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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.9864281
File: 48 KB, 391x600, barbicanpenguin_moreau_c_grande[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for the based barbican edition of this

>> No.9864373

What are good fantasy novels that have a little humour in them? I enjoy a good fantasy now and then, but lately I haven't been able to stomach anything that takes itself too seriously. I like my fantasy to be a bit tongue in cheek. I don't want it to be a parody or anything like that, just a little bit of fun. Any recs?

>> No.9864374
File: 16 KB, 301x400, 9780062095688[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good?

>> No.9864377


>> No.9864386
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Improved version

>> No.9864444
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You really want me to read blindsight and make an antishill meme don't you? Just remember what I did to the red knight and buried giant shill before you continue.

>> No.9864480

my fellow blindsight shills stand with me
there's no way any intelligent person can antishill mr watt's wild ride, so go ahead, try your best

>> No.9864511

If anyone wants an incredible scifi/subtle horror series Jeff VanDerMeer's Southem Reach trilogy was amazing. I've never seen it mentioned here and think more people should give it a shot, scratched an itch I've had for years

>> No.9864520

I love to shill it too, but I think that literally everyone has read it by now.

>> No.9864521
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>> No.9864532

I haven't read it

>> No.9864536

It was just published in 2006. Why would I have read it already?

>> No.9864543

>I've never seen it mentioned here
Hello Mr Newfag. Please enjoy our threadly discussions and banter.

>> No.9864547

Because 2006 was 20 years ago. You're supposed to finish it by now.

>> No.9864550

I've read about 10% of the firstbut am not fully sold.

>> No.9864555
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>yfw it's true

>> No.9864559

Just a few more months until the new stormlight archive! I'm hyped

>> No.9864566

Cugel the Clever + Cugel's Saga. Reading Tales of the Dying Earth first is optional, those are maybe a bit more interesting but less whimsical.

I haven't read it yet, I do plan on getting around to it eventually. I have high standards, if your meme-book disappoints me I will shit on it until the end of /sffg/.

I've also never read a single word of Sanderson's because he looks like everything wrong with contemporary fantasy incarnate; autistic, world-building for the sake of it, '''action''', plot driven stories, absurd length, no actual writing ability, no respect for tradition, etc...

>> No.9864569

true. I have the same issue. there's something unpleasantly meandering about it. I'm not a stranger to the sort of vague writing he's using, but somehow, he fails to balance that out. Usually, to make a stylistic lack of an element work, you focus more on different elements to make up for it, but he just... doesn't. It's not bad, and it's very interesting, but it wasn't enough to keep my attention. Maybe it got better later, but that was my experience. Also when the MC sticks their nose into alien spores and then just doesn't say anything really pissed me off. That's how you destroy the human race.

>> No.9864571

Jesus christ the Age of Swords is fucking garbage

>> No.9864574

what the hell is blindsite? and why is everyone talking about it hear?

>> No.9864575

You sound like you need to vent, anon. I'm interested.

>> No.9864577


>> No.9864584

>Invent the wheel
>Invent writing
>Invent a bow
all in one (ONE) week
or maybe two, i lost track of time, but still
Jesus christ her chapters are fucking ridiculous, oh look i'm PONDERING here, how FASCINATING

I'm halfway through the book and jesus christ i wouldn't be surprised if she would electricity and cars next
The writing is ridiculously garbage and her dialogue or thoughts I don't even have the words to describe them

>> No.9864589

Michael Sullivan is a man's name.

>> No.9864590

I was talking about the character in the book

>> No.9864592

blondesassy is a heart-warming coming of age romantic comedy staring Silvia Keeton and his best friends as they sail across the lake of his family's extravagant estate, only to discover a rather rude hobo who has snuck onto the property. Also starring Sean Bean.

>> No.9864595

Oh shit! Mary Sue's are the worst! I've had to deal with that shit myself. What's the book even about?

>> No.9864602

The Rhunes are going to war with the Fhrey
Or well the fhrey already declared war on the rhunes..

>> No.9864607

What, really? Like Fey and Runes?

>> No.9864609

Remember in the original series she invented a bunch of shit and you thought nothing of it, she was an innovative elf that's all.. What Sullivan did wrong was make a series about her after it was revealed that she was human. She couldn't produce those things in her life time. Even if she produced a wheel, she wouldn't know how to attach it to a cart (don't know if she did, I'm probably reading it till Sanderson's new book. I have 20+ books on my plate atm). The only thing that would make sense is if it's revealed that the god of knowledge fucked her while she was asleep and imparted some extra cognitive functions through cum.

>> No.9864618

That's a good question:
Would you be willing to get fucked by a dude with if it meant being inhumanly smart?

>> No.9864648
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>tfw can't stop reading web novels
>tfw can't stop writing web novels

What do I do anons?

>> No.9864652

Is BotNS autobiographical?

If so, alongside Severian, did Gene really get so much ass?

>> No.9864667

read fanfiction instead.

>> No.9864686

It takes a lot of interest to get me reading something post-millenial, and I'm just not feeling it.

>> No.9864701

>Your fanfiction will never make it in the big leagues like Wicked, Preacher or the entire Star Wars EU

Sorry, I mean Star Wars Legends

>> No.9864708

She did attach it to a cart, I forget if the dwarves told her how to make the axis or if she came up with that by herself.
Actually I think she did, and the dwarves told her what the thing was called

>> No.9864766
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>you will never manage to write all your great fanfiction ideas
>your fanfiction will never get a million hits
Goddammit, if I can't even manage that, then how do I expect to get a fucking book out.

>> No.9864770

By shitting out a million books and hoping you hit a jackpot
Like Sanderson

>> No.9864775

When's Rothfuss coming out with his 3rd book?

>> No.9864786

lol never

>> No.9864792

People that tell others to skip the rest of the Cosmere stuff and just read Stormlight Archive are like people that tell others to skip the first two parts of JoJo

>> No.9864794 [DELETED] 

I wasn't talking about SA

>> No.9864797

Erikson has quite a few funny moments. I hear the Korbel novellas are funnier than the main series too.

>> No.9864807

There's nothing wrong with that as long as you eventually write something good. Like Sanderson

>> No.9864814

Gods like to rape.. Or did you forget your greek? In the original series a god was exiled by his children after he took his daughter's sopping wet cunny. She knew she liked it, but he was kicked out.

What's to say that a god didn't rip our protagonist's middle age pussy apart while she slept?

>> No.9864915

It is not. And if it were, considering the unreliable narrator meme and all that, the answer is no no matter what the book say.

