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File: 76 KB, 347x539, Original copy of Mein Kampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
981240 No.981240 [Reply] [Original]

>HUMAN EVENTS asked a panel of 15 conservative scholars and public policy leaders to help us compile a list of the Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries.


You rage, you lose
pic related, but only the second most harmful book of the last two centuries

>> No.981251

I was expecting a good laugh... but you're right, I raged.

I think Glenn Beck may have penned this list.

>> No.981254

I wish I could have raged...instead I am still numb....

>> No.981259

>Beyond Good and Evil
> The Nazis loved Nietzsche.

...wow. I'm not raging, I'm just staring at the screen with my mouth wide open wondering what the fuck just happened. The rest isn't much better either. How do these people manage to operate a computer?

>> No.981260

Knew this was going to be an amazing list when they specifically said conservative scholars.

I LOVE how they put a book on getting women to stop being stay at home moms on the list.

Almost raged a beyond good and evil being on there.

>> No.981261


You assume that they have actually read the books they voted for.

>> No.981276

"The Origin of Species
by Charles Darwin
Score: 17 "


>> No.981284

>FDR adopted the idea as U.S. policy, and the U.S. government now has a $2.6-trillion annual budget and an $8-trillion dollar debt.

lol'd hard

>> No.981300

I love how under #2 Mein Kampf, they have that advertisement clumsily placed so it looks like all those Fox News books were written by Hitler.

>> No.981308

>The Kinsey Report

Yes, god forbid we have a scientific understanding of Sexuality. It should all be shrouded in mysticism and religion.

The first 3 books are understandable but after that it just completely degenerates into DERP.
The honorable mentions are even worse than the actual list.
>Introduction to Psychoanalysis
by Sigmund Freud
Score: 9


>> No.981311

Mein Kampf isn't harmful?

>> No.981317

Just the idea of Harmful Books makes me rage. If Marx is on the list, how come Rand isn't?

>> No.981321

1,3, and 5 are not what I would call harmfull because dumbass people took it and made it harmful. (Even though socialism is complete bullshit)

>> No.981324

>he disparaged schooling that focused on traditional character development and endowing children with hard knowledge, and encouraged the teaching of thinking “skills” instead.
Thinking is not a skill you need to have.

>> No.981326

There's only one evil empire, and I'll be fucked if it's the Soviets'.

>> No.981351

>>Just the idea of Harmful Books makes me rage
Exactly. John Milton wrote, "I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary but slinks out of the race, where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat." In other words, we can't just run away from or supress ideas just because we find then disagreeable.

>> No.981387

>Silent Spring
>by Rachel Carson
>Score: 9


Oh yeah, we should have kept spraying our food and children with dangerous chemicals. Sure would've saved a buck or two.

>> No.981420

>the Kinsey Report

lolwat. Also, apparently every work by every philosopher who doesn't believe in God is DANGEROUS LITERATURE.

>> No.981438

Probably would have saved a lot of lives from malaria.

>> No.981442

Yeah, this one was hilarious to me. I was mostly just rolling my eyes until that point.

Also, I love /lit/, for the simple fact that we can laugh at this.

>> No.981478


>> No.981565

>Harmful books
>On Liberty
>My face

>> No.981571


Liberals are bad news, man!

>> No.981589

I smell tea. Pure right wing bull shit.

>> No.981595
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Looks like they've got a sense of humour, though.

>> No.981605

seriously questioning these guys' qualifications


>> No.981608
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>The Communist Manifesto.

>> No.981612

mill's proto-socialist justification of the welfare state! a work of the devil and an apostate of CLASSICAL LIBERALISM

>> No.981617
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>Honourable Mentions
>Gramsci, de Beauvouir, Mill, Adorno, Freud, Club of Rome to name a few

>> No.981622

The Soviet Union was pretty evil though.

>> No.981628


What does that have to do with the Communist Manifesto? Marx hated imperialism.

>> No.981635

I can understand all of those but the Kinsey Report and the one by Dewey.
And I noticed the Origin of Species is on the honorable mentions, which is just stupid.

>> No.981643
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>List full of idealistic books by authors whose intentions ultimately failed in practice
>No religious texts

Stay classy, retards

>> No.981644

The Soviet Union did not follow Marx's teachings. The Soviet Union wasn't communist, there has yet to be a proper communist country. Everything there has been so far has been Totalitarianism and Imperialism in disguise as Communism.

