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9840763 No.9840763 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.9840765


>> No.9840770

What do you call a mediocre civilization?

A so-society.

>> No.9840774
File: 48 KB, 960x618, ash-beds-yellowstone-eruption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I awoke amidst ash of a burned out fire. A solemn mist clung low to the forest floor and my eyes darted wide across a sea of trees and bushes: a howl, unnatural and cruel, pierced the silence. I have no memory of this place

>> No.9840777

Wondering what a good game is to play with friends.
>waves from from /v/

>> No.9840779

Is it possible to be loved by a woman who hates herself

>> No.9840809

My body is doughy and I don't like it. How can I be a true aesthete if my own form does not embody my ideals?

>> No.9840811

Does praying work?

>> No.9840829
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I forgot berlin
and my shoes

>> No.9840833

No. Countless of studies have been done on prayer and they've always shown it to be inefficient (or even harmful if praying for a subject who knew he was being prayed for).

If you want something similar that works, meditate.

>> No.9840854


What if God just invalidates the prayers whenever he knows a study is taking place. Since spirituality isn't something that's supposed to be put on a spreadsheet.

>> No.9840872

I want to lick black pussy, all day.
Also, Aristotle's form+matter paradigm is pretty much a way to insert movement into Plato's doctrine of Ideas, and is in no way opposite to them.

>> No.9840884

I should start studying right now.

>> No.9840892

Why black pussy specifically

>> No.9840893

A colorful grave is much more welcoming than a dull life.

>> No.9840920
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I wish I could stop standing with one foot in the "I want to live" camp and one in the "I want to die" camp and fully commit to either one or the other.

I wish I still actually enjoyed things.

I wish I could stop being such a weak-minded, depressive faggot who just wishes for things to be a certain way instead of taking steps towards actually making them be that way.

>> No.9840930

"Studies" that treat God like an animal to be observed always amuse me. I can't believe there are people who'd think that the efficiency of prayer could be measured that way, not that the people conducting them haven't already presupposed the outcome. It's a farce.

>> No.9840934

I like their color better.

>> No.9840935

As a schizoid about to take his first job I am a bit worried anxious. I am 28 and about to be married in October. Her mother is helping me get a job as I knocked her up 11 weeks ago. My life has been one of reading and little else. I have no social skills and would rather just read all day.

>> No.9840939

You don't really need to conduct a study to see that prayers don't work.

>> No.9840941

I really just want a friend and something to do

>> No.9840950


I cast off those shackles long ago. Instead of thinking of all the things I didn't have I started thinking about all the things I had overcome. If you can't master yourself, I've got some bad news for you: there are a thousand more things the world is waiting to throw at you that are more difficult.

>> No.9840952

The sound of my heart races faster. Clock ticking at the rhythm of the thick red water running through my veins.Not anger or disappointment. Realization of what Melissa Cantú once told me 17 years ago; "you can't help but being alone, can't you?" Loveless? No, there is a better word for it. Desireless. Yes, I just invented it. Did I? The helplessness of not being wanted by the opposite gender.
He just got acknowledged for being born by receiving warm hugs and encouragement words from people he doesn't even want to converse with. Me? I salute every one of them, politely, every day. I try to keep my back straight while being addressed to. Chin slightly facing up. Eye contact. Subtle smile. Eyes facing forward, not hovering over their curvaceous breasts. Blessing every sneeze. Forcefully, chuckle any spontaneous joke uttered. And yet, ignored by their cutoff words. Not remembered when it should be. Not greeted when they aren't previously prompted. An extra silhouette on their sight during their daily work.
I get up to the birthday table, next to the birthday boy, wishing him well and poking fun on his appealing towards woman.
He just nervously thanks me.

>> No.9840990


It happened to me. For a few months, at least.

>> No.9841005


I'm barely an adult and I have no idea what I want to do with myself, but because my family feeds and houses me I have no push to do anything about it.

>> No.9841015

I have 19 books coming to me in the mail. I haven't gotten tracking info for a couple of packages so now I gotta watch my porch like a hawk cause its gonna rain most of this week.

>> No.9841044

Yeah, well, the whole approach is absurd if you consider a proper concept of God, not this thing to be poked at and tested. You could argue even the Bible says prayers "don't work".

>> No.9841053


>> No.9841075

Shit man, I think I may be a schizoid. When did/how can you know? I want to do exactly that but various pressures have kid me into thinking I want money, girls, friends but I can't find any of those desires within me. I've always known this, and now I have friends and past relations that I just wanna get rid off.

>> No.9841108

Dear God
Why the fuck wouldn't you just create everlasting happiness for humans? Don't come at my with some excuse. This is a real existential weight for me.

>> No.9841135


Without suffering happiness would just be neutral. Like the way you feel on a day that's not particularly good or bad.

>> No.9841141

sign me up

>> No.9841152

Yes but even this dichotomy was created by God

>> No.9841158

I'm really not good at anything. I've even had people say "You're not really good at anything, are you?" Being objectively worthless is a hard gulp. I don't have the ability to improve no matter what I do. I'm a walking embarrassment. When outside or in company of others I feel exposed. My embarrassment and unfitness to be human is a nudity. This is why I hole myself up. If only I couldn't exist. That's the worst part. My forced existence. My awareness. People I've encountered inevitably give me a spare thought as seeing a stray dog cross the street would give them a spare thought. None of these thoughts are nice. They are all of pity or disgust or loathing. Did you know people can just completely and utterly loathe you despite the fact that you have never exchanged a word or a glance. I've had neutrals tell me this. Tell me of other's expressed disgust for me. The fact that I live in these people's thoughts and lives is unfair. Why would they think of me? I guess because it makes them feel better. Despising me allows them to feel better about themselves. I'm just a whore for the world that think of me as a pity fuck.

>> No.9841240


As early as 7th grade when I used to hide in school to skip classes to avoid people.
I'd find areas no one would go and sit there for hours just thinking. It got to the point of me dropping out.

>> No.9841245

I feel like I'm sitting on a goldmine of a story, but when I look at the broader context and realize 90% of writers feels the same way (with the other 10% stuck with writer's block), I attribute less worth to my ideas.

It's been on my mind for about 3 years now and I actually haven't written a single thing beyond the premise and a wider context for the story.

>> No.9841248

I'm wasting my life.

I spent a decade working on a career I have no interest in. It's not even lucrative. It just seemed like the path of least resistance.