>> No.9865330
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Big question:

We going to do a /sp/-esc stream following this friday at Worldcon when the Hugos get announced?

Anybody else as sad as me to have nothing better to do on a friday?

>> No.9865362

>"I read it for the world-building"

>> No.9865535

I do so what?

>> No.9865593

It's the equivalent of saying you listen to certain albums for their production value; not the actual content of their music.

>> No.9865654

>waah people like different things to me

>> No.9865657

So like Calling All Dawns from Christopher Tin, which won two Grammys

>> No.9865693

lol so you only listen to albums for their production value?

>> No.9865701

When every track on the album is in a different language, you can only judge it on how it sounds and feels. The production value

>> No.9865717

This has, quite literally, nothing to do with only reading a book for its world-building. Nice world-building is great, but it doesn't mean the actual story or characterization is good.

>> No.9865769

Sometimes... Sometimes I only read a book for the catgirls.

>> No.9865784

So I've been reading TBC. I made it to She is the Darkness and I feel like things have just really gone down hill.

I enjoyed the first three books a great deal, the next two were meh, and Bleak Seasons was just painful to get through. I want to leave Not!Africa to go back to the north. Does it get better or is just three more books of shit.

>> No.9865845

Amen brother

>> No.9866016
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Moments in SFF that gave you a boner

>Kassad fucking Moneta for the first time in Hyperion
>That girl getting whipped in The Slithering Shadow

>> No.9866231
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>when you dedicate yourself to making your chinese cartoon porn real so hard you end up damning your entire race
Were the Inchoroi /ourguys/?

>> No.9866367

It's only because you mentioned bleak season I knew what you were talking about. What you autistic fags have to understand is that abbreviations only work when you first listed out the full name.

>> No.9866506

Convince me to read Prince of Nothing.

>> No.9866524

You shouldn't

>> No.9866566
File: 218 KB, 612x792, 6_chairofhooks_by_spiralhorizon-dbhz5hs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try the prologue. If you don't like the prologue you won't like the rest of the series. If you like the prologue it's almost guaranteed to be worth reading the whole series.

>> No.9866621

Is there a whole lot of preachy bullshit? That's what probably annoyed me the most with Malazan; Erikson becoming more and more preachy as the series dragged on.

>> No.9866634

>Is there a whole lot of preachy bullshit?
I'm not sure how you define preachy so I can't say. I wouldn't say the series has an ideology it's pushing if that's what you mean.

>> No.9866694

Does it get bogged down in philosophical silliness? I'm digging the world and setting the more I read about it, but it also feels pretty pretentious.

>> No.9866738

This. Go back to the last or penultimate thread and find that "Prince of Nothing Learned" essay somebody posted.

>> No.9866741
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>Does it get bogged down in philosophical silliness?
Sometimes, periodically. But never enough to overcome the good stuff in my view. It's more of a problem with later books than the Prince of Nothing trilogy.

> I'm digging the world and setting the more I read about it,
Then good news, most of the 1st book is world building and plot set up. What's considered the hardest book by most might be the easiest for you.

>but it also feels pretty pretentious.
The author is a pretentious piece of shit. If you read anything from him or talking about him before reading the books it may well ruin them for you because you'll already hate him so much by proxy. Go the other way around and read the books first, and instead you can simply enjoy the series and laugh at his antics.

The only good part of that essay was "Analsybarite Kilhöuse"

>> No.9866837
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This is a 32 year old unmarried woman. Say something nice.

>> No.9866843


>> No.9866852

Fuck off Meppa

>> No.9866866

i actually read through the entire thing, and while there were a lot of things said, there was little to no meaning to be derived. it was basically a big ass "but i dont like this!"

>> No.9866867

Fanayal is true ruler of Three Seas as appointed by Fane by the line of the Padirajah! Go suck off your stupid Tusk you smelly Inrithi. Solitary God over the Hundred! Your Aspect-Emperor is a Ciphrang and Consumer-Of-Souls! Death to all Idolaters!!!

>> No.9866874

When they fuck at the beginning of Tigana

>> No.9866876
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>not Yatwer's fuckboi

>> No.9866881

Your witches bow to BKC (Big Kian Cock).

>> No.9866889

That's what they want you to think.

>> No.9866902

>implying this all isn't one long game of 4d benjuka Fane set in motion to harden the faithful, prevent the Apocalypse, and destroy the Tusk and its Ciphrang. Thus making all of Earwa cleansed land.

>> No.9866914

I think Ajokli is currently winning the 4d chess game.

>> No.9866924

Great image to start with the thread with.

What should I read with a little girl protagonist?

>> No.9866925

i love pon/tae, but i can guarantee you that you will not like it if you use words like "philosophical silliness" and labels like pretentious. unlike the other anon, i don't think pon has a view or "philosophy" to push onto the reader. it has characters that are more meditative than others, and you can definitely capture the themes of the series under several schools of metaphysical/epistemological thought, but no one is telling you to think one way or the other. if anything it's very anti-philosophy, because it's trying to tell you that all of it is bullshit (at least that's how i interpret the aspect emperor).

but all of that aside, i can tell that you don't give a shit about any of this, and you would rather read stuff with world building, sympathetic/interesting characters, and a good story. PoN has all of that, but there are probably more straightforward series out there for you that you would prefer

>> No.9866942

I find most philosophy to be completely worthless and pretentious but I enjoyed the series a lot. Don't be an autist.

>> No.9866943

Dude, I'm only 26, just read The Hobbit for the first time a couple years ago, and still loved it. It's time to admit that some books are just good, regardless of their age.

>> No.9866950

Don't understand why you hate women so much

>> No.9866982

finding it pretentious is hilarious because you're saying "this thing i dont understand is pretentious because i dont understand it". finding it worthless is also hilarious because every major human construct is driven by some "philosophy" behind it. government. religion. war. trade. etc

>> No.9866988

>finding it pretentious is hilarious because you're saying "this thing i dont understand is pretentious because i dont understand it".
I thought philosophy majors were supposed to know about logical fallacies.

>> No.9866992

Not a philosophy major, dumbass. Just someone who doesn't condescend things that I don't understand. No fallacy there

>> No.9867018

The second big downfall of PoN: Bakkerites. The most pretentious fandoms in modern fantasy.

>> No.9867022

>a legendary wizard of Hyperborea and his book of occult knowledge is often referenced in foreboding tones in several stories
>author creates a story featuring character in his own life time
>he's not very evil, actually pretty chill and ordinary

It's an obvious way to write wryly and ironically but it's enjoyable when this sort of thing is done well.

