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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 373 KB, 2060x1236, King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9819511 No.9819511 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this paedophile, horror / thriller equivalent of Paulo Coelho considered one of the greatest writers of our generation?

He has one "decent" (read, "marginal") book for every ten bad ones.

>> No.9819516

He's really good at writing characters.

>> No.9819543

Is he tho?

>> No.9819547

Is there any particular reason people here keep calling him a pedophile? Is there any actual evidence of this beyond conjecture and hearsay? If so please link. Also pedophilia isn't even illegal. Just pederasty.

>> No.9819569

>Pedo rights activist butting in to justify online why he touches his micro-willy to children
Kill yourself. You and your pedo writer.

>> No.9819584

I imagine it's because of the orgy in IT.

So they have no actual evidence, it's a meme.

>> No.9819593

Who cares if people like their fiction

>> No.9819597

>pedophilia isn't illegal
But it is though. And it's extremely degenerate.

>> No.9819608

>Also pedophilia isn't even illegal.
What country do you live in?

>> No.9819621

Stop pretnding to be obtuse

>> No.9819622
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There is no country in the world where pedophilia is illegal.

Just watching CP, acquiring it, distributing it or illegal sex acts are illegal. You still don't get inprisoned for your thoughts just yet.... if you keep them for yourself.

>> No.9819624

I believe the poster is making a distinction between pedophilla, the sexual attraction to children, and actually committing sex crimes based on those desires.

Also, in some countries accusing people of being pedophiles without having proof is illegal. This kind of claim can get you into a libel lawsuit

>> No.9819625

>actually defending the violent rape and murder of children
I wish /leftypol/ would leave.

>> No.9819661

>the poster
You mean you. Quit being retarded, you got outed as pedo scum. Fuck off.

>> No.9819790


>> No.9820016

this made me giggle

>> No.9820664

Honestly I fucking love his books. They're mostly trash, but enjoyable trash.

>> No.9820669

He's such an enormous whiny faggot about Trump on twitter that I will never read his trash books again.

>> No.9820679

I wonder how redditors like you even came to post on this site.

>> No.9820937
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>> No.9820989
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SK is the Nicolas Cage of fiction writers and the John Podesta of cheese pizza child molesters.

>> No.9820993

Sometimes. All characters in The Dome are shit

>> No.9821001

There's no evidence that he's a pedophile, you retard. Also, he isn't considered one of the greatest writers of our generation.

>> No.9821016

I fell for the dark tower meme when I was in high school. He's a high volume writer that is incredibly inconsistent. His desperation for daily, nonstop, production have led to strange, sometimes ridiculous plot twists that render a lot of the books almost incoherent. His two best books (and also the two most coherent) are The Running Man and the 4th book of the Dark Tower series. Also after he stopped doing mountains of cocaine he's never written the same.

>> No.9821045

>His two best books (and also the two most coherent) are The Running Man and the 4th book of the Dark Tower series
I agree with this though I'd also add The Longwalk and maybe Low Men in Yellow Coats.

>> No.9821592

Nice one lel.

Put your trip back on, Stephen.

>> No.9821595

>if you ask for evidence you're a member of nambla

>> No.9821598

When did /lit/ get so degenerate?

>> No.9821599


Honestly he can't be said to have even a decent book when you factor in the opportunity cost of reading them.
For every King book I read that is time I could have spent reading something else. Why would I waste time reading blood 'n guts spooky tales schlock. It's literally trash. I don't even mean on moral grounds I mean there's nothing of even aesthetic value in his books which is the easiest threshold to reach. And he can't even manage that. He's McDonald's.

>> No.9821602


Stop playing fast and loose with words that have clearly established connotations in order to sow confusion and reap the relativistic fucked up "rewards"

>pedophilia isn't illegal only pederasty is

This might work on the normies but you're posting with the big boys now. No one is confused by your sleight of hand bullshit way to segway into a discussion about the supposed questionable status of pedophilia's legality. We all know the real game you're playing here and it's absolutely despicable.

>> No.9821606

Kys pedo.

>He's McDonald's.
That's some of the meanest shit anyone's ever said about anyone, but it perfectly applies to this scumbag.

There isn't a book of his, save for The Shining and that's only because it gives some depth to the movie.

