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/lit/ - Literature

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9824638 No.9824638 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw every good philosopher says that music is the superior art form, I like music more than literature, and yet I am a literary genius of the highest caliber
what do?

>> No.9824646

When philosophers talk about music they mean art music so I hope you don't listen to popular trash.

>> No.9824647

I don't see the contradiction.

>> No.9824650

A good philosopher would not say things like this today, it would be foolish.

>> No.9824652

Produce a theory of aesthetics which synthesizes and reconciles the two.

>> No.9824663
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Well, keep in mind that for musicians it's usualky the other way around: Romantics mostly preferred poetry to music (Schumann and Beethoven famously said that they would have composed no music, had they had the ability of translating the ideas into words in a satisfying manner), and muisicians in the 20th century were both dixated with mosernist literature and philosophy (Schienberg and Adorno/Mann, Ravel and Poe, Boulez and Bataille and Mallarme, to give 3 eminent examples).

Generally I would say that after a while artist will appreciate other mediums more, for they'll find in them everything they can't express in their. So there's that: do not take writers' praise for music as gospel, but at the same time you should also explore this medium. Are you really going to live an entire life without having memorized all Beethoven's string quartets?

>> No.9824861

source on the Beethoven quote?

>> No.9825962
File: 171 KB, 800x532, what the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every good philosopher
>plato, schopenhauer, nietzsche, adorno

kant hated music, hegel and schellig preferred drama, marx and heidegger had no stance whatsoever

>> No.9826143

>after a while artist will appreciate other mediums more, for they'll find in them everything they can't express in their

>> No.9826162

you proved his point my man

>> No.9826170

Hey /mu/tant here

Aren't movies superior to both because they combine literature, music and animation?

>> No.9826176


I've seen poems that do more in a single page than so many novels and movies. It's ultimately about the skill of the artist.

>> No.9826179

don't worry OP, you are not a literary genius either

>> No.9826196


>> No.9826197


>> No.9826200


>> No.9826205

According to Vladimir Lenin, movies were the most important art form because they formulated ideology for the illiterate proletariat.

>> No.9826212

lesser works by the nature of dissected arts, each existing as their own platform (except animation) are superior for their lack of limitations. by these couplings of the primary arts, the power of communication and influence is mitigated, as they are met with the boundaries of each other. no matter how smooth the synthesis, there can be no superior works derived. the arts, they clash in their limitlessness, you fucking pleb. besides. music is merely a language being spoken with extensions of the flesh, so they fall under literature. paintings are also the placement of colored elements, which is another example of a written language.

>> No.9826215

He was ignorant of the power of memes

>> No.9826217

image macros combine literature and art
aren't they superior ?

>> No.9826219

>it would be foolish.
and god forbid someone had an "original" thought

my vote? architecture for best form of art

>> No.9826230

You can have a poem within a movie.
It's pretty obvious movies(and moving pictures/animation in general) are a superior artform to literature and music

>> No.9826237

You are absolutely wrong anon. the combination of animation, literature and music enhances the experience of the audience, making movies a superior artform

>> No.9826239

>According to Vladimir Lenin, movies were the most important art form because they formulated ideology for the illiterate proletariat.
uhh, that's been the function of stories since Day 0 of humanity.

Why do you think Jesus taught in parables?

>> No.9826255

oh, i see. you're one of those jen-you-wine nitwits.
the measure of an art is not in the excited response of a group of dunces shoveling popcorn into their orifices.

>> No.9826262

Stories have to be written and recorded to be remembered. All you have to do to watch a movie is stare at people walking around on a screen.

>> No.9826264

Let me give you an example of how visual stimulants and audio stimulants can enhance one another:


Experience it for yourself.

>> No.9826272

>stories have to be written and recorded to be remembered
>what are oral traditions

>> No.9826273

>Stories have to be written and recorded to be remembered.
The best stories are incredibly memorable, especially if they convey their themes properly.

And oral traditions have existed for thousands of years so your assertion is just plain false.