>> No.9841250

I like kitty kats

>> No.9841262

god i want sum funyuns

>> No.9841292

I couldn't move without her whimpering. I leaned down, hugged her, and said she didn't have to do this if she didn't want to, we could stop at any moment.
"I know. It's okay. I love you, and I want to do this with you. The pain is beautiful. I want to do this because I love you, so I embrace the pain that comes with it."
She looked up at me with such innocent eyes. Here she was, in her bed, being penetrated for the first time ever, with the most graceful and naïve face. I don't know how she does it. She kept a stuffed animal on her bed as we lied together. I put her on top of me so she could comfortably control the pace, but I couldn't help but buck forward and dig my nails into her lithe little legs.
Each time I got rougher and faster, I feared the worst, I feared she would scream and tell me to never touch her again-instead, she became like putty in my hands. I squeezed her breast and she inhaled sharply. The gasp was ambiguous, but she touched my hand, led it up to her lips. She sucked and drooled on my fingers.
I grabbed her neck and started squeezing it in a moment of impulsivity. Her face no longer had a powder-white look of innocence. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips covered in our spit. Her glare narrowed, she slowly tilted her head back, closed her eyes, bit her lip. I slapped her across the face. Spasms. Squeals. Gasps. She became a bit limp, jerked her body up a bit and widened her eyes after eye contact, still on me. She giggled in post-orgasm embarrassment.
"We just had sex.."
"Yes, we did; but, I'm not through with you yet."
Her face went blank. I grabbed her by the wrist and forced her onto her knees. She gazed at her lap silently.. She knew what was happening. I towered above her for a bit, curious as to whether or not she'd muster up the courage to take me in her hands without being asked. She gazed at her knees and let out an airy laughter of embarrassment. I grabbed her hair and tilted her head up and told her to suck my cock. The way her cheeks became apples when I told her to do such a lewd and forbidden thing was absolutely adorable.
She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, but every time I would let out a moan or sigh, she instantly got better. In just a few minutes, her lips felt better than anyone I'd ever been with. Unmatched enthusiasm, an eager aura, an unrelenting urge to please me. I told her I was going to cum soon and that she should take her mouth off of me if she didn't want to taste it. She moved her mouth all the way to the base of my cock and her lips touched my torso. Gurgle sounds, tears streaming. A virgin was on her knees in front of me with my cock poking the back her throat. She wiggled her little head and I came down her throat. I expected her to gag and spit the semen out instantly. Instead, she opened her mouth to show me my cum, gulped, and smiled.
A little pervert she is. Smeared blood and protruding ribs. Who knew a virgin could be so deviant?

>> No.9841304

If a marriage is broken up over a miscarriage is it the kid's fault?

>> No.9841308

I actually really like those.

There are no decent online communities, I think. 4shit is a hit and miss with a ~ 1:20 ratio.

>> No.9841310

no, the fetus did no wrong. the miscarriage is the fault of the mother's body, the divorce is the fault of the couple's inability to work things out.

>> No.9841315
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I want to not want to die and want want to live.

>> No.9841333

Keyboard's dead.

>> No.9841339

It works for me *shrugs*

>> No.9841340

I promised myself to stop watching porn but there's prospects whatsoever of me ever having sex.

>> No.9841342
File: 9 KB, 266x189, Romanov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help thinking that there was one guy in that cellar who simply didn't care that he was participating in the murder of the most powerful family in Russia at that time. I have this mental image of Tsar Nicholas II demanding to know what was going on, pleading for his family's life, the executioners' retorts, the sounds of angry, turn-of-the-century Russian voices bouncing off the walls, the exchange of words brief and loud, muffled to whomever may have been listening outside. And in the midst of it all, some lackadaisical young man seated on a barrel, preoccupied with trivial matters not unlike the users of this site, loading his rifle, replying with a shrug and mumbling "I dunno" before standing and firing with the others. What's more, how many incidents like this one could have occurred during other historical events? Unimportant details known only to the perpetrators. I mean, even Oswald had to wait around a little bit.

>> No.9841346

you don't need either

>> No.9841353

I need a fucking job that lets me make money using my actual skills. I'm sick of retail.

>> No.9841356


No, its actually just that they're cunts who won't leave you alone. They purposefully and with abandon fuck with your life then get mad at you for resenting them or fighting back.

>> No.9841367

Everlasting happiness just buy drugs

>> No.9841368

Fucking dopey cunts all over this thread. You'd think the wisdom in books would make people actually seize the day but instead they're so addicted to their self pity that nothing gets done at all

>> No.9841372

Somehow still ants on my nighstand even after getting rid of the ginger candy that attracted them two months ago. I'm going to go insane.

>> No.9841380

kys this thread is for venting. it's mostly hyperbolic anyways. good on you for complaining about complaining tho. I hope a drunk driver runs you into a freeway median.

>> No.9841410

Man, I don't know if it'd ever get that bad for me. How do you deal with pressures to get involved (when they get applied).

>> No.9841411

It's the other way around. The more wisdom you receive, the more faults you realize, Mao really was right

>> No.9841415

My penis says otherwise and he's really restless.

>> No.9841461
File: 75 KB, 227x207, Capture4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your male peñor, or are you referring to the rape dungeon gnome's boipussy?

>> No.9841469

i have a job in finance and don't have the time to read anymore.

>> No.9841471


>> No.9841476

is this fiction or did this actually happen to you

>> No.9841480

I need a big cock in my ass right now

>> No.9841482

My heart leaks blood the same sick shade
as that dress which first showed me love

>> No.9841485

stop watching so much porn you got damn pervert

>> No.9841486

Bit gay m8

>> No.9841488

I'm thinking about writing a story where an alien civilization discovers an abandoned Earth's nuclear weapons stockpiles (the aliens in question had no access to uranium on their homeworld and never bothered with it when they prattled about in space) and the political impact that could have on a species that never really had the kind of destructive capacity they now have access to.

>> No.9841490

It actually happened to me, it wasn't fiction. We were together for half a year before having sex. We had sex a few months ago. I love her to death. I'd love her even if she were repulsed by sex.

>> No.9841491
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Righto, only need to 1) get a job before getting expelled, 2) get heath insurance, 3) find new place to stay before kidded out of dorm and transfer shit, 4) buy tickets for home, 5) actually do the things before it's too late and the crumbling sand castle's already long washed away. No worries, it'll -, I'll work myself out. rrrrighto.

>> No.9841496
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>he's really restless.

>> No.9841521
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Fuck, that was hot.

>> No.9841523

I can't get a job. I can't create a job. I can't get anything to go right for me. I want to kill myself.