>> No.9821611

>No one is confused by your sleight of hand bullshit way to segway into a discussion about the supposed questionable status of pedophilia's legality. We all know the real game you're playing here and it's absolutely despicable.
I think this is why people got so annoyed by that post. We all know where it leads, what follows is countless PDFs, infographs and what have you that show paedophilia is """"""perfectly normal"""""" and that it shouldn't be judged so harshly.
Fucking horrid shit. People like that should be strangled.

>> No.9821616

He has described himself as the literary equivalent a burger and coke he has no pretensions about himself I doubt his readers do either

>> No.9821630

There isn't a book of his I don't regret reading*

How can he live with himself? Self-awareness is a great thing, but it's mostly so in the cases where it leads to self-improvement. To be compliant with the fact that you're a worthless piece of shit with no artistic merit whatsoever and a mass producer of literary garbage can't be healthy, mentally speaking a the very least.

>> No.9821637


Yeah that's how he describes himself, and then elsewhere he unironically writes a book with the magisterial, Ciceronian title "On Writing"

>> No.9821654

It turns my stomach. How do leftists cope with the cognitive dissonance of seeing obvious pedophile propaganda like this--daily-- while having the nerve to mock the suggestion that people in power, in their own party, are organizing this cultural shift for their own ends?

>> No.9821671


I try not to follow Peterson too closely because I don't like being anyone's disciple but it's hard to surpass his analysis when he says that the rank and file leftists aren't really aware of the metastructure of their belief system and what it actually means.
I've spent the last 10 years observing their echo chambers online and every topic is completely isolated. Conflicting conclusions across parallel topics isn't even recognized. As you say there is a tremendous amount of cognitive dissonance but they seem to be able to deal with it via feelings of religious devotion to the dogma.
Every discussion is just another opportunity to trot out the ideology and get another dopamine hit.
I used to post on GAF for the

>> No.9821676

>how can be live with himself
In piles of cash most things are easy
I don't find that title pretentious. I read a lot of him when I was 12-14 don't care for him now and haven't read that but from what I understand that book is just anecdotes about writing certain books and his process in general. How is that pretentious? I've noticed a malaise this board holds for King as if people thinks he's some literary master which is a notion I've only ever heard here. No one thinks this. He's a decent author that's about it

>> No.9821687


>How is that pretentious?

It's pretentious to write a book on writing when you're a shit writer.

>> No.9821696

>shit writer
By your standards

>> No.9821702

I doubt he's of your generation and he is considered one of the greatest only in regards to American culture as American culture is what he represents perfectly. American culture is all about embracing trash, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.9821704

Because he's cornered the market on his specific niche genre.
Name one horror writer who's written more horror books or is more well known.

Also, he does write good characters.

I've never read any of his books, but I distinctly remember trying to as a kid (my dad likes him a lot so there were always books of his around) but reading about this random guy just getting angry and kicking a dog to death really got to me and I had to put it down. There was something palatably sleazy and unsettling about the characters he writes, even the good guys. I actually really respect that, and considering it's so hard to do, it makes it a lot easier to forgive his shit books.

>> No.9821710


Virtually none of this is true.

>> No.9821717
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>Also, he does write good characters.
>I've never read any of his books

>Let me just defend a man whom's books I never read by saying he WRITES good characters
Your kind of person, the kind that argues just for the sake of arguing and defends matters they're not really familiar with out of fucking boredom more than anything else. Yes, your kind of people should be shot in the back of the fucking head. You're scum.

>> No.9821720

Oh fuck off. I wrote in my post that I had read some of his work. I meant I never read an entire book of his. If someone makes an impression on you in the first 3 chapters, you can still have a goddamn opinion, so suck my dick.

>> No.9821725

>I've only listened to three tracks of this album
>But I gotta say, it's a pretty god damn good album and the artist is really fucking great

You realise how retarded you sound, right? Especially considering the "end twists" that SK is known for. Why did you feel the need to talk about something you've no clue about, you fucking zilch? Get help.

>> No.9821727

>you can't have an opinion on something unless you absorb it in it's entirety, because I'm retarded and my brain is incapable of pattern recognition.
I'd say three songs is a pretty goddamn good indicator of the overall quality of an artist, are you retarded? What is wrong with you?

>> No.9821733


Kek, I like how every argument on 4chan at some point devolves into claiming that the opposition should be executed. We're headed for World War 3 aren't we?

