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File: 22 KB, 483x695, 1466984035259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9833099 No.9833099 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people who have never read the works of the Frankfurt School insist on commenting on them anyway?

>> No.9833105 [DELETED] 

because they're cultural marxists who want to destroy western culture

Take the red pill

>> No.9833142

It's much easier to make sweeping scary generalisations based on a few wikipedia pages than actually read Dialectic of Enlightenment

>> No.9833149

>daily reminder that in 'Dialectics of Enlightenment' Adorno and Horkheimer praised jazz as the ultimate form of music and denounced the value of all high modernism and compositions by classical composers, solely to raise the stock of blacks in the US which would enable them to start procreating with white women which would further the 'mass-brownification' (Adorno's term) of the white race
>daily reminder that in his One-Dimensional Man Jewish intellectual and Western subverter Herbert Marcuse elaborated a theory that tried to discredit the advances and progress of capitalism by proposing that capitalism in fact never did anything positive for humanity, but instead that all the cultural progress and achievements that have ever been made, was done by bolsheviks (even in Ancient Greece, Rome, and by the Egyptians)
>daily reminder that the Frankfurt Institute at Colombia University (after they moved to the US to tear down the social fabric of the US) were notoriously famous for their underground basement facilities which were closed to the public and which -- according to several reliable witnesses which have since been silenced by the liberal left -- served to infiltrate academia in the US by inviting unsuspecting and pro-capitalist professors down there and through KGB methods subverted them to bolshevik-feminism and degeneracy
>daily reminder that Eric Fromm, through his psychoanalytic theory which was supplemented by dialectics, tried to prove that in a socialist world there would be no such thing as car accidents, because there would be no paternal authority figure when everyone are 'equal'
>daily reminder that Jürgen Habermas -- through his theory about an 'ideal speech situation' -- tried to elaborate how white heterosexual men should never be allowed to participate in public discourse or the trading of ideas, because these people are -- to use his famous phrase -- 'inherently oppressive'.
>daily reminder that Max Horkheimer tried to use material dialectics to prove that pedophilia was merely a social construct and that it was incumbent on all elderly Jews to exploit children sexually and in fact was their moral duty to do so in the name of 'progressivism'
>daily reminder that in his 'Negative Dialectics' Adorno sough to prove that an object is never equal to its description from which concluded such outlandish things as 'the generally accepted bourgeois notions pertaining to so-called "evolution" are categorically false ... because Whites are never only Whites, and Blacks are never only Blacks which bears witness to an oppressive categorization imposed by Fascistic ideology to divide the proletariat' and '[if women can be said to have a vagina] does that stem from the normative use of language and its rigidity in opposition to dialectical change, and can a vagina in such a case even be said to exist?'

>> No.9833153

>Adorno and Horkheimer praised jazz as the ultimate form of music
m8 everyone knows that Teddy hated jazz

>> No.9833155

Just save time and ignore it like everyone else does and always has. I wouldn't be surprised if cultural Marxists were the ones "redpilling" just to be relevant.

>> No.9833162

Oh look it's just like when Glen Beck single handedly made all the sales of "The Coming Insurrection" by crying about how subversive it was. Cultural Marxism and all baby boomer shit is done.

>> No.9833163

thats the joke n*rd

>> No.9833165

It's actually a pretty good read

>> No.9833192

Hello JIDF. You guys have been busy in here tonight.

>> No.9833209

N-notice me jewpai!

You cucks are beyond sad (!)

>> No.9833211

>muh Culture Industry
Let's just not pay attention to the actual owners of said culture industry.

>> No.9833215

Why do people who have never read the works of Giovanni Gentile insist on commenting on fascism anyway?

>> No.9833223

Yeah Marxists are very eager to avoid pointing out how capitalists own things

>> No.9833224

Because fascists in history follow nothing of gentile.

>> No.9833264

source dat, schlomo

>> No.9833277

It's a parody of /pol/, moran

>> No.9833283

The relationship between "people who have never read the works of the Frankfurt School" and "the Frankfurt School" is not analogous to the relationship between "people who have never read the works of Giovanni Gentile" and "fascism". It would be analogous to the relationship between "people who have never read the works of Giovanni Gentile" and "Giovanni Gentile".

>> No.9833291


Jews... easy on the subversion.

>> No.9833294

We must stop the Kekistanis or our genocide won't come to fruition

>> No.9833448

reel reactionaries know the actual evil leftist boogeymen are Foucault, Althusser and the 68 generation in general. An encounter with these proto SJWs literally killed Adorno, who all in all was just a cranky old rebbe with chronic depression.

>For the summer semester Adorno planned a lecture course entitled "An Introduction to Dialectical Thinking," as well as a seminar on the dialectics of subject and object. But at the first lecture Adorno's attempt to open up the lecture and invite questions whenever they arose degenerated into a disruption from which he quickly fled: after a student wrote on the blackboard "If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease," three women students approached the lectern, bared their breasts and scattered flower petals over his head.[45] Yet Adorno continued to resist blanket condemnations of the protest movement which would have only strengthened the conservative thesis according to which political irrationalism was the result of Adorno's teaching. After further disruptions to his lectures, Adorno canceled the lectures for the rest of the seminar, continuing only with his philosophy seminar. In the summer of 1969, weary from these activities, Adorno returned once again to Zermatt, Switzerland, at the foot of Matterhorn to restore his strength. On August 6 he died of a heart attack.

>> No.9833702

Wikipedia more or less defends the Frankfurt school so far as to say that cultural Marxism isn't real

>> No.9833869


>> No.9833882

Read his Aesthetics and his DoE. He hated the common man and had destructive view on art. You are cherry picking.

>> No.9833886

Spirit of Hegel turning into material of Marx turning into culture of cultural marxists explains a lot of the acedemic and social phenomenons.

Jews just can't deal with getting called out.

>> No.9833907


Hegel wasn't Jewish tho?????????

>> No.9833916

>the common man
most cultured intellectuals partially hate plebs

>> No.9833933

critical theory is the most destructive evil social weapon ever implemented on a culture.

>> No.9833968


>> No.9833973

I agree OP, Wagner really is Satan.

>> No.9834002 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 627x458, JewishExpulsions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit, he was an actual European philosopher and not a subversive semite.

Props to those who jumped on this thread. The Frankfurt School is one of the easiest redpills for whites who are still wrapping their heads around the jewish problem to understand, and the negative jewish influence represented by it is so stark and relatable to the rot of present day society that anyone who can't draw a clear line between it and the jewish hatred of whites is probably not worth saving anyway. Jewish postmodernism is a little more nuanced, but those threads should be prime targets as well. The jewish-led destruction of our culture is not an ambiguous issue; we have the facts to link them to all of these destructive ideas, it's merely an issue of high IQ whites having the intellectual tools and resources, and the moral green light to discuss these issue so we can add to the list.

>> No.9834025

I read Minima Moralia up to the part where he was complaining about shaving cream and leather chairs, decided he was a nothing but an uppity cuck kike and proceded to dump the rest of his work in the trash. In the end he didn't give a shit about communism, he was as bourgeois to the core, this can be seen by his impotent activity back in post war Germany. He was just a smug Pharisee looking for a cultural cudgel and found it in theoretical Marxism.

>> No.9834039

>we have the facts to link them

alright, let's hear 'em

>> No.9834047
File: 34 KB, 400x384, bouc_emissaire_scapegoat_arrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9834057

You're going to have to be specific when asking for sources for jewish-led destruction of western culture.

>> No.9834061

OG reactionaries know that progress is embedded in civilization itself insofar as it exists to escape the tyranny of natural selection

>> No.9834066


Start with the Frankfurt School.

Mind, I want facts with traceable citations, not a shitty narrative.

>> No.9834139
File: 15 KB, 203x300, serveimage(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kevin MacDonald's chapter on the Frankfurt School in the Culture of Critique will answer your question with plenty of citations and no shitty narrative. You don't need me for that one.


