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9821523 No.9821523 [Reply] [Original]

How can this be refuted?

>> No.9821526
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>> No.9821563

Reminds me of that scene in The Crucible when the sheriff asks John Proctor why he doesn't go to church and he stutters like an autist and tries to manhandle him

>> No.9821663

Wasn't there a tiddy scene in the movie

>> No.9821677


>> No.9821685

>Blasphemous incantation over bread and wine
Communion is probably the oldest Christian form of worship we know about. Our earliest source, Paul's letters, even mention it.

>> No.9822103


>> No.9822109

It cant. Go to fucking church.

>> No.9822362

Where in the Bible does Jesus say you should not go to church?

>> No.9822427

Jesus never went to Church

>> No.9822441

Jesus also didn't wash his hands before meals.

>> No.9822451

PROTESTANTS DETECTED. It's pronounced "Mass".

>> No.9822481

>When you miss the point

>> No.9822486

>Protestants think it fine if they don't go to church every Sabbath

Color me surprised, you fucking heretic.

>> No.9822568

1 Corinthians 11:23-26 (NRSV)
>23 For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ 25 In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Written around the 50s AD

>> No.9822628

>Thinking Sunday is the Sabbath
Oy vey

>> No.9822629

Thanks. Can't believe I didn't remember this given that I went to a Catholic elementary school.

>> No.9822647

Orthodox mass is a very beautiful thing.

>> No.9822661

>he doesn't go to mass with his wife every Sunday


>> No.9822772
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>dog ears

>> No.9822870

I only read the play

>> No.9823082

i can understand the point of church when you're trying to be part of an actual community, but why would i want to join a bunch of strangers in praying together? i can do that on my own, i don't go to church to socialize, so it's pointless

>> No.9823115

This is actually also the main reason to go to church, as far as I'm concerned. The Eucharist is a pretty incredible gift, and you can only get it at Mass. I guess that doesn't work the same way if you belong to a Protestant denomination that doesn't believe in the real presence, though.

>> No.9823441

In the sermon on the mount. He attacks the hypocrisy of those who pray in the open in order to be seen, and encourages his audience to pray in secret that only God may hear and see them.

>> No.9823478

Shabbat is for the Jews, Goyim. Make every day sacred, not just Sunday.

>> No.9823655

One thing that annoyed me about criticisms of communion is how people call it 'symbolic cannibalism'.

No, you aren't symbolically eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ. It's a commemoration of martyrdom. It's the equivalent of pouring out a 40 for your dead homie.

>> No.9823683

>you aren't symbolically eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ

you aren't symbolically eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ, you are literally eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ. It isn't symbolic.

>> No.9823728

>Hey disciples we're gonna literally eat my flesh and drink my blood so I brought some bread and wine to literally do it figuratively. also you have to do this forever even after I die so stock up on my literal figurative flesh because you have to figuratively do it literally every time
Unless Jesus' actual body was made out of bread and wine you've got some explaining to do

>> No.9823767

The bread and wine are literally transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

I don't think you understand how literally I'm talking about. It was quite shocking even back In Its day, in John.6:66 It caused a lot of his disciples to abandon him.

>> No.9823773

You're retarded and have no idea of what you're saying. Refrain from posting.

>> No.9823800

They believe in the real presence, just not transubstantiation.

>> No.9823877

My boy Soren Kierkegaard would like a word with you.

>> No.9824113

Can you quote that specific passage?

>> No.9824140

>Kierkegaard wanted to convert to catholicism

>> No.9824157

Not him but that anon is referring Matthew 6:1-6. Specifically :6.

>But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

>But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

And of course Matthew 5:48.

>Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

>> No.9824164

what book is this?

>> No.9824698

Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy. Great book.

>> No.9825120

1. The bread and wine literally turn into Christ's flesh and blood upon consumption
2. The bread and wine figuratively Christ's flesh, as God's flesh and blood sacrifice is as crucial as bread and wine to humanity's well-being.
3. They are literally the flesh and blood of Christ in the sense that even commonplace things like bread and wine belong to God

>> No.9825126
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>it was already his flesh but human ritual turns it into his flesh

>> No.9825140

Those are three possible interpretations, not one whole.

>> No.9825693

How does that forbid fellowship with fellow brothers of the faith? You do realize Jesus was specifically talking about people who make vain prayers so that they get attention from others? You must be a protestant if you're seriously this dumb.

>> No.9825716

5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

7And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

9So then, this is how you should pray:

‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be Your name,

10Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us this day our daily bread,

12And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors;

13And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.’a

14For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.

The whole thing

>> No.9826348

not a christfag, but my country is majority lutherin and this is one of the major practices in lutherism. one ought to have god at heart, not in a church. christians don't really go to church here, exept in some important holidays like chirstmas.