>> No.9841543

Try hotels in your area.

>> No.9841546

i feel u, i have a job, but it just barely pays my bills, but I was waiting for a job to open up above me that paid a middle class level, and the moment has come, earlier than i expected, and i'm about to get passed over for it because some usurper out networked me, so now i have to leave and strike out in a new direction... it's going to suck, but if I don't this will become a dead end for my life

>> No.9841555

>hiring american citizens

maybe if you throw your social security card and birth certificate in a fire first

>> No.9841559


At the moment I am happy with them as I've been in therapy for a long while to improve myself and get out of my little world. It's hard and I still am unwittingly fighting any progress on it at times but life has sort of forced itself on me to actually take responsibility.

>> No.9841575

Had she ever done anything sexual with other people, though, besides sex?

>> No.9841577

i started doing this in 9th grade lol didn't go back for 10th, definitely fucked me up when i went to college years later

>> No.9841585

chicks that aren't slutty but are still sadomasochistic freaks like that usually got molested by someone growing up

>> No.9841613

No, not at all. I was even her first kiss. When I kissed her for the first time, she kept her eyes wide open. It was really cute, she didn't think to close them. I pointed it out and she got embarrassed but now she's a really good kisser. I mean, she was never bad, just very nervous. I first kissed her in a public area, surrounded by people. She hyperventilated a bit and kept giggling.
She sounds childish but she's extremely intelligent and, well, even wise--just a very shy and anxious girl, I'd even say tortured.

I think the fact that she has no friends and grew up watching anime has to do with it. Not joking. She was never sexually abused in any way, just extremely sexually repressed because she has some odd, anxious preoccupations.
She really likes Bataille. She's fascinated by the 'dark' aspects of everything because she was very sheltered, I suppose.

>> No.9841655

holy shit my room smells like shit all the sudden, don't know if it's because someone left diarrhea spray all over the toilet across the hall, a dog left a big dump outside and the rain stirred it up, or if that cheap coffee i brewed is really that foul, fml

>> No.9841682

my mom thinks im gay because i've never had a girlfriend

>> No.9841700

coffee smells p similar to skunk

you've never had a boyfriend either, right? mom logic is so bad.

>> No.9841707

my family thought this forever even though i get laid once in a while, but i never have a gf so they think i don't really like girls, i'm like i'm autistic not a fag, my sister is a stupid ho who gets into serious relationship with the first moron to hit on her after the breaks up with the last moron, so she doesn't get it

>> No.9841708

My mom knows I'm a loser, don't know what is worse.

>> No.9841715

I'm such a disgraceful creature. I'm living in a wailful state in a way that I'm too lazy to finish a fucking Stephen King's novelle

>> No.9841716

During high school, I would watch the special ed kids walk through the halls between classes, and people would wave and greet them, giving high-fives and all that jazz. Then I would walk past those same people and they would give me a high-five. That got me wondering. And it haunted me throughout my high school years.

>> No.9841718

>tfw little sister is autistic and never leaves her room
She will never be deflowered by chad. Feels good to know.

>> No.9841722

sometimes it must be nice to be a fat fuck who looks like shit because then you don't have family members acting shocked that you don't have a gf

>> No.9841725

my sister had one chadish bf in high school, but since college she always fucks dopey losers with cringe personalities, of course she gained weight since high school so maybe the guys that hit on her these days just aren't as good, but she certainly was never very picky

>> No.9841727

I'm not a fat fuck but I'm piss poor.

>> No.9841732

she'll end up alone at 30 something, desperate for a rich and stable guy to marry like all the other women who play her same games

>> No.9841734

i'm poor as shit, that's definitely a problem, but then again i see unemployed dudes who live at home with their mom getting tons of pussy, it's all in your attitude, some dudes just have no shame and apparently women don't really care, but i feel lame as fuck

>> No.9841740

she's already over 30, she makes 6 figures, so she dates desperate uneducated guys who have no job, so she can dominate them, and they can never leaver her because their standard of living would drop off a cliff without her

>> No.9841745

i hated people that pandered to special ed kids like that, it was always so forced and patronizing. made me wince to witness

holy shit, jesus christ, dude. i can't really determine whether or not she's happy or miserable.

i need a girlfriend that likes bataille and will let me choke her

>> No.9841753

Yeah, how are you going to do stuff with you gf in this situation? Ask some relative for money? Fuck that.

>> No.9841756
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>> No.9841760

howw the fuckk does thatt all evenn happenn

>> No.9841776

Hmm, that's my fetish.

>> No.9841816


Met her at group therapy and both of us were there working on our social skills. She approached me and said she thought I was cute and funny. All I was doing was reading Pound's translation of Elektra. She asks me out on a date a couple weeks later.

Like forgotten how to socialize entirely? I'm pretty much mute.

>> No.9841855
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I wonder how much money I could make if I decided to throw away my current life and rebrand myself as an alt-righter ethnonationalist or whatever. I'd start the typical trajectory of making a bunch of dumb posts on facebook and twitter about white birthrates or welfare usage, get into a fight with my uni and then double down on my newfound bullshit. I'd initially rebrand as a libertarian or rational ``skeptic'' while cultivating a following of neonazi larpers before drifting into identitarianism or whatever codeword white nationalists are using today. About five days after getting censured or expelled I'd set up a gofundme and lie about being persecuted and needing money for medical bills

then I guess when the donations dried up I'd start a not for profit corporation that promotes mindfulness among young male university students while spending 90% of my koch/mercer seed funding on overhead and hentai. hopefully I could sell a book or five and go on speaking tour where I assault the mentally ill

not lying about the hentai, the moment I got actual cash money from maga c.h.u.d.s first thing i'd buy is a plane ticket to tokyo and get my junk dunked in a yoshiwara soapland.


on a related note I honestly wonder how people can spend years getting off on constantly being angry and despondent about the state of the world around you. when I cared about politics the hollow rage was fucking draining on my state of mind after the six or seventh year of constantly being woke/redpilled

thanks for reading

>> No.9841862

hook me the fuck up

>> No.9841877

The truth that I am miserable; that I am struggling to keep up what little sociability I have; that my presence is like a weight to be bared -- only tolerated if it must be tolerated; is reflected back to me everyday in my interaction with others. It only gets worse.