>> No.9834148

>this person is real


>> No.9834154


Just give me an excerpt from the chapter and the citations page. This is my clean comp, I don't want torrented files on it.

>> No.9834164

What is this?

Not my responsibility or problem. Access/read it when you can.

>> No.9834173


Those are the posts from your IP from the past month, you stupid creep.

>> No.9834176


You're being very recalcitrant for someone trying to salvage your history, culture, and future through the education of your racial brethren.

>> No.9834182

No, they aren't.

If you really wanted answers you'd be more slick in your inquiries.

>> No.9834187


Yes. They are.

>> No.9834188


You're the one with all the answers. I'm the benighted fool that needs to be shown the way out of the cave. You are failing in your duty to your race.

>> No.9834204

Is The Culture Industry by Adorno still a good read for a redpilled white male? It seems like how the cultural Marxists revealed the game plan of how they would subvert society.

>> No.9834205

Except they're not. Most of those are not my posts.

You're jewish, a benighted fool and nothing less, but that's still not my problem. My concern is my own people.

>> No.9834213


I'm not Jewish. My father's family is from Bayern and my mother's parents are Quebeçoise. I'm whiter than your LARPing Hispanic goochtrail will ever be, cunt.

>> No.9834220

He was right about jazz desu

>> No.9834232

Bon soir, ami. Je ne suis votre ennemi. Now try to cease being an idiot.

>> No.9834251

>Parsifal isn't the greatest thing ever composed because Wagner was a jerk in real life
I understand that living as a Jew in the 1930s must have sucked, but come on.

>> No.9834254
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>> No.9834258

why do people still think warosu is a thing?

>> No.9834264

Why is it not a thing?

>> No.9834285


Why can't these BOLSHEVIK-FEMINISTS just realize that REDPILLED men use LOGIC and REASON instead of EMOTION and FEELINGS in their arguments, and thus, are SUPERIOR in every way?

>> No.9834294

Because the problem is not the women themselves, it is the jews controlling them and telling them via culture what to think.

>> No.9834303


Please, please, just let this be one of the more subtle and persistent personas of shit-post Pessoa.

>> No.9834307

get out normie

>> No.9834326

You are the normie. Are you one of the retarded/jewish?

>> No.9834333
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>> No.9834353
File: 615 KB, 1784x1082, Max Horkheimer - Authority and the Family excerpts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people solely focus on Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of the culture industry and its consumerism when trying to defend the Frankfurt School? My guess is that you haven't read their works either. Well, I have and I have been so kind to point out where in said works these "right wing conspiracies" are found.
Pic related is excerpts from Horkheimer's critique and deconstruction of the family, a cornerstone of every stable society

>> No.9834355
File: 83 KB, 836x617, Horkheimer, the child, and the authoritarian father.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to make it clear. Horkheimer attacks the "Authoritarianism" of the father, but in doing so attacks the establishment and order of society as a whole, since order starts in the family

>> No.9834357
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>> No.9834363
File: 173 KB, 1668x1356, On the Authoritarian Personality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then the infamous "The Authoritarian Personality" co-authored by Adorno. It attacked all forms of authoritarianism in society and judged traits on the F-scale (F for Fascism, the more natural and instinctive, the more fascist, the more unnatural and rebellious the less fascist)

>> No.9834367
File: 1.31 MB, 3140x1000, Horkheimer, Adorno - Dialectic of Enlightenment - on anti-Semitism and religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's take a look at the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of Anti-Semitism predates the coming hysteria about Racism. Tellingly, they never considered why there was Anti-Semitism in the first place, it was just an irrational, pathological reaction in the Gentile

>> No.9834370

Your cited passages does nothing to demonstrate advocation of the destruction of the family. He tells us that family is important, and family as a social construct is a primary producer of social relations, which he seems to take as good. The only thing he is critiquing is the role of women and how family could be different. The point he is making is that women who enter into producing familia relations should be women who are not doing it for economic means, or dependency.

>> No.9834372
File: 479 KB, 2402x764, Marcuse (One-Dimensional Man) - on sexual liberation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A figure often left out when trying to dimiss the relation of Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School is Herbert Marcuse. Not for nothing was he called the Father of the New Left. From his (and Wilhelm Reich's) ideas sprang the 68 generation and the sexual revolution

>> No.9834375


where's page 63?

>> No.9834376
File: 428 KB, 1980x660, Marcuse and Cultural Marxism2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Marcuse, society's minorities became the new working class.

>> No.9834378
File: 1.37 MB, 2474x762, Herbert Marcuse - Marxism and Feminism p. 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcuse was especially supportive of Feminism as a movement of liberation

>> No.9834379
File: 1.30 MB, 2358x762, Herbert Marcuse - Marxism and Feminism p. 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pt 2

>> No.9834381
File: 215 KB, 835x496, Stonewall generation inspired by Reich and Marcuse ('Smash the family').png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gay liberation movement had been inspired by Marcuse as well

>> No.9834382
File: 803 KB, 974x794, Marcuse's reflections on the French Revolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcuse wanted a total protest against the culture of the established society

>> No.9834387


You almost had me rustled. You didn't read Marcuse, all you did was read culture of critique and then go to google books and underline the cited passage. Everything you are underlining in those passes loses the interpretation mcdonald has given it when you read the surrounding text.

>> No.9834393
File: 342 KB, 1217x557, Ernst Bloch - Leitfigur der Studentenbeweung 1968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ernst Bloch was very close to many of the prominent Frankfurt School members. For his part, he counts as a decisive influence on the 68 movement in Germany

>> No.9834398
File: 39 KB, 1143x187, Ernst Bloch und die 68'er-Bewegung (Rudi Dutschke).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloch saw in Rudi Dutschke as the person who could continue his ideas

>> No.9834401

None of what I posted from Marcuse comes from the Culture of Critique. From the Dialectic of Enlightenment yes, but I had read that chapter anyway

>> No.9834403
File: 776 KB, 1298x952, Herbert Marcuse - Reification of Proletariat to include all repressed groups (Cultural Marxism).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcuse coming close to defining what Cultural Marxism is

>> No.9834405

because they suck

>> No.9834409

What the passage actually stated:
>It's Marcuse sharing his impressions of various protest movements.
>He noticed how this specific student movement wanted a very specific conception of freedom of speech and expression, one that also anticipates how people today want a similar conception, that hinders some but facilitates others
>Marcuse then talks about how this protest movement wants a cultural revolution, not just an economic revolution which is what would make them maoist.

All macuse is doing in those passage was recognizing notion of cultural revolution, a whole change of everything, in a time when this notion was new and emergent in these student movements at the time.

these passages never said that marcuse supports or wants these things. it's him noticing how these are the things they want and if you are at all interested in cultural scholarship, this notion of a cultural revolution + a new conception of what freedom of speech meant was something that came from these student movements.

you are so bad at this.

>> No.9834411

Isn't that what this entire board is predicated upon? Commenting upon works without ever having read them?

>> No.9834422

>charles murray is a racist for pointing things out because he secretly wants things to be that way
>herbert marcuse is just pointing things out, it doesn't mean that he secretly wants things to be that way
Explain yourselves leftists.

>> No.9834424

Holy shit, you have no capacity to read passages honestly.

The first paragraph does come pretty fucking close to anticipating and explaining the rise of this new consciousness, notions of blob-like alliance. He basically anticipated what we see today from tumblr to even on pol.

The second paragraph even goes further to basically describe what happened in 2010s; Marcuse is anticipating shit, predicting from his insightst. He is saying that there was to arise this formation that came from civil rights and what not and after its rise (the so-called preconditions of socialism) the middle class 'achievements' in rights and wage protections would be canceled out and undone which would lead to a new populism, a new base. And this has happened in the 2016 elections: trump drew from a new base.

The fuck up thing is that the alt-right and those who jerk off to the JQ, what they are competing with other movements in our current times is their standing amongst the consciousness of this new base.

