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/lit/ - Literature

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9843980 No.9843980 [Reply] [Original]

Last, current, (firearm) and next
R8 or H8

>> No.9844024

Nice laser sight, faggot

>> No.9844042

Is getting a 1911A1 a meme

>> No.9844050

lmao at that tacticool mall ninja piece of shit.

>being a glockfag

>> No.9844126

>tfw white
>tfw 7 inch penis
>tfw will never need a gun for any reason

>> No.9844139

I want a gun in case crazy shit happens like societal collapse. That's about it. It would probably just stay secure and hidden somewhere

>> No.9844158


Why a 10mm?

>> No.9844172

Guns are fun to shoot, that's reason enough for me.

I'm at work so no picture
>Last: scholastic metaphyss by feser
>current: Plutarch's lives
>firearm: colt python
>next: the tartar steppe by buzzati

>> No.9844174

I have an 8 inch penis and still had the best time shooting ARs and shotguns at the range

>> No.9844225

>Just in case 4 da zombie apocalypse!

>> No.9844241

>Riots and wars have never happened
Really makes you think

>> No.9844256

>Riots and wars have never happened
>Really makes you think
and what's your plan genius? you don't have one you just bought something and hope you can use it when the time comes it'll keep you safe.

you'll be the first one to die in the revolution because you're dumb. but don't worry if you start now there may yet be time to educate yourself before the revolution murders you as a filthy bourgy accomplice.


welcome to the revolution comrade. it wont be televised.

>> No.9844270
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Moby was a reread, but the first with that edition.

>> No.9844273

lol I hope you're enjoying your summer break my friend

>> No.9844320
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It's not retard
There are no malls inna bush, cuck
Only if first pistol
Being unprepared is for subhumans. Sorry about your penis :^)
Live inna woods. Hunting and large game defence.
I need to reread Moby Dick
>and finish death of the West

>> No.9844344

>throwing money directly into the drain because "muh survivalism, never know when my first world suburb grocery store is gonna erupt in civil war"
How bout you spend it on getting a life LOL

>> No.9844359

>It would probably just stay secure and hidden somewhere
Except when take it out for photo ops on your bedspread

>> No.9844365


>How bout you spend it on getting a life LOL

wtf owned I hate firearms now

>> No.9844385
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So this is the power of a liberal education

>Captcha Chile Wigan (pier)
Yes indeed Google yes indeed

>> No.9844388

Laugh now boy!!
Will this thread be the last thing you think of before you're cucked to death by some rioters, wishing you had a way to defend yourself??

>> No.9844400

Holy fuck that tshirt is cringe

>> No.9844411

Everyone fucking leave

>> No.9844604
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>I entered a thread I didn't like and was upset WTF
There are dozens of threads for limp wristed city dwelling faggots. Contribute of fuck off.

I bet you're reading Derrida.

>> No.9844632

If I posted a banana next to my stack would you tell me to go back to /ck/?

>> No.9844637

Having the Bhagavad Gita, the most Holy of books, mushed in the middle of all those other books and most probably in a household of someone who eats cow. SHAME.

>> No.9844729
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Go argue about whether chili has beans in it or not somewhere else faggot
/lit/ is an app-delivered food board, take your housewife ass back to your containment board

>> No.9844744
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>> No.9844747

my dude

>> No.9844752



>> No.9844813

S&W Model 41 LNIB
Next-Might take a break from philosophy and read something by Joyce.

>> No.9844823
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i only own a crossbow

>> No.9844862


Nice books m8
>Russian tier

>no firearm
>Last: Mother - Maxim Gorky
>Current: Stories - Anton Chekhov
>Next: probably Petersburg - Andrei Bely or Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - David Foster Wallace

>> No.9844871

hell yeah

>> No.9844975


>> No.9845041

>cooking bananas

>> No.9845152

>making sure infinite jest and nietzsche can be seen in your gun photo
lol so which part of that stack is your "to be read"

>> No.9845170

Holy FUCK the gulag archipelago is that big

>> No.9845337

It was given to me by my fmr Hindu roommate while we ate dirty burgers. Lado kha machiknee
All the Dostoyesky Sans Demons and Notes from the Underground, Origins and History of Consciousness, Maps of Meaning (done all lectures though).
I actually really enjoyed Infinite Jest. I'm currently listening to the Will to Power audiobook, not finished yet.
>That big
Thats only 1/3 of it too. 2 more books. And the print is tiny. The audiobook is like 77 hours

>> No.9845396

nobody mess with this guy
he has 200 DEADLY SKILLS

>> No.9845430

Tao Te Ching and a gun? Is this a joke?

