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/lit/ - Literature

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9840562 No.9840562 [Reply] [Original]

When the top 100 list of /lit/ will be done this year ? /lit/ newfag here

>> No.9840577

This list is shit and filled with meme books. We need a new one.

>> No.9840582
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x3500, hZpF7Cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already been done m8.

>> No.9840588

Dat Infinity Jest

>> No.9840598

Please stop posting this fake shit.

>> No.9840607

>t. butthurt discord fag

>> No.9840635

At least try and post a version with fake votes next time, instead of no votes at all.
Are you maybe one of the people who was stupid enough to think that it was real in the first place?

>> No.9840642

hopefully never

>> No.9840647

So the new one will be done later this year ?

>> No.9840682


>> No.9840687

what's the point of doing a new one when they're almost the same every year? it'd be more interesting if we chose a certain period/genre/concept in literature and do a top 50 or 100 for that.

>> No.9840710

the 2017 one is good

>> No.9840757

new one was already done and posted, some butthurt fag has been spamming FAKE CHART
autistically for like 3 months cause his meme picks didnt make the list

>> No.9840775

We need to do another top 100 authors.

>> No.9840788

Maybe people will start believing you when you post charts with votes.

>> No.9840793

>caring about muh votes

>> No.9840812

Then just call the list "some guys top100 books" so there is no confusion.

>> No.9840826

>let's not call it Hitler's reich, let us just call it "some guy's reich"

>> No.9840835

That wasn't made by /lit/

>> No.9840852

Hitler is one person, /lit/ is many. That is an awful argument.

>> No.9840865

it clear says /lit/ on top m8, are you illiterate?

>> No.9840867

You don't get it, do you? The senpai who made the list is Hitler, and lit is Germany.

>> No.9840881

Then I am wholeheartedly sorry. I have no intention of questioning the führers authority over what books the individuals of this board subjectively enjoys.

>> No.9840882
File: 17 KB, 367x388, 1449917835722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zettels Traum
>not the absolute mad man definition of a meme book

>> No.9840896

the fake pic guy is always there within minutes whenever someone mentions a chart, that's at least as much dedication as hitler

>> No.9840908
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>> No.9840918
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>> No.9840927
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>implying /lit/ actually reads and doesn't just meme shit everyone else does to have a pathetic feeling of belonging

>> No.9841009

They were done around October before. That's if a new anon can be bothered to set up threads and clean up the results. Plus they'll have to put up with that group of people ITT spamming porn and votes for their buddy's unpublished novel. I mean there was always ballot-stuffing with the bible and such, but these ones are a bit more obnoxious about it. Wait and do it yourself if you care.

>> No.9841031

the same pers9n made the 2016 and 2017 charts

>> No.9842217

Kek, I can't believe someone spent years translating this thing.

>> No.9842224

the discord fags are the ones shilling the chart

>> No.9843385
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1455007630795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe there was a underground scene in germany in the 70s which literaly copied that giant shit and illegaly distributed it to other underground "artists". It's one of those things were the author probably either has a mental illness where his work is a cry for help or he thought "fuck you, let me see with how much nonsense I can get away with". It's the literal shit on a wall calling itself a piece of art. Anybody giving it any serious credit deserves a bitchslap back to reality.

>> No.9843415

they're also the ones posting what you're quoting for attention

>> No.9844310

other way around

some discord fags tried to team up to fuck with the voting but the polling anon cut all their votes and now they run around spamming FAKE CHART 24/7

it's a cringeworthy autism fest from the /soc/ fags

>> No.9844318

Go back to discord and stop wasting your time, nobody's going to believe you

>> No.9844404

that might just be a legitimately confused anon, what he says is what happened when yet another autist tried to run a poll early in response to that fake

>> No.9844441

you guys all sound autistic for being this devoted to following
>le ebin drama
on /lit/ of all places. go watch some daytime tv or something.

>> No.9845253

What is this discord bullshit that you people keep talking about? Why would a circlejerk discord channel decide the tastes of /lit/ in the first place instead of putting a poll on the board?

>> No.9845299

Fake news the post.

>> No.9845336


>4 American authors in the top 10 despite the fact that Moby Dick is the only literary worthwhile work to ever come out of the US

These lists are shit and attract swarms of newfags.

>> No.9845343


Holy fuck, there are five of them.

>> No.9845344

>4 American authors in the top 10
Blood Meridian, Gravity's Rainbow, The Bible, Infinite Jest and Ulysses? That's 5.....

>> No.9845354

Ireland, the 51st state

>> No.9845356


>DFW and McCarthy not somewhere between 90-100
>Don Quijote not in top 5.
>Proust not in top 10
>Hesse, Orwell and Moore all before Hamsun and Hamlet

The imgur influx disaster was well deserved. I take back what I said about a swarm of newfags being undesirable. You can't kill something that's already a bloated, rotting corpse.

>> No.9845376

the 2017 chart is comfy, i dont care if it's fake (also still no proof besides one autist spamming every thread)

>> No.9845394

There's plenty of proof that it's fake (also no proof it isn't besides one autist spamming every thread)

>> No.9845408

?? link

>> No.9845421

Look in warosu if you care so much, the books they chose aren't even in the votes lol

>> No.9845539

i really don't so im gonna keep posting the 2017 chart cause it seems to trigger a lot of people who do

>> No.9845587

Nah, this one was a proven dud; the guy who administered the Google Doc (which we all could see, and it looked nothing like this) just picked the ones he liked/found non-offensive.

Flannery O'Connor and a couple others weren't even nominated, as I recall.

Also, even though it's a meme, Infinite Jest was one of the most "voted on" on the list; it should have wound up in the top 5, but it's listed at 42. Even if you agree with the placement, that's not where /lit/ voted it.

>> No.9845595


This guy too >>9845421 is right; a lot of the books on this list weren't even voted for on the Google Doc.

And >>9845539 , it gets people all bent out of shape on here because it's interesting to see where /lit/izens stand on certain works. It's less interesting to see a chart some dude just threw together.

>> No.9845617

Next thing you're going to figure out you can win a few (You)s getting corrected if you post any false statement. Hang in there, you'll make a successful shitposter yet!

>> No.9845620

butthurt discord posters detected