I don't get how brainlets can read Marcuse, especially the one I'm replying to, and not read what he actually wrote.

>> No.9834426

You need to read the passages and the conclusions of those passages, otherwise all you are doing is proving OP isn't being a faggot.

You're a fucking brainlet man.

True, but this involves part of the board who also larps alt-right.

>> No.9834427

>calling me an idiot for pointing out obvious cognitive dissonance in leftists
I'm not even the person you were replying to, and I generally agree that you can't lift any insidious motives from those passages. But the fact that you insulted my intelligence because I pointed out the behavior of leftists leaves me to believe that they all live in an ideological bubble and are not to be trusted.

>> No.9834434

Why do people who defend the frankfurt school always use the same picture as OP?

>> No.9834436

You're so up your ass. If you are going to acknowledge that the passages do NOT contain anything which can be considered to indicate an insidious motive, how could you entertain the 'obvious' cognitive dissonance when you agree with the leftist that there is no secret motive on marcuse and yet disagree with them on murray? All you are pointing out is that you simply disagree with them on murray while agreeing with them on marcuse.
Because its a good meme that goes to the crux of the very charges Mcdonald makes in his alt-right must readie.

>> No.9834438
File: 1.29 MB, 720x400, yIopEFj.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ins't the very nature of post modern thinking that facts don't even exist? No opinion or comment is more valuable than another.

>> No.9834449


why are there so many brainlets on this topic?

>> No.9834462

Except anti-semitism is objectively wrong and evil, of course ;^)

>> No.9834470

Reading is for fags. I get all my info from /pol/ infographs and SJWs #wrekt Twitter accounts.

>> No.9834487

>You're so up your ass. If you are going to acknowledge that the passages do NOT contain anything which can be considered to indicate an insidious motive, how could you entertain the 'obvious' cognitive dissonance when you agree with the leftist that there is no secret motive on marcuse and yet disagree with them on murray? All you are pointing out is that you simply disagree with them on murray while agreeing with them on marcuse.
You're calling other people brainlets and yet you're incapable of putting 2 and 2 together Kek. There's a reason why I hold those beliefs, you know, and disingenuously taking them as unlinked does nothing to solve the problem. Your insufferable behavior is only only dissuading me further. Perhaps that is why the cultural Marxism need

Riddle me this, since putting the contradiction any less bluntly seems to evade your notice: why is the same type of evidence used to discredit Murray happens to be the same type of evidence used to exonerate Marcuse? Either both are secret radicals or neither are.

>> No.9834489
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>> No.9834490

that is why the narrative of cultural Marxism is so pervasive—either it's true for the wrong reasons, or you elitists are too brainwashed to explain yourselves properly without your eyes rolling out of your heads.

>> No.9834492

In my case I've read all Benjamin from the book on drama to the Arcades publication, Adorno's Minima and Aesthetic, and six or seven Brecht plays. I know this doesn't really qualify me to have an actual opinion, but sometimes when I feel certain posters know even less than I do, I can't help myself.

>> No.9834506

How long did it take before you realised that people on /lit/ are retarded and have never actually read what they talk about?

>> No.9834529

how long did it take you to realize that no other philosopher has adherents who complain about bullying.

>> No.9834535

Brecht is most definitely not considered part of the Frankfurt School.

>> No.9834558

There's some nuggets of truth to it. Marcuse certainly had a role to play in radicalising the 1960s student generation with far left ideas but other theorists like Adorno were just grumpy old men dissatisfied with the culture of consumption.

>> No.9834574

>There's some nuggets of truth to it. Marcuse certainly had a role to play in radicalising the 1960s student generation with far left ideas but other theorists like Adorno were just grumpy old men dissatisfied with the culture of consumption.
Bingo. Both academic leftists and Internet reactionaries know enough about the truth to keep bickering about the existence of "cultural Marxism" for ages without the discussion ever touching upon any concrete and comprehensive facts or acknowledging the burgeoning political movements in the background. It's the perfect wedge issue for people concerned about the way culture is changing because it prevents people from actually looking into the matter of what influenced the rise and normalization of radical activism in the 21st century.

>> No.9834576

Once you understand it was spread in Academia by marxist professors its all clear.

>> No.9834581

the rumour goes Mercuse hated the students as well, but kept pandering for his own gain

however y'all should read dialectic of enlightenment if your monkey brains are capable of understanding it and gtfo with this cultural marxist scapegoating

>> No.9834582

and then you read rest of Adorno and FS and realize CM moniker perfectly describes the phenomenon.

>> No.9834614

Who inspired the massive wave of radical social activists that are taking over academia, subverting cultural institutions, and influencing political discourse? I never seem to get a concrete answer, and whenever I look at the honest leftists, they always seem to cite the same figures so...

Keep in mind, the Frankfurt School talks about the means of which this type of social engineering is accomplished. They've also extensively networked within leftist academia in the United States. How big of a jump is it to say that they were the initial agents of subversion, or at least motivated whoever happened to be said agents?

>> No.9834661

Lefty Jewish expats would have had zero influence in US academia if not for decades of WASP leftiness preceding it. British/American Jews prior to WWI (who were mostly German or Sephardic) tended to be politically conservative. The left in Anglo-America was led by Anglo-Americans. Anti-semites try to deflect the flaws of "their people" onto a perceived foreign enemy, in order to support their theory that people are holy or evil because of their genetic makeup.

Edward Bellamy was basically a Marxist. JS Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft invented feminism. Alger Hiss spied for the Soviets. Gladstone and Asquith were proto-Davos neolibs, etc.

>> No.9834687

Any books on this? I don't want to blame the Jews for everything because, while they do a lot of heavy-lifting, they're far from the majority of academic subversives.

>> No.9834704


Same fag.

>> No.9834718
File: 20 KB, 337x159, Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 3.47.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Believe it or not, multiple people can have similar opinions. Paranoid freak.

>> No.9834719

Sounds like a fag.

>> No.9834727

There's not really one book, because 1800s British and American liberalism was such a huge movement. A good quick summary is Moldbug's post "Why I am Not an Anti-Semite", but the ideas are hardly unique to him (his use of the term "ultracalvism" for WASP liberalism is a bit misleading and unfair, and I say this as a Catholic, but it doesn't really effect the argument).

Paul Gottfried had a talk on youtube explaining the different political leanings of different waves of Jewish immigration.

I'm not claiming ethnic Jews don't lead the academic left today, just that they didn't until fairly recently and that their would not have become prominent if not for the Anglo left being so receptive of them and similar to them.

>> No.9834731

So you're the conspiratorial one? There is a bit of scholarship as of the rise of these protest/student movements.

>> No.9834743

I totally understand. Social justice mentality is only a hop, skip, and a throw from sheltered WASP mentality anyway. I wouldn't mind being taken on a ride through multiple books, but I'll check Moldbug and Gottfried out, since they seem based.

I'm really interested in the 1968 riots across the world and the activist organizations that spawned them if you have any good, detailed books.

>> No.9835120

Marcuse also discusses the difference between high and low culture; the former--opera, classical music, etc.--predominated in pre-industrial society, whereas the latter--rock, pop, democratized art--obviously is the only kind of culture that we are exposed to, though high culture is still preserved. He argues that high culture maintained an antagonistic relationship to society, in the sense that it represented a critical, negating force in a world increasingly tending toward business and efficiency; in high literature we see worlds that contradict the status quo and characters who cannot snugly fit into the productive apparatus: heroes, villains, jesters, drunkards, etc. Nowadays, we turn to the television for our stories, where we see a host of the same recycled tropes that correspond directly to reality and the status quo. In fact, people end up imitating these tropes and characters in a weird way. If you go on Tinder, it has become increasingly common for girls to post that they're looking for a guy that will be the "Jim to their Pam." But nothing about this is critical, antagonistic, or contradictory when compared to rhe status quo, for even the most edgy, non-conforming artists are merely recuperated by capitalism so that all "counter-culture" essentially becomes a healthy consumer taste or practice. The success of the transgender movement is evidence of this, because now it is decidedly unpopular to even question the phenomenon, and why? Because the demographic is big enough to have profit potential. This is one of the main reasons he had such a problem with modern capitalist society.

