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/lit/ - Literature

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9843765 No.9843765 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Jewish people so talented at writing /lit/?

For example, here is Granta magazine's list of the top 41 contemporary writers.


Sigrid Rausing (Jewish)
John Freeman (Unknown)


1. Emma Cline (Jewish)
2. Joshua Cohen (Jewish)
3. Mark Doten (Jewish)
4. Rachel Glaser (Jewish)
5. Lauren Groff (Jewish)
6. Garth Risk Hallberg (Jewish)
7. Sana Krasikov (Jewish)
8. Ben Lerner (Jewish)
9. Anthony Marra (Jewish)
10. Greg Jackson (Jewish)
11. Naomi Alderman (Jewish)
12. Ned Beaumann (Jewish)
13. Adam Foulds (Jewish)
14. Joanna Kavenna (Jewish)
15. Benjamin Markovits (Jewish)
16. David Szalay (Jewish)
17. Adam Thirlwell (Jewish)

18. Yaa Gyasi (Black)
19. Dinaw Mengetsu (Black)
20. Chinelo Okparanta (Black)
21. Zadie Smith (Black)
22. Helen Oyeyemi (Black)
23.. Nadifa Mohamed (Black)
24. Taiye Selasi (Black)

25. Karan Mahajan (Asian)
26. Ottessa Moshfegh (Persian)
27.. Esme Wang (Asian)
28. Kamila Shamsie (Asian)
29. Xiaolu Guo (Asian)
30. Sunjeev Sahota (Asian)
31. Tahmima Anam (Asian)

32. Claire Vaye Watkins (White Female)
33. Evie Wyld (White Female)
34. Sarah Hall (White Female)
35. Catherine Lacey (White Female)
36. Jenni Fagan (White Female)
37. Jen George (White Female)
38. Halle Butler (White Female)

39. Ross Raisin (White Male)
40. Richard Hall (White Male)
41. Jesse Ball (White Male)


Jewish population of the US: 1.4%
Jewish population of the UK: 0.5%


>> No.9843787

Wait they still exist? Holy shit I thought they went bankrupt a decade ago after publishing a string of poorly selling (think <300 copies each) books.

>> No.9843810

These writers aren't necessarily good. They're just on the Granta list. Probably none of them will be remembered after a couple decades. Who knows....

>> No.9843813

That sweet naivety

>> No.9843833

Wait, did they actually group the blacks together or is that just you? Because that's racist

>> No.9843963

they aren't talented. they just own the "top lists".

>> No.9843976

They are perhaps the most respected literary magazine in publication kiddo.

>> No.9843979

Wooow, hold your horses buddy. That sort of speech is *not* welcome in this thread.

>> No.9843985
File: 67 KB, 558x604, Stalin on a bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so talented at posting the exact same boring thread from few days ago with a different image?

>> No.9843990

How many of them are actually religiously jewish though? Looks like none of them. Wikipedia them at random and it says nothing about being Jewish other than having a last name that OP thinks sounds like one

>> No.9844004

Tell me which ones you doubt are Jewish.

Whether they are religious or not is irrelevant. Do you think the Jewish pornographers in Hollywood visit the synagogue every morning?

>> No.9844021
File: 474 KB, 1200x1520, 1501717760151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultivate a religious culture centered around literacy and textual interpretation
>live for most of your history in insular communities, often at the behest of state coercion
>have a diaspora spanning several continents
>why are jews good at writing books?
>hmm must be muh big merchant conspiracy
i literally typed this out with my big hook nose btw because i was too busy fapping to hentai. pic related

>> No.9844054

Where's the pic from, Rance?

>> No.9844198

Some ethno-religious groups have a way of forcing their way into collective consciousness for generations.

>> No.9844581

>3 white males

How will /lit/ ever recover?

>> No.9844595

This thread is about redpill, and how we are being genocided by Jews who control media, see star wars, where a black man was breeding with a white women, and this goes into the brain of the kids today, which is why we see influx of immigrats, and terror, and they use lists like OP show, that everyone reads, to shape the minds to suit their genocidal agenda

>> No.9844608

Unironically all true btw

>> No.9844622

Jews are not good writers because semites are not creative. They are schemers who employ language for propagandistic purposes.

>> No.9844630

Yet almost 50% of the finest writers of our time are Jewish, despite Jews barely making up more than 1% of the generation. Explain that, racist.

>> No.9844634

Kafka and Proust aren't good. Their liberal manipulators who subverted whiteness

>> No.9844664

My biggest problem with this list is that Emma Cline is at the top of it.

>> No.9844688

White male can't bear to see a female from an oppressed minority background win something? Color me surprised.

>> No.9844693

their inferior to us as white

>> No.9844727

isnt 50-80% of the white population at most ivies jewish?

>> No.9844738

maybe even more. they're shapeshifters

>> No.9844765

Why is antisemitism rampant in /li/ these days

>> No.9844800


>> No.9844803

I imagine it's 5 or 6 really dedicated posters keeping the "flame" alive.