>> No.9841884

this but unironically DESU

>> No.9841893
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Who said I was being ironic? It would also be a good opportunity to pretend to be george smiley and forward all of the doxx I come across to Buzzfeed

suck on my praxis bitcj

>> No.9841896

not quite sure what to expect from 100ug of acid

>> No.9841901

Let's do it, Anon. Together

>> No.9841910
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money up front

>> No.9841939
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at this point I just want to post coke-buta gyaru whores

>> No.9841999
File: 386 KB, 667x670, whynot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching porn
>realize the audio is not in sync with the video right as I cum
i really feel like had to complain about this to somebody

>> No.9842010

uh sauce
I searched that panda site, you know the one, but couldn't find anything
Also I like your idea. The alt-right is perpetually starved for people to fellate their ideas.

>> No.9842135

It doesn't matter how much I lift, I will always have a busted Steve Buscemi tier face.

>> No.9842264

I love you. Please come home.

>> No.9842290

>not adjusting the audio sync
it's not like the moans are believable anyway

maybe work on your personality

>> No.9842299


>> No.9842305

"Is there anybody there?" said the traveler, knocking on the moonlit door.

>> No.9842379

fuggggg 10/10

>> No.9842411

>tfw actual fucking lunatics get asked out on dates by girls and then have sex and here I am alone

>> No.9842421

Lunatics might be good looking

>> No.9842430

Yeah also I read schizoid as schizo so I guess maybe the guy isn't as crazy as I first imagined.

>> No.9842434

my virgin fetish and warm face aside, i hope nothing bad happened between you two. she probably thinks the entire world of you, anon. she didn't use you for sex, she's not a whore, she likes reading, she's kind and shy. the way you write about her is interesting, almost like she's a case you've taken an interest in as a detective. i don't mean that in a bad way though, you're just very analytical about her. i would be the same way if i were in love.
now that that's out of the way
was she tight? what else do you guys do? for science ofc

>> No.9842445

>uh sauce
>I searched that panda site, you know the one, but couldn't find anything
Feeling generous tonight https://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/10296
Use iqdb.org for hentai sauce next time
>The alt-right is perpetually starved for people to fellate their ideas.
This phenomenon really isn't new at all. An article in The Baffler from 2012 basically gives anyone with a computer and Internet connection the blueprint to do exactly what I described
Thunder On The Right by Alan Crawford documents the exact same shit happening back in the 1970s

It really doesn't take much except having absolutely no self worth, shame or morals and a willingness to be associated with literal fascists

>> No.9842452

What is she like 12?

>> No.9842453

nytimes just ran a story about how trump is shutting down obama's covert cia war against the syrian people, and he's going to investigate if affirmative action is a discriminatory policy, and he's working to put in a canadian style immigration policy based on skills on not who can make it across the border and drop a baby, and he cut bogus refugee quota in half from obama

fucking unironically love trump, he really is delivering the wins

>> No.9842490

If a modest slowdown of the globalization of the u.s. is a "win" then your country really is fucked

It'll be four or eight years of it and then the pendulum will swing back and it's back to overdrive

>> No.9842502

the only country less "fucked" than the usa is possibly poland, so unless you're polish you don't really have a leg to stand on as far as criticizing the usa goes

oh wait you're a jew spreading defeatism, but aren't you going against your homie kushner by hating on trump?

>> No.9842504
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havent seen her in 7 monts,
staring to forget why i love her

>> No.9842505

Just to reiterate the point: you've lost

Learn how to grow food and stockpile gold and silver.If you have a university education consider traveling abroad to teach. Marry a dumpy Japanese girl, permanently emigrate and never look back

>> No.9842508

Are you jealous or merely overcome with Ressentiment?

>> No.9842516

Prove to me how Trump has plans to stop non-white immigration.

Also Trump is BFFs with Israel

>> No.9842517

There is no greater feeling than stripping down, cutting your toenails deep, and smelling (even tasting!) the horrible decaying mix of skin and lint hidden underneath.

>> No.9842518

i'm american, i'm perfectly fine with globalization, i just think islam is a satanic cult that needs to be stopped dead for human civilization to flourish

>> No.9842525

i'm not a neo-nazi dude, i just want to see the retarded policies that are destroying the american standard of living stopped

>> No.9842528

You're another larping keyboard warrior who isn't doing shit

If you are the last hope for the white race then the only option is to save our individual selves

>> No.9842530

and what am i supposed to be "doing" exactly?

i like how these people who never got laid are complaining that white people are going extinct, yeah, maybe instead of being a neo-nazi larper you could just try getting laid for starters

>> No.9842532

So you're okay with your country flooded with Indian programmers and Chinese communists?

You don't have a coherent idea of how to save the west. Go back to t_d

>> No.9842534

Why didn't you give them a high five to the face? Patronizing brocunts.

>> No.9842537

>So you're okay with your country flooded with Indian programmers and Chinese communists?

as long as they're not muslim, who cares

>> No.9842540

You'd let niggers into your home and knock up your wife if they were wearing Maga hats. Jump in a fire larper scum

>> No.9842546

I'm there with you. Sucks.

>> No.9842550

as long as america doesn't become socialist we'll reign over the earth for another 1000 years after europe falls like byzantium, deal with it, nerd

america is beyond east and west

>> No.9842551

The Lauren southern model

>> No.9842558

people always try to talk me into becoming a public school teacher, i'm like yeah, that's an easy path to a union job that you can't fired from unless you rape somebody, but i'm stooping to that level, never, i'd rather work in a coffee shop

>> No.9842560

This thread was highly informative. I never knew traditional alt-right values included petty infighting over minor doctrinal differences :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.9842561

you'll have to hire a social media marketing firm to pump your visibility, very little "viral" shit is organic, it's almost all forced

>> No.9842563

Capitalism is jew-friendly

>> No.9842564

Job 38-42

>> No.9842565

yeah, unlike democrats and marxists the alt-right is always infighting and will never win the presidency, oh, wait

>> No.9842573

I dunno, if you act extreme or autistic enough people will pay attention. I doubt Peterson has a marketing firm pulling his strings

Of course being a moderately attractive young woman helps

>> No.9842577

>I doubt Peterson has a marketing firm pulling his strings

oh hohohoho ur like a little baby

>> No.9842589

Yes. How did you meet? What are your ages?

>> No.9842592

>he believes Internet shitposters actually memed a man into the white house
>he thinks that Trump is anything but a generic neocon fox news grandpa
>he literally thinks he has power over his destiny
Fucking lmaooooo

>> No.9842600

>he thinks trump is a neocon

trump's election totally exposed how retarded libs are

>> No.9842619

"Pretentious" is a useless word which allows you to discredit shit you don't like without explaining what's wrong with it and instead going after the creator for why you think they made it

I want to be tied up

>> No.9842627

it's too bad this board isn't more like irc where u can see who's online at any given night because sometimes there are smart people but other times, like tonight for example, it's just retards

>> No.9842635

i'm going to read city of god and i'm not visiting this site again until i finish it

>> No.9842683
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I think it was JFK who said something like, effort and courage are nothing without purpose and direction. Fuck.

