoia often go hand in hand. Maybe that's just me.

>> No.9878201

Nice. Honestly, if you can keep it on the DL, bang away.

And OP, probably not much. I'd be a bit jealous, but I feel the same way when I man has read more than me/is more "lit"

>> No.9878202

well yeah, I mean every now and then you got to do some pigging just to keep your priorities straight, no shame.

>> No.9878208

Sure, but - you don't think that's cruel? Imagine being confronted with that arriving home.

>> No.9878209

Barring genre fiction fanatics and actual literature students (no reaction as it's expected) it hasn't happened so dunno.

>> No.9878219
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It seems like the intention is to be cruel but if it happened to me I'd like to think my reaction would be to start wondering how I got taken in by such a melodramatic idiot.

>> No.9878231

Tingly and lightheaded. On the verge of falling in love.

Perhaps there was some frigidness between them. Not to fully stick up for her.

That is rather shameful, actually.

>> No.9878238

>That is rather shameful, actually.

Thanks for the input, virgin.

>> No.9878244

Only time it happened she was my professor and I wasn't really all that into Chaucer or The Faerie Queen so I was okay with it.

>> No.9878255

No one likes you fag.

>> No.9878298
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>Hate-fucks people he's not attracted to
At least you're not banging hookers.
I can only hope the women know you're a disposable.
"Love-making" they used to call it. Sad world.

>> No.9878315

It's not an isolated case of it. Highsmith could be an incredibly spiteful person.

>> No.9878318

just don't kill anyone else for your total sexual failure, just do yourself and call it quits.

>> No.9878324

I met one once but she was ugly so I didn't care. Couldn't be her friend either as she was a rich bitch.

>> No.9878340

Fuck nerdy girls begin god bless

>> No.9878341

I would definitely be attracted to her. For the most part, my intellect thrives in conversation. If she actually is more intelligent than I am, the conversation becomes me asking her about her thoughts on such a theme or author. The idea is to ask penetrating questions. Worse case, I learn more about X; best case, I can trip her up and seize the upperhand. This allows me to rant and for her to question and rebut. It's a dance for which I thrive, one which I have lacked a good partner for some time.

>> No.9878345

Oh m8, I can believe it.

>> No.9878357

Only happened once with a really attractive Jewish coworker. It made me less attracted to her because I have a hard time approaching someone both intellectually and emotionally. She's actually the only person I've ever talked to about books, she recc'd me Paradise Lost

>> No.9878364

none of that is a reason to keep my clothes on near her

>> No.9878389

>At least you're not banging hookers
>not appreciating the aesthetic of fucking a hooker
I'm disappointed, Butterfly.

>> No.9878399

It's trip butterfly. Real butterfly is a real lesbian, and would revise its sentence fragments. She's obviously dead and never coming back to us.

>> No.9878401

The ironic thing is I actually run a female escort agency which specializes in highly literate escorts who dress up and act like famous women from literary fiction (or as female writers themselves) and I was just about to offer « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » an all-expenses paid test night if they'd review it.

Oh well.

>> No.9878405

>offering butters money
don't you think we tried that before we tried poetry?

>> No.9878407


>> No.9878417

I don't take any issue with it. Frankly when I meet anyone else with an interest in literature I usually end up talking their ear off like an overly enthusiastic child regardless of who they are.

I once subjected someone to a 4 hour rant about Ulysses when i'd taken a few eccies because they told me they liked Dubliners

>> No.9878436


I'm picking up what you're putting down. I have a few friends I can do this with but I see them rarely. Every time I do it turns into some sort of 8 hour long debate where both sides become increasingly less coherent

>> No.9878456
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Why would I kill anyone?
I masturbate pretty regularly.

I'm very anti-capitalist. The whole capitalist aesthetic, the misery it causes is nauseating. I can understand the sci-fi and fantasy writers desire to get away from it. (This could be the start of what unseats postmodernism)

I'm never going to stay for more than a few hours at a time. Alive and well, thanks.

(I wanna take all your hookers away from you True Romance style.)

>> No.9878494

Never met anyone like that.
And desu I'm into philosophy more than literature, so if she's into literature in a big way that's not biting into my share of the e-peen pie.

