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/lit/ - Literature

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9847304 No.9847304 [Reply] [Original]

>"unnamed colour"
>"impossible colour"
>"indescribable colour"

>> No.9847306
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>it was like a bluish-reddish-brownish-greenish.

>> No.9847314

Reddish green

>> No.9847572

Unthinkable designs, unbearable decisions
Unquestionable pain, unprepossessing features
Impenetrable signs, unfounded accusations
Unskillful states of mind, unsettling misgivings
Undisciplined retreats, unscientific methods
Unburyable guilt, unmurmuring surrender
Unpardonable faults, unbudgeable positions
Implausible events, unpalatable findings


Unscrupulous deceits, unwitting acts of kindness
Unsystematic thought, untraceable descendants
Unwholesome points of view, insufferable insults
Unprecedented moves, unseasonable weather
Insatiable desires, untenable proposals
Unenviable loss, unstoppable collisions
Unnatural delights, unwarranted reprisals
Imponderable ideas, unvalidated parking


The unwaged, the unscathed
The unproud, the unbowed
The unhinged, the unbared
The unloved, the undead

Innumerable crimes, unlimited distractions
Intolerable weakness, unfathomable reasons
Unchivalrous displays, unornamented violence
Inalienable rights, unquestioning compliance
Unmannerly behavior, ungovernable impulse
Unbridgeable divides, interminable pleasure
Untested wonder drugs, unmissable attractions
Incredible excitement, unmitigated bullshit
Unveiled machinations unsparing of your feelings
Unmediated voltage, unattenuated input
Uncheckable conclusions, unreasonable exactions
Invidious assignments, invincible diseases

- shriekback

>> No.9847584


>> No.9847589


go to bed lovecraft

>> No.9847597

>anglophones think all those dark/light blue distinctions in russian lit don't make a difference
>russian speakers have more blue cones than petit anglophones and so cannot describe it better without anglos immersing themselves in glorious russian for long enough to effect eyeball change
>yfw lysenko was right

>> No.9847611


>> No.9847783

>every color mentioned is not directly specified in RGB, CMYK and Pantone
Stop reading pleb literature.

>> No.9847792

Isn't part of the beauty of literature making you imagine by filling in the blanks?
If everything was written down you might as well be reading a scientific treatise.

>> No.9847813

>Isn't part of the beauty of literature making you imagine by filling in the blanks?
As nice as that sounds, to me it still comes off as lazy. Mainly because it's something I myself would write when I want to describe something with my horribly limited imagination.

>> No.9847877
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Pic related

>> No.9847992

If he described it, you'd go insane. Show a little gratitude.

>> No.9848055

I always thought that the visual insanity trigger was kind of dull. Something that would really turn people insane would always have some arcane power associated it- like night terrors. Something innocuous that you're terrified of and you don't know why until your mind breaks down.

I had a dream like that once. It was a maze made of sand; the sand gently shifting. People who looked at it wouldn't be able to look away until they turned into gibbering lunatics. But it was just... sand. Then of course came the ice cream sundaes made of rotting crab legs and decayed fish parts, but that was something else.

>> No.9848059

Have you ever tried to think of a colour that doesn't exist

It's impossible

>> No.9848064

magenta doesn't exist

>> No.9848065

Ultra-violet light.

>> No.9848088

not much mauveine before or since the 1890s tbphw/u old egg

>> No.9848110


>> No.9848142

> colourless green dolphins

In a book I was reading today.

>> No.9848180

They were green, but lost their color
No that hard to understand senpai

>> No.9848184
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>a white blue whale

>> No.9848189

ovomaltine doesn´t exist

>> No.9848273

neither do I, but you don't see me being smug about it on the internet

>> No.9848295

a white wrong wing when won

>> No.9848304
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>> No.9848335

It's a reference

>> No.9848877
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>Big Black Cock's

>> No.9849680

top kek

>> No.9849712


Is that like a female octaroon?