>> No.9842699
File: 247 KB, 2560x1080, cobes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jacoba smulders has a nice rack

>> No.9842713

What do you call a security guard that's always sleeping?

A nark-oleptic.

>> No.9842730

I think he also said somethin like "I hope this parade ends soon so I can fuck some strange and get out of the hot Texas su-

>> No.9842734

Does masturbation kill social drive?

On weeks I don't beat off I have so much energy and have no trouble making friends or seducing women. When I jack off however, I'm just an antisocial ass.

>> No.9842745

The social drive was already dead from the start

>> No.9842749
File: 1.60 MB, 718x404, me on the left.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have neither effort nor courage nor purpose nor direction

>> No.9842750

Psychoanalyze me anon

I masturbate all the time

>> No.9842772

I'm only in town for 2 weeks. I broke up with my girlfriend when I left, and haven't told her I'm back, but she knows. I met up with an old ex and all this love triangle bullshit got me thinking.

The idiosyncrasies of a person, or elements of their character, that I fall in love with in the beginning are the very things I end up hating when the breakup happens.
She loved me for my ambition and intelligence, and these very things brought to me a job opportunity in another state which led to our breakup. She hates me now.
I loved her for her addictive personality. She gives my ideas attention and tells me they are worth something. Of course, she does this to others too, and I'm the jealous type. I hate her now.

It's petty but it's something to think about.

>> No.9842774

I can't fucking sleep

>> No.9842780

lol you've been deceived those are actually capital i's

>> No.9842781
File: 193 KB, 2560x1080, cobes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no polish qt gf

>> No.9842831
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I lack a self identity.

During my developmental years where most people become the adults they will remain, I simply existed. I never had anything that made me unique. I'm so easily influenced by others that I don't know what thoughts are mine and what thoughts were put there by someone else. I don't feel like I belong anywhere or have any allegiance to any group, geographical location or specific identity. Leaving me to face the world alone, the world where I don't know where I belong on its surface.

I can't decide what to do with my life because I don't know what could possibly make me happy. I don't even know what makes me happy now. Cooking a good meal is the only time that comes to mind.

So I'm in a situation where I've been idling for a few years and its time for me to either make a change and do something in order to find out just who I am or continue simply existing. Simply existing grinds away at my soul every day but don't know what else to do because I don't know what makes me happy.

>> No.9842832
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>drank 2 bottles of wine within 2 hours
>still not at the level of fun drunk I want

Kidneys, why must you betray me with your supreme irish-italian genetic blend of tolerance?

>> No.9842835
File: 51 KB, 720x540, 1264875530284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is compelling. Nothing is interesting. Everything is ephemeral. Everything is abstracted.

I want off this ride.

>> No.9842838

Today was a bad day.

Nothing drastic, just a day where things feel out of sync. Weird. Uncomfortable. Less than ideal.

That's alright, too. Those days happen.

Just keep trying your best. Something good will come to you soon.

>> No.9842841

I miss you, please touch me

>> No.9842842

Yes, this ride is, without a shadow a doubt, intolerable. You must remove yourself from the external ride and find the inner ride.

This is a proper challenge, apply yourself to it.

>> No.9842850

Live and learn champ.

Sorry for the cliche but take some risks and you'll ultimately find yourself.

>> No.9842864

Now this is what I call fiction.

>> No.9842881

I've never kissed a girl

>> No.9842882 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 620x424, 1500893567801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot even conceive of what I would call achievement. I hate my failures. I hate my successes even more. I am a small man in a small world. The only thing I love is my discontent, this boiling sense of indication rejection and resentment for I can mistake it as nobility. Not of noble deed or idea, but a sort of proof of noble possibility, something between between intent and desire.

>> No.9842898

>something between intent and desire
that's a nice word-stuff there

I wonder if you really hate your "success" though.

The criteria, the filter, the program, the lense, the perspective, VIA which you, we, experience, validate this or that action of our own, is wARPEd. It is distorted. It is not aligned with that heaven we know resides in that sacred corner of the brain, which our tainted daylight attention does not touch. It remains there, brooding, anticipating, excited and bored simultaneously.

I will give you the keys to freedom: distill your desires. Simplify your intentions. Focus your will into a singular plan. That's all.

If you can't decide between this or that, or between this or that or that or that, then have an internal battle. Let them kill each other inside you, and see who comes out victorious. There are no compromises in this short meaningless life.

>> No.9842963
File: 13 KB, 462x546, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect nothing from life and I'm still let down.

>> No.9842988

das cuz you secretly want a good life, like fuckin any normal sentient organism on earth ya dingus

>> No.9843004

I was just giving him suggestions on a safe place to shoot his own head.

>> No.9843014
File: 333 KB, 2000x2770, PXjJJMn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was going bald for a while. I dropped out of school and have since become homeless. My hair came back. It was stress. I feel so free.
Pretty too.

>> No.9843017

Best of luck to you pal.

>> No.9843067

I think I am not fully aware of my daily actions I feel like a slave who does not know that it is, but deep in my soul there is still light

>> No.9843082

Where are you going on this train?

>> No.9843089

Just control your own ego

>> No.9843098
File: 15 KB, 540x395, Tfw_fc708a_5656469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.9843832

Bought a new keyboard in a hurry and without thinking much, it turned out it's a shitty notebook keyboard without numpad.

>> No.9843837

No one responds to me unless it's a shitpost

>> No.9843851


>> No.9843857

/lit/ is such a cool board

>> No.9843866
File: 307 KB, 700x700, CS3465388-02A-BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dream last night was fucking wild

bro that reminds me, i had a fucking insane dream last night, holy shit, part of it was earth had aliens come to it, but they weren't even animals, they were like plants, they just kept growing these giant fleshy masses everywhere that just kept expanding even if you try to kill them or chop them up and then in an unrelated note my apartment started collapsing and falling into flood of water and i couldn't find my fucking phone

>> No.9843869

>said no one ever

>> No.9843927

It honestly is pretty cool. I think hating on it, and 4chan in general, is sort of a reverse Stockholm syndrome, it's better than all the alternatives I know of anyway

>> No.9844006

"warriors don't run, only berserkers run"

what could this possibly mean?

