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9843862 No.9843862 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will teach me to become an alpha man ad relinquish my beta ways?

>> No.9843884


no such thing. Alpha males are a spook!

>> No.9843923

Aborb this quote

"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."

>> No.9843942

kek I watched this earlier today, what a fucking nu-male beta fag
he doesn't even understand what an "alpha" male is all about, it's just a different way to say highly confident, charismatic and beautiful male

>> No.9843947

i'm not watching it because i don't want a bunch of stupid redpill or anti-redpill related shit showing up in my "suggested videos" panel for the next six weeks, not worth it

>> No.9843952

just incognito that shit. He makes a lot o good points and he really changed the way I view social hierarchies. Not even meme-ing

>> No.9843959

Alpha/beta is a crock of shit, it's all rooted in resentment.

>> No.9843984

Read stories of Conan the barbarian and do everything he does

>> No.9843987

Successful people are obsessed. End of discussion. If you really want to just walk into any room and feel like you're in charge, you have to always either be reading or lifting. You have to spend every moment overcoming either one obstacle or the other.

>> No.9843988


have you guys never read any anthropology papers or what? every primate has alpha males, how can you not sense the tension when an alpha joins your social group as the other top males negotiation to find the place in the hierarchy, everyone says autists are socially retarded, but maybe we are hyper-aware in a way that normies aren't

>> No.9843998

if you watch the video you'll see that humans are complex so alphas are only alphas in certain contexts. If you dropped a "traditional alpha" in a group of dungeons and dragons players he would become the omega and they would all make fun of him.

>> No.9844005

this misunderstands what an "alpha" is then

>> No.9844023

DND has a dungeon master, that's like a designated alpha. Your example is retarded. When you play DND your playing a game where you're expected to follow certain rules. Real life and casual social interaction isn't like that.

Your example is like saying a real alpha would be beta if he joined the military. Obviously he would be subject to the whims of his commander.

Also more knowledge about the game universe or whatever (if that's what you meant) does not necessarily mean you will be a more charismatic or "alpha" personal in your DND group.

>> No.9844063

watch the video and get back to me. I understand you guys need to believe in the concept of alphas to justify why you yourelves are so miserable but the concept has been debunked.

>> No.9844073

You all raise great points. "Alphaness" is really a simplification of how social dynamics are dominated by a person who is 1) attractive; and 2) has agency within a given context or throughout most interactions.

>> No.9844079

debunked by whom exactly? some guy on youtube? point me to some peer reviewed anthropology papers or kys

>> No.9844090

your usage of whom is incorrect

Source: I am an alpha

>> No.9844100

he links the peer reviewed papers in the video

>> No.9844109


i think the thing that makes 4chan so addictive is the endless supply of wrong people to argue with, damn you're stupid

>> No.9844116

not an argument

>> No.9844201

Wolves are based.

>> No.9844251

It's simple, anon. Don't give a fuck what other people think. Have your own thoughts, but if someone provides an idea or thought-process that you think is good don't be afraid to kill your previous thought and adopt the new one. Throughout life your mind is dying and becoming reborn over and over and over, you might even learn something that proves that a previous thought you were very attached to was wrong. It'll hurt, but you have to let that previous outlook die so that you can improve yourself with one that is more correct, more right, or at least less wrong.

I used to think that Islam was a swell religion and we should invite more Muslims to the west to escape their wartorn nations, but I have observed the German women being raped, the young boy who was raped in an Austrian pool by a refugee, the Swedes, the French getting murdered, and the Brits. So what did I do? I started to research the Quran since the left cries out "terrorist has nothing to do with Islam, they are extremists who are not true Muslims!" Well I've found passages that promoted fighting in the name of Allah, promoted the death of non-believers, and of not taking non-believers as allies even if they're your father or brothers. I brought this up with people I knew at the time, and through several days of discussion it culminated in me being called diluted (meanwhile the Quran says Jesus Christ and Mother Mary were diluted) as well as being called anti-Muslim.

