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9820248 No.9820248 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the author of this Leftist propaganda book refuse to acknowledge Africa as the epicenter of natural resources?

>> No.9820300

why don't you call him up and ask homo

>> No.9820310

Because he's jewish and hates white people and therefore doesn't want to acknowledge that European dominance stems from genetics. Not simply IQ but creativity resulting from European individualism, which is something clannish semites and other groups lack.

>> No.9820331
File: 259 KB, 1200x1000, 1501188042243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil, gold, and literal diamonds overflowing from the ground
>huge swathes of arable land
>rich luscious jungle, wildlife, rivers, oceans
>hurr durr europeans had a natural advantage

>> No.9820344

Who the f*ck are you quoting?

>> No.9820366


I can think of many reasons to criticize this dated and beleaguered work, but this is not one of them.

>> No.9820417

>thinking oil makes a successful early civilization
>thinking diamonds are useful when you're getting anally ravaged by the bottom of maslow's hierarchy of needs

mate ur just retarded there's not much else to it. yeah maybe black people have a lower iq or something but the main point of this book is still largely true, as geography is probably one of the most important factors and easiest to consider

something like "niggers are stupid!!" is not very easy to test nor is it really all that plausible for the most part. yeah, they might be, but that doesn't explain most of it

>> No.9820425

Who the f*ck are you quoting?

>> No.9820442

>mostly arid land, with the small slivers of arable land generally surrounded by shit land and separated from sources of trade by an endless desert
europe is factors more arable.. sorry if this doesn't fit your /pol/-tier hypotheses

>> No.9820450

>maybe black people have a lower iq
There's no "maybe" here, hombre. That you're dumb enough to believe there is, contributes to why you make equally dumb statements like this:
>this book is still largely true
The book is a sham and Diamond is an anti-white propagandist. The end.

>> No.9820453

quoting dees nuts retard, and why the fuck are you here anyway? just because guns germs and steel is a book doesn't mean this shit belongs here. go make this post on /sci/ pussy and see what happens

>> No.9820458

If European dominance stems from genetics, why were most Western Europeans barbarians living in huts up until very recently, while the Middle East has been the cradle of civilisation after civilisation since the dawn of time?

>> No.9820460

How useful was that oil before the industrial revolution?

>> No.9820463

Reading is for fags and I will not leave until you bookcucks get your useless board deleted.

>> No.9820472

>this book is still largely true
>the main point of this book is still largely true

if you can't see the difference between those two statements you are completely fucking brain-dead. the point is that geography played a large part in which civilizations became successful. you can't even dispute that, everyone fucking agrees. the reason people have a problem with this book is because it's very one-dimensional. yes, it played a large part, but what does "large" mean? 20%, 30%? jared pretends like it was 100% ie he ignores everything else and hones in on his theory of geographic luck

>> No.9820478

First of all, they weren't living in huts. Second, you don't know your ancient history very well if you think the people who inhabit most of the middle east today were always there -- they weren't. Indo-Europeans created the Sumerian/Mesopotamian civilizations, and Egypt as well. They used to live throughout the region, which is why Indians and Persians to this day speak Indo-European languages. The Sumerians also spoke an Indo-European language until it was overtaken by Akkadian. Semitic tribes originally inhabited only the southern portion of the Arabian peninsula, but have been spreading like a disease ever since.

>> No.9820482


>> No.9820491

Still doesn't explain why Germans, Anglo-Saxons and Nordcucks were barbarians for most of human history.

Sweet "master race".

>> No.9820509

They weren't barbarians, you're just uneducated. They were in many ways more refined than the Romans, and men like Tacitus attested to this.

>> No.9820518

I don't understand how anyone can take the book seriously. He clearly set out to disprove racist biological determinism, and in a post hoc manner made every theory and interpretation of his confirm his thesis.

Some guy on reddit did a chapter-by-chapter refutation of the book that's worth reading



>> No.9820520

This post was pretty zesty but tbqh it had 0 actual content in it. Could you try to make your argument in a more meaningful way next time?

>> No.9820523

Not very. Actually that's the only reason why Scandanavian countries like Sweden became what they are today instead of devolving back into a shithole like it was in the Viking era.
Also what is a obvious /pol/ brait thread doing with so many replies. Sage and report.

