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/lit/ - Literature

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9841072 No.9841072 [Reply] [Original]

Let us discuss the current state of /lit/.

This is not a /lit/ hate thread, it is a thread to discuss the problems the board faces, and potential solutions to said problems.

What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
What do you think is going well with /lit/?

>> No.9841079
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bugs... easy on the carrots

>> No.9841086

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?

>What do you think is going well with /lit/?
/pol/ seems to be deflating or something, less of it on here. I've had conversations about women writers without being interrupted for once

>> No.9841088

I actually think /lit/ is better than it was a year or so ago. The Catholic threads are back, which I feel brings up the overall quality of the board as long as they don't devolve into shitflinging. Also I notice that the mods have eased up on philosophy threads in the last year. Maybe they've realized /his/ is a trainwreck.

>> No.9841090

For one, there's too many Christfags here. It's fucking exasperating.

>> No.9841092

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
Too many libcucks
>What do you think is going well with /lit/?
Steady increase of threads about how shit women authors are, about subsaharan Africa's ability to produce great masterpieces, Jordan Peterson threads, oneline frog posts that's barely lit related, screenshots from social media where a random woman or nonwhite says something about white male authors, etc.

>> No.9841097


>> No.9841098

Also this

No one reads
Board should be nuked body and soul

>> No.9841107
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Thank you based bugs

>> No.9841115

That's not /pol/, it's actually that person >>9841092
They must think it's some sort of persistent false-flag raid

>> No.9841218

/plebbit/ lowered the amount of hostile posts but also dumbed down the conversations. /tv/ keeps posting not-/lit/ threads.

The /crit/ threads are slightly better than they used to be

>> No.9841283


>> No.9841305

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?

shitposting philosophags and religious shits. they both need their own containment holes in the faint hope they'll stop crapping up lit with garbage like "does existence precede essence?"

i wouldn't be sad if they took all the philip k dick fans with them, but that's just me.

>> No.9841364

Needs more poetry on the board

Critique threads are going well

The right wing posters on here are fine. But the arrogant cunt lefties are a bit annoying

50% of threads are dedicated to the same uninteresting few topics

>> No.9841375

we need more reddit threads like this one.

>le no hostility let's all be friends and pretend this forum has potential to be anything but shit

>> No.9841530

Ban all /pol/ crossposters. They bring absolutely nothing to the table but trash.

>> No.9841604

What global rule are they breaking?

>> No.9841611

>no racism outside of /b/

>> No.9841616

>remove philosophy, religion, and science fiction from literature

What, you want the board to look like the free book section of itunes?

>> No.9841621

That's not a rule

>> No.9841624
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>> No.9841643

Rangeban America from the top of Mexico up.

>> No.9841676

It would be nice if philosophy and religion were discussed in the context of literature or specific authors works.

>> No.9841846


Doesn't matter. They need to go. If you defend them in any way you need to go too.

>> No.9841869

LOL. This isn't reddit were mods delete whatever they want if they feel like it. How about you go there if you don't like the atmosphere here.

>> No.9841885

Shitposting and offtopic, at least.

>> No.9841915

Seconded. Less sociopolitical shitposting. More aesthetics answord love.

>> No.9841927

Is this sarcasm

>having a soul this impure

>> No.9841934

That's actually part of Rule 3.

>> No.9841966

Wrong. Racebaiting maybe, but racism does not break any rules

>> No.9841988

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?

to many blue pilled libturds

>What do you think is going well with /lit/?

a select few of my white brethern are red pilling /lit/. i remain confident about the future

>> No.9842007

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
I'll go with the /pol/ bogeyman. I think the problem is not so much the volume of off-topic /pol/ posts/threads (/mu/ has more of them), but people here take the bait instead of just saging and ignoring it.

>what do you think is going well with /lit/?
I like how this board is a little more mature than the rest and that people are genuinely enthusiastic about the books/philosophy they discuss, even if they are not as well read as they should be.

>> No.9842062


What's wrong with /lit/ is that so many of you cunts can't understand that this guy is so plainly being sarcastic

>> No.9842069

they hurt my feelings and ruin my echochamber. and I can't downvote them like I used to be able to on the site I originally come from.

>> No.9842083

poe's law my friend, poe's law...


>> No.9842105

They're not used to sarcastic posts that don't include "/s"

>> No.9842157

>what translation of Homer do I read?
>is getting a kindle worth it?
>where do I get free ebooks?
>Jordan Peterson
>I don't read much, but got any recommendations? I have done no research nor provided you with any other information.

>> No.9842542

this but also include bongistan and australia.

all anglos must go

>> No.9842562

Stay strong my white brother

>> No.9842567

this. agreed.
Yeah, ironically this meta thread is part of the problem.

>> No.9842580

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

It's not really enforced but after Moot brought back /new/ he threatened to delete it and enforce rule 3 on all boards if they leaked out again.

>> No.9842582

You're pretty dumb if you don't notice the same pattern that /pol/ bait uses. Go on /pol/ for a bit so you can tell when someone acting as a strange caricature.

>> No.9842583

does australian even know what lit is?
getting rid of amerifats would cut the shitposting in half overnight. the bongs probably don't speak a second language either do they? it would instantly solve the monolingual problem if they don't, but i think the bongs might be polite enough not to be /pol/lite

>> No.9842585

>Jordan Peterson
>Nick Land
>Jordan Peterson
>Jordan Peterson
>Jordan Peterson
>Jordan Peterson
>Jordan Peterson
>Nick Land

Also dirty crossposters from /fit/ like you OP. I went there for the first time in years and that place has completely lost its character.

>> No.9842590

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
People complaining about /pol/, or /pol/ being mentioned for whatever reason.
>What do you think is going well with /lit/?
It's actually one of the highest quality media boards and people are gigantic whiners.

>> No.9842594

delete all the viral marketing threads, peterson is not /lit/ but rupi kuar and john green ads can gtfo too, surely the mods can look at the ip addresses and see who's posting from some office building in brooklyn

>> No.9842625

Good thing moot isn't here anymore baby.

>> No.9842630

there is a scotsman named spaft responsible for 90% of the shitposts on this board.

>> No.9842637


>> No.9842644

Watch out guys, moot's gonna ban you!

>> No.9842674


I'm really glad this managed to sneak in just before autistic screeching of "DELET LE POL REEEEE" began

>> No.9842680

God fucking damn I had forgotten about that faggot. One time in a /lit/ tinychat he completely sperged out on me when I said the word "hipster." He acted like a cunt the whole time he was there.

>> No.9842689

Oh shit. Your post made me remember who he was. There were a few people who would indulge in Spaft's autism but then I could usually get a mod to ban him from there for at least a little while. It's nice to see some tc people still browse here. Most seem to have either moved on or had something happen to them. The person I can know about for certain is gaskun because he is the only nameposter on here from that group.

>> No.9842691
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Why are all scots so autistic?

>> No.9842693

The /pol/ posters who shit up threads on other boards are the same ones who turned /pol/ to shit. People who say "go back to ur contaimnent board xD" are still more annoying.

>> No.9842703

>People who say "go back to ur contaimnent board xD" are still more annoying.

