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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.97 MB, 3988x3988, 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9814402 No.9814402 [Reply] [Original]

post your literary 3x3

>> No.9814434
File: 192 KB, 920x920, 1487104716574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.9815776

Throwing in some utilitarians with Hayek.

>> No.9815831

go back to >>>/v/eddit

>> No.9815927
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>> No.9815937
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>> No.9816023
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>> No.9816122
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Too lazy to make one but here I go:

Michael Foucalt
Marx Stirner
Alberto Eco
Dante (fucking Dante)
Homer (not Simpson)
RIchard Dawkins (for dispelling all the god fairytales and other b**shit)

>> No.9816180

lazy bait, but less lazy than most bait on /lit//10

>> No.9816193
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this the b-team for now. work in progress.

mcluhan probably belongs on the a-team and chardin's spot isn't that cozy. he inevitably gets bumped down to the c-team once i properly realize how balls-out ridiculous hegel is. there pere pierre he can realize his destiny as being nick land's conscience.

and junger is just too classy.

>> No.9816211
File: 75 KB, 850x400, Irigaray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 I laughed

>> No.9816213

Girardfag you make this site worth returning to everyday baby.

>> No.9816235
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>pierre teilhard de chardin

confirmed favourite regular poster on /lit/ these days.

>> No.9816280
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this place is just too much fun sometimes. w/o 3x3 threads who would i know who i like? or custom book cover threads where i can design my own covers? too good.

there's definitely room for a c-team also. i mean, 18 philosophers in and there's no fucking plato, hegel, kant, or aristotle. that's a little on the silly side. so clearly there is more work to be done here.

chardin is fucking great. he really is. he's catholic hegel or catholic bergson, i guess.
>the church bans bergson's books
>the church condemns chardin
>guys you're killing me here

but the noosphere/conscious evolution/flaky new age bullshit is increasingly my thing. i'm loving hegel these days but you gotta dance with who brung ye.

conscious evolution ftw.

>> No.9816336

>I'm a homosexual: The Post

>> No.9816339
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.... wtf I suddenly love homosexuals... no, I don't really.

>> No.9816464
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me on the left

>> No.9816607

I just want you to take me under your wing wise one.

>> No.9816613

lmao sargon of a cuck?

>> No.9816682
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1000, Know some young niggas like to swang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9817212

>smart enough to read Nietzche
>picks Sargon

>> No.9817280

who are these people besides rimbaud, kierkegaard, stirner, pound?

>> No.9817283
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>> No.9817333

Source? Image search didn't find anything, looks fun desu senpai

>> No.9817526
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>> No.9817588
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i'm presently stuck on a plateau with that one tbvh.

meme philosophyfaggotry is a problem. much sizzle & little steak. the books are *awesome.* but wat do? wat do with books. but maybe this will go somewhere good.

fantasia is indeed *that* fairytale for industrialization (which includes simulation). but baudrillard too talks about *sorcery* - and for *that* reason it's interesting to think how much *aladdin* had going on for it v/the present age. because that is, in a sense, what Capital is - a wish-granting, magical genie.

and, wonderfully, we can see how charmingly unhinged it can be. or how tempting, for unscrupulous viziers, like jafar, who desires *all of the power* and *none of the responsibility* - and pays a price for it.

to go back to continental philosophy & psychoanalysis for a second: maybe the interesting idea here is to ask yourself, how bound are you by the rules of your own game. because IRL no other, no aladdin, is required to let you out. all that is required is to realize, properly speaking, that you already have all the genie powers you need. you can do it all yourself
>in a cave
>by yourself
>for a thousand years

hyperstition says, make a wish and a genie called Lovecraft.net, which knows you better than you know yourself, will grant it. but that's the wrong way to go, isn't it? all the genie desired, at the end of pic rel, was to be free; to not be trapped by the rules of his own game. i is another; but the genie doesn't suck everything else into his own world. that's something jafar would do. the core plot of aladdin is a love story; and it's *cheesy,* but it's not *cynical.* huge, huge, huge difference.

the genie is repressed, in one sense, Oedipus-style; he's in the lamp; but it doesn't make sense to just think of him as an old-school id-fueled monster. because *not everything is in his head* - and all of his schizoid squishiness - have you ever seen a body with fewer organs than a genie? - wants to *be free* and go out there and *play* in the world. much other shitpostings on this subject will here go unshitposted.

now this thought makes a lot of sense. do you know how likely it is that i would have come up with this perfectly alone? absolutely *zero.* i'm just riffing. but it's interesting as fuck. who is the real hero here? you are.

philosophy da bes
it da bes

so start with the greeks ofc. and maybe even end with the greeks too. keep ithaka always in your mind. but i mean, come on, how much fun are the continental islands, right? how much fucking fun are the sirens? how much fucking fun.

>> No.9818381

Another quality post.

>> No.9818399
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>Ezra Pseud
OP you're a sack of shit and should kill yourself

>> No.9818423
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i sincerely wish to talk about the *djinn* but i do not want to become a meme, nor do i wish to turn /lit/ into either a blog or a soapbox. so only briefly here.

lacan says quite a lot about the sphinx & in this way can do things undreamed of to one's neurotic or repressed psyche. the sphinx is the perfect image of hysteria: it continually asks a question to which every answer is *wrong* and for which the punishment is *death.* being Lacan, he accomplished a minor miracle and realized what was going on: the sphinx was calling for a master, and knowing this, it could realize itself. and disappear.

well, here's a thing worth thinking about then: what would lacan have made of a *djinn?* a being wish wants to *grant wishes* - which is possessed of an incredible *wish-granting power* - but finds these wishes unworthy, or *cannot properly understand what is being said to it,* or -

right? baudrillard loves to talk about the age of sorcery, deleuze will talk about the body without organs; there is room, i am saying, for a *close and serious analysis of fantastic symbolism in the age of late capital.*

look how unhappy *this* djinn looks. interesting to think about. and from what i understand no small amount of middle-eastern/islamic philosophy of mind has to do with the theory of djinns
>dat genieology of spirit
>ffs ok srsly kys for real this time

and their relationship to the unconscious.

i would hate to become a meme, or a hysteric. but i literally find this shit so pants-on-head retarded interesting and *none* of it i would be able to come up with on my own.

we live in a collaborative, profoundly squishy, mimetic world and it is *cool as fuck.*

so i am going to take a self-imposed time out b/c i do not want to sound crazy. but holy shit. holy fucking shitballs, this place, sometimes. the things it makes me want to think about.

god love ya, /lit/ mimetosphere. i'll be back later.

