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/lit/ - Literature

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9838725 No.9838725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>spend 2 years working part time wagecuck jobs while living at home and wasting all my free time and feeling demoralised
>move to London after getting full time job

>just barely make enough to pay for everything
>job is boring but thankfully light on work and never goes past 9-5
>became the ugly loser loner beta nobody talks to only a few days after starting
>realise I'll never have the social skills needed to succeed among normies

>had zero social life since school, no female attention ever, blackpilled and know women find non Chads disgusting
>see guys younger than me with gfs and feel insanely jealous
>see normies socialising effortlessly (including people who started after me) and feel bitter
>feel under pressure more during my free time than work because I feel like I have to learn maths / learn CS / do practical programming / read lots of books to be smart and successful and have a social life to stop wasting my youth (i.e., I feel bad because there aren't 100 hours in a day)

Well this is demoralising. And this is with a really low work government job. If I actually had to work hard and work a full 8 hours or more then I'd go crazy.

My free time consists of procrastinating over dedicating all my time to some other heirarchy I can feel bad about (i.e., programming).

And you know what really runs it in? The normies who get jobs easily due to normieness and poshness. The women with lives on easy mode and sugar daddies and bfs handing everything to them while society uses me as a disposable battery and deluges me with propaganda. The thousands of teens on the internet getting rich for wacky reasons (apps, crypto, exporting marmite to Tajikistan) while I stick my nose in to SICP- a nerd too scared to go off the beaten path, cowed by the masses while at its bottom rung.

>> No.9838768

Grow a pair faggot

>> No.9838785

Sounds like you need to find a nice waifu, anon.

>> No.9838793

I live in London too, OP. I just turned 25 and I've been with my current girlfriend for about 8 months now. She grew up in the South West and attended private school and then Cambridge. I don't even earn all that much but I guess I make her laugh and keep her satisfied. For her birthday in late August I've planned a surprise trip up to Goathland railway station which was used as the set for Hogsmeade station in Harry Potter. There's an old stone hotel near it and I've arranged for them to decorate the room with a HP theme as I asked them. They even agreed to cook some Harry Potter recipes that I found online for when we arrive in the early evening. We're heading up to Edinburgh then for a proper Birthday weekend. I can't wait to visit the castle and pose for cheesy photos with her and have her be as cute as ever as I take her photo. Thursday night we're going to see Dunkirk with her grandfather and this weekend she's taking me to visit her hometown where we'll probably walk along the coast and stuff like that. Life can be awesome OP, you just have to not be a
self-pitying, defeatist. boring, narcissistic, onanistic weirdo (which you unfortunately appear to be)

>> No.9838795

Just end it already and spare us your repulsive whining that just killed another, probably less shitty (hardly an accomplishment though), thread.

>> No.9838799

Holy fuck, this board is going to shit.

>> No.9838802
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>> No.9838862

Anon, if you were truly satisfied, you wouldn't feel the need to show off on an anonymous message board and attack an anonymous poster. Do you need to validate yourself to strangers on the internet?

>> No.9838882

btfo lmao

>> No.9838927

Just telling the truth my man. It may help OP out, who knows! Better to tell the poor sod how great life can be rather than flatter his vanity.

>> No.9838984

The "story" was pointless but Op is a bigger faggot than he is

Tl;dr assume nobody gives a fuck about you and just get the knowledge you need for cash money

>> No.9839010

What does this have to do with /lit/?
Were you supposed to post this on /r9k/? Or is this /r9k/?