>> No.9867027

Once again "this thing that I don't understand is pretentious". Come up with something better

>> No.9867035
File: 72 KB, 500x604, max-st-rner-the-egotist-bio-stirner-was-a-creative-2617401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once again "this thing that I don't understand is pretentious". Come up with something better
Well meme'd, my property

>> No.9867048

>Shitposting to argue
Ok I'll join you

>> No.9867095

>Listening to music while you read

Good job forcing a mood the prose is supposed to be creating.

>> No.9867106

Musical cravings pop into my head from the prose creating the mood.

>> No.9867129

But I do that too.
E.g. NAV x Metro Boomin - Perfect Timing. NAV has whatever the opposite of a personality is - he's boring and has no decent lyrics whatsoever. However Metro Boomin's lush soundscapes make it enough for me to give the album a few listens, and enjoy it rather than liking it.

>> No.9867141

If anything written by Wolfe is even partially autobiographical it's Peace. And even then only barely.

>> No.9867169

>one week to A Stone Sky
I can't contain my hype. I read the last one in 3 sittings and from the reviews this one sounds even better.

>> No.9867179

>A Stone Sky
Sounds pretentious.

>> No.9867193

NKJ's books are some of the least pretentious books I've ever read after seeing them mentioned here.
Me too anon.

>> No.9867195

How little?

Vin is like 14 at the start of the Mystborn trilogy.

Alternatively Sanderson put out a short story set in the world of the Stormlight Archive that features Lift, a 12 year old girl who is filled with Awesome.

>> No.9867206

It's about the moon crashing down to Earth

>> No.9867218

Both of those are acceptable, thank you. (Also acceptable: Girls who are physically little, like Arrietty.)

>> No.9867219

You just don't understand it

>> No.9867222

>ripping off Majora's Mask
Can fantasy writers get any more pretentious?

>> No.9867227

You just didn't understand Majora's Mask

>> No.9867233


>> No.9867318 [DELETED] 

Jon Snow First of His Name, the White Wolf, 998th Commander of the Night's Watch, King in the North, Rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms, Third Head of the Dragon, Lord of the First Men, and the Free Folk, the resurrected, the slayer of White Walkers, Azor Ahai, rebirthed amidst salt and smoke, the Prince Who Was Promised, the Song of Ice and Fire, with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.

>> No.9867329

>academic criticism too hard for genre fiction fans to understand

>> No.9867339

>lit majors
>worth listening to about anything

>> No.9867418
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Realizing I didn't read nearly enough this summer and should probably take a break from reading licensed trash to try out a new series. The three series I'm looking at right now are Malazan, Stormlight Archive and the Kingkiller Chronicles. Any suggestions or advice as to what I should go for?

For reference, I don't read nearly as much as I should and for the last few years I've mainly been stuck on licensed trash (40k, stah wahs), /co/shit, and rereading Tolkien, GRRM and Gaiman stuff.

>> No.9867453

Kingkiller Chronicles, my man. It is epic.

>> No.9867458

Between those three, I'd pick Malazan. It's complete, for one. It's less anime than Stormlight as well, and less doesn't revolve around a Gary Stu like Kingkiller.

>> No.9867462
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Just found out about this John C. Wright guy. Apparently he writes sci-fi novels and is Catholic, which literally never happens so I'm intrigued. Do you guys like him around here?

>> No.9867466

If you want to actively avoid reading any more trash I'd recommend reading none of those. Malazan is a D&D campaign, Stormlight is anime and Kingkiller is Reddit.

>Apparently he writes sci-fi novels and is Catholic, which literally never happens
pleb, Catholics are the best at everything.


>> No.9867471

>less anime
I imagine everything I read as anime, so this isn't a very helpful description.

>> No.9867476

You know, they've started warning people for calling things "Reddit."

>> No.9867477

His sequel(s) to The Night Land are good shit. I like the Count to the Eschaton series since they're kind of a refurbished version of First and Last Men - I like sci-fi and I like historiography, so it's really good when they're put together. Also he has a dumb fandom rivalry with Scalzi so be careful around reviews.

>> No.9867482
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>> No.9867483

No memes for a moment, what the fuck is so good about Blindsight?

>> No.9867485

So have any of you guys heard about the dust up going on in YA fiction?


>Young-adult books are being targeted in intense social-media callouts, draggings, and pile-ons — sometimes before anybody’s even read them.

Turbulent times for all of SFF is you ask me.

>> No.9867487

It's space opera with a nonetheless interesting theme about the nature of consciousness, lots of creative ideas, and a PoV character uniquely suited for this particular story. It also has stuff for MUH FEELS types

>> No.9867504

Stormlight Archive if you've read the other novels set in the same universe

>> No.9867507
File: 225 KB, 999x561, rorschach-quarter-draft-Krivoruchko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Rorschach just wanted to stop being bombarded with shitty memes

>> No.9867512

Of those three only Malazan is finished, the others have only a couple books out. And Kingkiller shows no signs of ever coming out. Sanderson at least is very regular, he writes a book a year, but he keeps jumping from series to series. The next book of Stormlight Archive is due in November of this year, so maybe start with that one if you want to join in with some hot new discussion this fall. Stormlight Archive books are massive and have a kind of slow burn to them, a lot of slow parts but when they get good they get really fucking good. Kingkiller is super controversial, people either love it or hate it with basically no in between stance, and you will know which camp you fall into within the first couple pages of the book.

As for Malazan, it's a pretty hefty investment of time and is not a very easy to read going in because it just dumps you into the setting and you have to pick up information as you go. You will not be able to understand how the events in the early books cohere into the larger conflict until much later in the series. Some people get frustrated because they expect to understand the setting perfectly before the first book is over, but with Malazan you're still learning new stuff in book 5 that suddenly makes everything make a lot more sense. It's mostly just a symptom of how big the setting is. It's fucking huge with tons of little details.

So I'd say maybe try Kingkiller just to see if you're immediately repulsed by it, if not then give it a read. From there pick either Stormlight or Malazan.

>> No.9867515

Patrick Rothfuss really is everything that comes to mind when I think 'Reddit' in one package.
>writes more passive-aggressively than most women
>looks like shit irl with a ridiculous half-cultivated 'manly' (shit beard) look
>annoys people with retarded meme-issues (Ronaldo Plompf, fags, feminism, the rest)
>adores '''NERD''' culture
>no respect for actual culture, neither literary tradition or even genre-tradition (he hadn't read Legend before he was published, it's Kingkiller in just 300 pages and didn't make me want to gauge my own eyes out.)