Of course it feels bad to be called such things, and it feels bad to say "I have studied these people's beliefs and the reason they commit such horrible acts is because of their religion" because it makes me feel like a bigot, and leftists would support this. I am merely critical of Islam, and I have seen that their holy book supports terrorism and even war, saying that you should spend however much you can to prepare for war while resting assured that this money will be returned at some point. The Quran also promotes slavery, and of beating one's wife if she should prove arrogant. So I let the part of my die which wanted to accept ALL religions. It was a part of me that made me feel good, that made me feel like I was doing and thinking the right thing, but I found out I was wrong. Did I ignore facts so I could hold onto this tumour in my brain, because the tumour made me feel good and made other people I knew in the real world look upon me favourably? No, I got rid of the tumour, I focus on facts, even if people don't like it, even if it cost me some friendships, and if one day Islam changes and the terrorist attacks and rapes cease, then I am willing to kill that part of my thought process too to adopt one that is more correct.

Death and rebirth, you should be partaking in it constantly in life as you learn more and more and more. Do not fear the consequences; live your life by truth, do what is right, and if it costs you friendships then so be it, let them live in ignorance. Be strong enough to see facts.

>> No.9844260
File: 429 KB, 1024x782, WOLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most aesthetic animal

>> No.9844284

Not necessarily. A true alpha could quickly adapt and become the most liked and dominant member of the group through charisma and intelligence, even if he doesn't ultimately win the game. For example, an alpha in a classroom isn't the kid with the best grades, he's the most charismatic and popular kid in the class. An alpha on a sports team isn't necessarily the best player, just the most well-liked and socially dominant player.

>> No.9844297

>Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

>> No.9844330

Read Musashi

>> No.9844377

Seek out what drives you, and utilize our superior capitalist western society to thrive with it. Do you find that you love writing? Then write in your free time, continue to write and therefore improve. Wait for publishing companies to read your stuff and decide whether or not to make your work available to the masses? Nonsense; self-publish, make it available yourself. Get people to read it, get feedback, and use that feedback to continue to improve.

Do you like to drive? Then keep driving, perfect the art. Try to make it your profession if you love it so much, start low; cab driver. Want to become better at driving at speed? Try some off-roading with small recreational vehicles like bikes or quads. Try to enter into small-time racing events, begin to make a name for yourself and get sponsors.

Like to draw? Keep drawing, get better, and find a way to get your work out there. Establish a Patreon account to maintain income from fans, or use a Paypal account.

Making computer games? Go for it, and when you've got one that you think is truly great, try to get it green-lit on Steam. Give a name for your 'company' or just use your own name, make sure that those who play your game will see the name and attach that name to other games you make.

Hell, are you good at fucking? FUCK MORE! There's so many genres of porn out there, even for fat chicks, fat dudes, there's even people who make amateur porn and make money from it.

Do you like to make food? Chef! Do you like to play videogames? PEWDIEPIE AND FUCKING MARKIPLIER! There are people becoming MILLIONAIRES from playing videogames RIGHT NOW! Or at least got their start from playing videogames. Whether you get subscribers from just being ridiculously good at them and showing your skills, or you have the right personality that just draws people in somehow, you can make a living that way. People might think it's foolish, that you're stupid for even trying, but what was the first thing I said? Don't give a fuck what other people think!

Write, draw, design, drive, hunt, play, FUCK! Do whatever makes life worth living for you, become a master at it, and find a way to monetize it. There's probably a way provided it's not illegal. Hell, even drinking booze; Shoenice has made money from his vids where he chugs entire bottles of booze. Yeah, it'll probably kill him before he reaches 60, perhaps even before he reaches 50, but he's making money from that. Take capitalism, use it, do it smart, work hard, and you can thrive. Even if you only work at McDonald's you'll be living better than the majority of people on Earth if you live in the west, and that's about the most menial professional we can provide. That and garbage collecting.

>> No.9844402

You don't become alpha, you either are or you aren't. You can however become successful.

>> No.9844447

Terrence Popp. He was a beta, born to a single mom, getting into a lot of trouble, short, skinny, and to my knowledge never got much interest from chicks in high school. Well he joined the Military, listened to a man he refers to as his 'sensei', and has continually been listening. Went through a horrible divorce, considered suicide until a friend who was also in the Military ended up committing suicide mere days before he was planning to do so, and is presently going through a 7-year period, prescribed by his sensei, in which he will not seek relationships with women. Still has sex from time to time, meets chicks and ends up banging them, but nothing permanent and doubtlessly always with protection.

Now he's still in the US Army, he's also a Ranger, has written books (Warrior's Way and the Soldier's Soul is one of them, presently working on a fiction I think that includes some experiences he's had in the 3 wars he's taken part in (2 of which he was injured in)) and he's also an amateur comedian of sorts. He, from my perspective, is absolutely an alpha, but by the sounds of it he was quite a beta in school. So I think you're wrong; a beta can become an alpha, but it takes major life-changing events.

