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/lit/ - Literature

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9857477 No.9857477 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved manga?

>> No.9857484

Vagabond and Mushishi are both pretty /lit/.

>> No.9857582

There are none

>> No.9857595

>he's this much of a sperg contrarian
Don't confuse manga with anime. Manga is socially accepted in Japan, and there are some genuinely good manga.

>> No.9857597


>> No.9857600
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>> No.9857682
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Ashita no Joe

>> No.9857690

You faggots recommended me Ayako ebcause it was supposed to be one of the early ones and great post ww2 story.
It was fucking shit, expensive! and boring as hell.
Looking at poorly draw pictures doesn't compare to great writing.
Wasted way too much money to have a 800 page garbage of paper in my room now because you fuckers being apologetic about Manga.
It is shit and that word should be banned on this board.

>> No.9857696

Jiro Taniguchi
Boring art, but his stories are excellent and truly deep. A Distant Neighborhood is my favourite.

>> No.9858188

One Piece

>> No.9858200

Weebs aren't welcome here.

>> No.9858209

>Boring art
Good backgrounds. Plus his girls are cute but then again so are most pre 2000's

>> No.9858218

>worrying about how socially acceptable a medium is
This is worse than pleb, this is neurotic high school kid tier.

>> No.9858231
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There is no more patrician manga than this gem.

>> No.9858244
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Osamu Tezuka can be great, if a bit melodramatic at times.

Buddha, Phoenix, Ode to Kirihito and MW are great. I can recommend the Karma chapter of Phoenix in particular.

>> No.9858308
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Takemitsu Zamurai. Taiyo Matsumoto is also the mangaka of Ping-Pong and Sunny which are even better though not as aesthetic or /lit/. Honorable mention is the esteemed Lone Wolf and Cub mainly for the art, though the first thing that came to my mind was Shamo, which could have made into a great novel resembling an more unsympathetic Crime and Punishment, but the manga dropped the ball in the second half

>> No.9858355

Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa

"44 years old, single, working in a construction company for his entire life. All Kurosawa wants is a little respect from his co-workers. And a little popularity won't hurt. Unfortunately Kurosawa's plans fail miserably from time to time and one day, he finds himself right in the middle of a fight against...delinquent middle schoolers? "

It's existential, /lit/ approved.

>> No.9858365

90% of the anime are manga adaptations. Also, sometimes the adaptations are better than the manga. Also, there are manga adaptations to anime.

I'll be honest here and say that 95% of the manga are just fighting and action thrillers, comparable to the so called "YA and genre fiction literature", but I believe there are some legit stories. Monster is not your every day (shounen, superpower) manga. Also, from the less known, "Aku no Hana" (Flowers of Evil), which is a direct reference to the work by Bouldeaire, had a pretty good start.

Manga are not Japanese literature, manga are comic books.

>> No.9858392

>I'll be honest here and say that 95% of the manga are just fighting and action thrillers
If you read children manga, sure. Don't dirty the word manga with your degenerate media consumnation without regard for good stories.


>> No.9858436
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Read or Die. Its literally about books. The anime is pretty neat, but the Manga is fuckin great.

>> No.9858459

The girl was cute but it's still shonenshit. There was this one literature club one that I didn't remember since the translation wasn't typeset

>> No.9858472

If you want good manga with meaning you need Seinen genre, not shounen, shounen is the kiddy shit like DBZ, naruto, bleach, fairy tail and all that crap which is ok for kids.

>> No.9858481
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>> No.9858485

bump, im interested in good /lit/ mangas with deep meaning

>> No.9858488

every time i scroll by OP's pic, i see a turd in a salad.

>> No.9858504

my fuckign sides, your comment is best literature 2017 mate i approve

>> No.9858508
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i saw a big nigger dick

>> No.9858515
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>> No.9858524

why post random pics in fucking japanese? are you by any chance... RETARDED?(<80 IQ)

>> No.9858528
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>> No.9858557

You are free to reverse image search it, giving you the artist quite easily

>> No.9858565

Why would I reverse search it it's too obscure to even make me interested. Can you explain in few words what it is about?

>> No.9858603
File: 298 KB, 650x325, hayashi-morimotosuizenji[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Flowering Harbour by Hayashi Seiichi. His work is best explained using the popular postwar "Enka" style of songwriting. Like his manga, Enka songs are usually very heavy handed affairs about love, loss, and loneliness from from a very feminine perspective though not always from the female point of view. I love his inking style and loneliness should be something many of us relate to.
As a fun aside Seiichi did cover art for some Enka singles/LPs which are phenomenal, I would love to get my hands on them even though I'm not really a vinyl buyer.

>> No.9858616

the fuck? this sounds retarded to me mate, you're weird

>> No.9858639
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You probably want to go for my other recommendation in this thread then, it is much more straightforward.
>you're weird
Where do you think we are

>> No.9858654

>Coming from the board that unironically likes Pynchon and Wallace

>> No.9859003
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Unironically anything by Kazuo Umezu. You can start with his short stuff or you can jump right into his magnum opus, Fourteen.

>> No.9859040

Kakukaku shikajika


Lone Wolf and cub

Harukana machi e

Natsu no zenjitsu

Oyasumi punpun

Umibe no onnanoko




Flowers of evil

Watch manben documentary to get more recommendations and better understand the medium

>> No.9859049
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I really liked Undercurrent by Tetsuya Toyoda.

Fourteen is indisputably the pinnacle of visual art medium.

>> No.9859061


>> No.9859072

Blame is definitely interesting. Not most patrician

>> No.9859078

You are really so weak minded to need an anonymous online comunity dictate what is enjoyable and good and what is not?

>> No.9859087

>title has no significance or relevance to the story
>20 lines of dialogue in the whole thing
>artwork is hxh napkin doodle tier at a lot of parts, can't even tell what you're supposed to be seeing, which completely defuses the one and only selling point, the sense of scale of the megastructure
>poor characterization
>poor worldbuilding
>same face

>> No.9859090

Read some Gekiga you absolute plebs

>> No.9859091

Loveless is a great manga
I found it deep and pretty, mostly pretty
I just say more cause people would say I have pleb taste in manga (like muh elfen lied)

>> No.9859097

7 Seeds. I wish Rakugo Shinjju got a good release so I could recommend it.

>> No.9859157


>> No.9859163

sounds /lit/

>> No.9859209

That's what I said basically, why do you try to make me look wrong lol

>> No.9859260

>that crap which is ok for kids
Does that mean Tom Sawyer is crap because it's ok for kids? Pretty sure there are plenty of wanna-be-DBZ seinen manga.