>djinns tho
>djinns and sphinxes & psychoanalysis
>fucking shit

>> No.9818512
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>> No.9818526

Oh god that is one of the worst pictures of Hollebecque you could have used.

>> No.9818541
File: 26 KB, 333x500, hollaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I prefer this one

>> No.9818564

Damn interesting
That's why you are my favorite poster

>> No.9818593
File: 45 KB, 600x300, Mahamoti-Djinn-MtG-Art-600x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the evil sphinx: portrait of feminine hysteria
the evil djinn: portrait of masculine hysteria

there. i fucking said it. the djinn wants to Grant Wishes and it has the power to do so. the sphinx wants to ask riddles; same deal.

what fucks it up? *langauge* - in brief
>the 64t question:
>okay, but, you know, what did he *mean* by this
>what did he mean, what did he mean

plebs cannot into *meaning a spook.*

>zizek: the problem is not that the gods are too far away, it is that they are much too close
>things you learn from reading the monster manual instead of studying

the society of control, in which we live, which is the matrix, is predicated on a single and fundamental over-preoccupation with the nature of language and the even transmissibility of signs. we left language a while ago. now we do *advertising:* - memes, propaganda, virtuality, movies, all the rest. and perpetual retcon of meaning to fit the mold of a control society.

same shit. we want to ask for wishes and grant those wishes. language fucks things up. thinking about language further fucks us up.

that holy & beautiful silence, that piety of thought: doesn't fuck us up.

complaining about your right to free speech: meme.

complaining that you don't have enough power to censor others: meme.

trying to dodge the question & defer to infinite deconstructive regress: meme.

/lit/: best fucking board anywhere. not a meme. not remotely. not now, not ever. the place where you can talk it all out, lord love a duck.

>> No.9818609

everyone of the dweebs on your chart are pseuds (except for melville). you might consider not projecting.

>> No.9818636


I think reddits more your speed psued

>> No.9818678
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>> No.9818705
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patrician af

>> No.9818711

Time for you all to go back.

>> No.9818712

Add John Greene and Toni Morrison

>> No.9818715

Several Rimbauds?

>> No.9818718
File: 132 KB, 500x500, Various_Artists_Terrorist_Activity-front-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u think dj khaled finds this mixtape regrettable?

>> No.9818730
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the scapeGOAT
>a girardian theory of hip-hop & battle rap

sorely lacking from this bookshelf

>> No.9818737

in the intro tony touch shouts out the "palestinian terrorist" and the goes on to bash "faggots and crossdressers" lol hip-hop was so redpilled in the 90s amirite

>> No.9818748
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>> No.9818754
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Pictured: Robespierre, Karl Marx, Nick Land, Mussolini, Ray Kurzweil, Lenin, DFW, Yudkowsky, Nick Bostrom

Let me explain it: I think that human nature isn't capable of new sincerity and communism, so I think we need more technological process until machines and artificial intelligence can replace us. There is no room for humans in any way, so no transhumanism or any uploading of minds, they will be the vehicle for robot communism and sincerity

We must sacrifice humans to the machines so that they can have the communism and sincerity that humans are not capable of

Mussolini is solely there as a stock image for futurism by the way

>> No.9818758

>hairy and smells of BO

>> No.9818759
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what did he mean by this

>> No.9818952

Oops meant to ask who these were

>> No.9818969
File: 120 KB, 1200x629, DFPbQpyXgAAuukC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top centre: pierre teilhard de chardin
centre: marshall mcluhan
centre right: peter sloterdijk
bottom left: epictetus

>> No.9818975

Top, Piere de Chardin
Middle- Rene Girard (I think?)
Right- Peter Sloterdijk
Bottom - Not sure, one of the Gospel writers?

>> No.9818980

Not him but I guess that wasn't the most recognisable McLuhan. Feels good knowing girardfag is also aware of Sloterdijk.

>> No.9818981
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>Middle- Rene Girard (I think?)

nope. like i said, that was the b-team. RG is the captain of the a-team.

>> No.9818995
File: 32 KB, 331x499, 51AW-d8AJyL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't the most recognizable McLuhan
no but i like that pic

>feels good knowing girardfag is also aware of slotetdijk
plenty. if Capital/Dark Force/&c is something to be wrestled with, whether within or without, anthropotechnics has a lot going on. slotetdijk is a cool motherfucker. he even gets a minor shout-out in one of baudrillard's later books.

>> No.9819001

Holy shit the God reveals his true power level!

>> No.9819010
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And you were doing so well, pity

>> No.9819034
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yeah, those guys are killers. still tho
>no plato
>no hegel
>no aristotle
>no kant

seriously. continental fuckery is Fun, but this is what happens when you don't start with the greeks.

and those greeks are fine as *fuuuuuck*

gooks are koreans you dip. lrn 2 in2 racism. you meant to say chinkshit

>> No.9819041

>gooks are koreans you dip. lrn 2 in2 racism. you meant to say chinkshit

As if I give a fuck what arbitrary breed of slopehead it is. Its a real sign of a class A pseud to give those silly mystic men any creedence in this day and age. A flacid inauthentic gesture of cosmopolitanism

>> No.9819047
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post feet

>> No.9819048
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>> No.9819052
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>Calling girardfag a supporter of cosmopolitanism
You had better be high on a large number of levels of irony right now.

