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File: 5 KB, 136x186, knausgaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9877349 No.9877349 [Reply] [Original]

Authors that are secretly white nationalist? I have a feeling that Knausgaard fits into this category:

1) Has publically said that Sweden is not as good as it used to be, or he thought it would be. However he didnt expand on why.

2) Reads Mein Kampf yet cannot understand the cat-lady hysteria that follows the book. Nearly got removed from an airplane for reading it.

Knausgaard is /ourguy/

>> No.9877355

John Green

>> No.9877358


>> No.9877366

Tolkien was an anarcho-monarchist.

>> No.9877371

no he was a collecto-syndacapitalist plutocrat with ethno gnostic leanings

>> No.9877441

That was because of Swedes being Swedes, not immigation. Altough the immigration problems in Sweden is caused by Swedes being Swedes.
He didn't read it on the plane because he was too embarrassed to do it.

>> No.9877447

there are a few times in my struggle where he's a bit iffy about immigrants and you can tell that he's toned it down.

>> No.9877458

Concerning 2. I'm sure he said in an interview that he was told to put Mein Kampf away because it was upsetting others on the plane as he was reading it.

1. https://www.thelocal.no/20151030/knausgrd-says-progress-a-blessing-for-norway


He is just toning down his 1488 message.

>> No.9877466

That is the impression I got.

Can you imagine if Knausgaard went full-out anti-migrant? It would be the end of him. But at the same time he "wants to be true to himself"

>> No.9877499

saying we should dare to discuss the negative effects of immigration doesn't make you a fedora lord "white" nationalist

>> No.9877504
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The lefty tabloids absolutely adore him, so if he ever says he's anti immigrant then they'll stop praising his books and start shunning him.

>> No.9877506

Anyone that has seen Malmö or Hamburg will become white nationalist in a second.

>> No.9877507

also, he's been dickriding handke for a while and nobody seems to care

>> No.9877508

3) Looks like David Spade.

>> No.9877512

I agree, but that is why I emphasised that he is a SECRET white nationalist. My speculation is that at the pub - with his guard down - knausgaard is sceptical about the "benefits of diversity"

If he wasn't on the Right, why even discuss the notion of talking about the issue. He might aswell just praise it. He would get more praise. But, he can't help himself because he probably detests it and wants to promote discussion of the actual issue

>> No.9877514

How are sites like VG not left wing.

>> No.9877519

Didn't Knausgaard live in Malmo for a few years?(probably why you mentioned it)

He probably thinks some immigration is ok - but mass immigration is suicide. This is a man brought up in rural Norway where everything is peaceful and beautiful, and then he comes to flippin Malmo .... A man that has the objectively not to lose his emotions to read Mein Kampf will be able to put 1+1 when the diversity issue raises its head.

>> No.9877523

London too.
No idea if he lived in there. I barely if ever read about the actual authors themselves.

>> No.9877536

they're capitalist scum who whore themselves out for clicks, do you think se og hor are left wing too? klassekampen is left wing, VG is not

>> No.9877541

Hasn't London always been a shithole?

>> No.9877547

They've been pro AP for a long, long time, anon.

>> No.9877551

He also complains how Swedes are brain damaged with their vegan kindergartens and politically correct opinions.

>> No.9877558

so is everyone who isn't mentally challenged

>> No.9877562
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So you finally agree that they're left wing, alright then.

>> No.9877568
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>> No.9877574

Anon didn't agree to anyrthing. Why do idiots always say that when they're stumped?

>> No.9877579

Ha! I'm liking this chap even more. If Knausgaard was not so successful and likeable to the Left, they would have questioned his statements in more detail.

- Mein Kampf
- Publically voices approval that an anti-migrant party exists but not a supporter
- Notices Sweden has changed for the worse
- Anti PC

He could just be a pro-free speech advocate. Who is a centrist that believes that censorship causes conflict.

Or he could be toning down his secret WN affiliation.

-- However, even modern day centrists (like Trump) get called Nazi's, so it is surprising that he has played the centrist route.

>> No.9877585

How did I get stumped when what I got was just name calling?

>> No.9877586

His books any good?

>> No.9877594

You ignored anon's argument before being called out. You're disingenuous.