So yeah, you might actually want to read these authors before you reduce their arguments to right-wing talking points.

>> No.9835134

But that backs up cultural marxism

>> No.9835148

>JS Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft invented feminism

The feminism of Wollestonecraft and Mill was pretty reasonable though, they just argued for equal legal rights for men and women. It was only later with the criticism of the Frankfurt school and postmodernism that we got the idea that equality does not actually equal equality so we need to social engineer and negate the rights of white males.

>> No.9835184

I'm gonna ask this YET AGAIN, what's a good and fairly easy Johnny spielt auf recording? I looked for it incessantly a few years ago and could find none.

>> No.9835223

So I guess you want to keep your Jew-produced pop culture?

>> No.9835235

And this hence backups the meme OP started with.

>> No.9835254

>The first paragraph does come pretty fucking close to anticipating and explaining the rise of this new consciousness, notions of blob-like alliance. He basically anticipated what we see today from tumblr to even on pol.
It has nothing to do with blob-like alliances of differing political orientations, every 'alliance' he lists is a head of the leftist hydra. The co-opting of the green movement by radical leftists, the endless march of x-wave feminists, the institutionalization of anti-whiteness, the rise of radical left wing student movements, etc. He's literally predicting piece by piece the different cogs of the machine they've set in motion.

> He is saying that there was to arise this formation that came from civil rights and what not and after its rise (the so-called preconditions of socialism) the middle class 'achievements' in rights and wage protections would be canceled out and undone which would lead to a new populism, a new base. And this has happened in the 2016 elections: trump drew from a new base.
Well yeah, I don't see how this helps your argument that he isn't outlining Cultural Marxism. I agree with you that he's talking about how the people have begun to turn away from subversive Marxism and return to progress in the form of nationalism and populism. The key words here are "they are to be recaptured and radicalized". It's an explicit call to arms to his followers to retake capitalist institutions and turn them into Marxist institutions. That's the essence of Cultural Marxism right there. Marx's prediction of the collapse of Western capitalism failed, so now it's up to Marxists to subvert the system from the inside and collapse it themselves using the methods outlined in the first paragraph.

>> No.9835264


>> No.9835271

Do you have citations for this?

>> No.9835490

Cultural Marxism is literally just a revamp of the Jewish Bolshevekism conspiracy

>> No.9835688

>recaptured and radicalized

He is saying that the loss of those conditions will lead to it, and when it does it than will lead to a populism that arises from that recapture and radicalization, and what I suggested was that recapture and radicalization would involve a competition from various movements trying to break away from their temporary alliance and attempt to recapture and radicalize as much as they can from that base. I don't think you get it because you are a brainlet.

>the blob-like alliance
jesus christ, you don't get it. This very notion that such 'cogs' he describes there (and as you suggest) as existing is an affront to the whole notion of marxist determinism. you can't have it both ways: either the alliances are temporary and blob like, or you are achieving revolution through a class/racial consciousness. He isn't setting the machine in motion, because these temporary alliances, they aren't the machine for the subversion of capitalism or anything because these cogs exist only as temporary alliances that will only give way to something more shared conscious like when the achievements are totally wiped out and thus lead to a new popular base.

>Marx prediction
Again, you are not reading what is stated in those passages. It seems you are more interested in affirming the notion of cultural marxism than anything else and, desu, I know why you are doing this. Cultural marxism is the golden calf of the alt-right because it offers a folk-theory to explain what's up with the changes. Lose this golden calf and you lose the very conclusions the alt-right political ideology depends on (destruction of the status-quo by sentient actors)

the alt-right has way too many brainlets. they just want to see their boogie man everywhere. they aren't intellectually honest because if they were, and they read marcuse, they would find scholarly work that basically anticipates this progressivism of our current times, how to compete with it, and what is driving it.

the alt-right as an ideology and movement is ONLY useful in the sense that it can manifest itself as the scary far right. As a dysfunction to scare the progressives from taking up their march.

>> No.9835714


also continu'd:

the most fucked up thing about this is that if you read the passages the alt-right fag cited as irrefutable proof that muh cultural marxists are conspiracies something here as if it was writing from someone who identifies as the alt-right, you would see a pretty clear theory on how to achieve those aims of having that racial consciousness they so desperately seek to achieve.

>> No.9835732


without a class consciousness, you can't have a revolution or subversion of something, because you won't have this shared agreement. you can't subvert shit with a consciousness of opposition in these temporary alliances, what was opposed then when the alliance breaks becomes affirmed. This again is something we see all the time. both in the left and the right.

>> No.9835748

Heh, a conspiracy you say? You clearly haven't read Hitler.

>> No.9835765


>> No.9835770
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Quality posts anon

>> No.9835810

>the alt-right as an ideology and movement is ONLY useful in the sense that it can manifest itself as the scary far right.
There is no such thing as the "far right" and the alt right only wants to reset society to normalcy, so wtf are you talking about, moron?

>> No.9835822

We want genocide

>> No.9835848

>you would see a pretty clear theory on how to achieve those aims of having that racial consciousness they so desperately seek to achieve.
Expand on this.

>> No.9835870

Of whom?

>> No.9835876

What constitutes "normal"
Why is sending back women to make babies instead of chasing their own happiness "normal". Why is only your own demographic having freedom "normal".
Why is treating everyone with a different skin tone than you like spawn of satan "normal".

>> No.9835890

jingoistic racism, dogmatic gender roles, elitist class distinctions are not normalcy. they are the reason for the shattering of the grand-narratives you barely understand and blame post-modernism for destroying. modern progressivism and post-modernism weren't around ww1-interwar-ww2. these are post-great war attempts to glue together what your normalcy tore apart.

>> No.9835895

Liberals, Africans, Arabs, non virgin women, and Jews.

>> No.9835936

> and what I suggested was that recapture and radicalization would involve a competition from various movements trying to break away from their temporary alliance and attempt to recapture and radicalize as much as they can from that base
Yes, but you're wrong attributing that to right wing populism, nothing in this excerpt characterizes right wing populism. What it does characterize is sjw identity politics, radical environmentalists, 100th wave feminists; the swords of contemporary Cultural Marxism. As a Marxist he attributes these things to his belief in an inherent class consciousness and blames them on capitalism, when in reality they're a result of Marxists' failure to instigate class warfare and proletariat revolution. The hypothesis that class was the underlying ultimate identity was wrong, so now to bring it to the forefront they've opted to destroy all other identity so that all that remains is class.

>I don't think you get it because you are a brainlet.
Are you really gonna dredge up the typical leftist "you're just not smart enough to agree with me"? Hah yeah that must be it. What a load of bullshit.

> This very notion that such 'cogs' he describes there (and as you suggest) as existing is an affront to the whole notion of marxist determinism...
No shit, Marxist determinism was plane wrong and Cutlural Marxism is an attempt to fix it. Class as an identity is less deterministic than almost anything else, including religion, race, culture, nationality, etc. So logically, the Cultural Marxists seek to destroy these identities so all that is left is class. Push multiculturalism so there are no more nation-states, push feminism so there are no more defined gender roles, push atheism so there is no religion, push miscegenation so there are no more different races, etc. When everyone is a nihilistic, brown, monocultural drone all that we'll have left to complain about is class. It's brilliantly evil.

>Again, you are not reading what is stated in those passages
No you're not reading what is stated, nothing in this passage alludes at all to the right. Cultural Marxism is not a conspiracy, it's a stand-alone complex.

>Cultural marxism is the golden calf of the alt-right because it offers a folk-theory to explain what's up with the changes. Lose this golden calf and you lose the very conclusions the alt-right political ideology depends on (destruction of the status-quo by sentient actors)
I wouldn't really know, I've never been to their website and I've only heard Spencer talk once. The alt-right was never really destined for greatness. Spencer has money but that's about all he has, certainly not charisma. They'll go down in history as the transition from one era to another, along with Trump, in pushing the window of discourse in the direction of nationalism.

