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/lit/ - Literature

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9839079 No.9839079 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw when you read 6 hours of philosophy a day and the hole inside you still isn't going away

>> No.9839094

Try getting a job.

>> No.9839099

>implying that philosophy isn't about creating holes rather than filling them.

>> No.9839103

Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiasties, then the Gospels.

>> No.9839108

I work part time.

I've read the Bible and it never touched me. The only thing that's helped is a mix of Platonic and Stoic philosophy

>> No.9839109

It's not about making it disappear, but accepting it as part of life and using it to make better art/philosophy or even to feel empathy to others and connect with them through shared suffering.

>> No.9839116

Get a gf.

The hole she will leave after she betrays and leaves you will be so much bigger that you'll stop trying to fill it

>> No.9839120

According to DFW, loving yourself fully is the key to ending that.

>> No.9839121

Said the guy who killed himself

>> No.9839123

Why would I take happiness advice from a man who took medication and killed himself?

>> No.9839124

You're reading too much philosophy in one sitting to absorb the content in an effective manner.

>> No.9839140

Time for end stage philosophy.

Epicureanism. There is no point to life so just derive moderate pleasure from life and await the end.

>> No.9839143

>>tfw when you eat 6 hours a day and the hole inside you still isn't going away
please kill me

>> No.9839146

Try studying jurisprudence, medicine and, alas! theology

>> No.9839151

Most zealously I seek for erudition. Much do I know--but to know all is my ambition.

>> No.9839152
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not only that, but it's fucking tripe to boot. best advice I ever got was from Andy Warhol.

>> No.9839153

Read Hegel and realize this negativity is inherent in the process of consciousness itself.

>> No.9839158

my dude.

>> No.9839162
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Start living philosophically all day.

>> No.9839167
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>> No.9839170

Well evidently he failed to do it, but he's not the only person who's said that.

>> No.9839173

OP dedicating yourself intensely to religion is the only answer.

>> No.9839176

That advice is "go for a run every morning" tier nonsense, given by people who think depression is fighting with their partner or getting the wrong sized drink at Starbucks.

>> No.9839181

He's not wrong, he just about it the wrong way, you have to love another to love yourself.

>> No.9839187


>> No.9839198

this is the most wrong thing I have ever read. He didn't say that he read 200 pages, he said he spent six hours. This, if anything, is the best way to read philosophy.

>> No.9839202

What a strange response.

>> No.9839203

>he hasn't figured out that literature is the cure

>> No.9839205

Had he said "studied philosophy" for 6 hours then you would likely be right. But he said he "read philosophy" for 6 hours. That implies he was burning through the texts like a madman.

>> No.9839207

A healthy relationship is two people working together. No relationship can function properly if you're putting the person as some kind of jesus ersatz through which you'll be saved. It's unhealthy, it's creepy, and you'll end up chasing the person away.

>> No.9839213

I spend a lot of time rereading passages and thinking about the text as I work through it. In 6 hours I'll read maybe 50 pages

>> No.9839220


literally the only correct response

>> No.9839221

So we are in agreement on how philosophy should be read, anon. I simply doubt that the OP is doing this. But I could be wrong, I have been before.

>> No.9839225

>I have been before

>> No.9839233

I AM the OP

>> No.9839234

I think that >>9839213 is OP

Or at least that post wasn't me (>>9839198)

>> No.9839241

Give up on looking for an answer and fill your life with endless distraction.

>> No.9839249

Well then I was wrong yet again. Kek

>> No.9839255

Reading Psychology actually helps you out, and contains a little bit of philosophy depending on who you're reading.

Carl Jung, Carl Rogers and stuff on transactional analysis genuinely helped me out.

Transactional analysis may seem like a really watered down and overly simplistic way of looking at self-esteem issues but it helped me shed some light on the way I interact with people.

>> No.9839327

Determine from which you can want that it determines you.

>> No.9839659

OP here, I power read through the text. You don't need to "study" 20 pages for 6 hours, that's ridiculous...

>> No.9839670

You're not me, fuck off.

>> No.9839679

You don't need to samefag to bump your thread, anon...

>> No.9839685
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>> No.9839698
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>tfw you do philosophy for a living and you've found happiness

>> No.9839703

No shit dummy.

Here's a tip: all philosophy basically comes back around to the answer of, "I don't fucking know," after thousand of pages of bullshit conjecturing.