>> No.9820535

You want others to be your personal researcher for black IQ stats and an old book that's been debunked 1000 different ways? Stop being a moron.

>> No.9820559

>Be given infinite resources so you never have to work harder than plucking food off a tree
>"Why aren't you niggers working harder?"

Because they didn't need to. Necessity was the creator of shelter, clothing, pretty much everything that gave us chilly white men impetus to develop our technology. Then we came along and did exactly what we were supposed to do, take from them because they were still infantile and retarded.

If they do have genetically lower IQs, you can probably trace it back to there never having been an evolutionary need to develop beyond Adam and Eve style gathering in order to survive or compete.

>> No.9820614

Here's a good article related to how we even got to the point where Diamond could get away with writing tripe like GG&S and be supported by the academic and media establishment.

Same old story, anyone over 18 with half a brain and an internet connection should not have trouble connecting these dots anymore.


>> No.9820640

>Occidental Observer
but that's racist!

>> No.9820676
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Best site on the web though.

>> No.9820717

What meaningful distinction are you making?

>> No.9820963


>> No.9820967 [DELETED] 

bib bib bicu bicu big man jeans apron velho chest machine poopy diarrhea smell stinky xd dog eat my poopoo

poopy pants
diaper smell

schoolhouse 1st grade xd xd stinky bib rotten diarrhea in pants xdd play with furry pet hamster balls diarrhea on hamster xdd teacher smell poop in my big man pants xd sent to principal office principal smell poop i poop in face xdddddd

play with smelly poop mom toys!!!!!!!!!!!! bib bicu bicu diaper diarrhea smelly stinky xdd dirty shirt diaper leak full of stinking diarrhea xddd sprey poop on tv xdd eat pet goldfish lol

xddd daddy smell pee in big fat poop diaper lol like big babby smell xd

eat pooopy mom food!!! sniff dinner plate xd poop on table xdd diarrhea on mom shirt xddddd like binky babby big big bicu xd lol

xddddd diaper stinking in bed xddd wear big man jeans full of rotten stink poop xddd lol like babby leak xdd on apron like velho chest stinky poop machine lol

stinky stinky poop on dog face xddd dog eat my weenie xddd

play with furry pet dog butt xdd poop on dog face barf sniff like great big babby fart xd

binky babby fat poop diaper lol mom smell poo in diaper xdd change diaper diarrhea explode in face xxddddd mom cries like big babby poop on daddy face lol xd

binky babby food like big man smell xdd hike poop on blackberries like velho chestmachine poopy diaper on trail xd dad change on cow i poop cow xdddddd diarrhea stinking beans fart xdddddddddddddd

balls in diaper xdd sweaty balls full of stinky poop diaper leak xdd poop in bed ruin covers xdddd

stinky pooop xddd poop in recess kids run away xddd rub poop on teacher big stinky babby fart lol poopy pants full of stinky diarrhea

xd toilet paper stuck in butt xddd covered stinky rotten poop xddd like babby smell velho xd poopy pants in big man jeans xdd underwear diaper leak stinky smelly poopy diarrhea lol

>> No.9820970

Reading these posts, actually pretty enlightening, and I'm learning a lot about the Incas.

>> No.9820976

>oil is useless, it could never help Africa develop
>Sweden developed solely because of oil

nice logic there bud

>> No.9820985

it's just pleb pop history, why do you care?

>> No.9820987

so much this

>> No.9821017
File: 355 KB, 2250x1456, rhA51Jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small slivers
>practically all of sub saharan africa
>can't trade amongst themselves like East Asia before sill road despite massive size of land
>can't build boats either
>for some reason can't trade with bountiful Egypt despite Nubia literally being connected with it
>get enslaved by Egypt instead

>> No.9821020

meant as a reply to this guy:

>> No.9821054

I don't see anyone here ever necessarily taking the book seriously, it's clearly just popsci; rather, the most basic points of the book are enlightening in the sense that hey maybe there's more to European dominance than "niggers r stupid". The reddit guy (who admittedly loved this book) picks passages, mostly ones making very specific biological or historical claims and then proves them wrong, and he helps us realize that Jared is logically deceiving us. The book turns into a teetering Jenga tower, but by the end it's still apparent geographic determinism is a valid theory with plenty of evidence but perhaps nowhere near the whole picture like Jared portrays