This. They should all be relegated to their containment board, /qa/

>> No.9842741

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
/pol/acks are the biggest problem atm. It's very hard to talk about qt modernist authors because they derail the threads with shitposts and then gullible fags start arguing with them. Aside from that, they make obvious bait threads, which really affects the quality of the board.

Retarded memes like Rupi Kaur that a actually get their own threads are also bad. That behavior is okay in places that have always had awful discussion like /tv/ or /v/, but /lit/ used to be one of the few safe havens here.

And, finally, no one seems to talk about poetry anymore. I miss the time when comfy poetry threads were more common and frequent.
>What do you think is going well with /lit/?

>> No.9842742

lit tiny chat.. hmm

>> No.9842744

How to get /pol/ deleted:

1. blatantly false flag as /pol/ for months
2. create a meta thread
3. identify /pol/ as the problem

This has also been happening on /tv/, /his/, and /g/.

>> No.9842747

nobody wants /pol/ deleted though. they just want them to stick to their own board to discuss their little soap operas.

>> No.9842758

Plenty of people want /pol/ deleted.

>> No.9842761 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9842762

they're nobodies though, and probably watch soap operas.

>> No.9842770

I don't want /pol/ deleted. I welcome its existence and would get mad if that were to happen, even if I don't agree with most of its views. But that's unrealistic, anyway.

The problem is that /pol/acks simply derail too many threads and make shitty threads. I don't mind them discussing their politics on /lit/ when that's appropiate, but when they start behaving like autistic /b/tards on certain threads I honestly fear for the seemingly fading quality of /lit/. Just look at the current state of /tv/ (granted, teevee has been shit for a while now, but still).

>> No.9842775

there's a reason why /pol/ exists - to keep all those retards there, and not posting on other boards

>> No.9842783

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
Faggots like these >>9842741 >>9842693 >>9841530 >>9841086, who wish to have a circlejerk instead of a discussion when it comes to the garbage they've been brainwashed with.

Really, any faggot who complains about an argument being presented just because it's not one he aligns with is nothing but cancer that should fuck off to the non-anonymous kind of social media he spilled from. For example, whenever Irving is discussed, at best a couple of people will talk about the merits or demerits of the contents of his books, while these kinds of faggots will whine because Irving is being discussed. Which is quite ironic when they say something like this >>9842741
>It's very hard to talk about qt modernist authors because they derail the threads with shitposts and then gullible fags start arguing with them
and the fact is that the content of said "modernists"' works, the artistic merit of their garbage (though of course, mainly the lack thereof), is discussed by what that kind of people would describe as /pol/. While the anti-marxist side actually discusses literature, the pro-marxist (though not really, because they haven't really read marx, not that that would make them any less retarded of course) side insists on morally posturing on personalities instead of literature.

>> No.9842784
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>> No.9842790

Yeah what about it?
Now that I look back on things I think Spaft might have drank until he damaged his brain or something.

>> No.9842793

>Yeah what about it?
does it still exist?

>> No.9842798

Pretty sure it died out relatively fast. First it was really comfy with just a few people and it was mainly regulars who knew each other. Eventually some moron in the group started constantly spamming threads about the group to the point that it attracted a bunch of randoms and annoying people like that spaft lad. Also had a few normies in there who let their /soc/ like tendencies get the better of themselves. Always wanted to get the original gang back together but my contacts don't get back to me anymore. Interesting history behind the group actually.

>> No.9842800

It's not about having a circlejerk, it's about retards from your actual circlejerk shitting up threads with "ummm this author's a cuck, kek", "the current state of the white race :(", and a variety of downright vacuous and vapid threads.

I'm a conservative myself ffs. No one would fucking mind /pol/fags discussing literature and their politics seriously, but that's obviously not what they usually do. It just becomes a memefest about the current state of the white race, redpills, women being shit and inferior, and cucks. If that keeps going on, /lit/ will become a circlejerk on the vein of places like NeoGAF, just like /pol/.

>> No.9842805

omni is that you?

>> No.9842809

I feel bad, because I take the bait every time almost. It's tough when you talk about some sort of lit crit theory topic just to get called a Jew or cultural Marxist or whatever else flavor of the week /pol/ meme it is. The volume of /pol/ responses seems to heavily outweigh actual discussion about lit crit or even books.

>> No.9842810

>If that keeps going on, /lit/ will become a circlejerk on the vein of places like NeoGAF, just like /pol/.
That will never happen. Maybe there are a few trolls who shit post on here, but they don't stick around, because they don't read, unlike on /tv/, because they watch tv. /lit/ is unironically the best board on 4chan.

>> No.9842811

No. Sorry. It's been so long since everyone really got together so I also have forgot about some people for the most part. Only the really larger than life figures or the ones that impacted me the most remain clear in my memories. If any tc readers in this thread want to drop their names they went by I might be able to think of something worthy of posting about them.

>> No.9842819

Fit is SO bad now, like 70% of threads are offtopic and usually just cringefests involving a sad frog poster complaining about how his wrists are too small or something

>> No.9842827
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>sad frog poster complaining about how his wrists are too small

>> No.9842894

Im tired of JBP threads. They never change anyone's opinion. They're just nonsensical flame wars.

>> No.9842912

You son of a bitch

>> No.9842950

/pol/ has got to go. Stormfront, Anonymous, Trump, GamerGate, every time a group of fags rallies behind some political cause they attract unnecessary attention and flood the website with traffic. Too many people stayed this time, almost every board is like Project Chanology in it's worst days. And then /pol/tards tell other people to go 'back' as if they're carrying the original spark of this website. /pol/ has always been a containment board, the only reason they're leaving it is because they're filthy sandniggers that couldn't manage their own home. Stop raping our boards, send the fucking refugees home.

>> No.9842986

It actually is to be fair.

>> No.9843117

/his/ is a close second

>> No.9843136

They are posted 90% of the time for shitposting purposes now.

>> No.9843449

How daft are you if you think this board has high quality anything on it?

>> No.9843453

>polposting isn't the biggest circlejerk

>> No.9843458

Ban people who open utterly pointless threads (low-IQ memes, crossboard memes, other anti-discussion rubbish).

Ban /pol/. If you're not smart enough to keep /pol/ to /pol/, you need to be banned from other boards.

Ban and execute underagers, i.e. half of /lit/.

>> No.9843840

LMAO only newfags and pseuds think this.

>> No.9843859

I gave 0 fucks about /pol/ before the election, when they mostly stuck to their own board and left the rest of 4chan alone. But since the election, it seems /pol/ got flooded by a bunch of newfags who take "le epic redpills" and start spamming them fucking everywhere. /tv/ is basically unbrowseable at this point, and I don't want the other boards I browse, /lit/, /his/, /sci/, to suffer the same fate.

>> No.9843877



>> No.9843889

very true, i don't mind the occasional racist shit, i mean it's 4chan, people can take extreme positions if they want, or blow off stream from the daily annoyances of living among blacks, but the constant stupid "redpill" shit is getting fucking stupid

>> No.9843898

> /tv/ is basically unbrowseable
It isn't /pol/. There is no good reason to /pol/ post on /tv/. It won't convince anyone of anything. All it does is make people angry at /pol/.