>> No.9826279

>i literally cannot comprehend the words presented to me, let alone analyze and respond to them, here, listen to my song, it fails to illustrate any response to what you just said
no wonder you need film, you're illiterate.

>> No.9826280

No. You assume that art forms simply add up their qualities, but that isn't true. In fact, each of those art forms that form movies are hindered and can't use their full potential. A movie could never capture the grandiosity of an epic poem or the beautiful modernist or romanticist prose. Film music will shine only on special occasions, maybe 10 minutes in total (if the composer is particularly talented, such as Ennio Morricone or Eduard Artemyev, and the director recognizes and uses their talent properly). It can never be as complex and self-sufficient as a real composition. The acting is less demanding as well, it is hidden under all the other elements of the work, while in a real play the actor stands alone on the stage and can truly and completely shine (or crash and burn).

>> No.9826292 [DELETED] 

I understood what you wrote, but i felt like you had a very ignorant view of the combination of audio and video can achieve.

So i gave you an example which shows how combining different artforms can enhance the experience of the audience, not take away from it.

>> No.9826293

a pen and paper vs compared to the millions required to shoot and produce a film that is typically a pile of trash
that's what i was trying to convey to the guy, but he's a fucking burn out, probably smoking his bowl between posts.

>> No.9826295

I understood what you wrote, but i felt like you had a very ignorant view of what the combination of audio and video can achieve.

So i gave you an example which shows how combining different artforms can enhance the experience of the audience, not take away from it.

>> No.9826298

i rest my case.

>> No.9826299

> A movie could never capture the grandiosity of an epic poem or the beautiful modernist or romanticist prose

objectively false because movies can contain poems within them (and they do)

>> No.9826302

>Nietzsche, Adorno
>Good philosophers
Toplel they might be mediocre or decent, but they're not that great. They're basiccally both for edgy anti-liberal contrarians.

>> No.9826303

then it is still the poem itself that is of merit. the filming is merely a vehicle for the literature that would be better consumed in print. fuck sake.

>> No.9826304

Name one (1) movie that ultiizes poetry with as much skill and impact as Frost's "The Hill Wife"

>> No.9826307

Movies can do literally everything literature can do and then much more.

I'm a /mu/tant yet i acknowledge movies is a superior artform to music because visual stimulants can enhance audio stimulants

>> No.9826313

A movie can contain whole Iliad or In Search of Lost Time, recited or narrated by a character? I wasn't talking about sonnets and other lyric poetry, I wrote "epic poem" explicitly.

>> No.9826314

I never read Frost's "The Hill Wife" because i'm not that much into literature since it's an inferior artform. don't get me wrong, books and poems can still be amazing, but they cannot achieve the same impact a movie or music can get. at least for me

I just happened to come across this thread. I saw it's about music so i came to post here

>> No.9826315

this is why videogames are superior to movies. the most important thing in a work of art is immersion. a child knows this intuitively.

>> No.9826319

Videogames are like movies but with an element of audience interaction.

They potentially CAN be a superior artform and they should not be underestimated

>> No.9826321

can a movie convey a synthesis of non-verbal or sound associated and purely symbolic abstract concepts without the aid of any images other than the symbols themselves without simply being a book?

>> No.9826328

A movie can convey anything a book can convey because a movie can convey entire books.

But a book can never convey the abstract art this combination of audio and visuals is creating:

>> No.9826335

I have to second this and I don't particularly like movies or videogames. The only advantage movies have to videogames besides being less dependant on a high budget is the ability to zone out when you are tired and I don't consider that an advantage unless I am tired

>> No.9826336
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>resource intensive (actors, sets, music, writers, dirctios, etc) and very expensive if you want quality
>limited by timeframes (tell the story within 2 hours or else)
>the weakest link among your circus troupe can send the whole thing falling apart
>also limited by technological advances

>resource efficint, literally just need a pen and paper
>is not limited by technology or timeframes
>extreme flexibility with how you convey your story, backed by centuries of refined technique
>in the end it's just you and your skill, how well you can give the reader the experience of the scenes and ideas you're trying to convey

>> No.9826340

one can literally describe everything in that video, and does through code, a written language. they could even use individual symbols for each note, every sound, describe the images with a list of every pixel.
the real problem is you. not the purity of the primary art.
also, you once again misunderstood my post. can a film convey ANYTHING non-sound or image related? a book can.