>> No.9821743

>Pattern recognition in an author known for changing his patterns
>Forms his opinions about works of art without completing them
>Three songs is an indicator of the overall quality of an artist

I got second hand embarrassment from reading your posts. You're a redneck zilch with nothing that should make anyone take your opinion seriously on any matter, it seems. I was about to tell you that there's probably other areas you're good at and that you should leave literature for the people who don't have ADHD, but clearly you're good at nothing.

Get help you autistic manchild zilch, these are all mental gymnastics you're pulling because I outed you as a moron who can't finish a book before sucking the author's dick and defending him. You're scum.

I mean, you're talking to a man who judges (fairly, according to himself, mind you) an artist by three of their songs. Clearly he has no criteria whatsoever and has no respectable means of absorbing the works of anyone in any artistic field in a way that should make us pay attention to the garbage he vomits.

>> No.9821754

why don't you call me zilch again? I don't think you used it enough, and it really makes me take your hyperbolic diatribe more seriously.

>> No.9821758
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>No argument
Yet again one MORE thing you leave unfinished. Guess you're pretty used to that by this point.

>> No.9821762
File: 425 KB, 576x426, aus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not just a zilch but a redneck zilch

>> No.9821767

/pol/tards are still on a moral crusade so "pedophile" is getting thrown around wherever they feel like it. I guess when your life is an unending series of failures, the best you can do is think, "Well, at least I'm not a pedophile."

>> No.9821771

yeah, I guess I don't feel like wasting my time explaining basic human functions to a retard on the internet. But hey. Feel smug, friendo.

>> No.9821774

pack it up, bud.

>> No.9821784

>It's a /pol/ thing to despise pedos now
Ignoring the fact that you have an unhealthy obsession with a 4chan board so badly that you feel the need to bring up /pol/ in every discussion, it's an extreme Right-Wing thing to hate pedos now?

Get help. Clearly you're not well and clearly you're projecting that said "unending series of failures" onto others when you're the one who has an obsession with a 4chan board.

>basic human functions
That you lack, apparently, considering you finish nothing. You just got embarrassed and exposed as a double digit IQ having moron.

>> No.9821793

Pedophilia is normal and shouldn't be judged so harshly.

>> No.9821795

No, but it's an extremely right-wing thing to want to relive the Reagan 80s and create paranoid delusions centered around conspiracies like Pizzagate or whatever you're currently after. It also doesn't take obsession with a board to realize that it's common for people who like to uncritically fantasize about government pedophile orgies to accuse others of pedophilia.

>> No.9821797

wait, are you trolling? because you're not even insulting anybody anymore, you're just saying random shit.
>you have an unhealthy obsession with a 4chan board
>Clearly you're not well
>clearly you're projecting
>considering you finish nothing
none of these things are even remotely implied by any of the posts you're freaking out about.

>> No.9821809

Ah yes, I remember back in the 80s when /pol/ created "paranoid delusions centred around conspiracies", those were the days.

Or maybe, just maybe you have an unhealthy obsession with a 4chan board that you feel the need to mention every step of the way because you enjoy virtue signalling. Could it be just that? Or you're a repressed paedophile yourself who hasn't come to terms with it, so you lash out by chimping out about /pol/ at any given chance?
Get help.

>Y-you're t-trolling
If that helps you cope with the fact that you just got embarrassed and outed as a clinical retard...

>> No.9821885

>Ah yes, I remember back in the 80s when /pol/ created "paranoid delusions centred around conspiracies", those were the days.
Learn to read.

>> No.9821894

Nice """argument""", pedo.

>> No.9821913

Yeah, it is. Your understanding of historical context in this situation is completely lacking if you can't see the parallels between daycare sex abuse hysteria and Pizzagate or the renewed interest in events like the Franklin Credit Union scandal. You might as well be a concerned mother getting red in the face at a PTA meeting at this point. Have you picked out a modern Twisted Sister to protest yet?

>> No.9821934

There's no historical context to understanding /pol/, it's a false analogy and should be dismissed as such.

>Rest of you is sperging out and continuously projecting because I outed you as a lifeless loser with an obsession over a 4chan board
Get help. You're not well. They tell me psychotherapists can medicate autists like you into functioning members of society, give it a shot.