>> No.9821107

>The book is a sham and Diamond is an anti-white propagandist. The end.

sam with noah hariri, his sapiens book is more propaganda, don't forget he was originally a scholar who studied the history of european covert operations...and then one day he decides to start writing these "humans are all one big happy family" bullshit from his israeli settlement, not to be trusted

>> No.9821112


>> No.9821115

The aforementioned book you fucking mong

>> No.9821119

>America the best as usual
feels gud mane

>> No.9821124

Why does 4chan hate Guns, Germs and Steel? It seemed like a nice little book about the history of conflicts in North America to me. Then again I only read the first couple chapters.

>> No.9821125

did you people even read the fucking book?

Yes, africa has rich natural resources, but most of the are useless if you haven't gotten out of the stone age yet. In order for agriculture to be a viable alternative to hunting and gathering and to provide enough food for people to do things other than farming, you need domestic pack animals like oxen or horses that can plough fields.

Sub-saharan africa didn't have anything. At best it had water buffalo, but even white people haven't managed to domesticate those because they're so damn temperamental

>well why didn't they import them?

There's this thing called the sahara, you might have heard of it? It forms a barriers across half the continent that pretty much only camels can cross, and they're useless outside of the desert.

On top of that the high heat of the jungle and bush makes it a haven for diseases and parasites that limit the human ability to perform labor, which the heat itself does directly since the body can't burn as many calories without dangerously overheating making exhaustion an evolutionary advantage

>why didn't they build boats and sail around the continent?

The savannah has sparse timber and the jungle wood is inhabited by poisonous snakes and bugs, violent wildcats, parasitic ring worms and botflies, and mosquitos with hypodermic mouthfuls of malaria and yellow/scarlet fever

>> No.9821127

reading is new male shit die wittol

>> No.9821131

It never ceases to amaze me just how fucking stupid bigots are. Not only are the ignorant they are generally unwilling to learn and ignore any any facts that contradict their retardation. If someone who upholds the ideals they believe in turns out to disagree with them they label them a shill or traitor and fucking abandon them without a second thought

>> No.9821137

what about human agency tho? are you trying to remove agency from people of color? sorry but determinism went out of style in the 70s

>> No.9821142

Bigotry is natural. The kind of ignorance you're displaying has to be taught, and only sticks to the dumbest like yourself.

>> No.9821152

Im not familiar with Noah, but he sounds fully spook from your description.

>> No.9821157

free will is a load of horse shit and you know it

people who see darwinism as an ideal social structure really aren't all that different from animals.

wait, what the fuck am I saying? I've actually seen animals show some fucking compassion for creatures other than themselves. I have yet to see a social darwinist even come close to being on par with an animal

>> No.9821161

yeah, he says a lot of stuff that is true or at least sounds very plausible, but then he throws in stuff like saying jews weren't allowed to integrate into europe because whites are racist, but it's the jews who refuse to integrate, so his shit is like 98% legit scholarship although a bit sjwish, and then the other 2% are whoppers, very sneaky juif

>> No.9821166

>free will is a load of horse shit and you know it

dude, have you not been to university in the last 30 years? marxist determinism is out, "human agency" is in, just because academia is full of sjw doesn't mean they're marxist

>> No.9821179

as I said, free will can go fuck itself. This is a bohmian mechanics universe

>> No.9821180

you're never going to get tenure with that attitude

>> No.9821204

>This book is wrong for literally thousands of different reasons, but I can't actually mention any.

>> No.9821208

/pol/ has arrived.

>> No.9821393

Black people do have statistically lower IQ though, just like northern Europeans have statistically higher IQ, and South Koreans have the highest avg. IQ in the world.

The myth that brain's power cannot be measured is dumb.

>> No.9821401

The abundance of resources in Africa is why there wasn't as widespread advancement of technology and culture. Civilizations need scarcity and alternative uses for resources to develop trade and more complex societies. If basic shit like food, water, and space are freely available and not under risk from massive population growth, a civilization isn't going to need to continuously advance and reorganize itself to stay around. It's like if you had a fully stocked refrigerator and bank account without having to ever get a job. You wouldn't need to develop career skills or knowledge of a trade, you could just smoke weed and play video games all day and be perfectly well off.

