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/lit/ - Literature

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9867891 No.9867891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I saw a girl riding the train today. She was reading 1984.

The first thing that came to me?

> pleb

What have you done to me, /lit/?

>> No.9867902

Are you in Sydney?

>> No.9867903

Well she is a pleb. We made you smart enough to realise it.

>> No.9867920

So you've never read 1984, yet you claim to know someone's a pleb for reading it?

>> No.9867921

I think this if I see someone reading on a train and the book isn't something I would read.

Like, you would never say that to their faces - that's insulting - but everything is safe in my little mind vault.

Try to guess what number I'm thinking. I'll wait.

>> No.9867924

I have. Baby's first book, literally. Now popular because Trump (lol).

>> No.9867925

did you approach her and suggest some good literature instead of the vomit she's reading?

>> No.9867939

Yes i am. Was that you?

>> No.9867944

So you're a pleb, seeing you read it.

>> No.9867945

>tfw he didn't even say anything

>> No.9867946

Protected you from plebs.

>> No.9867947

Why would I say it's shit without first having read it?

>> No.9867956

So, why is someone a pleb when they're reading it, maybe the girl thought it was shit too. Try to think before posting next time.

>> No.9867961

Got to read it eventually to form an opinion, anon.

Can't dismiss someone as pleb just because they haven't discovered a book being shit after you have.

>> No.9868009

Say hi next time dude. Im the girl with blonde hair

>> No.9868015

I meant black sorry

>> No.9868018
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just wondering OP, are you a virgin

>> No.9868020

I read it when I was 12

>> No.9868030

Was she qt?

>> No.9868034

Black hair. And no shes not asian. She's discussing it on our discord as we speak

>> No.9868035

She is a girl. Try to think before posting next time.

>> No.9868037

She should've done it when she was in middle school, though, that's the point. But at her age (18+)? Absolute pleb for still reading that garbage.

>> No.9868039


It's entry-level patrician

>> No.9868040

Should've said it to her face then. Shes on the discord i go to. Im more than happy to give you the invite so you can tell her that on voice.

>> No.9868043

Ok give it then retard. I'll also tell her she is a piece of trash that should be put down just to show you not everyone is a pussy.

>> No.9868045

1984 is an excellent novel. However, nearly everyone misunderstood it and now sees literally everything they don't agree with in the world as "orwellian".
Same thing happened with V for Vendetta, another interesting work that unfortunately fucked people in the head. Ask anyone wearing a Guy Fawkes mask who that guy is, most will just say it's the "V mask".

>> No.9868047

>Now popular because Trump
What is The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.9868048


>tfw am currently reading it

>> No.9868050


Her username is 'nisem'

>> No.9868058

Is this dude coming?? I wanna see him fight her

>> No.9868060

He pussied out.

>> No.9868063

No one has joined

>> No.9868067

I read it at 23 because I never had the chance to read it in school and so I just decided to pick up a copy.

It's like people who just discover reading and begin with school-core books like Of Mice and Men and Romeo & Juliet. It's a starting point most of /lit/ has probably moved on from but to move on from it, you need to go through it first.

I don't expect a newfag to /lit/ to dive straight into Mason & Dixon.

>> No.9868071

Fuck you nisem dumbass chink cunt

>> No.9868094

OP you're going to talk to her next time, right?

>> No.9868111

>Do you consider yourself an intellectual?

>> No.9868112

>She should've done it when she was in middle school

if you mean read in school the only books we were required to read in high school were grapes of wrath and the kite runner

people complained grapes of wrath was too hard and long

it was AP english

>> No.9868127

When I was in middle school the required reading was Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice. I've read most classics but never got around to 1984 until now because I've always been more interested in nonfiction and as a result spent little time on fiction. I don't see how that's a problem.

>> No.9868130

Bro, a girl reading, let alone any classic literature is a good thing. It might be an entry-level classic, but it's still a great book and one step closer to being a patrish qt. Who knows, aside from the larping in this thread, she could've been rereading it for college or something.