>> No.9821959

Why are you on a literature board when you can't comprehend even a handful of basic sentences? The only one sperging out here is the one that got mad because of how easy it is to see through common /pol/ patterns. It doesn't take an obsession with the board you've sworn to protect to notice this. Might want to hit up a psychotherapist yourself before you start fucking kids.

>> No.9821974

>Being this obsessed with /pol/ and "Right-Wing extremism" you accuse everyone who isn't a relativist autist like you of belonging to that group of people
Seems like I touched a nerve with me even bringing up paedophiles in a negative light. Could it be because you're an autistic pedo loser and can't cope with life, so you lash out in these unhealthy ways?

Get help. I haven't been on /pol/ since 2014, and even then I only went there for news. You have an unhealthy obsession and paranoid delusions. Get help. You're not right.

>> No.9822038

Look at his fucking sales. Hundreds of millions of people like the shit he writers, not just in Murica, whether you or some jerk off critic likes it, doesn't change anything about the impact King got on modern literature, and culture if you included the stuff that got a movie.

>> No.9822092

>That one guy who associates sales to quality
Bet you think The Beatles are the GOAT band, amirite? Avatar is the GOAT movie, amirite?
Commercial success is, in most cases, just the result of an easy-to-digest product and hardly the reflection of quality.

>> No.9822122

>shits on beatles
Really explains everything about you college age mouthbreathers.
If it's not obscure or if it doesn't reinforce your pseudointellectual thought processes then you will have no part of it.
No KIng. No Beatles. No fun. Just autism.

>> No.9822125

>No King. No Beatles. No fun. Just autism.
this should be the header of the sticky.

>> No.9822134

Beatles are literally the One Direction of their era. What kind of a Dadrock faggot with no taste do you have to be to dickride the Beatles in 2017, a year in which you're supposed to have hindsight, perspective and self-awareness?

>If it's not obscure or if it doesn't reinforce your pseudointellectual thought processes
Not really, I'm into some pretty mainstream shit. Fame isn't an indicator of quality, that's what I've been trying to tell you, but apparently that flew over your dimwitted head.

Christ, you're a basic bitch.

>> No.9822152

Who ever talked about quality? That's a messy, vague word with no agreed upon meaning when it comes to art. King is great based on his impact and relevant because of it.

Beatles are similar due the impact they had on generations.

Avatar seems like a shitty example and more of a one hit wonder. Even people who liked it, mostly don't give a shit about it anymore, while hundreds of millions still listen to/read Beatles/King.

I don't give a shit about Beatles but comparing them to OD is idiotic, given how they easy outlasted their era. One Direction is closer to BroSis, US5, NYNC or however they are all called. Just look at the fucking sales, Beatles got 500M +, while OD has like 4-5M per album.

>> No.9822157

Wow look at all the retardation that's shown up since I've been away. If any of you have ever been sexually attracted to a 17 year old whilst over the age of 18, congratulations, you are a pedophile in many localities.

>> No.9822160

Yeah, I remember when One Direction released their equivalent of Revolution 9. Get real. As if disliking the Beatles is any less of a basic bitch opinion in 2017. Really stirring up some controversy.

>> No.9822163

Nothing identifies a teenage tryhard with shit music taste more than this phrase.
We get it, junior. You only listen to modern and hip music for modern and hip gentlemen like yourself.
>Fame isn't an indicator of quality, that's what I've been trying to tell you
Then why do you use fame as an indicator of quality like you did with the "lol I bet you listen to the beatles" statement?

>> No.9822172

Yes anon, which should be clear. I'm surprised a board about literature doesn't understand the distinction between pedophilia and pederasty...Oh wait, actually i'm not at all. never mind, that was something else i was surprised about.

>> No.9822201

On that note, did you know Swift ate Irish babies?

>> No.9822220
File: 538 KB, 410x2048, SUBJECTIVISTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is you right now. There isn't an agreed upon meaning because not everyone can spend 25 years studying nothing but literature or music or film. Art and its parameters for being judged became (with the Modernists) democratic rather than the work of elitists who dedicated their whole life to it.

That's why, today and throughout the past century, we have autistic shitbags such as yourself thinking not only that their opinion on any artistic matter should hold any weight, but that it HOLDS any weight.

>Avatar is a shitty example
It's the utmost example of commercial success, for commercial success is a direct reflection of the impact it had on people who went out of their way to buy it so much it's the #1 best selling film of all time. You need to come to terms with it and accept that "social impact" is irrelevant when gauging the quality of anything.