>> No.9844471

>/lit/tledick doesn't know how to operate google
I won't tell you because it's too funny to imagine you living in fear of clicking videos because of consequent recommendations.

>> No.9844478

The Apology of Socrates

>> No.9844493

This alpha/beta shit is so pathetic.
And it came all from shit observed from wolves in containment instead of the wild. In the wild its not the strongest male, its the freaking father and mother of the pack.

Stop that beta alpha bullshit and become a father figure instead to inspire the rest.

>> No.9844519

Goethe's Faust

>> No.9844524


Confidence and charisma are such vague terms as to be meaningless. You're not bright about language for somebody on a literature board.

The whole point is to be confident in different situations requires different skillsets as much as a generally relaxed temperament.

Human beings form different sets based around interests, aesthetic, etc. Yes, to be high value in one set requires certain skills in order to be pereceived as confident - as opposed to arrogant.

Charisma, likewise, varies from set to set. Using crude stereotypes to illustrate, in a group of bikers, being laconic, brave, etc, makes you charismatic. Among a group of comedians, having a bubbling-over intelligence makes you charismatic. (This is all linked to the core skills of the group. If the group is less interest based the notions of charisma will be more diverse.)

You can't quickly adapt to all situations. Real, unshakable status often requires quite a bit of experience. The "alpha" at a workplace will be somebody with a high baseline of skills but also somebody who has achieved rank and who knows how to navigate that particular workplace.

Yes, the "red pill" generic self-help advice applies, but it doesn't validate the whole structure of the theory because the theory is polluted with all sorts of ridiculous anthropology through the connotation of its terms and its weird brobiopsych. Also its notions about women are way more tenuous.

It's like all bad philosophy in that it derives its particulars using very loose procedures from an extremely generic base.

>> No.9844619

>you can't quickly adapt to all situations
This is definitely true, but most western alphas could likely adapt to most situations they would likely find themselves in in western culture. If you dropped an American jock alpha into a Peruvian jungle he would struggle and likely be the beta in that scenario. But take an American jock and drop into a group of American nerds and I think he could very easily adapt within a single hour. An American Beta jock, however, would have a much harder time adapting in the same situation. I guess I feel that while the traits that make an Alpha aren't entirely universal, the hierarchy is definitely there and it isn't limited wholly to a specific context. Charisma is pretty universal in western culture regardless of the specific crowds you run in.

>> No.9844626

This is stupid, you can't become alpha. You are or you aren't.

>> No.9844633

How dare you fucking insult me?
I'm generally too quick to violence to be "alpha".
Like, when some nigger (or non-nigger) gives me shit I give them one warning, then fuck them up if they cross me again. No "hurr! Alpha male!" bullshit in there. No tough guy posturing, or big talk and I make no attempt to lead anyone, be cool, get attention, ect. I just hurt people when I feel that they need it and they respect me for it (or I might just hurt them again)
Alpha males are generally male whores. They require constant attention from everyone or they go to pieces and get all bitchy. They need to feel wanted, or they lose their mojo. They need their crew, or they're just another fedora wearing ass wipe. They are literally nothing on their own, lol...
I'm more like a shark. I perform most tasks better on my own and if you fuck with me, you may die. Period. No need for any attention whoring or any other "alpha" behavior on my part.
And the bitches all still want my dick. This whole "alpha male" thing seems to me to be a desperate attempt by weaklings to appear to be real men. They buy expensive things, collect "friends" and socially network. Hell, they even learn to sound tough. But push come to shove, I've sent plenty of alphas running away after I literally threw them across a room. So yeah...
I'm basically too "no bullshit", headstrong and violent to be alpha. And I have no problem with that at all.

>> No.9844644


I think you're naive about how much of your social set you're unconsciously preforming. You can't just instinctively become blue collar over night, or a real nerd, or whatever. There is a whole sensibility and frame of reference behind each of those things that shows true or false if the interaction is anything other than cursory.

The entire red pill philosophy was built for bars, rooms where only casual interaction happens with cognitively impaired people.

It is possible to move fluidly between several social sets but the idea that you will be high value in all of them if you master some sort of generic manner is ridiculous.

Yes, being attractive helps with everything, but even attraction can be augmented by things like subtle class and aesthetic signals. A yuppie will never be attractive to a punk girl, that kind of thing.