>> No.9868138

Shit, nigga. I can't remember much from middle school, but we read some pretty good shit in grammar school.

>> No.9868139
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>mfw plebs don't understand the literary merit of 1984

>> No.9868141
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>hating Orwell
Only if you are a retarded sandnigger with no taste.

>> No.9868199
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Has OP disappeared?

>> No.9868210

>M-muh lit.

Agatha Christie wrote better prose.

Did that sink in?

His motifs aren't subtle, and he uses pleonasms. Litrially pleb-tier.

Worse than that?

You can't read a political novel, recommended becuase of a political climate, and then claim you're unable to achieve disinterested contemplation... Which means you're unable to appreciate any aesthetic. So it's no longer art, it's just genre fictitious .

Pleb-tier genre ficition.

>> No.9868219
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>> No.9868227
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>be around in the city
>see someone comment on something or other
>think "fucking normies"

>> No.9868240

But they're cheap

>> No.9868293

> I don't expect a newfag to /lit/ to dive straight into Mason & Dixon.
>tfw tried reading 1984 in 8th grade, never finished
>tfw my first /lit/ books were Moby Dick and V.
>tfw read Moby Dick aged 14, V. aged 15
Geez, I feel a genius

>> No.9868302

The first that that come to me is how the lefties reignited interest in it after Trump won, because it's babby's first authoritarianism. Unfortunately it was them doing all the Orwellian shit like thought crimes and censorship. But they just insist "No actually it's you" and fail to see the irony.

>> No.9868377

Nope, works like War and Peace are entry-level patrician. 1984 is in the pleb category still, though it rates highly in patricianity in that particular category

>> No.9868405

You should have slipped her a note that said "I love you" as you got off the train.

>> No.9868420

Really thought it was strange that 1984 became popular among people who effectively went along with what many large media outlets were reporting (and treated it all as gospel).
All along not seeming to realize the book's messages.

>> No.9868440

Reminds me of the politicians suggesting Atlas Shrugged be mandatory reading for public high school.

>> No.9868446

If you see a cute girl and the first thing the comes in your mind isn't how does she look like naked then there's something really wrong with you.

>> No.9868492
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A lot of young people (myself included I'll admit) are very much like Julia. Opposed to the shittyness that surrounds us, and have no aims to conform, but rebel only personally and for selfish reasons, falling in line to the established rules whenever it would be bad to be seen dissenting.

>> No.9868540

His prose is not bad at all

You're just looking for excuses to dislike the book since the amount of normies who quote it frustrates you, since you see literature as some elitist form of validating what you feel to be your cultural/intellectual superiority

People like you would be singing the book's praises if it remained unknown to the public

>> No.9868549

>try to guess what number I'm thinking

>> No.9868572

is OP ded?

>> No.9868604

Literally no girl ever wants to be harassed in the train, stop larping.

>> No.9868630

not true!

>> No.9868746

If he didn't act like a total sperg (which is probably to be expected) I wouldn't have minded.

>> No.9868754

>there are people on /lit/ who actually believe Orwell is for plebs

Pathetic and sad.

>> No.9868759

She sounds like a fucking loser, why are you mad?

>> No.9868763
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>Now popular because Trump (lol).
Are you retarded? Orwell hated liberals. He literally would have voted for Trump if he were alive and American today.

>> No.9868783


>> No.9868786

That doesn't make his statement any less true. In the same way that a lot of business owners identifying with Ayn Rand characters when they're more like the leeching bureaucrats than the Dionyson magnates.

>> No.9868821

His statement is fucking retarded because 1984 has always been popular, it has nothing to do with Trump. Are you new or just simple, people were clamoring all over it in the fucking Bush administration alone, let alone the Obama administration.

And don't even get me started on how the British feel about it.

>> No.9868826

Yeah its big resurgence in sales actually came when the NSA leaks came out