>> No.9867521
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>And Pepe...
>We're coming for you first.

>> No.9867523

>Stormlight Archive
meh. Some people like it here because it's anime
>Kingkiller Chronicles

>> No.9867527

So I see a lot of people here recommending Stormlight Archive but not much else of Sanderson's work.

Granted Stormlight Archive is the best work he's ever done but it's built on the foundation of the other books he's set in the same universe. There are even characters and artifacts from other books set on different worlds in the Cosmere that appear in Stormlight Archive that lose impact without having read the other novels.

And I'm not even talking about Hoid.
Fucking Nightblood from Warbreaker shows up as the big "Oh Shit" moment at the end of Words of Radiance

>> No.9867537
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It's because the rest of it is literally YA. The more you read, the more you will dislike his prose.

>> No.9867538

Wow I hate this chart so much

because muh space vampires

It's online drama. I heard Black Witch is doing fine saleswise.

>> No.9867543

Granted I am way out of touch with the state of YA novels but stuff like how Kolos and Steel Inquisitors are made and the fucking villain from Alloy of Law seem a bit outside the scope of YA.

But then I guess Animorphs was pretty fucked up too.

"Oh lets have a main character who is technically immortal but his wounds can never heal and he has to deal with the pain of every nick and scrape eating away at his sanity for fucking eternity."

>> No.9867546

This post was sloppily structured.

The last bit was referring to Elantris, not Animorphs. Animorphs features our main character forcing another kid to spend the rest of his life as a fucking rat for being a bit of an asshat, alien races that invade through your ear and control your body via spreading out over your brain.

Also an alien kid who was such a great gamer he literally became god.

>> No.9867548

>Animorphs features our main character forcing another kid to spend the rest of his life as a fucking rat for being a bit of an asshat,
That was horrible. If they weren't cowards they'd just have killed him.

>> No.9867551

Like I said, the more you read the more fussy you become. Sanderson's plots are still a step above most other authors.

I feel that the major failings of authors are the following
>Good prose, nonexistent plot
>Good plot, nonexistent prose
>Good worldbuilding, nonexistent plot
>Good worldbuilding, nonexistent characterisation

So when I recommend books, I internally classify the poster as liking good plot/simple prose (more of a pleb type) compared to good prose/simple plot (more of the /lit/ type). The good prose, good plot tend to be very rare but have good appeal and it's obviously what I prefer.

>> No.9867572
File: 49 KB, 510x294, 1488617052482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Jedao now

>> No.9867586

Also a meaningless cliffhanger ending and pointless death of main character in the last book. Like wtf even was that series.

>> No.9867592
File: 1.78 MB, 1309x987, 1498069038523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



wtf I love Orbit covers now

>> No.9867594

If I wanted to read his other stuff before reading Stormlight Archive, what's the proper reading order?

>> No.9867597

The Golden Age is a modern classic. Awake in the Night Land is incredible. Count to a Trillion is sort of like an incredibly American version of the Three Body Problem trilogy. He's written other stuff but it's a good place to start. Biggest flaw is excessive sentimentalism IMO.

>> No.9867599

Stop with the "wtf" posting, it's a dead meme.

>> No.9867602

5 minutes

>> No.9867606

Branden Sanderson basically writes non-isekai shounen manga/anime in prose form. Whether that's up your alley or not is a matter of personal preference.

>> No.9867621

The order I use is

OG Mistborn Trilogy
Way of Kings (Stormlight Book 1)
Words of Radiance (Stormlight Book 2)
Wax and Wayne series
Arcanum Unbound (Short stories that span all these worlds and more but contain spoilers for the previously mentioned novels)

Wax and Wayne series is set on the same world as Mistborn but 300 years later during the industrial revolution. Plays out more akin to westerns (Alloy of Law), mystery thrillers (Shadows of Self) and Indiana Jones style adventure (Bands of Morning). A lot of fun but entirely optional which is why I placed it after Stormlight Archive.

From what I understand Stormlight Archive is where Sanderson intends to bring all the elements and events of his other novels crashing together, as evidenced by characters and things from other worlds appearing on Roshar.

I'm actually interested in seeing how other magic systems might affect things in Stormlight Archive, given how they are structured and the overall backstory of the universe.

Here's the overarching backstory if you care to know: A long ass time ago there was an all powerful entity known as Adonalsium which was shattered into 16 shards by an unknown calamity. These shards were scattered across the universe, landing on several planets and granting those worlds an Investiture of magical ability. Each Investiture is different and is made up of a highly structured system of magic that works in a very specific way. Mistborn is magic based, Elantris is essentially programming using glyphs, etc.Most characters are unaware of the nature of Investiture and shards or even the existence of other worlds but there are organizations out there who seek to wield the shards for their own ends. Some of these worlds only have one shard while others have two or even three.

I just really want to see a Mistborn with full metals take on a Surgebinder.

>> No.9867629

>Mistborn is magic based

Mistborn is metal* based

I need sleep

>> No.9867657

Guess I'll be skipping Prince of Nothing. Shame too cause the setting is intriguing, but I really had my fill of grimdark fantasy.

>> No.9867663

>hades' helmet donned
>still visible

>> No.9867698

When they say "Start with the Greeks" they mean "Start with all the badass fantasy stories in Greek mythology", right?

>> No.9867701

For fiction, yes. Homer and Aesop.

For nonfiction obviously Plato's Dialogues, PreSocratics, etc.

>> No.9867709
File: 500 KB, 1280x1001, Ringworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ringworld any good?
Or should I just read the halo series.

>> No.9867735
File: 119 KB, 700x891, 5719010b6253e5d4f90ea2f3e1c84cec--ice-maria-luisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is anime Sandor Clegane, say something nice about him.

>> No.9867765

I can't google that. give me something to work with.

>> No.9867780

I jerked it to Kassad's Wild Ride

>> No.9867783

I was too busy reading pern to get into animorphs, which I'm sad about, but I vaguely remember reading a couple books out of order. Was there a book where this kid has a limb torn off while in animal form and they only just manage to get it back through space magic? Or did he not get it back, and like, he had to change back into a human form, so the wound was healed, but then the limb was still gone? Something like that?

>> No.9867786

BS is not space opera are you retarded?

