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9819829 No.9819829 [Reply] [Original]

>Looking back now, I can of course see that what happened to me wasn’t right, even if I was literally asking for it. I was a victim of sexual abuse. However, I want to make this perfectly clear. The whole thing takes up less space in my head than the time David Bowie called me out on a shitty Louis Vuitton knockoff. I responded by throwing up in his sink, but I’ve never bought a knockoff bag again.

Why was Milo at David Bowie's house?

>> No.9819832

Does anyone have a digital copy of this. I wanna read it for memes but don't wanna spend money on it.

>> No.9819896
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He probably name-dropped him to seem cool.

What does /lit/ think of Milo? I think his whole 'le ebin flamboyant provocateur XD' act is pretty tiresome

>> No.9819910

It really is fascinating to me that Milo literally doesn't exist anymore.

He went from some fagtron being everywhere in the media, to being a nobody.

>> No.9819922
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pedo homosexual jew that young conservatives for some reason support. actual conservatives would execute this faggot.

>> No.9819934

This lmao

Rather Ben Shapiro than this fraud

>> No.9819942
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>Ben Shortpiro

>> No.9819946

Reminder that milo isn't working the phones at some call centre because a billionaire is propping him up to keep him fighting the fucking social justice idpol culture wars like it's 2014.

>> No.9819949

In my opinion, the best thing about Milo is that he makes Ben Shapiro look benign by comparison. I guess it still doesn't stop people from trying to throw Ben off campuses though.

>> No.9819956

At least Shapiro didn't run a charity scam and stole 250 grand from fellow right wingers before being forced to grudgingly give out a fraction of the donations after being repeatedly criticized for it

>> No.9820013

Kinda strange. I assume he'll just start wwriting tech reviews for online sites again? He really really blew it

>> No.9820019


>> No.9820021

/lit/ disgusts me

>> No.9820031

the election season is over what do you expect

>> No.9820061
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His main argument for disliking Islam seems to be that it threatens social liberalism. He just seems like a disaffected Christopher Hitchens-esque liberal to me, like alot of the 'Alt-Lite'.

The only real dissident right are the Paleocons and the Moldbug/Land crew tbqhwyfamalam

>> No.9820938

It's actually not that bad. He gets more into actual points than he does in his college talks, and you understand him a little better.

>> No.9822551

he doesn't hold real convictions; he uses the "islam threatens liberalism" argument because it makes libs look really dumb if they don't know how to argue against it. And milo can argue better than at least 75% of his opponents

>> No.9822574


here's where the memes are at, homie blue

>> No.9822581

Weird how homosexuality went from being despised to being accepted to being quintessential to the western value system. All within perhaps 30 years.

Not that I really give a shit about homosexuality but it seems like it's talked about just as much as perhaps freedom of speech or democracy when talking about the values of the west and what we're fighting for.

>> No.9822604

He's dishonest, basically a method actor.

>> No.9822610

>He went from some fagtron being everywhere in the media, to being a nobody.

his book is on the NYtimes bestselling list atm

>> No.9822670


Right in between a diet book and a book about using Jesus to change your sex life.

>> No.9822678

Entertaining but nothing more. The embodiment of shitposting with little to no intellectual merit of integrity. Im pretty sure he would defend liberal values if that was the counterculture of the moment.

>> No.9822695

Sounds like exactly where Milo wants to be

>> No.9822703


>downplaying being a best-selling author still 3 weeks later after releasing the book.

I'm not even a big fan of his but when people try to minimize his success because they resent him it's stupid and entertaining to watch.

>> No.9822758

It seems like culture has shifted. There was a time when the "oppressed" people generally just bent over for the majority and tried not to make waves.

Then the civil rights era happened. Then a few decades later homosexuality and feminism became hot button topics in the general discourse. It all kind of snowballed. Shaming people only works for so long, sooner or later they're gonna get tired of being stepped on.

I think it kind of exploded, and that's part of the reason why there are a gorillion pronouns and shit today. It went a little overboard. Hopefully in time it'll settle back down and we can just start treating each other like human beings.

>> No.9822759

The New York Times bestselling list isn't really that difficult to get on if you have even a small base that's willing to devotedly buy your shit.
Hell, mike Duncan is probably gonna get on it with his book despite being completely unknown outside of amateur historian circles

>> No.9822765

Look at this guy taking the long view and generally being a sensible human being.