>> No.9835956

Women are supposed to make babies, they're not supposed to compete with men and become corporate feminists. That's normal. White nations not having endless millions of low IQ brown people in them is normal. What world do you live in?

>> No.9835966

You are very delusional. You are a true believer in the new religion. How does it feel being the fundamentalist zealot of your time? You think you're being the opposite don't you? That's cute.

>> No.9835968

Who says what they're supposed and not supposed to do ? Why do you have the RIGHT to tell other people how to spend the one life they have on this planet ? What does NORMAL mean ? Define it for me please ?

>> No.9835975


>becoming a 'civic nationalist' because it's the new counter-culture

You're not a tool, no.

>> No.9835976

>Why is treating everyone with a different skin tone than you like spawn of satan "normal".
Treating them as spawn of satan is perhaps not normal, but refusing mass waves of foreign migrants (invaders or whoever else you may call them) is pretty normal. It's survival.

>> No.9835982

It's just how civilization worked for millennia.

>> No.9835989

This is true but merely refusing mass waves of immigrants is definitely not the end-game of the alt right concerning other races, senpai.

>> No.9836001
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>women can get pregnant
>therefore they shouldn't do anything but get pregnant
Genius logic

>> No.9836006
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That's what they are biologically designed to do. Stop being an idiot. Jewish feminism told women to act like men because jews have perverse intentions in everything they do.

Stop taking things at face value or you'll never understand anything.

>> No.9836009

>tfw when nonsense is passed as "critique".

>> No.9836015

It's not just the physical capacity of getting pregnant but raising and educating the children, but you reddit marxists have no idea what this is.

>> No.9836017

You mean civilization, the sort of thing that has brought the most wealth and comfort in the last hundred years when those things happened less and less ? At the height of your tradition and "normalcy" most people didn't know how to read or write, shat in a pan and stuck to the same level of technology for a thousand years. In those millenia you'd probably be dead before you reached the age of 40. Boy I sure do miss traditional gender roles and also polio.

>> No.9836019

Normal is any behavior that is not harmful to your tribe. There is a correlation between women in the workplace and low birth rates, I can post you the math behind it if this thread is still up when I get home in a few hours. Obviously a birth rate below replacement levels is harmful to your tribe.

>> No.9836021

I'm not civic nationalist, what gave you that impression?

>> No.9836025

It actually would be for my country. We barely have any immigrants (i suppose that's why we don't have strong far right parties either). Not our fault that people in the west decided to keep their pet slaves.

>> No.9836031

Capitalism is quite clearly an incredibly destructive force.

>> No.9836033

>Stop taking things at face value or you'll never understand anything.


>> No.9836034
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68 was a failed leftist violent takeover attempt. since then, the left has pursued its aims through gramscian cultural subversion, infiltrating media and academia. but, what are these people's actual goals? #stopthepedoleft

>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.


>> No.9836038

You have convenient definition of the past. Surely you have no agendas at all.

>> No.9836039

No, I don't want women to act like men. I want every individual with sapience to be able to do what they want to do in life. If a woman wants to sit home and shit out babies, okay. If a woman wants to become an astronaut, okay.
Tribe is a spook, explain to me why being a part of a ''tribe'' that I do not choose but am instead born into is beneficial to my personal happiness

>> No.9836045

Personal happiness as you put it is just narcissism, living for itself and fuck everyone else.

>> No.9836051

My god, look at this one. It's rare to find a true believer this devout on 4chan.

>> No.9836058

Your trible is that very same narcisism just extended a few city blocks.

>> No.9836060

That's bullshit, my personal happiness may be helping and coexisting with other people, but it's still personal happiness because it makes me feel good. How is this wrong ?

>> No.9836063

So men can't raise children or educate kids?
What about how for centuries rich kids were consistently raised by nannies and (male) educators? Or how women consistently had roles outside of simply raising kids in even tribal societies?

>I'm not making any sense, better call him a leddit marxist nigger scum!

>> No.9836065

Not really, since a tribe isn't a single person.

>> No.9836071

But you still extend it to MY TRIBE and fuck everyone else outside of it. It's the same thing, people who are superficially like me are good, other people can go die.

>> No.9836074

yeah but it's not a single person. so its ok

>> No.9836076

>Tribe is a spook
No more then "personal happiness". Tribe, ethnicity or whatever is at least important because humans are social animals and as such need others, so we have stake not just in our happiness but in happiness of our people.

>> No.9836079

You're confusing causation and consequence.
Were some of those traditions senseless and harmful? Yes, but that doesn't mean you should throw out the baby with the bathwater. There's a reason things like marriage arose in disparate places and eras, and not because of the International Congress of the Patriarchy - they were simply the best solutions that people found to problems of resource allocation and social cohesion.

>> No.9836082

How arbitrary.

>> No.9836085

That's the mechanism of identity inherent in everyone, even you disgusting marxists have this same process. Narcissism doesn't think about outsiders, for him other people don't even exist and he doesn't act on any system of beliefs for him to have enemies.

You are just outing yourself.

>> No.9836088

>Tribe is a spook, explain to me why being a part of a ''tribe'' that I do not choose but am instead born into is beneficial to my personal happiness
Happiness is a spook, survival is not. To answer your question, ethnocentrism is scientifically the best survival strategy to take, compared to individualism, humanitarianism, and traitorousness. Again, I have the source for this on my computer at home, so if this thread is still up in a few hours I'll post it. Unspook yourself you ghost.

>> No.9836091

You just don't have a logical argument

>> No.9836097

>ethnocentrism is scientifically the best survival strategy to take
citation needed

>> No.9836098
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I'm not falling for your baits, go away.

>> No.9836105

>everything I don't like is a spook
>ethnocentrism is scientifically the best survival strategy to take
Ethnocentrism doesn't solve class conflict. Especially when even racially homogeneous societies will always create an arbitrary racial/cultural differences between an in group and an out group.

>> No.9836106

>citation needed
Human history, how is that for a citation?

>> No.9836108

Who do you think has convinced you that people are not free to do what they want and made you believe that's something you should fight for? Where do you think you got these ideas? You sound like you're living in the 90s. White birthrates have collapsed under feminism since white women were told by jews that they should act like men. Feminism was from its outset malicious and it has had a negative result. You are living in a different time if you are trying to believe otherwise.

>> No.9836112

Can someone post that capitalism leads to an impotent population quote?

>> No.9836113

At least post wikipedia lol

>> No.9836115

I was actually able to find the study on Google-

>> No.9836116

.jpgs are totally real and can't be faked! the jews! the conspiracy!

>> No.9836117

The shills are really showing their true colors ITT.

>> No.9836121

Stop relying on your ideology and actually articulate a logical argument.
Go back to your degenerate containment board if you want an echo chamber.

>> No.9836122

>Ethnocentrism doesn't solve class conflict
Different tool for different problem.

>> No.9836125

Class conflict can be mediated easily, it is a much less deterministic identity than ethnicity. Regardless, this has nothing to do with what we were talking about.

>> No.9836128

Personal happines, which comes in many forms, ultimately ends with me feeling happy and full of positive emotions my entire life, and then I die and nothing matters anymore. This OBJECTIVELY is better than living life without feeling good as much as you can.
Survival isn't a spook ? By what fucking crooked definition. Why should I care that people who share the same genetic material survive after I die. Maybe I will care that people who share my ideas of happiness do, but not made up spooks such as ethinicity or nations that I have no attachment to. Besides, the heat death of the universe is an inevitable end to all of that, what remains is to be happy. I really don't know why someone would be so against allowing people the opportunity of searching for their own happiness.

>> No.9836130

They always have lol.

>> No.9836140

Why do birthrates matter in this overpopulated earth again ? If it were up to me all races should have declining birth rates.