Sounds a lot like my gf

>> No.9867787

Granted you should read Warbreaker because it's his actual best work and only one really worth reading but it's not like you wont understand Stormlight without reading it. Recommending reading only Stormlight is for when you want to be nice to stubborn people that have decided they have to read something by Sanderson for unknown reasons.

>> No.9867790

Ah glad you found the general
RW is dated as shit and pretty crappy reading
I'm guessing the Halo books are pretty rough and tumble fun
Try Rendevouz with Rama or Blindsight for more interesting "finding weird stuff in space" stories

>> No.9867791
File: 1.28 MB, 736x1039, 1491680657982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking artist needs LOOMIS

>> No.9867819

More sci-fi novels like Culture?
If you don't like Culture, please don't respond.

>> No.9867910

Yeah if you don't like dark it's a bad pick. Whole thing has a sense of doom over it.

>> No.9867913

>For nonfiction obviously Plato's Dialogues, PreSocratics, etc.
I can't recommend it tbqh

>> No.9867952

Hey guys scott bakker here. AMA

>> No.9867958
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1485423835014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I don't believe you anon

>> No.9867972

Why are you so pretentious? And what's your favorite sexual fetish

>> No.9867995

the answer to both questions is my own writing

>> No.9868006

Which gay, rape, or incest scene is your favorite?

>> No.9868026

companion to wolves, definitely. Nothing like a wolf brained gang bang to spice up viking land.

>> No.9868041

The Golden Age, although they're not quite at that tech level yet.

>> No.9868059

Why am I pretentious?

>> No.9868089

interesting article, internet subcultures are weird places

>> No.9868090

Hang on, is A Song of Fire and Ice just a cautionary tale about alien invasions and rampant AI?

>children of the forest get invaded by first men
>great white walkers to defend them
>end up wrecking both of them
>have to buddy up with ex-enemies to take down own creation

>> No.9868104

create, rather

>> No.9868108

I assume it's the novel by David Gemmell

>> No.9868129

>Korbel novellas
I don't know what I was thinking here, but I the novellas I'm referring to are Bauchelain and Korbal Broach.

>> No.9868132

Jesus fuck, M. Sullivan REALLY loves LOTR it seems.
He also keeps mentioning "Fire and ice" multiple times.

>> No.9868134

If so, we failed that test by electing the orange moron as president who has only succeeded at making new enemies.

>> No.9868136

>He also keeps mentioning "Fire and ice" multiple times.
Sonic Boom was really popular, yeah.

>> No.9868145

Where the fuck did the white walkers even come from?
And where did the children of the forest come from?

>> No.9868152

>>adores '''NERD''' culture
What the fuck does this actually mean? You're in the thread for fantasy books and you have a problem with "nerd culture"?

>> No.9868158
File: 196 KB, 2172x1448, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a difference between nerd culture and "nerd" culture.

>> No.9868167

>Stormlight is anime

I thought this website loved that shit?

>> No.9868173
File: 107 KB, 184x375, Genewolf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently he writes sci-fi novels and is Catholic, which literally never happens

Ahem.... Walrus Man, the greatest living sci-fi writer of them all, is a papist

>> No.9868174

Recommended stories to read in dying earth?
The first three stories seemed to be pretty silly to me but appealing, are there any standouts?

>> No.9868178
File: 27 KB, 268x268, 1494684787996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is outer 4chan.The two animus I'm watching this season are basically 90% girl.

>> No.9868186

Sounds like what every season consists of.

>> No.9868203

children were native to westeros
they made white walkers to fight off the first men

>> No.9868209

Yes every season.

>> No.9868245

>children were native to westeros

But where they come from?

>> No.9868250
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>> No.9868277
File: 53 KB, 309x475, TheMagicians[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the sequels good?
I can't get over Alice's death

>> No.9868284
File: 699 KB, 1000x4000, Suggestion Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from Kingkiller. It's a trap. The author wets your appetite without every feeding you. He just leaves teaspoon sips of ambrosia every couple of leagues and you go "hmm soon I will get a meal" but it never happens. He is a master baiter who fills you with so much expectation and never delivers. The series leaves you with more questions than answers.
Don't touch that series until he releases the third book, if ever.

Take a peak at my chart and see what you like, add Library at mount char to the list.

>> No.9868290

>scifi or fantasy

Not dead
She's some spirit I forgot what the name was
They're worth reading, but it takes a weird turn. I enjoyed them

>> No.9868294

>Catholics are the best at everything.
Yes. Molesting people's children.

>> No.9868296

How much do you enjoy despair/frustration/cucking/nihilism?
How much do you like/hate the characters?
I can say that by the end of the third book they aren't such utter bitches, but it takes a while.

Martin Chatwin was the best villain in the series, and Alice dying was the most important event. The later books have nothing to offer except character and setting development, and an ending.

>> No.9868298

Stop shilling your shitty charts every thread they're garbage

>> No.9868306

Maybe some of the new mods / management is actually from there. That's why it's happening

>> No.9868317

>alien races that invade through your ear and control your body via spreading out over your brain.
Shit the nips stole animorph to make parasyte

>> No.9868327

because i dont get it you pseud hack!

>> No.9868332


>> No.9868338

Your pedobear ass wanted little girl protagonist. You got it. Fuck off.

>> No.9868340


>> No.9868341

Lol. They haven't added a new mod in years. The mod team is a circle of old friends who talk to each other on their private IRC channel instead of ever interacting with the users. Which explains why they are so annoying, because IRC as a chat program is for snobs who are stuck in the past. And yes, I know how to use IRC. Doesn't make it any less stupid.

>> No.9868346

Make a chart and counter shill me then. I was here before you doing this for years, and I'm not stopping because some butthurt newfag is ass twisted.

>> No.9868348

I find it hard to trust /lit/'s opinions on when something is "anime" because in my experience it tends to be "what westerners see anime as" rather than "what anime actually is." Anime is such a vague term, imagine if I watched a show and said "This show is book as fuck."

>> No.9868350

I'm complaining because I'm not new, you've been spamming that shit every single fucking thread, and you haven't even changed them
You just keep pasting the same old charts over and over for months and years

>> No.9868354

>a port in a storm
I thought you were desperate?
Try let the right one in, black jewels trilogy, black magician trilogy. Enjoy.

>> No.9868357

I'm not the one who asked for recs

>> No.9868361

>Shit the nips stole animorph to make parasyte
This is an incredibly stupid thing to say. Animorphs was published in 1996 and Parasyte was published in 1988.