>> No.9822797
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>The New York Times bestselling list isn't really that difficult to get on

>> No.9822799

It really isn't

>> No.9822983

There was a pastor not long ago who used money given to the church by his parishioners to buy tons of copies of his own book to get it on the list.

>> No.9823055


If I posted this on Facebook, I'd get a million likes. It's that banal.

>> No.9823109

It's the result of various relentless propaganda campaigns. There's no mass conspiracy or anything. This is what happen when you follow liberalism to its natural conclusions and social progressives hold powerful positions in the media and academia. I don't even think that all of it has been bad. I'm a pretty tolerant person and would prefer for those different from me to be able to live their lives the way they'd like. However, the most radical leftist ideas (when it comes to social issues. radical leftism in economics is still somewhat underground in the west because unlike the work of Butler or Marcuse, Proudhon and Bookchin's ideas actually threaten the bourgeoisie) have begun to penetrate the mainstream. Polyamory, gender abolition, and anti-heritage and anti-family ideas in general coming to the forefront of the discussion and reckless immigration policies will eventually push the average joes to their limits. We're already beginning to see the backlash against the left in the form of right-wing populists gaining popularity in many western countries. The left has pushed for social too much social change in too small a timeframe. If leftists want to preserve the progress they've made, they'll throw their support to the center right, e.g., AFD, FN, SD, ect., because if they don't, people will be left with no alternative except the true far right. The US and EU won't make it to 2050, or if they do, they will look completely different and I don't mean that in the way leftists do.

>> No.9823495


1. His gimmick has a shelf life for all but his hardcore fans. There's only so much on the left you can mock and deconstruct for so long. It doesn't help that he uses the same jokes and points over and over again and allows them to be broadcast. Those issues themselves are perishable.

2. The election season is over and the president himself is outrageous enough to take up all the air time. Milo's ironic stunts aren't interesting compared to sincere ones. There's also nothing at stake for his followers: their guys won.

3. He's lost all his media platforms. He's been banned from twitter, he's not on brietbart, etc.

4. He's now competing with an expanding "dirtbag left" (chapo, et al) who have a similar appeal but who have a positive message for lefties. He's also getting criticized by the right as "light."

>> No.9823514
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>the election season is over what do you expect
This. Forgetting everything else, fuck Trump for basically making all of these 'personalities'. Milo, Colbert, Current Year Man, Peterson, Shapiro, etc. The list just goes fucking on and on, the retarded election gave them such exposure and relevance they are now actually mistaken for relevant through some perverse celebrity of regurgitating the insipid fears and animosities of 2016 America.

>> No.9823520

I like Peterson and Shapiro. I think they'd still be around without Trump.

>> No.9823543

>if they don't know how to argue against it

And how do you do that? How do "liberals" reconcile a belief that believes in it's own supremacy over all others? How do they tolerate the obvious bigotry?

>> No.9823578


I don't think it's anywhere near as accepted as its portrayed in popular media. People are rightfully repulsed by the walking drug addled disease vectors in real life because they don't line up with whats portrayed on TV.

>> No.9823802


>> No.9824159

I don't think it's really that accepted. The core message that got people used to LGB was that 'were just like you', which is obviously very conservative and not subversive at all. Trannies are basically inherently subversive and force people to have conversations about the definition of gender and whatnot and for most people, they aren't gonna end up accepting trannies. The acceptance of LGB is probably gonna fade as people realize that they really aren't just like us

>> No.9824171


That's wrong. Homosexuality came to be accepted because gays came out and society realized that they weren't different or scary.

>> No.9824178

Because he was literally "woooo i'm a politically incorrect edgy faggot, fuck islam and feminism amirite woooo I'm an edgelord".

People like Richard Spencer have remained relevant because he's actually an edgelord.

>> No.9824190


Yeah those people who stick their penis in fecal matter are just like us.

>> No.9824200


>and society realized that they weren't different or scary.


>> No.9824208

Id like to believe it and it's obviously true in a handful of cases but overall it clearly isn't

>> No.9824228
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>gays weren't different

>> No.9824238

>Why yes I hang out with David all the time, we go way back

>> No.9824248

Reads like a Family guy script "just like the time I threw up in David Bowies sink"
>cuts to flashback

>> No.9824259
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>> No.9824288

>competing woth chapo

I don't think you can compare some faggots on a podcast to milo.
I enjoy the chapo traphouse but you're falling for a common trap, mistaking wit for inteligence. They are funny but have no idea what they are talking about.