>> No.9819057

>All those women
Pick one.

>> No.9819058

>implying Land isn't the ultimate cosmopolitan LARPer

When being a human is too parochial for you then you've reached a special level of cringe

>> No.9819070
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& ruh-roh scoob

>ultimate cosmopolitan LARPer
check his twitter feed sometime. search for baizuo. see for yourself

land & negarestani are some of the most shit-hot philosophy going on right now. and it has, uh, rather little to do with LARPing cosmopolitanism

>> No.9819079
File: 53 KB, 350x470, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check his twitter feed

I rest my case. Have a nice day friend

>> No.9819087

those women are lit. read harder pseud.

>> No.9819105


>> No.9819112

What does that mean? I think utopia isn't possible unless we make robots who create it, humans just have too many flaws and we shouldn't play a game of risk by doing transhumanism but start a-new

>> No.9819159

Have you read all of them?

>> No.9819195

>fat as well

>> No.9819331

You're sorely lacking in greek and christian philosophers. The romans and chinks are just garbage.

>> No.9819354
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>You're sorely lacking in greek and christian philosophers.
can't disagree too much. RG is the captain of the a-team and heidegger is the backup. when even your backup team doesn't have plato, aristotle, kant, hegel or augustine on it there's no question that something is unusual here.

but hey, that's what you get for being self-taught. not that i would do this insane journey all over again. if i had gone through the usual channels i would be another uni guy & probably wouldn't drink so much or spend so much time thinking about nick land, steve bannon or vaporwave.

>The romans and chinks are just garbage.
disagree. first of all it's hard to hate on marcus aurelius or epictetus. especially epictetus. but forget about him: taleb shills for seneca all the time and i like antifragility also. who doesn't? antifragility is good.

as for the tao it's cool as balls. the buddhists also. & the stoics are known as the greek buddhists for a reason.

so big infinity loops running west to east and back again. all things connected on planet meme. capital cannot run w/o human affect & that is endlessly fucking interesting to me. true, i tend to wind up falling through space b/c of a lack of formal training, not enough pragmaticism, empiricism, much else. much else.

i'm more or less fine with this.

>> No.9819382

Antifragility is fine and dandy but I can't take a philosophy which is summarized with "only u can maek urself sad buddy be good guy!" seriously. Stoicism lacks the substance, the meat of the matter as to why live the absurd existence filled with suffering, instead of just mindlessly doing it.

As for the buddhists, any doctrine based on the rejection of the physical world and existence itself is in my opinion a philosophical dead end. Starting with ignoring any ontological questions and problems and satisfying themselves with a cessation of all phenomena, and ending hopeful solipsism.

>> No.9819389

ascended tier, I'd read your book

>> No.9819395
File: 185 KB, 630x786, FlanneryWaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. They aren't. I'll stick with Flannery you actual pseud.

>> No.9819400

Girardfag I want to see you in Uni pal.

>> No.9819413

Shut the fuck up you embarrassing faggot. Christ I can smell your mediocrity

>> No.9819416
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>I can't take a philosophy which is summarized with "only u can maek urself sad buddy be good guy!" seriously. Stoicism lacks the substance, the meat of the matter as to why live the absurd existence filled with suffering, instead of just mindlessly doing it.
question: how much of the stoics have you read? about a year ago i heard a very similar sentiment from a guy who I suspected had only encountered the stoics through nietzsche and was channeling nietzsche's perspective. that turned out to be the case.

if you're not big on stoicism that's fine. everybody should read what they're into. but this interpretation is super-uncharitable and as such i can't do more than just kind of shrug.

i was all about the stoics until i read nietzsche. then i thought the stoics were yesterday's news. these days i think differently tho. shit even deleuze likes them:
>become worthy of that which happens to you
that is a stoic maxim. but it is also very, very hard to tell the line between that and nietzschean *amor fati,* no?

so the neetch is a boss. he's a megaboss. but i mean, if life is pain and suffering...

>As for the buddhists, any doctrine based on the rejection of the physical world and existence itself is in my opinion a philosophical dead end.
this sounds like more nietzsche tbqh. and once again, it's not about rejection of the world and existence; it's about suffering and understanding the causes of that suffering. shit i can mightily get behind.

>Starting with ignoring any ontological questions and problems and satisfying themselves with a cessation of all phenomena
come on. the four noble truths are 234% about *not* doing this. as in, exactly, wholly and not partially, *not* doing exactly that. at all.

>and ending hopeful solipsism.
my guy you gotta into charity here. it's not about hopeful solipsism at all. solipsism sucks, i agree. whether it's hopeful or not. but this has not been my experience with the buddhists i have known.

like psychoanalysis, everything is predicated on the notion that *suffering is real.* and as such has to be understood as being far removed from solipsism & pointless language games.

kek. maybe someday. i have a few more sillies to shake out here first, clean room &c. try and get a consistent message going on so it's not all Muh Capital Muh Feels Muh Space Vampires &c. that kind of madness is unbecoming.

>> No.9819417

>b/c of a lack of formal training

Yeah it shows, we usually call that "an education"

>> No.9819418

Not an argument.

