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9843266 No.9843266 [Reply] [Original]

Is suicide morally wrong? If so, how and why?

>inb4 "MUH BIBLE"

Christfags need not reply

>> No.9843267

>Is suicide morally wrong?

>> No.9843268

It would make my mother very sad, and then she would have no family.

>> No.9843272

I am honestly amazed by men who commit suicide when they have a wife and children.
I can't do it now and from what I understand about being a partner or even more a parent and being able to still take that final step is impressive.

>> No.9843279

thoust art spooketh

>> No.9843285
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Is stupid for a christian to say suicide is wrong cause God. The cathars knew it that this is no sense, seing that the purpose of life is to go back to the creator, so, killing oneself isen't bad, is going faster back to the Father.

But even tho I like the cathar theology (the little that is left and the little that I know), I aint religious, so I will talk to you from other point. To kill onself is utimately, meaningless. You as a individual is irelevant to the broader universe, why should you get all buzz up over your own death? To kill oneself is a response to when you cant take life anymore, and in some circunstances, its even better, to avoid pain or a painfull existence, for example.
But I supose that, rather than killing oneself, one can find true hapiness by persuing oneself, that is, to develop itself to the hightest possible and also help others do the same. Rather then fading away in obscurity, people who seek to kill themselfs can try find meaning and happiness in trying to turn into a shining flame, that, when fading away, at least was shining to itself and/or to others.
Is it to anchiev our max potencial; to become something beyond "human".
But, if you can't take it anymore, and is, absolutily sure of such act, there is nothing wrong about it. Remember: no true good God would send you to hell because you coudent take the world anymore, and saying otherwise, is worshiping a false deity.

>> No.9843300

No, it is the only way to achieve an honorable death when facing capture.

>> No.9843313

>daughter catches me in game of tag
>then she has to behead me, because I groaned during sudoku

Hope she's strong enough

>> No.9843322

>not carrying a hand grenade everywhere you go so you can pull the pin and hold it next to your neck

lmao are you even trying? It's like you want to be caught.

>> No.9843326

I want my daughter to be strong, anon. She has to overcome me and take my wife in her arms.

>> No.9843331

start her off with small grenades and work up to big ones so she can build an immunity

>> No.9843334

Suicide will not solve your life problems but will plunge your loved ones

>> No.9843335

Anon you need to start training your daughter in the ways the marines would do. Take all her clouths and trown her without a single thing in the wilderness of the climates and says she is only welcome home if she can arrive in her own.
After that you can believe she is strong enought

>> No.9843344

Thanks guys, this was really helpful.

>> No.9843347

It is morally wrong.

Your country has invested a lot of money in you and also your parents. Therefor you have no right to just escape. You were created to be part of this machine and it is your responsibility to do that. You are not free

>> No.9843355

You corrupt your soul. An innocent is apathetic to all pain and suffering.

>> No.9843356

>Your country has invested a lot of money in you and also your parents.

They did it by their own will, not because they were under any coercion (tho in the case of parents, that may be said otherwise).

>Therefor you have no right to just escape.

Seeing that such thing as "right's" dont realy exist, he can just escape.

> You were created to be part of this machine and it is your responsibility to do that.

He never asked to be born anyway, why should he be under the obrigation of anything? And even if he had a obligation, then woudent change the fact that he can, and should, rebel such slavery mentality by these standards.

>You are not free

He isen't 100% free, but neither is 100% constrained. And seeing that the acts of one upon oneself are of no concern for any being other them itself, no point in trying to say this is the kind of freedom he dosen't have.

>It is morally wrong.

Seeing that all your justifications are garbage, your statement is false, therefore, it isen't morally wrong.

>> No.9843359

I'm halfway through an ~800 page book called The Ethics of Suicide. It's arranged chronologically, from ancient religious myths and then through the various civilizations. I'm halfway through the Greek thinkers at this point but even now the arguments are still largely based on things like religion, spirituality, duty to nation, illegality due to violence inflicted, and so on. The Jews, the Chinese, the Sumerians and others tend to base their arguments on religious duty, or duty to family, duty to nation and so on. I'll have to go through my notes for a more comprehensive overview but I find it hard to accept that so many allegedly great thinkers were so blinded by mythology and fantasy.