>> No.9845436

Read Petersburg m8. Make sure to get the Ellsworth or McDuff translations as they're translations of the proper edition.

>> No.9845466


>throwing money directly into the drain

Firearm owners tend to be financially better off than non firearm owners. I know that when you're struggling to pay off the student loans you incurred getting your master's in sociology while working at starbucks it's hard to imagine people having disposable income.

>> No.9845492

p r o j e c t i n g

>> No.9845504

I know so many male doctors who horde guns. Its a bit weird to have 30+ including esoteric ww2 era eastern european anti tank rifles.

>> No.9845591

How do you ever expect to be able to kill Deathclaws without anti-tank rifles, profligate?

>> No.9845597

aim with 223 for the eyes obv

>> No.9845619


Nice piece. You arrange the books like you're the only one that's got one.

>> No.9845650

And I also have read Beyond good and evil, the antichrist, on the genealogy of morals, and thus spake Zarathustra do suck a dick.
Bruh more like 400, I read the army field manual too.
Can be filled with all the love in the world and not lay with a rabid dog

>> No.9845670

>King Lear
>Paradise Lost
>Dunno, maybe DH Lawrence's poetry or A Brief History of Ancient Greece

>> No.9845694

>tfw you get the gulag archipelago and only have 24 hours to read it before you pass it on to a friend
What the FUCK Solzhenitsyn thinking coming out of there with such a good (=long) memory and a pencil

>> No.9845807

Good luck, you'd have to read for 24h straight. Whole set is like 3000 pages.
they make all the high schoolers om russia read it. should here too

>> No.9846052

haha alright. no hard feelings man. i was just being an asshole.

>> No.9846066

Looks like the MGSV tranq gun

>> No.9846083
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>> No.9846157
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Last: Junky by William Burroughs
Current: Justine by Marquis de Sade
Next: Juliette by Marquis de Sade

Firearm: Rhino Chiappa 40DS is my current "thing"

Carry-piece is usually the double-stacked 1911 .45 (14 in clip, one in the barrel)

>complete trust in the police and the government
>"guns are for small penuz nigguz"

Good cattle

>> No.9846181
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"I'm a blind ideologue who deposits their entire faith into the often proven flawed and wicked hands of the government, the police, the army, and other agencies attached to the Estate such as the CIA, FBI and ATF, and do not believe that the average citizen would need to carry or possess a firearm in a world where criminals and terrorists can only be stopped by an ideologue government led by the interests of faceless greedy sociopaths who would kill to keep us in line."

>> No.9846208
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I read two books at once anymore, I think because my attention span is going to shit. Guess what the top is.

>> No.9848155

Such an ugly revolver
Pretty nice to shoot though

>> No.9848224


>> No.9848230

You know that "how men take photographs/how women take photographs" picture? Can we get a version with "how gun owners take photographs"?

>> No.9848238
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come at me

>> No.9848239


You mean like how somebody starts a thread about placing objects and guns together, so gun owners place objects and guns together?

>> No.9848323

im actually so fucking jealous of all the americans here who get to own firearms

just kill me already

>> No.9848328

Where do you live where you can't own guns?
Are you not allowed to hunt?

>> No.9848332

sweden, I live in the city, to hunt you need to get some expensive ass license and there's tons of regulations to getting this license, they're not going to give it to some city dweller

>> No.9848337

No, most animals here carry ebola and humans are no fun, they just lay there and starve and die, there's no sport.

>> No.9848338

>safety in the trigger
>laser sight
>russians in translation
>probably says tao te ching
range ban america when?

>> No.9848348

shooting you in the rain by accident would give you too much satisfaction. i bet the umbrella even sticks a bit. good taste.

>> No.9848353

Predictable and basic.

Did not see this coming LOL amazing saved.

I want to buy a gun. I already have a copy of Gender Trouble (which I have read) along with a ton of other "postmodern" theory that triggers brainlet Peterson posters and can't wait to do photo shoots.

>> No.9848364

That's nothing, I have a 10inch pecker and I love shooting my recreational bazooka

>> No.9848365

arousing. complete with dubs. london &c.

>> No.9848910

I bet I've shot everything you've shot. Don't think I haven't. I consume guns. I ware out whole magazines of ammo and underwear with my fat schlong. I do things like get into taxis and say things like, the gunshop and step on it.