>> No.9836143

>Personal happines, which comes in many forms, ultimately ends with me feeling happy and full of positive emotions my entire life, and then I die and nothing matters anymore. This OBJECTIVELY is better than living life without feeling good as much as you can.

You know who else lives by ths guideline? Children. That's what you sounds like.

>> No.9836150

because I'm scared of women so someone needs to create social pressures that'll allow me to get laid.

>> No.9836151

>This OBJECTIVELY is better than living life without feeling good as much as you can.
I don't know about that. You pursuit for maximal happiness may lead to end up in jail or worse.

>> No.9836160
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>> No.9836161

I'm not talking about other people's survival, I'm talking about you're survival. You're survival is more likely under ethnocentrism than any other strategy. Happiness is a spook, it is a nonmaterial social construct unlike your own survival, which is physical and material.

>> No.9836163

Well that just proves that even children are smarter than you. Prove those children, and me, wrong then. I've said this in countless threads and I still haven't found someone to show me how my view is flawed and theirs is smarter.

>> No.9836166

So I should avoid white people?

>> No.9836171

Children do nothing but consume and destroy, that's why the West is in decay.

>> No.9836173


>> No.9836176

>happines is a construct
Sorry buddy but these hormones and butterflies in my stomach that I feel every day as I do good things for me and those around me, as I enjoy my time with my loved ones and my girlfriend, as I help to make people's lives better sure ain't a spook. I mean I'm feeling them right now, so maybe if you don't have a capacity for emotion that means you're defective instead.

>> No.9836180

Well it's not up to you, the reality is that certain races have a very high racial consciousness and reproduce at a high rate. They're not going to care if you call everything a spook when they're taking your shit.

>> No.9836181

I want you to at the very least understand that your talking points are very outdated and from the 70s to 90s. Then I want you to understand that your talking points are outdated all jewish tropes meant to convince whites to have fewer children. You are an entry-level pleb in your understanding of what's going on in this discussion.

>> No.9836185

But I barely buy any commodity except books and music albums, and I give a lot back to society whenever I can, and I still hold on to that way of thinking. So no, you haven't proven me wrong.

>> No.9836188

I didnt stutter.

>> No.9836190

Oh I feel emotions, I'm just not some brainlet who thinks "MAH FEEL FEELS ARNT SPOOK THEY'RE REAL!!!!!" Spooked out the wazoo over here

>> No.9836195

It doesn't matter how clear you say nonsense, it's still nonsense anon.

>> No.9836197

the jews!

>> No.9836199

>racial conciousness
No, all cases of higher birth rates I've seen have been in shitholes where people can't buy, or don't even know the importance of preservatives. Poor, uneducated people mostly. So it's not like they're actively trying to inherit a broken polluted planet son.

>> No.9836202

It's flawed and you don't even realize it. You often abandon pursuit of maximal happiness for reasons like fear (physical or law), or some commitments. And it's not even a bad thing, as letting you passions run wild would make life miserable not just for others but you as well.

>> No.9836203

You don't give anything to society, since you are a immature idiot who can't think 2 minutes into the future, the government and corporations take what they want from you, in exchange from consumer products. You have no political wight whatsoever, unlike in an actually functioning democracy where the people live for the universal.

Now give me a break with this nonsense because I have to go out.

>> No.9836210


>> No.9836214
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It's strange because many of the members of the Frankfurt School were not only staunchly anticommunist but even skeptical about social democracy. But hey they were joos so they must have been involved in some sort of cultural marxist conspiracy somehow

>> No.9836218

>the government and corporations take what they want from you

don't you mean the jews?

>> No.9836219

If breaking commitments would impact my happiness, following them through is still in favor of it. If going down a certain part will bring me misery, not going down that path is still in favour of my maximal happiness. Doing drugs is not going after happiness and then suffering, looking at drugs and realizing they come with an insane drawback, and shying away from them is still pursuing maximal happiness. Basically I can't go wrong.

>> No.9836223

Your ideas are what they've told you your own should be, and that's all you are advancing in this thread.

>> No.9836234

oh, the jews? hm. jeeeeews.

>> No.9836241

the jewish marxist pedo conspiracy it's real, it just isn't 'politically correct' to bring it up, but there is plenty of proof... their goal has always been social subversion via mass immigration, feminism, homosexuality and the destruction of the family


>> No.9836255

Oh no, I didn't mean they had a high birthrate because of their racial consciousness, just that those things go hand in hand.

>> No.9836261

I think you meant jews.

>> No.9836270

Do alt right people and nazis think that jews somehow have some code in their genetic structure, like terminators, that makes them obliged to do activities that would undermine whites for whatever reason ?

>> No.9836274

retarded approach to sex = more babies = more resource drain

race has very little to do with it

>> No.9836277

Pretty much. Its so weird because there's alot of good aspects about alt right but it falls apart once they get caught up in the racism and sexism nonsense.

>> No.9836291

if the jews made my coffee go cold, they can do anything to the white man.

>> No.9836293

that's what MacDonald talked about in the culture of critique. even high level intellectual jews usually aren't aware of the extent to which their ideas are an expression of ancient biologically ingrained tribal interest.

>> No.9836294

Their power comes from making people like yourself echo their talking points without even realizing where they came from. You think they are your own. You believe you are original. And you are mocking the mere idea that your ideas aren't your own, but have been implanted into you by a foreign tribe that controls 93% of the media you consume. You are not an independent thinker, you are the sheep.

>> No.9836300

But racism is ok anon.

>> No.9836303
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Do you have any direct historical evidence of what you're talking about or do you just have a very low standard for what counts as "proof" (i.e. it fits in with your ideology)?

You really don't have to hit softballs here, go ahead, give me some actual evidence that isn't just you "interpreting" various passages from books that you haven't read.

>> No.9836304


>> No.9836307

Jews are literally inbred 4th cousins of one another, so yes.

>> No.9836315

Are you retarded? You responded to my post where I said it wasn't because of race by saying it wasn't because of race.

>> No.9836319

But that doesn't have a lick to do with science, or genetics. Have any of you fags even gotten past 12 grade biology. Do any of you know what alleles are ? Or was Mendel just another JOOOO

>> No.9836322

yes, it was clearly jews.

>> No.9836324


>> No.9836327

But I like those ideas anon. I like people being equal and being able to have control of their own single lives, which are short. You're an idiot/

>> No.9836328

the politically correct indoctrination you have received prevents you from understanding the concept of basic evolutionary biological interests. why do jews condemned tribalism and racialism as evil while being the most tribalist people on earth and shutting down criticism of their own racial ethnostate while denying that privilege to other people?

>> No.9836332

sorry, cartoons are jews.

>> No.9836336

I like it raining ice cream, that doesn't mean it's real anon. Equality doesn't exist.

>> No.9836340

Culture Industry is a good read but I think its important to keep in mind the context under which it was written. As in some of its critiques could be "aged".

For example its complaints of big corporations and professionals sequesting talent from the common pools is answered for due to the internet and development of decentralized societies/networks.

Today we have a much wider range of choice for our media and education, and people are actively losing their faith in "professionals" and big instituions to varying effects.

>> No.9836341

ice cream is jews! sjw exposed!

>> No.9836343


>> No.9836349

sorry, money is jews.

>> No.9836356

Lol, this is true. Equality is peasant fodder as an idea. Not true, doesn't mean anything, designed to make people like our little sheep here believe they are crusading for something important and real.

>> No.9836359 [DELETED] 


>> No.9836364
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Because jews are not one person, as much as 4chan isn't one person. Just two weeks ago the israel government condemned Soros for his open society foundation and his meddling in their bullying of Palestinians. There were jews in the USSR government and then there were jews who protested it in Prague when the tanks rolled in (pic related, a holocaust survivor). Jews are individuals, like every person on the planet. It's only you people that try to explain things away by putting everyone of a certain fucking biological makeup in a single group. It is also why your movement has and will fail, as your division will surely eventually lead to infighting about something as banal as the colour of the eyes, lets say.