>> No.9844671

Anyone still remember the term "internet tough guy"?

>> No.9845154

lmao. thanks for the laugh, basement dweller

>> No.9845257

There is no such thing as an alpha male. It was literally taken from a flawed study of wolves in captivity that even the biologist who ran the experiment disowned and actively fights against to dissuade this myth.

>> No.9846112

>people pretending being an alpha isn't 90+ % looks

>> No.9846175

So by your definition... I suppose Tom Cruise is alpha as fuck? What about Milo Yiannopolous?

>> No.9846205

Literally nothing he said is incorrect. Adam broke down the scientific stratification of males in human society while the comments are filled with alt-right spergs arguing that "alphas totally exist! If they don't then who fucked my oneitis!?!?"

>> No.9846223

There are a lot of good looking beta /r9k/ browsing losers.

>> No.9846225

>How dare you fucking insult me?
Is there anything more beta than someone actually getting insulted?

>> No.9846269

height does play a large part in what is good looking for a man. He's one of the rare cases where his facial aesthetics and muscular was able to outweigh it all. Milo being 6'3 and having a slightly above average face puts him in Alpha status. Reduce their attractive qualities a few points and leave all else the same and they wouldn't have thousands of people wanting to listen to or be around them.

>> No.9846293

If you're good looking and act beta (depressed, anti-social, whatever) it's twisted into a positive character trait by others (interesting, mysterious). They are still alphas but of a "mysterious" personality.

>> No.9846317

Not even in high school girls think like that.

>> No.9846322

>does his own stunts
>popularized his own cult
>wildly successful Hollywood actor, makes both entertaining and provocative movies (clearly has an eye for film and good taste)
>did all this despite being a man let
>strong jaw, power Manlet physique
>makes kino
>alpha among a profession which has lots alphas (actors have high testosterone, look it up)

How is tom cruise not alpha

>> No.9846363

I have a hard time accepting someone as alpha when they like to take dick, and also I had forgotten the height issue with Tom Cruise. I've got HUGE respect for Milo, I think he's hilarious I agree with him on many things, not all but many. What about this though? I think it goes without saying that Johnny Trejo is alpha as FUCK, but I doubt there's many women out there who would consider HIM to be good-looking. Perhaps in body and strength, but that face?... maybe chicks with a rape fetish, but normal women would never go anywhere near him if he didn't have a fuck-ton of money attached to it.

Just having a discussion, Tom Cruise seems to me like someone of questionable alpha status due to the fucked-up scientology stuff, acting like a freak on Oprah, and now that I've been reminded of his lacking height there's also that. There's also David Hasselhoff. Clearly a good-looking fellow, yet he can't handle his booze it would seem (there's point where alcohol can kill so there is obviously a point where ANYONE familiar with booze gets to point they can't handle, but part of being able to handle your booze is knowing when to stop), his children don't respect him since his own daughter made that video where he has a burger and I also recall him swearing at her or threatening her in it, and then there was that insanely ridiculous cameo in that Spongebob Squarepants episode or movie or whatever.

There's also Daniel Radcliffe, a good-looking fellow, yet that 'Swiss Army Man' or whatever thing has him being used as a sea-doo in which he is propelled via fart. I mean... what 'alpha' would do that, even if they're British and the Brits are known for their odd sense of humour.

So I don't believe looks indeed make 90%+ in terms of alpha status. It's also dubious to use wealthy individuals as examples because money hugely affects one's views on people, but then again if they were intelligent/talented enough to get wealthy then that fact alone says a lot of their status in society and personal capabilities.

>> No.9846373

because scientology. he couldn't even keep control over his two ex wives.

>> No.9846444


>> No.9846465

>implying language isn't use
what a moron

>> No.9846482


Thanks for being around.

>> No.9846496
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>> No.9846511


>> No.9846810

The video doesn't debunk it though. It said that human males use various mating strategies other than aggression. It explained that bonobos groom eachother to climb the ladder of the social hierarchy. This is true to a certain extent when you relate it to humans, there's more to being successful and respected than being a loud mouthed, aggressive sportsman. Human societies are complicated. Charisma and ingratiating yourself with others is an important skill for maneuvering across the social hierarchy.