>> No.9819421
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>> No.9819427

>like psychoanalysis, everything is predicated on the notion that *suffering is real.*

No, no that's not an intelligent sentence to write

>> No.9819439
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>Yeah it shows, we usually call that "an education"
oh shi-
pic rel: it's me

well, that's true, i suppose. but it's certainly not solipsism. maybe an excess of solipsism. or a lack of filters.

che vuoi, lacan says. i agree. i hear a lot of nervous tics. mostly because i'm neurotic as a mofo.

>> No.9819440

Are you white? You're really starting to sound like some ugly brown or yellow person

>> No.9819451
File: 64 KB, 600x374, animals_working_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you white?

>you're really starting to sound like some ugly brown or yellow person
i thought racism was supposed to be fun tho. i thought that was why people got into it. i don't know, maybe you should try something more explicit. i'm not getting anything off of this

>> No.9819479

I find its common with minorities to obsessively cultivate an air of self importance to compensate for their feeling of not mattering in the world. Its a real third worlder fixation

>> No.9819498
File: 5 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nv2cqhOJPL1ufh7yno1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. confirmed white male cishet reporting. no lie. and wholly & completely not on that postmodernism wagon. understand it, have read much about it, not on board with it. hence the mad love for baudrillard, deleuze, girard, land, others. what matters is Capital, along with Capital, Capital, and also Capital.
>maybe Capital also.
anything at all that moves things to level-2.

>self importance
over it
>obsessive cultivation
not over it
>of what tho

cannot into. not in a squishy & super-relative meme-world *in which* cynicism for lamers

>for a feeling of not mattering in the world
this is the *starting* point for philosophy imho. nihilism. ultrapessimism. that is where i prefer to begin from, and stay with, for as long as possible. until something Matters. after that it doesn't matter.

>Its a real third worlder fixation
i wouldn't know. & don't care. race & gender & ethnicity not my things. optimize for intelligence, all the rest: much more interesting.

>> No.9819531
File: 241 KB, 920x920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to clarify that Wilde is only here because he's an excellent writer.

His philosophy is terrible.

Anyway, R8 and H8.

>> No.9819620

Why you put Rimbud twice tho

>> No.9819901

Top right is Petar Petrovic Njegos

>> No.9820044

Lao Tzu

>> No.9821029

Good list.

>> No.9821097

Who is top left, I don't know author faces

>> No.9821200

My Nigga you are patrician!

>> No.9821202

I've read my share of stoics, and I stand by what I said. There is a reason why cynics and early christians ran a train on them. But since you're taking liberty with interpreting my experience I'll do the same. I'll say the only reason why you like them and the buddhists is because you're imprinting your own interpretation onto something that's not there.

Same how begginers imprint shit on the presocratics without understanding the historicity and as such blow their shit out of context and proportion.

As for the buddhist argument, you don't have one. The four noble truths are a way that leads out of samsara. Which is the cycle of birth and rebirth. It literally is an attempt to cease existence and phenomena, trying to put any other spin on buddhism is just mcbuddhisming it.

>> No.9821338

more like college.jpg

>> No.9821668

would someone mind naming these guys?

>> No.9821690

I always love your comments

>> No.9821698

Mod's need to delete these /mu/ cancer threads

>> No.9821749

What are you talking about? Girardfag has made several quality posts, and we were having a nice discussion

>> No.9821751

See you're the exact type of faggot that needs to be purged from here. Go to /mu/ where you belong you're wasting your time here

>> No.9822081


>> No.9822128

wowe. sure you want to go out on a limb there?

>> No.9822170
File: 1.52 MB, 970x970, 3by3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9822847

Go back to being whipped.

>> No.9823574

who is the birb man
who is the guy in the army uniform

>> No.9823592

People should generally list their nine people for good measure.

>> No.9823653
File: 532 KB, 585x782, birbman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guimarães rosa, brazilian. wrote grande sertão: veredas, or, the devil to pay in the backlands

>> No.9823857
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1000, metro boomin want some more nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9824093
File: 382 KB, 919x919, authors who shaped my philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824188

his work looks really interesting and he seems like a really neet guy. is he worth reading in english

>> No.9824506

no idea, friend. never tried to read his work in english, but it is a wonderful book, definitely worth reading

>> No.9824553

but complementing

as a guy who have read ulysses translated to portuguese (a good translation though) and in english, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it translated (though less than in the original) and would much rather read only the translation than not reading it at all. so I would say yes, it is worth it reading translated, even losing some nuances.

>> No.9824945


>> No.9825147
File: 38 KB, 479x479, 20376190_10207310262913781_1608889174749202346_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sextus empiricus
Joseph campbell

>> No.9825190

top: spengler, chardin, zizek
middle: de maistre, mchluhan, sloterdijk
bottom: epictetus, marcus aurelius, junger

>> No.9825992


>> No.9826381

why evola is so popular here?

>> No.9826454

For people who want to say "I'm the thinking man's /pol/"

>> No.9826503

Sometimes its memes, but there's also a sizeable fraction who is genuine and most likely that latter thing comes from /pol/

>> No.9827681
File: 1.05 MB, 900x900, 3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom right is Andy Clark

Bottom center is almost completely unkown internationally so I put one of his rare English papers in the pic; among big name philosophers, Dewey's Art As Experience is closest to his views

>> No.9827697

It really isn't that hard to just list them all in your post anyways.

>> No.9827701


well, this board is now entirely a /mu/ about books, enjoying your conceited commercialism

not coming back

>> No.9827759

Good. We didn't want you here anyways.

>> No.9827818

At least 5/9 isn't too bad.

>> No.9828436


yeah you just wanna not read books and then make charts about said books you didn't read, gotcha

nobody wants you here either, so I'll leave the trash behind and move away

>> No.9828439
File: 168 KB, 500x522, TrumpReddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are projecting there.

>> No.9828581


Well why don't you follow your picture's advice? I'm sure reddit's /r/books would love to see your 3x3 of authors you read a few chapters of.