>> No.9844025

Warriors have a brain.

>> No.9844030

pity reply

>> No.9844046


>> No.9844206

I could either take my life or wade through the shit. Probably the first since dying doesn't sound too bad actually :^)

>> No.9844263

what's on your mind

>> No.9844857

The despair of being abandoned or of being made a tool is something I don't want to feel again.

>> No.9844900

I miss my best friend.

>> No.9845202

there is dust gathering on my book shelf

>> No.9845208

just insulted a girl for recommending Shrek to me

>> No.9845226

She's 18, I'm 25. We met on a music site. Happened to live close to each other (I wasn't the guy that asked if you were jealous, by the way).
She's young but she's far from being vapid and stupid like most women. Very innocent and childlike but far from childish or naïve.
Her hugs feel like warm blankets fresh out of a drier. She's magnificent.

>> No.9845229

did she do it as a joke at least

>> No.9845266
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1467501747453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her hugs feel like warm blankets fresh out of a drier.

>> No.9845279

some faggy guido white guy with a bunch of tribal tattoos just road raged on me cuz i almost rode in front of him and made him stop faster than he thought was cool

i really hate the proletariat

>> No.9845645

This gives me hope. I'm 23 and already it seems like all the women my age are pooping out kids and looking worn out from 5+ years of drinking and drugs and partying. It's depressing. And I don't even know how to talk to 18-20 year olds anymore and would have no idea where to even meet them since I'm not in college anymore and I'm too poor to live in a cool city.

>> No.9845748

That's not a terrible age difference, although it would work better when it's 22-29. The only thing I would keep in mind, and this is not trying to be pessimistic, I'm honestly trying to make sure you don't get hurt, but anyway the thing I would keep in mind is that young girls like that get bored of men quickly, especially older, sensitive guys. Just make sure that the both of you are in it for the right reasons and hopefully it works out.

>> No.9845767

why don't you learn how to drive?

>> No.9845775

i really hate people who don't know the definition of proletariat

>> No.9845855

- OP

>> No.9846077

the mind is a doesn't exist. It's a theorical construct

>> No.9846369

u can succ my dicke bitch pussy assd bitch

>> No.9846380

Not much

>> No.9846426

I've had chronic pain for the last three months and I fear it will never go away. Being a few steps short of a cripple has really made me realize how inconsequential a lot of my past emotional issues have been.

I urge everyone struggling with depression, anxiety, existential angst, etc. to go out and live your life and try not to get too hung up on mental things, because it could be a hell of a lot worse.

>> No.9846449

>struggling with depression, anxiety
>try not to get too hung up on mental things
i know you mean well but that's not how depression and anxiety work

>> No.9846456

i don't have friends and i have severe agoraphobia
i can't just go out and live life despite wanting to

>> No.9846462

I was thinking about this earlier and how there is some faggy bookstore for rich kids to buy "cool" books right off of campus I wanted to say the bookstore was pretentious but then I was worried that I was being pretentious for thinking the faggy bookstore was pretentious

after some introspection i concluded im dumb as shit with faggy opinions but thats probably not a big deal because I don't have a say in the matter and then with a little empathy I realized its the same for all those faggy kids I don't like and they're probably okay too

>> No.9846485

see you've got your idiosyncrasies in the wrong order. when you think they're (the idiosyncrasies) are cute and special from the get go they'll soon become overdone and annoying. but when you think they're dumb shit from day one you get used to them as time goes on and then you love them (the idiosyncrasies). Of course once you love them you look out for them because you expect them to make you feel good and then they're not as good as your expectations and they become overdone and annoying.

So It all comes down to how you manage your expectations really, but thats a can of worms you don't want to get caught up in.

Also what you described seem to be important aspects of a character, I'm talking about idiosyncrasies

>> No.9846492

too late, this is who you'll be forever. Your formative years have set in stone

>> No.9846510

>blow a big ass fart
>apple watch tells me to "breath"

fk u

>> No.9846600

this made me laugh more than anything else has in a while

>> No.9846737

what does it feel like being white?

>> No.9846751

it's pretty nice, but kind of playing life with the default character where you just want to play so you click "ok" "ok" "ok" until the game lets you start

>> No.9846922

But you said, "Come no conquerer that conquerers have not known." To illuminate the redundancy of loneliness, you elaborated, though the first was more succinct than the last, repudiations of recesses in your statements with a single exasperated sigh. The titillations of orgasm from these words would neither last for me or you, instead a paraplegic conundrum of 'conquest', the lost word which so feeds well the idea of the selflessness in your words, to yourself, to me, to time in general, splays the ideas of not what is missing, but definitely the obfuscation of your polar behavior, redeeming twice dearness and detestation and once definite or by attitude, definitely, it is contagious twice.

>> No.9846952

The third dimension is hell. Higher dimensional beings experience more bliss as they don't have to work as hard (if at all) to acquire it.

>> No.9846971

What is the first letter of your first name?

>> No.9846980

Neutral. Slightly superior. Good. I'm not racist but god it feels good to be considered 'default' and the norm. White privilege exists and I'm pretty grateful and unrepentant.

>> No.9847169

r/incel / 10

>> No.9847206

My mother has cancer and its really the first time I've come close to death. We all cease to exist one day, and its nothing I have control over. All I can do is carry on, but living is so difficult.

Reading C.S Lewis's A Grief Observed is making me cry.

>> No.9847524
File: 246 KB, 1024x683, mwPCVz_voaVhmrAcwMf-f4ryLi-PeYbly-6J1AA7nT8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some aspects my attribution to specific circumstances is rather simple. If I can change the conditions, I shouldn't complain and make the change; if I can't change them then I shouldn't complain but accept it. I'm 20 years old and love studying pharmacy. At least I thought so. January I invested my savings into crypto currencies and I made huge profits. Colored paper. Now I'm financially independant for the next few years and I wonder what I should do with my life. Studying feels like a waste of time somtimes. Dead knowledge. I'd love to see the world, to enjoy my freedom and to really live life with real problems. I really don't know what to do, at the moment life feels like a big scam.
Too bad Troy already got discovered.

My condolences. Marc Aurels thougs on death helped me in similar situatios. Keep your head up.

>> No.9847540

When I first started writing books, it began. When my books first started to gain traction and get sales, it continued. I do not want to die, and I want want to live. Been informed by a reader in Germany that he bought two more paperback versions of my books, feels fucking good, going to get myself a cup of coffee and do some more writing for my next book.