>> No.9859266

spotted the pleb

>> No.9859325
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>> No.9859336

Youichi Abe is THE /lit/ mangaka

>> No.9859341

Sounds interesting. I enjoy enka, and it sounds like his work will be very Japanese thematically; I expect a great deal of mono no aware, which I enjoy as well.

You're pleb.

Oh, eh! Careful there, tough guy! We don't want no trouble, eh!? Just don't hurt anyone with that big strong brain of yours, okay?

>> No.9859359
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Best art style atleast

>> No.9859411
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If you weren't too pleb, you could have read the Japanese and discerned the artistic talent present in the panel, which would have piqued your interest immediately. Alas, you are pleb, and so made banal implications as to the young anons intelligence as an all too garish attempt to distract us from your own ignorance.

You only succeeded in distracting yourself.

>Don't take my post seriously, kiddo. I didn't.

How has no one said Akira? Sure, it's well known, but it is at the pinnacle of artistic merit - especially within the sphere of manga/anime and film.

No one has said Deathnote either. Sure, sure, it's entry level, but it definitely has literary merit.

>top tier art, albeit with a genre-specific style (though an original and influential one)
>well constructed structure
>well executed concept
>big-picture themes
>layered symbolism
>philosophic bend

Even the number of episodes has meaning. Definitely literary, especially within the target audience - shonen.

And what about content like Osamu Tezuka's Buddha? I only read two volumes, and it was quite sometime ago (I rarely read manga anymore), but it still seemed quite literary to me then.

>> No.9859420

Nigga, Ping-Pong is kino
I dare you to say otherwise, the themes are well developed, the characters are believable, it doesn't extend for more than it has to and the art style is 10/10. Peco vs Dragon was great for discussing the whole topic of doing what you love vs doing what you are told to, and how loving something at it's purest state is ought to win when talent is equal.

>> No.9859446
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>calls people pleb
>posts Deathnote

>> No.9859463

The only manga I've ever cared about is berserk

>> No.9859485
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Tell me why you think it isn't literary, and I'll prove you're a pleb who couldn't analyze to save his balls.

>> No.9859491

Mushishi is Adult Swim-core garbage.
Anime is generally better than manga because it isn't restricted to two senses, it can entertain all six.

>> No.9859496

>literature is good
Stop shitting yourself.
Mate, monster is garbage and shonen is the peak of genre. The peak of shonen is a complete subversion of Bildungsroman.

>> No.9859498
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>Anime is generally better than manga because it isn't restricted to two senses, it can entertain all six.
Yeah tv is better than books.

>> No.9859504

Seinen is for pretentious turds. Pretentious turds do not understand or appreciate literary form, and instead adore heavy-handed philosophy and grimdark pissoff.
'deep meaning' is for pretentious turds.

>> No.9859508

>believable characters
This is a literal pleb complaint.
Because yr fucking 14.

>> No.9859528

TV is not to books as anime is to manga, you pseud. TV does not entertain anything because Western television is fucking terrible on every aesthetic level.
You can give those turds millions, and they crap out garbage like GoT. I've only seen a handful of episodes (I was forced by family), and all it had going was the occasional one-liner joke. Oh wow the biggest television drama possibly ever only has a fraction of its attempted comedy going for it.
The greatest work of art, period, is an anime original. It has a manga adaptation but it's terrible and essentially butchers everything brilliant about the series.
Movies are better than books. Even bad movies are less offensively heavy-handed. Dan Brown is a joke of a writer, but at least the film adaptations are watchable.

>> No.9859536

This is by definition not literature. We have two boards where you can discuss manga. Please go over there.

>> No.9859558
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farmland saga

>> No.9859559

>TV is not to books as anime is to manga, you pseud.
Yes it is you stupid anime fag.
>designed by committee
>in most cases no auteur
>made to to sell merch and blu-rays

>> No.9859563
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>The greatest work of art, period, is an anime original.
>Movies are better than books.

>> No.9859609

Wait, what anime are we talking about here, EVA?

>> No.9859623

>my ear is bad
>muh pacifism
I enjoy it a lot aside from the same face though.

>> No.9859642

t. idiot that doesn't understand anime
NGE is fucking awful. I'm talking about Eureka Seven.

>> No.9859691
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>Mushishi is Adult Swim-core garbage.
You're an idiot. You're like this anon >>9859446 - completely blind to symbolism and theme. What are you doing on a literary board? I'll grant you the favor of reposting an analysis of Mushi-shi which I made once before, quite spontaneously, on this board. As a comment to this post.

Granted, the analysis could be flushed out and streamlined immensely, and other important elements of the show, such as "Mono no Aware," could be included, but it will suffice to annihilate your comparison.

>> No.9859697
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Here it is:

>Mushi-shi is heavily focused on traditional Japanese cultural themes and perspectives.

All art is colored by the cultural backdrop on which it is created, but Mushi-shi is not only aware of its place in time and culture - it takes that as a central part of it's themes.

"Mushi" are a creative play on a common topic in anime - the yokai and kami of Shinto folk mythology. Originality is no mean feat in this sphere, as these myths are a common subject of anime, and perspectives which attempt to fuse them with modern taxonomy or microbiology are exceedingly rare.

Aside from that, in Japanese culture, the frailty and transitory nature of life and beauty are extremely important. The high place these ideas hold is apparent in everything from Japanese philosophy to poetry, art, film, and even the importance cherry blossoms hold in Japanese culture.

At the same time, the idea of man simply being a part of nature - of a much larger universe, and ultimately unimportant - is completely ingrained in the way the Japanese see themselves and everything else.

Among other things, these views give many of the great works of Japanese art a sense of poignancy.

Mushi-shi takes the sorrow and awe born of the awareness of your impermanence and smallness as it's baseline.

Not only that, but the Buddhist revelation that "life is suffering," plays a key role.

Just as in our lives, it is from their place in nature that the suffering of Mushi-shi's characters arises. As it states early on in the show, for Urushibara, humans are just one form of life on the spectrum of nature.

Another one of Mushi-shi's strong points, is the way it deals with a different theme in almost every episode. Each story deals with a concept - fear v. desire, memory, time, societal duty v. individuality, private self v. public self, perception v. reality, fate, etc.

Many of these are the themes of well-known Japanese folk tales in re-imagined states.

Mushi-shi is a revolt and an ode. It is about old clashing with new, and finding oneself in the context of history and ancestry.

This is even visible through the clothing Ginko wears, which are far more modern, than anything worn by any other character in the show.

Like the modern Japanese, Ginko is wandering through history - he has no place and yet he has every place. Urushibara is eluding to the task of modern Japan to find itself in the context of it's history.

The point is, Mushi-shi is not a "comfy magical realism cartoon with pretty animation," or a "quite bland" attempt to make a philosophic anime.

