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/lit/ - Literature

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987152 No.987152 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst thing you've ever done to a library book, accidentally or on purpose?

>I was reading The Great Gatsby and felt like fapping but wanted to keep reading so I took it into the bathroom with me then came all over the pages for lulz. Then I shut the book and those pages were glued together with cum and smelled like cum.

Also if I check out a book I don't like I'll spit in the pages.

>> No.987161

I've dropped a book in the bath-tub once or twice. It didn't ruin the book though, I just had to dry it off.

>> No.987165


OP was an obvious troll, but you, sir, have made me mad.

>> No.987168

>Also if I check out a book I don't like I'll spit in the pages.

That's fucking disgusting.

I think you have some issues.

>> No.987166

My librarian looks through the pages when I return them
cant even write in them

>> No.987172

I once broke into a library at night and stole a book I didn't read later.
Does that count?

>> No.987173

>I've dropped a book in the bath-tub once or twice. It didn't ruin the book though, I just had to dry it off.



>> No.987174

I got a blow job in a library once. Does that count for anything?

>> No.987176



That would be racist.

>> No.987178

I went walking in the mountains near where I live, and took a library book with me.
I realised I left it in the mountains, library got mad, i had to pay for it.

i was about 10

>> No.987181


How would that be racist exactly?

>> No.987184


Because niggers are stupid, fail IQ tests, and every time a corporation/city/whatever has required an IQ test for anything they've been sued out the ass because only 25% of all American niggers have an IQ over 100.

>> No.987191

I masturbated once and then picked up my library book without washing my hands. I felt kind of bad when I remembered I hadn't, but it's kind of funny to think the next person who picks up The Count of Monte Cristo will mysteriously smell pussy.

>> No.987192


---Implying only stupid people do crazy things---

>> No.987199
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_Multiracialists_are_Crazy,_Part_3_IQ_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


--Implying black people aren't literal retards--

>your face when 50% of all black people have IQs that would put a white person in a mental home

>> No.987213


>mfw /lit/ gets more like /new/ every single day

>> No.987214
File: 18 KB, 400x360, oreilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I believe in Eugenics

>> No.987224


What are you saying? That you think that I believe in eugenics? Or that you believe in eugenics and are offended that I thought you didn't know how stupid blacks were?

>> No.987233


>mfw you're contributing to it with green-text and "mfw"

>> No.987240
File: 26 KB, 401x600, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw /lit/ was never good anyway

>> No.987246

/lit/ is sometimes good, but only at night when all the children are gone

>> No.987264


Yes but the only thing that happens at night is someone knowledgeable about something narrow coming on and sharing their knowledge. No actual discussion. Even if all-day /lit/ was night-time /lit/ it'd still be a mediocre board.

At least /v/ and /new/ are shitty with honesty. /lit/ is pretentious and full of itself.

>> No.987266
File: 18 KB, 499x284, 1280105842876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your face when you realized that there are many more blacks that don't receive equal educational opportunities.

>> No.987267


wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.987271

Well, you can always leave. That would make this place a little better.

>> No.987273
File: 86 KB, 600x520, 1279157249357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your face when you realize that IQ is a measure of your ability to solve problems and quickly reason things, not a measure of education.

>> No.987277


>he thinks your IQ-score is a product of your education

What a fucking retard. I really do mean that.

>> No.987280


>criticize /lit/

Go back to gaia and take your internet drama with you, faggot.

>> No.987285

u mad

>> No.987289


he mad cus he can't have the grapes

>> No.987292

Wait, im not the one that criticized /lit/. I was telling the guy who said that /lit/ was lame that if he didn't like it, he didn't have to come here. I don't get it. Are you sure you're talking to the right person? Have you incorrectly assumed I'm the samefag as someone else? I mean, I just don't see how I'm the cancer. You're going to have to make a case here. And make it plain, without all the greentext implying shit.

>> No.987295

not samefag. somebody here thinks they know a lot more than they actually do.