>Rest of you sperging out and trying to justify sales as the ultimate indicator of quality
Keep being a basic bitch.

Scaruffi was made into a meme by asshurt Beatlesfags, but he is correct about everything. They're commercial garbage and nothing more. They had a formula, much like most musicians of their time. Beach Boys were better in every way, except the commercial aspect of it.

Is this an implication that I don't listen to Dadrock? Or, once more, we have a loser who feels like projecting his own status onto others because it causes him angst to look in the mirror?

>Then why did you use fame as an indicator of quality
If you bothered to read the entirety of the post, maybe the message you would've gotten wouldn't have been "BEATLES WERE BAD BECAUSE THEY WERE FAMOUS".

You're mentally impaired it seems, and through extreme mental gymnastics and selective reasoning to justify how much of an actual clinical retard you are.

>> No.9822246

Hey, not everyone can spend 25 years doing nothing but flipping burgers, either. Some of us need to spend that time studying literature or music or film.

>> No.9822253

>Some of us need to spend that time studying literature or music or film.
Exactly, until you stop flipping those burgers, your opinion on these matters is as irrelevant as your paycheck.

>> No.9822254

And by King's

>> No.9822256

>spends a whole thread apparently having a breakdown about pedophiles and then the beatles
nigga chill the fuck out.

>> No.9822264

Nice """"argument"""".

>> No.9822265

>is this an implication
It's an implication that you're a /mu/ faggot with weak parroted opinions.
>you're mentally impaired
Says the guy that lacks the self awareness to see the hypocrisy of his own posts.
Tell us all about how fame isn't an indicator of quality after you point out how most famous things are only famous because they're "easy-to-digest" again.

>> No.9822281

Haven't been to /mu/ since 2013, so no. I'm just not a basic bitch like yourself, with basic bitch tastes.

>Y-you l-lack self awareness, y-you h-h-hypocrite
Nice """argument""".

>Rest is you repeating this strawman that "BEATLES WERE BAD BECAUSE THEY WERE FAMOUS"
Aren't you tired of getting embarrassed and outed as a brainlet with nothing to show for it? You being on /lit/ with that reading comprehension is like Mayweather applying for an Advanced Linguistics degree. Fun, but sad.

>> No.9822282

You really are a legitimate retard, aren't you? I've seen toddlers having a complete meltdown that were worth talking to more than you.
Just sit the fuck down already.

>> No.9822287

Nice """""""argument""""""". Cry more.

>> No.9822301

>I can prove everyone's wrong by yelling louder
I'm fucking serious. Fuck off.

>> No.9822312

I've nothing to prove wrong in regards to you because you've put forth no argument. You've done nothing but sperg out, quite probably because you got BTFO in a previous engagement and are now salty because of it.
Cry more.

>> No.9822323

>better table
Kek. What if intricate details are irrelevant for my needs?

>bringing up maestro as it has any more meaning than "sir"
>more technically virtuous
More meaningless words. Also how is this related to quality?

>employing techniques is relevant to quality
Jesus. So HP would be better with more steam of consciousness passages? You must be really underage if you believe that an English professor has any say or any job in determining the quality of a work.

>today and throughout the past century, we have autistic shitbags such as yourself thinking not only that their opinion on any artistic matter should hold any weight, but that it HOLDS any weight.
Past century? Brainlets like you bitched about Shakespeare back in the 15th century, calling it plebshit. Now the same type of idiot creams over it.

>for commercial success is a direct reflection of the impact it had on people who went out of their way to buy it
Which is only a small part of people either way. The Star Wars movies didn't have that many viewers in the cinemas yet they have a much bigger cultural impact.

>"social impact" is irrelevant when gauging the quality of anything.
A work without any social impact is irrelevant and might as well not exist. How can something that doesn't exist have quality? Wouldn't it be relevant if it were any good? Look at classical music, it's still alive and well. Look at the fucking greeks. Good works always will have a social impact.

>> No.9822331

>Haven't been to /mu/ since 2013
Yet you use their buzzwords and have the same shit taste. Interesting.

>lol you brainlet
Think for yourself, junior.
And if you think that fame isn't an indicator of quality then don't cite fame as a reason for something to not be of quality.

Practice what you preach, junior.

