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File: 227 KB, 1430x1332, Bible Versions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9840433 No.9840433 [Reply] [Original]

>He fell for the KJV meme

>> No.9840452

>I am become as sounding brass
Sounds badass

>> No.9840461

Yeah I'll give it just that one, though resounding gong isn't too bad. Certainly doesn't make up for "tinkling cymbal"

>> No.9840466

Anybody know in the movie Hackers (1995) when Matthew Lillard quotes 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 11?

That part always makes me laugh.

>> No.9840482

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

How is this even a contest?

>> No.9840495

Now I am become brass, the tinkling of cymbals.

>> No.9840496

I can only think of that movie whenever I hear that verse.

>> No.9840501

Psalms is cheating

>> No.9840504
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>not reading the best translation

>> No.9840517
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What is this dude even going for

>> No.9840519

Whenever someone accuses me of doing something stupid when I was younger I like to quote that verse. Usually gets a bemused laugh.

>> No.9840622

This (and other newer translations, like NRSV) is fine mostly. The only true error is "valley of the shadow of death" being replaced with "darkest valley".

The KJV is actually a bit more literal, which I think was the intended image (i.e. not simply a dark valley, but one that forebodes death).


(see verses 33:18 and 33:30 here and in your own versions for examples of "of-a-death" might be translated from Hebrew)

If anything, the "valley" image is extraneous and not found in the original text. "Though I might walk into the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ..." would be the most accurate translation.

>> No.9840639

I'll bet you think that the emoji Shakespeare books are improvements on the original too.

>> No.9840725

Lattimore is the best. The fact that one man can produce a more accurate and better sounding translation than entire research/translation groups is astounding

>> No.9840738

You know what they say, too many cucks in the kitchen

>> No.9840748

>he fell for the english translation meme
clementine vulgate btfos

>> No.9840801

That's because translations like the NRSV are heavily politicized, they're purposely made as boring as humanly possible.

"As the fat is set apart from the offering of well-being, so David was set apart from the Israelites. He played with lions as though they were young goats, and with bears as though they were lambs of the flock. In his youth did he not kill a giant, and take away the people’s disgrace, when he whirled the stone in the sling and struck down the boasting Goliath?"

"Only the fat from the sacrifice, only David out of all Israel; the Lord must have ever the best! Here was one that would use lion or bear as playthings for his sport, tussle with them as if they had been yearling lambs. Such was his boyhood; and who but he should save the honour of his people, by slaying the giant? He had but to lift his hand, and the stone aimed from his sling brought low the pride of Goliath."

>> No.9840808
File: 70 KB, 645x729, 1500436905537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have that top right brainy wojak, can someone post it for me?

>> No.9840837

This should be fucking outlawed.

>> No.9840858
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, 1486327557030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9840864

>tfw no 4D brain

>> No.9840877

fuuuuuucking hell

>> No.9840921


Biblet here. What is the Message translation from and about?

>> No.9840960

>I am become
I had a cool french professor who used this as an example of antiquated grammatical leftovers of French in English. Most people recognize it the most from Oppenheimer quoting the Bhagavad-Gita.
French's passé composé tense is the equivalent of the English "I have run" or "I have touched" and most verbs translate directly to French like that with the French words for "I have" ("j'ai [past participle]"). But some verbs require the French words for "I am" ("je suis [past participle]") instead, like "I am died" ("je suis mort") instead of "I have died." English apparently used to have that same irregularity, but over time it disappeared.

>> No.9840977

We know man, we're all fluent in French

>> No.9840983

You think that's bad? Check out this

Authorized version: “And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. And there came a voice from the heaven saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

New: “As he was climbing up the bank again, the sun shone through a gap in the clouds. At the same time a pigeon flew down and perched on him. Jesus took this as a sign that God’s spirit was with him. A voice from overhead was heard saying, ‘That’s my boy! You’re doing fine!'”

KJV: “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: [It is] good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, [to avoid] fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.”

New: “Some of you think the best way to cope with sex is for men and women to keep right away from each other. That is more likely to lead to sexual offences. My advice is for everyone to have a regular partner.”

KJV: “I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.”

New: “If you know you have strong needs, get yourself a partner. Better than being frustrated.”

>> No.9840988

I don't believe that's real, what the fuck

>> No.9840989
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>> No.9840992

Post his Cointhians 13

>> No.9840993
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>> No.9840998


i'm looking forward to reading the NIV version of this. its not a bible replacement, but it looks like a nice comfy read of major biblical events in about 550 or so pages.