Africans are also resistant to many things that just end white people, like malaria. Their biological and societal advancements reflected their environment, one which was and still is largely inhospitable to whites.

>> No.9821447

>in the sense that hey maybe there's more to European dominance than "niggers r stupid"
Does any serious person say otherwise? If IQ were the only relevant factor when it comes to a particular society's success, then we'd all be living in an East Asian hegemony. Suggesting that while the evidence the book puts forward is obviously nonsense, that the book doesn't deserve our scorn because its central thesis might have an element of truth to it is a really obnoxious form of apologetics. We're talking about the book, not the concept of geographic determinism. If the book fails to defend its thesis, then it's a bad book no matter how valid its thesis actually is.

>> No.9821456


>> No.9821479

This isn't going to convince anyone. The importance of genetics when it comes to intelligence is too well-established. Racism can be wrong from an ethical perspective, but trying to argue that all races have brains that are equally suited to our current economic system is ridiculous. If you believe in evolution, then you must believe that tens of thousands of years of separation in diverse environments with distinct selection pressures leads to populations with different adaptive traits.

Calling people who point this out "stupid bigots" is going to drive the reasonable people who understand reality further towards the extremes. If only the alt right is pointing out the truth of racial differences, then the alt right is going to appeal to people who care enough to find the truth out.

>> No.9821488

>Suggesting that while the evidence the book puts forward is obviously nonsense, that the book doesn't deserve our scorn
not what i said at all, i'm saying the thesis of the book and many of the main points are quite intuitive which make it work as a popsci book

>If the book fails to defend its thesis, then it's a bad book no matter how valid its thesis actually is.
i disagree in both ways. i'm not going to search through the dumpster to find my copy of the book again for citations but there's plenty of examples that strongly support the thesis. there's also countless ones that don't.

i don't think the conclusion is false just because many of the premises are false. i concede the book is dated, and much of the information was incorrect to begin with, but i simply disagree that it completely failed to defend its thesis

>> No.9821518

If you're determining the effects a particular environment has on its native biological organisms, you're studying how adapting to that environment shaped the biology of those organisms. The book set out to do the impossible: it's attempting to disconnect the environment people adapted to from the traits that that environment selected for. You can't disentangle biological from environmental determinism when speaking of native populations.

>> No.9821610

Is there some kind of correlation between intelligence and leaving a desolate, unviable, non-arable shithole to improve the lives of your children?

>> No.9821703


Are you talking about 4chan?

>> No.9821740

>The Sumerians also spoke an Indo-European language
That's completely wrong, though. Sumerian is not an IE language, it has separate and unknown roots. Stop WE WUZing.

>> No.9822208


>> No.9822250


>> No.9822269


>> No.9822694

No, you are wrong. It was Indo-European prior to the semiticization of Mesopotamia.


Civilization is synonymous with white people. Wherever whites go it springs up. Wherever jews follow then open the gates to brown people, it is destroyed. This is how history has occurred over and over again.

>> No.9823223


>> No.9823287

That .pdf talks about external, IE influence on the Sumerian and Akkadian (which is semitic) languages. As I said, you are WE WUZing very hard. Fuck off.

>> No.9823297

It literally says the Cuneiform writing system and the Sumerian and Akkadian lexicon were influenced by a preceeding early Indo-European language, and the word "external" doesn't even appear in the text because you completely made that part up. Why are you lying?

>> No.9823318

When you are influenced by something, that "something" is by definition external. Are you saying that Sumerian is that Euphratic, Indo-european language that somehow influenced itself?

>> No.9823327

did you even read the book you dumb slut? Out of all the reasons to criticize you're picking the stupidest ones.

>> No.9823333

Indo-European tribes created the civilizations in Mesopotamia, Sumer in this case. They were replaced by semitic tribes and the semitic language Akkadian replaced the Indo-European language, which the author terms Euphratic.