>> No.9878503

Had I met someone like that it wouldn't change much, she would still go for the guys with more money than me and with a more handsome face.

>> No.9878523
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>> No.9878525

Didnt happen yet

>> No.9878558

See, but the thing is, I honestly don't care about winning the debate. I mean, if you don't think that what you believe is true, you don't believe it. What I believe is right, and I don't care if others believe me or not. The caveat being what I believe ought to be subject to change -- which it is. When some sort of impasse occurs, such as fundamental axiomatic disagreement, I change the conversation with my friends. No point in butting heads; we're grabbing drink for a good time, not to be combative. So if we debate for 8 hours, it's over at least 4-5 different things.
Also, you might appreciate this:

This keeps me, impart, grounded. The skeptic always wins, but the skeptic is boring and lacks fecundity.

>> No.9878607

This except I don't care the level of her intellect. It's the joy felt in antagonism and the tenacity to win an argument that turns me on. I want her to want to win and not give up so that the tension remains to the point of playful physical combat. Drunken stubborn spiteful women would need to be punished to the satisfaction of both parties.

The acting part is lame. Why not just get them to be authentically lit and skip the charades. You'd get more repeat customers, I'm sure. Do you provide any government subsidised discounts?

>> No.9878620

But independent prostitution is one of less capitalist professions there is, especially if the hooker doesn't mind being one.

>> No.9878655

They are authentically lit; they can just also act like Carol Aird or Werther's Charlotte if that's your preference.

I can only offer government subsidised discounts on specifically, nationally targeted genres of literature, or on World Book Day.

>> No.9878671

I would love that

I wish it would happen

But then again I'd take anything at this point

>> No.9878689


Ah well, there's the contrast I think. We'll often shift topic quite often. For example the last time we convened we started out on the subject of the NHS in Britain and healthcare legislation, and then slowly over the course of the night brought the argument back to first principles, which is to say the nature of moral duty and how it might play into the role of the state. A diverse range of opinions was present so it was very enjoyable. I live for these kinds of discussions honestly.

Thanks for the link, it's interesting. Honestly I think the fun of debate isn't in winning, as you say, but in bouncing your opinions off of others and hearing interesting points of view that can surprise you.

>> No.9878721

>What feelings do you experience when you meet a girl who knows a lot more about books than you?
extreme attraction. girls who read and are intelligent, compassionate, and articulate are so attractive it's ridiculous.

>> No.9878739

Woah, you're a very naughty boy. Antagonism for the sake of antagonism is, to me, a very unerotic trait; pigheadness is not sexy. Conflict thought out in reason, ah, but that is another beast entirely.

Haha, with my closest friends we start at first principles and move to the State. I don't know about you, but I get a rush when I get into a heated conversation.
Also, I think you and I would get along.

>> No.9878748

I dunno about compassionate. I once kiss and intelligent literary lady, who responded later 'I only kissed you, because that is what you wanted'.

>> No.9878767

Where the hell do you find smart people?
I mean well rounded people.

>> No.9878814


Perhaps we would. What's your opinion of massively excessive binge drinking?

The only people I've ever met who were both smart and well rounded were posh

>> No.9878860

Elite towns near hospitals.

>> No.9878874

I've never met one. I mean, there's one in my college class who had read 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 before I did and said that they're pretty damn good, but I don't think she reads anything beyond the extra popular. I've never got along with her. Maybe I'll talk with her again when semester starts. She is decent looking.

>> No.9878887

Uh, I would say that I am opposed to it, but I have been drinking straight rum, and whiskey since 11 am today (it's now 3:30pm).

>> No.9879348

>tfw you go NEET and your inferiors surpass you

>> No.9880991

This is true. Wealth and care from an early age just gives such an advantage.

>> No.9881000

Aroused because I like bookworm girls, and I'd ask her for recommendations and actually read them.

>> No.9881034


Never met one. But then I don't get out much. Only women doing PhD level stuff could really surprise me. That surprise would quickly shift to respect as opposed to insecurity. I would've been far more insecure about all of this in the past but these days I know what I'm interested in and I know why I'm interested in it, so I'm content with grinding away sans feefees.

...maybe a tiny bit of insecurity if she were next level brilliant.