>> No.9841002
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forgot pic

>> No.9841012
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>> No.9841017

I fucking love the New bible, It's fucking hilarious:

>Literal translation: ...every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.
>New: ...every woman who insists on equality with men is fit to be a citizen in God’s New World.

I bet you couldn't even figure out what passage this is (hint: It's a very very commonly quoted one)

>New: God let them go on to pursue their selfish desires. Women use their charms to further their own ends. Men, instead of being friends, ruthlessly exploit one another.

>> No.9841025

Yeah I see no problem with this, if its all Biblical verses its still the Bible

>> No.9841026

‘That’s my boy! You’re doing fine!'”

lol hilarious

>> No.9841045
File: 430 KB, 611x1345, best translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not

But here's Da Jesus Book version of Corinthians 13 which is 420% better

>> No.9841051

Why the fuck did North Point Press choose a photograph from the Piss Christ guy though?

>> No.9841056
File: 410 KB, 602x628, LittleJacob-GTAIV-Closeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read that in Little Jacobs voice. I'm a believer now.

>> No.9841057
File: 44 KB, 317x499, 51TvHtMsAqL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not
Oh sweet Anon.

>> No.9841058
File: 31 KB, 320x240, i smell somethin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logion 114
You're not fooling me

>> No.9841061

This is unironically less weird and jarring than the Message version

>> No.9841080

>Love never gives up.
I thought I was getting rickrolled for a second.

>> No.9841087

It's a "translation" of the bible from a layperson that's intended to be a tool for evangelism. Basically the guy rewrote an existing New Testament to be more "plain English" and understandable to someone who just picked a copy off the street. The guy does not claim it's inspired or anything, but it can still be a problematic text given that it can remove meaning through simplification, etc. Ideally (according to him) it would just be used as a learning tool to help people convert and they would then move to an official translation for personal use.

>> No.9841112

But now I show you a way that is even better. If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, all I am is sounding bronze or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of of prophecy and know all mysteries and all understanding, and if I have faith entire so as to move mountains, and I have no love, I am nothing. And if I give all I have in alms, and if I give my body to be burned, and have no love, it does me no good. Love is patient, is kind, love has no jealousy, does not swagger, has no pride, is not immodest, does not look for its own advantage, is not stirred to anger, does not keep count of evil done, is not happy over wrongdoing, shares the happiness of the truth; all-sustaining, all-faithful, all-hopeful, all-enduring. Love never fails. If there are prophecies, they will come to nothing; if there are speeches, they will be stopped; if there is understanding, it will come to nothing. For we understand in part and we prophesy in part; but when completeness comes, what is in part will vanish away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, and thought as a child, and reasoned as a child; now that I am a man, I am through with childish things. For now we see by a mirror, obscurely; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then I will know in full, as I myself am fully known. And now there remain faith, hope, love; these three; but the greatest of these is love.

>> No.9841114
File: 18 KB, 334x499, 31GKxrjQiEL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the newer one.

>> No.9841123

>They don't even sell this hardcover in my country
Fucking hell I don't want the shitty paperback cover.

>> No.9841155

Meh, its ok, prefer the New International

>> No.9841168

That's easy to recognize, you're exaggerating. But it's not only a parody-tier "translation", the meaning here is completely changed, what the hell?

>> No.9841181
File: 442 KB, 351x493, onlygoodtranslation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsurprisingly, a board full of heretics hasn't even mentioned the actual textus receptus in it's original language, pic related.

>> No.9841188

1 Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated dem.

2 Da Urfs no had shapez An haded dark face, An Ceiling Cat rode invisible bike over teh waterz.

3 At start, no has lyte. An Ceiling Cat sayz, i can haz lite? An lite wuz.4 An Ceiling Cat sawed teh lite, to seez stuffs, An splitted teh lite from dark but taht wuz ok cuz kittehs can see in teh dark An not tripz over nethin.5 An Ceiling Cat sayed light Day An dark no Day. It were FURST!!!1

6 An Ceiling Cat sayed, im in ur waterz makin a ceiling. But he no yet make a ur. An he maded a hole in teh Ceiling.7 An Ceiling Cat doed teh skiez with waterz down An waterz up. It happen.8 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has teh firmmint wich iz funny bibel naim 4 ceiling, so wuz teh twoth day.