>> No.9823342
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doesn't explain why there aren't any "Masterful works of literature and drama from Abimbola Manbunga", or "Chieftain of Mathematics and Physics Oboogu Boonubu from tribe Niwi"...

Resources have fuck all to do with any of that.

>> No.9823387

>ABSTRACT. It will be argued that the cuneiform writing system, the Sumerian and Akkadian lexicon, and the
place names of Southern Mesopotamia preserve traces of an early Indo-European language, indeed the earliest by
more than a millennium. Furthermore, this evidence is detailed and consistent enough to reconstruct a number of
features of the proposed Indo-European language, Euphratic, and to sketch an outline of Euphratean cultural pat-

Of course, you start spouting unrelated statements. Somehow, IE tribes *created* Sumerian culture, even though your pdf argues only for their influence on their writing system and city names.
Come on, give me a clear and scientifically-approved proof of Sumerian being an indo-european language, not some claims barely related to our discussion.

>> No.9823438

You shouldn't expect others to hold your hand through complex subject matter. Yes, I could go into depth about the Hittites and bronze age archeology and the details of the Indo-European migrations, but you could also educate yourself on those things and I wouldn't waste my time only to have my efforts not be appreciated. Civilization is and always has been a product of (indo) European peoples. If you choose to take the time to study ancient history, you will understand this. Just google Indo-European + Mesopotamia if you want to start the process. Good luck.

>> No.9823522

Nice copout faggot.

>> No.9823551

You avoided giving me an answer quite elegantly. You probably feel very smart right now. But you still seem incapable of actually describing the linguistic history of the area logically and clearly. I am not a historian but I've come across the statement that Sumerian language has unknown roots a fair number of times. Your suggestion to google gives additional proof, since the first result contains this image https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/IndoEuropeanTree.svg that, interestingly, doesn't mention Sumerian language.
Have this link instead. It is a translation of The Epic of Giglamesh by a respected scholar, Andrew George, who translated Akkadian and Sumerian literary texts.
Note this sentence on page 17 (xvi in the text):
>One was Sumerian, a language without affinities with any known tongue
It's really not that complicated. Just give me a link to a text by a scholar that clearly says that Sumerian is an IE language. A language belongs or doesn't belong to a family, you don't have to read multiple books to understand that.

>> No.9823589

>It's really not that complicated. Just give me a link to a text by a scholar that clearly says that Sumerian is an IE language.
I literally did that ... and you tried to contest it on points you were wrong about due to the incorrect assumptions you were making.

>> No.9823619

Oh, so a language belongs to a family if its writing system and city names are influenced by a language from that family.
Got nothing to say regarding that link I sent? Andrew George knows less about Mesopotamia and linguistics than you?

>> No.9823635

No, and I outlined the basic points yesterday anyway: >>9820478

I did my research into this stuff a long time ago; I'm simply here to encourage others to do their own, not hold their hand through it.

>> No.9823650

Indo-European languages belong to a family. I provided you with a study indicating one of those languages preceeded the semitic languages that took over in Sumer. If you want to have a discussion you need to communicate more clearly.

>> No.9823675

>still ignores my link

>one of those languages preceeded the semitic languages that took over in Sumer.
Yeah, sure, great. You still haven't proved >>9820478
>The Sumerians also spoke an Indo-European language

>> No.9823706

>You still haven't proved
Listen, we're talking centuries here, guy. There was not a continuous group of people living there, but the original group who started the civilization were Indo-European prior to the semitic takeover. And in 5000 years there might be some sap just like you saying British civilization was also started by semites. There's a pattern you cannot yet grasp because you're only able to see pieces instead of the whole.

>> No.9823736

>STILL ignoring the link

>> No.9823762
File: 20 KB, 225x257, 1485379082060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger apologists unironically tell themselves these fairytales
>meanwhile whitey moved in and was able to prop up enough agriculture to feed the entire continent within a couple of generations

>> No.9823766
File: 457 KB, 805x679, yt wuz kang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9823935

Yes, they literally do. Fertile valleys, riverlands, and the like are the places where civilization develops, and there are hardly any areas like that in Africa that are not isolated and of high enough quality to have allowed any sort of development. The best places in Africa for this were in North Africa, and in places like Mali. Literature is a product of high civilization, which can under flourish under such conditions.