It is Urushibara's artistic attempt to create a set of modern Japanese folktales which juxtapose modernity with antiquity while examining concepts culturally relevant to modern Japan and preserving the historic and philosophic roots of Japanese storytelling.

>> No.9859702

>artwork is hxh napkin doodle tier at a lot of parts
>implying you could draw such detailed artwork when you're being constantly pressured to submit the next chapter as the nippon entertainment industry has people do

>> No.9859705

I won't talk about DN at this point, it's oversaturated.

Akira the movie was definitely good, a classic in the anime history, but I don't think the manga follows the same storyline. The issue with Akira (and 90% of the anime and manga) is that it can't really be put in the form of literature. The visual effects is what makes it so good, but those cannot really be put into words in a decent manner.
Please tell me a manga that has that deep philosophical thoughts. The antagonist killed people to make them equal. Death is after all the only thing ALL humans are equal in, as far as we know.

>> No.9859708

>t. child or man-child

>> No.9859710

wow ur so deep xDDD

The existence of symbolism and theme does not mean the series.
Terrible. You're correlating 'existence of theme' to overall quality.

>> No.9859711

No, you are the child.

>> No.9859713

'deep philosophy' is trash. Heavy-handed navel-gazing. Good anime is above your head.

>> No.9859714

Are you fucking 15? You sure sound like one. Disgusting pseud.

>> No.9859744
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Moto Hagio's stuff is great, even though there's quite little of it translated to English.

pic related is probably one of my favorite manga short stories.

>> No.9859750
File: 561 KB, 1344x724, The-Tale-of-Princess-Kaguya-Isao-Takhata-bamboo-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is already in a form of literature. Yes, the added dimensions of manga are a large part of its strength - this is also true of film, however, that does not detract from the many areas of overlap which manga and literature share in common.

Take, for example, the recent masterwork of genius illustrator and storyteller Takahata Isao, "Kaguyahime." The parallels between the film and literature should be quite apparent, as he is retelling an ancient and ubiquitous Japanese myth, and his method is easily relatable to fable. In his retelling, new themes and elements are embedded within the tale, enriching and complexifying an already stunning and symbolically rich allegory.

Sidenote: The manga's ending is actually the correct ending - especially if you saw only the edited Western version of the movie, in which the words on Kaneda's banner were changed, which completely annihilated the meaning of the film.

EVERYTHING about Akira is literary. The entire film/manga has a structure more innovative and complex than 99.999% of film or literature.

In truth, I did not discern it's structure myself. That achievement goes to a friend of mine who wrote a senior thesis over the film, and because of this I cannot share it with you (they are not my insights to share), but I would recommend rereading/rewatching it, with WWII heavily in mind.

>> No.9859753


>> No.9859756

your fucking fault for buying it without reading it online first, faggot.

>> No.9859758

For you, sure. Sorry that it goes over your head!

>> No.9859759


>> No.9859764

How deep or shallow I am is an unknown. Neither you nor I know the depth of things, however, I am certainly further up the mystic stair than you.

First off, "existence of theme" does not need quotations. Second, I'm doing no such thing. I am saying, flat-out, his themes are good and are dealt with in a way which is both original, skillful, and resonates with his personal vision as an artist. This implies skill in his craft, as many artists lose control of their works, and thereby kill any potential it had. Likewise, insofar as the dimension of his visual style, it is unique, a feat which is much more difficult to attain to than you may realize, and which the overwhelming majority of mangaka fail to do (as do the majority of writers, poets, filmmakers, painters, and so on).

I can't even begin to express the levels of irony you're hitting with your post.

>> No.9859768

Stop stroking yourself, child. You'll get a headache.

>> No.9859780

>I'm talking about Eureka Seven
I feel embarrassed for you, anon.

>> No.9859781
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Doesn't sound like a refutation. Sounds like avoidance.

In fact, none of you will be able to demonstrate that literature deals with more complex themes, or deals with the same themes in greater complexity. This is why none of has made an attempt. I would urge you to do so, but you would be wasting your time, as I would undermine your perspectives with ease.

>now I'm stroking

>> No.9859783

Because it's above your head. You're the type of pseud to blog about depression while intermittently mentioning how much you love Dostoevsky.

>> No.9859785

Are you fucking illiterate, child?
I'm: >>9859491

>> No.9859790

You literally cannot understand Eureka Seven, because you're too young and too much of a nihilistic STEMsperg with no understanding of the medium and its history or the genre.

>> No.9859798

i will say that eureka seven was a aeon genesis clone that actually provided closure.

>> No.9859809

My point still stands. You've addressed nothing. You've refuted nothing. You made a shallow analysis which any pot-head could surpass. In fact, you were already annihilated by another anon.

>> No.9859815

That's wrong. It is far from a clone. You haven't seen the series, and if you have, you did not understand it one bit. No one does. It's dismissed because it's subtle, unlike trash like NGE and Mushishi and whatever else is terribly popular with Western viewers. Disgusting.
RahXephon was the NGE clone, E7 is RahXephon's essential aims done right, which required a huge disconnect from NGE.

You seriously do not understand NGE or E7, or the genre, if you think E7 is an NGE clone. No, it pretends to be at first, It pretends to be at a few other moments, but it never is.

>> No.9859817

So you are illiterate.
Refutation is a grEEK meme.

>> No.9859818

I'm actually majoring in Classics--so the opposite of a stemfag. I used to be an anime autist, so I think I know plenty about the medium. I've never met anyone that found Eureka Seven to be better than above average. It was a good anime, but so many things surpass it. And it doesn't even come close to cowboy bebop.

>> No.9859822

Classics is STEMfaggery.
Cowshit Bebop is fucking terrible. You haven't met anybody because it goes over everybody's head. You don't understand the medium one bit, you've probably seen everything you've seen on Adult Swim, hence your clinging to absolute garbage like Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.9859828

could you maybe just tell him why you think Mushishi is garbage instead of simply insulting him

>> No.9859832

Why would I do that? I don't care about it. I don't put effort into garbage because I don't like garbage.

>> No.9859842

You should do it because that is how discussion goes. I don't really care for Mushishi one way or the other, but I would be interested in hearing a more in depth development of an opinion that diverges a bit from the consensus. If you want to be a child and withdraw yourself into a fortress of percieved superiority that's your choice. I just find the MO of assaulting somebody else's opinion and then refusing to elaborate or in fact make any counterargument at all a bit suspect.

>> No.9859847

>you should do this because you should
Discussion is a grEEK meme. The rest of your post is self-congratulatory egostroking. Of course, this is the behavior of somebody that doesn't and cannot comprehend E7.