9 An Ceiling Cat gotted all teh waterz in ur base, An Ceiling Cat hadz dry placez cuz kittehs DO NOT WANT get wet.10 An Ceiling Cat called no waterz urth and waters oshun. Iz good.

11 An Ceiling Cat sayed, DO WANT grass! so tehr wuz seedz An stufs, An fruitzors An vegbatels. An a Corm. It happen.12 An Ceiling Cat sawed that weedz ish good, so, letz there be weedz.13 An so teh threeth day jazzhands.

14 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has lightz in the skiez for splittin day An no day.15 It happen, lights everwear, like christmass, srsly.16 An Ceiling Cat doeth two grate lightz, teh most big for day, teh other for no day.17 An Ceiling Cat screw tehm on skiez, with big nails An stuff, to lite teh Urfs.18 An tehy rulez day An night. Ceiling Cat sawed. Iz good.19 An so teh furth day w00t.

20 An Ceiling Cat sayed, waterz bring me phishes, An burds, so kittehs can eat dem. But Ceiling Cat no eated dem.21 An Ceiling Cat maed big fishies An see monstrs, which wuz like big cows, except they no mood, An other stuffs dat mooves, An Ceiling Cat sawed iz good.22 An Ceiling Cat sed O hai, make bebehs kthx. An dont worry i wont watch u secksy, i not that kynd uf kitteh.23 An so teh...fith day. Ceiling Cat taek a wile 2 cawnt.

24 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has MOAR living stuff, mooes, An creepie tings, An otehr aminals. It happen so tehre.25 An Ceiling Cat doed moar living stuff, mooes, An creepies, An otehr animuls, An did not eated tehm.

26 An Ceiling Cat sayed, letz us do peeps like uz, becuz we ish teh qte, An let min p0wnz0r becuz tehy has can openers.

27 So Ceiling Cat createded teh peeps taht waz like him, can has can openers he maed tehm, min An womin wuz maeded, but he did not eated tehm.

28 An Ceiling Cat sed them O hai maek bebehs kthx, An p0wn teh waterz, no waterz An teh firmmint, An evry stufs.

29 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, the Urfs, I has it, An I has not eated it.30 For evry createded stufs tehre are the fuudz, to the burdies, teh creepiez, An teh mooes, so tehre. It happen. Iz good.

31 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, teh good enouf for releaze as version 0.8a. kthxbai.

>> No.9841201


>> No.9841203

>First this: God created the Heavens and Earth--all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. God spoke: "Light!" And light appeared.

>> No.9841204

1 iff i talkd wif teh tungz of manz n angylz, n duzzn haz luff, i are becom liek teh human, knockin down all teh potz n panz frm teh shelf, srsly.2 iff i haz powarz of liek tellin the futurez an if i has access to teh internets, an i gotz all teh missteriez an all teh knowingz an all teh faithz, enuff 2 taek all teh mowntanz awayz, an i duzzn haz luff, i gotz nuffink.3 an evn iff i givez all mai stuffz awai, n iff i delivur mai bodiz to b burnded up, and i duzzn haz luff, i gotz nuffink.

4 Luv is pashient n kind, luv haz no jelusniss or showin offz, luv no is stuck-up5 or r00dz. Luv no insistzes on doin it 4 itzelf, itz not pisst off alla tiem or rezentflufflele.6 Luv izzn all happiez about doin it wrong, but is happiez about teh truthz.7 Luv putz up wiht all teh stuffz, beelivez all teh stuffz, hoepz for all teh stuffz. Luv putz up wiht all teh stuffz... i sed that areddy?

8 Luv no haz endingz. Tellin the futurez, tungz, an alla stuffz u know wil die.9 We haz knowingz a bit, an we haz profacy a bit. We no haz two much tho.10 O, wait. Win teh perfict coemz, teh not perfict will dyez, lolol.11 Wen i wuz a kitten, i meweded leik a kitten, thinkded liek a kittenz, an I chazed strings liek a kittenz. Wen i wuz becomez a cat, i NO WANT kitten waiz ne moar.12 For nao we see in teh foggy mirorr like when teh human gets out of teh shower, but tehn we see faec tow faec. Nao i haz knowingz just a bit, tehn i will haz all teh knowingz, as i haz been knownz.

13 Nao faithz an hoepz an luvz r hear, theses threes, but teh bestest iz teh luv. srsly.

>> No.9841207

Lord please strike me down right now.