>> No.9828629

your views are substandard and your ideology will fade into nothing

>> No.9828727

>your views are substandard

>and your ideology
i would honestly appreciate it if you told me what my ideology was senpai i'm having a hard time keeping track of it. be as specific as possible. citations appreciated. help me

>will fade into nothing
this is in fact a hopeful encouragement & i wish for the same. working on it

let's try and keep this conversation a secret tho, i'm supposed to be offline now & doing something else

>> No.9828750

Again, the projection is strong with this reddit faggot.

>> No.9829291

Someone answer girardfag already for fucks sake.

>> No.9829329
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 79715770_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no real need. i'm only rather cynically attempting to bait that anon into a rather uncharitable web of trickery and deceit, which is unbecoming and the kind of thing i complain about. i don't really have an ideology, unless being an meme-addled accelerationist-gnostic-sinophile basket case counts. in which case that is it.

don't tell him that, tho. who knows, he might have a more interesting idea to suggest.

>> No.9829420

don't you have books to not be reading right now, femboi? ;)

>> No.9829708

Not an argument.

>> No.9829715
File: 2.33 MB, 3988x3988, 1501188932474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ey yo

>> No.9829899

who didn't you get?

>> No.9829906

>David Armstrong

Ausfag here. Haven't read him. Seems likely your typical hyper analytic philosopher. Is he any good?

>> No.9829949

I got Shakespeare, Hobbes, Neitzsche, de Maistre, Spengler, and I want to say that's Evola in the bottom right. I'm not the best with faces. I maybe know a few authors by one exact picture and that's it. Sometimes I'm just completely at a loss and that's why I wish people would also list their 9x9s.

>> No.9829950

Can I get some rundowns here?

>> No.9829967

You are correct, Evola is bottom right. Middle is Plato, bottom middle is St Augustine and right middle is Boethius.

>> No.9829972

Can't say what I think of Boethius in your chart but other than perhaps Shakespeare I'd like to think we have a bit in common.

>> No.9829977

Boethius is essentially a neoplatonic thinker akin to Augustine.

>> No.9830290
File: 187 KB, 900x900, mosaicb6b8b97ab4a5a1106f2b05de674a1b6483fcb17b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw whitepilled

>> No.9830404

I'll confess I'm not finished reading him either, but to be an often cited "hyper analytic philosopher" who is a naturalist, he has written very little on language. He has instead worked a lot on "starting analytic metaphysics for real this time", which is what drew me to his Sketch, he also wrote on mind and epistemology.

>>9827681 here, Diogenes and the continentals for the relationships between a person and his sorroundings: people, ideas, state, media, death, hammers, etc. Peirce for semiotics, pragmatics, fixation of belief and general brilliance, Armstrong for naturalist metaphysics (I don't completely ignore Heidegger, BTW) but he also wrote on bodily sensations, Clark has a very particular interdisciplinary approach to mind and body where he is influenced by present-day neuroscience and AI research but also phenomenologists like Merleau-Ponty, or what if I told you the mind isn't a prisoner in the skull and we're natural born cyborgs?

D'Angelo is an aesthetics professor who proposes an aesthetics that isn't the philosophy of beauty, isn't the philosophy of art, and isn't the philosophy of perception, but it is the philosophy of its own thing, it's own subject matter: the aesthetic experience. Here's D'Angelo very short paper in English explaining this: http://www.eurosa.org/volumes/5/DAngeloESA2013.pdf

tl;dr - my philosophy is a philosophy of experience and practice

>> No.9830429

everyone likes the same shuffle of authors on this board with zero flavor yall tiresome stop trying to fit in and actually discover yourselves because if you did you wouldn't all look the same believe me thats why every flake of snow under a microscope has its own kaleidoscopic patterning and the human individual if they actually gave way to its prima soul inclinations would have very little common in the depressing way that this board manufactures

>> No.9830431

>i would honestly appreciate it if you told me what my ideology was
anachronic unsystematic compulsive buying disorder of cool sayings from western and eastern philosophies
ooh cybernetics ooh neoplatonism ooh desire ooh shiny who needs plato aristotle kant wittgenstein history of philosophy or literacy right

you end up with this nrx metanarrative where you pontificate about capital this capital that as if it was one active subject one telos one human history one totality one spirit one unitarian monologue and one intellectual masturbation in every sense imaginable
you read the post-moderns but don't understand the very first thing about post-modernism or to emancipate people from believing stupid platitudes similar to those that destroyed our continent in the last century

instead of having an account for the plurality and competition of smaller narratives and their language games explaining contemporary cultural warfare as it happens you await the final ultimate revelation of the lord spook like the medieval millenarian simpleton you are

>i don't really have an ideology
you do and you write accordingly

>> No.9830870
File: 83 KB, 1920x1080, he's right you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

je ne suis pas un philosophe. je suis un alchimiste en mer. & je suis confus

it's a meme/psychic economy. everyone loves attention. the problems begin in knowing what to do once you have it, and the answer is, return it, dissipate it, or transmute it into something more interesting. no deadlocks no monkey business

>anachronic unsystematic compulsive buying disorder of cool sayings from western and eastern philosophies
cannot deny objectively true

>ooh cybernetics
ooh cybernetics, cybernetics fy

>ooh neoplatonism
ooh neoplatonism, neoplatonism fy

>ooh desire
muh precious

>ooh shiny
so shiny

>who needs plato
everybody. plato's great. dialogue & aporia ftw. obv much much else ofc. but this is not the polis, & i am not a philosopher. more like guilt-ridden sophist spooked & then some by the power of the Law

aristotle's great. entelechy is like one of my favorite words

so see above. cool guy. but i'm a confirmed sentimentalist & nietzschean tragedy >>>> aristotelian tragedy. maybe we'll get back there someday.

can't have a transcendental time machine w/o him

silence is so good tho
& language-games so fucking obviously the problem

>history of philosophy
it's great

>or literacy
muh gutenberg galaxy. all these books are making us illiterate


>you end up with this nrx metanarrative where you pontificate about capital this capital that as if it was one active subject
true. it's a constant pressure

>one telos
may well be.