>> No.981649


I can understand all those books. In the sense that I can understand that conservatives are fiercely anti-intellectual and would hate all those books.

>> No.981653
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>my face when I realise what we're up against

>> No.981661


Yeah, but it had fuck all to do with ideological Marxism.

The USSR was communist in the same manner that the US is libertarian.

>> No.981676
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>no holy texts.

>> No.981678

Lady states fairness

Another lady wants her to make a difference for the better
(Left Wing ideal)

>> No.981688


>What do [Obama's] books describe?
>Oh, eh ... uh, ... you know, his, his Marxism, his Leninism ...

>Never read the fucking books, but Glenn Beck ses so so it's true!

>> No.981699

There is actually a rather lengthy discussion in the comments about whether holy texts should be included.

my favorite is this one:
>For those of you who said the Bible should have been on the list, if you read the Bible correctly, it is a book of love. Just because others interpret it violently does not mean it is so.

>> No.981703


I always admire how this dude can keep a straight face no matter what.

>> No.981707

>>If Marx is on the list, how come Rand isn't?

Seriously, did you look at who the "judges" were for this list? Phyllis Schlafly was one of their intellectual arbiters. (With her pamphlet "A Choice Not An Echo", she led the Goldwater movement which prompted Richard Hofstadter to write "The Paranoid Style in American Politics.")

This is straight-down-the-line American revanchist / reactionary / party-line Republican tripe. In other words, these are the people who WORSHIP Ayn Rand (except that they have to tiptoe tactfully around her atheism).

That's why John Maynard Keynes makes their list of the 10 most dangerous books of the past hundred years, yet "The Fountainhead" doesn't. But which one looks more like the sentiments behind 9/11 to you? Which one caused the economic crash of 2008?

Also worth noting: this list is from 2005. The nutcases that Phyllis Schlafly started rousing up in 1964 had just won the White House for Dubya (for the first time, unless you think he actually won the 2000 election) and they were on an all-time-high power trip.

But a list of "dangerous" books that includes Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed" and Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" has only one agenda. And it's the same agenda that Ayn Rand had.

>> No.981708


Actually the books are ambivalent on many things.
Especially the Bible and the Koran.

>> No.981732

>The reports were designed to give a scientific gloss to the normalization of promiscuity and deviancy.


>> No.981778

I'm surprised they couldn't fit the Quran in there.

>> No.981782
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>The Feminine Mystique
>The Kinsey Report

>> No.981794

Someone mentioned the bible in the comments and how it should be on the list and here is someone's respons,
>No dice Rachel, Marxism killed more people in the 20th century then the Crusades .

>> No.981977

Also I have no idea how their stupid score system works but apparently The Communist Manifesto is a 74 while Mein Kampf is only a 41.

If you put this in perspective of people killed its semi-understandable considering Stalin killed way more than Hitler. I personally would take into account that the Soviet Union wasnt really communist and that The Communist Manifesto was just misguided idealism compared to Hitler which was kind of blatantly evil. But whatever I can let that slide(even if it is a 33 evil point difference), but when you put it in perspective of the rest of the list:

>Mein Kampf 41
>Kinsey Report 37

The Kinsey report is just 4 evil points away from FUCKING HITLER.

>> No.981986
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>> No.981987

I will read what I haven't read of these books in a short time.
Look at me, so non conformist. Just a little anarchist, that's me. So cute.

>> No.981996

I tried to read Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, but I had no idea what he was talking about when he was references people.
Are there any books I should read before I go into Nietzsche?

>> No.982007

Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra and The Gay Science before Beyond Good and Evil. Nietzsche is not hard to get into, although you will feel a little clueless in Zarathustra if you don't know anything about him. Zarathustra is just a bunch of parables that demonstrate his various philosophies.

>> No.982015

I actually like this list, because it just became my "books to read as soon as you fucking can" list.

>> No.982026


>>982007 is just fucking with you, ignore him. You need to know the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Hegel at least.

>> No.982030

>10. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

>> No.982036

I was surprised it wasn't higher.

>> No.982053

>Notice The Origin of Species is an honorable mention.

How is that vaguely harmful? I just don't know.

>> No.982065

Mein Kampf is only in there to benchmark various pet-hates against it. They get to put Marx ahead of Hitler, with 'The Femine Mystique', Dewey (!), and Keynes closing in.

Interesting absence of the Zion Protocols. Maybe they'd have to explain Henry Ford's affection for it, among other upright men.