>> No.9843361

on most situations, it is not like the person is accepting suicide man. its because they feel so bad all the time..its not that the person wants to die, but want to stop feeling like that. its like jump out of a high ass burning building or slowly die consumed by the flames, most people will find it less horrible to jump. thats suicide, picking the less horrible way out. we are the niggas on the sidewalk, we cant imagine what the guy jumping feels like without being in his place and seeing the fire 2 feet from you.

read the description of suicide dfw gives on IJ

>> No.9843362

I also forgot to say that, the myth that suicide is for some ignorant some form of "escape", is a lie.
To commit suicide is truly hard, it requires a burst of courage that majority of people don't have.

>> No.9843367

Suicide is often a very spur of the moment thing. People can be depressed for a long time but not suicidal, then they can just wake up one day and snap. It's actually rare that a person plans their suicide.

>> No.9843373

You dont understand moral.
Suicide is morally wrong. It is pure egoism

>> No.9843374

True. Suicide usualy is a burst of very negative things crawling in your skin and you not being able to hold it.
But even if you choose to kill yourself, nothing wrong over it.

>> No.9843378

Just imagine if 50% of the population would kill themselves the whole system would crush

>> No.9843382

Depends what demographic they are. Arguably after a short period of adjustment and disposing of the bodies we'd flourish with the extra available resources.

>> No.9843389

Yeah, but what if I don't give a shit?

>> No.9843390
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First of all, why do you realy need morals? Morality is ethics for dumb people, because ethics has critical thinking, while morality is just the old "do it because everyone does it". Morals are nothing, and usualy are unethical.

Second of all, this is just a simple conflict of interest. The person who wishes suicide usualy knows that their acts do have egoism in it, but the persons who don't want such a person to die, also act out on pure egoism! A person has the power over herself, and other people trying to do otherwise are just tyrannical and/or out of pure egoism.
To not want someone to die, is to deny the person the death because I don't want her to go. And get's worst when is with a person who is in suffering, because, you are open and don't find the idea of making someone keeping suffering for your own gains egoistic.
There is nothing more egoistic than denying someone death because it would be to hard for you to let her go, and this is just what makes Anakin go to the Dark Side, for example, and other fuck up shit in the fictional universe.

It's hard to let someone go, we all know that, but is the "right" thing, cause is worst to force someone to keep living something said person don't want anymore. Is no different from slavery.

>> No.9843392

And this is bad because? Why should we give a shit if we're going to be dead, anyway?

>> No.9843394

And what if the system colapses? This is about the individual, not the collective. Fuck the collective. My life is mine, and if I wish to end it, I have no one (not even fucking God), to awnser for it.

>> No.9843395

this is legit hilarious

>> No.9843404

They say that the black death was actually good for Europe for that reason.

There was a concern that some towns and cities were becoming overpopulated and demand for food was high which sent prices up. After the black death wiped out millions of people the survivors actually flourished because there was more land, more resources and prices for things went back to normal.

>> No.9843413

History is much more cold hearted then people usualy think. Sometimes mass death and mass murder gives birth to golden ages... Just look the industrial revolution, bunch of people fucking suffering, but look what their suffering is the base for.

>> No.9843420

Fuck off Stirnerfag

>> No.9843421

>Is stupid for a christian to say suicide is wrong cause God. The cathars knew it that this is no sense, seing that the purpose of life is to go back to the creator, so, killing oneself isen't bad, is going faster back to the Father.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labour for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me.
- Paul the Apostle, Epistle to the Philippians 1:21-26

I don't know too much about the Cathars but I would suspect they shared this view. Death is not viewed as bad (just as death (of the body) is not viewed as bad in Christianity), but they weren't a suicide cult - just antinatalists who viewed life as suffering (just as modern antinatalists like Ligotti, who is still alive).

>> No.9843426

Maybe the OP is on the run from ISIS and is contemplating his options.

>> No.9843427

I think it depends on circumstances such as severe psychological or mental torture, suicide from depression is treatable and one imo should atleast try. The best way to commit suicide is death trough starvation, it's slow, painless and gives plenty of time to think and the confrontation with death and life is present which may result in suprising results.

