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9874296 No.9874296 [Reply] [Original]

Are the worth a read?

>> No.9874349
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>> No.9874357

I've only read the first book but it felt redundant since I watched the show. The show drifts more from the later books so maybe the reading experience will be better then.

>> No.9874811
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Honestly a good read. It made me hate the show though.

>> No.9874821

I personally think the writing and the show are both terrible

>> No.9875111

No. The first three books are actually very entertaining if you're not a demanding reader. But the fourth and fifth are dull abortions and anyway GRRM is going to die before he writes the last two books. What is the estimated release date for the sixth tome now? Next year at best?

>> No.9875188

Question why is it good to read it? Because you already know what is going to happen? Like Ned Stark dead etc.

>> No.9875427

The fourth is in ironically the best book in the series.
>the Brienne chapters that build the world by finally showing the war's plight on someone other than royalty
>the allusions in the opening and final chapter
>fucking Kingsmoot
>building suspense as to what is going to happen to Jon but through Cersei chapters in which she is going mad
>jaime growing up
Best book

>> No.9875434

This is what I get for mobile posting.

>> No.9875544

The fourth book would be good if you didn't have to slog through the first three to get to it.

>> No.9875558

I really enjoyed the first 4 books. I am struggling through the fifth one, though.

>> No.9875560


I laughed harder than I should have.

>> No.9875773
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I really like the books, more so than the tv show (but in my head I use the actors faces for their respective characters)
but I sort of like Dunk and egg stories more, they're a lot more easy going but that's partly why

also Blood raven is the 3 eyes raven, he's pretty cool in these books, super imposing too

>> No.9875791

This is probably bait, but yeah. One of my favorite fantasy series ever, even if it never gets finished.

>> No.9875834

contrarians and elitists will tell you otherwise, but they are pretty enjoyable fantasy stories. Martin, unlike some other writers,knows that the focus should be on characters and conflict, and doesn't try to be some try hard hack like Rothfuss, or try to bloat the books with as many fictional Wikipedia articles as he can like Jordan. He's also a master of foreshadowing, and subtle hits dropped at one point will come back into the story hundreds, sometimes thousands of pages down the road. The show starts very strong, but only gets worse and worse as it goes on. This has become far more apparent now that the show runners don't have anymore books to leech off of. Compare the fist scene with Brienne and Jamie in the book vs the show

The book
>Jamie's incessant taunting of Brienne shows her dedication to her task, but also shows some of her vulnerabilities and insecurities
>Brienne shows her chivilry and honnor by giving the dead a proper burrieal
>she is shown to be cunning when she sets a trap for her pursuers, showing that she doesn't rely just on brute strength alone.
>Jamie has his chance to kill her but finds himself unable to. showing that he may not be the villain we first thought he was

The Show
>After Jamie makes a hilarious quip about Brienne fucking horses, she epicly fights three men at once and kills them all without even getting scratched. To make it even more epic and grimdark, she even decides to kill the third man slowly so that he suffers more
Bravo DnD

>> No.9876080

yeah this

the books are good, much better than the show. it sounds retarded but the series has suffered because it got too popular, so not only is GRRM maybe never going to finish it, but I'm convinced the show and its popularity have influenced the future books (if they even happen) and they will not be as good as the original vision

>> No.9876100


>> No.9876145

stop after storm of swords

>> No.9876159


I've never actually watched an episode, but I've started reading the series and plan to watch the show after I finish A Dance with Dragons. I've seen the actors because Game of Thrones is omnipresnt, and for the most part I do imagine the characters as their show image, except for Tyrion. In the show he's apparently a handsome motherfucker, when he's supposed to be a hideous deformed creature.

>> No.9876166

Eh. Bit slow, then in parts too quick.

>> No.9876458

this except it made me hate myself for continuing after the third book

>> No.9876685
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You could wait until all the books are out, but you'd probably die of old age by then.

>> No.9876728

just read the black company

>> No.9876734

I personally think its absolute shit and the tolerance of this trash which is sub par even by the considerably low standards of genre fiction is evidence of the ongoing degradation of this board but I do respect each to his own.

>> No.9877299

I enjoyed Fevre Dream

>> No.9877307

Remember when normies had no clue about these books then GOT aired and suddenly everyone came out as a massive fan claiming to have read them in their childhood?

>> No.9877314

Literally Rick & Morty provides more compelling character development and world building.

Fuck this "golden age" of television where anything remotely watchable is emphasised with extreme hyperbole as the second coming via social media.

>> No.9877653

It's good if you're into old school weird fiction, pulp fantasy, and sword & sorcery. It isn't any of those things, it's epic fantasy, but GRRM has a really solid understanding of what came before. If the thought of reading something where you'll be constantly thinking "Oh, that's a Lovecraft/Howard reference" or "Wow, this dude definitely read Moorcock/Vance" appeals to you then you'll like it.

>> No.9877657

Also, the whole series is a part of the Cthulhu mythos. No, seriously.