>> No.982078


Because as well as contradicting the Good Word, it also legitimises genocide, don't you know.

>> No.982088


Man did not arise from the mud. Therefore...

>> No.982089

Dangerous and bad ideas cause harm?

My god, who would've known?
98% of "Americans" won't stand up for God.
Be one of the 2% that will, copy this in your signature.

LIE-BRILS: If YOU don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand IN FRONT of them.

i'm a hArDcOrE (xXx†hXc†xXx) Christian fiRsT, AnD i b3lEve iN ev0luTion Wh3n mY MuDkIp rEaChEs Lv 18.

>> No.982096

I just lost so FUCKING HARD. Number one is bad enough, but number nine?! WTF guys, did you all stroke out or some shit?

>> No.982100


So does the Bible.

>> No.982106
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>The Kinsey Report


not sure I wanna read further

>> No.982108

No self-respecting Neo-Con would call Mein Kampf dangerous.

>> No.982111

>Introduction to Psychoanalysis
>by Sigmund Freud

>Sigmund Freud

Excuse me, I need to go drop bricks on the passerby from my window.

>> No.982116

Unsafe at any Speed? You know, I'm not a fan of Ralph Nader. But this book did save a lot of lives.

>> No.982120

Ask a bunch of more open-minded people: "what are the 19 and 20th century books that most influenced society and that every one should have read?" and you'll get about the same results...

>> No.982128

>When the business cycle threatens a contraction of industry, and thus of jobs, he argued, the government should run up deficits, borrowing and spending money to spur economic activity

I just don't even. It's just fucking amazing how delusional these people are. What constellation of journalistic tragedies compounded that allowed these illiterate retards to command a mere pencil?

>> No.982132

Guess I'll have to give "Democracy and Education" (#5) a spin.

>“Kinsey’s initial report, released in 1948 . . . stunned the nation: ["supposedly"] 95% of [men] could be accused of some kind of sexual offense under 1940s laws,” the Washington Times reported last year when a movie on Kinsey was released.

What, they couldn't read/quote the book themselves. Assholes.

>> No.982136



It's basically a reading list. Like the ancient lists of banned books.

>> No.982137

It says that in 1966 American liberals were Maoists. Really? Freedom of expression and pacifism were central tenets of Mao's philosophy? Fuck even John Lennon called out the Cultural Revolution on their shit in his song Revolution. Oh well, they're just going to keep throwing up strawman arguments.

>> No.982142


You quoted the #4, the Kinsey Report, and citing a more significant publication like they did is just wanting to present something as having more authority than when you just say it, and it's perfectly fine.

>> No.982146

All you guys defending Freud are off your rockers. This list is bullshit, but defending Freud?

All he did was fuck up psychoanalysis. That coke fiend was a charlatan bullshitter through and through.

>> No.982149


>> No.982151

>fuck up psychoanalysis
>implying(I cringed as I typed that) psychoanalysis even existed before Frued

>> No.982153


>fuck up psychoanalysis

>implying it existed before him

>implying there's something to fuck in psychoanalysis

Freudian psychoanalysis is pseudoscience, but he still launched what became psychology and is much acceptable. You can disagree with the book's claims, but not with the book's major positive importance.

>> No.982155


Hey fuck you.
He founded psychiatry. He had a big impact on clinical diagnosis. His work was pretty creative, I'll give him these things.

So many of his ideas just turned out to be guesses and intellectual exercises. There needs to be a lot of mending done with his actual work to make it work today.

The whole ego and the id thing was a nice piece of literature, but if you tried to walk into a psychiatry school and talk about it seriously today you'd be retarded.

His theories were totally unscientific and untestable. They aren't used these days.

>> No.982158

I see absolutely nothing wrong with that list. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised.

And yes, if a book helps create a movement that kills 100 million people, it should be considered harmful. Stop bitching.

>> No.982159


did you even read the list?

>> No.982160

Really liked that bit about the national debt, didja?

>> No.982163

>communist manifesto
>100 million dead by communists

Dumb liburls are dumb.
98% of "Americans" won't stand up for God.
Be one of the 2% that will, copy this in your signature.

LIE-BRILS: If YOU don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand IN FRONT of them.

i'm a hArDcOrE (xXx†hXc†xXx) Christian fiRsT, AnD i b3lEve iN ev0luTion Wh3n mY MuDkIp rEaChEs Lv 18.