>> No.9826345

t. I do not understand Nietzsche

>> No.9826349

>inb4 hur dur you can just use a video of a book
not only does that show the superiority of the book itself, it also is an image. do you know what an image is?

>> No.9826355

Describing every pixel and every sound in that video wouldn't be the same piece of art.

It won't have the same impact, it would be an entirely different artistic experience.

>> No.9826357

>i'm not that much into literature
>but I still can lecture you on its expressive possibilities
Yeah... fuck off you insufferable cunt. You are an exhibitionist at this point. Every time I see you posting you turn out to be terribly pretentious and uneducated, everyone goes into great detail explaining why you are wrong but you just stubbornly keep shitposting.

>> No.9826363

the interpretation would be the same if the language were precise enough.
i'll explain to you again the fact that there is a language controlling every aspect of that video. it has simulated through language, a movie.

literature literally has the ability to produce a video, and by so doing, demonstrates its vast superiority to film itself.

>> No.9826365

Rule #5 of 4chan

Tripfags are shitposters unless proven otherwise.

>> No.9826370

You don't need to read every book in the universe to know literature can't make bleep bloop sounds.

The fact literature is inherently an inferior artform doesn't mean you can't still enjoy it. maybe you actually like the inferior ability to express things because it gives you more room for imagination

>> No.9826371

>cannot achieve the same impact
They can they are just more dependent on the intelligence of the audience.
Out of interest how many books over fifty years old have you read?

>> No.9826378

1. It's still a VASTLY different artistic experience. describing a color is not the same as seeing it directly. it does not even stimulate the same parts of your brain

2. You ignore that films can have words in them and contain the entire book you are talking about within the film

>> No.9826379

>my brain lacks the mechanisms required simulate sounds in a mental realm of my own creation through interpretations of symbols on a page, even though billions of children are able to do it.

>> No.9826383

Imagining a sound does not stimulate the same parts of your brain as hearing a sound directly, which makes it an objectively different experience

>> No.9826384


Maybe. Just because it appeals.to more senses doesn't make it the greatest. The content transcends the medium, as opposed to the old adage of the medium being a message.

>> No.9826387

GWF Hegel would like a word with you..

>> No.9826388

you fucking nitwit, a written language is responsible for the video you posted. it would not exist, this video, without a literary feat.
the very mathematics and science required to craft these machines are expressed in a language, yet another feat of literature.

>> No.9826392

You're not as smart as you think you are
>maybe you actually like the inferior ability to express things because it gives you more room for imagination
See? You talk about banalities that would make anyone with actual knowledge of art want to shoot themselves out of frustration.

>> No.9826397

I agree that the content matters more than the medium.

I think literature is an inferior medium to films, but i read some incredible books in my life that i really enjoyed (some favs: The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The Neverending Story

(inb4 people here call me pleb)

>> No.9826400

i agree, objectively different in that the imagined sound is superior, as it is versatile in the abstract without relying on limited resources to produce itself.

>> No.9826401

I'm exactly as smart as i think i am, actually.
My IQ has been professionally tested 3 times, and i have an exceptionally high IQ which puts me within the top 1% of the population in terms of intelligence

I only say it because you incorrectly claimed "you are not as smart as you think you are"

>> No.9826409
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>some favs: The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The Neverending Story
it's like fucking pottery

>> No.9826410

A movie can tell you to imagine sounds AND give you actual sounds.

And btw i think actual sounds have a greater emotional impact than imagined sounds. just my opinion here

>> No.9826415
File: 21 KB, 900x331, shrug_emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that much into books anon.
Why do you think The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy and The Neverending Story are bad?