>> No.9841223

my in-laws are friends with rowan williams, and he endorsed this shit?

i think i need a divorce

>> No.9841224

>First this
What the FUCK is wrong with "In the Beginning..."? They botched the fucking opening?

>> No.9841229

This is so far along the scale of stupidity that it wraps around and becomes a work of genius

>> No.9841234


"The valley of the shadow of death" is an allusion to actual waking life. How you missed this, I have no idea.

>> No.9841235

My question is the "soup of nothingness" bit. I don't see how this is any less confusing. It also feels like it's pulling from Hinduism, which would be a weird choice.

>> No.9841237

>If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body [a]to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. 4 Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil; 6 rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth; 7 [b]beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; 10 but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, [c]darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. 13 But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the [d]greatest of these is love.
Is it wrong of me to prefer the American Standard Version over all others.

>> No.9841243

Yeah, they make the decisive lines disappear, and give metaphor substance. Bizzare.

>> No.9841249

It seems fine. It's clearly just an updated KJV

>> No.9841263

It isn't just a "updated" KJV though, unlike other revisions It's basically a near retranslation from the original sources.

>> No.9841280

No, it's a revision. Revising an older translation includes re-translating. Anyway, the ASV was a revision of the RV, which was the first modern academic translation to come from the King James lineage.

>> No.9841289

I almost threw up. Whatever this is cannot even be compared to the KJV or original.

>> No.9841332

Why has the Bible been politicized that way? What translations would you recommend?

>> No.9841335

Religion is controversial, and Christianity is actually concerned about convincing people to join it.

>> No.9841390

tdlr: Check on who sponsored the NRSV: dead and dying Mainline Churches. Well shit, at least they had orthodox theologians right? Oh, 3 feminist scholars, 2 secularists, >presbyterians, half the staff from the disaccredited CTS, etc

Yeah no fucking wonder the Catholic Church chose the NAB over this.

>> No.9842018
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>> No.9842025

i kekd

>> No.9842039

>dying, sleeping -- that's all dying is
Is this the Jim Jones translation?

>> No.9842066
File: 515 KB, 979x978, Screenshot_20170801-134734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s my boy! You’re doing fine!

>> No.9842292

Anyone have that Bible where a bunch of liberals edited it to make gay sex acceptable?

>> No.9842340


>> No.9843081

Recently I've been enjoying the Wycliffe Bible:

13 If I speak with tongues of men and of angels, and I have not charity, I am made as brass sounding, or a cymbal tinkling.

2 And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries, and all knowing [and all knowing, or science], and if I have all faith, so that I move hills from their place [so that I bear over hills from one place to another], and I have not charity, I am nought.

3 And if I part all my goods into the meats of poor men, and if I betake my body, so that I burn, and if I have not charity, it profiteth to me nothing.

4 Charity is patient, it is benign; charity envieth not, it doeth not wickedly, it is not blown [it is not in-blown with pride],

5 it is not covetous [of worships], it seeketh not those things that be his own [it seeketh not those things that be her own], it is not stirred to wrath, it thinketh not evil,

6 it joyeth not on wickedness, but it joyeth together to truth; [it joyeth not in wickedness, forsooth it joyeth together with truth;]

7 it suffereth all things, it believeth all things, it hopeth all things, it sustaineth all things.

8 Charity falleth never down, whether prophecies shall be voided, either languages shall cease, either science shall be destroyed [whether prophecies shall be voided, or languages shall cease, or science shall be destroyed].

9 For a part we know, and a part we prophesy; [For of part we know, and of part we prophesy;]

10 but when that shall come that is perfect, that thing that is of part shall be voided.

11 When I was a little child, I spake as a little child, I understood as a little child, I thought as a little child; but when I was made a man, I voided those things that were of a little child.

12 And we see now [Forsooth we see now] by a mirror in darkness, but then face to face; now I know of part, but then I shall know, as [and] I am known.

13 And now dwelleth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the most of these is charity.

>> No.9843160


In the bin it goes

>> No.9843341


"love" is equally bad; the ancients, both Latin and Greek, had several different words that described what we today call by one, and caritas is the closest to what Christians would call God's love, which is being treated of in this passage.

>> No.9843352

No it isn't you retard. The Western European concept of a singular totalizing love is the only term which could approach divine love. The homo-pedophilic Greeks were simply linguistically inferior in this regard as was to be expected from its reflection in their degenerate promiscuity.