>> No.9836368

No. Just strong socioeconomic and cultural reasons to do so, especially for those who are born into upper-class, cosmopolitan, and connected Jewish communities with plenty of contacts in important institutions. They also tend to have the intelligence and know-how to make themselves effective, which makes them more dangerous. Jews are also hyper-sensitive to in-group bias and have strong sense of victimization within Jewish communities, given their history of tension with gentiles. Finally, Jews know that they're more able to monopolize academia, banking, media, politics, etc., in a multi-cultural society where the risk of a unified ethnic backlash is low. It is more game theory, where people who are great at networking take full advantage of the opportunities and share the same mentality, than conspiracy.

Working-class Jews tend to see themselves as more part of a nation than of a separate ethnic group, so they're not a problem whatsoever. Hence socioeconomic and cultural reasons are primary. Your average Jew from Miami, no matter how liberal, or your average Jew from the orthodox parts of NYC, is not a threat at all because they don't perpetuate that in-group and out-group struggle.

>> No.9836371

Sorry for asking for actual historical, evidence you clearly want to go on about your paranoiac fantasies

>> No.9836378

>or your average Jew from the orthodox parts of NYC
lol you mean some of the most insular communities in america? ffs.

>> No.9836380

>Jews are individuals
Jews are known as "the tribe" and have stuck together for thousands of years while living in other people's countries because they *do not* think individually, but think in terms of what's best for their group. Anyone trying to sell you this line that jews are individualists like Europeans is lying to you.

>> No.9836381


>> No.9836382
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The real-world dystopia for the majority of women in the age of Trump is not that they are being forced to have children by a repressive traditonalist state but that they’re being compelled not to by far more insidious forces, and those that do are financially and socially punished at every turn.

What has happened instead, a half century on from the sexual revolution, is something more complicated — a total hegemonic fusion of the corporate and the countercultural, of progressivism, modernity, and the market. It is pregnancy, not birth control, that burdens our current system with awkward unprofitable human functions and needs.

The mythologies of our age in the West are not enforced by repressive theocratic regimes, but by the market command to be free, to be creative, to be flexible, to love what you do for even the most uninspiring of jobs. Work flexibility and freedom from ties to family duty and hierarchical institutions promised by the corporate-counterculture that reached its zenith in the 1990s has turned out to mean increased precarity and a race to the bottom in living standards. The promise of this vision has become, for those who can’t enter adulthood but are edging closer to natural infertility, a permanent CV-building career ladder leading to nowhere.

Trump’s courting of anti-abortion conservatives and the fervent anti-feminism of his online traditional wife-seeking male fans certainly suggest a worrying turn but we are still far from Gilead. The real material unfreedom women experience today is a product of the subordination of everything to the market, not to traditionalism. Indeed, the rightward turn represented by the emergence of the youthful Trumpian right may be in part a product of the failure of progressive movements to diagnose our new problems of loneliness and atomization with calls for more of the sixties — individual freedoms, self-expression, and non-conformism. Today, women having children are treated as an expense and a nuisance. Traditionalists long for a past to which they can never return. But in an age of automation we should all be working less and having more time for the things that give life meaning yet somehow the reverse has happened.

>> No.9836393

I just told you two instances of jews infighting and you just go LOL NOPE U SHEEP

>> No.9836398

They mind their own business. I go to a top school and I don't see any Orthodox Jews. They're all your secular bourgeois liberal, progressive, or even anarchist types who come from a cosmopolitan, upper-class background.

>> No.9836403

>doesnt even understand jews

>> No.9836404

you are forgetting a crucial fact that must be taken into account. The jew is a fundamentally biological creature, a genetically coded organism. judaism is a group evolutionarity strategy that evolved simultaneously with jewish dna. a jew will always display the jewish behavior that is encoded in their genes, regardless of whether this jew calls himself a communist, an anarchist, a neocon, an intersectional feminist, a liberal, or even a nationalist. I look for the common factors, the common jewishness that binds every jew to the tribe.

>> No.9836411

jews fighting jews is dna false flagging.

>> No.9836417

What the fuck are you talking about and how is any of this more credible than the ramblings of a madman in a straightjacket. This has no scientific basic, genetics don't work this way, it's just like you heard some biological terms and tried to incorporate them into your bullshit so that it sounds like you aren't just spouting fairy tales.

>> No.9836420

I don't think that Israeli Jews and American elite Jews are on the same page, personally. They both have enormous influence in American government, but they are rather diametrically opposed to one another. Netanyahu would be way too conservative for like 70% of American Jews because he is an ethnonationalist.

I've been to enough seders that I can recount much of the Haggadah from memory. 1/4 people I talk to are Jewish. It's the reason why I'm not fully "anti-Semitic" because there are clearly different types of Jewish communities, and most are benign. The ones that aren't, however, are extremely dangerous. Don't treat me like that deranged evolutionary psychologist wannabe.

>> No.9836437

>I've been to enough seders that I can recount much of the Haggadah from memory.
self-hating jew revealed.

>> No.9836448

Do I need to post a dick pic to prove that I'm not Jewish? Jesus Christ.

>> No.9836457

>still can't post actual proof

>> No.9836459

>The ones that aren't, however, are extremely dangerous. Don't treat me like that deranged evolutionary psychologist wannabe.
See this is the problem. Obviously it's not one big conspiracy that every Jew is in on. Most Jews are just going about their business without trying to Jew the goyim out of their sheckels. But the bad ones are really bad and are indistinguishable from the good ones, so where does that leave we gentiles?

They have their uses

>> No.9836461

your vile tricks won't fool me jew.

>> No.9836463
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 1448439911440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait is this thread about Adorno, about jews or about Frankfurt School? What is it about jews or anti-semitics, that discussions always become about jews themselves instead of overarching ideas? Honest question, what is so special about this one sect? Also stahp pls trying to criticize the capital, it has won and we are all the objects of consumerism in itself senpai

>> No.9836474
File: 15 KB, 380x285, 1497371194374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pathetic bucko

>> No.9836479

/pol/ gets frightened whenever someone actually wants to talk about ideas. A great way to avoid discussion and critical thinking is to derail every thread into Jew shit

>> No.9836480

You don't understand the nuance involved in those conflicts, those squabbles are all but meaningless, and no one here is saying that tribalistic people are 100% uniform in their opinions on trivial matters. The point you are trying to make here is unimportant and doesn't mean what you think it does because you either don't understand it or are a jew trying to make people think your people aren't the most tribally minded people on the planet when they of course are.

>> No.9836482

heh. nice try jew.

>> No.9836490

Start by reinstating Ivy League quotas. There is absolutely no fucking reason why less than 1% of the population should have access to 20-25% of top spots. That's right, like I mentioned earlier, a quarter of the people I talk to are Jewish. That's not acceptable, especially in an age of Affirmative Action. But unfortunately, that would never happen because of leftist cognitive dissonance.

>> No.9836491

He is 100% correct. The only issue here is why you don't want to educate yourself on why he is correct.

>> No.9836495

>a quarter of the people I talk to are my jewish family.
just like the tribalist jew.

>> No.9836499

>im not here to educate you
sjw detected.

>> No.9836509

You are lost in the intellectual wilderness. The last thing an sjw is going to talk about is jewish behavior.

>> No.9836510

>everyone who disagrees with me is a jew
Okay you are delusional. As a matter of fact I'm a slav froma country with no jews whatsoever as far as I can remember.
Direct me to one biological study that is in favor of your understanding of genetics. Genetics don't work this way you fucking retard. I bet you don't know what DNA stands for and think it's some magic dust bullshit that governs your will.

>> No.9836516

Tell me what country then I'll tell you why you're wrong.

>> No.9836517

>you're too ignorant to understand a concept I refuse to source.
keep digging cuck.

>> No.9836532

All people's behavior is determined largely by genetics. If you're incapable of understanding that, the problem lies with you.