>> No.9843907

/tv/ is the best board on this site

>> No.9843912

who the fuck watches tv? what are you a baby boomer? fuck off

>> No.9843924

Fuck you, you go

>> No.9843931

I just go there for the post ironic memes

>> No.9844038

Both of these are pretty on point.

>> No.9844040

/lit/ is fucking awful. It would still be awful if /pol. got deleted.


Because the majority of people here don't fucking read.

>> No.9844112

>is clearly a /pol/babby
>..."instead of a discussion when it comes to the garbage they've been brainwashed with.


>> No.9844121

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
too much e-politics like political compasses and meme ideologies (see: ancap, alt right, ancom etc.)

>> No.9844125

lit was good as recently as 2014
something really fucked us. the people stopped reading or at least discussing the memes. time was the catalog was nothing but dfw pynchon and joyce and i thought that was as bad as it could get

>> No.9844128

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/
Nothing. Is working as intended, oldfags are getting mad because they can't catch up to the new memes and can't take the banter and libtards get butthurt because this isn't r/books and we call them on their bullshit liberal/progressive authors and worship the true great authors of history.
>What do you think is going well with /lit/
I like that the bugs memes expanded trough boards. I've seen it on /b/ /tv/ /v/ /pol/ and even at twitter so I take some pride on it. It may be a huge pile of burning shit but it is OUR pile.
Also summer is going to end soon so we'll be able to snug back into the meme trilogy and comfy threads without the normos, underaged kids and ledditers soon enough so I am pretty happy-
PS: If any /pol/ack comes here just to shitpost the reddit away keep doing it. I know for a fact they want to make /lit/ and /his/ their 4chan stronghold.

>> No.9844130

i don't get how the mods allow non-lit related advertisements to stay up, do u think peterson's people could be paying 4chan corporate directly to leave this stuff up rather than just paying some viral marketers to spam it? at least the john green and rupi kuar ads are on topic, but an alt-right youtube channel is offtopic

>> No.9844135

>lit was good
no it wasn't. that's just when you started coming here and the longer you stayed on this circlejerk unproductive website the worse it seemed to you but I can tell you it's always been shit. It was shit when I started coming here and people who've been here longer than me will tell you it was shit before.

one thing was different and it was just less people came here and as time goes on it will only get more popular and more shit. It's headed down the same path as /tv/

>> No.9844136

t. paid by john green and rupi poo in loo to be their shill

>> No.9844145

>less people came here
That is true. I remember when threads would stay up in the first row for weeks without no one commenting on it. I pray to the lord is just the summer.

>> No.9844146

i think when the ownership changed it went downhill, the jap definitely did more marketing to bring in new users, traffic was declining when moot sold out, then the jap started doing shit like bumping 4chan related content to the front of imgur etc. and getting stories about 4chan in the media, etc. so yes it is objectively worse now, i stopped watching ufc when the fertita's sold out to that orthodox hollywood clique, and now that moot sold out to some fucking jap maybe it's time to stop this too

>> No.9844151


Because the humanities are interrelated and when you actually engage with literature you end up branching out into other areas.

Forcing every /lit/ thread to strictly be about literature in a hyper-narrow autistic sense would be a mistake.

Well I say it would be a mistake but in reality this shithole couldn't really get much worse so who cares what the hell they do.

>> No.9844153

I started coming here in 2012 and the nature of the board has changed drastically.

>> No.9844159

alt-right tranny bashing and tea party anti-intellectualism isn't "engaging with the humanities" tho

>> No.9844165

Nice strawman you've built there.

>> No.9844167

yeah it got more popular. Yet you're still here.
has it been summer since 2010?

>> No.9844170

how hard is it to become a mod? I have a serious love for this board and think i could effectively discriminate which content needs to go

>> No.9844175


I browse lit every single day and I haven't seen any examples of what you describe. I'm guessing you mean that a thread discussing Peterson is "alt-right tranny bashing."
One thing you could do to fix /lit/ is to leave immediately. You're the cancer that's killing this board with your ideology warz.

>> No.9844179

I remember last year wasn't like this.
There was a lot more stirnerposting and entire threads would be derailed into wallaceposting but I didn't feel like there were that many people

>> No.9844181

top kek

>> No.9844213

we need an admittance test

>> No.9844329

it's like describing the decomposition of a turd.

yes it will continue to exhibit the affects of entropy as it moves towards a more dilapidated state, but it was always shit.

>> No.9844335

This might sound harsh, but we should delete threads that don't post a specific book in the OP. There is a board for general humanities discussion, this board should be about literature.

>> No.9844348

Yeah, this sums up all pretty much.

>> No.9844362

10/10 will paste

>> No.9844371

>/tv/ keeps posting not-/lit/ threads.
This, ban all film and medium vs medium threads. They are not lit discussion in substance.

>> No.9844376

>shitposting philosophags
Those pieces of shit occupy to much threads and are not more than recycled memes.

>> No.9844379

>50% of threads are dedicated to the same uninteresting few topics
Underrated point

>> No.9844390

Ok guys, we found the problems. Fuck that eternal threads.

>> No.9844394

you felt the need to register your consensus but had nothing further to add.

>> No.9844398


Here's what will happen you'll have 40 topics about the same 3 book with everyone meme posting and then the rest will be topics about books no one has ever heard of with "hey just read this any thoughts?" and no replies.

You can't game a higher level of discourse. The users here are what they are.

>> No.9844419


It's still better than random pol shit. A book is like a tribute, ideally it should be posted in epub format.

>> No.9844526

>all this bitching about /pol/
>reddit isn't even mentioned
really makes you think

>> No.9844543

>if you dislike /pol/, you must be browsing reddit

kill you'are'selve.

>> No.9844593

If someone complains about /pol/ they are reddit, simple as that.
I don't agree with the redpill, nor with a lot of things pol say like race purity, globalism, the jews, etc... but I appreciate them as a guards that keep redditors away.
If the price to pay for fredom of speech and interchange of ideas is calling everyone niggers and posting happy merchants I am fine with it.

>> No.9844651

People don't leave this board and never return even if any of these apply to them:

>they read any form of genre fiction
>they barely know their classics
>they tend to believe that if they like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>they think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>they speak a single language
>they read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>they read for the plot
>they read for solely for entertainment
>they rarely read nonfiction
>they don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>they don't have at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>they have little to no understanding of literature outside of their cultural horizon
>they have little to no understanding of literature within their own cultural horizon
>they mostly read contemporary literature
>they believe 'the author is dead'
>they make their literary analysis proceed from ideology
>they think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>they rarely read poetry
>they think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
>they have a hard time explaining why they like a given work
>they have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>they tend to refuse to judge works for themselves, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
>they rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

>> No.9844682


>> No.9844762

Nice falseflagging /pol/

>> No.9844812

Take your agenda elsewhere kiddo.

>> No.9845117

>It's fucking exasperating.

it's exasperating what?

[stick to two syllable words]

>> No.9845269

Look at all the kvetching itt, my god. I wouldn't be surprised if it's nearly all jews fretting about how they can't control the narrative anymore. Well-read white men who have a deep understanding of their literary culture and want to remove the brown people jews have let in to white countries are the most intelligent people on this board. The dumbest people are the low-t "go back to pol" bitchboys. Most are jews and the other non-whites who stumble in from time to time, but there are I'm sure some under 18 white kids who repeat what these jews say because they don't know any better. Don't listen to these whiny jews, this is a board celebrating white European culture and there is nothing wrong with outward expressions of that. It's normal and natural.