>> No.9826417

because your imagination is limited. just like the scope of your ability to rationalise and debate. immensely limited.

>> No.9826421

>My IQ has been professionally tested 3 times, and i have an exceptionally high IQ which puts me within the top 1% of the population in terms of intelligence
Average tripfag

>> No.9826423

Stop giving attention to the tripfag.

>> No.9826425

The imagination of everyone is limited

Try to imagine a 4 dimensional object. your brain is objectively incapable of that, see?

I will give you another example. this time something which is physically possible: imagine a polygon which is made from exactly 1,000 lines. oh this cannot be done either since it's too complicated for our imagination to create.

There you go anon, now you know imagination has limits.

>> No.9826428

>Genre fiction

>> No.9826436

I don't think they are bad, but they are children's books and now you are explaining literature to people who have fairly extensive knowledge of philosophy and literary history. A meme here is that you should "start with the Greeks" but you're probably the type of person that thinks Homer described the Trojan horse.

>> No.9826440

>four dimensional object
a sphere moving in spacetime, a rubber ball. done.
also a tesseract for good measure.
i can imagine the polygon in mathematical terms. score yet another along an infinite course for literature.

>> No.9826450

I was talking about the four dimension as having four axis in space, not 3 axis of space + time

You cannot possibly imagine how a tessarect looks like, you can only imagine 3d representation of a tessarect.

Also you did not imagine the 1000 lines polygon, anon. just acknowledging it has 1,000 lines is not the same as actually drawing all of them in your imagination.

Just admit imagination has limits, its not hard anon. your brain is not a machine with infinite capabilities

>> No.9826459

with training, a mind could concievably imagine a 1k polygon, and in terms of the tesseract, watching a thing fold in on itself within the mind's eye to the extent that the physical manifestation of your imagination begins to fold in onto itself, creating a wormhole through which the universe can pass, yes. easily possible. i do it as a meditative exercise. sorry you're so mentally gimped, "crazygay"

>> No.9826463

i listed the ones who put music on top of their tier-list, retard. not the good ones.

apart from plato even their music aesthetics sucked. js bach isnt allowed to exist in schopenhauer's system. nietzsche was a wagner-cuck until almost the very end. and adorno just wanted to destroy music.

>> No.9826472 [DELETED] 

1. Your brain as a physical limit as to how much details it can imagine. i doubt you will be able to imagine a 1k polygon even with practice

2. The rest of your post is nonsensical garbage. you cannot imagine a tessarect since you cannot imagine space which is made from 4 axis

>> No.9826473


>> No.9826474

1. Your brain has a physical limit as to how much details it can imagine. i doubt you will be able to imagine a 1k polygon even with practice

2. The rest of your post is nonsensical garbage. you cannot imagine a tessarect since you cannot imagine space which is made from 4 axis

>> No.9826475

Imagine an n-dimensional object, then. If you can do that, imagine an n+1 dimensional object. Repeat until mental failure.

>> No.9826483

>t. pleb who can't even comprehend a simple tesseract
i'm done with you, simpleton. face it, your understanding of the very world around you is flawed. you have shit taste in music, film, and literature, you are a pleb. face the fact.

>> No.9826490

Every thread this trip touches turns to shit.

>> No.9826495


Literature forces you to imagine what you read in order for you to comprehend it. You can instantaneously interpret music. If the common objective is to force an experience upon the perceiver, both are successful. The efficiency of the two is highly subjective to the effect intended.

>> No.9826500

Kant and Hegel did not hate music, they just liked it in the same way people liked ot in baroque: they wanted something serious and light-hearted, rooted in tradition and never pretentious.
Kant did not like the musicians of his time (who were building the stil galant, which culminates with Mozart and Haydn, on the basis of the worka of CPE Bach) since he considered them shallow and superficial (this includes the aforementioned Haydn and Mozart), Hegel did not like the music of Weber and Beethoven because it was too impulsive and too emotionally extreme for his extremely conservative tastes. Still, they both listened to music for pleasure quite often, so it would be wrong to say that they hated it.