>> No.9826399

>monolithic protestantism

>> No.9826405

dude got literally excommunicated

>> No.9826674

>You do realize Jesus was specifically talking about people who make vain prayers so that they get attention from others?
the majority of turbo "Catholics" I know

t. Catholic from a Catholic country

>> No.9827083


Not such a terrible fate of you consider it cannibalism.

>> No.9827107

Christianity is probably the worst meme religion there is, right up there with Islam and Judaism.

>> No.9827198
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>> No.9827259

Yes, we saw it in 11th grade, it was great.

>> No.9827271

Then that's not the real presence now is it

>> No.9827293

My teacher covered up the projector during that part

>> No.9827314

Ours just looked vaguely embarrassed, I think she forgot about it

>> No.9827362

Transubstantion is an explanation of what the Real Presence is using Aristotelian metaphysics and terminology. The Real Presence is the doctrine and transubstantiation is a philosophical explanation of the doctrine. The Catholic Church always believed in RP, but didn't use TS to describe it until Aristotelianism rose to prominence in the West during the High Middle Ages.

>> No.9827509

Most "mainline" Protestants believe in real presence but Baptists, Evangelicals and others do not. They don't believe sacraments are holy (they don't even call them sacraments-- they are called "ordinances), but that they are just an outward expression of faith.

>> No.9828530

It's for different reasons. I'm lazy but I still want to go to mass, part of it is because I want to listen to the priest talk about passages. The others, because I feel comfortable there, want to be part of the community, my faith has been so I need a reminder.

>> No.9828532

faith has been shaky*

>> No.9828540

St. Augustine's two kingdoms theory my dude

>> No.9828556

But Jesus himself founded a Church, why would he found a Church and not want his disciples to be active in it? Your countrymen just sound like a lot of closet atheists and materialists. I put their faith in question.

>> No.9828579

I feel so conflicted in the belief of God. Everyone around me is a Christian, but I just have a hard time believing a god exists. I wish I had the blind faith and ability to believe like others. They seem peaceful in a way.

>> No.9828596

He went to the Jewish rites and practiced the third commandment.
You can't actually go to Church if it's not there while you live.

>> No.9828609

church groups are cool in some regards but you'd be better off joining a cult that at least lets you fug

>> No.9828760

Ceremony and ritual actually have meaning. Tolstoy lived in the late 19th century and was strongly influenced by the Protestant ideology that had already swept the entire world. Basically, he was just another stupid Protestant heretic being guided by the momentum of his times and rebelling against authority, especially ecclesiastical authority. He wrote some OK novels but that doesn't mean that he was any kind of philosopher.

>> No.9829760

Churches and church leaders teach about prayer, how to pray, to pray anywhere and everywhere. You are gonna stray from God by not being near other likeminded individuals.

>> No.9829851

Tolstoy's version of Christianity is almost as shitty and stupid as Milton's. No wonder it attracts so many pseuds.

>> No.9829893

>I wish I had the blind faith and ability to believe like others.
It's weird. I have this. My belief in Christianity isn't very stable, but my belief in God is completely stable. For me, God's existence just seems like a fact of life, even though I haven't really seen any solid proof. I can't imagine God not existing, and it makes me wonder if there are those out there who are in the reverse situation where they can't imagine God existing.

>They seem peaceful in a way.
For some reason, despite my faith, I don't get the peace and joy that others get from their faith. It's something I envy.

>> No.9830207

>muh feelings = proof

>> No.9830211

Faith isn't the same as "muh feelings." John Henry Newman talks a bit about this.

>> No.9830270

>What is meant by faith? it is to feel in good earnest that we are creatures of God; it is a practical perception of the unseen world; it is to understand that this world is not enough for our happiness, to look beyond it on towards God, to realize His presence, to wait upon Him, to endeavour to learn and to do His will, and to seek our good from Him. It is not a mere temporary strong act or impetuous feeling of the mind, an impression or a view coming upon it, but it is a {80} habit, a state of mind, lasting and consistent. To have faith in God is to surrender one’s-self to God, humbly to put one’s interests, or to wish to be allowed to put them into His hands who is the Sovereign Giver of all good.

>Nuh uh its not just muh feels, its muh super special feels

>> No.9831088

you have to have faith that everything you see is real and that you aren't crazy.

>> No.9831099

Solid argument.

>> No.9831131

Every week is liturgy, every second is mass.

>> No.9831146

Only as solid as yours.

>> No.9831153

>I don't know about semitic polytheism
>I don't know about post-industrial ideologies
>I don't know about mesoamerican religions
>I don't know about the Kali sect
Just because these say that it is no-no to start threads or take a dick up your ass, doesn't mean they are 'the worst'.