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9863413 No.9863413 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9863586

I'll take a Carl Jung with a side of Nietzsche, and a large Dostoevsky.

>> No.9863603

nihilistic neo-marxist postmodernists

>> No.9863612

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

Life is a constant hell. No wonder I resent women too.

>> No.9864015

this is unironically my diary desu

>> No.9864212

Third post best post

>> No.9864333

Mmm, my favourite.

>> No.9864336


>> No.9864340
File: 110 KB, 210x242, 20170808_213515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9864635

I can't go to any thread on the front page without seeing comments along the lines of: "autistic screeching", "stop being an autist", and "are you fucking autistic?"

Autism is not a choice. It has no prevention and no cure. More and more people are being diagnosed since we know the criteria now, and plenty of autistic people (including myself) use the internet regularly. I have always loved the internet because it gives me a way to communicate that I simply don't have in real life. Seeing autistic people become the main target of jokes here as of late has been demoralizing. I'm sure I'm just "too sensitive" or whatever, but words matter. You have a younger audience than you think, and kids see and repeat shit like this all the time. Using autism as an insult is going to make people even less empathetic to autistic people than they already are.

I just don't see the humor in making fun of people who are already down. Dark humor is fine every once in a while, but if all of your jokes focus on making fun of disabled people, maybe you should reevaluate. Make fun of people who deserve it--there are plenty. We have an enormous amount of insults to choose from, and if you are creative enough you can even come up with your own.

>> No.9864642

Good post, autistic boy.

>> No.9864646

I haven't jacked off in three days AMA

>> No.9864706


If you have autism you should be doing everything within your will power to ruthlessly repress it and you should never fucking mention it or admit to having it fucking ever.
If you can't repress it then you should opt for a dignified silence.
If you can't manage that then you should kill yourself.

>> No.9864707


>> No.9864713


projected projection

>> No.9864722
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>> No.9864727
File: 218 KB, 648x662, Essential_Characters_(Oblivion)_Crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9865264

this faggot would probably call the gray fox a neomarxist and use a bunch of esoterica to justify Hieronymus Lex's corrupt rule

then once the gray fox was dead and no longer a political reality he'd concede the guy had the right idea but that new thieves guild was entirely corrupt and neomarxist

>> No.9865281

Professor.. easy on the alt-right

>> No.9865496

I havent jacked off in a week beat that faggot

>> No.9865543
File: 48 KB, 500x451, 1450735056616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I um... I don't think you quite get what the alt-right is there lad

>> No.9865577
File: 155 KB, 625x700, PetersonPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Alt-Right loser

>> No.9865652

that's actually an FtM tranny.

>> No.9865698


>> No.9866898