>> No.9881037

Oh anon... Have a seat.

>> No.9881131

aroused and competitive

>> No.9881139

Literally has never happened.

>> No.9881338

>real lesbian
>trans "girl"
pick one

>> No.9881347

I don't like YA books so It's never happens.

>> No.9881371
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>> No.9881374

>What feelings do you experience when you meet a girl who knows a lot more about books than you?

Hasn't happened yet, desu. Not even through five years of university. Well, I've met plenty who know more about unbearably shitty genre fiction that even /sffg/ would turn their noses up at, but other than that, nope

>> No.9881377
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Erudition is nothing when compared to how deep a person is.
So, to answer your question, I would delude myself into believing that I'm immensely deeper than her.

>> No.9881738

Maybe you're confusing paranoia with anxiety.

>> No.9881741

Selma Blair is my all-time waifu.

>> No.9881758
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Met a trap girl who knew more about music (good music not anime soundtracks) than me, and can play. Pic related.

>> No.9881766
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>Meh and Womyn are COMPLETELYY the same!
>Even tho there is biological, physical, evolutionary and social skills/traits that develops different in them

>> No.9881796

hasn't happened yet

>> No.9881811

I really wish I could meet someone like you, butters.

Everyone I meet is a fucking normie. Or a dumbass.

>> No.9881827

to be fair they're more similar than they are different and in terms of the intellectual bell curve they're pretty much the same at the median

>> No.9881871
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if i sense anyone knows more about literature than me i feel resentful but also excited and i make sure to pay attention to what they say and spend more time around them, all the while being cautious not to let my own lack of knowledge slip and leading them to believe i am their equal or even superior.

usually it turns out i was smarter than them all along but if not i make sure to milk them for all the knowledge they have.

>> No.9881887

>What feelings do you experience when you meet a girl who knows a lot more about books than you?
I'm a lesbian and honestly, it's never happened. They tend to claim all books written pre 1990s are written by "straight white men" and have no value. I've yet to meet a non politicised lesbian- gay men manage it, but not us in general. I seem to be in an extreme minority in that I don't care about identity politics (and am not studying a gender studies course). I am in University though, so that might be why- the community is dreadful and I'm probably going to die alone.

>> No.9881893

Try the international students.

>> No.9881906

>Try the international students.
There's a bit of a language barrier unfortunately-most of the International students are from China or India, and I speak neither Mandarin (or cantonese) or Hindi, only French, Russian and German.

>> No.9881909

Anon said that neither gender is superior or inferior to the other, not that they are the same.

>> No.9881913

I just want a girl who'll give me 3 healthy children and who won't leave me. I don't care if she's smarter or dumber than I am.

>> No.9881940

When I met Paglia I was pretty aroused, too bad she's a lezzie

>> No.9882098

Try dating outside the university senpai.

>> No.9882102

Are you sure? There may be ones you don't realise are international students. I'm thinking people from Singapore, HK, or raised in various international schools around the world so they speak English fluently.

>> No.9882145
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I have never met a girl who even reads books that qualify as literature desu

>> No.9882218

Me too

>> No.9882244

Doesn't happen in Sweden.

>> No.9882794

Never seen one; I'd probably be very aroused too

>> No.9882825


I like this approach

>> No.9882826

Unzip dick

next question

>> No.9882835

You guys are probably lacking perspective and leading unhealthy lifestyles if this is the case. You're trying to dominate/be dominated by people based on book knowledge, which is weird and likely unhealthy. It's probably not going to help you at all in life.

>> No.9884511

>Are you sure? There may be ones you don't realise are international students. I'm thinking people from Singapore, HK, or raised in various international schools around the world so they speak English fluently.
Maybe it's different where you are.

>> No.9884668

>What feelings do you experience when you meet a girl who knows a lot more about books than you?

but anon, I'm a literature student and I don't know that feel.

>> No.9884743

they're all fucking bpd all girls with interests exceeding the normal are bpd

>> No.9884778

That's not true. My girlfriend is better read than me, and she's not mentally ill. Far from it. She was depressed for a long time but through some Herculean effort made herself better. I think it's all the Greek philosophy she read- it inspired her to self improve.