>> No.9822334

you're a fucking embarrassment.

the only thing happening here is everytime someone posts in the thread, you reply to their post, make huge, antagonistic statements, act like a fucking spastic and then tell everyone to cry more when they call you a retard and tell you fuck off.

There is no argument. None of us have to prove you're a fucking moron because you're proving it yourself.

Get fucked.

>> No.9822338

>>more technically virtuous
Good point. Buckethead is a very "technically skilled" player, but I'm not sure anyone is calling him one of the greatest. of course, these days it's mostly about how fast you play, rather than what you say with it.

>> No.9822357

>This entire post is you dissecting a comic and missing its basic point that the opinion of an average moron like yourself doesn't and shouldn't have the same weight as the opinion of someone who spent decades studying a subject
I called you a clinical retard as an insult, but apparently it's factual and I shouldn't be joking around with it. My goodness you're fucking dense and slow.

>Brainlets like you bitched about Shakespeare back in the 15th century, calling it plebshit. Now the same type of idiot creams over it
Asides from showing how SHOOK you are, you're literally lying and assuming that I even enjoy Shakespeare. All in all I see you backlashing against the fact that your opinion on any subject such as this is irrelevant. Basically, you're angry because you're stupid. Not even interesting.

>Which is only a small part of people either way
It's enough to make it the most commercially successful film ever. Seems like you're grasping at straws and backpedalling when you're faced with a successful product you dislike because suddenly its sales no longer justify their quality. Could it be that you're a hypocritical moron with no argument, arguing for arguing's sake and now you're panicking once you've been proven wrong time and time again?

>A work without any social impact is irrelevant
That doesn't equate social impact with quality. How fucking limited are you, mentally? What is your IQ? 89?

Seems like you're the one who's been keeping up with /mu/, since you accuse me of being a regular of a board I haven't visited in years. Maybe you've ran into people who agree with me and humiliated you about your pleb opinions and now you're angry? Maybe?

>Rest is you strawmaning against an non-existent point for the third time and saying "Junior" twice to pretend you're anything but an asshurt, exposed brainlet
Cry more, Beatlesfag.

Nice """"argument"""". Cry more.

>> No.9822377

>non-existent point
Then why did you bring up the beatles in the first place, junior?
Did you not do it in a disparaging way to prove that "lol you like famous stuff and famous stuff is stupid", junior? Then would you not be using the beatles success as a measure of their quality or lack thereof? I'm awaiting your answer, junior.
And you got a problem with me calling you junior, junior?
Well, junior. You're gonna have to live with it, junior.

>> No.9822394

tl;dr SK is shit (big surprise) and pedos are tranny tier in delusion (bigger suprise)

>> No.9822398
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If you bothered to read the initial point that autist said about SK being a great writer because he's commercially successful and me using the Beatles as an example that fame and money doesn't equate quality, maybe you wouldn't be sperging out this hard about me shit talking your favourite Pop band from the 60s.

>Rest is you going apeshit because I touched a nerve
Lmao, cry more brainlet.

>> No.9822407

tl;dr this anon has everything figured out and definitely only sees things for what they are. Relies 100% on perception because it's clearly infallible.

>> No.9822415

I'm glad you noticed.

>> No.9822431

>me using the Beatles as an example that fame and money doesn't equate to quality
By implying that they are of an inferior quality just because they are famous. Because famous things are "easy-to-digest". Which means that you are using fame as a measure of quality and are being hypocritical to your own statement of "fame doesn't equal quality".
You really are stupid for being so well read, junior.
>>because I touched a nerve
Did you, junior?

>> No.9822440

>missing its basic point
That lacks any foundation. Your "point" is just your opinion, one you can't even support well. Or at all, sans a shitty comic.

>assuming that I even enjoy Shakespeare
Anon, it's not about you but your viewpoint. One that's often shared by other people who are too afraid to think and have to appeal to authority, pretty much every English professor will tell you how great Shakespeare was, even though the people in a similar position, 400 years ago would argue for the opposite due its popularity. If our elite overlords can't decide ... it's probably time to use your own brain.

>It's enough to make it the most commercially successful film ever
Apparently it's not enough due the lacking cultural impact of Avatar. It debuted 3D in a non shitty way, which probably caused all the movie goers to see it. The commercial performance indicates that Avatar isn't pure shit, not much else.

