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File: 1.85 MB, 3360x3299, Foucault3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9828184 No.9828184 [Reply] [Original]

What work of his should I begin with? I've read a bit about post-structuralism. What's your opinion on his work?

>> No.9828197

I'm redpilled, I'm for white nationalism, logic and rationality.
Foucault argues with his feelings about women being oppressed and how sex is a good thing, despite even virgin women. In short, cultural marxism and the reason for feminism and immigration

>> No.9828201

It jacks you off but leaves you right when you're about to cum
Do I have a right to complain? Thats up to you

>> No.9828207

Discipline and Punish

>> No.9828220

You should have something better to read

>> No.9828227

get the Foucault reader. His work oscillates between obvious and stunningly insightful. Like a lot of critical theorists though, he takes a lot of stuff to task but never himself or the individual.

>> No.9828240


Post a picture of yourself

>> No.9828242
File: 119 KB, 734x1181, Wizards-First-Rule-Sword-of-Truth-1-by-Terry-Goodkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what work of his should i begin with?
what is it with objectivism and sadomasochism anyways

meh it's probably nothing

>> No.9828270

>I've read a bit about post-structuralism
What books would you recommend?

>> No.9828277

>he takes a lot of stuff to task but never himself
he does just this at the end of Archaeology of Knowledge

>> No.9828311

I haven't read that, but it doesn't count f he's just responding to imaginary critics. That has nothing to do with the man himself

>> No.9828316

>That has nothing to do with the man himself

Alright Kant

>> No.9828324

I know that you are on this thread

>> No.9828435

Well, I recommend the book by Catherine Belsey from the "A Very Short Introduction" series. I liked it. It's pretty informative, clear and understandable, except on a few occasions where I was really struggling to understand what she meant and it's because those parts weren't that carefully written. It made me want to read all of Barthes' work, though.

>> No.9828449

- The Archaeology of Knowledge
- History of Madness
- Discipline and Punish

They are heavy readings. Foucault isn't simple to read.

>> No.9828466


I've been warned. Thanks for the suggestions. I thought I'd begin with Madness and Civilization but nobody's recommending it.

>> No.9828483

start with Discipline and Punish. there's shitloads of summaries for it online too

>> No.9828495

Follow her recommendation, op

>> No.9828499

Wasn't this guy a literal faggot degenerate who went around infecting other fags with aids? If so, why the fuck would you want to read what he wrote?

>> No.9828505


Because I'm a faggot degenerate who infects other fags with aids, duh.

>> No.9828513

Get the portable reader and read it from cover to cover

Obvs never read based-Foucault. While I agree with your concluding sentiment, that's bc dumbshits have misread him.

>> No.9828526

Haha nice one reddit

>> No.9828567

Heterotopy and "Le Corps Utopique" are extremly short and easy to understand. Then you could read Discipline and Punish, which is his most important work

>> No.9828692


BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP *SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF* oo my darling that one was quite wet pffffffftPLEEEEEEEEBPPPPPPE ohohoh ahem yes what is that deviled eggs? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLBLAART aaaa my little pet, intoxicating

>> No.9828907

Not funny.

>> No.9828921

How do you out the fact you're samefagging this blatantly?