>> No.9844804

try the redpill, their destroying whiteness

>> No.9844806
File: 1.99 MB, 1231x1764, 1498705816112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews aren't creative
>they're just good at using language to express persuasive ideas
thinking emoji

posting more hentai cause I can

>> No.9844808


>The average IQ score of Jews has been calculated to be 112–115 (Cochran et al.),[8] and 107–115 (Murray; Entine).[9][10][11] A study found that Jews had only mediocre visual-spatial intelligence, while their verbal IQ (which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension and working memory) compensated for this with a high median of 125.6.[12][13]

>> No.9844826
File: 394 KB, 637x900, 1501714052692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I imagine it's 5 or 6 really dedicated posters keeping the "flame" alive.
There's two or three max, with one guy doing literally nothing but reposting the same dumb shit over and over to derail threads

At this point we just need to learn to recognize his posting style and report his posts wherever we see them because he never even bothers to stay on topic beyond the OP. All of his posts are rule-breaking and belong in /pol/

Also since he gets to break the rules then I guess I get to post more hentai

>> No.9844836
File: 5 KB, 183x275, 3b40f8c48e49c4b2eca84e6e2c7eddbb.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-semitism allows plebs to conceptualize a coherent will out of a chaos of independent actors working for their own interests within a political/social system. it's a way to redefine their alienation as a struggle, and their undesirable circumstances as the machinations of an enemy, to give it meaning. it's basically a secular version of attributing every bad event to God's mysterious ways.

>> No.9844847

p-post more kittens

>> No.9844864

Shut. It. Down.

>> No.9844870
File: 248 KB, 850x1213, 1498294711556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but that was a good post right there

don't have my catgirl folder on hand atm so enjoy degenerate yuri

>> No.9844921

A better question is why hasn't /lit/ always been anti-semetic

>> No.9844941

why are you dodging the question?

>> No.9844946

jews love and identify with paper, seeing how it burns.

>> No.9844961

Oh, didn't think to iqdb it. Thought it might have been from one of those Rance games

>> No.9845015
File: 98 KB, 500x366, __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_drsunshine__4f488652320f6eb0b4f9e3005196968c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just posting Sanae ecchi because of the meme that she's jewish

>> No.9845032

You think every society in history hated jews because "muh alienation"? Why do you Marxists think you sound so smart when reducing everything to class

>> No.9845040

I was not aware of that

>> No.9845052

>Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis.
Behan knew.

>> No.9845062

underrated post

>> No.9845068
File: 343 KB, 1058x1505, 1499495236212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one else really posts it though since she has better memes of having big ass titties (mostly japanese meme) or being a turbo-slut (a /jp/ meme)

Either way both memes produce more hentai of her so I want it to stay that way

Since big words confuse and frustrate you I'm just going to say that scapegoating insular minority groups to paper over larger societal conflicts or economic decay is a tactic older than christianity

>> No.9845080
File: 46 KB, 420x304, nazi-books-burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there had been a night, a terrible night in the winter of 1937, when Smiley had stood at his window and watched a great bonfire in the university court: round it stood hundreds of students, their faces exultant and glistening in the dancing light. And into the pagan fire they threw books in their hundreds. He knew whose books they were: Thomas Mann, Heine, Lessing and a host of others. And Smiley, his damp hand cupped round the end of his cigarette, watching and hating, triumphed that he knew his enemy.

>> No.9845115

>This meeting was held in the main committee room of the Board of Deputies of British Jews at its heavily fortified headquarters in London. Hitler's WarA few days after the meeting, a violent campaign of Nazi tactics designed to halt production of the new edition of Hitler's War -- first published by Hodder & Stoughton and The Viking Press, and republished by Macmillan and the world's leading publishers --began. Throughout the British Midland cities principal bookstores found their plate glass windows smashed by thugs, and anonymous letters advised the managers to stop stocking Mr Irving's Hitler's War.

>> No.9845122

Joseph Hirt


High - art

>> No.9845160
File: 483 KB, 707x1000, 1501279439976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it was good for the nazis to engage in systematic burning of books? Do you not?

>> No.9845205
File: 270 KB, 1280x960, sikhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scapegoating insular minority groups to paper over larger societal conflicts or economic decay is a tactic older than christianity

Exactly. Why can't these /pol/ morons realize that Jews haven't done anything to deserve such antipathy?

For another example, just look at the furious and senseless persecution of the Sikh people that happens every day around the world.

>> No.9845220

thats insane - so a sort of smart askenazi jew (relative to other ashkenazim), with an iq one std deviation higher has the verbal iq of a genius.

>> No.9845233
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>> No.9846845
File: 10 KB, 501x585, 5YBVZhS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exactly. Why can't these /pol/ morons realize that Jews haven't done anything to deserve such antipathy?