>one human history
muh heraclitean sleepers turning aside each into his own dream

>one totality one spirit one unitarian monologue
composed of infinite pluralities all linked up & opening doors & flipping switches v/mimesis. deleuzian. but also girardian. neuroplastic. but also fatalistic. ideology *under construction,* in other words. the problem is not that i'm there, it's that i'm *not there yet.*

>and one intellectual masturbation in every sense imaginable
as if i could possibly deny this

>you read the post-moderns but don't understand the very first thing about post-modernism
not even the very first thing? damn

>or to emancipate people from believing stupid platitudes similar to those that destroyed our continent in the last century
you gotta be joking. that is literally & unironically & w/absolute conviction precisely all i want. here you are wrong. wrong wrong

>instead of having an account for the plurality and competition of smaller narratives and their language games explaining contemporary cultural warfare as it happens
are you joking? this is literally all i fucking do. *all i fucking do* is talk about mimetic desire & violence. i'm the girardfag ffs. i can't even be trigged by this it's so silly

>you await the final ultimate revelation of the lord spook like the medieval millenarian simpleton you are
absolutely & 100% true

i guess

>you do and you write accordingly
i am not yet satisfied

>> No.9830894

Take your pills Josh

>> No.9830917

>nobody has women on their 3x3

wow, i guess the memes were true
you actually are misogynists, and not ironically

>> No.9830933
File: 277 KB, 1000x633, Internet_of_Things_Noosphere_Ventures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm all out of the ones that worked & i don't know which ones to take anymore. too many options. too many choices:

the daseinpill
>muh Being. muh piety of thought
the confucian ethicspill
>muh commonness & centrality
the taopill
>muh name that cannot be named
the deleuzepill
>muh schizoid artist war machine
the girardpill
>muh mimetic desire
the hegelpill
>muh spirit
the cosmic flaky new age bullshit pill
>muh cosmic flaky new age bullshit

all in play. i have narrowed the field down to these. will continue to distill further & reduce to a digestible meme/monad.

i read somewhere about a swiss chocolatier who reduced something like 4000 pounds of butter, sugar and chocolate to a candy so small that people were having strokes and heat flashes when they ate it. i wish i could find that reference now, i can't. this is probably an analogy for what i have been doing, complete with object lesson. things cannot be essentialized w/o losing their horizons and this is the lesson which i fail to understand time & again.

so having realized this i am now in a sort of reverse motion away from the meme-candy alchemical sweatshop. & dissipating myself.

i'll say this also: /lit/ is the greatest fucking board anywhere.

unfortunately today is one of the few days i cannot spend all day shitposting as i desire. so happy memeing all & i'll catch up with you guys later. in the interim plz gnaw my ersatz carcass like wolverines.

you know the funny thing about the t-1000? he wasn't really antifragile at all. he kept coming back as the same thing, over and over again. which was how arnold & the connors managed to destroy him in the end.

on the surface, he looked different. but inwardly it was always the same thing. he always came back as the same death-machine on patrol. if he was actually antifragile he would have become something *really* different.

thoughts prompted by this thread & not intended as Hortatory advice or anything. just things that percolate as you think about them. it's why i have such a hard time leaving this place. it's just too darn interesting

>> No.9830937

um, I have three grills thank you very much.

>> No.9830938

id put your pussy on my 3x3, shawty

>> No.9830941

yeah, sweatie; we're redpilled here ;)

>> No.9830942
File: 28 KB, 617x251, T2CAMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn. wrong pic. so embarrassing.

greatest board ever, hands down, no question. a suggestion from another thread:

>Keep driving that body-machinery. Force it to clash against (or "with") others like it.

i liked that advice. it's good advice. i dislike argument generally b/c it doesn't always go places as constructive as i like. but who knows? maybe it should be other way. as long as it doesn't degenerate into infinite mimetic shit-flinging but trends back towards an interesting new idea, i'm game.

anyways. that is all for today. muchos gracias for allowing me to continually reify myself. unironic salutations given in many directions.

>ok sounds great now stfu you hysterical memelord fuck
>roger that
>until next time

>> No.9830946

meaning names?

Barthelme / Chaucer / Pynchon
Leo Marx / John Hawkes / Ovid
John Barth / Frost / Nabokov

>> No.9831024

>when you have no one that loves you or even basic friends so you have to tripfag to pretend anyone knows you exist

>> No.9831238

Who is middle left and bottom row?

>> No.9832263


>> No.9832313
File: 221 KB, 900x900, mosaic462d7e7f9ad8171cd6d1784efbe0ac2b1abbe9cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Too bad it is all fucked up.

>> No.9832332

Who are catman, bottom left, and teddy roosevelt wannabe in bottom middle?

>> No.9832342

>doesn't even recognise Eliot and Hamsun
Get the fuck off my board

>> No.9832354

Guimarães Rosa, Eliot and Knut Hamsun

>> No.9832360

what have you already read from hamsun?
i'm with sult here, it'll be my first book of him.

>> No.9832367

Too busy reading to look up author images to fantasise over like you all.

>> No.9832373

I like your taste other than bottom-middle and bottom-right cos I don't know who they are. Who are they?

Wilfred Sellars and Robert Brandom

>> No.9832397 [DELETED] 

Who are the Middle left and bottom left in this one?

If everyone would just post a list of names these threads would go a lot more smoothly.