>That doesn't equate social impact with quality.
Well, lack of social impact certainly means lack of quality. Afterwards it's all vague nor something I ever argued for.

You're clearly getting overwhelmed despite the whole shit being so simple, so let's dumb it down even further:

>no social impact = the work is shit :(
>social impact = the work is good :)
>lack of commercial performance = the work is probably shit :(
>good commercial performance = the work is probably good
>opinion of some guy, whether it's a lit professor or a neckbeard from 4chains = irrelevant :|

Based on all that, it's obvious that King or the Beatles are on the "great" (as in big) side. How great is a different topic altogether.

>> No.9822474
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>By implying that they are of an inferior quality just because they are famous.
Is that what you infer? See >>9822092. There goes the rest of your post, because I foresaw the likes of clinical retards like you harping on the "THEY BAD CUZ THEY FAMOUS, THAT WHAT YOU SAYIN?".

Keep sperging out because I touched a nerve, your tears are delicious.

>That lacks any foundation
That seems, once more, your shitty opinion butting into the fact that no one should take you seriously on any matter that isn't flipping burgers and sucking dick. Considering we're not discussing dick sucking or burger flipping here and that it's literature, music and film making the artistic menu of these debates, why are you still talking? Your entire """argument""" got proven wrong by a comic that probably took the author less than 20 minutes to complete. It just goes to show that you are not to be taking serioulsy.

>Anon, it's not about you but your viewpoint
Which is correct on these matters. You can spam the tenets of meme Analytical Philosophy all you want and shit on history if it pleases you (wanting to pretend there was a literacy level high enough to compare Shakespeare to any modern writer), the matter of the fact is that you're wrong. I've listened to the Beatles. I've seen Avatar. I've read SK. They're all complete and utter garbage and there aren't enough temper tantrums you can throw about their sales that you can use to prove anyone with more than half a mind wrong. Just accept that you're stupid.

>lacking cultural impact of Avatar
Best selling film of all time disagrees with you. It's not just "a" commercial performance, it's "THE BIGGEST" commercial performance for a film in one sitting ever.

>Rest is you sperging out and trying to strawman your way out of it
If we're dumbing down things, let me give you a proper rundown:
>It doesn't work that way for the following [Insert Argument]

>> No.9822509

Trannies have a mental disorder. Pedos have a natural instinct.

>> No.9822517

>time is subjective
But time IS subjective. To the location of the individual.
>lifting weights is subjective
I'm beginning to think this was created to mock the unsuspecting objectivists who post it.

>> No.9822524

>Your entire """argument""" got proven wrong by a comic
Only that it doesn't and I pointed couple obvious flaws with it for a good measure. Though surely you have something to support it besides a dumb comic, right? An actual argument, logic, reason ... is it too much to ask?

>wanting to pretend there was a literacy level high enough to compare Shakespeare to any modern writer
Which would be relevant because? He wrote screenplays, these are meant to be acted, his audience loved it. Muh critics hated it. Couple centuries later, the audience still loves it while the critics do to. Shit is pretty simple. With William, we got the cultural impact and the commercial performance. Same as with King in the last couple decades.

> I've listened to the Beatles. I've seen Avatar. I've read SK.
>They're all complete and utter garbage
By what metric? You not liking them is very unfortunate for you and all, sorry that you wasted all the time but it has no bearing on the topic.

>Best selling film of all time disagrees with you
How? I am not denying that it did great at the theaters. Just how many people are talking about the contents of it? How many kids what to be ... however any of the characters are called? Cultural impact and commercial performance are different things, why are you mixing them up?

>It doesn't work that way for the following [Insert Argument]
Yeah, about that. You presented none.

>> No.9822536

>Outing yourself as a retard
I can see why some folks wanted to enforce an IQ test before you posted on boards like /lit/ or /sci/.

>> No.9822550

certainly would've saved us from this shit. just tell us about the subjectivist who cucked you and get it off your chest.

>> No.9822561

You could always refute my post instead of trying to ad-hom your way to superiority.

>> No.9822562

The best horror writers are his parents for having such a monstrous child

>> No.9822580

>See >>9822092
>the part where i was pointing out that famous things were not of high quality was me pointing out that you can't use fame to determine quality
Sure thing, junior.

>> No.9823283

Yeah I wasn't implying he was worth a shit. He's decent that's about it

>> No.9823467

Boomer pandering.