>> No.987291


>post a "u mad"
>nobody responds
>post again

>> No.987298


>implying I have to do anything at your bidding
>implying you aren't the cancer killing /lit/
>implying you don't understand exactly what was said
>implying you shouldn't read the whole thing again slowly
>implying you shouldn't read it once more before responding
>implying implications that I never implied

>> No.987302


>somebody here thinks they know a lot more than they actually do.
>describes most /lit/-posters perfectly
>describes why /lit/ is the worst board on 4chan

>> No.987303



>> No.987305

damn, this dude IS mad. you are no fun to talk to.

>> No.987309


>> No.987314
File: 15 KB, 252x234, Goofed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face when you realized you were butthurt that your own IQ wasn't as good as those of the people you want to impress.

>> No.987318

Alrite, I read it again. You said I was the cancer because I criticized /lit/. Actually your words were kind of vague, you said "
>criticize /lit/

Go back to gaia and take your internet drama with you, faggot."
I'm pretty sure I interpreted your implication correctly. I just don't see where I criticized lit. Furthermore, I don't know how this makes me cancerous.
Calm down. Take a deep breath, and explain it, please. Maybe don't drink so much during the daytime.

>> No.987320


>> No.987322

And what do you mean by go back to gaia? Go back to the real world?

>> No.987326



educator here, you really think your ability to reason and problem solve comes to you naturally?

>> No.987327

b-but i haven't taken an IQ test, and i wasn't trying to impress anybody. i was just tellin you what an IQ test is supposed to measure. why YOU butthurt?

>> No.987331


i cant help it im an alcohol and it's desttorhying my family

>> No.987332

fuck yeah i think it does. that's why humans learn their native language just by listening to it, not having it taught to them by "educators."

>> No.987334

do animals in the wild have their ability to reason and solve problems come naturally, or is it endowed to them by educators?

>> No.987347

two perfect examples of how people learn from observation. does a child raised by wolves naturally learn english? no he learns no language at all. when people are raised around ignorant people and have no one reasonable to emulate, they will be stupid.

one place where children have a large opportunity to observe educated, reasonable people is at school.

therefore, whoever that was that mentioned equal opportunity education is right to some extent. black kids raised in shitty circumstances are gonna turn out less intelligent, same as kids raised by white trash ignorant parents who home school them.

>> No.987360

they won't turn out less intelligent, they will simply turn out less educated.
the IQ test is designed so that it can be given at any age, regardless of education. if they can read, they can take an IQ test. and if you take the test 20 years later, after years of schooling, college, you should get very nearly the exact same result.

>> No.987368


actually people's IQs do improve with time.

>> No.987376


it's not about the education that they receive or the subject matter. there is a vital time in a human life where we learn immense amounts about the world around us through observation and manipulation. a lot of that takes place at home before school age, and and still more takes place at school.

were getting into a nature vs. nurture argument that neither of us will be able to win, but I can assure you, a child raised in a happy, supportive educated environment would score much higher on average than a kid who was neglected, not educated and only taught to be able to read well enough to take the test.

>> No.987394

That much I can agree with. I saw that nature vs. nurture argument coming from a mile away and tried to avoid it.
However, the latter example scoring high on an IQ test makes for a better movie, novel or famous person.
I'm having trouble digging up research on this. Got any statistics to support that claim?
The inheritableness, genetic factors, and brain structure that all relate to IQ all seem to disregard the effects of social institutions, education and learning on IQ tests. But all I can really cite is the Wiki. The only criticism they offer is the same ol white man cultural bias crap. Not saying it isn't valid.

>> No.987400


>> No.987407

Congratulations, good sir. You have found something that has less to do with OPs question than the last post.

>> No.987428


The science of intelligence testing is now over one hundred years old. So long a time, in fact, that test subjects (typically high school students in the nineteen fifties) can be retested in order to compare results from today to those of fifty years ago.

The results? Most people get smarter as they age. Or, perhaps better said, they test higher, as much as ten points higher, than when they were in their teens.

So perhaps this is the easiest way to raise your intelligence quotient; just grow older."


just a .com, but it's somethin'

>> No.987514

What a cunt.

>> No.987526


There was an interesting article in the NYT recently about the theory that ignorant people often lack the metacognition to even understand their actions as ignorant.

>> No.987612

A copy of "The Red Badge of Courage" fell apart when I checked it out from the school library in seventh grade. I taped it back together.

I didn't really cause it to fall apart though...