>> No.9848942
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Not all my books just most recent
It's a Glock
Its an x300 you incompetent fool
I can't read Russian, ниггep
How was 30 years war?

>> No.9849425

i'll have you know the action on my umbrella is swift and violent

>> No.9849647

My choon choon is twice the size of yours at 20 inches and I develop nuclear warheads in my basement as a pastime.

>> No.9849728


What's the short tube thing attached to the end of the barrel? Is this some sort of illegal silencing device?

>> No.9849735

>How was 30 years war?

Not that good. Basically a rambling mess that goes into way too much effort to explain every little tiny detail, and misses a lot of the big picture of the war.

>> No.9849738

it's a flashlight

>> No.9849756

Don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.9849758


No the other tube thing.

>> No.9849767

it's a flashlight too

>> No.9849788


A flashlight that projects beams of metal?

>> No.9849856

I'd love to take part but the only firearm I own is a tiny spring-based airsoft gun.

>> No.9849872

Don't be a homo. It's just a flashlight.

>> No.9849912

I'm too lazy to take pictures so just use your imagination
>Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories by M.R. James
>The Haunted Doll's House and Other Ghost Stories by M.R. James
>Four Major Plays of Chikamatsu
>CZ 75

>> No.9850208
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Surefire Warden in a fireproof blankey
Doesn't suppress just directs gas forward for shooting indoors, near friends face, or inna sand. Also +5 to shitposting on /k/
The sexist autoloader ever. Patrician taste.

>> No.9850232
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Nice to see lots of Gulag Archipelago readers on /lit/, since it's a work of fiction.

>> No.9850283
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Heh why not

>> No.9850297
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>> No.9850573

said anon, a nineteen years old college student, from the safety of the first world.

>> No.9850711

Building the helicopters for the commie purge?

>> No.9850735

should i buy a cz75 or a plane ticket for a vacation trip?

>> No.9850798

CZ if no handgunz (G19 and a CZ desu)

>> No.9850873
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>> No.9850897


>> No.9851082
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>> No.9851673
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>> No.9851679


>weaponized autism

>> No.9851680

>>safety in the trigger
>It's a Glock
no shit sherlock

>> No.9851687

I don't own a gun, but I own a handaxe to chop people up into little bits and a stoneware pot to pour boiling feces on them.

>> No.9852145
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Then why point it out

>> No.9852171

>people like this actually exist
how's life like as the ultimate stereotype of a redneck amerifag?

>> No.9852178

>watches Gavin McInnes once

>> No.9852259

But where are the books?

>> No.9852268

>has a book called "Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric With Readings"
>he posts a picture of it alongside a weak ass ad hom

>> No.9852277

40 inch dick here, come back when you've crafted a deep space object that went on to cause a mass extinction

>> No.9852552
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>tfw commies stomping on your rights
>tfw have to improvise home defense

>> No.9852581

That's definitely what I meant when I told the people who made a thread apparently only about guns to go to /k/. Nice straw man faggot.

>> No.9852609

Teippaa kahva myös, niin on mukavampi pitää kiinni.

>> No.9852613

Joo sama käynyt mielessä, vaikka kyllä noista jengoistakin saa tukevan otteen kun pesi öljyt pois.

>> No.9852615
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Gun? I cannot afford this.

>> No.9852619


>> No.9852633

>this way for the gaz

Nice, have you read hell of treblinka?

>> No.9852645
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where are my nugget bros at?

>> No.9852646 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9852664
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>> No.9852666

Nope. I'll put it on my list though, I'm trying to get into holocaust studies

>> No.9852849

eh, the only nugget I'd consider buying is the M39

>> No.9853086
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Try less faggot.

>> No.9853168
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Jarno plz
Kek not even close.
Unironically once. How to piss in public is a crucial skill. He sucks though.

>> No.9853279
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"I don't want conversation about guns here" = "Human beings have the natural right to bear arms and doubt the government's authority over their right to do so"

>> No.9853711
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why engage a safety anyway? it prevents you from firing the weapon.

>> No.9853980

You disengage it :^)

>> No.9853991

that's not redneck. rednecks don't post online or wear cringy meme shirts. they wear plain shirts from k-mart. that image looks more like some balding faggot from connecticut

>> No.9854022


more modern guns don't even have safeties anymore, they just have trigger safeties n shit.

>> No.9854118
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Wrong again, I should be balding based on family but not.
All my guns are illegal in CT aka little NY
Real NE has constitutional carry