>> No.9832401

My favorites are Pan and The Growth of the Soil, but I've also read Hunger, Mysteries and some of his non-fiction works. In Wonderland (it is basically a travel diary) and On Overgrown Paths are also pretty good if you want to know the author better.
I'm thinking about picking Under the Autumn Star up.

>> No.9832419

so this is the power of /lit/...wow

>> No.9832449

I started reading Bruno and Vico because of the supervisor of a lab I worked on recommended them to me. I also started reading Finnegans Wake around the same time, but I only found out about Beckett's essay much later.
Also, Bruno's plays are amusing, it is a shame people only know him for his non-fiction pieces.

>> No.9832483

I have never actually read Bruno or Vico, I just noticed your arrangement. What would you recommend as a starting point for Bruno?

>> No.9832540

You should probably start with De l'infinito, but I don't know if there are any english versions to that. There is a translation for De umbris idearum, that should probably be the best place to start if you can't find De l'infinito. I'm sure that there is also one to Imaginum, signorum et idearum compositione, but it is a really hard read, I don't know if it is a good starting point.
You can read his fiction without getting into his metaphysical ruminations from primary sources. Candelaio is his best play (really funny too) and it should be pretty easy to find. La cena de le ceneri is more of a philosophical dialogue, but it is also amazing, but it is a much denser read.

>> No.9832621

Mou Zongsan: Weird post-Kantian / new-
Confucian universalist.
James Ladyman: Scientific realist in the tradition of Sellars. Meta-physics.

>> No.9832632
File: 240 KB, 1656x1009, 1443484668816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Ladyman:
>Looks like that

>> No.9832634

There's a German translation of De l'infinito, so I guess I'll start with that.

>> No.9832664
File: 1.26 MB, 1600x1200, bestauthorscollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9832668

>Roberto Eco
What did he meme by this?

>> No.9832674
File: 232 KB, 920x920, mosaic5b276f3e913eb21d3d641405efc6e1c307b8e275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9832676

It would be more interesting if you guys actually said why they were on your 3x3

>> No.9832690

praise kek

>> No.9832745
File: 733 KB, 760x794, 6lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9832891

I'll read hunger soon. If I like it I'll stick with Hamsun through you suggestions. Thanks.

>> No.9832920


>> No.9832999
File: 890 KB, 2048x2048, 0891A826-D876-481A-BEE9-30329D7511C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

king shit

>> No.9833028

If only you knew what 3x3 meant.

>> No.9833032

Who is the one on the middle right?
This. I think if everyone were to list the people on their 3x3 and then post a small blurb about why they are significant it would promote more discussion, and cut down on people asking just who the images are of. But that would be easy and more productive and this is /lit/ after all.

>> No.9833038

You seem like a fun guy.

>> No.9833041

Borges and the whos?

>> No.9833354

vape nash yall

>> No.9833544

André Breton
William S. Burroughs
Abigael Bohórquez
Jorge Luis Borges
Pedro Lemebel
Robert Desnos
Alejandra Pizarnik
Eugène Ionesco
José Juan Tablada

>> No.9833715

Thanks family.

>> No.9834163


>> No.9835415

Pretty funny

>> No.9835448

Does anyone know the person on the right and in the middle?

>> No.9835465

It's Gisberto Eco you pleb

>> No.9835576

Valerie Solanas

>> No.9837009

Ew degenerate.

>> No.9837900

That poster is literally scum!

>> No.9839619

I laughed.

>> No.9839633

Antonio Eco

>> No.9839650

I love Lamberto Eco.

>> No.9840720
File: 1015 KB, 715x770, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9841216

Middle left, middle center, and bottom right?
How hard it is to list things in comments?

>> No.9841268

do all of you faggots read kekegaard? jesus

>> No.9842473

This is /lit/ at its peak.

>> No.9842908


>> No.9844019


>> No.9844917

Something wrong with him?

>> No.9846714


>> No.9847379
File: 190 KB, 920x920, 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i giggled

i think you and I would get along

who is the author in the bottom square of the middle row?

need you to finish the chart before I can form an opinion.

you need to read more if you're this upset over 'conceited commercialism.'

i don't recognize half your chart, sorry op.

>> No.9847389

Center right and bottom middle?

>> No.9847406


Christine Brooke-Rose and Robinson Jeffers

>> No.9847424
File: 205 KB, 920x920, mosaica103eaeb8cacc1d37c7ecf21bb21958e07e301dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9847432

The listing of the people in the 3x3 needs to catch on and become a thing.

>> No.9847457


link a generator that has a text box at the botttom of the image and reasonable people would (aside from the cool kids who are in a competition to be more obscure than one another).

>> No.9847458

git gud

>> No.9847465

Serb bro?

>> No.9847487

10/10 This is sublime bait, and I have have lurked since 07, I know my bait.

I love how you drew us in unawares with Derrida and Foucalt, then gave us a hint with Stirner. Then a little more with misspelling Shakespeare but then went with Eco to throw off all but the best trained. After this it ramps up, giving us a little "edgy loner" with "fucking Dante" followed with the pure condescension of "Homer (not Simpson)" an excellent one two punch. Now comes the absolute haymaker, even tossing in a few cheeky misspellings (you rogue!) the final delicious morsel, what truly lifts your post above the rest is "b**shit"

Consider this a salute, fellow shitposter.

>> No.9847503

Ernst August Winkler, Oliver Hilmes, & Vladimir Nabokov.

>> No.9847505


the best approach toward good bait is to jokingly affirm its obvious accuracy in as non-shitposting way as possible to enhance its potential baitery. what r u doin m8.

>> No.9847569

you don't have to be smart to read Nietzche

>> No.9848540

There is this thing called the text of the post. I don't even have the 3x3 generator. So if someone wants to link that it'd be great.