>> No.9859854

dude i'm not same guy who talked about eureka 7, i never even watched that anime i just wanted you to elaborate on your claims wrt mushishi but since you have no intention of doing so ill just disregard you as a troll good job man i replied now excuse me ill leave the thread have fun

>> No.9859864

Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.9859871

im actually reading monster atm in my comic/manga slot and while i find the story up to now to be only slightly above average but pretty entertaining it really is the art where monster excels.

>> No.9859873
File: 542 KB, 1748x1748, The Mask of Agamemnon - Discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876 at Mycenae, now believed to pre-date the legendary Trojan War by 300 years..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you're making yourself look so stupid, or, rather, reavealing way too much about yourself.

>Classics is STEM
>arguing with two (or more?) anons about Mushishi, yet failing to provide an analysis of either it, manga, or literature
>refutation is a Greek meme

Too funny, way too funny.

I'm this anon btw >>9859809 - the same one who made this post>>9859411 and several others.

I happen to be a phys/maths major with close friends in STEM fields ranging from linguistics and maths to chem and molecular engineering, and I have to say, as little as you know about literary form or artistic analysis, you know even less about STEM or Classics.

>> No.9859884

Stop stroking your ego. Yes, Classics is essentially anthropology these days, so it is STEM. Sorry kiddo, I know much more about literary form and analysis than you. Sorry kiddo, I'm not providing an analysis of fucking garbage. Sorry kiddo, E7 goes way over your head. Sorry kiddo, I know much more about STEM and Classics than you. Of course, you will reject all of this because you're some hothead 19-year-old. You post like a /b/tard at that. Fucking disgusting, typical of a grEEK suckoff.

>> No.9859897

>I happen to be a phys/maths major with close friends in STEM fields ranging from linguistics and maths to chem and molecular engineering,
How is this relevant?

>> No.9859901


Not that anon I remember your specific brand of autism. You come to /lit/ as spam ragebait people then bail. There is some animeshit saying you use all the time too. [something]-man. It starts with a K..

>> No.9859915

If anything, you're autistic. No, sperglord, not everything you dislike is le bait. No, sperglord, the fact that I eventually want to sleep after letting off some steam does not mean I am 'bailing'. I always respond in the mornings if the thread is still active. I come here late at night these days.

It's Keikaku-man. You wouldn't understand what this implies because it's both crossboard and fairly old. Essentially, I have used it both to refer to fans of ridiculous mystery (it originates from a fansub of Death Note), and people that create an elaborate plan to bait. Actual trolling, not what you redditors call trolling.

To put it into terms you might understand, Sophists are Keikaku-men. By extension, Socrates and lawyers throughout history are too.

>> No.9859932
File: 60 KB, 1024x768, vagabond-musashi-vs-baiken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't providing an analysis, or counter-analysis, of anything. You are incapable. The only thing you've managed to do is call everyone you talk to a child numerous times (like a child), and disparage the Greeks (as if you could discredit Greek contributions to civilization with your infantile ranting).

Try learning something about artistic analysis before the next time you come back to a /lit/ thread. Okay? Good.

It was relevant to his (your?) claims. Honestly, it doesn't matter much - neither those claims, nor their refutation.

>> No.9859946

So this is the power of autism...
You keep calling me a child because you are a child. Civilization is disgusting and belongs in a blender. grEEKs then also belong in a blender. Stop stroking your ego, 19-year-old. Fucker, you've probably taken a single first-year course related to Classics.
Refutation is a disgusting grEEK meme. grEEK logic is dead logic.

>> No.9859970
File: 1.75 MB, 1815x1323, 1486129104233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You keep calling me a child because you are a child

Nice, say exactly what I said back to me. KEK.

>refutation is a greek meme

Do you even know what a meme is? Do you know where that word originates? Obviously not, or you would realize it does not apply to what you are saying. No, you've learned to use it the way most plebs do - by hanging around on chan forums, clumsily attempting to intuit the meanings of words you do not understand.

>Greek logic is dead logic

LMAO. Now you've revealed you know nothing of modern philosophy, science, art, or education. Good work.

>> No.9859981


>It's Keikaku-man.

Lmao yeah that's it. I only recognized you this easily because there is a weird cry for help vibe that is very distinct to your posts.

You post like Tallis used to. Maybe you're too new to remember him. I wouldn't at all be surprised if you were actually Tallis and decided to come back and post as anon for a bit. You sound just like him.

>> No.9860033

I would like to think all this ^^^^ is performance art written by one poster

but this is really what /lit/ has become in 2017.

>> No.9860097

So this is the power of autism...
>Now you've revealed you know nothing of modern philosophy, science, art, or education. Good work.
You actually post like a /b/tard. Good job, illiterate.
What cry?
I know Tallis mostly from /mu/. /lit/ is a terrible board so I rarely bother with it seriously. I have no idea what Tallis sounds like when he isn't posting Rebeca Black, so I don't understand your point.

>> No.9860102
File: 227 KB, 893x1254, 71Wtf8KmvZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The anime is pretty neat
> the Manga is fuckin great.
The novels are perfection. Don't hesitate, anon.

>> No.9860105

Do you mean the entire thread or my posts specifically? Yes I wrote my posts. No, this is not performance art. It's iconoclasm.

>> No.9860114


>I know Tallis mostly from /mu/.

Kek come on Tallis I know it's you. There aren't many other oldfags who post with the distinctive and sustained angst of a 15 year old literally every single time they decide go on a shitpost run. I know it's you, dude. Your spectrum is like ten times stronger than any other anon you ever happen to be in a thread with.

>> No.9860118

> Seinen genre, not shounen
"Seinen" and "shounen" are not genres but demographics, and even that is questionable, they are publishing categories. Each has strong titles and weak titles. You should really judge each work on its own and not get bound by useless and narrow-minded thoughts like "anything that was published in shounen magazine is bad" etc.

>> No.9860128

>title has no significance or relevance to the story
The title is read as "BLAM" as onomatopoeia for shooting a gun in American comics. It's refering to Killy wreaking shit with his Gravitational Beam Emitter.

>> No.9860185


>> No.9860189

I'm not Tallis, I don't even like Tallis. I'm from /a/ not /mu/

>> No.9860196


>I'm not Tallis, I don't even like Tallis.
That's odd because your spectrum is literally just like his. The overblown angst and everything. It's all there.

If you don't like Tallis then I'd suggest that you start to cool your jets because boy do you ever sound like him.

>> No.9860198

What angst?

>> No.9860201
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Fuckin' plebs everywhere, I swear

>> No.9860208



>> No.9860233

So, you're just projecting.

>> No.9860251



You respond to posts in greentext caps. It's actually very rare to see anon do that continually, come to think of it. But you know who used to do that all the time?