>> No.9843444

First, we must set aside the notion that suicides are committed for reasons like financial stress. These make up a nearly imperceptible number of suicides. The main reasons tend to be emotional pain, a relationship, or an illness.

Perhaps the easiest to understand is that of physical illness. It is not hard to grasp that someone with ALS or Muscular Dystrophy may want to end their life while still able to do so, as opposed to waitinf until their lungs stop working after the rest of their body has.

With an understanding of the symptoms and effects of mental illnesses which cause emotional pain, we can see a similar reasoning. People with severe forms of depression, for example, may suffer from heavy psychoactive attacks, they may suffer from insomnia, they may also have amnesiatic symptoms of memory loss, and they may suffer from severe paranoia. These can be crippling when it comes to interfacing with society and life itself. It is therefore no real wonder why people in these situations may seek what seems to be the only surefire escape from a biological defect that affects them from the very deepest roots of their being.

Relationships can be seen as a small, intense extension of the above. To lose someone you have become so attached to can feel less like a breakup and more like having to bury them. Perhaps, even worse than a death is the fact that the other person still exists, they still act, they will still love others; others who are not yourself. The dead are subject to the whitewashing of time which leaves most to be left in reverential memories. The living can continue to dig their heels in our chests. And so, perhaps, the most compelling way to escape such torment is to bury yourself instead.

>> No.9843445

The Cathars where a very specific and very controversil by medieval standars, no wonder the Pope called a crusade into the Tolouse region and in the end they killed or converted all (or amoust) all of them. But the perfecti, the cathars "religious authorities" were killed to the last, and today, people who call themselfs cathars don't seen the same as the old cathars I read about it.

>> No.9843532

Is this a troll statement or for real? If it's for real then wtf.

>> No.9843537

The biggest question in philosophy is wether to commit suicide or not?

>> No.9843547

The rationalization for suicide is always false unless you are very ill (and likely old) and have no hope of recovery.

Kids in their early 20s or younger killing themselves is really just a conveyor belt dispatching navelgazing idiots into the void. If you're young and considering suicide, you need to seek professional help and grow out of your juvenile wallowing stage of existence.

>> No.9843610

At first I taught it was troll, then I responded and then the dude keept going on, so either was a very desperate troll, or was a very dumb person.

>> No.9843616
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>If you're young and considering suicide, you need to seek professional help and grow out of your juvenile wallowing stage of existence.
>implying that young people wanting to kill themselfs over suffering is just juvenile wallowing

>> No.9843626
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>muh master race response >>9843285
Am I the next Plato anon?

>> No.9843632

It's not you fault your mother can't deal with death properly. It's her fault. She should fix that.

>> No.9843646

I've contemplated suicide many times since I hit puberty, though In my case it was far more a play with the thought than a serious consideration. But one of the most profound questions in philosophy is still wether to commit suicide or not. I think its more about the question than the answer. As it sparks key questions and realisations needed in this life to be happy. I'm not saying you can't without. But this is just in my personal experience.

Now to your actual statement that most suicides are early 20s that just stare at their navel, I think that's a completely wrong assumption. And I really don't think anyone has the ability to deem wether a suicide is justifyable or not. (sorry for spelling errors)

>> No.9843650

Just don't neck yourself for no good reason. That is retarded.

>> No.9843669

When will "assisted" suicide be legal and available for anyone who wants it?

>> No.9843677

I hope soon. You see, as European I don't have the same options Ameritards have. Hell, if I had been born in the States I would have just bought a shotgun and call it quits, but oh well...

>> No.9843685

Yeah, suicide is too messy and difficult to pull off. I think everyone should have the right to die.

>> No.9843705

Never cause God, morals 'n' "muh feelingssss!!11"
Solution: No Gods, no morals 'n' "fuck ur felings"
Only them we can have more humanitarian ways.

>> No.9843708

I'd say it's a waste. A waste of possibilities, of possible experiences and of life.

>> No.9844393

Read Schopenhauer's "On Suicide." If you want better to understand what he means in this particular essay, I would suggest reading his whole body of works, chiefly "The World as Will and Representation" and its Supplements.