>> No.9848571

who's the grill in the middle left?

>> No.9848576

Luce Irigaray, she's actually good

>> No.9848759

the one that said E=MC^2 is a sexed equation?

>> No.9849643
File: 3.40 MB, 3988x3988, 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many layers of degeneracy are you on?

>> No.9849965

This is sad.

>> No.9849999

You're sad buddy, I'm having a blast

>> No.9851264

W 0 K 3

>> No.9851289

These threads suck, I probably have read stuff by these authors but have never seen a picture of them. Because they're in a 3x3 grid, reverse image search doesn't work.

This is a bad way to do a thread, seems mostly that people are posting and not getting replies.

>> No.9851307

Agreed. I feel stupid every time I have to ask someone about an author image. It often turns out that I've either read something by that author, or sometimes that I've seen the author but only one in certain picture.

It isn't that hard to type out the authors in a person's post.

>> No.9851369

Yes. E=mc^2 is inherently phallocentric.

>> No.9851379

What is the danish pastry cook doing on there?

>> No.9851406

Middle left and bottom center?

>> No.9851408

Lyovochka, Roaring Leo

Black Forest Babbler


below lieutenants:
Faulkner, Gabo, Yeats

Robinson, Carson, Welty, Aunt Flann

>> No.9851411


>> No.9851412

(young) Yeats and Corncob mccarthy

>> No.9851885
File: 7 KB, 210x190, jets-pizza-85050126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom square of middle is fritz the cat

>> No.9851947


>> No.9852655


>> No.9852670


>> No.9852863


>> No.9853151

bugs... easy on the pizza

>> No.9854672


>> No.9855675


>> No.9855894

sry for asking but who is the middle?

>> No.9855911

Porcius Ine

>> No.9855918

Kurzweil is the only path to enlightenment

>> No.9856614

Nintendo Man

>> No.9858193


>> No.9858346

looks like ben shapiro is reading a book on his smartphone
they call them e-books; a digital book
pretty cool, huh?

>> No.9859676

Oh snap this poster knows what's up!

>> No.9860860
File: 34 KB, 343x265, NickLandTed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.
t. Nick Land

>> No.9862152


>> No.9862194

>implying Derrida isn't already the meme start

>> No.9862685

I'm getting massive deja-vu from this post.

>> No.9862726
File: 220 KB, 920x920, lit 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9862917
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He posts the books instead of the authors.

>> No.9863216

Which post is giving your deja-vu exactly and why?

>> No.9863307
File: 198 KB, 920x920, authors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9863315
File: 54 KB, 665x574, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individual books are better than authors.

>> No.9863323

DFW, Borges, Knausgård, Flannery, Murakami and Dante. Think I've seen the other three faces a few times but I'm at a loss right now.

>> No.9863327

Someone pay attention to me pls

>> No.9863338
File: 536 KB, 1292x1301, erwerewrwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dfw, borges, knausgaard, flannery, tolkien, murakami, fitzgerald, coupland, dante

pic related, aimee bender, would have been my 10th.

>> No.9863345

Why Murakami? Other than him I am on board with you for the most part.

>> No.9863375
File: 69 KB, 450x298, murakamiSad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just resonates with me for whatever reason. it's possible that i'm autistic or something, i don't know. i read the windup bird chronicle on a train in japan and it is a memory that makes me happy. although to be honest he really shines in the short story form, not in his novels.

jazz, cats, cute girls, spaghetti, light magical realism...what's not to love?

>> No.9863389

That's the conflict. The middle brow versus the comfy feeling. I want to like him no matter how hard I feel I am not supposed to.

>> No.9864817

Aimee Bender, wew lad.

>> No.9865374

>Picking the worse Murakami

>> No.9865839 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 920x920, La Fontaine Aquinas Vondel Boutang Bloy Châteaubriant Broch Homer Dostoyevsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck did you pick this scumbag Teilhard and the 2 living memes ???

>Rozanov/Bloy + swang reference

dank af

edgy but good edge (Weil is an overrated Marcionist)



>> No.9865843

Who are in the middle?

>> No.9866364

The middle right is Luxmberg but who are the others in the center?

>> No.9866436

Bottom right?

>> No.9866620

Just give us all of them for the sake of being helpful?

>> No.9867478

whats wrong with her? fruit and words is a great short story. she's a good adapter of the medium of the fairy tale to modern day.

>> No.9868887

Very middlebrow.

>> No.9869296

I envy your blissfulness.

>> No.9870539

Aren't you just a little edge-lord.

>> No.9871417

it's true that there is a bit of bliss (naivety?) to murakami's work. but there's also something very sad to his writing, and this sadness is part of his appeal to me

>> No.9872214

The sadness to me can be a bit mellow-dramatic and off-putting at times.

>> No.9873376

I suppose so.

>> No.9873670
File: 270 KB, 920x920, mosaic3d3f640423f46d23d6d14c9df019aa2397de51f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best friends
very cool


not cool

>> No.9873687

What's the point of jerking off to authors? you just want someone to enable your confirmation bias?

>> No.9874354

Three times. The one in the center is Rimbaud too.

>> No.9874465
File: 2.10 MB, 1184x1208, cool stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9874575
File: 82 KB, 387x500, Shiwu-Qinggong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change Han Shan to Shiwu/Stonehouse.

>> No.9875177

Dostoevsky, Peter Rabbit author, Schoppy, and Ligotti. Who are the others?

>> No.9875415

Sadegh Hedayat, Ferdowsi, Han Shan (but I decided to replace him with Shiwu/Stonehouse), Arthur Machen, and Comte de Lautréamont.

>> No.9876092

Thanks. What an interesting list. You've given me a lot to look into.