>> No.9860349
File: 1.90 MB, 850x1221, HaibaneRenmei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ thinks of Haibane Renmei? I read here once that it's a fantastic christian tale and much better than Serious Experiments Lain, an anime that I already think is quite great. Was I tricked?

>> No.9860350
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is wmma /litl/?

>> No.9860361
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This is for sure a /lit/ approved anime movie. It's a crossover between Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, and The Brothers Karamazov, set in a steampunk zombie alternate history. Highly recommended. Really fleshes out Alyosha better than Dostoyevsky did himself.

>> No.9860431

> Adult Swim-core
> garbage

Found the faggot who has a Netflix subscription and genuinely enjoyed the Emoji Movie.

>> No.9860464
File: 81 KB, 300x427, Mysterious_Girlfriend_X_manga_vol_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysterious girlfriend x

>> No.9860510
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Ergo Proxy is a pretty decent animu. There are a lot of references to different continental and Enlightenment philosophers, although the pacing of the story is bretty slow. Of course I don't think any animu or manga is truly /lit/.

>> No.9860525

>garbage of paper
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9860526

so, Peep Show?

>> No.9860531

If a normal adult asked for a book recommendation you'd go with Tom Sawyer? You must be great at parties bro

>> No.9860538
File: 333 KB, 704x1000, black feathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone needs to check out saiyuki by minekura.
It's great. It's like a tarantino version of buddhism. I love it. Don't bother with the anime. If you do, only watch the Burial OVA which is possibly the only perfect adaptation I've ever seen.

>> No.9860550

"making references" to worthwhile things doesn't make a thing worthwhile itself. ergo proxy was NGE-tier pseud-vomit.

>> No.9860555 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1502114683076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only /lit/ anime coming thru

>> No.9860568

It's a rip-off of Hard-Boiled Wonderland but it's still good. Probably my favorite ABe work.

>> No.9860578
File: 75 KB, 1290x996, 1466102280158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takemitsu Zamurai and Ping Pong are masterpieces imo. Sunny is also great. Would also recommend Hanaotoko, Tekkon Kinkreet and Zero from Matsumoto.
Buddha and Phoenix are definitely Tezuka's masterpieces. I personally hated Ayako, and didn't care much for Kirihito or MW, they're edgy for the sake of being edgy, but they are entertaining I must admit. Tezuka's most /lit/ is Barbara though, it's about a novelist and his obsession with his muse. I'd also recommend Black Jack, Message to Adolf, Dororo, Apollo's song, the first two being among his best imo.
Daisuke Igarashi is also really good and has some gorgeous artwork, check Children of the Sea and Majo.
Other manga I'd recommend:
A Revolutionist in the Afternoon (Freesia is Jiro Matsumoto's most known but I prefer this over it, Freesia is still good though), Blame, Vagabond, Palepoli, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Memories of Emanon, Me and the Devil Blues, Gegege no Kitaro

>> No.9860647
File: 573 KB, 1418x1408, 1499129229440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books like Aria?

>> No.9860666

very interesting take on redemption

>> No.9860702

what's this form?

>> No.9860704

Any actually good Manga about romance that don't have retarded magic or anything in them? I can't find any

>> No.9860788

Love Roma
Molester Man
Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
These 2 have sci fi and fantastic elements but I highly recommend Ai-Ren and Fujimi Lovers.

>> No.9860816

Takagi-san is not about romance at all, if you read it expecting any romance you'll be left disappointed.

>> No.9860861

mi negrito

>> No.9860884
File: 175 KB, 417x640, 4803167706_e7766ea2de_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manben documentary
>there is an episode on Asano Inio

Holy fuck yes

>> No.9860887
File: 55 KB, 300x268, nhkpic4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.9860892

>/lit/ has a better anime taste than /a/

This was unexpected

>> No.9860906

hey thanks a lot, I'll check them all out

>> No.9861017

its because despite being losers, we're relatively cultured in a wider variety of things, unlike we/a/boos, toting their romanticized utopic nihongo culture. They care exclusively about anime, and thats it.

>> No.9861093

>caps is yelling
Hello, fucky!
I'm the one who said that and I never trick people with misleading recommendations.

>> No.9861099

>this is how Adult Swim-core loving faggots rebut
Texhodflghjio is actually terrible and is only popular because /a/ is filled with whiny teens.

>> No.9861104

/lit/ has fucking awful taste. Stop self-congratulating. Nobody here respects the medium or its genres. You only think they have 'taste' because they piss they're posting is more 'respectable'. Meaning, more Western.

>> No.9861165

japs worship the west. what do you expect? Even jap western shit is more western than western fiction.

>> No.9861168

Fucking weebs omg.

>> No.9861343

this thread is hella funny

>> No.9861360

ikr haha

>> No.9861395

Yes but it's all terrible.

>> No.9861500

Lone Wolf and Cub.
The live-action movies are highly entertaining pinku if you're into that. (I am)

>> No.9861655

Vagabond progresses at a pace that would make Stan Lee proud. Stopped reading after the fight with the spear prodigy kid because they spent 200+ pages talking about gaining self-awareness while staring at each other with sticks in their hands. And every...fucking...character had to give their damn input and flashbacks into it. The spear guy doesn't even die from the head-wound, but they spend another 100 pages going over his flashbacks before conveniently waking up and essentially learning nothing from the fight, other than that he gets a high from fighting to the death.

Now that the vent is over, Vinland Saga is alright. It pushes the whole non-aggression thing a little too hard, but it does show the after effects of recklessly pursuing self-destructive goals.

>> No.9861857

The serialization format ruins most manga tbqh

>> No.9861940

>The greatest work of art, period, is an anime
>Movies are better than books
Kill yourself you obtuse faggot.

>> No.9861955

The End, by Manabe Shohei, Endo Hiroki's short stuff.

>> No.9862576

Their taste is shit.

>> No.9862799


When will this meme die?


>anime is better than manga

This is bait.

>> No.9862815

That's because most of Vagabond is an internal struggle. It picks up a lot after that point, but it was definitely a defining point in the series for Musashi. He does learn a lot from that fight, and it puts him on the path to becoming more spiritual rather than just a brute who's good at swinging a sword.

>> No.9862818



>> No.9862887

trips overrule dubs

>> No.9863047
File: 428 KB, 1540x1197, 1483392831506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious.

>> No.9863167

>triggered sperglord
>anything that triggers me is le fishy meme

>> No.9863184
File: 88 KB, 1456x1154, satan!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /lit/ like Go Nagai?
Or is he just juvenile?