>> No.9868365

Aww thanks foe noticing. It's 4 charts that get rotated. And if you were here for years you know it takes hours to make a chart. I'm lazy anon. When I come home from work I don't want to sit infront my pc crafting more charts so you and your ilk (the naysayers from day 1) can call it trash without ever producing one of their own.

>> No.9868371
File: 1.67 MB, 2368x4208, the night land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a copy based purely on /sffg/'s recommendation, *really* excited to start this after I've finished my current batch of books

>> No.9868372

Then fuck off. The other little girl protagonist loved that chart when I gave it to him. Why you pretending like you are someone when you don't even know what they like? Neck yourself.

>> No.9868374

nerd culture is liking things that are nerdy
"nerd" culture is liking nerdy things because they are nerdy.

>> No.9868378

I am watching an extremely slow and incredibly boring argument between two anons.

>> No.9868380

>Posting a chart filled with NOT scifi&fantasy in a SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY GENERAL
>hueref durfefe why are u butthurt

>> No.9868383

I don't really think it's an argument yet

>> No.9868388

It's not his problem that he can't read.

>> No.9868390
File: 371 KB, 1400x2257, 817CteSzxqL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i buy it?

>> No.9868391

Welcome to generals. At least I'm actually interested in the answer and not asking the question just to have a long, fake-feeling discussion in an attempt to keep the thread alive. Certain places do that all the time and it is very annoying to watch when I have a real question to ask.

Okay, that is very stupid.

>> No.9868393
File: 552 KB, 245x245, ag7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, that is very stupid.
I don't make the rules

>> No.9868394


>> No.9868395

pirate it,
read it,
buy it if you like it

>> No.9868396


>> No.9868397

Damn that looks really old, but also like the cover of a Pink Floyd album so that's okay.

>> No.9868400

>read more than 800+ books
>can't read

>> No.9868401

Anon just link it in the OP next thread and finally put your ego to rest

>> No.9868402

What's the point? If i already read it - i'll never buy it.

>> No.9868409

Years ago I did that and they (naysayers) made a huge fuss and started shitting, without even producing a chart of their own.

It's funny that I used to make all the threads for the general at the beginning, I linked other people's chart into the OP but never mine.

>> No.9868411

>/lit/ is outer 4chan.
This is bullshit, I see way more people on this board who love anime than people who don't. The few people hating on Stormlight "for being anime" are a vocal minority. If we hate Stormlight it's for some other reason.

>> No.9868415

I'm going to make my own chart but it's literally just "Drive" by James Sallis, is that okay?

>> No.9868418
File: 89 KB, 317x475, 13595014[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn that looks really old, but also like the cover of a Pink Floyd album so that's okay.
This reminds me. I normally buy books new from my favourite bookshop. I know The Night Land is in the public domain and free to legally read online, and so on. But I like having a nice physical copy.

So I went to my bookshop and the only edition they had was pic related. Important advice for anyone thinking of doing the same: DO NOT BUY THIS COPY OF THE NIGHT LAND. IT IS ABRIDGED. It's missing chapter 1 and chapters 12-17. STAY AWAY.

Here in the UK it doesn't seem to be in traditional print any more, the only way to get a new unabridged copy is via one of those crappy self-publishing things which as far as I'm concerned is not a proper book.

So I bought a used copy from Amazon. This >>9868371 is a 1979 edition.

>> No.9868419

That's only because some of us keeps making threads on /a/ essentially entitled 'What book would you like made into anime?'

>> No.9868421

>never rereading books

>> No.9868423

Fuck, I'm falling asleep

>> No.9868425

you offer a strange array of classifications and some of them only have a single book

beef the chart up a bit and neaten it up a little then it'll be decent
also the red is nasty

>> No.9868431

> rereading 10 books series

>> No.9868434

>reading 10 books series
>not rereading them if you do

>> No.9868435

>not rereading only your favorites of a 10 book series

>> No.9868439
File: 247 KB, 1417x964, First Timers Chart - first.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9868443

Writing scifi

Im cringing, my aliens speak english

How do you solve this problem of anthropomorphize?

>> No.9868449

Cover looks neat.

>> No.9868452

Aside from a handful of Ghibli films, the Masterpiece Theater thing (which hasn't had a new one for over a decade) and Deltora Quest, how common even is it for a non-Japanese book to be made into anime?

>> No.9868454

that's sad

>> No.9868455

Are they speaking among themselves or to humans? The chapters in the Three Body Problem describing the Trisolarans were done well

>> No.9868456

I always skip straight to Wraith Squadron when I feel like re-reading X-Wing. Stackpole's books are stiff and boring.

>> No.9868457


>> No.9868459

there are like, two dozen sherlock holmes anime
it's not common, but it's not super rare, I think

>> No.9868462

<Have them talk like this.>

Problem solved.

>> No.9868464

Well there's a Foundation manga that sadly never got scanlated.

>> No.9868466

because it's first year design class schlock

>> No.9868469

But it looks neat. Fuck (you)!

>> No.9868471

(you) have shit taste

>> No.9868482

You sure know a lot about shit! Maybe because you eat it?

>> No.9868491

Is there a specific "version" of Book of the New Sun I should read? I just grabbed an omnibus volume of the first two called "Shadow and Claw."

>> No.9868494

excellent rebuttal. I'm properly cowed.
You still have shit taste.

>> No.9868498

thats an ok start

I mean obviously you need one paper copy for the bookshelf but Im sure you will merely purchase the rest of the series on kindle and read them there

>> No.9868503

What? No.

>> No.9868506

No, you!

>> No.9868510

David Gemmel's novel. Look it up on Goodreads, the #1 review is by Rothfuss himself and says more about the man than I ever could.

>> No.9868512

>Is there a specific "version" of Book of the New Sun I should read? I just grabbed an omnibus volume of the first two called "Shadow and Claw."

That's fine, I have that one too. There's the Orb omnibus and the Fantasy Masterworks omnibus. I prefer the Orb one because the paper feels nicer and the cover is better but it's just personal preference

>> No.9868513

I go here to get away from anime but that was always a pipe dream

>> No.9868514

Your charts are shit, they've always been shit and frankly I think you deliberately make them to annoy people -- hence why the design is so god awful. Just because you've been posting them for a long time doesn't say anything positive about them, in fact the opposite because I can't recall you ever getting good feedback about them.

>> No.9868516

Stop bullying the people who supply this general with OC, that's so inconsiderate!

>> No.9868519

I don't even know what the argument here is, but that is literally a grade school level counter. At least fucking meme

>> No.9868523

pretty fucking wishi-washi for an award winning author. now I'm annoyed.