That anon is a retard, but you have not proven him wrong. At the very best you could imagine a 3d representation of a rotating tesseract (and even that would be extremely complex, since you would have to study the math needed to imagine the tesseract's exact movements over time), and even then, that would not include any representation of the space that surrounds said polygon. Don't argue with it, he is right: you can't imagine anything in 4D, nor you can imagine extremely complex figures: your mind has infinite potential, but it's still limited when it comes to its actual capacities

I'm sure there is no evidence of anyone having been able to do such a thing in human history.
>tfw I read the rest of the post
Fuck you, I've taken you seriously for almost 3 paragraphs. You make me sick.

>> No.9826502

Music can be read too, in fact you should do so. Listening Western art music without knowing how to recognize pitches (this includes lots of ear training) is like reading summaries instead of actual books. Sure, maybe you can understand what the plot is about, but everything else will be lost on you.

>> No.9826504
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>> No.9826510

>Literature forces you to imagine what you read in order for you to comprehend it. You can instantaneously interpret music.
actually it's the other way around, language is immediately understood, music has to make its structure clear to the listener through repetition.

>> No.9826520

repeating patterns are automatically detected by your mind, imagination requires activity

>> No.9826524

If you like literature better then do that - music is made to be enjoyed, not force-fed.

>> No.9826528

>automatically detected
not, if the repetition appears inverted, transposed, stretched or otherwise transformed.
the first impression is only a vague feeling that everything is interconnected.

>> No.9826531

>Cherrypicking things i have done years ago when i was still a young teen

>Most of them are not even embarrassing

>Randomly sticking a picture of spongebob in there even though its completely unrelated


>> No.9826540

You are the one who is deluding youreslf when you tell yourself you can imagine a 4d tesseract and not just a 3d representation o a tesseract.

It is literally impossible

>> No.9826541

>inverted, transposed, stretched or otherwise transformed

>> No.9826542

they are immediatly detected if you are listening to 4chord songs with 4 to 6 musical cells organized through known form (usually the song form).
Without ear traning, for example, there's nothing you can understand about Schubert's harmony (at best you can say that the music aounds like that and that maybe it modulates here and there), yet said harmonies follow a carefully planned trajectory that can't be figured out by ear (of course once one is aware this knowledge become part of the appreciation of his music). The same can be said on thematic development: usually people can tell if a theme is a variation of another theme only if the permutation is evident and simple. In Beethoven only a few times the listener gets aware of the fsct that everything is made up of one theme (usually it's the 5th, since people always use it as an example), yet if I gave you one of his late sonatas it would take you years of training to understand how Beethoven got to every theme in particular (and it was very rigorous in this department).

Basically: you're full of shit.
t. pianist, I know how the audiences think and react

>> No.9826545

You are the one who is deluding youreslf when you tell yourself you can imagine a 3d object and not just a 2d projection of a 3d object.

It is literally impossible.

>> No.9826548

He's actually kind of cute. He's dumb as shit but that's fitting for a good little cock gobbler.

>> No.9826549

Prove your statement so that your thread does not attract pure shitposting.

>> No.9826553

You can imagine the perception of depth so i disagree with you there.

Imagining 3d is 100% possible. imagining 4d is impossible

>> No.9826554

>you can't appreciate my high art unless you train yourself to appreciate unpatterns
sounds like shit
music is only enjoyed when it's predictable

>> No.9826555

not even that guy but get shot

>> No.9826557

>judging a person based on cherrypicked images from many years ago

>> No.9826559

but you can't imagine the perception of depth, what you think is a 3d object is actually a 2d slice of a 3d object, like an mri brain scan.
the only way to possible comprehend 3d is by holding something with your hands, visually it's 100% 2d

>> No.9826562

get memd

>> No.9826565

any fav philosophers you think were on the right track?

>> No.9826567

You are wrong.
Your brain creates a perception of depth using the offset of your eyes. when you look using both of your eyes, you objectively have 3d vision, and you can also imagine that perception of depth in your mind.