>> No.9863391


>> No.9863585

The original Devilman is the best. His Biblical references are so/so. Though I appreciate Yuasa's direction I don't think he's going to deliver in the way I want him to deliver in the new Devilman coming out

>> No.9863588

>it's fine to be retarded

>> No.9863595

You're the retard here, and that's fine. Just accept that E7 is far above you.

>> No.9863600

I won't because those statements are nonsense. Do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.9863607

I do, that is why I am correct.

>> No.9863610

About as credible as a mentally insane individual believing themselves as right all the time despite the contrary.

>> No.9863623

Take your academicbabble elsewhere.

>> No.9863638

Who mentioned academia? Are you insinuating that a child would likely be more knowledgeable than a professor?

>> No.9863641

Take your memes back to /r/eddit please.
Credibility is an academicsperg meme. It essentially is 'be as gentrified as possible, and then even more so'.

>> No.9863645

And what's wrong with that? Are you an anti-intellectual?

>> No.9863650

>le 'intellectualism is good' meme
Back to /r/eddit, tool.

>> No.9863657

>I have no arguments
>let me spam goback2reddit

>> No.9863664

>le 'arguments are good' meme
You are sinking in the quicksand of ideology.

>> No.9863675

Arguments are not ideology, what the fuck are you talking about? Also, judging from your past posts, you somehow believe that the Greeks invented discourse and reasoning. It's a human nature thing which cannot be summed up by something as arbitrary as ideology.

>> No.9863687

>they aren't ideology
>human nature
You're tits-deep but completely blind to it, and the more you struggle to escape, the deeper you get.

I did not say 'invented', I implied 'popularized', as in forced their filthy olivine logic upon us through colonization.

>> No.9863717


Why do you dislike rationality? It's the very thing that seperates us humans from animals. Life would get dull if we stick our fingers in our ears ignore what others have to say. Hell, you're even being a bit contradictory by arguing with me right now.

>I did not say 'invented', I implied 'popularized', as in forced their filthy olivine logic upon us through colonization.
Why do you think their logic is bad? It formed the core of Western thinking for centuries. Our language, religions and morals came from them. Rejecting that is rejecting Western civilization. Furthermore, the Greek ideas only gained a foothole in Europe because of the Romans, so blame them if anything.

>> No.9863746

Rationality is for tools.
> It's the very thing that seperates us humans from animals
Humanist nonsense.
Disgusting grEEK logic, thinking 'contraduction' exists. Dirty dualist!
>western thinking
>western civilization
Disgusting. These things need to burn on the pyre. Europe has no religion because Europe has always been horribly Pagan. Christianity is not w*stern. Morality is something that also belongs on the pyre.

>> No.9863764

>'deep meaning' is for pretentious turds.
It's for interest and attraction.

>> No.9863773
File: 14 KB, 213x320, 1898_113500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about manga, but Big O anime is fairly /lit/.

>> No.9863779

No, it's for tools and turds.
hurr durr im so deep LE EXISTENTIALISM LMAO
Fucking disgusting.

>> No.9863783

>Pretentious turds do not understand or appreciate literary form, and instead adore heavy-handed philosophy and grimdark pissoff.

This is true but nobody will beleive you.

>> No.9863784

Why do you think I care?

>> No.9863788

I dont need you to care.

>> No.9863790

>Rationality is for tools.
And why is that?

>Humanist nonsense.
It's not even Humanism. Humans had always thought of themselves as being more important than animals since way before humanism. What self-respecting man or woman would lower themselves to the level of an animal?

>Disgusting grEEK logic, thinking 'contraduction' exists. Dirty dualist!
What does this even mean? That I found something odd about your post? That sort of logic predates the Greeks.

>always been horribly Pagan

>Christianity is not w*stern
Most Christians live in the West and the NT was written in Greek. Again, what?

>Morality is something that also belongs on the pyre.
We should behave like wild animals? Without emotion or care? If you hate the West so much why don't you move to Africa or something? Quit using western luxuries like the Internet or even English.

>> No.9863796

I don't like or care about you so I won't even greentext properly
Because it's a tool
That is still humanism you walking dragon dildo
It was popularized by the grEEKs. You adore it because you were colonized.
Europe is Pagan
Christianity is still not w*stern and the NT being written in Greek is totally irrelevant to its geographical location. Blame colonialism
I'm a giant fucking suckoff ideologue: the paragraph. Fuck off back to /pol/. No wonder your lamebrain cannot comprehend E7.

>> No.9863807

concept is really good, it's way more metaphorical than lain, but less than flcl. in contrast to lain the atmosphere is a lot more easy going which suits it very well. characters are better written than in lain, with their characterizations being far more direct. animation is below mediocre and sound is absolute garbage, but it doesnt really rely on those. luckily the plot quality and pacing is very consistent, if you ask me lain has some major fuckups that keep it from being really great. would recommend haibane to comfy people who appreciate melancholy, slight intellect is required but nothing too demanding.

>> No.9863811

>animation is below mediocre and sound is absolute garbage
This is what idiots actually believe
It has incredible animation and music direction.
You're probably too stupid to understand that. You don't understand the series.You understand it superficially. You cannot understand it if you do not understand the genre.

>> No.9863815

Your thoughts seem to act akin to mere reflexes. You merely discard. What are your standards based on? Deep and meaningful things, or mere disgust?
Now I agree that many thoughts presented as deep are not such, but that doesn't mean there are no deep thoughts.
The association between our world and post-ww2 amnesia is striking.

>> No.9863821

>t. pseud
'deep and meaningful things' are memes for grimdark turds obsessed with heavy-handedness.

>> No.9863823

>Europe is Pagan
Newtonian thought is already long gone.

>> No.9863829

>deep and meaningful is dark
What series or thought traumatized you so?

>> No.9863832

>Because it's a tool
And tools can be useful, like language.

>That is still humanism you walking dragon dildo
It quite literally isn't. The fucking Bible says that animals are God's creation meant to be subserviant to Humans. Humanism stresses self-importance without dependency for divine beings.

>It was popularized by the grEEKs. You adore it because you were colonized.
Nope. That logic can be found on other cultures that were never influenced by ancient Greece. I use it because it's a human trait. The human brain is complex enough to notice out of place things.

>Europe is Pagan
It isn't FFS. I'm not seeing Italy erecting statues of Mars to worship.

>Christianity is still not w*stern and the NT being written in Greek is totally irrelevant to its geographical location. Blame colonialism
It is relevant because Christianity was imported to Europe where it got European influences, seperating it from Judaism. Why do you think the biggest denominations are all of European origin? Read up on Constantine and early Christian history. Geography in a cultural context is also a meme since ideas and people move around all time. Buddishm originated from India yet the vast majority of followers are East Asian. The European languages and even people didn't start in Europe; they started in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

>I'm a giant fucking suckoff ideologue: the paragraph. Fuck off back to /pol/. No wonder your lamebrain cannot
comprehend E7.
Even /pol/ is more human than you.