>> No.9845719

>I wouldn't be surprised if it's nearly all jews
my sides!

>> No.9845797
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>> No.9845860

It sounds retarded.

>> No.9845869

You need to read at least Bellow and preferrably the Bashevis Singers before you use yiddish again, anon. Revise the whole thing, and come back to us in six months.

>> No.9846901

You haven't been to the other boards.

>> No.9846989

embarrassing post

>> No.9846991

meta threads are the worst threads in every board

>> No.9847056

>I'm smart compared to the other kids on the shortbus
this is how you sound

>> No.9847076

Well we're stuck on the shortbus forever so you may as well enjoy being one of the better one's instead of bitching to no purpose.

>> No.9847086

or we could acknowledge the failings inherent within us and attempt to wait for death with dignity.

>> No.9847089

>Well-read white men

This is a thread about the state of /lit/

>> No.9847092

Ban all future posts about DFW and IJ

>> No.9847096

That's great and all but this is an imageboard and bitching to no purpose is counterproductive to a higher quality board.

>> No.9847111

>rhythm and rhyme
what are you a fucking rap """"""""artist""""""""? it's called meter you piece of shit

>> No.9847125

>higher quality board.
a pipe-dream. you realize it will never get better don't you?

>> No.9847128
File: 29 KB, 753x707, a4yawum28w8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one board better than /lit/

>> No.9847145

they deserve to be left alone and you know it.

>> No.9847157

There exists virgin boards on this website untainted by the reach of /pol/?

I'm willing to spend some coin, if you have information.

>> No.9847165


>> No.9847168

i wouldn't do it to them because they are wonderful autists and smart enough to hide in plain sight by only attracting lurking and interested fellow autists.

>> No.9847173

spill the beans

>> No.9847175

lurk moar

>> No.9847179

You're lying, such a board does not exist

>> No.9847183

you're bumping a meta thread. you're not ready, kohai.

>> No.9847185

What if I was the OP

>> No.9847188

I'd let you take credit for a shit thread.

>> No.9847201

Why are you on this board

>> No.9847213
File: 121 KB, 319x525, finno korean hyperwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a parallel board called /darklit/ where ONLY discussion of the meme trilogy* and bugs posting are allowed and absolutely nothing else. Then Jackie 4chan should create a third board, called /arena/ or something, where the forces of /lit/ and /darklit/ do battle, a never-ending epic battle where the prize is nothing less than the sanctity of literature itself.

*Infinite Meme, Gravity's Memebow and Memeyses

>> No.9847219

I like books :3

>> No.9847221

Is Mel Gibson still alive?

>> No.9847463

A lot of these are true of me but the plan is to fix them within the next 5 years or so

I'm poor and went to public school

>> No.9847468

>Is Mel Gibson still alive?
Why? You think he should be Prince of /darklit/?

>> No.9847483

i think i want to see him fight the new moot in the context of that plot. whatever role you give him it'll be fine.

>> No.9847546

There is nothing wrong with bugs, the only meme /lit/ has produced in its entire history.

>> No.9847550


>> No.9847554

>/pol/ 61 results
Found the leftypol hideout thread LOL

These threads, btw, don't make /lit/ any better

>> No.9847579

I feel bad that /lit/ is a part of 4chan and not an entity of it's own.
Don't get me wrong, i know /lit/ is only what it is because of 4chan. But i have the feeling the longer it resides here the more it will go to shit.
Also i wish to know more people who traverse /lit/, but it's bound by no contactfagging and so on. Isn't it understandable for people wanting to meet people who are likeminded?
My wish seems like a community, but with anonymity of the sorts of 4chan.
Also i would like to talk to people about thoughts and what they think about different topics, not just books.

>> No.9847607
File: 875 KB, 1698x896, Heimdal_and_his_Nine_Mothers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit works because of its elitism, which for anything art-related is hard to find even in 4chan (have a look at /mu/), let alone outside 4chan.

This place will die, threads about sci-fi and fantasy will be the norm and the ones for the canon will stay in its contended thread (have a look at mu's classical music threads).

>> No.9847613

>the only meme /lit/ has produced in its entire history.

"Start with the Greeks" is definitely a more notable /lit/ meme than bugs. And don't forget Tao Lin, i.e. "go to bed Tao Lin".

>> No.9847617

Yeah, i want the elitism to be a substantial part, is it so hard to filter those who are willing to be more from those who are bound by their mediocrity?

I just want to know more people who are like that. I literally only know aprox 5 people who are like that in real life. And i want more.

>> No.9847639

Yes of course, those are top tier memes. I actually wanted to say memes that cross boards.

>> No.9847643

I'd like the humanities to be excised from /his/ and added to /lit/.

>> No.9847646

We could plunder 8 chan. Barely inhabited, should be easy to raid

>> No.9847652

they're basically already /lit/ once you've read a book instead of watching the history channel on the subject.

>> No.9847658

Yeah, except no one minds the politics, they mind the derisive, obnoxious, troglodytean presentation of the ideas, which actively discourages real discussion. No thanks.

I don't hate /pol/ because they're wrong, I hate them because they're a bunch of shouting chimp morons. Loudest voice gets heard, period type folk.

>> No.9847659

I just want to get to know well rounded people with a larger understanding of the world. Life is to short to be alone.

>> No.9847667

So people can't complain about pol shitpost and bait threads without being Reddit or Leftypol?

>> No.9847693

>What is wrong with /lit/ ?

posts like this: anyone talking about "global rules being broken" needs to go the fuck back to le reddit. the plebs from /pol/ are annoying, but banning them to satisfy the the new wave feely feels of hipster undergrads isn't the answer. same is true for the idiot talking about getting rid of 'philosophags' and 'religious shits,' as well as the person mentioning 'sociopolitical shitposting.'if they read well, they would be able to engage philosophy, religion, and sociopolitical issues. if they want a safe space for their 'aesthetics,' they can go back to tumblr. yes the board should focus on literature, but I'd prefer to continue discussing it in the sort of language and terminology I've always enjoyed on 4chan.

>What's going well?

Tripfugs, Tard Lin idiocy, IJ spam, seem to be gone or on their way out.

>> No.9847696


this isn't a classroom. The "jew" and/or "cultl Marxst" phrases are shitposting (from /pol/ or otherwise) where the person's entire understanding of literary theory/criticism comes from the Foucault copypasta, and if you're getting bent out of shape about it, you should read enough theory and criticism to be fine with not feeding the troll.

>> No.9847708

They aren't lit. We're lit, and they're seperate from us. I'm not arguing for the whole of his, just the humanities. That is to say the dicussion of art, which they do discuss - architecture and sculpture primarily; but a discussion of the humanities without literature is void. They are inseparable.
For one, religion and religious texts are frequently brought up on lit, unsurprisingly, and alongside it Nietzsche, Jung, Kant, Kirkegaard, Peterson (triggering everyone) etc. and their criticisms or theories about said topic. And if we're going to be technical about it that is a discussion of art, and should therefore be on /his/. Supposedly this board is primarily to be for authors and writing styles which serve in helping improving writing. With the asterix;

>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

As to why they're seperate, i've been told it was due to practicality, so discussion of literature wouldn't be drowned out by discussion of the humanities.
However, this is a slow board, so I don't think it'd be drowned out, considering it already has a low population. But i haven't been here long enough to know what it was like before, if they ever were conjoined.
Either way, /his/ would have to be okay with the migration, and how we'd go about getting their approval, I don't know.