>> No.9826570
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>> No.9826573

Still using the same trip means you haven't grown out of it

>> No.9826575

>Thinking a person did not change at all because he kept using a username

And btw, most of the things in that image are not even remotely embarrassing. only a few of them are

>> No.9826597

I'd call being cliically depressed, gay, looking like a mexican failed MtF, saying Joy Division(whos singer killed himself at 23) is music written by people who never knew sadness in their life, still being a virgin at 18 and presumably currently and thinking you have an opinion on literature when you by your own admission only read childrens books because if you attempted anything more difficult you would have to confront the fact you are "within the top 1% of the population in terms of intelligence
" all pretty embarrasing and I would kill myself sooner than walk a day in your shoes tripfriend. your

>> No.9826601

stopped reading after the first few words, your post looked like a huge waste of time.

>> No.9826608

>thinking you have an opinion on literature when you by your own admission only read childrens books because if you attempted anything more difficult you would have to confront the fact you are "within the top 1% of the population in terms of intelligence

>> No.9826616

>thinking you have an opinion on literature when you by your own admission only read childrens book
Sure, this should be obvious.
Why the fuck do you think i don't have an opinion about literature? of course i have my opinions.

>because if you attempted anything more difficult you would have to confront the fact you are "within the top 1% of the population in terms of intelligence
I'm just not that much into literature, i already said it multiple times in this thread. i'm more into music and videos.

>> No.9826623
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you do not actually perceive depth, your brain creates it using focus, like a camera.
attached is a 2d image

>> No.9826624

>picking on a depressed, lonely pleb 16 years old
Come on, that should inspire compassion rather than hate.

>tfw you will never give very good advice to 16 yo crazygaga
>tfw crazygaga ended up dulling his depression with shitty GY!BE instead of Beethoven and Schumann
>tfw he wasted that neat desperation on mediocre music

>> No.9826629

Close one eye. look at your room.
Now look at your room using both of your eyes.

The depth that is created using both of your eyes is not a part of a 2d image, it's a perception of the third axis, which makes human vision a 3d vision

>> No.9826633

>compassion rather than hate.
This board has moved beyond good and evil and understands that bullying him makes him less likely to post more and therefore makes the board more enjoyable as we shape it according to our whim.

>> No.9826637

Hurting other people leads to a worse society.
A board which has a culture of bullying other people will become a worse board than a board full of compassionate people

>> No.9826640

First of all, I haven't said that all art is like this, nor I have said that it is useless to listen to classical music without trained ear, nor have I said that complexity implies quality.
That other guy said that musical patterns are easily recognizable, that was my response.
>music is only enjoyed when it's predictable
Die off, troll.

Philosopher? And what track? These kind of analyses are usually reserved to musicologist, the only major philosopher I can think of who included a musicological analysis in his aesthetic essay is Adorno, but I wouldn't call him a favourite, in fact I would say that his dialectical approach categorizes nowaday him as a good source to understand early 20th century German avantgards, yet it is pretty useless once you read him with a contemporary (both musical and philosophical) mindset.

>> No.9826650


you're such a little biitch lmao

>> No.9826668
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>The depth that is created using both of your eyes
exactly my man, depth is created, not perceived, by juxtapositioning two 2d images, but that's all they ever are. an infinite amount of 2d slices of a 3d object is still not a 3d object, even though it allows us to understand them, it's still not 3d vision.

>> No.9826670
File: 289 KB, 1250x1675, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could lead him on the path of patricianship.
This is clearly a man who is able to feel intensely for long amounts of time: this immediatly designs him as a potentially good reader and artist.
He could easily turn this manic desperation into outstanding productivity, coupled with a very intense sensibility.
If instead of bullying anyone had directed him towards poetry while keeping him informed of what a scholar mindset looks like, now we would have lots of great posts in poetry related threads. Instead we've got crazygaga, who is still a clueless pleb with no direction in life and no taste for art (which is apparently one of his main movers). Truly a tragedy.