>> No.9863838

False, you can still smell it on the air.
None. 'deep and meaningful' is genuine trash writing.
Oh, you're American. Goodbye then.
>It quite literally isn't.
Yes it is, child. Sorry that you don't understand Christianity!
>human trait
This is disgusting and worthy of a lashing.
>Read up on Constantine and early Christian history.
Why do retards assume the person they are speaking to is an idiot because they are voicing something contrary? Sorry kiddo, I'm better informed than you.
>Even /pol/ is more human than you.
How is that an insult, humanist? Are you certain that you aren't just upset because a children's cartoon is far above your head?

>> No.9863850

>False, you can still smell it on the air.
It's around, but Quantum has been replacing the absurdity for a century by now.
>None. 'deep and meaningful' is genuine trash writing.
Explain the moomins.

>> No.9863858

ctrl + f junji ito
phrase not found

>> No.9863859

Moomins isn't 'deep and meaningful'.
QM nonsense is still not a mode of thought, likely because it's invalid novelty. Even those that take it seriously are disgustingly Newtonian.

>> No.9863869

>Oh, you're American. Goodbye then
And you're a fucking lunatic.

>Yes it is, child. Sorry that you don't understand Christianity!
It isn't. Deny all you want.

That's not what I was saying you pompous cunt. A 5 year old could do what I did.

>Why do retards assume the person they are speaking to is an idiot
I assume you're an idiot because you don't know what Humanism is.

>because they are voicing something contrary?
Holy shit. Thinking Europe is not pagan is not "contrary". You're one of the first people I've seen that believe so.

>How is that an insult, humanist? Are you certain that you aren't just upset because a children's cartoon is far above your head?
It is an insult because it's /pol/. At this point it isn't about E7 anymore.

>> No.9863874

>Moomins isn't 'deep and meaningful'.
>QM nonsense is still not a mode of thought, likely because it's invalid novelty.
QM is a more complex notion of 'rendering', and it will explain the interaction between the world and the perceiver.
>Even those that take it seriously are disgustingly Newtonian.
I'd say that only the many worlds interpretation does that.

>> No.9863877

>anybody i dont like is le crazy
So this is the power of psychobabble...
THat is what you said, kiddo.
I know what humanism is, I comprehend it on a level beyond you. You think I am an idiot because you are sinking in the quicksand.
I said I am being contrary, you illiterate
You are terrible at writing insults. Please, de-colonize yourself.

>> No.9863882

IT explains nothing because it is invalid

>> No.9863888

>So this is the power of psychobabble
>anyone I don't like is american!
See? I can use ad hominem too.

>THat is what you said, kiddo
No. Reread what I said.

>I know what humanism is, I comprehend it on a level beyond you. You think I am an idiot because you are sinking in the quicksand
Stop hiding behind analogies. You're wrong, period.

>I said I am being contrary
Right, my bad. You're still dumb for being contrarian though.

>You are terrible at writing insults. Please, de-colonize yourself.
And apply yourself to the real world instead of being compared to morons.

>> No.9863889

It explains why existence behaves as it does. Double slit experiment

>> No.9863893

I'm fucking American: the post
Easy on the cheese, burgs.
Existence has no behavior

>> No.9863905

I'm a retard: the post

We can keep going in circles because of you.

>> No.9863911

No, you should go accept you're a brainlet instead.

>> No.9863924

No need since you're the brainlet.

Protip: Next time, don't complain about Americans on an American site and don't inquire people about chinese cartoons.

>> No.9863929

This isn't an American site, it's an English anime imageboard. The maker happens to be American, but it is now owned by a Japanese man who created the Japanese equivalent and basis of the English website.

>> No.9863932
File: 2.54 MB, 2233x1600, shigurui_v7ch34_p102-103[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9863935

And what country has the most English speakers?

It was intended to be the American equivalent of 2chan. The nationality of the owner is irrelevant. The board traffic explains itself since most users on /int/, /pol/ and /sp/ are American.

>> No.9863939

You're illiterate. Also, the website being filled with irrelevant cancer is irrelevant.

>> No.9863953

>being filled with irrelevant cancer is irrelevant.
Which brings me back to my original point: Why complain about a demographic that's been here since the begining? If it isn't American then it is an Americanized flavor of Japanese.

>> No.9863960
File: 128 KB, 700x993, 1502163208528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would probably be more along the lines of YA, but it's legit one of the best coming of age stories I've ever read and also one of the most cathartic ones

>> No.9863963

Americans haven't been here since the beginning, the board began anonymous and slowly became filled with burgerfats like you.

>> No.9863964

manga isn't /lit/ related and I don't know why mods haven't deleted the thread yet

manga is for teenagers, grow up.

>> No.9863965

This is one of my favorites, and I wouldn't really call it YA. His transition from an edgelord to a humble, decent guy was fantastic.

>> No.9863970

>Americans haven't been here since the beginning
Prove it. Like you said the creator happens to be American thus most of the userbase would have to have been American. Why? Because the site was meant to be an English speaking imageboard and the U.S. always had one of the biggest otaku/weaboo fandoms outside of Japan. Also, the introduction of flags just confirmed the fact.

>> No.9863971

t. illiterate burgerfat

>> No.9863974

t.retarded newfag

>> No.9863979
File: 365 KB, 954x1463, 20170717_161946-954x1463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manga isn't /lit/ related
But it can be, if you look hard enough.

>> No.9863980

can you imagine having such bad tastes that you consider radioactive gook drawings to be equal to classical European literature

the only thing they can produce is pretentious pseudo meaning cartoons like lain and also sexualize everything
this is the best example , that shit is netorare, it was drawn so tiny dicked japs would fap to it , yet you call it cathartic and meaningful like it was Crime and punishment

>> No.9863983


>> No.9863987

can't help you if you think this Asian babble is worthy of your time

>> No.9863989

Devilman and Mazinger are great. Not really into Getter besides Armageddon.

>> No.9863990

>He doesn't recognize manga Ulysses

>> No.9863994

You either didn't read it or you read it and didn't get it.
I wonder what that says about you if you don't understand pretentious pseudo cartoons

>> No.9863995

you do realize that modern japan was influenced alot by the west/americans. they even worship us.