Hint: In order to write things down, you need lots of trees and the equipment to turn them into useful things. That isn't the case in most of Africa.

>> No.9823944

Or Africans are just less functionally capable and have been for a very long time.

>> No.9823968

OP here. Why would you bump this blatant racebaiting?

>> No.9823977

>Indo-Europeans created the Sumerian/Mesopotamian civilizations,
Holy shit, how fucking retarded can you be

>> No.9823979

He is no retarded. Indo-Europeans literally created everything meaningful (both culturally and physically) known to us today

>> No.9824061

Exactly, and the reason for their incapability stems from the way they adapted to their natives climates, which were abundant in food resources, but not in resources which allow civilization, like animals that can be domesticated, the presence of grains and other crops that can be farmed on a large scale, a suitable body of water, low enough temperatures, etc.

>> No.9824068

Correct, and I am who he was responding to, so thanks. Many are under the false assumption that "civilization" is something that springs up randomly and can be developed and maintained by any group, when it is and always has been developed and maintained by one group: Europeans. And there are reasons for this: Europeans are the most non-kin-based and meritocratic, and the least kleptocratic and clannish group of people, so they are the only ones capable of creating high trust institutions that can last a long time. Beyond the evidence that supports this in the case of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and elsewhere, it should be plainly obvious that the semites currently squatting in those regions today were not building civilizations millennia ago since they can barely maintain the backwards societies they have today.

Whites need to think long term and try to see the big picture. What is happening throughout western civilization today is exactly what happened in Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc., thousands of years ago and was the reason those civilizations collapsed -- they were overrun with semites.

>> No.9824193

what is China

>> No.9824207
File: 86 KB, 700x515, 26001_10152952858450467_498567884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can handle that redpill, bruh.

>> No.9824351

So what part of your meme picture ties the culture and civilization of China to an all knowing Indo-European and how does your argument hold up when, regardless of paintings found in a cave, Chinese and other Asian peoples have sustained their own society without white leaders?

>> No.9824480

Sarcasm and possible ancient Indo-European connections aside, China was a backwards place until very recently, and as someone who has lived in China I can tell you it remains a very backwards place in general. Chinese societies were molded by authoritarian rule, which molded the population into submissive people who defer to the oldest person around, which, while they are non-violent, intelligent, and highly capable people, has historically limited their ability to innovate or optimize their creations. And to this day their success relies largely on their ability to reverse engineer what comes out of the west. They are smart and capable people, but largely lacking in the creativity necessary to build lasting civilizations that can advance intellectually and technologically on their own.

>> No.9824562

But they have great works of art and literature, so by earlier anon's definition they're clearly civilized. Who came out "on top" doesn't apply to developing writing and cities and methods of government, all aspects of civilization. There's lots of cradles of civilization, not just the ones that can be tied to Indo-Europeans.

>> No.9824691

This is debatable. I know you probably come from some egalitarian camp, but civilization is for the big boys and China just doesn't cut it when you dig into it. When your "civilization" is continually underwhelming compared to what one would expect the potential to be and does things like build boats then make laws dictating captains can't sail more than x miles from the coast, you aren't talking about big "c" Civilization ... you're talking about a cute little Asian version of it. And to argue on the grounds you're comfortable with, I've left out the parts about much of Chinese culture's likely links to Aryan tribes whose mummies have been found scattered all over their territory, and the pyramids the Chinese government builds trees on and won't let outsiders inspect, and the Chinese scientists who have come out and said ancient China's history is interwoven with Indo-European migrations into its historic territories. I can argue against your surface level understanding of these topics, but we're talking about a subject that goes a lot deeper than you realize.

>> No.9824714

no, most of it is good land for crops. You're retarded. Europe is shit-tier for everything, barely even good land for large-scale crops. Lacked a lot of vital shit, very poor mineral deposits, etc.

>> No.9824736

Not to mention frozen for half the year.

>> No.9824892

>Europeans... are the only ones capable of creating high trust institutions that can last a long time.
China is a world power. Regardless of how troubled it's history is, it has influenced the cultures in Asia in much the same way Europe has in the West. Billions of people call themselves Chinese. They developed their own writing, art styles, etc. If you can't accept that civilization can flourish and exist without being European I don't really see the point in continuing this discussion.
Also "likely links" are not the basis for an argument.