Please crazygaga, stop being a lazy whiner and start channeling your desperation into something. You don't want to end up as a pathetic talentless hack bassist in your 40s, don't you? Then stop being a weak piece of shit and do something, and for Christ's sake, get some guidance once you decide to do so. Don't trust fucking bands, get a music teacher and study properly, THEN break whatever rule you may want to break.
Depression is not an excuse: of course mental collapse should still be accounted for (don't rush into a 12 hours schedule immediatly, you will break down in a week), still, 4-5 hours of practice everyday in whatever you're doing (wether it's writing, playing bass or reading books, and ffs, read some classic) won't kill you, especially if you habe full control over your time.
I can assure you that if you won't stop being so goddamn clueless a life of mediocrity will await you. If you think you are inherently mediocre, remember that you currently possess no skill, which means that you have no way to make such a judgement. Yes, work ethic is a skill, and so is your attention span. Unless you are literally retarded you've got no excuses.
tldr: stop being such a pussy ffs

pic related: Wagner was a talentless 19yo when he started studying composition and poetry, and he suffered from s form of depression that resembles closely yours

>> No.9826676

The perception of depth is created, but depth itself is not. Our perception of depth is not based on nothing, it's just an approximation.

>> No.9826705

>when you're so insufferable posters on an internet knitting community try to inspire in you delusions of grandeur and cause you to channel your autism into practicing music 12 hours a day until you implode and kys ridding yourself from the knitting community

>> No.9826724

>when people can't recognize basic empathy
>tfw the desire of appearing as edgy on a mongolese birdwatching retreat, which is pathetic in itself, has completely destroyed every sense of humanity you previously helf, while bringing not even a single improvement on your life

>> No.9826754

I'm afraid your post is falling on deaf ears. Crazyaga is against studying music theory.

Your stupidity hurts me and is therefore making this society worse.

>> No.9826764

No fucktard, it's pattern recognition. Perception is tied to patterns that one has learn.
There are multiple ways to which depth can be perceived, reaching out with your hand, echolocation, the focusing of the lenses of your eyes, all result in feature differentiation.

>> No.9826778

>Philosopher? And what track?
something between pure analysis and appreciation.
like c.f.d. schubart or hanslick, but more modern, and with less intolerant shilling than adorno.

>> No.9826786

>I'm afraid your post is falling on deaf ears. Crazyaga is against studying music theory.

Given how emotionally jaded most people are here, I would say it is worth the risk. He has clearly been indoctrinated by his teenage taste (I have to stress it, he's obviously not a mature person), which clearly shows absolutely no sign of self-awareness, nor it shows any sort of standard. I'm sure everything this guy consume is trash, yet if he could see the light just once he may unravel a tremendous potential.
Hopefully one day he will be able to let go that sham that is his personality and his current ideas, and maybe even overcome them.

>> No.9826792

I hate /mu/. Everyone there is either an impressionable adolescent that steals their father's vinyl records, or a borderline autistic manchild that obsesses over overrated figures, a limp-wristed cardigan-wearing Chuck Taylor-wearing over-emotional faggot who talks about how much of a feminist he is or how much he wants to protect the innocent persecuted Muslims that dindu nuffin, who releases his horny and disgusting sexual fantasies ("ohh man i wanna sniff grimes' dirty sweaty armpits and eat her fecal-crusted hairy asshole <3") on 4chan ANYWHERE where his idol is mentioned; Or a flannel-wearing nu-male with an undercut and an "epic beard" (a scraggly pube-looking rat's nest hanging from under his chin) who talks about how Kanye West is the greatest artist of this generation, and how hip-hop is an underrated genre that has artistic merit and is under-appreciated because of some subliminal white supremacy which is apparently hidden within the entirety of Western culture, as he and his other nu-male friends circlejerk about as "political discussion", and all the while only listening to trash like Kanye West or Danny Brown, and maybe a couple Tupac songs, so he can feel like as if he is holier-than-thou from the average white man, because he appreciates black culture.
I fucking hate /mu/. Get the fuck off this board.