>> No.9868525
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, didn&#039;t think that through.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the thread for the most anime of literary genres in an attempt to escape anime

>> No.9868529

90% of Catholic Church molestation cases were with post-pubescent males. These men you and the rest are condemning were almost exclusively garden-variety gays, not pedophiles. But yeah whatever Schlomo, go make another ten Oscar winning movies about the subject in Hollywood (pedo ridden scumhole) starring weirdos like Liev Schrieber (almost certainly molests his children).

>> No.9868536

I actually meant are there any notable textual differences between the versions since some authors like to "fix" things sometimes, but I suppose you would have already mentioned that if there were. Thanks.

>> No.9868546

That's what makes it such a good response. He's so beneath me that I can win with such low discourse.

>> No.9868556
File: 45 KB, 250x380, MalazanBookOfTheFallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, if we're talking Malazan, this cover is aesthetic as fuck.

>> No.9868625

>for being anime
the implication is shonen battle-garbage with infinite volumes worth of non-material which is pretty much a soap-opera for 12 year olds. I personally have nothing against manga or anime, in fact I'd strongly recommend all of the following to all of /sffg/
Excellent action manga with lots of creative use of western mythology. Every action manga is a mediocre rip-off of this.
>Devilman Lady
Extremely interesting followup, extremely ballsy stuff. More mythology, more action, nudity and rape abound.
>Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise
Super-cool high-budget movie about an astronaut getting ready to go into space. Excellent visual direction, cool Ryuichi Sakamoto score and a cast that actually feel like a human beings.
Coolest anime ever made. It's like Metropolis crossed with Terminator crossed with Devilman. It has a very shaky reputation but I consider it to be the ultimate pleb filter.
>Serial Experiments Lain
The swansong of Japanese cyberpunk (even though it kept going afterwards, with Electric Dragon 80 000v and so on). Watching this after Death Powder, Burst City, Tetsuo the Iron Man and 964 Pinocchio is a hell of a trip.

Nothing wrong with anime, but if you read Sanderson you should reconsider your priorities.

>> No.9868629

>I actually meant are there any notable textual differences between the versions since some authors like to "fix" things sometimes

Ah. The answer is no.

>> No.9868631
File: 48 KB, 823x171, SFFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9868632
File: 133 KB, 701x890, IMG_0825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good fantasy books that would make me think about life or hit me in some feels

>> No.9868638

Chinks can't get enough of the BALT (Big Anglo Literary Tradition).
>Anne of Green Gables
>When Marnie Was There
>Howl's Moving Castle
>Sherlock Holmes
Even with stuff that isn't a direct adaption the clear links are all over the place. Cute girls doing cute things is the successor genre to the Anglo coming of age story (Anne, etc...). When London is burned to the ground and rebuilt as a caliphate their traditions will live on forever in the form of cheap cartoons.

>> No.9868640

>good fantasy books that would make me think about life
The Book of the New Sun

> hit me in some feels
Assassin's Apprentice

>> No.9868646
File: 703 KB, 2437x1047, Dinosaurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My "charts" are recs from what I personally read. Maybe when this year is over I will have fresh stock to add to it.
>red is nasty
>purposely annoy people
Oh so the reason is aesthetics?

>no good response to my charts
I've had a few. Why do I feel you are the original dino who hates everything contemporary? This level of animosity is familiar. Why do I feel of my charts were filled with books from pic related you would be praising it?

>> No.9868650

As far as I know 'The Fifth Head of Cerberus' is the only Wolfe story with significant differences between editions. After the first couple of prints the editors noticed a couple of 'errors' which they went and fixed. The 'errors' were really subtle hints as to the true events of the story and so now all new editions of the book are slightly harder to understand.

Book of the New Sun, there is literally nothing it can't do.

>> No.9868651

>>Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise
...but why did he try to rape her, anon?

>> No.9868656

Look I don't get any of this shit so I find it pretentious, so I would kindly ask you to get out

>> No.9868683
File: 126 KB, 1106x1080, Plz kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those words are truer now than ever

>> No.9868692

>implying gay and pedophile is not the same

>> No.9868695

they're not you dingus, ever heard of bears?

>> No.9868698

What do you guys want to find on a fantasy book?
Or what makes it good for you

>> No.9868703
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, Royal Space Force (The Wings of Honneamise).mkv_snapshot_00.02.00_[2017.05.26_13.03.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that scene
Here we go. This has been debated back and forth over 100 /m/ threads and here's roughly where we're at. Nobody's entirely certain but what's clear is that Lhadatt was feeling crestfallen. He'd lost faith in his cause and his country and his brief and productive surge of manic productivity has come crashing down. Obviously his first response is to go back to where it all started and his life began to turn around to see if he can find more help so he goes to Riquinni. He finds her in the Red Light District where they first met and her response to seeing him appears to be at first apprehension and shame. He helps her with her not-Christianity missionary work and then they go back to her place. He doesn't seem great but doesn't necessarily seem worse either. Now here's the kicker.

Money falls out of her shoe. Why did she keep money in her shoe? The conservative answer is that this is just her being prudent/savvy and avoiding getting mugged, but a few wild mavericks like myself take this further. I think that it's quite possible that the implication behind the money in the shoe and Ladhatt's extreme reaction is that we're meant to infer that Riquinni has been working as a prostitute. We know that she's been in rather desperate financial straits for some time and has a kid to take care of with no man in her life, yet all we see her do is hand out flyers, in a red light district of all places. At the end of the movie we see her working in a field but this can't provide much and if it were steady income I don't see how she'd justify constant trips to the city or let her finances get so poor. Not only is it technically plausible, I think that it's also thematically fitting. Up until here Laddhat has been losing faith in every little external spook that had been driving him out of his ennui since the beginning of the movie, I think that the first and strongest motivator, Riquinni, being completely 180d is such a strong way really drives this part of the movie home and works nicely with the ending. I like the idea of him accepting this but not in a cuck way, and instead of using her presence as an emotional crutch respecting her for what she is and finding strength within himself to get himself over the line.

Fuck off Malazan-fag. We don't hate your meme-series because it's complicated (it's not), we hate it because it's shit.

>> No.9868704


>> No.9868705


>> No.9868708
File: 29 KB, 422x750, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a fantasy book to expand the frontiers of my imagination, feed me ideas and fresh perspectives on life, and have a great story populated by characters I care about.

>> No.9868712

>characters I care about.