>> No.9847711


Rest in piece.
In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti. Amen.

>> No.9847714

They actually made great threads. You must be new here.

>> No.9847721

It is still 8Alive

>> No.9847731

Don't lie to me. Slut.

>> No.9847742

>meter is all there is to poetic rythm

>> No.9847744

You turned off your trip to say this, didn't you?

>> No.9847817

that part of the sticky was added by the mod. there's always been art and architecture threads on here, but you need to be able to recommend a book to a newb not just show off your wikipedia reading. /his/ was supposed to take more of /lit/ over there, but it didn't. because /lit/ reads books about those subjects and wanted a /phil/ where you had to demonstrate you read philosophy and read deeply. that's why you find more autists in history threads here who correct people's greek, and why most of the peterson threads here have annoyed /lit/ because peterson has no idea the definition of postmodernism in literature, art, or philosophy, or how he hasn't read the books he claims to understand.

/his/ was supposed to get more of those autists, but it turns out they liked books and the requirement you read about it before talking about it.

>tl;dr- there are art threads here, and /his/ and the sticky are mods trying to direct bookworms' autism unsuccessfully away from the book board

>> No.9847831

pol is a complete boogeyman, what you are mistaking are some /tv/edditors coming in and shitposting hard about sjw crap.

pol has pretty good quality threads, much like lit.

>> No.9847848

>What's wrong with /lit/?

Normies and assblasted retards who want mods to do more policing on this board. There is literally nothing wrong with memes.

>> No.9847850

Is that a new meme?

>> No.9847854

Memes stifle creativity and prevent actual conversation. They're nothing more than mindless repetition of old jokes. If you want memes I suggest you go to imgur and upvote your favourites with the rest of the imbeciles.

>> No.9847882


I've been on /lit/ since the beginning, and on 4chinz since 2005, but sure you and your tripfriends can keep telling yourselves that the rest of us really, really enjoyed those threads.

>> No.9847904


No, sweetie. Even forced memes evolve into different memes. I come to /lit/ to shitpost about books. Don't take this away from me you damn pseuds.

>> No.9848001

Hard to say. One of the things I've noticed is that a lot of posters on here don't know how to hold a discussion, that is, they resort to memes or calling you spooked when they disagree with you. In these instances, no attempt is made to at least understand each other's differing perspectives, it just turns into a shit-flinging contest. And while there's nothing wrong with a little banter, I would hope that this board could be better than the other boards as far as quality discussion goes.

>> No.9848018 [DELETED] 

/ This is Bob
/▌ Bob has moved on from Youtube
/ \ Copy and paste him and he will soon take over 4chan

>> No.9848046
File: 11 KB, 978x126, post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see pic. I kept being blocked by the spam filter, which is really fucking bizarre.

>> No.9848071

Most people here haven't read much at all.

>> No.9848101

I'm unironically crying

>> No.9848104

girardfag is the most interesting thing to ever happen to /lit/. Great, thorough, discussions can be had with him, despite his somewhat schizo nature.
That being said, /lit/ seems to have grown more racist and anti-Semitic, which is really sad. I'm not sure if it's a product of /pol/ or what, but it's really disheartening.

>> No.9848307

You stupid fuck - are you even the anon I was talking to or did you just ignore the line of conversation?

>> No.9848342

t. girardfag

>> No.9849348
File: 127 KB, 1024x721, 1441122418575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm feeling down one day and need a pick-me-up by way of amazing displays of whiny jewish butthurt over being forced to witness other people expose jews and speak openly about their negative influence on literature and philosophy, I will make sure to make a thread exactly like this. Holy Moshe this is gold!

>> No.9849363
File: 30 KB, 921x83, Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 2.13.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a heavy /pol/ user for many months and I can tell you right now if you think pol has good quality threads you are severely deluded.

>> No.9849379

8pol has much more informative, quality threads. 4pol has been a shillfest and a shithole for long time.

>> No.9850212
File: 37 KB, 600x770, wittgenstein-deceifing-oneself-32289753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is incredibly flattering - thank you - but the neoplatonist guy is more interesting than me, tbqh. way more.

>> No.9850214

>What do you think is wrong with /lit/?
>What do you think is going well with /lit/?

>> No.9850343

If you don't like anything then why are you here?

>> No.9851320

faggot atheist detected

>> No.9851330

Ban all non-Catholics. Problem solved.

>> No.9851481

Still does have high quality threads. Not my issue you focus on the shit that you could just filter-ignore.

>> No.9851529

I just went to 8pol since I realized I had never gone to it.
They still have pizzagate and Seth Rich generals.

>> No.9852790


>> No.9852797
File: 11 KB, 154x151, 1478106839459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memes that cross boards.
>he actually ranks memes based on how popular they are across the site
>he actually ranks memes

>> No.9852811

This board would truly turn to rubbish if the Christians left. Just look at the current state of /sci/ - nothing but pseuds, the "redpilled," and Bill-Nye-worshipping troglodytes. Half the threads on any given day are about the Bell Curve ffs. The smattering of erudites is beyond negligible.

Granted, look who I'm talking to. You probably fall into at least one of, or a related, cancerous category I mentioned.

>> No.9852815

two periods not three

>> No.9853301

See what I >>9842783 mean?

>> No.9854011


In what ways do they bother you?

>> No.9854023

The Orthodox bros are good to argue with.

>> No.9854037


They degrade any form of dicourse into "le degeneracy" "decline of the west" "(((they)))" and "niggers".

A decent tread derailes as soon as a woman or a non white author/character is mentioned. Which is a shame. Be racist for all I care, but stay on topic.

>> No.9854100

There should be an hour block for people posting on /pol/ trying to post on most other boards.

>> No.9854771

Those posts wouldn't exist if people don't take the bait (:

>> No.9854815

It's fascinating to watch you work through your thoughts out loud by reflecting on the output of /lit/. Like the converse of Socrates. It might be more solipsistic but it does have a positive mimetic effect on the rest of us.

>> No.9854826

There's a halfway decent telegram chat for /lit/. We don't have any literature PhDs, but we also don't have the dark elements of 4chan that you seem to want excised, and having a screen name seems to force you to be respectful. Oh, and we also talk about things other than books. I'll provide the link if you're interested

>> No.9854866

They also wouldn't exist if the posters were interested in discussing literature. Why are you victim-blaming, bigot?

>> No.9854900 [DELETED] 

Here's a blog post for anyone interested. I am just writing it for reflective purposes and to see if anyone has sympathy.

I was at a recruitment party for a fraternity at the university I'll be attending soon. Thinking about it, I wonder how different the men there are from the men here. They buy an identity for themselves, and in turn receive booze and easy access to women. I wonder if they are really happier than the people who spend hours here drinking the artificial booze of anonymity.

