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984743 No.984743 [Reply] [Original]

I read this book. Discuss.

>> No.984744

Ban all poetry!

>> No.984745

The Timaeus?

>> No.984747


>How do I did poor surface reading?

>> No.984797

>implying it's not well known Plato proposed banning the arts.

>> No.984804


Intro to philosophy classes often present it that way, but it really isn't that simple.

>> No.984839

No, The Republic.

I really hate the translation though. The paragraph style varies so much that sometimes you can't tell who's saying what apart from knowing that Thrasymachus is a major dick. Is he meant to represent a certain ethnicity from that period? That's kinda racist for someone who's meant to be a great thinker.

>> No.984845

maybe he's not that great.

>> No.984847


>Thrasymachus is a major dick
Yeah, he is a representative of the "might makes right" sophism. I like to think of him as an ancient equivalent of the modern angsty Nietzschean.

>> No.984849

>That's kinda racist for someone who's meant to be a great thinker.
You don't know history very well, do you.

Racism is bad and considered a sign of ignorance in very recent times only.

>> No.984853


Translations with the names of the speakers next to their lines(script style) are a lot easier to read a first time through.

>> No.984859

how do i make a post go right back to the same thread? help a newfag out ;(

>> No.984882


>Racism is bad and considered a sign of ignorance in very recent times only.

Racism itself is largely a modern invention.
Discrimination was a fact of life, but it was rarely racial.

>> No.984883


What do you mean?

>> No.984888

noko in the email field. Read the global rules and faq, buddy. Welcome to /lit/

>> No.984890

He is important in the dialog and he is in the beginning for a reason. Basically, the point of The Republic is to answer the question "what is Justice?" Thrasymachus thesis is quite popular even nowadays, and it is (basically) "the law of the strongest". It's not a good answer, but a lot of people think it's right and Plato wanted to eliminate this possibility at the beginning.

>> No.984900

sounds like ayn rand ripped off Thrasymachus

>> No.984906

I mean so when you press submit it just refreshes the page and doesnt take you back to lit's homepage thingy, sorry if thats a dud explanation

>> No.984965

>Thrasymachus thesis is quite popular even nowadays
Sadly correct. Do you think it's because it's more of a harsh truth/stop whinging thing compared to the other ideas of Platos that we take for granted?

>> No.984971

read 'a fallacy in plato's republic' by david sachs

>> No.984970

OP again,

So does Thrasymachus represent a certain race or peoples? Thanks for the other answers :)

>> No.984973

I listened to it. It's cool, but pretty f-ing extreme. Also, the way they go about getting their conclusions is pretty nifty.

Listening to Aristotle's politics now; it's better.

>> No.984988


Thrasymachus was a Chalcedonian, but he was by no means meant to be some sort of representative of his people.

>> No.984992

>a fallacy
Just tell me what it is & save me 100 hours...

>> No.985023

OK thanks. I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that it was Plato's attack on someone, I guess not.

Where should I go from here? On the Soul then ?

>> No.985024

essentially, there are two different conceptions of justice in the republic - civic justice and vulgar justice - and plato never really shows why talking about one allows you to discuss the other. he doesn't really show that talking about psychic harmony, in fact, has anything to do with justice as commonly considered.

but you should read the essay, it's pretty short.

>> No.985034

>implying you need to read a paper to form a serious critique of the republic.

>> No.985036

you don't need to, it's just an interesting essay and i thought people who enjoyed the republic might enjoy reading it

>> No.985039


>Where should I go from here?

I'd read the "death of Socrates" dialogues. They're pretty short.


>> No.985049

>Implying Plato actually existed

>> No.985054
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>> No.985065

This. I thought it was commonly agreed by non-plebians that "Plato" was just another one of Socrates' jokes?

>> No.985066

what's going on in that cover?

>> No.985068
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>> No.985071
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>> No.985091
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I don't get it.

>> No.985104


Typically in threads discussing ancient philosophers some jackass troll will assert we can never know if they actually existed. It's fucking annoying and usually derails threads.

>> No.985125

hahaha. Is was that irony intended good sir?

>> No.985160



Back on topic ...

>> No.985177


Holy fuck, faggot, stop posting this faggots' pictures everywhere.