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9826699 No.9826699 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished Black Mirror on netflix and I have read a couple great books with confusing/twist endings like American Psycho... are there any other good books in the same vein that really fucks you up with a twist or two?

>> No.9826714

Palahniuk has good twist endings.
Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Rant.

>> No.9826727

>kike casting


>> No.9826751

casting sucks but i love the mind fuck twist endings and story enough to get by... literally every fucking relationship in this show is interracial

>> No.9826757

i've seen fight club and i thought it was some high school teir edgy kill le capitalists meme

>> No.9826771


>> No.9826779
File: 41 KB, 620x406, idunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k. I really like invisible monsters and rant, and they're generally considered his best works.

>> No.9827494
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cool twist but meh read

>> No.9827917

Not the one with the android replacing the dead guy, or the virtual reality haunted house, or the first episode, or all the couples in the eyeball recordings, or the two getting married in the one where your social media ranking determines your life, or the waldo one
Come to think of it the majority of them aren't

>> No.9827932

Sleeping Beauty and the Seven Dwarfs

>> No.9828161

I've only seen the haunted house one. That girl was not white

>> No.9828428

The lady guiding him through the haunted house was black, the girl he fucked was white

>> No.9828454

I watched four random episodes of this out of all the seasons and a full 75% of them had someone being cucked.

>> No.9828475

god that episode made me want to kill myself

>> No.9828725

What's the twist? Is the dragon a lie?

>> No.9828732

By this do you just mean interracial sex? Because that is not synonymous with cuckage.

>> No.9828813


>> No.9828896

The book was funnier.

>> No.9829281
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>le wrinkleface meme
if you're looking for books to drop immediately, start with the Greeks

>> No.9829343

>mind fuck twist endings
well if you were well read than you would see most of it coming miles away

>> No.9829348

Its like they already knew that wizard dragon would be a cooler thing that whatever it is they are selling

>> No.9829359

You are reddit as fuck, oh my god.

>> No.9830878

How many of them are even twists? The episode in OP's pic doesn't end in a twist per-se it's actually perfectly in line with what would most likely happen. Most of the endings in Black Mirror are only "twists" because the depressing dystopia isn't overcome by some random hero character, life just goes on in a shitty world.

The exception is White Bear, which is a proper twist ending in the classic sense. Maybe I'm dumb but it fooled me, I thought it was a really shitty episode written by someone not suited to the series at all. But then the last 15 minutes pulled out the rug and I was glad I'd been fooled.

>> No.9831845

isn't this from the guy who does game reviews on youtube

>> No.9831957


>> No.9832073
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>tfw 30 yo kissless virgin dragon
>all your freinds call you wyvrn
>failed penis inspection at prestigious Wyrm academy
>scales are falling
>Dennis Quaid wont return your texts