We make our own identity, and it rarely matches up with what's on the inside, but is that so different from everyone else? We choose identities for ourselves--businessmen, science nerd, sorority girl, reading buff, feminist crusader, religious crusader--and try to convince ourselves that that identity matches the person on the inside. Does it, really? Can it, really?

The worst part of all of this is that I wonder whether there ever was a "real" me. I think back to my childhood years and sometimes I think, "Yes! That was it. The genuine me." But did that kid really even exist?

I had a relationship with a girl in my high school classes. She was a hot, 8.5/10 blonde girl with all the social connections and the style that made every guy stare. In my junior year, she basically asked me out. I was so dumb and afraid (and also religious at the time) that I turned her down and she ended up dating the quarterback of our high school team before I realized what a dumb mistake I had made.

But, looking back, I wonder what I really felt for her. Was I really "in love" with her, or did I just want to fuck her (I definitely wanted to fuck her, but I am not sure about the love thing). I pursued her in my senior year, and there was a connection there--she never left her boyfriend, but she came close. I don't know what my motivations were. At the time, I had convinced myself I loved her, but was it just my hormones guiding me to the pussy (and failing at their job)?

All this relates to my OP in that it's about identity and whether what goes on here is really what I am doomed to do for the rest of life. The thing that haunts me most is that this may be it--a reducio ad absurdam for modern human existence.

>> No.9855014

I don't know if it ever was any better, but /lit/ really sucks. Half the time it's /pol/ and the other half it's /b9k/ with half-assed David Foster Wallace memes. /mu/ and /fa/ have a higher level of discourse and are more capable of staying on topic.

In some ways, it's worse than /pol/ because /pol/ will at least give a reason for why they think Jews are destroying the world or whatever. /lit/ is just /pol/'s leftovers. I suggest just killing the board and moving its remnants to /his/.

>> No.9855053

>or whatever
The most well-read and intellectually mature posters on /lit/ are the same posters who discuss the jewish question when it is relevant. Why are you in here trying to pretend the problem lies with other people when it is yourself who is cognitively deficient in a major category of knowledge that is relevant to past and current states of western literature? You are the problem here, get it? The "go back to pol" pseuds (who are mainly jews for those not in the know) are the posters who are incapable of engaging in adult-level discourse and are bringing the quality of this board down because they behave like children and lack a fundamental piece of the puzzle required for intellectual well-roundedness.

>> No.9855074
File: 30 KB, 505x431, 825228736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks every intelligent /lit/ poster is antisemitic

>> No.9855085

not enough reading group threads

>> No.9855104

No, I'm pointing out that posters like yourself who use words like "antisemitic" unironically are unintelligent.

>> No.9855113

I'd like to see more of these, but it seems like they don't last very long. I'm thinking of the war and peace reading group, and the decline and fall of the roman empire reading group is going to fail. The best this board has ever had was infinite summer, which we didn't do this year.
I for one don't participate in reading group threads because I'm never (at the time) that interested in reading the work in question. Maybe the reading groups fail for a similar reason; people hop onto a reading group out of excitement to participate in ANYTHING but aren't interested enough in the work to sustain it in the long run.

>> No.9855116

I wish there were less request threads. Or at least we could contain it to one thread. I'm tired of seeing constant "Where do I start with X" threads on the catalog. We could also profit in having threads or request threads about more obscure things. And threads about prose/poetry analysis rather than thematic or plot discussion (not like those abound either).

Overall, to me, like 90% of the problem is that we have completely throwaway OPs.

>> No.9855119

Again, you're not pointing out anything.

>> No.9855133

I'm pointing out that the inverse of what those prone to whine think is true, is true. That is something.

>> No.9855151

>I wish there were less request threads.
Excellent diagnosis.
>We could also profit in having threads or request threads about more obscure things
Excellent prognosis.
I know this board is averse to generals, but Christ, imagine how many throwaway OPs we could throwaway (heh) if we had a Translations General, or something.

>> No.9855185

More Christposting.

>> No.9855216
File: 57 KB, 386x291, I know it's you Tommy go finish your next book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've personally never gotten the aversion to generals. The only way a board can have a living culture of its own and make things happen is if there is a semi-constant string of discussions/threads relating to a topic. Otherwise what do you get? The same threads, jokes and comments over and over again, with the occasional spontaneous insightful discussion or above-average contribution. I'd take risking missing on it than being eternally incapable of moving on.

>> No.9855394
File: 110 KB, 538x465, yeT47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad you think so. i'm pretty much all worked out now i think. ready to be a cool silent nobody again.

figuring out & thoroughly digesting acceleration & deleuze was the big one for me. and b/c acceleration is *never fully digestible* - not on planet meme - well, i mean, you have to fucking *talk about that shit.* it's a mechanosphere, everything's connected
>maybe ludosphere also
>more on that later maybe

i can't even be mad about solipsism either, it's true...mostly. i just prefer thinking about loud. talking stuff out is good, just working out your weirdness and articulating. i'm sure most of the time i come across as manic or abrasive or whatever but really it's just being excited or interested in ideas and wanting to lay my cards fully on the table, no tricksies.

my thing is that cynicism sucks. that's all. i'm built to make cynicism hard because i set out to be as cynical as possible and in the end it just didn't work and the basket i had all my eggs in fell apart and now i sound like this, schizo-neurotic wasteland mendicant. everything that i have been posting on /lit/ for the past year or however long has all basically just been a part of trying to deal with what happens when none of your internal suppressors work any longer, and you basically have to talk about shit somehow or go insane. fwiw virtually everyone i meet IRL gets the same never-ending speech from me: capitalism, tech, paranoia, w/ev. and because i am wholly convinced that only analysis or mystical/nondual stuff works. everything else is hysteria or cynicism. people have butterflies in their stomachs and these i feel i understand

but i feel pretty sorted out now tbqh. CTRL > capitalism, but the Way > CTRL. pic rel computes entirely for me. but the reason why i was so into that neoplatonism thread is because that too, i think, is also worth thinking about. that is the shit that all got shelved by Nick Land's Wild Ride.

incredibly now it only seems that much more beautiful. it's why i can't really do neoplatonism myself; i'm built for liminalia and existential hijinx. but i am all in on doing Nice Things for neoplatonists. i like those guys.

so in terms of solipsism i'm like a defective sphinx. i can't ask riddles, i can only tell you about them and how they all fall apart in the end. it's why i like the chinese so much. deleuze also. ofc girard. i used to be able to ask sexy riddles and i fucking riddled myself clean through to the other side into whatever the fuck i now am. bizarre. but that's philosophy for you.

anyways. glad to know there's been some positive mimesis going on tho. all glory to the /lit/ mimetosphere as always. and thanks for the kind shout-out once again. makes my day.

>> No.9855407

Would be great :)

>> No.9855422


>> No.9856470

Every day, the evidence that 4chan is a website dedicated to make idiots into idiots that feel sophisticated is more obvious. It is full of those that will spend ten dollars on a book, spend ten minutes reading, and then spend ten more dollars on a T-shirt of said book. Then spend another ten minutes making a post about it.