>> No.9847559

Very interesting thought, and knowing the Mosin actions intimately I know exactly what it feels like to load it, both with clip or with loose rounds. Either way, it feels different than any other bolt-action. The rounds have such a huge protruding rim, there's a huge taper from the rear of the cartridge to the bullet, in the magazine there is an interruptor which heavily affects how the rounds feel as they're being pushed down into the single-stack fixed mag. Then there's the feeling of the push-feed bolt, running forward as a round is stripped from the mag, the rest of the rounds left below due to the interruptor, and the turning of the bolt is a little bit stiff and jarring due to having to push the extractor up over the rim of the casing not to mention it's in the turning of the bolt that the interruptor is interrupted, allowing the four more rounds in the mag to move up for when the bolt will cycle again.

Ultimately however, even a young man who might have been there will have lived under Tsar Nicholas II for years and years, would have directly suffered under his rule or would have known many who had, so I doubt there was anyone at the Tsar's execution who was entirely impartial. Not only that, but there were picture of the Tsar everywhere, his face would have been seen for years, the face that looked almost EXACTLY like King George V. It would have been like meeting a celebrity, and it would have been literally meeting royalty. So though it's a very interesting thought, I don't think they'd have replied to the Tsar with an "I dunno" upon asking what's going on. I also doubt he would be wondering, what with all the war waged between the Reds and the Whites.

>> No.9847568

I put in the effort to write daily, and I have the courage to put myself out there to take criticism as well as to talk to those who have read my stuff knowing they might not have liked it. My purpose is to pursue this passion of writing by any means, and with the ideas I've developed I have direction that will last years even if I stop coming up with new ideas right now, which of course I won't.

I believe that this is ultimately the reason why I actively hope I don't die, because if I were to die young while still in my 20s or even in my 30s or 40s, there will be hundreds of books that I will not have gotten the chance to write if I continue at the rate I'm going.

>> No.9847849

I've been writing since I was in middle school. I used to be able to be content writing only for myself. Back then, all I wanted was to get my stories out on paper and play around with words. It didn't matter that I was the only one who could read it.

Now I'm older and more self-conscious and deeply aware that I am mediocre. Strangely, my awareness of my mediocrity makes me want to inflict my writing onto other people, but I'm so used to keeping it to myself that I don't know how to begin. It always seemed like a private activity to me.

Sometimes I think about the case when I die, leaving all my stories behind on my laptop. None of my friends know I write, and all of my stories would disappear, touching no one other than me. Occasionally I find this depressing, but other times, I welcome it. It's a little like Bartlebooth's hopeless endeavor in Life: A User's Manual.

>> No.9847927

I just want a comfy life but I don't want to put in the effort to achieve it because that's uncomfortable.

>> No.9847983

Does anyone get this

>> No.9847988

Yes, but it's quite a poor pun as the slang 'narc' is rarely used to refer to a security guard.

>> No.9848164

Alison Brie has the best tits I've ever seen.

>> No.9848167


And that's what a security guard is, an official nark. It is in their literal job description when handling criminal activity.

>> No.9848237

I feel comfortable being an 18 year old virgin, but then society tells me it's kinda weird and so I feel uncomfortable with it

>> No.9848243

It's narc, as in slang for narcotics agent. Feel free to google it.

>> No.9848282

Prayer is actually a type of kataphatic meditation/mindfulness.
what you're referring to when you talk about the harms of prayer are studies done on people who said they were being prayed for and felt pressure to get better and did worse due to the stress of expectation BUT also stress to provide positive results in the test. When you put people under pressure to perform it causes stress.
"Prayer is AT LEAST a form of meditation that encourages the development of healthy brain tissue, lowers stress, and can connect us to God. EVEN IF that is a comprehensive definition of prayer, the health and psychological benefits of prayer justify the discipline."

>> No.9848284


Good try you lying faggot

>> No.9848363

phoneposters please go

>> No.9848369
File: 581 KB, 200x149, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost faggot. And 4chan is a mobile site!

>> No.9848371

What did I lose?

>> No.9848388


>> No.9848420

Why did you send me a link when I already sent you one that has both? I said nark, not narc, you fucking faggot

>> No.9848426

>Also spelled nark.

>> No.9848430 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 984x995, 1501760631364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the Christmas ham, keep the change.


My character makes racist jokes.

>> No.9848510

I'm tired of new friends i've made and it hasn't even been 6 months of knowing them. Because they're intertwined with my more solid social group I can't just drop them.

>> No.9848533

Nark. Police informer. Fucking faggot.

>> No.9848542

im not racist, because racism is crime and crime is a black thing

>> No.9848560

>From narcotics agent

>> No.9848563

dude stfu with ur bullshit

>> No.9848604

no you fucking faggot thats narc short for narcotics, but you lack reading comprehension

>> No.9848613

>Narc, sometimes also spelled nark, is slang derived from the term 'narcotics agent'.
It doesn't matter how many times you say 'faggot' it's still a shitty pun.

>> No.9848631
File: 116 KB, 500x375, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not fooling anyone you faggot nark


>> No.9848642
File: 34 KB, 375x375, HAWAI_Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pussy hole

>> No.9848645

still a bad pun

>> No.9848648
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>> No.9848658

im pretty punny, and you SUCK, the life out of everything, faggot

>> No.9848694

I wish that I was born a thousand years ago
I wish that I'd sailed the darkened seas
On a great big clipper ship
Going from this land here to that
In a sailor's suit and cap

>> No.9848702

>so BBC

k gay

>> No.9848887

I'm fat, and the more I think about eating healthy and working out, the less likely I'm actually going to do it.

>> No.9848920

Hell is looking back at a dull and regrettable life.

>> No.9848948

Being aware of an act's pretentiousness and/or "cringeyness", is in itself an act of "cringeness" and/or pretentiousness. The heart of irony.

>> No.9848951

>tfw the first story I feel passionate about writing in a long time is about a guy who hunts down vampires and fucks them to death

>> No.9848960

Shades of grey and twilight made millions.

>> No.9848963

How many levels of cringeness and pretentiousness are we on, my man?

>> No.9848983

I want to do so much shit and time is so short.

Everything changes.

>> No.9849006

It's a bit like the guy who explain the fun in something; not realizing we're all already laughing. Or maybe the reverse.

You can cringe, but you can't say you are, if you do you can't declare that you understand that it is also cringey, cause that would be cringey. Saying these words.

What is pretentiousness really?

>> No.9849013

>What is pretentiousness really?
Inflated self-importance, essentially.