The whore fe***in fucking fucked up the book i cared about i fucking hate that cunt that fuck
but at least she made me read long enough to see her die
i fucking hate taht cunt

>> No.9868713
File: 357 KB, 604x3612, 1475904275189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the place for your kind. Take your gender/pedo/gay BS there. And keep it there.

>> No.9868718

Anything that that conforms to my worldviews and doesn't try to challenge it. I especially get boners when the MC becomes powerful and overcomes moral and physical challenges so that I can imagine myself as that person. Of course it's always a man because woman are not moral creatures

>> No.9868719
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>> No.9868722

there is every reason to be upset

>> No.9868727
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>> No.9868728

>Fuck off Malazan-fag
What do you mean. I hate malazan.

>> No.9868729

Thanks anon. I really enjoyed the movie, but that scene bothered me because I couldn't understand why it was there.

>> No.9868730

there are no reasons NOT to be upset

>> No.9868733
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>> No.9868736

>thread gone sonic by anime discussion in the fooking sffg, stale memes poster, cover aesthetic fags

>> No.9868741



>> No.9868750

lmao allow gay dudes lol
i'm straight but lumping them with paedos is a still peak

>> No.9868752

>What do you mean. I hate malazan.
That's good. Keep up the good work. I figure that anybody who uses 'I don't get it therefore it's pretentious' as a meme non-criticism is a Malazan-fag who thinks that anybody who dares criticize their stupid phonebook just can't appreciate the majestic experience that is learning 50 000 made up names to accurately follow a D&D campaign.

>I couldn't understand why it was there
Ladhatt's journey would be a bit flat without it. 9/10 movies that go from positive to a sudden sharp downer 2/3 of the way in fuck it up and only did it because they thought they had to but Royal Space Force really needs it to work. Up until then Ladhatt's enthusiasm and drive are just a temporary high triggered by meeting a nice woman who takes a genuine interest in his work and possibly by extension also his dick. After that he finds out he actually kind of likes his work and so on but then he loses steam and goes back to 0. But it's okay, because along the way something he didn't pay much mind to, Riquinni's faith, actually managed to stick. Through introspection and a couple of painful looking head-wounds he's able to unfuck himself and find the drive to finish what he started without cheap mania fueling his fire.

I've always enjoyed Honneamise more than Eva or any of Gainax's other stuff. Hopefully 'Uru in Blue' turns out well. That concept art they released in the 90s was really nice, as was that new one we got a year or two ago.

All discussion is good discussion, and it's science-fiction related. It's not like the book discussion here is any good.

>> No.9868760
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Alien communication... have a passing of time, then write that your characters learned to understand basic phrases/sounds. Or have the aliens deploy telepathy to communicate. I've also seen SF authors use translating devices, which is not a far fetched idea as Google translate develops. A future gadget might record conversations of an unknown language and compile probable meanings, presenting them phonetically... although this assumes the aliens are vaguely human/mammalian, and there being universal aspects of language/thought - does Jung's collective unconsciousness exist beyond Terra?

But in an omniscient perspective, just surrounding their text with brackets like this works >>9868462

Gateway by Frederik Pohl, a book about guilt and repressed memories, also has cool space exploration.

>> No.9868775

Gateway is essential /sffg/ depression-core

>> No.9868799

>It's not like the book discussion here is any good.
Take it back! T.T

>> No.9868811

They can speak for themselves. Please return to your hive.

>> No.9868936

What does <> mean?

>> No.9868937

>Gateway by Frederik Pohl, a book about guilt and repressed memories, also has cool space exploration
You forgot advertising

>> No.9868965

Yes, and when you read it, just go with it. Things will make sense as you progress through the series.

>> No.9868975

Write it as a 7 column matrix, like Cherryh's Tc'a :3

>> No.9869002

Liu Cixin's family name is Liu.
Protip: If you're not sure whether a Chinese name is written in English or Chinese order, it's almost always the case that the shorter, one syllable name is the family name.

>> No.9869013
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>> No.9869166

That looks autistic as fuck. Then again alien languages would sound autistic to us

>> No.9869174

Any Helsinki Worldcon-goers here?

>> No.9869214

Yes. I skipped today, but will be going Thu-Sun.

>> No.9869215

What do you guys think of Hyperion? I've finished the first book today. I saw it recommended as one of the best sci-fi novels of the last fifty years but I found it really underwhelming. Don't get me wrong I liked most of the stories, especially the Priest's one, but Simmons' prose didn't really work for me, I didn't find his homages to classics all that cool and what's probably more damning the setting bored. It felt like he was just throwing in all the science fiction ideas that seemed fun to him like the grass ship or dolphin translation or flying carpets without integration them properly. I dunno, maybe I'm just too much of hard sf fag to enjoy sci-fi written by an English major or maybe Hyperion didn't age that well?

>> No.9869219

Name a more trash series than Sword of Truth

>> No.9869278

I'll be there from Friday on. Anything specific you're looking forward to?

>> No.9869280
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It's the best fantasy trash.

>> No.9869346

I'm actually only now (unsurprisingly for me) collecting info on what I [may] want to see there. I just did Thursday, and am transitioning to Friday, so nothing yet... Except I saw Hiltunen will do a presentation at noon and most likely I will attend that. He is a funny man.

I assume you're a fellow Finn if you're going Fri -> ?

>> No.9869378


>> No.9869407

No I also think it's terrible. Too much Keats jerking.

>> No.9869450
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Close enough, traveling from Stockholm tomorrow. My inner teenager is itching to see Robin Hobb, her books were everything to me back then.

>> No.9869461

> Too much Keats jerking
Did you read Fall of Hyperion haha? You ain't seen nothing yet.

>> No.9869513

Välkommen! And preach it on Hobb. I think she was the 3rd author I ever read in fantasy (after Eddings and Salvatore). I'd have taken a pic of the translated Assassin's Apprentice book from 1996 I have around here somewhere, but well, it's "around here somewhere". Can't find it.

Also, I just did Friday, and hot damn, there are a lot of options to go and see. At 13:00 alone there's 6 panels/presentations I might be interested in seeing. So actual attendance will probably include a lot of improvisation.

>> No.9869529

>traveling from Stockholm
>thinking you can leave Stockholm syndrome behind

>> No.9869577


>> No.9869685

New Thread

>> No.9870030

That's a tv thing probably not true in the books.

>> No.9870135

>What are some good fantasy books that would make me think about life or hit me in some feels
Prince of Nothing

>tfw cannot raise walls against what has been forgotten

>> No.9870143

Someone hates moral clarity. Wheel of Time