>> No.9843428
File: 489 KB, 971x7110, Jesus and the Anti-Roman Resistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't trust the bible anyway.

>> No.9843443

What an absurd article, he's writing as revelatory what most Catholics were aware of as children. It was the Judaic expectation that the messiah would be a new King David who would reclaim the holy land. However the direction of Christ's work made clear he had no such interest in such a position. His temptation by the devil during the fasting in the wilderness explicates this extremely clearly.
Although I will say its not that Christ, like say the Buddha was not interested in politics, but that his interests were super-political.

>> No.9843476

He isn't wrong about one aspect, even the Catholic church greatly deemphasizes this side of Jesus.

>> No.9843498

Well I think then it'll be far more interesting to display how this aspect is de-emphasized more than it is apparent in the text.

>> No.9843619

All of the poetry is heavyhandedly drained from the modernization, it's disgusting. Not to mention important changes in the OP like turning "charity" to "love." New translations were a mistake.

>> No.9843635

Dingus the Bible was not written in English. The King James Bible was already an act of modernization, the newer ones are simply more refined and considered

>> No.9843647

I read the Bible in Serbian, but KJV is superior in every way now that I think about it. I should read it in English too.

>> No.9843656
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>if you run something through Google translate across 50 languages there's no loss in meaning or accuracy
a modernization is fine
a modernization of a modernization is not

>> No.9843665

It isn't however outrageous to claim there hasn't been a good translation of the bible yet, as explained previously in the thread they all suffer from the same problem of modernism heresy, even the Jerusalem Bible and RSV although considered conservative by towards standards were considered extremely liberal just 70 years ago.

>> No.9843666

too soon.

>> No.9843671

>a modernization of a modernization is not

Are you baiting? Thats not how most new editions were composed.

>> No.9843678

Do you mean like how the NRSV is a modernization of the RSV which is a modernization of the ASV which is a modernization of the RV which is a modernization of the KJB?

>> No.9843690

Pfft please, you're disguising your interest in manipulating the word in your own interest. The spirit of the work is far beyond your petty fixations of conservatism

>> No.9843710

Oh you aren't actually read on this topic, you don't seem to be aware the reason the RSV never caught on was because the OT translation is straight up NT denying heresy.

>> No.9843730

Sure but what of the NIV which has enormous readership

>> No.9843749

I was actually going to mention the NIV explaining the reason why it came to exist was because the RSV's liberal theology was too much even for the liberal churches at the time, the ESV is a slightly more conservative equivalent of the NIV If i remember correctly.

>> No.9843794

>handbook for liberating the individual and revolting against imperial authority
Yes goyim, don't trust the Bible. (((We))) know better for you!

>> No.9843803

I still don't really know what can be politicized. I mean, if it means overtly mistranslating parts of the Bible to make homosexuality acceptable, well, then that's one thing. But can really call that translating if it is more like fraud?

>> No.9843845

Translating almah as “young woman” instead of “virgin.” isn't technically a mistranslation but the equivalent of declaring yourself a ultra-modernist liberal.

Open up biblegateway on that verse and compare all the translations of this verse, take note of the ones that translate it as young women, then do 2 minutes of research on whose behind them.

Get how it can be politicized now?

>> No.9843870

That makes sense.

>> No.9843920

Another more difficult example is "1 Corinthians 11:4-7", some bibles like the NIV provide a alternative translation in the footnotes that radically alters the meaning and spirit of the original text.

>> No.9844044

Unironically very soothing

>> No.9844122

I'm getting the impression that I should probably stick to the King James's Bible at first, then maybe get the annotated New Annotated Oxford Bible, to get an in-depth Bible study going while lowering the risk of politicization. Maybe even learn ancient Greek and read it for myself.

>> No.9844138
File: 26 KB, 333x500, hollaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>King James Bible

>> No.9844188
File: 12 KB, 265x401, The-Didache-Bible-with-Commentaries-Based-on-the-Catechism-of-the-Catholic-Church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's a whole new problem, Study bibles like the NOAB provide a secular criticism interpretation of the Bible (utilizing what most other fields would consider pseudo-science), they don't really provide a understanding of Christianity from a theist, philosophical or theologians point of view so you'll probably also need a catechism or two.

pic related is a good combination of a catechism and the RSV2CE.

>> No.9844405

how do u get so buttblasted? not enough αγαπε from papa god 2day, christcuck?

>> No.9844445

>Reading translations.

