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9831700 No.9831700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She's gone, I just have to let go

>> No.9831705

You are manchild who doesn't have his shit together, that's why she's gone.

>> No.9831708

Look....we all know she never really existed. Fucking get it together, man.

>> No.9831710

Be happy that you ever had her

>> No.9831714

I think I'll spend eternity in the city. Let the carbon and monoxide choke my thoughts away. Pretty bodies help dissolve the memories. There can never be what she once was to me.

woo how existential

>> No.9831715

It's not better to have loved, than to have never loved at all.

>> No.9831716

Actually I'm an asshole who had her and wasted it by being a dick, but you're right I guess

>> No.9831718

manchild is a code word for a person who doesn't conform to absurd and abnormal social standards

go fuck yourself and your society keep working so some day if you're lucky soem chick may domiante your lfie and take half your stuff if she ahs a whim and so mr. mcgoldstein might buy a new pool and bmw while you live estranged and hated by everyone for wanting to live a normal life

>> No.9831729

Not literature. Go to /adv/ or r9k with this stupid feely pathetic beta trash.

That said, Petrarch will help.

Saged and reported.

>> No.9831734

fuck off >>>/reddit/ >>>/twittergram/ >>>/reddit9k/ normalcunt

>> No.9831735

>have a job
>have a place
>be clean
>take care of your appearance (just enough to look normal)
>absurd and abnormal social standards

>> No.9831741

Oh yeah, try a redpill, brainwashed cuck. We're the real intellectuals

>> No.9831745

You never actually loved her, you loved the IDEA of her

You want her as some token, some trophy to fill out your lackluster life
That's why you can't have her, you don't actually want her, not all of her at least

Get outside your own head and see her side, you'll understand and be glad she chose the better option

>> No.9831748
File: 2.95 MB, 2988x3732, IMG_20170709_173928_257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro,she left me because I live with my parents and have no job and im 24. We just had sex and she didnt thought of something serious

>> No.9831750

So learn from it and move on. The fuck else are you going to do?

>> No.9831753


You think having fringe contrarian opinions makes you intellectual simply because they're fringe and contrarian. You're no better than moon-landing fags, flat-earthers, vegans, and all the other faggots who think contrarianism = intelligence.

>> No.9831755

did you lie to her as bad as you're lying to everyone on here about how you're totally not a loser?

>> No.9831758

That's what I'm doing

I just need a few days of wallowing in self-pity, it's the way I cope

>> No.9831760
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>that fingernail

>> No.9831762

fact is Kekistan will rise, and women and nonwhites will be a thing of the past

>> No.9831764

I reccomend Proverbs.

>> No.9831769

Stop with this obnoxious false-flagging.

>> No.9831770
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I know im a neurotic mess. I also tear down my eyebrows

>> No.9831777

Nah. Would require more than a few to leave their mothers' homes and show their faces to the world, which, since anonymity is prerequisite to holding such retarded views, will not happen.

>> No.9831782

>t. liberal who can't handle a nonbrainwashed opinion

must be a joke right? That's why your Hillary lost and we'll be celebrating for the next 8 years, sweety

>> No.9831785
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>> No.9831795

Why do you need to make amurica great again? Because all of you people have degenerated. Fat and deluded from the real world. The era of the white man is over and he has broght it upon himself.

>> No.9831807
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I usually don't try to give advice to people by resorting to memes, but dude.

>> No.9831814

The white man will rise, and women will return to the kitchen where they belong

>> No.9831817

i already have a clean and lovely home in the conutryside, live a wonderful life

if you think i will throw it all away by engaging in a fruitless and pointless modern relashionshit + waste my time busting my ass for some donal trump or rockefeller to prove myself to people i dont care about and to satisfy their expectations

fuck you and fuck your modern society, go wank off jordan peterson