>> No.9836540

>My point is right and if you disagree you're just too DUMB to UNDERSTAND IT

Your smarmy disingenuous language is embarrassing.

>> No.9836553

It's no one else's fault that you don't understand how genetics impact human behavior.

>> No.9836562

Explain to me then why I've changed my viewpoint on things as, throughout my life I've consumed more information and experience. Explain to me how people can think and act differently from their direct predecessors, sometimes even rebelling against them while other people of similar genetic makeup submit and follow their will. I've changed my personal ideology as I've grown up, and that will probably continue. And you probably weren't this obsessed with this insane ideology for the entirety of your life. This is enough to disprove your shit. I've seen people turn from liberal to conservative and the other way around, and this has all been pretty common.

>> No.9836567

crypto-jewish babble.

>> No.9836568

The burden of proof lies on you to defend the progressive dogma of equality. How are all men created equal? Do you seriously believe a Somali with an IQ of 63 can truly be your equal?

>> No.9836578

It is outside of his will. His behavior,the superindividual we call society and its constituent bodies are largely determined by our essences and nature, what we call genetics. The affects and passions of these, such as Trumping populism to individual anger are absolutely and fatalistically, predetermined from the necessary causes and effect of genetics and nature.

>> No.9836584

what a productive thread

>> No.9836587

I do believe that I cannot know his IQ upfront, and should thus give him equal opportunity. If he squanders it that's on him. I've seen enough nice and comfy intelligent black men in my life who were good to me to want them to succeed in life, without your bullshit interfering.

>> No.9836595

Questioning the holy dogma of equality is verboten you goys. Notice how leftists always start from the dogmatic assumption of equality and proceed to 'deconstruct' everything, while the right is pragmatic and takes into account the biological facts and time tested postulates of tradition. Leftism is literally a religion.

>> No.9836600

You seriously have the nerve to pull the science card when in this entire thread your side has only displayed that you have all collectively slept through grade 12 genetics in biology.

>> No.9836602

heh, nice try. jews control high schools.

>> No.9836616

Yeah....in fact jews went and invented genes, hormones, acidic bases, DNA strands, chromonemes and chromosomes, it's all made up. Genes are in fact magic pixy dust that immediately sets up your political behaviours for you since the moment you are born.....god I'm glad to be born aryan.

>> No.9836629

the burden of proof is on YOU to prove the actual facticity of the egalitarian dogma, not on me to defend the scientific method. Regardless of how much you 'deconstruct' the 'socially constructed text' of reality, 2+2 will always = 4.

the modern left considers equality of opportunity andeven 'colorblindness' to be forms of white supremacist racism. Equality of oportunity didn't result in equality of outcome, so the standards must be racist! remember, these people want you gone.

Not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, or at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else. If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person. Don’t have any in your department? HOW SHOCKING.

Remember that you live in a world where people don’t succeed in a vacuum; most success happens on the backs of others who did not consent. You have no idea how successful you would have been if you were still you, but with an additional marginalization (not white, or not male, or not cis gender, or with a disability, etc).

>> No.9836637

aryans are unquantifiably superior by our spiritual destiny. only a jew would believe in material reality like biology.

>> No.9836639



Holy fucking shit dude.

>> No.9836653

Tell me one thing wrong with dogma other than "my feelings hurt when people don't take me seriously". One cannot have an ethical society without a little bit of healthy dogma.

>> No.9836664

>One cannot have an ethical society without a little bit of healthy dogma.

the question is whose dogma? whose ethics? what if those ethics are jusst a product of the biological interests of an alien tribe? what if those 'ethics' condemned you as an evil white who needs to be punished and demographically replaced? I choose to go against these made up 'ethics' that go against my own self interest and that of my people, that condemn everything I cherish as and evil social construct, those ethics that reject all standards and all achievement for thesole standard of be4ing the biggest most pathetic victim in the room

>> No.9836687

>people actually believe this shit

>> No.9836692

No, you've reached a stasis you cannot move beyond in order to understand the jewish problem. That's okay, I'm very aware of why you cannot get beyond it, but your understanding of the world will continue to be limited until you're able to do that.

>> No.9836717

As opposed to your enlightened fairy tale bullshit thats so full of holes, you're not even replying to the posts that BTFO you ? Please

>> No.9836722

you're just jewish.

>> No.9836730

Literally "take the leap of faith" argumentation, very strong lad

>> No.9836733

gas this fucking board

>> No.9836738

What other phenomena if not cultural marxism explains the Academia of the West undermining the Western culture?

>> No.9836742

people having thoughts?

>> No.9836753

Yes, fairytale. Isn't it amazing that I can use this magical entity called the internet to see who holds institutional power in my society, what interests those people are promoting, and what their background is? Either I have secret powers or you are just not that bright.

>> No.9836757

wow I guess we drank the sophist kool aid guys

guys i narrowed down the problem with humans
its humans

damn im the king philosopher fuk yeah bitches

>> No.9836759



>> No.9836762

thoughts are for jews. checkmate.

>> No.9836773

This is a matter of information and willingness to learn. There's no faith, there's no ambiguity, it's just a fact-based reality. The only question regards whether or not an individual is willing or intellectually capable of learning about the jewish problem. That's it.

>> No.9836785

>an individual
individualism is jewish. nice try kid.

>> No.9836786

That's not what the reply chain is about. Correlation does not equal causation. I'm arguing against your ludicrous unscientific basis that genetics determine your free will and political behaviour. If you were instead to say that their domination has a cultural basis of helping each other out, you could be onto something.

>> No.9836793

replace "jewish" with "capitalist pig" and I agree with everything you said

>> No.9836803

have you noticed people are only allowed to have the right thoughts? sjws are demanding the power to fire tenured proffessors.

>> No.9836807

Half of the 1% in U.S. are Jewish. Don't try to count them out.

>> No.9836816


He's criticizing the dominance of the father and the marginalization of the women and the child within the family, a criticism that Parsons, the originator of the modern fundamentalism argument for the family, freely accepted he'd overlook.

>> No.9836818

never did lad

>> No.9836819

top post.

>> No.9836839

If you mean jews promote individualism to the goyim to atomize them, then yes, I agree.

We know a lot about genetics now. Jews are literally so inbred they are 4th cousins of one another. That has an enormous effect on their dynamics and behavior as a group. Do you want to learn about how that manifests itself or do you not? That's the only question you need to ask yourself.

Capitalism is a system that obeys inputs from human beings. I know it's convenient to blame an abstract system, but it's ultimately foolish.

>> No.9836873

No, it's very sensible to question an abstract system. Abstract systems predetermine your behavior and thoughts. You are the one who is "putting the blame" on something, and you are doing it to mystify the actual problem

>> No.9836928


Best post in the thread unanimously ignored, as always.

>> No.9836965

That's interesting and basically correct.

>> No.9837053

It's almost like the ideas in the sixties were based on fraudulent logic and all of the civil movements were duped by people who more or less knew what they wrought. If I didn't know any better, I would say that feminists obsess whether or not Luke Skywalker is played by a girl, or that Harry Potter wears a hijab, is because now that they have "power", they have no idea what to do with it, and regulate themselves to following orders from their feminist demagogues. Maybe materialism, the very thing that communists derive their morality from, never promised anything to begin with.

Women are being treated as expensive nuisances because that's how they're acting. Mothers are being treated as an expense because that's what feminists asked for. Automation, I'm fairly certain, never had an inclination to reduce workload.

>> No.9837113

A lot of the Frankfurt School work was basically just projection.

>> No.9837123

A+ post, anon.

>> No.9838557

>We stand at the end of the Age of Reason... A new era of the magical explanation of the world is rising, an explanation based on will rather than knowledge. There is no truth, in either the moral or the scientific sense. Science is a social phenomenon, and like all those, is limited by the usefulness or harm it causes. -Adolf Hitler

Was Adolf Hitler a critical theorist?