The authors of /lit/ are writing for what could only be called the wrong reasons. Most don't write to share their ideas, or make sense of more complicated thoughts through large metaphors, or even to entertain and educate. No, most authors (if they even deserve the title) on /lit/ instead write for the feeling of accomplishment, the pleasure of doing something they perceive to be worthwhile or intelligent, the potential fame that comes from publishing their work, online or otherwise- a weak attempt at a slice of immortality. Reading these causes enough suffering to oneself, but contemplating how the author thought it was worthwhile to create (and more disturbing still, worthwhile to share) is almost unsettling.

My complaint isn't mostly in the ridiculous posts, or the shitposts, or the joke posts. Far worse are the embarrassing and somewhat depressing posts about how many books the original poster has read, and how many books the other posters have read. Or the threads about charts, used to get 'into' a certain genre or author or time period of literature (when really, sufficient interest will let the reader simply take a look into a book of the type they're curious about, and go where their mind takes them next!). Or possibly the worst, the bookshelf threads; here, posters are encouraged to show off their literature related purchases, normally a small amount of /lit/-approved literature coated with dust not a month after their purchase. If this board is any indicator, somebody can be considered well-read and intelligent- and convince themselves that they fall in both camps- with a large enough wallet, a large enough amount of time, and a small enough social life.

>> No.9856477
File: 35 KB, 438x750, 1498240185391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have to read Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest to get people to like me here? Or should I just go back to /tv/?

>> No.9856620

We need stronger moderation to delete bait threads. So many threads are "I can't believe Mishima was gay" and "Stephen King is a pedo" and "Any Marxists here?"

We might as well just ban threads that start on a negative premise, push people towards making threads about things they like.

>> No.9856673

So much this. The OP should bring forward an idea or a perspective to be discussed, not just bait by asking questions.

>> No.9856676

>We need stronger moderation to delete bait threads.
You need to stop taking bait.

>> No.9856686

You need to stop posting bait.

>> No.9856688

I'm sure the meta thread needed a bump, mr basic cancer

>> No.9856692

It was already on the first page, idiot. It also has some good comments.

>> No.9856698

i think you thinking your special thoughts are special are exactly why you're neck deep in bullshit threads. /good comment

>> No.9856708

Why do you need to advertise the fact that you don't know shit?

>> No.9856716

Sounds interesting, you still have a link?

>> No.9856723

i know how to 4chan and why lurking when you're being retarded is advised for you, anon, like every anon. you're the bullshit poster you hate to read when you don't have a (you) next to the numbers. stop being (you)

>> No.9856753

see >>9856698

>> No.9856820

>being this easily baited
you really do need to leave. this is just further indication that you post in those threads you hate and bump them for everyone else, and probably without any lit related content. maybe try killing youself if you really can't stop responding to bait. might get two birds with one stone, since you like efficiently failing.

>> No.9856849

Who's baited now?

>> No.9857025

Bit afraid to post it now given all the meta-baiting shitposting going on, but here you go.

>> No.9857093

Someone already posted it a few rungs above you, steel-balls.

Now someone post the discord so we can triangulate the meta-sissy discussions I can only assume are kosher whine-fests about pol.

>> No.9857116

That was me that posted it.
I think I'm in the discord but I won't post the link since you didn't ask nicely.

>> No.9857504

which would be fucking stupid since the /pol/tards do not magicly disapear. They would just invade the next board. Most likely /his/ oder /int/ which are slowly becoming one identity anyways

>> No.9857692

we would get less people coming here specifically for /pol/ tho
that's what's happening now and is the biggest potential problem with containment boards
/personally I don't want it deleted because the short short term retaliation would be awful)

>> No.9857703

>not reading more than /pol/
they never want to talk to you if you can paper them to death. start with the greek and move forward with every other salient point they missed. existentialism is no good without the unrelenting unforgetting of all history.

>> No.9859664


/lit/ discord is literally what you want

>> No.9859684


>> No.9859690

What the hell is it with leftists and being absolutely unable to tolerate any kind of ideology besides their own?

Is this the next stage in memetic evolution?

>> No.9859701

/lit/ will die once big name publishers decide to pay shills to spam the board with the latest crap.

It's what killed the quality on /g/ and /v/.

Fucking consumerism. It's a goddamn blighted cancer on the entire world.

>> No.9859765

/lit/ is also slow, and it's not the kind of place that people come for quick low effort trolls and laffs.

>> No.9859796

/a/ is the longest-living board besides /b/ which is barely recognizable. It has barely changed, it is also much more elitist than /lit/. If anything, /lit/ is too accepting of turds.
Also, these reddit mods need to leave. They're ruining /a/ with their complete misunderstanding of the board and they're ruining /lit/ too for the same reasons. Peterson threads need to be deleted on sight, and the turd making them needs to be banned every single time.

>> No.9860272

I am glad, that the current /lit/ mod seems to tolerate 4cc threads.

>> No.9860326

>he thinks 'big publishing, has money for shills and demographic research

The publishing industry probably does under 100 mil a year in business all together. There's not multiple billions of fillers floating around like w/ vide-o-geams

>> No.9860328

What are the expectations about the new form chocolate Goku SS2?

>> No.9860359

Delete all posts that are not about literature. You will delete the /pol/acks too considering they never read. Ban Youtube videos, ban wikipedia, ban all comments who do not refer to an academic source.

>> No.9860379

If that happens there would be like 4 threads on the catalog, & isn't the moderation on this board already tight?

>> No.9860384

Tight moderation, you must be joking, right? The board is overrun by idiots and pseuds.

>> No.9860398

>The board is overrun by idiots and pseuds.
Well, that may be true, though there aren't many off-topic threads, I mean compare /lit/ to /mu/ for example, the quality of the threads are light years ahead on /lit/

It's a good board, it can improve, you can start by not being an elitist

>> No.9860463

Fairly entitled desu.

>> No.9860469

You people went that you need to leave 4chan if a person doesnt have /pol/ views. Dont play the victim

>> No.9860474

This board was only good when it was slow, 2014 and before. We need to have a filter between those who read (a minority) and those who don't and spout memes instead (a majority). The only way this can be accomplished is with really tight moderation. Considering this will never happen, this board is doomed (and so is the rest of 4chan). Influx of alt right new fags killed 4chan in 2016.

>> No.9860496

>"x" was better before meme

People who say this are almost always newfags, I've been on this board since 2010, and it's better than it has ever been.

>> No.9861284

>you can start by not being an elitist
This is the worst idea itt. Not surprising seeing as it came from someone who browses /mu/

>> No.9861352

delete /lit/

>> No.9861535

/lit/ is simply beyond redemption at this point. Out of curiosity and boredom I decided to sort through the entire catalogue, only leaving up threads that met the following criteria:
>specifically mentions at least one work of literature
>OP actually takes the time to write his own feelings/thoughts on the piece of literature in question, rather than just asking asking /lit/ what they though without contributing anything of their own
>the thread is about /lit/ browsers posting excerpts from their own literature and asking for critique
Now, you'd think this is a pretty reasonable set of criteria for a literature board, but do you want to know how many threads were left up on the catalogue? Seven. There are seven threads actually up on /lit/ that either contain an OP that discusses a work of literature, or an OP that asks for users to post their work for critique. Seven worthwhile threads on the entire board, and that's not even to say the threads are all especially good, just that they meet the bare minimum. The threads in question discuss the Old Testament, A Song of Ice and Fire (lol), Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and The Tropic of Cancer. Then there are two threads dedicating to writing/critiquing.