>> No.9823481

Factually wrong

>> No.9823497

Maybe not literally but societally you are considered "a child" by civil and legal courts, until whatever the local age of "maturity" is. At least in Western nations.

>> No.9823502

But hey, justify your sickness however you need to, as long as you don't act on it.

>> No.9823530

Pedophilia is no more of a sickness than homosexuality, it's simply a sexual orientation. One that is problematic due factors like consent obviously but just because something is icky, doesn't mean it's sick.

Besides, faggots who want to do underage teens aren't pedos either way.

>> No.9823540

I actually don't think it's icky, but psychologists seem to. I actually totally understand why some people are attracted to younger teens, but anything pre-pubescent I cannot grok at all.

>> No.9823545

haha. no, kiddiefucker.

>> No.9824230

>Honestly he can't be said to have even a decent book when you factor in the opportunity cost of reading them.
>For every King book I read that is time I could have spent reading something else. Why would I waste time reading blood 'n guts spooky tales schlock. It's literally trash.

This is a decent point, well-put. But sometimes I like those McDonald's fries, mon. Mmmm, yummy.

>> No.9824236

Don't talk shilt about Paulo Coelho

>> No.9824247

>>No King. No Beatles. No fun. Just autism.

>this should be the header of the sticky.

Yes. Well-spotted.

>> No.9824255

Same reason Coelho sells

>> No.9824485

The characters in IT transcend the book itself, which is probably why the book fails at all.

Juxtapose this with the Stand and you get a generic good vs. evil story with dull, archetypes, which is why the Stand was a bestseller and loved by many dull plotfags.

>> No.9825321

C'mon, anon, try to defend Paulo Coelho, I dare you, I double dare you

>> No.9825496

>"It doesn't"
>Why not?
You're sperging out really hard because a comic proved you wrong. Maybe try to build a stronger ideology that doesn't get completely annihilated by a comic? Then you won't have the need to sperg out.

>Which would be relevant because?
You're comparing a group of elite people who could read his works to those who couldn't. Nowadays to appreciate Shakespeare, you read it, you don't go see Hamlet at the local theatre interpreted by a bunch of hungover Drama students. You really should've thought of a better example to illustrate your point, but it seems like that limited half a brain you have in your dome doesn't give you a god damn break, you have to be stupid 24/7.

>By what metric
Same metric a student of the subjects of Literature, Music and Film Making use to evaluate things. You on the other hand, judge things on its commercial success. I could judge these topics by their length to content ratio and it still wouldn't be as autistic as judging them by "THEY'RE FAMOUS, THEREFORE GOOD" bullshit you seem to regulate your life with. The other retard I humiliated seemed to think that I reject things based on their fame, whilst I simply don't use fame or success as a metric for judging them. Therefore I do not follow things BECAUSE of that, unlike you. They've done to "sheep" what they've done to the word "literally", but if there was any way to describe your stupid, double digit IQ having ass, it would be as "sheep".

You measure things by their success or social impact. However, as you're a hypocrite moron with no intellectual prowess, you use selecting reasoning to eliminate successful things you dislike from the equation. Avatar's cultural impact was strong enough to elevate it to highest grossing film of all time. These are facts.

You've been exposed as a hypocrite and a moron. Come to terms with it.

>N-no arguments
Desperate zilch.

Nice "reading comprehension".

Kys pedo scum.

>> No.9825537

The age of consent in most states is 16

>> No.9825554

>everyone is telling me to fuck off, that must mean I won
why are you so fucking backward?

>> No.9825622

Mediocre, but that's not the worst part about him

>> No.9826563
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>> No.9826789

Not that idiot but this is pretty silly too. It's unlikely any adult will find the left sexually attractive since it's obviously a kid and just as unlikely that anyone will find the right attractive because it doesn't fit to most of our beauty norms.

>> No.9826809
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>It's unlikely any adult will find the left sexually attractive since it's obviously a kid

>> No.9826878

Delete your lies and apologize.

>> No.9827435

Besides his hardcore fans, who considers him one of the greatest writers of our generation?

>> No.9827462
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>you will never read a horror novel as comfy as It
Why is horror such a dead fucking genre?

>> No.9829028

>Pedo still trying to justify his desires to diddle kids
Strongly consider suicide.