>> No.9824894


Can you just keep your /pol/ retardation on /pol/? You morons are a plague.

>> No.9824925

It's fucking shameful that this shitpost managed to fail on /his/ but succeded on /lit/

>> No.9824948

Modern China only arose because traitorous politicians in the US allowed its manufacturing to be exported there and enrich a small clique of state managers. China was a complete backwater until that point and most of it remains a backwater today. Moreover, its history is not as lustrous as you have been made to believe it is; it's very underwhelming. If you want to qualify what has existed there in the past as a civilization, all right ... but it's not a very accurate label compared to what has arisen in European societies.

>> No.9825452

Because it contains good information on jews and ancient Aryan civilizations ... bump.

>> No.9826202

>Post-Modernist Historians having any knowledge or authority on anything


>> No.9826586


back to your fucking containment board

>> No.9826821

The mantra of the moron.

>> No.9826828

Not an argument.

>> No.9826950


>> No.9827115

is there any way can become white I hate being a nigger

>> No.9827510
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>European individualism

>> No.9827547

>is there any way can become white I hate being a nigger
You're in luck. There is, and the recipe goes thus:
a) Monogamy. (Means one sexual partner per lifetime, BTW.)
b) Raising and educating your children.
c) Heartfelt religious devotion.

Bam, now you're an instant white person.

>> No.9827634

Black people are much more devout in my experience

>> No.9827648

I think it's more than that I know a lot of nigerian immigrants and their children and they stick to those principals but I believe the average white would still consider them nigs

>> No.9827659

nah their rapists

>> No.9827674


Destroy the white race and that way no one will be white. If you can't be white then no one can.

>> No.9828819
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>> No.9828828

Sub Saharan Africa literally has an average IQ of 66-68. That's fucking bad dude.

This is something SJW and lefties never want to admit, but it's a real fucking thing.

>> No.9829785


>> No.9829874


>> No.9830109

>China was a complete backwater

Agricultural techniques developed by the Chinese would also spread to Europe and revolutionize Western farming.

>> No.9830171

Christianity is a highly individualistic religion, considering that it is centered on a personal relation with and salvation by God.

>> No.9830175
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jesus christ you people are retarded if you think africa wasn't massively disadvantaged

pic related


>> No.9830189

Book repeatedly recommended by Charles Munger

>leftist propaganda

wew lad, that's some serious self-reinforcing bubble you live in.

>> No.9830200

>Be african warlord
>Have a gold mine just outside my home
>Get some people, give them arms
>Have them kidnap villagers and bring them to the gold mine.
>make them work on the mine or else shoot them on the face.
>Get gold
>Find an airstrip, a plane and get the gold out of the country
>Get rich
>Repeat the process
Keke why are them niggers so poor

>> No.9830213

>an internationally wanted african warlord flying into enemy airspace with a planeful of gold
what could go wrong?

also unless we're talking about a massive military aircraft i think u r underestimating how heavy gold is

>> No.9830220

i don't know man, they find a way

>> No.9830274

>something like "niggers are stupid!!" is not very easy to test nor is it really all that plausible for the most part
Top kek

>> No.9830283

>supporters of the republican party must be right-wing

Surely no one is this stupid.
If you were as rich as he is and you were an investor, would you vote for the party that wants to take your money, or would you support the republicans?

>> No.9830298


if only there were some technique for bringing water across great distances to create fertile soil

if only there were some technique for creating structures capable of traversing rivers and oceans

if only there were some social mechanism for preserving knowledge besides dance

if only there were some abstract way of representing and reasoning about quantities and distances using agreed-upon symbols

>> No.9830312

this is such a weak argument.

So people who expanded outwards from an untenable environment to an arable one thrived, their capability to craft increased exponentially.

Meanwhile, people who laid claim to what you claim to be "disadvantaged" land (claims eventually enforced by violence, just like any other people in history) were unable to develop, because of the properties of that land they so desperately clung to.

An inert people of rock and acidic soil lost to a people who pressed outward, finding loam and ore... and the latter are supposed to apologize for the former?