>> No.9849015

I just remembered that I used to lick magazine pages as a kid. I'd completely forgotten, but I used to do it all the time. They're kind of sweet, or at least they used to be, and I kinda wanna do it again now.

>> No.9849064

Yeah, though from what I understand erotica is mostly read by women. What I'm working on is so decidedly masculine that I think the appeal would be limited. Though I guess there's plenty of fairly rapey shit out there marketed to women ("Taken by the Billionaire Wolfman," "Seduced by the Highlander," and on and on), with the difference being that in those stories the main character is a woman who despite resisting at first finds that rough sex is just what she needed. My story follows a guy through increasingly depraved sex scenes with disposable monsters who rarely live through the act. I think that's an important difference.

I also used to do this. I had preferences, with nat geo being my favorite

>> No.9849078

>nat geo
I don't remember my favorites, because mostly I just licked what I got my hands on, but nat geo is a good one. Anything with a proper spine are the best ones.

>> No.9849081

Naked time?

>> No.9849134
File: 279 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_6577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like sheep.

>> No.9849173
File: 82 KB, 555x563, 1501244167730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told a girl who's been getting pretty close to me lately that "all I care about in life is studying Japanese and using it to hit on Japanese girls." Now she seems to have lost complete interest in speaking to me. Not sure what I expected, but I at least thought she'd laugh.

>> No.9849179

She's have laughed if you'd been joking.

>> No.9849181

>she would laugh

Why makes you think that

>> No.9849200

Is she Japanese? But anyway anon that's a fairly creepy thing to say

>> No.9849209

She probably thought you were just another weird weebo with the yellow fever. Reason enough to stop talking to you tbqhwf

>> No.9849212
File: 22 KB, 720x253, 1441458987605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ.

>> No.9849419


>> No.9849437

You probably should have made it more clear that it was a joke.

>> No.9849480


I have been reading "The Dictator's Handbook" and it has me thinking about the plot to a novel where a rebellion rises due to a tyrannical monarch. The monarchy is destroyed by the rebellion, the leader of the rebellion is killed and the one who kills the monarch is placed into power. They then try to be a benevolent leader of the people but become as tyrannical, if not worse, as the monarch and are brought down by another rebellion. I see it as a single book told in four parts: The Revolution, The Transition, The Purge and The Fall. It's only a passing thought, really.

>> No.9849507

My master told me that I'm in chastity again and told me to post with this tripcode only.
I don't want more vidya games.
1984 is shit.
Should I cook spaghetti Napoletana or Bolognese tomorrow?
I should get off the internet.

>> No.9849561

I am so socially inept that I chase away anyone who shows the slightest interest in me because I don't think I will live up to their expectations

>> No.9849566

i do that too but i at least try to get laid once or twice before the paranoia and self-loathing makes me ghost

>> No.9849574


just write it you lazy fuck

>> No.9849580

I'm bored as fuck.

>> No.9849595

Play with me, then, anon~

>> No.9849645
File: 5 KB, 240x169, tbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9849653

I remembered videodrome and I'm pretty sure I'm having a mild dissociative episode. I just... my grasp on reality is tentative at best and these things like this sort of break me down temporarily. at least it doesn't get me excited- if something fucked up gets me sexually excited, I self-harm. ME! ME! ME! really fucked me up for hours.

>> No.9849666

>doesn't like 1984
>likes cock
like pottery

>> No.9849670

BNW > 1984

>> No.9849674


>> No.9849696

Explain to me why my statement is false, then.

>> No.9849704

Because I haven't read BNW

>> No.9849708

You can't form an opinion on something that you've not read.

>> No.9849717

Sure I can

>> No.9849718

Why so?

>> No.9849721
File: 60 KB, 916x786, Jeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only excuse is that I'd pulled an all-nighter the night before and that always puts me in a weird state of mind. It wasn't until it started haunting my sleep that I realized how autistic I had been.
Before I fucked it up, we'd been having a conversation about the concept of nothing, where consciousness goes, whether or not we "existed" before birth. It was a long conversation that led to us talking about our life goals. I talked about my actual plans and then ended it by saying more or less exactly what my other post said, maybe worse. It really was meant to be a joke but I know my delivery came out stone cold and it completely killed the momentum. It was "late and she had to go" so I assumed it was game over.

However... She messaged me just a moment ago with some light banter which reminded me that I made this post.

Pic related: I guess it didn't bother her as much as I thought it did. I might still have a chance.

>> No.9849734

Because reasons

>> No.9849742

You must be really good looking if she is still talking to you.

>> No.9849761

Thanks anon

>> No.9849810

What if they all convert.

>> No.9849812

You're an autist.

>> No.9849814


>> No.9849848

lmao dude, you should read your own posts. I was going to call you an autist but w/e

>> No.9849861

I wish I knew where to get cocaine

>> No.9849905

>eyes low
>it might look like i'm korean
>diamond chain
>it look like somebody peein'

my sides weren't ready

>> No.9850201

You really have to be comfortable with yourself before social interaction becomes satisfying. And it starts with what you cultivate. Read, lift weights, and apply for jobs. Play up your resume.

>> No.9850220

>shes 18
>im 25
Hahahahahahabahaabababahahaja. Good luck while it lasts anon. Seriously. Best lel of my day.

>> No.9850269

Say what you like. Personally, I'm jealous. I remember 18 year old pussy, hell from my earlier teens I remember 15 and 17 year old pussy (both legal in my country when of the correct age, which I was)... good times... I don't recall having gotten 16 year old pussy but it'd be legal for me to get it tomorrow if it was consensual, but considering my age, it'd needless to say be VERY creepy...

>> No.9850281

>shes not like other girls!
Every guy believes this about every girl he's been in a relationship with. It's only true in the honeymoon period.

>> No.9850331

Why is it so hard to be vindicated in your own lifetime? I just wanna go back in time and give melville a big hug and say everything will be ok and moby dick will become the most important american novel. And i just want someone to do that for me. To at least tell me my writing will someday make someone happy. That perhaps it will enrapt and enthrall a few kindred souls. Che sarebbe bello per me.

>> No.9850603

He understood by looking into the man in front of him, that he hadn't grasped how he had mistreated people. What now happens? Vindication? No. He, unfortunatley is his father's son. Doomed to the life of boozing and sleeping in casino hotels. No obstruction lay ahead of the deadbeat in calling.

>> No.9851431

>i should kill myself
>i hate this place
>what's next?
>that's a cute girl
>love shattered pride?
>two more weeks until graduation

>> No.9851442

hurry up the market is oversaturating