>> No.9877598

>reading Mein Kampf in public
>ohhh i didn't know people would get upset!!


he;s not a white nationalist hes an edgy /pol/tard

>> No.9877605

>Sweden is not as good as it used to be, or he thought it would be
Statistically, this is true, it isn't a surprise. That's what happens when you introduce unskilled, poor migrants that you country can't even support properly anyway. Also everyone basically lies to themselves about every country, you can only know a country if you spend years living in it, in various areas, immersed. This doesn't make him a "white nationalist" at all.

>> No.9877646

Do you think that it is normal for grown up people to demand that a person reading Mein Kampf in public stops doing so because it "upsets" them? It is such an infantile reaction.

>> No.9877738

Yeah, the prose is unfancy but it is still well-written. The content is very interesting even though it focuses on minutiae. I found the books excellent.

Not an all-time great, but one of the best contemporary authors going

>> No.9877884

VG is just whatever that makes the most clicks

>> No.9877913

"White nationalists" aren't our guys.Fuck off back to /r9k and/or /pol/.

>> No.9877980
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>> No.9878065

Recently, I’ve been reading and writing about Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian far-right gunman who killed 77 people in 2011. On that day I felt such a pull towards the collective “we”: that was the first time I felt a strong sense of belonging to Norway.


>> No.9878076

Who would get upset if someone read mein kampf?? Where do you people live, in childrenland?? Even a child would not get upset though.

>> No.9878080


People in the USA get upset if you read Lolita. Don't underestimate how sensitive we can be.

>> No.9878191

Tolkien-Hoppe synthesis when?

>> No.9878780
File: 117 KB, 618x269, ct3miekvaaajwsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immigration problems in Sweden is caused by Swedes being Swedes.
Get up to speed, nigga.

>> No.9878818

God he really is /ourguy/, I had no idea he hung out in Italy and drank little coffee.

>> No.9879345
File: 447 KB, 640x880, lys-noir-spc3a9cial-c3a9tc3a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anarcho-monarchism in France is a thing.

They're not hoppean but they have a huge soft-spot for Liechtenstein, they like Pinochet and Pierre Poujade (anti-parlementarian, anti-syndicalist, quite anti-state), so you can probably take what they say and add some libertarian stuff to get what you want.

It'd be fun if they actually made an issue on the possible connections between anarcho-monarchism and libertarianism.

>> No.9879366

>: lys-noir
I tried checking Wikipedia but they have a French one and not an English one. Translation when? Same goes for this magazine of theirs. Sound interesting both in philosophical theory and actual practice.

>> No.9879402

Thing is that it's maybe too French, and some politicians and authors that are quoted really need to be translated and/or more known in order for the people that may be interested to fully enjoy it.

Also they are quite anticapitalistic and anti-technological, but I definitely see some common things in their approach and in Hoppe's.

>> No.9879412

Don't make things up to impress me, shart. I will always respect a shart who defecates himself in public but is proud of his stained shorts more than a submissive cuckold who washes his shorts in a pathetic attempt to appeal to my refined and superior European sensibilities. Don't pretend you're not a disgusting little shart too, is what I'm saying here, shart

>> No.9879442

No, he's still right. Naive white Protestants are the ones who let themselves be manipulated by the tribe.

>> No.9879456
File: 272 KB, 750x500, donna_tartt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites and lower-class whites are usually portrayed as obstructive idiots who interfere with the wellbeing of intelligent white men.

>> No.9879472

Seems like there would be some interest in general. My French is rusty but I'm even more interested after reading a bit of information.

>> No.9879483

That's just the way northwest Europeans are and how their societies are structured: they are high trust. That's a good thing, but jews exist and so jews exploit it. You shouldn't blame the people for being how their evolutionary environment made them, but instead put the blame on the actual problem, which is the jew.

>> No.9879521

>That's just the way northwest Europeans are

>> No.9879559

But Jews are compulsive in what they do, it's like "blaming" a virus.

It makes more sense to fortify yourself and those around you against it.

One dopey naive white person is more dangerous than one hundred Jews.

>> No.9879595

I just think the blame is best directed toward the outside virus instead of the native people who are essentially acting like they've been conditioned to act for millennia. But my initial beef was with the poster blaming the Swedes without even naming the jew. Though, yeah, whites everywhere, if we can get out of this, need to fortify ourselves and make sure the jewish parasite never gets in again. They figured out our weakness for universal morality and are using it to wreck out nations.