Like most comedians.

>> No.9825807

>I don't think it's really that accepted.
I've never met a single person who more than tolerated homosexuality. Always there's that hushed tone and divide whenever it comes time to speak of a mutual faggot acquaintance. Not unlike blacks.

>> No.9827317

I really dislike this argument. Wahabism and Salafism threaten liberal values. I'm on the border of Afghanistan, by the Wakhan corridor, and I've seen two families of all women dance in a shitty Russian bar in Tajiksitan without headscarfs, during my meal.

Ismaeli Islam and Suffism are far more relaxed religions. I don't know why we fund these ideologies, or at least focus on them, when the fucking Saudi's are spending three times what the USSR did on propaganda.

>> No.9827324

Have you never fucked a beautiful women in the ass?

I feel bad for you.

>> No.9827354

>I don't know why we fund these ideologies, or at least focus on them, when the fucking Saudi's are spending three times what the USSR did on propaganda.
Because oil. The saudis have us by the balls. We should just team up with the Shiites and gas all the whahabis.

>> No.9827395

No. Just go for renewable energy and fund an entire new economy. Imagine Britain before they invented the automobile. You could be turning air into gold.

>> No.9827420

I'm convinced that every gay man was molested as a child. There's just too many instances of molested kids growing up to be gay in order for it to be a mere coincidence. The ones that deny being molested likely don't realize it, just like Milo.

>> No.9827430


Why the anus and not the vagina?

>> No.9827524

Because he's been brainwashed by the porn industry.

>> No.9827629

Or he's just a happy pervert with a good sex life.

>> No.9827637

He strikes me as a guy who's really struggling with his sexual identity and fails to recognize the huge impact his sexual abuse had on him.

Not like that's a bad thing, though. He's still entertaining.

>> No.9827673


I wouldn't call tearing your anus "having a good sex life" because healthiness would have to be a requisite to consider sex act good. It's not a loving act to rip your partners anus open either, it's the opposite of love because you're not willing the good (health) for your partner. It's abuse.

>> No.9827684


He doesn't really talk about his own sex life like it's a glorious thing. In fact he seems to be frequently disgusted by himself and remarks that he thinks this whole thing might just be a show he's putting on to shock society and his mother. He seems exhausted by the whole thing and has even said he's thought of just going straight just to put an end to it all.

Not really what I'd call healthy, but whatever it's still entertaining.

>> No.9827691

wait until i give your mama sum chocolate sweet loving, see how much abuse she ca n take ;^)

>> No.9827760

He's said that he has sex with a woman once a year just to make sure he still doesn't like it.

>> No.9827769

I remember one time he was talking about going to one of those pray the gay away things, and said he truthfully hoped it would work.

That's not super unusual for gay guys though, many talk about it like it's a curse.

>> No.9827787

Peterson is about something entirely else than the american election. He's bigger now than ever because Canada is going full retard without an end in sight.

>> No.9827803


If I had a disordered attraction I would wish I could be normal too. This is why it annoys me that liberals are trying to gay conversion therapy. I don't know if it works or not but it should be an option for gay people to pursue.

Even if the therapy doesn't work now it could work in the future as the treatment develops and we learn more about why people have this disordered attraction. But if its banned by the state then it can never develop as a treatment option.

>> No.9828068

I want redditors to leave.

>> No.9828915


After you

>> No.9828967

Milo says he had sexual experiences as a young teenager, but he denies that it was abuse.

>> No.9828971

Most gays guys in the closet develop a hatred towards their sexual identity because it adds a complication to their lives that feels entirely unnecessary. Pride as a movement is basically a psychological attempt to undo this situation

>> No.9829086

Derek Jarman is one of my favourite artists of all time but even I admit that he was an eccentric and a lot of his friends were straight up freaks and weirdos. Also AIDS.

>> No.9829109

>but he denies that it was abuse.

This seems to be very common among gay men who had sexual experiences while they were young. It's a very under reported issue but I think even if the victim thinks they enjoyed it or wanted it, it has a profound impact on them psychologically and will make them more likely to be gay.