My point of contention is that it's stupid to assume that girls aren't naturally inclined to gravitate towards a guy who's tall, broad shouldered, physically fit and assertive. Yes there are exceptions to the general rule (teen girls obsesseding with effeminate kpop stars) but a few exceptions doesn't disprove the general situation we find ourselves in. There are obviously "alpha" traits that are conducive to finding a mate that apply to nearly every human social hierarchy

>> No.9846844

why do you guys want to believe so much this alpha male thing?

>> No.9846848

>beautiful male
Are you gay?

>> No.9846851

it exists in every primate species, so a better question would be why do you want to disbelieve it so much? are you a chick? any guy who has any social/emotional intelligence knows how it works

>> No.9846859

>it exists in every primate species

Citations please

>> No.9846864

go search in any academic journal database for "alpha male", fag

really disappointing that people on /lit/ are this ignorant about anthropology, considering everybody is a fucking self-styled sociology expert around here

>> No.9847123


Nothing came back other than preliminary studies of the PUA internet subculture.

What are the sources you gathered your own understanding from? Why can't you provide those, at least?

>> No.9847147

watch in incognito

>> No.9847150
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>> No.9847151

he is correct but the video is shit.

>> No.9847152

Alphas exist because of intrasexual selection.
It is more pronounced in males because females are choosy. Pregnancy requires lots of resources on the part of females so they have to be choosy in regard with who they mate with. Men compete to get that privilege.
This whole denial of alpha males is retarded. This is basic evolutionary biology.

>> No.9847153

There aren't any. The strong are born strong. You can't become an alpha by training.

>> No.9847156

yeah that part was bullshit. if you drop a "traditional alpha" in a group of dungeons and dragons players, few things will happen
1. He will fuck up the game but people will go along with it
2. everyone will bend over backwards to aid him (especially if he is a girl)
3.people also know that once they are out of dungeons and dragons , he will go back to being in his element so they will try to curry favor or avid a backlash

>> No.9847161
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Lifting, reading, and shooting***. Also, a nice disposable income.

>> No.9847164


I recommend the Mister Men series by Hargreaves.

>> No.9847170
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you may want to open that book again

>> No.9847197

He's literally not wrong at all that the "Alpha" and "Beta" social hierarchy seen in pack animals does not exist in humans. It's 100% broscience. Just as much as Protein Timing and Muscle Confusion.

People used incorrect terminology from the outset that didn't apply to humans, and then attempted to redefine things in a way that made more sense. It's not nuanced enough to allow for layered competitive hierarchies, so people started going full brave new world and adding epsilon and shit to the scale. It's also highly reductive, which I think ties into the appeal, because it simplifies things, you're either alpha, or you're not. It doesn't allow for nuance in regard to how an "alpha male" for one woman might not be an alpha male for another because the alpha/beta system was designed to show mating hierarchies determined entirely by male competition, female selection and females selecting men that neither the men or women regard highly throws serious wrenches into that. It also ignores humans nature as serial monogamists with broscience about how all wimminz are cheating ho's and married guys give beta bucks while alphas fuck!

Anybody that talks about "alpha males" is not going to be say, a biologist, or a specialist in human behaviour, or sexuality, they're going to be probably a 28 year old "PICK UP ARTIST" who lives with their mom being supported by a legion of virgin orbiters who learned about how women really worked by having over a hundred one night stands. Which is actually not a useless perspective, but you should take it with a serious grain of salt.

I watched a video of Roosh V talking about how women literally could not focus for hours straight, unlike men, thus making them ill equipped for the workforce. He concluded this because he saw a woman studying for several hours, and noticed she took breaks regularly. These people are retards that try to find happiness through banging hoes eventually having a mid-life crisis once they start balding, and everything they say is littered with superstitious beliefs.

>> No.9847218

>the guy who invented the term "alpha male" declared that it was bullshit all along
>people still don't trust him because this contradicts all the PUA blogs and infographics they've read

Roosh has no value as a person.

>> No.9847223

>orbiters who learned about how women really worked by having over a hundred one night stands.
more likely they learned from the artists seminars

>> No.9847872
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Atlas shrugged, not even shitposting.

>> No.9848439

1. Find something you want to do.
2. Do it.
3. ???
4. Alpha

Like thats it. The trick is in actually doing shit not to pass thw time but to apply yourself fully. To strive to do them to the best of your ability. Or simply put: To do it. Not to merely imitate does doing it. Whatever you do as long as you apply yourself and strive you will become alpha. Alphas arent alpha because they lead the pack. They lead the pack because they are alpha. Be whatever you are with all you can muster. Every last ounce must be you. The pack will come. .
But beware: if you ever do anything for anythimg other than for the thing itself you will never be a real alpha. Be honest with yourself and your intentions. Dont try to be alpha. Dont climb the mountain for the bragging rights or the pussy. Or you will never see the peak.

