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File: 122 KB, 339x438, zhuangzi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9849958 No.9849958 [Reply] [Original]

>Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end. There is existence without limitation; there is continuity without a starting-point. Existence without limitation is Space. Continuity without a starting point is Time. There is birth, there is death, there is issuing forth, there is entering in.

Why do people still read Bible when this is available?

>> No.9849972

Zhuangzhi is difficult for my brain /lit/

>> No.9849996

Bible has the same truths but from a different angle.

>> No.9850014
File: 24 KB, 387x461, bugs bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh YHWH

>> No.9850021

No, it doesn't. In fact they fundamentally disagree. I suggest you read both the Bible and the Tao Te Ching before commenting on this matter.

>> No.9850067


Bugs... easy on the diet.

>> No.9850075

Been there done that.

>> No.9850077

'Cause Jesus is a cool dude

>> No.9850079

>Why do people still read Bible when this is available?

Because it offers the possibility of love and salvation instead of just autistic stoner ramblings

>> No.9850083

Does your faggy chink text allow slavery and rape? Uh no, thought not! Ours knows how to have a good fucking time!

>> No.9850092

Sup reddit

>> No.9850106

>Taoism is in the Bible
Sure thing, bucko

>> No.9850118

Get back to me when you can discern truths from the form in which they appear. I'm not saying it's 1:1, but there are more than enough similarities to say they are drawn from the same spring; naturally any inspired text is going to be particular to the culture it was imparted to, based on their own specific needs at the time.

>> No.9850130

What the fuck are you talking about. The Bible is the word of God, it applies to all men in all time and supersedes any mongoloid hockus pockus

>> No.9850528


>The Bible
>hockus pockus
>Doesn't get the irony

You ever look up that term? How about studying more, and doing less thumping. Father Henry Alline wants you to go outside and sit in the grass for a moment and feel something, maybe a calm breeze, maybe - but should the intellect be the judge of this?

>> No.9850567

Taoism and Christianity are completely contrary to each other. One is trying to convince you we live in a broken world and need to do so many things to find our eventual salvation from it, while the other is trying to tell you we live in a harmonious world and that man's attempt to correct and rule over it are folly and wasteful.

>> No.9850570

Probably because you read a shitty translation. From Christian missionaries to Timothy Leary, a lot of different people have had their own interpretation and most don't make any effort to examine, let alone dispose, the type of biases they bring with them. No translation is perfect but I recommend Halls and Ames.

>> No.9850668

Well the most obvious is the the Tao and Logos are one and the same. One (of many) meanings of logos is the "way".

>> No.9850674

And in Christianity where does all that corruption root from? Man. In every instance of a nation or people being destroyed it was from their own wickedness. Not all that different from what you described with Taoism.

>> No.9850709
File: 161 KB, 248x459, 1501824549994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not following the teachings of bugsian hedonism

>> No.9850731

Zhuangzi doesn't attempt to explain anything, Half his work is mocking Mohism and Confucianism, the products of his contemporaries who spent their days immersed in logic and laws and rules for being human.

There is nothing in Taoism to explain, to codify, to bring order to, to regiment, to believe, to trust. That's the point and I think many people would not like it.

I actually arrived at this school of thought from the Bible, from perhaps one of the most esoteric chapters, the book of Job. i interpreted it to mean that God's machinations are unknowable, human's can never explain the 'reasoning' for that which is without reason, or the 'order' of that which is without order. God explicitly reprimands Job's neighbors who come in with the usual (Bad things happen to good people, God works in mysterious ways, God giveth and God taketh away). All God gives Job after all the trouble is "Where were you when I created the Heaven and the Earth?" At that point I decided that whether or not there was God, it meant very little to myself and/or Him if I feigned an understanding of reality, if I spent my days pondering what Is and Is Not. I am dust.

But many people glance over that book, I think. The rest promises salvation and people want that. I don't think the Eastern traditions are any less obsessed with eternalizing and perfecting their souls. I take Taoism to mean that I am, and that's all there is or could be.

>> No.9850803
File: 41 KB, 510x272, 1463003210644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think at the end of the day the one question you've gotta ask yourself is whether you need purpose/meaning/etc. or if you already have it and are looking for ways to keep it. In the end I can't say any soul or book searching has provided me with any understandment beyond the fact that there's nothing that can fundament my feelings of either trust or mistrust in life, and putting an external power as justification is not only vicarious, but self-defeatin, in that I can't speak for what's not mine.

>> No.9850826
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, 1482247126123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tao is too redpill

>> No.9850836

I honestly hope you're being paid for this.

>> No.9850850
File: 2.23 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_1549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This pleb didn't even read Zhuangzi in classical Chinese (like peeling layers with James Joyce in Finnegans Wake). I've read both, and the Bible wins.

>> No.9850857

Whoops, I intended for a line break after the parenthesis but I've been drinking.

>> No.9850858

am i the only one who irrationally hates women in makeup and piercings holding books. i can't explain it i just don't like it. the first time i noticed this was when i saw Sasha Grey holding existentialism from Satre to Dovestoevsky. i was unreasonably upset. maybe it is something so vain next to something so profound. that can't be right thou cause this woman could be anybody and just wear make-up and piercings

>> No.9850868
File: 152 KB, 400x398, irony layers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dissing taoism while drunk

>dissing pornstars for reading dosto

>> No.9850881

it just upsets me

>> No.9850895
File: 3.90 MB, 4032x3024, 20170804_232414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, tripbrah. I'm not sharing any Pu'Er with you

>> No.9850903

That's fine.

What's it taste like?

>> No.9850908
File: 12 KB, 280x157, fursuit6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Zhuangzhi have something very similar for destroy old moral orders
but i like Zhuangzhi more anyway

>> No.9850921

It might as well be a $500 wine bottle, so I don't know what to tell you. Sorry, desu.

>> No.9850967

>my own birth. Absolute birth
what did he mean by that

>> No.9850977

can a single one of you pseud motherfuckers explain what the fuck that means?

it's just 2deep4u bullshit with a vague chink aesthetic.

>> No.9850986

>i am a brainlet

>> No.9851001

I'd rather be a brainlet than a faggot who pretend he understand gibberish to fit in.

>> No.9851008

there is no need to pretend when you are not a brainlet like yourself :^)

>> No.9851015

>need to do so many things to find our eventual salvation from it

Incorrect, Christianity is not a religion of works. There is 1 thing and 1 thing only that can save someone; the free gift of Christ's sacrifice.

>> No.9851064

>birth is not a beginning, death is not an end
when you are born is not the only culmination of what you are. the many components you were and the ones you will be are still there.
>there is existence without limitation, there is continuity without a starting point Existence without limitation is Space. Continuity without a starting point is Time
life has and always will exist outside of you same with time
>There is birth, there is death, there is issuing forth, there is entering in.
your death isn't an end and your birth isn't a beginning but rather a change as all things are perpetual change rather than beginnings and ends. this implies no ultimatums but existence as a grand and eternal adventure

>> No.9851090

The conditions of your existence precede and succeed you; so "your" being is not limited to what you call yourself, but is inseparable from everything else in the universe; likewise with all other things in the universe, therefore there's no principle that everything springs from, but rather all of it is the principle; this applies also to dimensions such as time and space, making the passing of time or distance also inseparable from you; therefore the universe is a sort of "closed" system, so-of-itself.

>> No.9852715


You could just as easily flip these descriptions around. Both are, in fact, aesthetically divergent interpretations of Platonic Forms.

>> No.9852729

Pu'Er tastes like soil. In a good way.

>> No.9852736

It tasts salty and buttery. Not quite like popcorn but kinda like that

It's shit.