>> No.9826799
File: 9 KB, 300x259, spurdo inshallah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop talking about people or events in an aesthetics thread.

>> No.9826832

All the archetypes you've mentioned are all controversial on /mu/, and their presence will usually trigger lots of flame and shitposting.
Hate /mu/ because they're philistine, don't focus on useless stereotypes.
Also go back to your board, please.

>> No.9826835

are video games the worst art form?

>> No.9826854

They are the most immersive. Which explains why autists dive into them so deep and why people watch other people interact with them. Despite this they potentially synergize with books as a patricians taste if you are capable of immersing yourself in them without getting so involved in them you become an insufferable autist or /v/tard

>> No.9826856

not inherently, they are still in gregorian chant stage of videogames.

>> No.9826877

no retard, depth is a feeling, not a pattern.

>> No.9826879

The medium is still in its infancy. At the moments, unless you are willing to chain yoruself on crippling technical limitations, they still require large sums of money and multiple people working on the project (which means that we have very few respectsble authors in the medium, who would considered decent at best in other, more developed medias), who usually also have to deal with corporate pressure. Very few SH houses manage to escape this paradigm, usually by subjecting its employees to ridicolous conditions.

There's just too much hussle for a Goethe-like artist to pick up a laptop and create on it a complete, unconstrained game. Chances are that he will instead pick another artistic medium, while poeple who are more shallow than him, someone like Kojima, who only managed to achieve basic narrative proficency (when it comes to his literatury proficiency he is a non-entity, and his aesthetics are fairly childish, which helped a lot, given the standards set by the videoga,e industry), will pass as a great genius only because he was been able to put something on the market that was unique and coherent (the most basic qualities a piece of art can have, not an achievement in itself).
Hopefully over time these technical difficulties will disappear, and once that'll happen we will get a new Renaissance. One can only imagine how a videogame as artistically mature as the Divine Commedy or a Beethoven's Symphony will be like. At the moment there is no such thing.

>> No.9827047

We aren't computers that perfectly replicate things like that in real time. Information equivalence is not phenomenologicly true. The two are only equivalent in your imagination.

>> No.9828074

Any perception is something which is created in your mind. your argument is meaningless

>> No.9828103

of course not, (well, in some instances information can easily be transferred into brain and out of brain without degredation, card memorization for example) i'm just showing the superiority of the written language as an art form, of having the ability to exert will through the language itself, commands that would obviously be impotent on the human brain until we map that as well, and learn a more powerful language. only a matter of time until people are updating their operating systems, so to speak.

as to the tesseract, i wasn't memeing, one can go through the fold of a tesseract (in one's imagination) and at the edge of the fold, one can see through to what is a perspective of every angle simultaneously. imagine vast chains of edges and angles rising with fractal sponge intricacies, but not only that, seeing it all simultaneously, like you imagine a fly might see, through multiple angles, but the difference being an omnisciesque vantage from every direction simultaneously. anyway, as another poster said, it's all just a series of 2d images, but that doesn't restrict the thought experiment from taking place. whether or not it's physically accurate is a different question. but imagine it i have.
I do wonder at the potential intricacy of the mind as a static instead of my more customary flowing experience.
sorry that i offended you, though i was not being serious only in the "crazygay" comment. the rest was very much in earnest.

>> No.9828109

whaddya know, the chances of us both returning near the same time must be quite remote.

>> No.9828136

>I am a literary genius of the highest caliber
You forgot to misspell 'calibur', your high-quality shitpost is lacking without it.

>> No.9828147

No, vidya has already lost to boardgames as a craft and an artform. It will only get worse in the future as vidya solidifies its reputation as being anesthesia skinner boxes for the morlock underclass.

>> No.9828340

>Eduard Artemyev


>> No.9828375

what a piece of shit

>> No.9828385
File: 17 KB, 625x626, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moby wants a word w you