>> No.9839710

>try to discuss philosophy with school normie friends over a coffee, one of which is a girl I used to date (still kind of date?)
>try to talk about Kierkegaard
>the girl says it doesn't matter how much I philosophise because I am nothing without love
>laugh at her
>go home
>think about it for hours anyway


>> No.9839718

hahahahahahahahaha your life sucks

>> No.9839722

>one of which is a girl I used to date (still kind of date?)
can you expound on this, anon?

>> No.9839726


when will summer be over.

>> No.9839729

never officially broke up, but see each other once in never and never even do anything sexual

my fault mostly desu, kinda stopped trying to make an effort for the sake of the relationship t b h senpai


>> No.9839735

>ever interacting with women
You brought that on yourself. Get a qt trap and then wait about 5 years when you can have a baby grown from your skin cells.

>> No.9839736

>never officially broke up, but see each other once in never and never even do anything sexual
>my fault mostly desu, kinda stopped trying to make an effort for the sake of the relationship t b h senpai

I had something similar with my ex for a while. She is probably having regular sex with another man.

>> No.9839753

don't really care mate, that's the sad part

>> No.9839758

Lmao cuck

>> No.9839768
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Try filling someone else's hole instead of your own

>> No.9839774

I read a good deal of it to, but it just seems so futile if you cant study it formally.

>> No.9839783

not a cuck if you are not in a relationship and don't even want the girl

>> No.9839794

Stop reading neichtze dumbass

>> No.9839814

Any specific books ?

>> No.9839827

Stop being a slave, asshole

>> No.9839828

make me

>> No.9839838

Save the world man; I'm sure you can with all that knowledge and wisdom.

>> No.9839844

Why is Schopenhauer used exclusively for shitposting on /lit/?

>> No.9839866

Unless you grew up with Christianity the bible isn't a particularly satisfying read.

At no point did it ever "move me", give me goosebumps or anything like that. It reads as too much a product of its time and place.

>> No.9839868

Try taking on some responsibility instead reading blogs from old rich people, you piece of shit.

>> No.9839916

Alpha as fuck.

>> No.9839921

The Phenomenology.

>> No.9839986

The only point of reading philosophy is to yourself philosophize.

If it sends you into despair, you are incapable of it. No offense.

Maybe take a different approach, one involving closer reading of primary texts.

>> No.9840102


Killing yourself can be a direct consequence of loving yourself.

>> No.9840129

>Killing yourself can be a direct consequence of loving yourself.


Here it is in his own words.

>> No.9840234

No it fucking doesn't you pseud stop projecting your retardation on the whole field of philosophy.

>> No.9840789

this is literally me in every relationship. once i actually get to know the girl, the "magic" vanishes and i lose all interests.
a few months later i'm lonely again and meet a new girl, same thing happens.

i've never had a proper relationship because of this and it's starting to bother me, but it's already been a few months since the last girl.

any anon ideas how to fix this? pls no nofap tier advice.

>> No.9842038

Abandon all women. Trust me I'm a 26 years old virgin. No regrets. After the age of 22 it only got better. Can't wait to reach true wizardry. Too bad you fucked that up already.

>> No.9842053

Get married and have kids.

>> No.9842057

>I work part time.
maybe you should start living full time

>> No.9842080

> meditation
> hole inside gone

>> No.9842649

Who are you? Mishima?

>> No.9843768
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When is at acceptable to study a secondary source instead of the original text?

>> No.9843779

>this is literally me in every relationship. once i actually get to know the girl, the "magic" vanishes and i lose all interests.
sad truth senpai

>> No.9843797

>26 year old virgin
>abandon women
Anon, you have to have had something in the first place in order to abandon it.

>> No.9843808

When you've learned how to spell.

>> No.9843819
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holes tho

>> No.9843887


>> No.9843945

Name one actual result from philosophy

>> No.9843974
File: 24 KB, 400x267, RussianRevolution-58bf26d65f9b58af5cc62d69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name one actual result from philosophy

i don't mean to jump in here or anything but

>> No.9844010

>Bite into an apple
>It's just the skin
Fucking daoists.

Chinese philosophy is bollocks

>> No.9844011

This. Some philosophy can be overtly analytical, and this can lead into a more cynical view of the world. I agree with this anon; reading phenomenological psychology and Nietzche has helped me overcome cynicism.

>> No.9844014

literally 2deep4u

>> No.9844028
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>it's dumb
me on the right

ok i take it all back

>> No.9844041

>the hole inside you still isn't going away
It's called a vagina. Philosophy won't help in your case.

>> No.9844085

Holy fortune cookies, that's dumb.

>> No.9844190

I thought the whole point of Good Old Neon, was that suicide wasn't really a solution and caring for yourself was.