>> No.982164
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I hope you don't imply the Washington Times is as objectively significant as the Kinsey Reports. To my thinking, they should have just quoted the book. It's accessible enough.

>> No.982165

Shit, reading this made me think of how Watson read Holmes' "The Book of Life" and called it absurd. And yet, Sherlock was genius.

>> No.982167


Why didn't they even put JD Salinger on trial for killing John Lennon again?
At least conspiracy to commit murder.

>> No.982171


The same could easily be said about Ricardo or Smith's works which, by the way, dwarf the figure killed by "Communism" with an extra century and a half under it's belt.

>> No.982172


John Lennon, the filthy, lazy communist? Salinger did the world a service.

>> No.982173


>> No.982174

>Describe the world as it is.

>> No.982177

>>Describe the world as it is

Butthurt is not the same thing as clarity, son. I mean literally, the guy was butthurt.
98% of "Americans" won't stand up for God.
Be one of the 2% that will, copy this in your signature.

LIE-BRILS: If YOU don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand IN FRONT of them.

i'm a hArDcOrE (xXx†hXc†xXx) Christian fiRsT, AnD i b3lEve iN ev0luTion Wh3n mY MuDkIp rEaChEs Lv 18.

>> No.982178

I see you're a communist, so I'll just go ahead and ignore everything you say. Come back when you grow up.

>> No.982180


Please explain the difference.

>> No.982187

You should know them, yes, eventually. I STARTED my "journey" with Nietzsche and I am pretty sure I've made it fine, motherfucker.

I will let you by with telling him he needs to be "vaguely familiar" with these people to understand Nietzsche and his ideals.

>> No.982192


Nah dude, he's pretty much right. You can understand Nietzsche but you won't really be able to appreciate what he's doing.

It's like trying to watch a Quentin Tarrantino movie without knowing film history, or read a Grant Morrisson book without being familiar with comic history.

You'll get it. You just won't "get it."

>> No.982193


The carbuncles, right?


Seeing that Marx was lucid (and furthermore rather timid about applicability) doesn't make one a communist.

You're right though, I am a communist. I'm 28 years old.

>> No.982195

He's implying the books only supplied the ideas, whereas it took a person to put them into action. Which is true.

I wonder what the rubric was? How do they define "harmful"? Because Evolution of Species wasn't in a sense "harmful". I guess just challenging the scheme of things?
Being cutting edge is, apparently, bad. Top conservative scholars agree!

>> No.982202


I don't agree with that because the totalitarian government of the Soviet Union only superficially resembled the communist ideas put forth by Marx.

>> No.982204

>You're right though, I am a communist. I'm 28 years old.

My mistake, I thought the reason you were a communist is because you were young. It's because you're an idiot.

>> No.982205

True, assuming he's only reading Nietzsche. There's no crime in reading Nietzsche first if that is what interests him, and he can travel around to other philosophers afterwords. Eventually, the ideas will mesh together and make their appropriate imprints on him.
There is no arbitrary sequences for reading philosophy. Especially among existentialists.
But I guess you should be somewhat familiar with the terminology or you'll be lost. But that shit should come to you via history class.

>> No.982208

How about you get that gay shit off your posts, huh?

>> No.982212

>in which capitalists inevitably and amorally exploit labor by paying the cheapest possible wages to earn the greatest possible profits.

They didn't?

>> No.982214


The sequence isn't arbitrary. Philosophers generally shape their philosophies in response to not only their own life and times, but define them against other philosophies that have come before them.
That's why it's also known as philosophical discourse.

I'm not gonna suck the fun out of it, start anywhere and move around how you like. I'm just saying that unless you want to revisit works later with a renewed appreciation (which you should do anyway) through the scope of history, you'll have a lesser appreciation for what's happening in the work.

>> No.982217
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Ha ha. You sure showed me.

>> No.982220

I will admit you should definitely have somewhat of a path thought out, especially as you're only just starting to read.
But you have to admit it doesn't SUPER matter.

>> No.982228

I think we've reached an amicable agreement, yes.
Pals it is.

>> No.982229


Marx underestimated the ability of a population to move against its social hierarchy, no matter how backwards culturally or economically; such as in Russia. He was at least cognitive enough to recognise that it would come from the urban proletariat, not the peasant countryside, which was more than enough for the Russian communists.

>> No.982263


I think Marx expected the Communist Revolution to begin in Germany. At least a nation state that was not an Imperialist Monarchy run by a Tsar and populated by mostly rural former serfs like Russia. The radical change in that country was a real wildcard.