Its like you're not even at least level B2 in Biblical Hebrew

>> No.9844489

>reading Hebrew

Good goy

>> No.9844662

so many actors have no clue what that means and butcher the scene

>> No.9844768


That one uses the RSV-CE and not the RSV2 which is a good thing because the first RSV doesn't use that gender neutral language.

>> No.9844798

All Christians are Jews in their souls.

>> No.9844816
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>> No.9845301
File: 19 KB, 351x359, 502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s my boy

>> No.9845915
File: 262 KB, 515x362, Quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys try an unaltered book instead?

>> No.9846043

>tfw I attended a wedding where this 'translation' was unironically used as a reading

Had to force myself to not laugh

>> No.9846116
File: 973 KB, 927x907, 1488575089890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I was an infant at my mother's breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.
What the fuck is this garbage.

>> No.9846313

weird, i was just watching lasagna cat for the first time today—by way of night mind

>> No.9846401


>For in that sleep of death what dreams may come................
>........ must give us pause;........

>> No.9846411


This is, like, really wrong tho.

>> No.9846553


I remember a long, long time ago someone ran the entire /b/ board wordfilter at the time, through a text document of the bible. "And" had been replaced replaced with "ummm,uhhh" so I remember Jesus sounding very uncofident. I can't find it anywhere though and a google search doesn't really go back far enough.

>> No.9846626
File: 1 KB, 214x198, 1400329483883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you know you have strong needs, get yourself a partner. Better than being frustrated.

Yes! Piety is for the weak, goy!

>> No.9846786

Hack the Planet!

>> No.9846800

You could just grab a text version and run the filter yourself. Hint: Project Gutenberg, Ctrl+H

>> No.9846809
File: 152 KB, 874x628, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>‘That’s my boy! You’re doing fine!'

>> No.9846825

this is what i come here to learn about

>> No.9846862

Gotta give credit to them for keeping their translations in check

>> No.9846947
File: 22 KB, 265x400, 574599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Knox version?

>> No.9847094
File: 1.15 MB, 285x522, 1479805213564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he has an authority on talking about da jesus book
>he doesn't follow the hawain pidgin bible

Da Rules Secon Time
God Tell Da Peopo Fo Go Way From Mount Sinai
(Jesus Guys 13:18)
11Dis, wat Moses wen tell all da Israel peopo. Dat time, dey all wen stay inside da boonies on da east side da Jordan Riva, inside da Jordan Valley. Dass across Suf, wit Paran on one side an Tofel, Laban, Hazerot, an Dizahab on da odda side. 2You know, fo go Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea, take eleven days, even if you go da long way on da Mount Se`ir road.
3But dat time, was 40 year afta da Israel peopo come outa Egypt, an was winta time, wen Moses tell da Israel peopo eryting Yahweh tell him he suppose to tell dem. 4Moses tell um dis afta dey wen win ova Sihon, da king fo da Amor peopo dat stay inside Heshbon, an afta dey win ova Og, da king fo da Bashan peopo dat stay inside Ashtarot an Edrei.
5From da east side a da Jordan Riva inside Moab, Moses start fo make God's rules mo easy fo da peopo undastand. He tell: 6“Wen us guys stay Mount Sinai side, oua God Yahweh wen tell us, ‘You guys stay ova hea by dis mountain long time awready. 7Take all yoa stuffs an go up inside da hills wea da Amor peopo stay. Den go wea da peopo dat live nea dem stay, inside da Jordan Valley, an da small hills on da west side, an da Negev boonies sout side, an da Mediterranean Sea coast. Go wea da Canaan peopo stay, den go nort side to da Lebanon mountains, den go east side all da way to da big Eufrates Riva. 8Yahweh tell, “Look, I give you guys all dis land awready. Go inside dea an use da land, cuz I wen make one strong promise to yoa ancesta guys Abraham, Isaac, an Jacob, an to dea kids an grankids an you guys.”

>> No.9847561

>What an absurd article
>His temptation by the devil
stop reading there
Do you have a former education in philology? If not, you are already in someone else's hand.

>> No.9848206

Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing side-by-side "translations" like this. Kind of like what they do with Chaucer's stuff. Allows you to appreciate the original text with a greater, demystified understanding. Hopefully would leader to better acting too.




Cumberbatch is overacting words he doesn't know the meaning of. kek

>> No.9848219

>“If you know you have strong needs, get yourself a partner. Better than being frustrated.”