>> No.9863996

friendly reminder that the guy who is considered the greatest contemporary Japanese writer is an homo who posed as st Sebastian because it made his weewee hard and wrote that dying for his warlord is the greatest thing ever

>> No.9864001

I didn't read it because I don't read manga but it seems like netorare to me

it's your problem, go ahead and try to tell anybody outside of your secret Internet club that saya no uta is better than victor hugo and see what happens

>> No.9864009

Mishima is nowhere near to being considered the greatest contemporary Japanese writer except by edgy western undergrads

>> No.9864011

my favourite manga is Donald duck and also mickey mouse

it's way better than any other books

>> No.9864016
File: 44 KB, 200x197, MangaKenshinSaitoAndSano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Rurouni Kenshin hold up?
It's one of the first anime/manga I watched and I have to fucking say it's pretty goddamn good. I don't really like the style Watsuki's art went, but I heard a lot about it. Apparently everyone told him not to write it because it was "too historical" well, I don't know about that, but it's interesting. Also, Watsuki was also the mentor of a couple pretty famous mangaka including Eiichiro fucking Oda.

Man, I really used to love this show. And Samurai X made me cry like a bitch.

>> No.9864028

go to /a/ to talk about your chinese comic books , adults are talking here

>> No.9864031

this is the manga thread, right? I don't think you have a lot of room to talk, friendo

>> No.9864037

It's not my loss that some people have closed themselves off from an entire creative medium just because they saw a picture of hentai once.
Also, this thread is about /lit/ approved manga. It never said anything about manga being better than classic literature.

>> No.9864039

By the way the manga (anime) art industry will die with Shingeki no Kyojin, which recently turned into an utter shit itself.

>> No.9864043

it's just like asking /ck/ their favourite politician, it's completely unrelated because comic books aren't literature

if the mods want to allow it then so be it

>> No.9864046

the score is great, but sound is not the same as music. watch the series again and pay attention to the quality stock door sounds and so on.

also i doubt that you know what animation is since you seem to associate it with content somehow.

>> No.9864047

It's like asking /ck/ their favourite microwave meal.
You're just being really sensitive for some reason.

>> No.9864049

I know what animation is better than you and the sound direction is also fine. I've never been distracted by 'stock' sounds you sperglord.
>this is what the teenagers of /lit/ tell themselves
ur so profound for reading le existentialism! le nihilism lmao1!!!

>> No.9864054

Did someone give you guff for reading children's books once or something?
This attitude of irony and cynicism won't do you any favours in the long run.

>> No.9864056

that should answer your question.

>> No.9864057

You're the one reading children's books.

>> No.9864064
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>> No.9864069
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>> No.9864080

Haha alright, it seems like this conversation isn't going anywhere, so I'll leave.
Although ironically I think the manga I posted would be quite fitting for you, if at least you could read it with an open mind.

>> No.9864087

you can't just drop that and not say what it's from, dude

>> No.9864110

This is why /lit/ shouldn't /fit/biz/.

>> No.9864114

>chop chop
the absolute madman!

>> No.9864206

I dread the day when Yuasa's anime adaptation comes out and mostly comfy Devilman/Nagai threads will become insufferable.

>> No.9864211

hunter x hunter

>> No.9864216

Holy shit, you're right! I'm a hardcore hxh fan, but I haven't read it since the last time it went into hiatus. Is this new? Or is this something I forgot happened in Yorknew?

>> No.9864223

york shin* goddammit. I'm really off my game today.

>> No.9864268

What has liga Espanola to do with Goldbach?

>> No.9864299

It's from the new dark continent arc

>> No.9864303

Ah, that explains it. Last thing I read (or watched) was Netero vs. Ant King. I should catch up but I just haven't been in the mood for any kind of manga/anime.

>> No.9864317
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Slayers is essential to Jap understanding of fantasy

>> No.9864352
File: 149 KB, 640x853, c8ba7616ab470c44287d3d3f4b709c441468433265_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like that kind of thing that I suggest sorcerous stabber orphen. definitely my favorite of that subgenre. Sequel isn't as good. Sorcerer Hunters is also pretty damn good.

>> No.9864400

these are lit as fuuuck. anything by asano inio is great most of the time. also anything by shitaro kago is really fun to read too.

>> No.9864419
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Nakoshi is the closest thing to a Dostoevskijan character in manga

>> No.9864470
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not mentioning ''muh mountains'' even once

>> No.9864487

I read that once. Then I got bummed out because they were being mean to him, even though all he wanted was to climb, and I had to stop.

>> No.9864495

Why did it end? ;_;

>> No.9864525

Kino no Tabi

(kino best girl)

>> No.9864534
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>> No.9865428
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this one

>> No.9865522

I wasn't aware that fedoracore was 'lit'.

>> No.9865571

Shinya Shokudou is pretty good, it's about a guy who runs a late night diner and the different stories of his regular customers.

>> No.9865588

Most of /lit/ would probably enjoy The World Is Mine.

>> No.9865605
File: 644 KB, 500x703, 529447-revolutionary_girl_utena_main_image_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud faggots

>> No.9865627

I agree. Very interesting protagonist.

>> No.9865644

You probably didn't get past episode 3, huh.

>> No.9865665

I watched the entirety of it. Long before you. It's heavy-handed grimdark garbage.

>> No.9866351


>> No.9866480

Yokohama Kaidaishi Kikou.

Neither are especially /lit/ and both lean heavily on their art.

>> No.9867075

Attack on Titan

>> No.9867470

did you even read the thread? almost none of the stuff they posted is even remotely 'western'.

>> No.9867525

>no Sanpei Shirato
I appreciate your efforts /lit/, but you're still new to this shit.

>> No.9867632
File: 46 KB, 324x480, Rurouni_Kenshin_(2012_film)_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the live-action films any good, anybody?

>> No.9867642

I don't know, but my mom really liked it.

>> No.9867658

>heavy handed
>doesn't even try to communicate anything
okay lad

>> No.9868196
File: 199 KB, 800x1267, ushio-and-tora-1517113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Kazuhiro Fujita

>> No.9868913

Yeah I remember going to see it with her.

>> No.9868943

Oi I'm intrigued by the art what's this?

>> No.9868982

takemitsu zamurai

>> No.9869008


>> No.9869084


This one is great, love it.

Also: Vagabond (a masterpiece).

There's also many great ones by Tezuka, two of the best beeing;


And also, if you are into anime, the great Legend of The Galactic Heroes.

You cannot go wrong with any of these works.

>> No.9869134

What is the title of this work?

>> No.9869140

Did anybody mention Goodbye and Other Stories?

>> No.9869257

Ah, man. I haven't finished that one.

>> No.9869301

This is a poor and cringey analysis. How old are you? No offense. I love Mushishi, but your analysis is pretty bad.

>> No.9869310

>Daisuke Igarashi
My number 1 recommendation.

>> No.9869320

onani master kurosawa