>> No.9849324

is this board retarded when it comes to social shit or what

>> No.9849391

Do you like to stick things in your butt too? Oh shit, wait, I thought I was on /k/, disregard that...

>> No.9849417

It's hard to pin down exactly what someone means by an alpha male too. Is it the ability to "totally slay pussy every night brah" or a natural born leader? Having served in the military, I've met plenty of dudes that were "alpha", but to me that means natural leaders who can get shit done. Does that mean that the people who follow them are "betas", no. It's not a black or white kind of thing. Now are there people who would be considered "betas" to me? Yeah sure, letting people walk all over you would make me consider you that.

It's really impossible to define, and I think the entire concept is bullshit.

>> No.9849441

are you really that socially retarded that you can't tell there are one or two guys at the top of any social network? anyone who can't tell who the alpha is in a group is either socially retarded or has never felt the unspoken negotiation for top spot when they join a new group

even in all male environments there are "alphas" like in prison, when some new guy comes in people test him to see where he is in the hierarchy, of course things like gangs sort of overshadow these natural hierarchies, but if you're in a place that doesn't have a heavy gang element, there is negotiating process when a new guy comes in, unless he's a fairy manlet or a 70 year old granpa who got pinched for dui or something

maybe you need a certain level of social or emotional intelligence to tell this

p.s. roosh v is a fucking retard who has probably never gotten laid in his life, dude is clueless

>> No.9849490

Relinquish women.
Beta is someone who cares about what others think, so he's the nice, polite guy that would try to make everyone else happy because of the superego deeply planted in his brain.
Alpha is someone who does everything as he wills it, everything else be damned. His pleasure and satisfaction is the thing number one.
To sum up, if you don't want to be beta, stop giving a flying fuck about others, especially women because the desire to please women more often than not not dictates your behaviour. Don't consider them and what they think of you; do as you please, as you will.
You don't need books to know this,

>> No.9849498

maybe but you don't have to be an asshole to be assertive

>> No.9849502

quote aborbed, tanks anon

>> No.9849524

I think you're confusing a hierarchy with "alpha". Of course there is a leader in certain groups, but how does that make them an alpha male? What if that shot caller in prison got out and tried to get a job and was struggling? Is he no longer an alpha male? What is the worst lawyer in a firm started hanging out with a bunch of homeless guys, is he now the alpha male of that group?

>> No.9849535

>What if that shot caller in prison got out and tried to get a job and was struggling?

guaranteed the alpha guy in prison will have good enough social skills to get out and shack up with some chick until he can talk his way into a legit job somewhere or get fronted more drugs to start dealing again, etc. again "alpha" is an anthropology term that predates any kind of exchange economy, it's not about money, it's mostly about social skills...

i don't get how people aren't conscious of this? man you dudes really are autistic

>> No.9849556

want a fictional example that demonstrates this, watch scarface, the guy is poor as shit when he gets to america, and he never tries to get laid, but he's clearly in charge of every situation, meanwhile his idiot friend/cousin/whatever is always hitting on girls and being a "pua" but it's obvious he's a pussy

>> No.9849575

and in the end he was killed by someone else.

>> No.9849588
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>he isn't gamma

>> No.9849619

>and in the end he was killed by someone else.

it was battle of alphas, this happens anytime there are two dudes who want to be in control, but obviously a lot less dramatic, will to power is stronger than will to life

>> No.9849631

this the kind of made up shit that has nothing to do with primate anthropology, like if you ever read "red pill women" on that other site, they call dudes who are in autistic pursuit of their own passions as "sigmas" and they have their own definitions of betas and alphas, i just go by the way researchers call "alpha" in primates, and also what i can feel in my personal experience with males, most of these weird internet charts are made up by uneducated people who never read a book

>> No.9849701

I honestly believe I'm somewhere between Gamma Positive and Alpha Positive, but unlike Alpha Positive I can absolutely take criticism if I think it's valid and unbiased. Likely leaning more towards Gamma than Alpha, but I see potential in having some of both, however I am completely throwing my life towards writing and I doesn't afraid of anything.