/lit/ is dead.

>> No.9861548


>muh serious discussions

It's like you don't even understand 4chan.
The point of 4chan is to meme. This entire site is just a crucible for crystallizing memes.
You're actually the one who is out of place.

>> No.9861554

I think you might have gotten lost on your way to /b/ or /r9k/ friend

>> No.9861559

Get out

>> No.9861567


Aaaaaaand you respond with memes.
You're proving my point dumbass. Lol.

>> No.9861576

>The point of 4chan is to meme.
no it isnt you fucking retard. the point is to create OC and have anonymous discussions

>> No.9861596

Get the fuck out.

Seriously, get out. You don't seem to realize how /lit/ used to be great, before beasts like you ruined it. Now the mods side with the mediocre, with the rabble, with you ; they will ban anyone telling your kind to get the fuck out. They helped make this place more like reddit ; and it just keeps getting worse, as reddit users come, and just see the garbage, the retarded shit, the dumb sci-fi, fantasy, pleb threads, and go "woah this board is actually quite like reddit but with another template," so we have to deal with them, and they start to form sort of gangs, and will side against anything rare or noble to further wallow in their mediocrity like an animal in its shit. Most of them must be fat fucks, gamers and losers.
Some of them can be reared into respectable people, but they must encounter anons with unfathomable arrogance backed up by true knowledge of the subject matter. The good ones will feel terrible about themselves, and will remake themselves. They will read the good books, they will despise their former selves, and attempt to create a new personality, bringing about their maturity.
The others are just too low-blood to make it, probably the descendants of products of incest or the sludge of some peasant caste in a past age, the kind with big foreheads and squinted faces, who hunker through the streets and yell at anyone they deem "tryhard" or "hipster," words true for some but used falsely by them against anything or anyone remotely Olympian. These must be simply embarrassed with ad hominems, doxes, literary gang rape and dunce caps until they get the fuck out for good. That's all they can understand, so we speak their language.

Since we stopped doing this like we used to, the board now lacks the atmosphere of an old e/lit/e french salon fused with the violent Greek ἀγών which it once possessed.

We don't have experts to come in and shit on newplebs, tell them to go back to reading catcher in the rye: we've let people who fap off to DFW actually have threads and not shame them out of here, and the American election has made everyone care about petty politics more than the canon, so you get effete antifa wannabees and braindead alt-right meme-spouters bickering about who is more sophisticated when neither of them read anything written prior to the nineteenth century.

If we want the board to be good we have to shit on people all the time and cultivate a culture of elitism again.

In order to achieve this, we must make the reddit users feel not welcome, and ruin their chances at an actual discussion of whatever their mediocrity brought them to enjoy. They must lose all incentive to come here. This incentive is fundamentally that they find a platform which allows to partake in such discussion. This platform must be destroyed ; we must insult, humiliate and harass them until they can no longer find any pleasure in coming here.

>> No.9861598


I'm speaking to you in the only language you understand. Unironically get out.

>> No.9861679
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I think that to say the problem comes from reddit or other sites is a generalisation. It's about people in general who are new to this site and/or new to reading.

First and most importantly, to have one's opinion heard in this board, one must read. Read consistantly and with some variety.

Secondly, one must understand the etiquette of /lit/ and 4chan in general.

From there on it takes a few practice runs and thick skin. In other words /lit/ will test you to see if your dedication to and interest in literature is sincere.

This is how 4chan and /lit/ went for me and I benefitted from the experience. When I learned that people were here to talk about books, not to baby me, I committed myself.

I think something that might be lacking is a revision of our top-of-page sticky to include basic rules that are commonly agreed upon and strictly enforced, followed by tips and recommended reading lists for newcomers (use the catalogue, often-discussed books, /lit/ recommendations etc.?). Some of this is already there but we should brainstorm a revision.


>> No.9861685

>sincerereplying to pasta

>> No.9861699
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I agree that the presence of /pol/ and /r9k/ is embarrassing as fuck... but you blame the moderators responsible for keeping their horseshit out.

And no, I don't mean conservative opinions. I'm conservative too. I'm talking about the inane celebrity gossip/"OMG LOOK WHAT THIS CLICKBAIT SITE SAID ABOUT WHITE MALES"

So put me down for poor moderating.

>> No.9861780

It's valid regardless. Nice contribution!

>> No.9861803

Nice punctuation!

>> No.9861817

>t they must encounter anons with unfathomable arrogance backed up by true knowledge of the subject matter
>calling knowledge of one's own competence "arrogance"
please know i am giving you a hard stare that can be felt in deepest darkest peru.

>> No.9861826


>when all he has left is grammatical errors

You have been unintentionally memed, friend

>> No.9861832

We have no standards left.

>> No.9861894

Punctuation. Non-possessive its. Fixed.

Now can we revise the top-of-page sticky please?

>> No.9862010

Now that I think about it I wish lit was extremly slow again

>> No.9862087

You should feel embarrassed for not realizing your conservativism is a sham. I have nothing to do with pol but at least they get that conservativism is about race and isn't an abstract ideas anybody can get behind, as you like some boomer for whatever reason still seem to think it is.

>> No.9862454

kys you dumbass redditor.

>> No.9862457

Give me a quick rundown on this meme.

>> No.9862624

Did we even get new janitors? This board is full of trash threads.

>> No.9862628

bump limit Faggots! suck my diiiiiiiick

>> No.9862643
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>> No.9862645

I am personally of the opinion that there needs to be a great cull and purge of 4chan's mods and janitors since the vast majority of them are petty shits who don't actually do their jobs.

>> No.9862651

I believe complaining about 4chan is against the rules

>> No.9862652

nah, still bumping. Sorry dude.

To stay on topic, my suggestions:

1. Delete any thread that doesn't focus on a specific author or specific book
2. Delete all bait threads that don't bring their own idea, or have a well formulated question
3. Enforce containment threads for various meme authors. No more than 1 Jordan Peterson, Nick Land, DFW thread
4. Ban people more often.

>> No.9863475 [DELETED] 


>> No.9863955

This is exactly the problem, this attitude, usually held by recent migrants to 4chan, is detrimental to decent discussion. It's not uncommon to hear people like this say "4chan is for memes, and reddit is where I have quality discussion!". Complete and utter cancer, yet we can't even tell them to go back. Thanks, mods.

Also, will we ever get a response from the moderators in this thread? It seems we're too far gone to police ourselves, we need an intervention.

>> No.9863961

this would be good. it would also be nice if we could encourage OPs to contribute more than one sentence to their post. Instead of just asking "what did /lit/ think of blood meridian?" they could say what they thought of it and why.

Are /lit/ moderators willing to do this? I never hear from them, I might make the point of popping into IRC and asking them what they think.

>> No.9864003
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brainlet: the post.

>> No.9864109

I imagine it'd be hard to determine what would constitute sufficient contribution, but I think you're in principle. If they could be more strict towards unoriginal threads like that we also wouldn't have an 'is Mein Kampf a good book' thread every week with the same conclusions and bait replies being made before it drops off the board again.

>> No.9864113
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right in principle*