>> No.982282

>Silent Spring
>by Rachel Carson
Only the most important environmental book ever written.
Fucking hell republicunts.

>> No.982317

These 'scholars' seem to only have ad hominem as justifications... at least under what the summaries say.

These guys are prototypical conservatives.

>Silent Spring
>Origin of Species

What the fuck man. The panel seems to be mostly from the South anyway, so maybe they can be disregarded somewhat.

>> No.982325

>Democracy and Education
>In Democracy and Education, in pompous and opaque prose, he disparaged schooling that focused on traditional character development and endowing children with hard knowledge, and encouraged the teaching of thinking “skills” instead. His views had great influence on the direction of American education--particularly in public schools--and helped nurture the Clinton generation.
Because you know that wasn't a generation to accomplish some of the most important advances in modern history, so much for those "thinking skills", eh?

>> No.982346

[ ]Conservative
[ ]Scholar

Pick one

>> No.982550

Adorno? Mill? Foucault? Oh man. I assume they only left out Walter Benjamin due to lack of space

>> No.982551


Benjamin? He didn't write anything too bad.

>> No.982557


That makes no sense. There are scholars with many opinions. Being a scholar who specializes in the field of linguistics has almost no bearing on your political views, for instance.

>> No.982558
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>Honourable Mentions
>On Liberty

>> No.982566

This is why almost no one that has graduated from high school and isn't married to a relative takes conservatives seriously.

Unfortunately, there are enough inbred dipshits to keep them around.

>> No.982589

While it's true in Russia, East Asian revolutions don't follow the same pattern, being mostly from the countryside.

>> No.982599

raged so much

>> No.982617

I love how the 'Origin of Species' gets an honorable mention.

>> No.982639

List is pretty bad. For example, on Nietzsche:
"The Nazis loved Nietzsche."
Frankly, if the Nazis didn't get there ideas from him they would have gone to another source. Nietzsche hated his sister for her anti-semitism and found Germans to be uncivilized.
Also, On Liberty should not be an honourable mention. It's a relatively benign essay and almost seems to be written as a response to communist works.

>> No.982647

And i mean goddamn, talk about predictable

>> No.982652

>Here Nietzsche argued that men are driven by an amoral “Will to Power,” and that superior men will sweep aside religiously inspired moral rules, which he deemed as artificial as any other moral rules, to craft whatever rules would help them dominate the world around them. “Life itself is essentially appropriation, injury, overpowering of the strange and weaker, suppression, severity, imposition of one’s own forms, incorporation and, at the least and mildest, exploitation,” he wrote. The Nazis loved Nietzsche.

I despise the vulgarism of this common interpretation of Nietzsche.

>> No.982653

He could not have predicted 21st Century America: a free, affluent society based on capitalism and representative government that people the world over envy and seek to emulate.


>> No.982655
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If you guys are done laughing/crying over this list, read this one.
>Top 10 Books Every College Student Should Read

>> No.982664


You idiots, do you think Marx created communism, that the communist idea sprang from the mind of a man instead of being developed by men spontaneously in the horrors of post-Napoleonic Europe in the industrial age?

Marxism teaches the application of theory to praxis because all human intellectual activity has its base in manual labour, and it is fitting that it should originate in the sweat of a man's brow (in this instance, in the blood of the revolutionaries of the Parisian commune of 1848).

And remember, these people aren't conservative by any natural political tendency, they are conservative out of spite, because they can reject all these ideas without consequence and embrace ideologies that are much simpler and seemingly non-contradictory, not to mention they play on the conservatives' capitalist-spoilt-child mindset. Is global warming a major problem I can't do anything about? Fine, I'll just imagine it away - no more global warming. Now who wrote the book I can blame for the phrase appearing in print...

You could compare their methodic and somewhat informed rejection of modernity to the behaviour of Islamic terrorists or New York hipsters. Neo-conservativism springs from reformed Trotskyites like Kristol sr. after all.

>> No.982667


>Orwell was another professed Socialist who was in many ways conservative.

I really hate when conservatives say things like this. It reminds me of the conservapedia entry on Orwell.

>> No.982675

>The Bible

closed tab

No, I don't hate christians or religion and I'm not some smug athiest. I just don't think The Bible should be top of the list for college students to read.

Fucking conservatives

>> No.982680


The Bible should only be at the top of a lit major's list, if only because so many important works reference it endlessly.